Thursday, January 28, 2010

At The Mar-Va This Weekend !!


Comedy Stage Hypnotist Russ Clarke

Show starts at 7 p.m.

Admission: $10.00

Bring the kids and enjoy and evening of laughter!!!!!



"WoodstokNation" Rock Band

Show starts at 7 p.m.

Admisstion: $10.00

And while you're visiting sign up to be a theater volunteer!!!!!

The Mar-Va Theater

It's Not Just A Weekend Movie Theater Anymore

I've been doing alot of thinking about the Mar-Va Theater lately, Especially after the response Mr. Torres made concerning the comment in the delmarvaNOW. The Grapevine commentor seemed to have the opinion that our new Mar-Va was still a weekend movie house. Mr. Torres, of course, did not agree. Neither do I and neither do most people.

If you have lived in Pocomoke all or most of your life then you recall vividly the importance of that old musty theater on Friday and Saturday nights for the local kids. For almost two hours our children had a "safe haven" and were left in the hands (whether they liked it or not) of people parents trusted. These people welcomed them back week after week for many years. And these same "babysitters" were the people we would see on the streets, have a conversation with, and they would never mutter a word as to how horrible your child may have been. Miss Hattie, Mr. Dawson, Jeannie, and Roger along with others, were names that everyone knew for years......maybe for a couple of generations.

When the theater closed its doors for a while there was a silence down town on those nights and nothing crowded the Mar-Va doors except dead leaves and old paper cups. Along came Tom and Tom opened those doors and once more the theater was alive. The children came back! And the parents gladly drove them! My daughter got her first job there. She was one of the many projectionists who on open nights sat in that tiny cubicle of a room running the projector. And I am sure in that tiny room she had her first heart attack the first time the film snapped. But she loved it.

Then again the theater stayed empty. Those children grew up. Those children went on to adult hood with those memories of the movies on Friday nights. For years that old theater was under some pretty heavy and extensive changes. What many people don't know is that the people of Pocomoke knew things would be okay and that the end product would be as amazing as it is today! Why? Because we kept hearing the familiar names being linked with handling the process. Names like Glovier, Lippoldt, Blake just to name a few. And I'll even thow in the name Isabelle Leach because I know in my heart that if she were alive she'd be in the mix too. All these names and the ones I can't seem to recall are names that all of us have trusted and looked upon for many years. It's part of that Pocomoke pride we have, I guess.

And look at what we have today! Pocomoke has something to be so very proud of and if you don't believe me go to their facebook page and see how many fans there are. Or stand outside of the Mar-Va on a night when it is open. Better still, if you haven't been to the Mar-Va theater yet, by all means go see for yourself how wonderful it is.

What makes this theater MORE than a weekend movie theater is the fact that the generation that once ran the aisles on weekends has grown and those parents that once drove those now grown children can take their grandchildren and talk to them about the "good old days" and watch a show too. I guess it's what could be called a "Pocomoke Moment". Just ask anyone that has grown up in Pocomoke.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

B.E.T. Airs The State of The Union For The First Time

B.E.T. will air the Presidents State of the Union for the first time in the history of the network.

Why did B.E.T. not air any previous POTUS's State of the Union address?

Amidst the war on terror, the healthcare crisis, a struggling economy and the recent tragedy in Haiti, our first African American president, Barack Obama will stand before Congress on Wednesday, January 27 and deliver his first State of the Union Address.

Beginning at 9:00 p.m.* BET, CENTRIC, and will carry BET NEWS PRESENTS: THE STATE OF THE UNION PRESIDENT OBAMA AND BLACK AMERICA, a 90-minute, LIVE special which will feature a roundtable discussion and a series of original taped packages featuring a wide range of celebrity and political voices.

Broadcasting from The Newseum's HD studios in Washington, D.C., BET anchor Jeff Johnson will be joined by panelists Professor Marc Lamont Hill, Commentator John McWhorter and BET Senior Political Analyst Pamela Gentry to examine President Obama's first year in office and how the president's policies have been received by the Black community.

BET NEWS PRESENTS: THE STATE OF THE UNION PRESIDENT OBAMA AND BLACK AMERICA will feature exclusive interviews from a wide cross-section of African Americans including: Gabrielle Union, Jamal Simmons, Rep. Barbara Lee, Sean "Diddy" Combs, Cornell Belcher, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Al Sharpton, Trey Songz, Tara Setmayer, Charles M. Blow, Michaela Angela Davis, Taraji P. Henson, and Ryan Leslie. BET's special coverage will also include exclusive new poll numbers that reveal Black America's support of the president.

