Thursday, September 13, 2012

NEW Traffic Law To Take Effect October 1st


(PIKESVILLE, MD) – Maryland State Police are reminding motorists of a new law about to take effect regarding actions drivers must take when approaching intersections with non-functioning traffic signals.

Beginning October 1, 2012, a driver approaching a non-functioning traffic control signal from any direction at an intersection shall stop:
-at a clearly marked stop line;
-before entering any crosswalk; or
-before entering the intersection.

After stopping, the driver must:-yield to any vehicle or pedestrian in the intersection; and
-remain stopped until it is safe to enter and continue through the intersection.

Intersection traffic control signals, most commonly called ‘red lights,’ or ‘stop lights,’ direct the safe and orderly flow of traffic in and through thousands of intersections across Maryland. Most are powered by electricity that can be interrupted because of storms, traffic crashes, or other incidents that cause power outages. Just because a traffic control signal is not functioning at an intersection does not mean drivers are relieved of their duty to exercise care and caution. The new law makes clear the procedures each driver must now follow.

Violations of the new law carry a fine of $90 and two points if the offense does not contribute to an accident. If the violation contributes to a crash, the fine is $130 and three points.

If two vehicles approach an intersection without a traffic control device or with a non-functioning traffic control signal from different roadways at the same time, there is existing motor vehicle law that applies. In this situation, the driver on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on his or her immediate right.

There are also times when a traffic control signal that normally operates green, yellow, and red lights may be in ‘flashing’ mode. This usually means red lights may be flashing in one direction and yellow lights are flashing in another direction. Flashing red
and yellow lights on a traffic control signal do not mean the light is ‘non-functioning.’

In this situation, the drivers approaching the red flashing light must stop and can only proceed when the intersection is clear. Drivers approaching the yellow flashing light should slow down and use caution, but are permitted to proceed through the intersection without stopping. Drivers are also reminded that if a police officer is directing traffic in the intersection, they should obey the directions of that officer, regardless of the signal indicated on the traffic control device.

It is difficult to describe every potential intersection situation. Above all, drivers are reminded that it is their duty to always drive with care and caution, especially when approaching an intersection with a non-functioning signal. If other drivers are present at the intersection, remember to be courteous, use caution, and do everything possible to try to determine the intentions of other motorists and communicate your intentions, if you are unsure of how to proceed. Even if you have the right of way, it is better to allow another driver to proceed if it appears he or she is going to do so, instead of risking an intersection crash.

Maryland State Police Press Release

Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday  September 14th
Saturday  September 15th
7 PM


Maryland Pit Bull Ruling Is Challenged In Federal Court

By Ian Duncan
The Baltimore Sun

A resident at the low-income Armistead Gardens housing development is suing the state in federal court, asking judges to strike down a recent court ruling that pit bulls are inherently dangerous.

In a complaint filed Wednesday, lawyers for Joseph Weigel argue that he would have to move out of his home at the East Baltimore housing complex if he refuses to give up his dog.

In August, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that purebred pit bulls are "inherently dangerous" and that landlords could potentially be strictly liable if a pit bull attacks a person on their property.

After the ruling, Armistead Homes Corp., which manages Armistead Gardens, told residents to get rid of pure and mixed-breed pit bulls or face eviction, according to the suit.

Weigel's suit argues that in the ruling, the appeals court unconstitutionally overrode the property rights of people like Weigel by making them choose between their homes and their pets.

Charles H. Edwards, Weigel's attorney, said that if a restraining order is not issued, Weigel and his dog will be homeless before the end of September. While Weigel is the only resident of the development named in the suit, Edwards said it could apply to as many as 500 dog owners who live there.

"These people are faced with a very hard choice — homelessness or euthanization of their dogs," Edwards said.

Armistead Gardens did not respond to requests for comment on the suit. And the Maryland attorney general's office declined to comment on ongoing litigation.

The original ruling sprang from a 2007 incident in which a young boy was mauled by a pit bull in Towson. When the dog's owner declared bankruptcy, the boy's family took forward a case against the owner's landlord.

In April, the Court of Appeals ruled that both purebred pit bulls and pit bull mixes were inherently dangerous, overturning a previous law that an owner must have known their dog was dangerous in order to be held strictly liable.

