Friday, March 9, 2012

From The Pocomoke City Police Department


March 4, 2012 to March 8, 2012

    Pocomoke City Police were called to the scene of a disturbance at the Bonneville Apartment complex. Upon arrival Officers observed David Martin Brickwood, Jr., 23, of Pocomoke City, MD was intoxicated and creating a disturbance to residents and assaulted a victim who lives within the complex. Brickwood was arrested and charged with Assault 2nd Degree, Disturb the Peace, Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. Brickwood was taken before the Commissioners and released pending trial.

03-07-2012    Pocomoke Police Officers while on routine patrol observed a vehicle being operated by a driver not being restrained by a seatbelt. Upon contact with the driver, the Officer conducted a wanted check which indicated an open Warrant through Salisbury Police Department for several traffic charges. Matthew Ryan Windsor, age 21 of Snow Hill, MD was arrested and taken before the Commissioner pending trial.

Chief Kelvin Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Department

Bond Denied !

The Virginia Beach police officer who wrecked his car on Route 13 near Hallwood last Sunday is said to have had a severe reaction to a medication he had been taking for bronchitis.  Threatened by demons and such he used a knife and gun towards our local firefighters thereby putting not just their lives in jeopardy  but  the lives of our  law enforcement officers.

This morning  Bradley Colas appeared before a judge at a bond hearing and bond has been denied.

Bradley Colas will remain in jail.

ACCOMACK COUNTY – An off-duty Virginia Beach police officer suffering from a severe reaction to an antibiotic was tormented by hallucinations of demons and was on his way to Philadelphia to see Jesus when he crashed his car on Route 13 Sunday, his attorney said. Police said Bradley S. Colas then stabbed two firefighters who were sent to help him, including the deputy chief of the Atlantic volunteer fire department, and then shot at a third.

Colas has been in an Eastern Shore hospital under psychiatric care ever since the accident. On Thursday, warrants charging him with stabbing the firefighters were made public in Accomack County General District Court.

His attorney says Colas thought the rescuers were demons attacking him. Unhurt in the crash, Colas jumped on his car and demanded transportation to Philadelphia, said attorney Moody E. “Sonny” Stallings. Police arrested him walking against traffic on Route 13, still clutching his gun.

A note in Colas’ court file, written by Virginia Beach
psychiatrist Thomas K. Tsao said: “My diagnosis at this time is Brief Psychotic Disorder secondary to an unusual reaction to a physician prescribed antibiotic.” The note continued, “Although greatly improved, Mr. Colas still has evidence of residual impairment psychologically that needs to be further evaluated and addressed in a psychiatric hospital.”

Stallings said Colas had taken several twice-a-day doses of an antibiotic called “Biaxin” prescribed for bronchitis. The
FDA has noted that, in rare occasions, Biaxin has been associated with severe reactions that can include insomnia, nightmares, hallucinations and psychosis.

Stallings said Colas had not slept for days because he saw demons in his Virginia Beach apartment. The attorney said the officer sent bizarre emails and placed a strange late-night phone call to his father, a dentist in New York.

Court records show Colas moved to Virginia Beach in July to begin the police academy in August. He graduated last month and was assigned to an experienced patrol officer for on-the-street training.

Accomack sheriff’s deputies said Thursday night Colas was still in the Eastern Shore hospital, under guard and not eligible for bail. He is scheduled for a bail hearing Friday morning at 11 a.m. Stallings, the attorney, said he wants Colas transferred to a psychiatric hospital in Virginia Beach. The attorney said Colas had no alcohol or other drugs in his system at the time of the crash.


Pocomoke High Warriors Basketball Team...



 This afternoon Friday, March 9 2012,  the Pocomoke High School  Warriors will face off with two-time defending 1A State Champion Paul Laurence Dunbar High School starting at 3 p.m. inside the Comcast Center.

Pocomoke (22-3) vs. Dunbar (22-3).


Melfa Man Convicted in Shooting

By Connie Morrison

Anthony Lee Wise, of Melfa, was convicted in Accomack County Circuit Court for a July 22 shooting of Secric Dennis that left Mr. Dennis with five gunshot wounds. Mr. Wise was found guilty of malicious shooting and use of a firearm in a felony.

