Monday, August 27, 2012

Delmarva Discovery Center Says Thank You.

Delmarva Discovery CenterHere at the Discovery Center we want to thank everyone so much for all the community support we have received from our posting of our wish list.

To add to our wish list:
We our in need of a blender for our husbandry team. If anyone would like to assist us with this or other items, please contact Educator/aquarist Sarah Rubin at

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reminder: 4-Way STOPS On Cedar Street

A new school year begins tomorrow so here is a reminder.........

Photo By Esther Troast

For those who may not know....there is now a 4-way stop at 10th Street and Cedar Street.  The signs were put in place in July.
  Please drive cautiously. 
Also 3-Way STOPS at
 11th & Cedar; 14th & Cedar

Sunday At The Pocomoke City Police Dept. Back To School Event

Pocomoke City Police Department's annual back to school picnic. The flyer put out said "RAIN OR SHINE" and it did both but that didn't seem to stop many from dropping by the police department for some free school supplies...and enjoying some refreshments.

Donations fell short this year but the money from the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council was not wasted. Angel, secretary for the Chief of Pocomoke did the purchasing, separating and bagging of the school supplies with each bag clearly marked for the appropriate grade. Bags filled with colored pencils, note paper, composition books, binders, highlighters, glue and more-- it was all there waiting to be claimed and taken to the first day of school - tomorrow!

Stuffing bags and making sure the appropriate supplies are in the age group intended is not an easy task and I would imagine a tedious one- but fun.  Malik- Angel's son,  played a big part in helping.  Great job, Malik!
PFC Tucker with the Pocomoke City Police Department was at the event today and assisted in handing out the school supplies.
PFC Joy Blades also helped.  Sixty-eight bags containing school supplies were handed out to the community school children today.  The supplies remaining will be donated to the Pocomoke schools.  With PFC Blades in this photo is Dispatcher Shawna Gammino.

Councilman Rob Clarke dropped by the police station.  Standing next to him PFC Tucker. Seated -LtoR Malik- (he's going to be something great someday!)   And Dispatcher Shawna Gammino-

Thanks for all your help and the great conversation!

And thank you so very much, Angel, for taking these photos!  Another great job .......she's always thinking....

There's more........

TIME MACHINE ... A Banner Year For Pocomoke City!  

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1977

An article published in the Salisbury Daily Times was headlined Pocomoke City Points To 1976 As Best Productive Since 1878. City officials pointed to numerous accomplishments including:

*improvements to 21 streets

*a new paved roadway into Cypress Park

*hard surfacing a bicycle path and two parking areas

*new playground equipment at Cypress Park

*an architectural study for improvements to the downtown business district

*construction of a new dock and boat ramp at Laurel Street and at Winter Quarters Drive

*establishment of an Industrial Development Committee

*installation of new filters at the two water pumping plants

*a major reconstruction program at Winter Quarters Golf Club

*approval of new mercury vapor street lights and traffic control signs

*new housing code standards

*outside painting improvements at City Hall

*formation of a Medical Advisory Committee to seek improvements in health care facilities

*the First Annual Pocomoke City Cypress Festival.


June, 1985

At its statewide convention held in Ocean City, the Maryland Municipal League presented Pocomoke City the medium town award for its downtown area revitalization. The League represented 140 city and town governments throughout Maryland.

Footnote: A year earlier Pocomoke City was one of 17 communities nationwide named as finalists in the National Municipal League's All American Cities program.


November, 1936

(Daily News Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)


ONANCOCK, Nov. 18. (AP)- The newly constructed post office and municipal building will be dedicated here tomorrow with ceremonies in which representatives from all eastern shore towns will take part. Rep. S. Otis Bland of the 1st congressional district will be the principal speaker.

Fire departments from Eastville, Parksley, Chincoteague, Cape Charles and Tasley will join with the Onancock department in the street parade in which state police stations in this section, and the drum and bugle corps from Cape Charles will take part.

After the parade, to be held at 2 p.m., the two buildings will be open for public inspection.

The two-story municipal building, built on colonial lines, will house the fire department and town administration offices. The post office, also a two-story structure, stands on (not legible), formerly the site of an old hotel.

Both buildings were erected (with) aid of the Public Works Administration.  


