Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chincoteague storm Nov. 2009


Assateague Beach

Here are some photos during the storm on Chincoteague taken by Tammy Rickman. She is the associate publisher and writer for

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tis' The Season-Toys for Tots

Marine Toys For Tots Foundation

11/10/2009 Hasbro's G.I. Joe Brand Joins Forces With Toys for Tots and Actor Dennis Quaid in an Important Holiday Mission

read more >
11/10/2009 Two Brands Synonymous With The Holiday Season - FAO Shwartz and Toys for Tots - Partner to "Share the Joy"

read more >
11/6/2009 Denny's Restaurants Kick Off Nationwide Initiative in Support for Toys for Tots Foundation

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11/2/2009 Toys for Tots Literacy Program Encourages Families to Read Together for National Family Literacy Month

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10/27/2009 Toys"R"Us and Shaquille O'Neal Team Up This Holiday Season to Help 14 Million Needy Children

read more >

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Pocomoke Warriors advance to State

Congratulations Pocomoke soccer team.

The Pocomoke boys soccer team, with a 20 mph wind at their back in the first half, could not take advantage of the multiple chances it had to score.

But the Warriors would make up for it by scoring 39 seconds into the second half of the MPSSAA 1A state semifinal against Brunswick of Frederick County. Pocomoke made the game's lone score stick as they held off the Rail Roaders for the rest of the half, winning 1-0 to advance to the state title game next weekend at UMBC.

"We were trying to get the goal in the first half. We had chances; we just couldn't get it," Pocomoke coach Alan Byrd said. "It wasn't the prettiest game I have ever seen, but they stayed with it, they fought and they put it in. We weren't quite on, that happens when you don't practice for two days and you're not in school, but that's not an excuse. The best thing is the kids worked hard and we get to play again."

Pocomoke (15-2-1) will get to play again thanks to a goal by Jordan Becker that came less than a minute into the second half. Starting with possession and going into the wind, the Warriors knew they would have to play the ball to the feet instead of settling for through balls like they had in the first period.

More HERE From

WTH? 'Body sold' to Russia kebab shop

Police in Russia have arrested three homeless men suspected of killing a man, eating part of the body and selling other parts to a kebab shop.

The men were held in the city of Perm, some 1,400km (870 miles) east of Moscow, local investigators said.

Their statement said that the suspects had targeted the 25-year-old victim out of "personal hostility".

It was not clear when the incident occurred. The men - who have not been named - have been charged with murder.

The investigators said on Friday that the body of the man had been found in a forested area near a public transport stop in Perm.

They said the three men attacked their victim with knives and a hammer.

"After carrying out the attack, the corpse was dismembered. Part of it was eaten and part was also sold to a kebab and pie kiosk," their statement said.

It was not immediately clear if any customers had been served.

Wicomico County Removes "Christmas" from Schools

I am not sure if it is at all schools, but there is talk that a few schools in Wicomico County will not be celebrating Christmas this year in schools.

NO Christmas parties, NO Christmas trees, NO decorations., NO Christmas cards.

What is going on? Is this from the Board of Education or the few principals who running schools like are dictators and not there to serve. They are longer are looking at the best interest of students, but pacifying the very small population of parents who complain about a Christmas tree in the foyer or getting a pencil with Santa Clause on it? We no longer have a Christmas break, but the Holiday break.

Yes, Christmas is celebrated by many Christians as the birth of Jesus Christ in which I firmly believe also, however, most Americans do not relate Christmas and this birth together. They celebrate by giving and being with family. How dare the school systems take away these things from children who look forward to having a Christmas party at school and making Christmas decorations for Christmas trees at home? The tree at my house has numerous ornaments made in school which are keepsakes to me. My children have also brought home gifts for me that were made in school. For many children, this is the only gift they have to give to their parents. Okay, not all teachers make things with their students, but the majority of teachers do with their own money. Sometimes the only gift these kids get are from their teacher. How dare we stop doing the things we have done for hundreds of year just to satisfy the small minority who are offended? I am offended that the majority no longer rules! I am offended that my rights and the rights of my children are being overlooked! I am offended that the Board would allow this! Will they have Christmas decorations in their offices? Next they will be taking the books out of the school libraries that relate to Christmas and any other holiday.