Then in August, the appeals court partly walked back the ruling, applying it only to purebred pit bulls. But experts say that might not have changed the effect of the ruling because "pit bull" is not a breed of dog, rather an umbrella term for different breeds.

The General Assembly made an unsuccessful attempt to revise the ruling in the special session, and is expected to try again next year.

Edwards said he knows he has an uphill battle in his challenge.

"It's an incredibly difficult case to win, but you got to do something," he said.

While the court made clear that the ruling was not a ban on pit bulls and that their owners would not have to give up their dogs, Tami Santelli, Maryland director of the Humane Society of the United States, said its effect on renters could be "more insidious".

Stacey Evans, the chairwoman of the animal law section of the Maryland State Bar Association, believes landlords could be held liable even if they did not know a pit bull was on their property.

Animal protection groups are worried that the ruling would lead to tenants abandoning pit bulls in order to stay in their homes.

"Everyone was pretty nervous in April when the case came down," Santelli said.

While the Humane Society estimates the ruling could affect as many as 70,000 dogs in Maryland, Santelli said she had not heard of large numbers of animals being given up to shelters. But she said homeowners and condo associations have contacted the organization to say they are updating policies to ban pit bulls in common areas.


Rocket Launch For Saturday ~ NASA Wallops Island Canceled

The launch of a Terrier-Lynx suborbital rocket scheduled September 15, 2012  for the Department of Defense from NASA's launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia has been postponed.

A new launch date has not been determined.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 Drag racing and off-road course
(mud pit also if it is not too dry in that area of the infield)
 ATV Registration:  9:00 AM
Registration Fee:  $25.00
ATV Events Begin @ 10:00 AM

Demolition Derby begins @ 4:00 PM
Registration Fee:  $25.00
ATV EVENT ~ $2.00
(must present wristband if you leave and return later)
Children 6 yrs. and under FREE

 Kitchen will be OPEN for lunch and dinner for sandwiches. 
Try the NEW funnel fries!!!!

Mar-Va Theater ~ Delmarva's Got Talent ~

There's still time left to be a contestant!
Sign up today!

If you would like to be a contestant in Delmarva's Got Talent" contest there's still some time left to enter.
But hurry.  Time is running out. 

You could be the one to walk away with the grand prize!

For entry form go HERE

Man Gets Multiple Life Sentences In Child Sex Abuse Case

By Connie Morrison
WESR Radio
A 60-year old man, who was called Pop-Pop by the children in the household, because he was like a grandfather to them, received two life sentences, and four 20-year sentences, for sexual abuse of those same children.

William Roger Clough, Jr. was found guilty in Accomack County Circuit Court in March under a plea agreement, in which he agreed to plead guilty to 4 counts of aggravated sexual battery, one count of forcible sodomy, and one count of object sexual penetration, in exchange for the Commonwealth not pursuing six other similar charges.

Referring to the charges and convictions, defense attorney Patrick Robbins told Judge W. Revell Lewis III, There is no way to sugar coat this, and presented Mr. Clough's minimal education and lack of criminal history, before asking Judge Lewis to sentence Mr. Clough with in the guidelines of 10-20 years.

Deputy Commonwealths Attorney Matthew Brenner, didn't mince words in describing Mr. Clough's actions as crimes of the most reprehensible nature. There is not just one child victim, he continued, there are four. Mr. Brenner noted the tender ages of the four victims, who were 4, 6, 7, and 11 at the time of the offenses, and are all related to Mr. Clough. He went on to say that the children viewed him as a grandfather, and he abused that trust by hurting them physically, and inflicting damage to their psyches that will take many years to mend. He used threats to physically harm them, and in one case told the four-year-old he would kill her mother if she told.

Mr. Brenner said that Mr. Clough deserved the maximum sentence for each crime, and Judge Lewis agreed, stating that grandfathers are supposed to protect children, and the fact that he was a family member made these crimes even worse. He also noted, however, that the system worked, because one of the children told a teacher, who reported it, which led to social services launching an investigation that uncovered the abuse.

Mr. Clough was remanded to jail to await transport to the state penitentiary to begin serving his sentence.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Race Day ~ Crisfield Mud Bog ~ September 1, 2012

If you are familiar with Labor Day tradition in Crisfield then you know nothing gets started until after the famous and fun Crab Derby Parade- not even mud bogging.  The races started just a few minutes late but not enough for anyone to notice unless you were paying attention to the clock.