September, 1884

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md)

Carrying Off a Court-House Fence

Snow Hill, Md., Sept. 23.- Since the court-house here was rebuilt in 1882-83 there has been no fence to enclose the yard, except the iron railing at its front entrance, the yard on the sides and the rear of the building being left open to the streets. It was generally known a few weeks ago that the county commissioners had ordered a barbed wire fence to be put around the unenclosed portion of the yard. The mere thought of such an unsightly structure in the center of the town aroused the indignation of the citizens, and they openly protested against it. The commissioners, however, did not give any heed to the numerous objections that reached them, and yesterday carpenters were set at work on the fence and by night had gotten it half up. Last night some unknown persons cut down a portion of the fence and carried off the coil of wire, which it is supposed they cast into the river. The commissioners are wrathy and will probably offer a reward for the detection of the offenders. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


On August 24, 2012, at approximately 8:38 p.m. Ocean City Police and Paramedics responded to the north bound lanes of 132nd Street and Coastal Highway, in reference to vehicle collision involving an Ocean City Municipal bus and a bicycle.

Emergency personnel arrived at the scene and determined that a bicycle being operated by an adult male impacted a city bus that was travelling in the north bound bus lane, in the area of 132th Street and Coastal Highway.  

The operator of the bicycle was seriously injured and treated at the scene by OC EMS.  The cyclist was taken by ambulance to Atlantic General Hospital and then transferred to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he later died.  The deceased has been identified as: Patrick Michael McCusker, 49, of Cockeysville, Maryland. 

Ocean City Police are investigating this fatal collision.  The identity of the municipal bus driver involved in this collision is not being released at this time.

 Anyone with any information regarding this incident is asked to contact the OCPD, SGT R. Townsend at: 410-520-5357.

Ocean City Police Department News Release

Severe Weather On the Eastern Shore Virginia On Saturday

Funnel cloud seen from Wendy's
parking lot in Onley, Va. Saturday
afternoon. Photo/ Parker Kellam
Severe storms again wreaked havoc on the Eastern Shore Saturday afternoon. Two tornadoes and several water spouts where reported between Melfa and Quinby. Extremely heavy rainfall brought an unbearable 10 inches of rain to the Eastern Shore. Water spouts were sighted on Finney Creek near Wachapreague, Va.

Car accidents were reported all over Accomack County. Cars had run into ditches, hydroplaned and stalled in high standing water on flooded roads. Boats sank as well during the 4 hour rainfall.

Several reports of downed trees and power lines were given during WESR's live coverage of the storm.

Please continue to practice precaution in the aftermath of the storm as water will take time to recede. It will also take time to clear downed trees and broken down cars.


Casey Anthony Completes Probation Sentence

Casey Anthony has completed her one-year probation sentence for check fraud, leaving her free to go wherever she pleases.

Anthony’s attorney Charles Greene told that Anthony was free as of midnight this morning, but that she has many issues to face before she attempts to move forward with her life.

“She’s lost her daughter, she’s lost most or all of her family, she’s lost her friends, she’s reviled by a percentage of the population and that will probably never change,” Greene said. “She will never be able to walk down the street with anonymity.”

Anthony, 26, was acquitted last summer of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony.

After Anthony’s acquittal, Florida Judge Belvin Perry ordered her to serve one year of probation for a 2010 check fraud conviction. Prior to her first degree murder trial, Anthony pleaded guilty to stealing checks from her best friend Amy Huizenga during the time that Caylee was missing.

Since then, Anthony has been serving her probation from an undisclosed Florida location. She has resurfaced a few times over the past year via a leaked video diary and a telephone conversation with Piers Morgan, but has otherwise succeeded in disappearing from the public eye.

Greene would not comment on any details of Anthony’s whereabouts or her future plans.

“The last year has been a whilrwind because of security and things we’ve had in place given she had to stay in one location and the fear we had she might be discovered and placed in danger,” he said. “Now she’ll have a little more peace and peace of mind to look forward to, and part of looking forward will involve looking back. She really hasn’t had time to do that.”

Greene said that Anthony has not been able to mourn her daughter in a “normal” way due to the intense scrutiny surrounding her and the fears for her safety.

“If she’s walking on the street and someone starts running towards her, are they running to catch a bus? Are they running to give her a hug, running to spit on her or are they running to do worse?” he said. “Those are among the many things she’ll have to consider in deciding, where do I go from here?”

Anthony has been unemployed for the past year, according to her monthly probation reports, so it is unclear where any money she might use comes from. She has not published a book or sold her story in any known capacity.

Greene hopes that one day she will tell her own story.

“There’s things she wants to say, but they need to be on her time, her terms, her conditions,” he said. “I hope that one day she says more.”