According to witnesses, Mr. Dennis was with friends in a parked vehicle in the early hours of July 22, when Mr. Wise approached and a verbal exchange ensued regarding marijuana that Mr. Wise believed was taken from him the previous afternoon. The altercation escalated, and Wise fired shots into the vehicle. Mr. Dennis survived the shooting, and was transported to Riverside Hospital for treatment. The defense was not able to gain traction with its contention that Mr. Wise was acting in self-defense and without malice.

Mr. Wise remains in jail awaiting sentencing.


Are You Registered??



The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming Primary election is Tuesday, March 13, 2012.

Statement From Richard Douglas - Candidate For U.S. Senate - Maryland

Richard Douglas on Today's Keystone XL Pipeline Senate Vote

Contact: Jim Pettit

The Senate voted to defeat the Keystone Pipeline amendment 56 to 42. The measure required 60 votes to pass and received significant support from Senators of both parties. Sen. Cardin voted no.

Maryland U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas released the following statement:
"By delaying yet again the Keystone XL Pipeline, the elitist and out-of-touch U.S. Senate and the Administration sent a blunt message to American workers:drop dead. U.S. Sens. Ben Cardin and Harry Reid have noconcept of the impact on workers which  follows the death of projects like Keystone.
"At the very moment when Maryland legislators are considering hiking the gas tax and the President himself has acknowledged
soaring fuel prices is an election issue, Ben Cardin comfortably votes the party line at the
expense of hard-working families and those looking for work.

"The fact is the Keystone pipeline is a direct benefit to workers
in Cumberland,Salisbury, Sparrows Point and every
other place in America struggling to maintain a manufacturing-based economy."
Richard Douglas on Keystone XL:




1/2 Rack of Ribs/ w Side
Drink ~ $9.95

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Operator For the New Restaurant In Pocomoke Has Been Chosen

As of today the operator for the restaurant still under construction at the Pocomoke River in downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland has been chosen!

The Back Street Grill has been selected to operate the city owned restaurant.  The Back Street Grill is already located on Snow Hill Road in Salisbury, Maryland. 

Won't be long now......

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Down On The Farm!

Not ordinary farms but two unique Eastern Shore farms from more than a century of them was even described as the only one of it's kind in the world!

Read more this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Biggest Solar Storm In Years Races Toward Earth

Gee...didn't we just experience something similar to this a few weeks ago?  Subatomic particles have already hit the Earth and have caused radio and radiation disturbances.  Gosh!  Disruptions?  It clearly sounds like an assortment of events could take place today and I'm serious about that. (That's what the article says)  You must admit that what happens in the upper atmosphere is quite interesting and there's certainly alot going on up that way today.  I'll be watching and as long as the activity doesn't disturb my internet service to my already faultering computer or knock out my cooking stove I should be okay.

The article below is very interesting.

AP Science Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The largest solar storm in five years was due to arrive on Earth early Thursday, promising to shake the globe's magnetic field while expanding the Northern Lights.

The storm started with a massive solar flare earlier in the week and grew as it raced outward from the sun, expanding like a giant soap bubble, scientists said. When it strikes, the particles will be moving at 4 million mph.

"It's hitting us right in the nose," said Joe Kunches, a scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colo.

The massive cloud of charged particles could disrupt utility grids, airline flights, satellite networks and GPS services, especially in northern areas. But the same blast could also paint colorful auroras farther from the poles than normal.

Astronomers say the sun has been relatively quiet for some time. And this storm, while strong, may seem fiercer because Earth has been lulled by several years of weak solar activity.

The storm is part of the sun's normal 11-year cycle, which is supposed to reach peak storminess next year. Solar storms don't harm people, but they do disrupt technology. And during the last peak around 2002, experts learned that GPS was vulnerable to solar outbursts.

Because new technology has flourished since then, scientists could discover that some new systems are also at risk, said Jeffrey Hughes, director of the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling at Boston University.

A decade ago, this type of solar storm happened a couple of times a year, Hughes said.

"This is a good-size event, but not the extreme type," said Bill Murtagh, program coordinator for the federal government's Space Weather Prediction Center.