Morgan Harrington's Remains Identified

Police in Virginia now confirm what many suspected: the skeletal remains found Tuesday are those of Morgan Harrington. Investigators say they used dental records to positively identify the 20 year old Virginia Tech junior. Authorities say they also found significant items and evidence at the scene.

Gil and Dan Harrington traveled to Charlottesville Tuesday evening to help identify the remains. Dan Harrington issued a statement today which read in part: "Morgan's mother, Gil, and I are overwhelmingly saddened by yesterday's discovery, but we are also relieved because our questions can now be answered and we can give our daughter a proper burial." The C-Ville, a Charlottesville newspaper, quotes Dan Harrington as saying his daughter was murdered and the farm where her remains were found " not a random place that someone put her."

Harrington went missing on October 17, 2009 after leaving her friends to use the restroom during a Metallica concert. When she didn't return, her friends called her cell phone. Morgan told them she was outside the concert venue and was not allowed to re-enter as per the venue's policy. Since a friend had driven her to the concert, CNN reports Morgan told her friends she would find another way home. Three months later, a farmer discovered what have now been proven to be Harrington's remains on his farm. The farm is about 10 miles from the John Paul Jones Arena where the Metallica concert was held.

Rest of the story...

Pocomoke Voter Resolution #312 vs Resolution #432

We have obtained both Pocomoke voter resolutions for your review to compare the recent changes.

We report, you decide.



WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City, Maryland wish to repeal Resolution No. 173 312 and to reenact certain provisions of that resolution to clarify the procedures to be followed during municipal elections;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT municipal elections in Pocomoke City, Maryland will be conducted in accordance with Title VII of the Pocomoke City Charter with the following clarifications and additions:


a) The Board shall remove the names of any persons who have not voted in the

previous five (5) municipal elections from the municipal list of eligible voters.


In all instances where the Board is doubtful of the residency of a proposed registrant or voter, the Board may require the applicant or voter to produce such information as they may deem necessary to prove residency, including one or more of the following documents:

1) Valid driver=s license

2) Water, sewer or other utility bill

3) Written lease for rental premises

4) County voter card

5) Any other similar evidence which would establish residency.


Candidates for election may purchase MAY OBTAIN lists of voters when completed by FROM the WORCESTER COUNTY Board of Elections. Supervisors at the following costs:

a) Entire list (even years only) $10.00

b) District list (each) $5.00


a) The Board shall approve official forms for applications and absentee ballots.

b) Anyone may request an Application for Absentee Ballot by telephone, facsimile,

and by downloading the application (when available) or in person at City Hall during normal business hours. All applications for absentee ballots will be numbered original documents, signed by the applicant. Photocopies will not be accepted. When an application is issued received, a record will be kept at City Hall of the application number and to whom it was issued. If requested, applications will be issued by facsimile. date and time of the Boards= receipt of the Application for Absentee Ballot.

c) When the application is returned received, voter records will be checked to determine

that the applicant is a registered voter of Pocomoke City, Maryland and eligible to receive a ballot (currently resides in the district that is having an election).

d) The voter I.D. number (assigned by computer), the district number, and a ballot

number (to be assigned by the Board of Elections Supervisors or their designee or other person handling absentee ballot applications) will be marked on the completed application form. The ballot number is issued to track how many ballots have been issued and returned in order to prevent the reproduction of absentee ballots. The list of absentee ballots issued shall not be made available to the public. Candidates will not be allowed to inspect completed absentee ballots.

e) A ballot, ballot envelope, and a self-addressed stamped envelope will be prepared

and placed in an envelope and mailed to the applicant by first class mail except when an application is made in person within seven days prior to the election. No one will be allowed to hand-deliver a ballot to an applicant except the Board of Elections Supervisors, their designee, or the City Clerk. Ballots will not be issued by facsimile.

d f) The city will rent a Post Office Box for use by the Board of Elections Supervisors

only. When the absentee voter has marked the ballot, it must be placed in the return envelope provided and mailed to the special Post Office Box. Completed absentee ballots will not be accepted at City Hall, at the polling place or any other location. All ballots must be received in the special Post Office Box no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election. Postmark dates are not relevant and will not be considered in any way. Absentee ballots received after the deadline will not be opened. They will be destroyed by the Board of Elections Supervisors at their discretion.