Her attorney still fears for the safety of Anthony, once considered the most hated woman in America after a Florida jury said the prosecution failed to prove that she killed her daughter. During the months that Caylee was missing, Anthony was depicted as a party girl in bars and getting a tattoo that proclaimed “Bella Vita.”

Anthony’s legal woes are not over yet.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez is suing Anthony for using her name when she told Orlando police that her 2-year-old daughter Caylee was stolen by a babysitter and gave police her name. Anthony stuck to that lie for three years before her lawyer told the court at the opening of her murder trial that the babysitter never existed and that Caylee accidentally drowned in the family pool.

Fernandez-Gonzalez sued Anthony for defamation, saying that she lost her job and home as a result of the accusations. The trial for the civil suit is scheduled to take place in January 2013.

Matt Morgan, one of the attorneys for Fernandez-Gonzalez, said that the end of Anthony’s probation does not affect the defamation case in any way.

“We have at this point already obtained service on Casey Anthony and therefore she will have to attend the trial,” Morgan told “If she were to leave the state and go outside of the jurisdiction, come January she’d have to return and face Zenaida Gonzalez in the courtroom.”

Anthony has checked in with probation officers every month for the past year and her monthly reports have been public. Anthony’s reports have consistently said that she is unemployed, has not been taking any classes and has not been drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

“It’d be hard to imagine that, at least in the very near future, she could ever have what many of us would consider a normal life,” Greene said.


Pocomoke City Police Dept. ~ Annual Back To School Picnic TODAY


Saturday, August 25, 2012

There's Nothing Like A Rainbow........... the end of a trying day.
"This proves that there is, indeed, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!  Our very own Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company!"
                              -Councilman Rob Clarke-
Thanks Rob!

First Man On the Moon -Neil Armstrong -Dead At 82

(Reuters) - U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong, who took a giant leap for mankind when he became the first person to walk on the moon, has died at the age of 82, his family said on Saturday.

Armstrong died following complications from heart-bypass surgery he underwent earlier this month, the family said in a statement, just two days after his birthday on August 5.

As commander of the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. As he stepped on the dusty surface, Armstrong said: "That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind."

Those words endure as one of the best known quotes in the English language.

The Apollo 11 astronauts' euphoric moonwalk provided Americans with a sense of achievement in the space race with Cold War foe the Soviet Union and while Washington was engaged in a bloody war with the communists in Vietnam.

Neil Alden Armstrong was 38 years old at the time and even though he had fulfilled one of mankind's age-old quests that placed him at the pinnacle of human achievement, he did not revel in his accomplishment. He even seemed frustrated by the acclaim it brought.

"I guess we all like to be recognized not for one piece of fireworks but for the ledger of our daily work," Armstrong said in an interview on CBS's "60 Minutes" program in 2005.

He once was asked how he felt knowing his footprints would likely stay on the moon's surface for thousands of years. "I kind of hope that somebody goes up there one of these days and cleans them up," he said.


TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Banner Year For Pocomoke City!

1976 was a very good year for Pocomoke according to city officials of that era, calling it the best productive since 1878.

Read about the accomplishments this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Also, a 1985 award for Pocomoke City... a big day in Onancock in 1936... and from 1884, a portion of Snow Hill's new court house fence is missing!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



Support the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Cadets!

Get your car washed TODAY

Saturday  August 25, 2012
9 AM ~ 2 PM

JEEP WEEK Today ~ Pocomoke Fairgrounds



NASA Wallops Island Rocket Launch Rescheduled

The launch attempt NASA/Wallops Island  for Friday  August 24 was scrubbed due to boats in the hazard area.

A launch attempt will not be made on Saturday, August 25 due to projected inclement weather.

A new launch date is to be determined.

Hurricane Season ~ Info You Can Use

August generally signals an increase in tropical weather. August and September are the top months for Hurricanes and Tropical Storms to threaten the Eastern Shore. WESR and A&N Electric Cooperative have produced the Hurricane Preparedness Guide on The Hurricane Preparedness Guide will give you a guide on how to prepare for potential tropical weather, what to do if one does strike here and how to deal with the aftermath of the storm. It's free and available to everyone on

There are a couple of things you can do now to help you better deal with an approaching storm. If you live in an area that is subject to flooding or you live in a mobile home you need to decide where you will ride out the storm out of the flood zone. If you need to know if you live in a flood zone, you can find out by clicking on the flood zone map. If you have friends or family on high ground make plans now to ride the storm out with them. Shelters, while available, need to be kept available for those who have nowhere else to go. Even if you live on high ground, if you live among large trees you may wish to go elsewhere during the worst of the storm.