The sun erupted Tuesday evening, and the most noticeable effects should arrive here between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EST Thursday, according to forecasters at the space weather center. The effects could linger through Friday morning.

Longtime Crisfield Drug Dealer Is Sentenced

Pocomoke City Police Partner With Crisfield Police Department:
"Working together makes a difference".

*On May 26, 2011 Chief Kelvin Sewell, then Lt Kelvin Sewell along with Pocomoke City Police Officer Savage traveled to Crisfield MD to assist the Crisfield Police Department with an ongoing drug problem they were experiencing in the area of the Somers Cove housing area.

Chief Sewell and Officer Savage were able to purchase crack cocaine from a known drug dealer who was identified as Andre Fisher of Crisfield, MD. The purchase was made at the residence of Mr. Fisher who resided at the Somers Cove housing in Crisfield, MD.

On March 6, 2012 (today)Chief Sewell, Officer Savage, Lieutenant of Crisfield Police Department, and other Crisfield Officers appeared in Circuit Court in Princess Anne MD for trial. After the testimony of each Officer was given, the Defendant Andre Fisher was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Mr. Fisher then became highly upset and began using profanity towards the Officers and then spit in the direction of the Judge. Mr. Fisher was wrestled to the floor by the Somerset County Sheriff’s Deputies and then carried out of the courtroom.

(Fisher will serve 10 years of 20 years in prison. Ten years of the 20 were suspended.)

*Pocomoke City Police Department
Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

Michigan Mom Wants It All

Lottery Winner Using Food Stamps: ‘I thought maybe it was okay because I’m not working’

By Caroline May
While most people have played the “if I had a million dollars I would ____ ” thought game, few fill that blank in with “stay on public assistance.”

Amanda Clayton, a 24-year-old from Lincoln Park, Mich., is one of the few who does, and she is getting away with it. Clayton won $1 million from the Michigan State Lottery this fall, but she is still collecting and using $200 a month in food assistance from the taxpayers with her Michigan Bridge Card.

“I thought that they would cut me off, but since they didn’t, I thought maybe it was okay because I’m not working,” the lottery winner who just purchased a new house and car told Local 4 in Detroit. The station even filmed her shamelessly purchasing goods.
When Local 4 asked if she felt she had a right to the money, Clayton responded, “I mean I kinda do.”

Clayton justified the sentiment by explaining that after taking her winnings in a lump sum and having to pay taxes, the total amount was just over half of the initial winnings.

“I feel that it’s okay because I mean, I have no income and I have bills to pay,” she said. “I have two houses.”

A bill to prevent this type of behavior, sponsored by state Republican Rep. Dale Zorn has passed the state House, as has a companion bill in the state Senate.

“Public assistance should be given to those who are in need of public assistance, not those who have found riches,” said Zorn, who has sponsored a bill requiring the state to cross-check the names of lottery winners of prizes over $1,000 with names of individuals on the dole.

Until Clayton is cut off, however, she says she intends to continue to use her benefits.

Source and Watch Video

Wonder if she will be made to pay those food assistance monies back.....


There's a brand new business in downtown Pocomoke today!

203 Clarke Avenue (Behind Scher's Bridal)
Pocomoke City, Md.

Cole's Cakes will be open today from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Be sure to stop by.

The very best of luck to you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012




Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.50


U. S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas

In Case You Missed It:
U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas Press

City Biz List / 3.05.12 / Maryland Ignored Again
"Imagine the profound impact a new Caterpillar factory in Baltimore, Cumberland or Salisbury would have for skilled machinists, electricians, and pipefitters. But it will not happen here. -Richard Douglas

Baltimore Sun / 3.06.12 / Amb. John Bolton Endorsement

"In addition to Bolton's endorsement, Douglas, 55, brings a hefty resume to the Republican primary, including a stint as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Bush and five years on Capitol Hill as a senior attorney to two high-profile Senate committees." - Baltimore Sun

SBY News /  3.06.12 / Douglas Wins Key Legislator's Endorsement

 "Richard Douglas will bring a sense of mission to the U.S. Senate that is sorely lacking at a time when our country needs it most."  - Del.Bill Frank.  
Monoblogue / 3.05.12 / Douglas Blasts Cardin on Israel

"Douglas blasted the incumbent Senator for discussing post office closures and not making any statement on Iran in nearly six months."