e g) Only ballots received in the special Post Office Box will be accepted by the Board

of Elections Supervisors. At 5:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election, one or more members of the Board of Elections Supervisors, the City Clerk, the Chief of Police, and any candidates who wish to be present will open the special Post Office Box and remove the ballots. The ballot numbers will be called off and recorded on the list sealed in one or more larger envelopes (manila-type) and taken to City Hall and locked in the safe. The Police Chief will accompany the Board of Elections Supervisors (or their designee) to witness this process.

f h) On the day of the elections, the Board of Elections Supervisors (or their designee)

will remove the larger sealed manila-type envelope(s) from the safe and take them to the voting place. After the polls close the Board of Elections Supervisors will open the manila-type envelope(s) and remove the return envelopes. The return envelopes will then be opened by the Board of Elections Supervisors (and appointed elections workers) and the ballot envelopes will be removed. The Board of Elections Supervisors (and appointed election workers) will open the ballot envelopes checking to be sure that the envelopes are signed, that there are no distinguishing marks on the ballot, that only one box has been checked, etc. The Board of Elections Supervisors has the authority to disqualify any absentee ballot for failure to sign the oath, making distinguishing or identifying marks on the ballot, or checking more than one box where inappropriate to do so. The Board of Elections Supervisors will tally the votes. After machine votes and absentee ballots have been tallied, all votes will be recorded on a form and certified by all members of the Board. This form will be given to the City Manager.

g i) If a voter has been issued an absentee ballot, then that person will not be allowed

to vote in person at the polling place.


a) The Board shall post or cause to be posted signs which indicate that electioneering

is not permitted within one hundred (100) feet of the entrance to the polling place.

b) The Board will assure that adequate handicapped parking and access to the polling

place is provided. Handicapped voters who require assistance in the voting booth may apply for assistance on a form designated for that purpose.

c) If the Board feels that a police officer is needed at certain times during the

election, any member of the Board of Elections Supervisors may contact the Chief of Police and request that an officer be dispatched to the polling place. At the close of the polls, a police officer will be stationed at the entrance of the polling place to restrict access to those persons authorized to be present.

d) Prior to counting of the ballots, the Board will request all unauthorized persons to

leave the polling place. The following persons are authorized to be inside the polling place when the ballots are counted:

1) Each candidate and one other person previously authorized by the candidate in writing.

2) Board of Elections Supervisors members and appointees.

3) After all tallies are completed, the doors of the polling place will be opened to the public.


Absentee ballots, applications, and voter authority cards may be destroyed after six (6) months provided the Maryland Centralized Voter Registration System has had an opportunity to record who has voted from the voter authority cards.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF POCOMOKE CITY, that this resolution shall take effect upon the vote of the Council and its approval by the Mayor.

________________ _________________ ______________________________

Date Introduced Date Passed Michael McDermott, Mayor

Approved BY ME THIS ______

DAY OF ______________, ______


____________________________ _____________________________

Carol L. Justice, City Clerk Russell W. Blake, City Manager




WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City, Maryland wish to repeal Resolution No. 312 and to reenact certain provisions of that resolution to clarify the procedures to be followed during municipal elections;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT municipal elections in Pocomoke City, Maryland will be conducted in accordance with Title VII of the Pocomoke City Charter with the following clarifications and additions:


a) The Board shall remove the names of any persons who have not voted in the

previous five (5) municipal elections from the municipal list of eligible voters.


In all instances where the Board is doubtful of the residency of a proposed registrant or voter, the Board may require the applicant or voter to produce such information as they may deem necessary to prove residency, including one or more of the following documents:

1) Valid driver’s license

2) Water, sewer or other utility bill

3) Written lease for rental premises

4) County voter card

5) Any other similar evidence which would establish residency.