Also, get your evacuation kit together. It should include any valuable papers you need to save, medicine if you have prescriptions, a flash light with extra batteries, a portable radio with batteries, cash in case credit or debit card systems go down, canned food and water to last at least three days and articles of clothing. You should also make plans ahead of time for your pets in case you need to go to a shelter where they are not permitted. If you have a boat in the water, plan what you will do to either secure it or get it out of the water.

The Eastern Shore came very close to being hit by a major storm last August 28 with Hurricane Irene. The ANEC WESR Hurricane Preparedness Guide is designed to help you prepare your property for what mother nature may dish out. WESR will be on the air during the event to serve the Eastern Shore with all of the latest information.


FINAL Performance of Boeing,Boeing Tonight At the Mar-Va Theater

Friday nights  LIVE  performance at the Mar-Va Theater has been called AMAZING!!

Don't miss the final night of  "Boeing, Boeing" featuring Pocomoke's own Matt Williams and the rest of the  incredible cast.

Saturday   August 25, 2012
$20.00 Adult / $10.00 Child

Thursday, August 23, 2012

From Why Do We Kill?

Video is from CASE FILE 1.The Bounty Hunters taken from the book "Why Do We Kill" written by Kelvin Sewell and Stephen Janis.

Kelvin D. Sewell, a former Baltimore City Homicide Detective, is now Chief of Police in Pocomoke City, Maryland

"Crime always seeps through the boundaries, and along with it, suffering.  Pretending like it isn't happening has little effect on the steady drumbeat of death.  In fact, many times the cover-up is worse than the crime.  A dose of honesty and realism might give us the sense to figure out what is and is not  working.  Otherwise, without the truth, we are simply blind.
                                   ~Kelvin D. Sewell~

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Banner Year For Pocomoke City!

1976 was a very good year for Pocomoke according to city officials of that era, calling it the best productive since 1878.

Read about the accomplishments this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Also, a 1985 award for Pocomoke City... a big day in Onancock in 1936... and from 1884, a portion of Snow Hill's new court house fence is missing!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pocomoke City Police Department ~ Annual Back To School Picnic

A Look At The Riverside Grill From The Sky


Photo taken by: Patrick J. Hendrickson

Thanks Patrick!

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility - Rocket Launch


Scrubbing for today due to boats in the hazard area. We will be trying again tomorrow. Window again 6:30 - 10:30 eastern.

~~FREE~~ Ocean City Jeep Week Event At Pocomoke Fairgrounds


OCJW and the Eastern Shore Jeep Association join together to provide you a really great time at the Pocomoke Fair Grounds and the OCJW/ESJA Obstacle Course.

Photo/OCJW 2009
Hosted by the Pocomoke Fairgrounds and organized and directed by the Eastern Shore Jeep Association. Registered participants will be afforded opportunities to give it all they've got while crawling over rocks and avoiding or maneuvering through and over a number of obstacle designed specifically to challenge your Jeep!

Food and drink will be available from the Fairgrounds concession stand.

Single Fried Oyster Subs/Sandwiches
Cheese Steak Subs
Cheese Burgers and Hamburgers
Hot Dogs
French Fries
Sweet Potato Fries (big favorite!)
Ice Cream, Homemade Baked Goods
Coke Products, Ice Tea, Bottled Water, Lemonade
Coffee (Regular and Decafe)


Chincoteague Island Police Department "Ride For Kids"

~Starts at Stingray's north of Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and ends at Don's Seafood on Chincoteague with auction and block party featuring the band Bigger Dreams~

Troopers Increase Efforts To Reduce Crashes This Weekend

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – As part of a national effort to reduce an increase in traffic fatalities, Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, has directed troopers to increase their efforts to reduce traffic crashes through enforcement this weekend.

Each of the 22 Maryland State Police barracks will deploy special patrols this weekend to reduce crashes in their areas of responsibility. Nationally, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic fatalities are up 13.5 percent for the first quarter of 2012. In Maryland, there was an increase of 6 percent. From January 1, 2011 to July 23, 2011, there were 239 fatalities on Maryland roads. During the same period this year, there were 251 fatalities. Additional crash reduction enforcement initiatives will be conducted throughout 2012.