Parents need to take a stand for what WE believe in and quit letting the handful of parents who disagree take control. Stand up and voice your opinion. Look at history and what has happened in our school systems when the voice of a few have been heard. Now it’s Christmas they are taken away.



Occasionally, a bright light of awesome renews the spirit. Road-legal bumper cars do just that.

Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal. Either Kawasaki or Honda motorcycle engines for power, and retired vintage bumper car bodies - transformed into the most awesome form of mini-car we've ever seen.

There's seven of these little monsters floating around California, and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a gyro-gear loose builder on the outskirts of San Diego who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pike amusement park needed a more dignified end than the trash heap. They were originally powered by Harley engines but rattled like heck and Tom replace them with Honda or Kawasaki 750's... and a couple have been 'measured' [not run at] theoretically as capable of 160 MPH which is terrifyingly fast in machines with such a short wheelbase. Doesn't mean we would totally rock one should the opportunity present itself.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pocomoke; November 2009, storm water pictures

Here's a few pictures of the storm water level in Pocomoke.

If anyone has other local area pictures they would like posted please contact us.

The Cypress Park, Click the pics to enlarge

The Laurel St. dock area,
For those unfamiliar, this dock is normally about 4-5 feet above the water level.

Pictures by Trav

Twas the month before Christmas

Twas the month before Christmas*

*When all through our land,*

*Not a Christian was praying*

*Nor taking a stand.*

*See the PC Police had taken away,*

*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*

*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*

*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*

*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*

* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*

*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*

*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*

*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*

*Something was changing, something quite odd! *

*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*

*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*

*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*

* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*

*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*

*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*

*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*

*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*

*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*

*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*

*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*

*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter*

*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*

* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*

*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*

*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*

*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*

*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*

*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*


not Happy Holiday !*

Accused 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed faces New York trial

Obama says "with respect too"???? WTH???

Five Guantanamo Bay detainees with alleged ties to the 9/11 conspiracy, including accused mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to New York to go on trial in civilian court, Attorney General Eric Holder announced Friday.

Mohammed, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Walid bin Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi will all be transferred to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York -- a short distance from the World Trade Center towers that were destroyed in the September 11 attacks.

"After eight years of delay, those allegedly responsible for the attacks of September 11th will finally face justice," Holder said.

He said he expected all five to be tried together and for prosecutors to seek the death penalty. The trial would be open to the public, although some portions that deal with classified information may be closed, Holder said.

"Based on all of my experience and based on all of the recommendations and the great work and the research that has been done, I am quite confident that the outcomes in these cases will be successful," he said.

He also expressed confidence that an impartial jury would be found "to ensure a fair trial in New York."

Of the 2,752 people killed in the 9/11 attacks, 2,606 died when terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center towers.

Holder also announced that five other detainees held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will be sent to military commissions for trial. They were identified as Omar Khadr, Mohammed Kamin, Ibrahim al Qosi, Noor Uthman Muhammed and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

Al-Nashiri is an accused mastermind of the deadly 2000 bombing of the USS Cole; Khadr is a Canadian charged with the 2002 murder of a U.S. military officer in Afghanistan. Khadr was 15 years old when he was captured in July 2002.

Holder said a venue for the military commissions has not been set.

Mohammed "will be subject to the most exacting demands of justice," President Obama said Friday in Japan.

"The American people insist on it, and my administration will insist on it," Obama told reporters at a joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Mohammed is the confessed organizer of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and the Pentagon. But his confession could be called into question during trial. A 2005 Justice Department memo -- released by the Obama administration -- revealed he had been waterboarded 183 times in March 2003.