Pocomoke Public Eye / 3.05.12 / Cardin Talking About Post Office  

"There is no question that developments with Israel and Iran are moving at a faster clip," said Douglas.  "Yet, Senator Cardin is talking about postal facility closures.  We need to hear from the Senator more frequently on where he stands with Iran's nuclear program." - Richard Douglas
Upcoming radio:
WBAL: "C-4" 1090 AM Friday, March 9 11:30 AM
WICO:  "Delmarva This Week" with Bill Reddish 1320 AM 
Saturday, March 10 9:00 AM

Welcome Home, Courtney !

Oops! I missed reporting this....

After months and months of being hospitalized from injuries in a horrible car accident Courtney Bloxom
has been allowed to go home.

Courtney's injuries have taken her to various medical facilities up and down the East Coast for many months. She along with her family, have had their share of ups and downs and the road to Courtney's recovery has not been an easy one nor is over.

Courtney arrived back to her own home, familiar surroundings, her own bed and bedroom last Thursday, February 28th.

She still needs to continue with her regular therapy schedule for the most part and still has more work to do, and it still isn't easy by any means, but I'm sure the fact that she can be at home to receive the care can only have a wonder effect on her........and her family and friends.


Please continue to keep Courtney and her family in your prayers.

Pocomoke Firefighters Respond to Structure Fire

Monday, March 5, 2012
Residential structure fire at 508 Young Street.

PHOTO/ Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company

According to the Pocomoke Vol. Fire Co. spokesman Jerry Barbierri the two occupants in the home were able to escape the fire unharmed. Upon arriving on the scene firefighters found fire showing through the roof and attic area of the home and had the fire under control within 25 minutes. The Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office investigated the fire which is believed to be electrical in nature.
PHOTO/ Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Company

PCVFC Chief Dicky Gladding was the officer in charge.

Fire companies that also responded were: Stockton Vol. Fire Company, Girdletree Vol. Fire Company and New Church Fire and Rescue.

 For more photos go to

Help Needed For Mans Best Friend.....

The SPCA Eastern Shore is a private NO-KILL shelter  in Virginia that provides food and shelter for animals and other necessities until they find their "forever home".  They receive NO STATE FUNDS and NO FEDERAL FUNDS.  They rely solely on PUBLIC DONATIONS and fundraising.

At the current time there are 3 heartworm positive pups at the Virginia facility. Without medication these pups will die. These puppies deserve a chance to live a happy life until they also  find their "forever home".  But the cost is expensive.

Please read about Murphy's Fund below and consider making a donation to help these pups and others.  They have no voice unless we speak for them. (jmmb)

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."-Josh Billings

"Support the SPCA's Murphy's Fund"

Murphy's Fund was created so we would have money in place for extraordinary medical needs here at the shelter. Most of the money in this account has been used to treat dogs who are positive for heartworms making it easier for those dogs to be adopted. 20% of the dogs we take in have heartworms and the average cost to treat them is around $500 per dog. When we have funds in this account, we can offer to cover this cost for a prospective adopter. At this time, these funds are depleted.

 If you'd like to make a donation where you know exactly how the money will be used, please consider donating to Murphy's Fund. For your convience we have a paypal account on our webpage.

Donations are tax deductible! Thank you for your help!

Pro-gun Lawmakers Want Permits From State Police

Baltimore Sun
by Annie Linskey
Three House lawmakers fired off a letter to the state police late Monday requesting that the agency immediately start issuing more gun permits in the wake of the recent federal court decision that loosened the rules about who can walk around with weapons.

Del. Michael A. McDermott, a lower Shore Republican, said that "the people of Maryland" have been "crying" for changes in the guns laws for years. "It is a great day for Maryland," he said at a Tuesday news conference. "Now we have a liberty that should not have been denied in the first place."

On Monday,
a federal judge declared unconstitutional the state's rule that gun applicants must prove they have a "good and substantial reason" to be armed. The following disqualifiers remain: felony charges, mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse, and a track record of violence.

Maryland's Attorney General plans to appeal the decision and will ask that it be stayed in the meantime.