It is estimated that  Crisfield  mud bog drew at least 1,000 spectators.  And at one point the cars were lined along the shoulder of the road waiting to pay admission into the mud bog.That's not bad at all considering the holiday and all the events happening in town.  These fans are very dedicated mud bog fans!  Much appreciation needs to be given to them for attending race after race and especially for coping with the HOT temperatures on this day.  In fact, I believe, it was hotter than HOT.

The most welcomed person of the day had to be the young man walking around the grounds selling lemonade.  Hope you bought some of it because it was delicious and just hit the spot on such a hot and humid racing afternoon!  The poor guy walked all day offering his wares and when I met up with him later in the day he looked pooped!  I certainly hope someone gave him a nice dinner and he got some much needed rest. 

As of this post the race results and points have not been posted on the official Crisfield/Gumboro website.  So until I have that information here are a couple of videos and some photos from the mud bug along with what  information I have.  If you have any info you would like to share email me.  My email address is listed on this blog.

"Short and Sassy"
Owner/Driver Barry Wise

"Old School II"
Randy Willey
Hurlock, Maryland

"Mud Dobber"
Driver- Wright Townsend

"Sod Buster"/Driver Barry Long
"All Night Soldier"/Driver Patrick Long
"Wildfire"/Driver Donald Bowden

I'll be back with more photos and video and the name of the winner in the "Gambler's Race".

Salty Dog Celebrates Downtown Pocomoke City Fall Festival

Be sure to register your dog in the Dog Parade !!

Pocomoke Hockey Team Warriors Support "Wounded Warriors"

Written by
Shawn Nisson
Staff Writer

POCOMOKE — Two Warrior squads will clash on the field this Friday in an effort to support and honor those who have served our country in battle. Easton’s field hockey team will travel to take on Pocomoke, with junior varsity scheduled for a 4 p.m. start with the varsity game following that at 5:30, in a contest where the proceeds will benefit the Wounded Warriors Project.

“We wanted to be patriotic,” Susan Pusey, Pocomoke’s head coach said. “We wanted to recognize and honor the military for all that they are doing for our country.”

There will be a baked goods sale to raise funds and the team will also be selling flags with yellow ribbons that will line the fences around the field. Also as a tribute all military personnel will be able to attend the game at no cost.

“We just thought it would be a good thing to do,” Pusey said. “We’re playing Easton, who are the Warriors as well, and we’re just trying to raise some money for the Wounded Warriors Project.”

According to the Wounded Warriors Project website, the groups mission is to “honor and empower wounded warriors.” The project hopes to raise awareness and to get the general public involved in helping to aid the needs of injured service members.

Pusey said that she has always tried to instil a sense of gratitude and the need to perform services for others in her student athletes.

“I always try to express to the kids the need to give back,” Pusey said. “We’re trying to build character in these kids to make them realize that people do a lot of things for all of us and we certainly should give back our time and appreciation to our country. Things are not the best now a days and we certainly need to support our military.”

While this is the first event of it’s kind at Pocomoke, the school has been very successful at putting on events like this in the past. Pusey said that success is a testament to the amount of support they get from both the school and the surrounding community.

“It’s a really good thing that our school has been doing,” Pusey said. “It shows a lot about Pocomoke high school and our kids that they’re willing to participate, and the faculty and the administration have been fantastic in supporting these events as well.”

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland

O'Malley sharply critical of GOP at convention
Baltimore Sun 9.5.12

"If Governor O'Malley worked in a bipartisan manner in his six years in office, state government would have made the tough choices needed to restore economic performance," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.

O'Malley talks taxes but not 2016 at convention

Baltimore Sun 9.5.12

In a statement, Hogan said there is "a pattern of deception from the governor.''

Oh My, O'Malley

Wall Street Journal 9.5.12

"The political group Change Maryland notes that he has raised taxes or fees 24 times as governor."

O'Malley reprises campaign slogan to back Obama

Delmarva Now 9.5.12

Larry Hogan of Change Maryland said: “Governor O’Malley talks a lot about ‘moving forward’ but here in Maryland his policies have slammed us into reverse and have us stick in a ditch.”

O’Malley brings more drama for Obama

Examiner 9.5.12

“Make no mistake about it, modern investments in a modern economy is just code language for more tax-and-spend governing like we have seen in Maryland,” under the O’Malley administration, said Hogan.