The CIA has also admitted using waterboarding on al-Nashiri, the first person charged in the United States for the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen that killed 17 U.S. sailors.

More HERE from CNN

After the Storm Assessments

Seems to be alot of water around just about everywhere you go today!

Maybe if these homeowners can find a plunger they won't have
to call the plumber............................

And these are (were) almost full grown banana trees in the side yard.
Guess there's no hope for a banana crop this year!

Remember.... if you don't have to go out and travel today........DON'T!
Just RELAX! You might like it!

How to make Pumpkin Pie

Hat Tip; Kack

What to do if the road is flooded

Of course the best thing to do is not drive.

If you must drive and happen along on a flooded area that you need to travel what do you do?

Unless you can see the road through the water try another route. If you must travel on your route get out of the vehicle and walk the route if the water is not rushing.

Carefully inspect the road and depth of the water, try to find something (sticks/limbs) to mark the edge of the road. A lot of times the edge of a road will wash away on the ditch side stay in the middle.

If the water is above about 10" deep turn around and make a call, unless you have a truck. Remember you have an engine with external rotating parts that can and will grab that water and possibly stall the engine.

If you pass a flooded road remember to ride your brakes through the water and when you exit to help keep and dry your brakes, you need them. ;) also, creep through the water as slow as possible.

If you think the water is as high as your rocker panels (bottom of the doors) don't try it. If the vehicle in front of you makes it through that does not mean you can. Call somebody.

Be careful and be safe. If the passage is questionable, turn around and don't chance it.

Chincoteague Causeway REOPENED

The VDOT has reopened the Chincoteague Causeway. Motorist are advised that the causeway may close again during high tidal flooding and high wind.

Motorists are also advised to make necessary travel arrangements. Be forewarned that if you are on the island and the causeway is shut down you WILL remain there until it is reopened again. This could be for many be prepared.

Chincoteague Causeway CLOSED

VDOT reports the Chincoteague Causeway is again closed to all traffic this morning. High tide occured around 6 AM but the causeway will be closed until the water recedes and any major debris is removed. Hopefully it will reopen sometime Friday morning but as of now if you're planning to go to Chincoteague, you won't be able to reach the island.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The National Weather Service has placed Ocean City under a coastal flood warning, high wind warning and high surf advisory. Moderate to severe flooding may occur, therefore emergency management officials advise citizens to not attempt to drive through standing water on roadways. Access to the Rt. 50 Bridge on Philadelphia Avenue from 15th Street to North Division Street during upcoming high tide cycles at 4 PM Thursday, and 5 AM Friday may impact traffic attempting to enter the bridge. Inclement weather conditions are expected through Friday.

"Ash Wednesday Storm March 6th & 7th 1962"

The March Storm of 1962 caused major water damage to many businesses and homes in the downtown area of Crisfield, Maryland. The wind in the storm reached hurricane force on the Atlantic coast, but remained under 40 mph on the Chesapeake bay. Little damage from wind was reported in the City.
Water was the problem, as the tide began to rise on what was already an astronomically high tide, when the earth and the moon were in direct line with the Sun. In the early morning hours of March the 7th tide water began to creep into the streets of Crisfield. The Fire Alarm was sounded to alert the residents of the pending danger. The winds were not blowing all that hard and moderate rain was falling as the water started to flood the area. Many cars were moved to the parking lot at Crisfield High School, one of the higher spots in town. Small boats called "skiffs" were used to get around town by some residents, others used farm tractors. The Maryland Army National Guard was placed on active duty to assist residents that became trapped in their homes. As day broke the morning of March 7th the tide water receded for a while only to return with greater height that afternoon. This second tide rose to a level of about 4.5 to 5 feet above Mean Sea Level, in the Crisfield area.
As we heard the news the next day it was discovered that others on the east coast had not fared so well. Chincoteague Virginia and Ocean City had received major damage. Great lose of the beach sands on all the barrier Islands and many large boats had been washed into the streets. The wooden boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland had been washed away and a tug and barge were washed ashore near 20th Street. An inlet was cut by the storm in the 65th street area of the ocean resort. Some burial vaults on the Island of Chincoteague, Virginia were reported to have floated out of the graveyard.
After the storm the National Weather Service reported that the extratropical northeaster had started as several low pressure systems in the southeaster United States. These lows combined and became a slow moving coastal storm, that produced hurricane force winds and tides as high as 9 feet above mean water level. (The 1933 storm tides were only 7 feet above mean water level. The 33 storm cut the Ocean City Inlet, saving the Federal Government millions of dollars. There were plans to cut the Inlet later that year, but Mother nature did the job in one night.)
The storm was its strongest on Wednesday March 7th , which was Ash Wednesday, therefore the northeaster was given the name "The Ash Wednesday Storm of 1962".