Aggressive drivers, speed violators, distracted drivers, impaired drivers and seatbelt violators will be the focus for Maryland state troopers, particularly in high crash areas throughout the state. State Police crash data reveals the following highways as key roads for the crash reduction efforts: Interstate 695 and Interstate 83 in Baltimore County, Interstate 495 in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties, Interstate 70 in Baltimore, Howard, and Frederick counties and U.S. Route 301 in Prince George’s County. Barracks serving other parts of the state will be conducting enforcement efforts in key areas identified locally as having a high number of crashes.

“This is a statewide public safety concern and we believe focusing our attention on those areas prone to motor vehicle crashes will lead to safer travel for all motorists,” Colonel Marcus L. Brown said. “This enforcement initiative is an effective means of preventing a raise of motor vehicle crashes in Maryland. Our troopers will be out in force specifically targeting aggressive and distracted drivers, speed violators, impaired drivers, and those not wearing their seatbelts.”

The crash reduction enforcement initiative is part of the Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The Strategic Highway Safety Plan, or SHSP, is a statewide, comprehensive safety plan designed to reduce crashes and the resulting fatalities and injuries by sharing resources and targeting efforts to the areas of greatest need. Partners in the SHSP include the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Motor Vehicle Administration and the Maryland Highway Safety Office. The Maryland State Police, in cooperation with local law enforcement, is supporting the enforcement component of the plan.

The goal of the SHSP is to reduce motor vehicle fatalities and crashes in Maryland. Troopers plan to achieve this goal by deterring motorists from speeding and engaging in poor driving practices with aggressive enforcement and zero tolerance for traffic violations.

The Maryland State Police remind motorists to avoid aggressive driving behavior, to obey the speed limit, to be attentive drivers, avoid driving while impaired, and to make sure all occupants are wearing seatbelts or are in child safety seats in the vehicle. A driver’s effort may save their life or the life of another.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meet K-9 Edo ~ With his handler Deputy 1st Class Dale Trotter

K-9 Edo and his handler 
 Deputy First Class Dale Trotter
The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office retires K-9 Toby. K-9 Toby, an English Springer Spinal, was a trained bomb dog for the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for  10 Years. K-9 Toby was the Worcester County Sheriff’s office first bomb detection K-9. He would perform searches of the Court house in Snow Hill on regular basis. During high profile events, such as elections and the car shows held at the Ocean City convention center, Toby would scan the buildings looking for explosives making sure the building was safe for the event. K-9 Toby was a big part of his handler Deputy Dave Lewis’s family.

Deputy Lewis saw that Toby was slowing down in his ability to perform his duties as a bomb detection K-9. Toby was retired and lived with Deputy Lewis’s family.

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office purchased and trained another bomb dog named Edo, a  German Sheppard. Deputy First Class Dale Trotter was selected to be his handler.

 Both K-9 Edo and Deputy Trotter traveled to North Carolina to receive the required training in explosive detection. K-9 Edo is also crossed trained in patrol functions such as tracking and crowd control. Both K-9 Edo and Deputy Trotter are patrolling the streets of Worcester County.

NASA Wallops Island Rocket Launch Thursday

NASA will launch a Terrier-Improved Malemute suborbital sounding rocket carrying university student developed experiments on August 23 from the agency's launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

Based on the approved range schedule, the launch window is between 6:30 and 10:30 a.m. The backup launch days are August 24 and 25.

Four university experiments will be flown as part of an educational project called RockSat-X, which is designed to provide students hands-on experience in designing, fabricating, testing and conducting experiments for space flight. The project is a joint effort between NASA and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium.

The selected experiments for this years RockSat-X launch are from Baylor University, University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Puerto Rico and Virginia Tech.

The experiments will fly on a two-stage Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket to a projected altitude of 98 miles. After the 15-minute flight, the payload carrying the experiments will land via a parachute in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 66 miles off the coast of Virginia. The 875-pound payload will be recovered for re-use and experiment analysis.

The NASA Visitor Center will open at 5:30 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 5:30 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at:

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

More information on the RockSat-X mission is available at:

Tyvon Smith In Police Custody- Accomack County

ACCOMACK CO., Va. - A wanted man has turned himself in. Accomack County Sheriff's Office says that Tyvon "Teddy" Smith, 19, turned himself in on Tuesday evening.

Smith was wanted in connection with the July 2011 homicide of Belarmino Escalante, who was reportedly killed in the Royal Farms parking lot, during an attempted robbery.

Police have arrested and charged him with 1st degree murder, use of a firearm in commission of murder, attempted robbery, use of firearm in commission of attempted robbery, and possession of firearm by a convicted felon.