O’Malley speech puts convention in drive

Maryland Reporter 9.5.12

Larry Hogan of Change Maryland said: “Governor O’Malley talks a lot about ‘moving forward’ but here in Maryland his policies have slammed us into reverse and have us stuck in a ditch.”

The Varied Reaction to Martin O'Malley

Monoblogue 9.5.12

"Change Maryland did a little digging and found Ohio created three times more jobs than Maryland under Kasich."

Democrats' rising star leads Maryland through years of tax increases

Washington Examiner 9.4.12

"Martin O'Malley is managing the decline of Maryland," said Larry Hogan, founder and chairman of Change Maryland.

McDonnell ahead of O'Malley 

Daily Progress 9.2.12

"Then in late May, Larry Hogan, chairman of the nonpartisan group Change Maryland, wrote a piece for Reason magazine titled 'How Maryland's Tax Rates Are Driving Jobs to Virginia.'

Annapolis Capitol 9.2.12

“If this is an opportunity to sprinkle more money around to favored projects, then it is a waste of resources,” Jim Pettit, policy analyst for Change Maryland said. 
Maryland surplus spurs debate: Did lawmakers need to raise taxes?

Washington Post 9.1.12

"Tax increases have fomented grass-roots opposition, giving rise to a group called Change Maryland, which has had 22,000 Facebook followers since the spring."

State takes to YouTube to fight poor business perception

The Daily Record 8.27.12

"The state Department of Business and Economic Development posted a quirky, two-and-a-half minute video Friday that rebuts the claims of organizations such as Change Maryland."

Contact Any Member Or Call For Tickets

Today We Remember September 11, 2001....

Monday, September 10, 2012

"Warriors Supporting Warriors" Field Hockey- For Our Troops.

‘Warriors Supporting Warriors’
Easton vs. Pocomoke
Pocomoke High School
Friday, September 14, 2012 Junior Varsity game starting
at 4:00 p.m.
Varsity game following at 5:30 p.m. COST: $5

Benefits from the game will go towards the
"Wounded Warrior Project" to honor our military.
There will be a Baked Goods For sale to raise funds

The team will  be selling flags with yellow ribbons that will line the fences around the field.

Also as a tribute all military personnel will be able to attend the game at no cost.

The awesome power of a wife's love

A very old man lay dying in his bed.

In death's doorway, he suddenly smelled the

aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookie wafting up the stairs.

He gathered his remaining strength and lifted himself from the bed.

Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom.

With even greater effort he forced himself down the stairs,

gripping the railing with both hands.

With labored breath,

he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen.

Were it not for death's agony,

he would have thought himself already in heaven.

There, spread out

on newspapers on the kitchen table were literally hundreds of

his favorite chocolate chip cookies.

Was it heaven?

Or was it one final act of heroic love from his devoted wife,

seeing to it that he left this world a happy man?

Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table.

The aged and withered hand, shaking, made its way to a cookie

at the edge of the table,

when he was suddenly smacked with a spatula by his wife.

"Stay out of those,"

she said.

"They're for the funeral."

Annual Fall Festival~ Vendor/Exhibitor Rules & Regulations & Form

Rules and Regulations
Pocomoke City Annual Fall Festival
October 6, 2012
The Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke are hosting the Annual Downtown Fall Festival in Pocomoke City, Maryland.

Any obligations, releases, waivers or hold harmless items provided in this agreement with the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke City, shall be conclusively deemed to apply without exception to the City of Pocomoke, and/or any other agency or organization involved with the planning of this festival.

The success of the Annual Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival depends on the parties fulfilling these rights, duties and obligations.

October 6th, 2012, 10:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Downtown Pocomoke City. Your space will be assigned when you pay. You will likely be placed along Market Street or Clarke Street, between Second & Front Streets. These streets will be blocked off. You will be told to set up either in the street or on the sidewalk.

Exhibit Fees: Application is attached for a 10 X 10-ft. space. The fee for a 10ft X 10ft space is $15.00. (The fee for 10ft X 20ft is $30.00) Space/booth/table assignments will be made at Association’s sole discretion, based on availability and on the date each paid application is received.

You must bring your own canopy/tents, table and chairs
and whatever you feel you need.