Baltimore Braces for Trial of Mayor Dixon, Accused of Stealing from Needy Kids

On Thursday, more than 10 months after she was indicted, Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon will face a jury, accused of taking $1,500 in gift cards to Old Navy, Best Buy, Toys-R-Us, and Target for her personal use. Prosecutors allege that Dixon stole gift cards donated for the use of needy families and then spent them on clothes, DVDs, and electronics for herself.

Dixon has adamantly denied all charges. But even before the lawyers' opening statements, the trial is proving divisive in a city already known for being highly polarized.

When Dixon was elected mayor in 2007, she seemed like a politician on the rise. Not only did her victory represent a breaking down of barriers -- Dixon was both the first woman and just the third African-American to be elected mayor in Baltimore -- but she also found early success. Under Dixon, the number of homicides in Baltimore has fallen to its lowest point in 20 years -- no mean feat in a city that routinely ranks among the highest in the nation for homicide rates. The overall crime rate is also at a two-year low.

Dixon was indicted in January but investigations began two years ago. And, taking gift cards donated by local business owners is not the only charge Dixon must answer. She is also accused of failing to report gifts from Baltimore developer Ronald Lipscomb and perjury. That trial is to begin in March.

With the political stakes as high as they are, both the prosecution and defense appear to be gearing up for a pitched battle. Dixon has lined up a team of seven attorneys, and The Baltimore Sun reports that the state prosecutor's office took the unusual -- and expensive -- step of hiring an outside consultant to help with jury selection before finally arriving at the pool of nine women and three men.

Dixon does plan to attend the trial on Thursday. Scott Peterson, a spokesman for Dixon, told Politics Daily that she had kept a full public schedule throughout the investigation and would continue throughout the trial. "The mayor is still in charge of the city, running the city, and continues every day to be focused on that," said Peterson.

Still, as the charges have unfolded and the trial has moved closer, some have called for the mayor to resign. Dixon has repeatedly rejected those calls. No surprise there, but the big question is what will happen in Baltimore's 2011 election cycle.

Dixon once looked like a lock for a second term; now her political future will likely hinge on the events of the next few weeks. Dixon hasn't confirmed her plans but the possibility of a second run is still on the table. "She loves being mayor of Baltimore," said Dixon's spokesman. "2011 is definitely still out there, still out in front."


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lou Dobbs Says He's Leaving CNN Immediately

CNN's Lou Dobbs, a lightning rod for criticism following his transition from a business journalist to an opinionated anchor on such issues as illegal immigration, told viewers on Wednesday that he was quitting his nightly show to pursue new opportunities.

"This will be my last broadcast," Dobbs said after giving the day's headlines. Dobbs, who hosts a daily radio show unrelated to CNN, said the network had allowed him to be released early from his contract.

Dobbs was a CNN original, signing on when the cable network started in 1980. For much of that time, he hosted a nightly business broadcast that became one of the most influential shows in the corporate world, and CNN's most profitable show for advertising revenue.

But Dobbs said his world view changed after the 2001 terrorist attacks and corporate corruption scandals, and he began to more freely express his opinions. He was particularly persistent in bringing the immigration issue to the fore, winning him both higher ratings and enemies. Latino groups had an active petition drive seeking his removal.