Smith is now being held at the Accomack County Jail without bond.

John Lennon’s Killer Seeks Freedom Again

By Chris Kokenes, CNN
NEW YORK (CNN) — Mark David Chapman, John Lennon’s convicted killer, will get his seventh shot at parole in a hearing that could take place as early as Wednesday.

His latest quest for freedom comes ahead of the 32nd anniversary of the death of the former Beatle, a British singer-songwriter who was gunned down outside his Manhattan apartment on December 8, 1980.

Chapman is scheduled to be interviewed by two or three members of the parole board, according to Carole Claren-Weaver, a spokeswoman for the New York Department of Corrections.

He was last up for parole in 2010, but was denied because his “discretionary release remains inappropriate at this time and incompatible with the welfare of the community,” according to the New York State Division of Parole.

He was also denied parole in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008.

Chapman, 57, is serving a sentence of 20 years to life in prison, and is being held at the Wende Correctional Facility in Alden, New York.

He is in protective custody in a single-person cell, Claren-Weaver said, and is allowed out three hours per day.

Since his transfer from Attica earlier this year, Chapman has reapplied to participate in a state program called “family reunion,” which allows inmates to spend more time with family members.

Chapman has not had an infraction since 1994. It is not clear if he currently has legal representation.

Yoko Ono, Lennon’s widow, in previous years has submitted a letter requesting that parole be denied. Her attorney reiterated her position in an email to CNN over the weekend.

Boeing, Boeing Performed LIVE ~ Mar-Va Theater- Meet The Cast

Matt Williams has returned to his Pocomoke home for a few days bringing  a complete cast and crew with him.  For the past few days all of them have been preparing for the live performance  of Boeing, Boeing at the Mar-Va Theater this Friday and Saturday night.  Good luck to all of you.  Great to see you home again, Matt!


Rachael Cain
Rachael is thrilled to be working with this amazing team in beautiful Pocomoke City, Maryland.  She has just finished the pre-Broadway run of Amazing Grace the Musical, at Goodspeed Norma Terris Theater.  Other favorites include Sarah in Ragtime, and Ti Moune in Once on this Island.  She is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.

Seth Eliser
A graduate of The University of Hartford, Seth recently toured the country with The Music Man.  Other credits include Hairspray, The Wedding Singer, and Hello Dolly!  Seth also plays drums for New York based singer-songwriter Joe Iconis, and frequently performs with the band "The Switch," also New York City based.  He can't wait to get on stage and kick it up with this amazing cast!

Kendall Chaffee-Standish
Kendall is beyond excited to return to Pocomoke after appearing here as Sophie in The Star Spangled Girl, two summers ago.  Since then, she has been sailing the high seas with Disney Cruise Lines, appearing as Cinderella and Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove in the wickedly fun new show Villain's Tonight! Other favorite roles include Julie Jordan in Carousel and Percy in the musical version of The Spitfire Grill.

Andy White
Andy recently completed his run with the National Touring Company of Legally Blonde: The Musical, performing in the ensemble, and understudying the role of Emmett.  He was seen at Millbrook Playhouse in their productions of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Finch), Once Upon a Mattress (Sir Harry), and High School Musical (Troy.)  He is a graduate of Pace University, where he appeared as Cliff in Cabaret, and Jason in Bare, a Pop Opera.  Hope you enjoy this wild production!

Keelay Gipson
This is the third Mar-Va production Keelay has been involved with. He handled  tech for Driving Miss Daisy,  directed The Star Spangled Girl, and  is glad to be back in Pocomoke as Director of Boeing Boeing!  Some favorite directing credits include Red Light Winter and See What I Wanna See at Pace University, and revue Sign of the Times, featuring the music of Prince,at The Duplex Cabaret Theater in Manhattan's West Village.  As a performer, Keelay recently toured the country with Theater Works, and appeared in Hair at the New Bedford Theater Festival.  He is a professional video editor and director, and founder of his own company, SYNCity.

Emily Stockdale
Emily, a recent graduate of Pace University, is very excited to be part of this production!  She just finished playing April in the Geva Theater Center's production of Company.  Her favorite roles at Pace include Sally Bowles in Cabaret and Evelyn Nesbit (u/s) in Ragtime. Ms. Stockdale also performed in Seussical, Rent, Oklahoma!, and Babes in Arms at Weathervane Repertory Theater. Last spring, she was in the cast of the New York Philharmonic's production of Company directed by Lonny Price at Lincoln Center.