Signage is the responsibility of the Vendor/Exhibitor and must comply with the specification as stated below. Vendor/Exhibitor will be permitted to display signs identifying the Vendor/Exhibitor and goods and/or services with prices that are being offered to the public. Vendor/Exhibitor will be permitted to distribute handouts, brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials within the confines of assigned exhibit space only. Signage can in no way conflict with or be contrary to the stated purpose of the Annual Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival.

Unless agreed to in advance of the event, vendor/exhibitor is not allowed to sell knives, guns, swords, poppers, silly string or any paraphernalia deemed by the Downtown Pocomoke Association or Pocomoke City Police Department to be unsuitable for this event.

Security: Neither the Downtown Pocomoke Association nor the City of Pocomoke shall be responsible for lost or stolen items. Each Vendor/Exhibitor is expected to secure their area and its contents at the end of each day.

The Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke for any loss that may occur through theft, vandalism, fire or acts of God.

The Vendor/Exhibitor is entirely responsible for the assigned booth/exhibit space and agrees to reimburse the City of Pocomoke for any damage to buildings and/or grounds, sustained within such space during the period of time the Vendor/Exhibitor has contracted for (including move-in and move-out).

Trash: Vendor/Exhibitor is expected to provide for trash collection in booth and to empty that trash into receptacles provided by the festival.

Payment: Payment is due with application no later than September 15, 2012, assuming space availability at that time.

Move-in and set-up on Saturday, October 6th, between 8:00am and 9:30am. All booths must be fully set up and operational by 9:30am and remain open until 3:00pm.

Compliance: The Vendor/Exhibitor must comply with all Vendor/Exhibitor Rules and Regulations relating to the Annual Downtown Fall Festival. These Rules and Regulations are to be considered an integral part of the attached registration form.

We look forward to your participation at our
Annual Downtown Fall Festival!
Thank you!


Non-Food Vendor Form
Pocomoke City Annual Fall Festival
October 6, 2012
Registration Deadline: September 15

Forthcoming Rules and Regulations will be considered an integral part of this Registration Form.

1. Contact Person: ______________________________________________

2. Company Name: _____________________________________________

3. Mailing Address: _____________________________________________

4. Telephone: __________________

5. Email: ______________________________________

7. Please include here a description of the items you will be selling or exhibiting:

9. Please reserve space as follows: (include all that apply)

Fees: $15 deposit per vendor, for a 10ft x 10ft space ($30 for 10ft x 20ft)
Free for non-profit, 501(c)3 organizations.

Number of Spaces ___________Amount Enclosed $__________
Please make checks payable to: Downtown Pocomoke Association

Mail completed form and checks to:
Angela Manos, City Hall, 101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, Maryland · 21851

Questions? Call: 410.603.1178, or Email:

Payment in full due by September 28, 2011*

Signature of Authorized Representative: ____________________________
*Early registrants may benefit from being included in marketing materials for the event.

Fall Festival FOOD VENDOR/EXHIBITOR Rules and Regulation and Form

FOOD Vendor/Exhibitor
Rules and Regulations
Pocomoke City Annual Fall Festival
October 6, 2012
The Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke are hosting the Annual Downtown Fall Festival in Pocomoke City, Maryland.

Any obligations, releases, waivers or hold harmless items provided in this agreement with the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke City, shall be conclusively deemed to apply without exception to the City of Pocomoke, and/or any other agency or organization involved with the planning of this festival.

The success of the Annual Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival depends on the parties fulfilling these rights, duties and obligations.

Dates/Time: October 6th, 2012, 10:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Downtown Pocomoke City. Your space will be assigned when you pay. You will likely be placed along Market Street or Clarke Street, between Second & Front Streets. These streets will be blocked off. You will be told to set up either in the street or on the sidewalk.

Exhibit Fees: Application is attached for a 10 X 10-ft. space. The fee for a 10ft X 10ft space is $25.00. (The fee for 10ft X 20ft is $50.00)

Booth assignments will be made at Association’s sole discretion, based on availability and on the date each paid application is received.

Electric: Vendor/Exhibitor must provide own extension cord(s), three-way adaptor plug,
and additional lighting. There is a charge for those booths needing electric. (extra charge)

You must bring your own canopy/tents, table and chairs
and whatever you feel you need.