His presence became awkward for CNN, particularly as it began emphasizing reporting and non-opinion shows. He angered management this summer by pressing questions about President Barack Obama's birth site after CNN reporters determined there was no issue.

Dobbs said the decision came after many months of discussion with CNN U.S. President Jon Klein. Dobbs said he wanted to concentrate on his role as a commentator and on advocacy journalism.

Klein hailed Dobbs' "appetite for big ideas, the megawatt smile and larger than life presence he brought to our newsroom."

"With characteristic forthrightness, Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere," Klein said. "We respect his decision."

Dobbs said he was proud of his role in helping to build the first cable news network. He said some leaders in media, politics and business "have been urging me to go beyond my role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem-solving."

Seated at an anchor desk in front of a screen with a fluttering American flag, Dobbs mentioned his interest in issues such as health care, jobs, immigration, climate change and the wars.

"Unfortunately, these issues are now defined in the public arena by partisanship and ideology rather than rigorous empirical thought and forthright analysis and discussion," he said. "I will be working diligently to change that as best I can."

Continued HERE

The Essay: What to do when your son is a racist.

Freedom isn't free, Thank a Vet.






Hat Tip; Eric

Remembering Our Veterans

Today is Veteran's Day.It is a day chosen to celebrate and give thanks to those brave men and

women that sacrifice their lives so that we may live freely in this great country known as the

United States of America. It will be a day of celebrations, flag waving, parades, patriotic music,

along with hand shaking and pats on the back.

Even if you have no celebrations to attened today be sure to thank a soldier. Most families today

have at least one member in their family that has served our nation. And if not, make it a point

as you travel through your busy day to see just how many veterans you do know. A veteran

could be your mailman, your preacher, a teacher, coworker, or just the guy next door. Take a

moment to thank them for sacrificing their lives so that all of us can sleep safely at night and

rise in the moring to go about our ways freely.

Take time to call a veteran on the phone and thank them. Take time out of your busy day

to listen. Listen to their stories. By listening and learning from them we can understand

and appreciate more fully and deeply what they did and why. Don't let any of the ones you know

think for a second you are not grateful.

Please don't forget to display your yellow ribbons and bows. If yours is currently faded and

frayed replace it. It is just a small symbol to show these great American's we care and they

are not forgotten. And by all means fly that great American flag!

Send a soldier a letter or postcard. Go to this website This site gives any

information needed for mailing anything from letters to packages. Another website is Here you can find so many wonderful things you or your family or organization can

do for those in the armed forces.

Get a group together to crochet or quilt a warm blanket/lap cover for any of our soldiers. They need

our help now more than ever. They need to know that we care!

Thankyou Gary, Cousin Greg, Todd, Patrick, Ronnie, Don, Mr. Hawkins,

Cousin Bobby, Larry and a very special thankyou to POW Lt. Col. Carlyle (Smitty) Harris and all others for caring enough to serve, fight and defend our wonderful country.

Proud to be an American

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day History

Veterans Day was officially created in 1926, but the seeds for Veterans Day began in 1919. November 11, 1919 is forever known as the day World War I ended. Famously, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice was signed between the fighting nations.

The next year, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed November 11 a national holiday, exactly 90 years ago. Back then it was known as Armistice Day instead. It also ignored that although November 11 was the day the US and Germany stopped fighting, the Treaty of Versailles that officially concluded the war didn't get signed until June 1919.

In any case, the United States celebrated Armistice Day for the sole purpose of honoring the end of WWI and those who fought and died there. Armistice Day was honored each year with parades and celebrations, and suspensions of business at 11 a.m.

However, it was not an official national holiday until 1938, one of the last peacetime years in post WWI America.

When World War II came and went, World War I took a backseat in people's memories. The sacrifices and fighting by America's WWII soldiers, and those that were fighting in the Korean War, now needed to be honored as well.