Matt Williams
Matt is a native of Pocomoke City, where he first appeared on the Mar-Va stage when he was 6 years old. This is the fourth production he has brought "back home" since the theater's renovation. Favorite professional credits include the National Touring Company of The 39 Steps, and regional productions of Leading Ladies, Awake and Sing!, Man of LaMancha, and Hairspray. In September Matt will begin his MFA training at The Juilliard School in New York City.

Matt is the son of David and Tracey Malloy Williams.  He is also the grandson of Pocomoke City Councilman Don Malloy and the late Hannah Malloy.

Boeing, Boeing
Friday & Saturday
August 24 & 25
7 PM
Tickets $20
Tickets on sale now:
~Mar-Va Theater Box Office & Online
~Market Street Deli
~Enchanted Florist

About the show..........
Bernard, a successful Parisian architect, juggles three flight attendant fiancées with the help of his long-suffering housekeeper, Bertha, and unexpected visiting friend, Robert. Things are going smoothly until the creation of a faster Boeing jet and changing airline timetables. Don't miss out on this crazy turn of events!


MD. State Police Press Release
(PIKESVILLE, MD) -- Maryland State Police and local law enforcement are reminding the owners and riders of motor scooters and mopeds that a new law taking effect in less than two months will make significant changes in the use of their chosen form of transportation.

On October 1, 2012, new Maryland vehicle laws will take effect that require all motor scooters and mopeds to be titled and insured, while all operators and passengers must wear a helmet and eye protection. These new requirements are in addition to the existing law that requires all motor scooter and moped operators to possess a valid driver’s license or a moped operator’s permit.

All drivers and passengers of motor scooters and mopeds will be required to wear motorcycle helmets that meet safety standards set by the United States Department of Transportation. Drivers and passengers must also wear eye protection, unless the vehicle is equipped with a windscreen.

Motor scooter and moped owners will be required to insure their vehicles. They must obtain at least the minimum vehicle liability insurance and must carry proof of the insurance with them whenever they are operating the scooter or moped.

Motor scooters and mopeds will be required to be titled by the Motor Vehicle Administration. Owners will be able to obtain titling information through the MVA website at beginning October 1st. When the title is obtained, the vehicle owner will be provided with a decal that must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle.

Maryland law defines a motor scooter as a non-pedal vehicle that has a seat for the operator; has two wheels, of which one is ten or more inches in diameter; has a step through chassis; has a motor with a rating of 2.7 brake horsepower or less, or a 50 cc engine or less; and is equipped with an automatic transmission.

A moped is defined as a bicycle that is designed to be operated by human power with the assistance of a motor; is equipped with pedals that can drive the rear wheel(s); has two or three wheels, one of which is more than 14 inches in diameter; has a motor with a rating of 1.5 brake horsepower or less and a 50 cc engine or less.

The drivers of motor scooters and mopeds are required to follow the same rules of the road as bicycles. Those rules include:

-Drivers must ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practical
and safe as possible, except when:
--Making a left turn;
--Operating on a one-way street;
--Passing a stopped or slower moving vehicle;
--Avoiding pedestrians and road hazards;
--The right lane is a right turn only lane;
--Operating in a lane too narrow for a bicycle or motor scooter and another vehicle to travel safely side by side.

-Drivers may ride side by side only if flow of traffic is unimpeded;
-Drivers must exercise due care when passing;
-Headsets covering both ears, or earplugs in both ears, are not permitted;
-Scooters or mopeds may not be operated on roadways with speed limits
greater than 50 mph;
-Scooters or mopeds may not be operated at more than 30 mph;
-Drivers may not operate on a roadway where there is a smooth paved bike lane or paved shoulder available, meaning they must use the bike lane or paved shoulder instead of the roadway;
-Drivers must obey the rules of the road applicable to all vehicles.

Troopers and local law enforcement across Maryland have received training regarding the new laws. Scooter and moped drivers who violate the new law can expect to be stopped and issued traffic citations or warnings, beginning October 1.

Update On Shooting On Monday Night In Mappsville, VA.

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, on Monday, August 20 at approximately 10:21 p.m., the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report from the Eastern Shore 911 Center in regards to shots being fired in the Mappsville Trailer Park.

 Further investigation revealed that one victim was approached by two black males outside of his residence at which time the victim was shot by the suspects. A 2nd victim was also shot at the residence during this incident and the suspects fled on foot prior to deputies' arrival. One victim was pronounced dead at the scene as the other was transported by Bloxom Ambulance to Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital and flown to Sentara Norfolk General where he is listed in stable condition.