Signage: Signage is the responsibility of the Vendor/Exhibitor and must comply with the specification as stated below. Vendor/Exhibitor will be permitted to display signs identifying the Vendor/Exhibitor and goods and/or services with prices that are being offered to the public. Vendor/Exhibitor will be permitted to distribute handouts, brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials within the confines of assigned exhibit space only. Signage can in no way conflict with or be contrary to the stated purpose of the Annual Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival.

Restrictions: Vendor/Exhibitor is not allowed to sell knives, guns, swords, poppers, silly string or any paraphernalia deemed by the Downtown Pocomoke Association or Police Department to be unsuitable for this event.

 Insurance: Before a Food Vendor is permitted to sell or display any item, the Vendor is required to provide a certificate of public liability insurance in a form acceptable to the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke, naming the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke as additional insured. Food Vendors must also fill out forms supplied by the Worcester County Health Department and have them returned by the date that the Worcester County Health Department has provided on such forms. Those that have not returned these forms on time will not be allowed to set up at the festival and money will not be returned. It is the vendor’s responsibility to have them sent in on time.

Food vendors must post their Worcester County Health Department permits during the festival.

Security: Neither the Downtown Pocomoke Association nor the City of Pocomoke shall be responsible for lost or stolen items. Each Vendor/Exhibitor is expected to secure their area and its contents at the end of each day.

The Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke for any loss that may occur through theft, vandalism, fire or acts of God.

Liability: The Vendor/Exhibitor is entirely responsible for the assigned booth/exhibit space and agrees to reimburse the City of Pocomoke for any damage to floors, walls, doors, buildings and/or grounds, sustained within such space during the period of time the Vendor/Exhibitor has contracted for (including move-in and move-out).

Trash: Vendor/Exhibitor is expected to provide for trash collection in booth and to empty that trash into receptacles provided by the festival.

Payment: Payment is due with application no later than September 15, 2012, assuming space availability at that time.

Removal: Move-in and set-up on Saturday, October 6th, between 8:00am and 9:30am. All booths must be fully set up and operational by 9:45am and remain open until 3:00pm

Compliance: The Vendor/Exhibitor must comply with all Vendor/Exhibitor Rules and Regulations relating to the Annual Downtown Fall Festival. These Rules and Regulations are to be considered an integral part of the attached registration form.

We look forward to seeing you at the
Annual Downtown Fall Festival!
Thank you!

Food Vendor Form
Pocomoke City Annual Fall Festival
October 6, 2012
Registration Deadline: September 15

Forthcoming Rules and Regulations will be considered an integral part of this Registration Form.

1. Contact Person: ______________________________________________

2. Company Name: _____________________________________________

3. Mailing Address: _____________________________________________

4. Telephone: __________________

5. Email: ______________________________________

7. List your complete menu proposed food. To preserve the integrity of each food vendor’s market, this menu will be screened and a final approved menu returned with your confirmation. Only items on the approved menu will be allowed for sale at the festival. There will be no duplication of food items.

8. Please describe any electrical needs: ____________________________________________________________

9. Please reserve space as follows: (include all that apply)
Fees: $25 deposit per vendor, for a 10ft x 10ft space ($50 for 10ft x 20ft)
Free for non-profit, 501(c)3 organizations.

Number of Spaces ___________Amount Enclosed $__________
Please make checks payable to: Downtown Pocomoke Association

Mail completed form and checks to:
Angela Manos, City Hall, 101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, Maryland · 21851
Questions? Call: 410.603.1178, or Email:

Payment in full due by September 28, 2011*

Signature of Authorized Representative: ____________________________
*Early registrants may benefit from being included in marketing materials for the event.

Thomas Jefferson.


This is amazing. There are two parts. Be sure to read the 2nd part (in RED).

Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and never stopped.

At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.

At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.

At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.

At 16, entered the College of William and Mary.

At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.

At 23, started his own law practice.

At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America ” and retired from his law practice.

At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence .

At 33, took three years to revise Virginia ’s legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.

At 40, served in Congress for two years.

At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.

At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.

At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.

At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican Party.

At 57, was elected the third president of the United States ..

At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.

At 61, was elected to a second term as President.

At 65, retired to Monticello .

At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.

At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams

Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future:

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ." -- Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -- Thomas Jefferson

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

-- Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Hat Tip; Eric