Therefore, Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day, as now Veterans Day would honor all Americans from all wars, not just WWI.

Dwight Eisenhower created the new Veterans Day in 1954. In 1971, Veterans Day was no longer celebrated on November 11, but on a Monday in November to encourage three day weekend travel.

But that created confusion and controversy, so President Carter returned Veterans Day to November 11, regardless of what day of the week it fell under.
for more wonderful information

Matthews on Ft. Hood Suspect; 'That's Not a Crime to Call al Qaeda, Is It?'

Ummm!! Why yes Chris .... IT IS!

"Article 104 of the UCMJ. Communicating with the enemy.
That the accused, without proper authority, communicated, corresponded, or held intercourse with the enemy."

MSNBC's Chris Matthews has said some things that would make your scratch your head - like getting a thrill up his leg from a speech given by Barack Obama. However, this one will really make you wonder what he was thinking.

On his Nov. 9 broadcast of "Hardball," in an interview with Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Matthews compared the incident of Maj. Nidal M. Hasan at Ft. Hood to Sirhan Sirhan's 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.

"You know, I have a hard time with this because people like Sirhan Sirhan, who is still serving time for killing Bobby Kennedy, didn't like what Bobby Kennedy had said on television," Matthews said. "Bobby Kennedy had made political statements saying we're going to sell arms, fighter planes directly to Israel, not under the table. We're going to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Those are the things that triggered his killing spree. He killed one person - Bobby Kennedy, horrifically. But did he become a different religious person because he committed the crime? And when did this happen?" [Audio: Part I here (925 KB), Part II here (1.18 MB)]


Fort Hood, A moment of silence

Meet the newest member of PPE

It's the Worm...

I just woke her up so her eyes are not wide, she has really big eyes. And she's got a 'attitude'

The strange thing is, is this kitten acts like it's been here since it was born. It's not scared or skiddish, not hiding, ect. she has claimed her space (and a blanket) and is very comfortable from the time she came in the house.

Beltway Sniper to be Executed

John Allen Muhammad will die by lethal injection tonight at 9 P.M., unless there should be a last minute reprieve by the govenor of Virginia.

On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court denied the appeal of the Beltway Sniper.

Muhammad was convicted by a Virginia Beach, Virginia jury in November 2003 for his part in the shooting spree on the Beltway area during and around 2002.

In Virginia Death Row inmates are allowed to choose from the electric chair or lethal injection. Muhammad selected to die by lethal injection.
Today, 48 year old Muhammad, will be allowed to meet with his immediate family, attorneys and spiritual advisers. He will be allowed to select his last meal from the prison menu and must have it eaten within four hours of execution and should he decide to shower he must have that done within two hours.

So, after his busy day and without a reprieve from Virginia's govenor, Inmate #331009, will be excecuted this evening at 9:00 -p.m.

In a lethal injection execution an IV line is inserted into both arms. Once the three chemicals have been inserted the inmate becomes unconscious, the breathing stops, and finally...... the heart.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Kitten Wanted

The wife is looking for a new kitty, she has checked all the local shelters and called some vets, no luck.

If anyone knows of a new born kitten that needs a good home please let me know.


Reparations hidden in the healthcare bill

Work hard and pay your taxes so the nanny government can use your money against you.

Hidden in the obamacare bill is this little gem.

• Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should "give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population." And secondary-school grants should go to schools "graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities."

Low key visit to Fort Hood by President and Mrs. Bush

No photo ops, no grandstanding, no comments--just a quiet comforting visit from former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura to Fort Hood, Texas.

After traveling to the base, which is about 30 miles from their ranch, the former first couple spent about two hours visiting the wounded before slipping away as unobtrusively as they arrived, specifically telling the base commander no press coverage according to Bill Sammon of Fox News.

A fine example to set. Except President Obama decided to take a break from passing health care reform and holiday at Camp David.

The worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 and Obama can't even make it to Fort Hood to visit his wounded troops?

An interesting contrast, don't you think?