The incident appears to have been the result of an attempted robbery.

Identification of the deceased is being withheld pending notification of immediate family.

The Accomack County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Virginia State Police, Parksley Police Department, and the Onley Police Department.

Anyone with information concerning this crime is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 787-1131 or 824-5666.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

On August 17, 2012 at 5:59 am., a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy was dispatched for a disorderly subject at the Lake Haven Trailer Park in Berlin, Maryland. As the Deputy pulled into the trailer park and exited his patrol vehicle, the suspect, James Conroy, 38 years of age from Baltimore Maryland, began aggressively running directly toward the Deputy. The Deputy ordered Mr. Conroy to stop who refused to comply with any orders and continued to run at the Deputy. The Deputy shot Mr. Conroy with his tazer in an attempt to protect himself. The tazer had no effect on Mr. Conroy. Mr. Conroy then began to assault the Deputy.

A short time later, members of the Maryland State Police, Berlin Police Department and Ocean Pines Police Department arrived on scene. Mr. Conroy continued to fight with officers and Deputy and was eventually taken into custody. The Deputy and two additional officers were treated and released at Atlantic General Hospital for minor injuries.

Mr. Conroy was subsequently charged with assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct, and held on a $50,000.00 bond. It was subsequently determined that Mr. Conroy was allegedly under the influence of PCP.

On August 19, 2012, at approximately 1129 hours, A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy stopped a vehicle for a seatbelt violation on Rt. 50 in the area of Keyser Pt. Rd. in West Ocean City. The driver was identified as James Paul Kimble 27 of Pasadena Md. and the passenger was identified as Gaberille Marie Fitzgerald 22 of Baltimore Md. Upon making contact with the occupants the Deputy could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana.

Ms. Fitzgerald stated that there was marijuana and a “bowl” in her bag in the trunk of the vehicle. A search of the vehicle produced suspected marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Mr. Kimble was charged with possession drug paraphernalia. Ms. Fitzgerald was charged with possession drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled dangerous substance. Both subjects were released pending trial.

On 08/21/2012 at approximately 0019 hours, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies stopped a vehicle on Ocean Highway at Old Virginia Rd, Pocomoke City, Maryland for an equipment violation.

After searching the vehicle Deputies discovered a loaded Smith and Wesson .40 Caliber handgun, approximately one pound of marijuana, and $517.47 of US currency.

Arrested were, Loronda Weathers, age 24, of Norfolk Virginia and Dewayne Walker, age 30, of Nassawadox Virginia. Both subjects have been charged with Possession of Marijuana, Possession of a concealed firearm in a vehicle, and Possession of a firearm while committing a drug trafficking crime.

Both subjects are being held at the Worcester County Jail on $5,000.00.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Parksley Teen Wanted In Connectin With Homicide From 2011

Accomack County Sheriff's Office asking the public's help in locating a Parksley teen wanted in connection with a homicide that occurred last summer in Accomack County.

Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin announced Monday that grand jury indictments have been received for 19-year-old Tyvon "Teddy" Smith.

In addition to Smith, two other suspects- Kevonte Bell and Devonte Davis- were indicted in connection with the July 21, 2011, homicide of Belarmino Escalante and remain behind bars. Smith, however, remains at large.

He is wanted on the charges of first-degree murder, use of firearm in the commission of murder, attempted robbery, use of firearm in the commission of attempted robbery and possession of firearm by a convicted felon.
According to investigators, Smith is described as black, dark complexion, small build, approximately 5-foot-8 and 145 pounds.

Anyone with information concerning Smith's whereabouts is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at (757) 787-1131 or (757) 824-5666.

Shooting in Mappsville, Va. Leaves One Dead

The Accomack County Sheriff's Office reports there was a shooting last night (Monday evening) around 10:30 pm in Mappsville, Va. The incident occurred in a trailer park on Beartown Road and Chester Street, behind Stucky's in Mappsville. One person is dead and another was injured in the shooting.

As of this time there is no word on the condition of the surviving victim and no idication of any suspect in the shooting.

"Boeing, Boeing" ~ Live Performance At the Mar-Va Theater

Pocomoke's own, Matt Williams with a cast and crew from New York,  will be on stage at the Mar-Va Theater this Friday and Saturday nights.

Enjoy  the evening with this comedic production and fantastic cast.

Friday  August 24th
Saturday  August 25th
Tickets: $20

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