Del. Michael Smigiel, an Eastern Shore Republican, wants the decision to be implemented now. "The right to self defense comes from God," he said. "The second amendment applies outside the home."


Romney Wins Super Tuesday Votes

It was a Republican primary with two of the four candidates not even on the battle. Many Eastern Shore residents chose to avoid the polls on Tuesday.

Never the less Mitt Romney won both counties, but Ron Paul gave him a fight.

In Accomack County, Romney defeated Paul
with Romney getting 695 votes with Paul getting 501 votes. Out of 22,899 registered voters in Accomack County, there were 1,196 votes cast.

Romney won in Chincoteague, Atlantic, Greenbackville, Oak Hall, Saxis, Rue, Accomack, Onancock, Onley, Bobtown, Wachapreague and Painter.

Paul came out ahead in Bloxom, Parksley, Mappsville, Tangier, Melfa and in the Absentee category.

In Northampton the results were the same. Romney winning and Paul getting respectable numbers but still finishing second county wide.


DASH RESCUE Night At Don's Seafood

DASH Rescue Night at Don's Seafood
1344 Ocean Highway
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Come join DASH Rescue as they 
 at Don's in Pocomoke City.
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012
4PM until 11:30 PM
 Proceeds benefit our dogs in need!
There will be a 50/50 raffle, etc.
Starting around 4pm and lasting throughout the evening
 until closing time!

Don't drink? No problem! Come out for dinner & say hello!

A little about DASH Rescue:
DASH Rescue is a Non Profit 501(c)3 Organization that was Formed to Rescue Dachshund and Small Breed Dogs from Shelters, Puppy Mills, Owner Surrenders and Find Them That Fur-Ever Home that They so Much Deserve.

Our Motto: You Can't Save Every Animal in the World, but to the One You Save it is the WORLD!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

News From the Pocomoke City Police Department

Pocomoke City Police Partner
with Crisfield Police Department;
Working together makes a difference

On May 26, 2011 Chief Kelvin Sewell, then Lt Kelvin Sewell along with Pocomoke City Police Officer Savage traveled to Crisfield MD to assist the Crisfield Police Department with an ongoing drug problem they were experiencing in the area of the Somers Cove housing area.

Chief Sewell and Officer Savage were able to purchase crack cocaine from a known drug dealer who was identified as Andre Fisher of Crisfield, MD. The purchase was made at the residence of Mr. Fisher who resided at the Somers Cove housing in Crisfield, MD.

Today, March 6, 2012 Chief Sewell, Officer Savage, Lieutenant of Crisfield Police Department, and other Crisfield Officers appeared in Circuit Court in Princess Anne MD for trial. After the testimony of each Officer was given, the Defendant Andre Fisher was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Mr. Fisher then became highly upset and began using profanity towards the Officers and then spit in the direction of the Judge. Mr. Fisher was wrestled to the floor by the Somerset County Sheriff’s Deputies and then carried out of the courtroom.

Chief K D Sewell

Pocomoke City Police Department

March 6, 2012


Today's weather forecast reads: "Sunny, with a high near 45. North wind between 6 and 8 mph." A far cry from Tuesday, March 6, 1962 when the Delmarva coastline was under siege by a history-making northeaster.

If you missed seeing our posting about this storm, scroll down to this past Sunday's TIME MACHINE.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Worcester County Farmer Dan Reddin Selected By MONSANTO


Monsanto selected Dan Redden as the winning farmer from Worcester County to make a donation to an organization of his choice.

Dan selected The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co. Dan said the fire company is here to help everyone.

Fire Chief, Dicky Gladding said the money will be used to help purchase new batteries for the portable radios.

Photo (L to R) Ron Corder Monsanto Company Territory Sales Manager, Dan Redden - Winning farmer from Worcester Co., Andy Clarke - Pres. of The Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Co., and Dicky Gladding - Chief of The Fire Co.

~Many Thanks to Monsanto and Dan Redden!~

Legislative Updates By Mike McDermott

  • Press Release-Right To Carry

  • Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities

  • By Delegate Mike McDermott

March 5, 2012

(Annapolis) Today, a United States District Court upheld the 2nd Amendment rights of Maryland citizens to carry a concealed weapon without needing to show a state police judged “good and substantial reason”. The ruling came in the case of Woolard v. Sheridan and it will change the way the state handles the issuance of Pistol Permits for those asking for the right to carry.

Delegate Michael McDermott stated, “This is a big day for Marylanders. Many have waited a lifetime for their beloved state to recognize and honor their 2nd Amendment Right and that day has finally come”. Until today, the burden of proof in determining if someone had “a good and substantial reason” rested with the citizen and most were denied. The court ruled that this approach is unconstitutional and violates a citizens civil right to keep and bear arms. Essentially, the ruling will shift the burden to the state to prove that a person should be denied this right.

Current law prohibits someone who is a felon, a drug or alcohol abuser, or someone who suffers from mental illness as being ineligible for a carry permit. Second Amendment advocates have long held this is the criteria the state police should utilize when deciding on whether a citizen should be denied a permit.

Delegate McDermott joined with Delegate Smigiel in signing letters to the Secretary of the Maryland State Police respectfully insisting the department begin issuing permits immediately and that they grant reciprocity for those holding permits from other states. Delegate McDermott stated, “Providing reciprocity for permit holders will bring Maryland in line with 40 other states who have not stood between good citizens and their right to protect themselves and their families”.

BINGO At The Pocomoke Fairgrounds

Vera Bradley, Longaberger,Thirty-one


March 16, 2012

Great Pocomoke Fairgrounds

2037 Broad Street

Doors open: 5:30 p.m.; Games at 7:00 p.m.

$20 in advance; $25 at Door

Food, Special Raffles, 50/50 Raffle

20 Games + special games*

For ticket information call:

410-422-9195; 443-614-4456

or 410-726-2300

Tables reserved for 6 or more players.

Includes some older and new Vera Bradley patterns; older and new Longaberger baskets, and Thirty-one products.

Benefits: 2012 Great Pocomoke Fair

*Bring 4 canned goods for a free special game card – proceeds to be donated to the Samaritan Shelter.

*Vera Bradley is not a sponsor of this event. This event is in no way connected with the Longaberger Co. or Thirty-One Gifts.

Local Chruch Has Fundraiser For Mission Trip


March 6th and 7th

Heres a great way to take the family out to dinner and benefit the Bayside Community Church of Pocomoke with a fundraiser for the upcoming mission trip to build and make needed repairs to a church in the Dominican Republic.

The event is for March 6 and 7th, just print the attached coupon and present to your server at the Pocomoke location Ruby Tuesday!

Lori and Jessica along with several other church members will be going on the mission trip in April 2012.

Thanks for your help in advance!
"The Evidence dont lie."

Local Firefighters Stabbed and Shot At By Cop At Accident

Warrants obtained by the Virginia State Police charge 23-year-old Bradley Colas with two counts of malicious wounding of an emergency medical care provider.

Elisabeth Hulette
The Virginia-Pilot

Accomack County
Hallwood, Virginia

It's unusual for a car crash victim to assault the paramedics trying to help him.

It's even more unusual for that violent victim to be a police officer.

Yet, according to Virginia State Police, that's what happened Sunday on the Eastern Shore. A spokeswoman said troopers arrested and charged a man who survived a car crash only to stab two volunteer firefighters who were trying to treat him, and then shoot at them when they fought back. The accused is a first-year Virginia Beach policeman.

"It doesn't happen very often at all," David Grant, chief of the Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Co., said of the assault. The two injured firefighters have been treated and released - one was taken to a hospital - but the department is still a bit shaken, he said.

"It has opened our eyes to the possibilities that can happen," Grant said. "We did everything we could do. Everything was done properly. You just never know what can happen."

According to Sgt. Michelle Anaya, a state police spokeswoman, the incident began before 7 a.m. Sunday. A man in a 1999 Honda ran off Lankford Highway in Hallwood and struck a tree.

Fire and rescue workers responded, but as they treated his injuries, the driver became irritated and combative, according to a state police news release. Then he stabbed two firefighters, according to the release.

The firefighters fought back, striking him in the head. The man then pulled out a gun and began shooting at the firefighters, the release said.

The man was walking away from the scene, holding a firearm, when arriving state troopers stopped him, according to the release. He was taken to Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital in Nassawadox, where he remained in custody Monday afternoon, Anaya said.

Virginia State Police took out warrants charging Bradley Colas, 23, of Virginia Beach, with two counts of malicious wounding of an emergency medical care provider, Anaya said.

Police are still investigating, Anaya said, and it's unknown whether they will file further charges.

Officer Grazia Moyers, a spokeswoman for Virginia Beach police, said Colas was a member of the city police academy class that began in August.

He completed the academy and became a probationary officer, she said. It usually takes 18 months for a recruit to go through the academy, serve as a probationary officer and finally become a full officer, she said.

Colas has been working in the 3rd Precinct, Moyers said. The Virginia Beach Police Department is declining to comment further because state police are still investigating, she said.

Neighbors said Monday that Colas is nice and always says hello when they see him. One said he seems "pretty straight and narrow," and another said he once baked brownies for her.

"He seems like a cool guy," William Gilbert said. "He seems easygoing."


writers Cindy Clayton and Mike Connors contributed to this report.


Virginia does its part in the Super Tuesday series of elections. Virginians, however will only be able to select one of two candidates who qualified for the Republican Primary today.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and U.S. Congressman Representative Ron Paul of Texas will be the only names on the ballot. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich did not submit enough names to qualify for the Virginia Republican Primary. According to Virginia's laws, no write in names on ballots will be counted.

Polls will be open from 6 AM until 7 PM today. If you have questions about where to vote contact your local voting registrar in either Accomack or Northampton Counties.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Douglas Urges Cardin to Speak Louder for Israel

Contact: Jim Pettit

U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas noted today that as President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are discussing thorny middle-east issues, including the prospect of war with Iran, Sen. Ben Cardin is silent.

The last public statement Senator Cardin issued on the Administration's position on Israel was September of last year - six months ago. 

"There is no question that developments with Israel and Iran are moving at a faster clip," said Douglas.  "Yet, Senator Cardin is talking about postal facility closures.  We need to hear from the Senator more frequently on where he stands with Iran's nuclear program."

President Obama stated today that the United States stands by Israel and "that all options are on the table" when it comes to dealing with Iran.

"As Margaret Thatcher said to President George H. Bush 'don't go wobbly on me,' said Douglas. "Maryland needs a Senator who will say that to President Obama and whose support is not taken for granted."


Cardin on Post offices 2/23/12

Cardin on Israel 9/19/11

Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby Answers Baby Ava Case Critics

The Dispatch
Steven Green

BERLIN -- In response to dozens of Facebook posts on the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s page in recent weeks, Beau Oglesby issued a statement on Friday addressing the situation involving Andre Kaczynski.

Back in December, Kaczynski, while allegedly high on PCP, crashed into a vehicle on Coastal Highway in north Ocean City, causing major injuries to Ava DelRicco, who was 18 months old at the time, and her mother.

On the scene of the accident, which occurred in the morning hours, numerous witnesses reported Kaczynski, the owner of a local construction company, was not remorseful. Kaczynski was held through the Christmas holiday, but later released. Days later, he was again arrested on drug possession charges. He was released again after appearing before a District Court commissioner.

Ava spent the holidays and the next two months hospitalized and has just recently returned home, but her recovery from her major injuries continues and the family reports she has a long way to go to return to fully functioning. However, her progress has been considerable and thousands of people are following her status updates on Facebook.

Over the last month, Oglesby has been criticized by some on his office’s Facebook page in an orchestrated campaign for justice. Most are questioning why Kaczynski is a free man today and questioning why he has not been in court yet.

One post read, “Why is this man still allowed to have his license? Every day he is allowed to drive more children and parents could be critically injured or worse could die with him at the wheel. He should be behind bars and never be able to drive again. We are counting on you to do the right thing”.

Another post read, “Please, explain to us why Ava's tormentor is still on the loose. I have a 19-month-old daughter, and I am afraid to drive with her in the car at times, because I know that people like ‘him’ are out there.  … Please give Baby Ava the justice she so desperately deserves.”

The following is a complete look at Oglesby’s statement, which has been received well by most on his Facebook page.

Follow this story from The Dispatch to read Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby's response:  GO HERE