Candidates for election may obtain lists of voters from the Worcester County Board of Elections.


a. The Board shall approve official forms for applications and absentee ballots.

b. Anyone may request an Application for Absentee Ballot by telephone, facsimile,

and by downloading the application (when available) or in person at City Hall during normal business hours. All applications for absentee ballots will be original documents, signed by the applicant. Photocopies will not be accepted. When an application is received, a record will be kept at City Hall of the date and time of the Boards’ receipt of the Application for Absentee Ballot. Applications for absentee ballots received after the close of business on the Wednesday before an election will not be processed.

c. When the application is received, voter records will be checked to determine that

the applicant is a registered voter of Pocomoke City, Maryland and eligible to receive a ballot (currently resides in the district that is having an election).

d. The voter I.D. number (assigned by computer), the district number, and a ballot

number (to be assigned by the Board of Elections Supervisors or their designee or other person handling absentee ballot applications) will be marked on the completed application form. The ballot number is issued to track how many ballots have been issued and returned in order to prevent the reproduction of absentee ballots. The list of absentee ballots issued shall not be made available to the public. Candidates will not be allowed to inspect completed absentee ballots.

e. A ballot, ballot envelope, and a self-addressed stamped envelope will be prepared

and placed in an envelope and mailed to the applicant by first class mail. No one will be allowed to hand-deliver a ballot to an applicant except the Board of Elections Supervisors, their designee, or the City Clerk. Ballots will not be issued by facsimile.

f. The city will rent a Post Office Box for use by the Board of Elections Supervisors

only. When the absentee voter has marked the ballot, it must be placed in the return envelope provided and mailed to the special Post Office Box. Completed absentee ballots will not be accepted at City Hall, at the polling place or any other location. All ballots must be received in the special Post Office Box no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election. Postmark dates are not relevant and will not be considered in any way. Absentee ballots received after the deadline will not be opened. They will be destroyed by the Board of Elections Supervisors at their discretion.

g. Only ballots received in the special Post Office Box will be accepted by the Board

of Elections Supervisors. At 5:00 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election, one or more members of the Board of Elections Supervisors, the City Clerk, the Chief of Police, and any candidates who wish to be present will open the special Post Office Box and remove the ballots. The ballot numbers will be called off and recorded on the list sealed in one or more larger envelopes (manila-type) and taken to City Hall and locked in the safe. The Police Chief will accompany the Board of Elections Supervisors (or their designee) to witness this process.

h. On the day of the election, the Board of Elections Supervisors (or their designee)

will remove the larger sealed manila-type envelope(s) from the safe and take them to the voting place. After the polls close the Board of Elections Supervisors will open the manila-type envelope(s) and remove the return envelopes. The return envelopes will then be opened by the Board of Elections Supervisors (and appointed election workers) and the ballot envelopes will be removed. The Board of Elections Supervisors (and appointed election workers) will open the ballot envelopes checking to be sure that the envelopes are signed, that there are no distinguishing marks on the ballot, that only one box has been checked, etc. The Board of Elections Supervisors has the authority to disqualify any absentee ballot for failure to sign the oath, making distinguishing or identifying marks on the ballot, or checking more than one box where inappropriate to do so. The Board of Elections Supervisors will tally the votes. After machine votes and absentee ballots have been tallied, all votes will be recorded on a form and certified by all members of the Board. This form will be given to the City Manager.

i. If a voter has been issued an absentee ballot, then that person will not be allowed

to vote in person at the polling place.


a) The Board shall post or cause to be posted signs which indicate that electioneering

is not permitted within one hundred (100) feet of the entrance to the polling place.

b) The Board will assure that adequate handicapped parking and access to the polling

place is provided. Handicapped voters who require assistance in the voting booth may apply for assistance on a form designated for that purpose.

c) If the Board feels that a police officer is needed at certain times during the

election, any member of the Board of Elections Supervisors may contact the Chief of Police and request that an officer be dispatched to the polling place. At the close of the polls, a police officer will be stationed at the entrance of the polling place to restrict access to those persons authorized to be present.

d) Prior to counting of the ballots, the Board will request all unauthorized persons to

leave the polling place. The following persons are authorized to be inside the polling place when the ballots are counted:

1) Each candidate and one other person previously authorized by the candidate in writing.

2) Board of Elections Supervisors members and appointees.

3) After all tallies are completed, the doors of the polling place will be opened to the public.


Absentee ballots, applications, and voter authority cards may be destroyed after six (6) months provided the Maryland Centralized Voter Registration System has had an opportunity to record who has voted from the voter authority cards.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF POCOMOKE CITY, that this resolution shall take effect upon the vote of the Council and its approval by the Mayor.

November 2, 2009 November 16, 2009 ______________________________

Date Introduced Date Passed Michael McDermott, Mayor

Approved BY ME THIS _16

DAY OF November , 2009


____________________________ _____________________________

Carol L. Justice, City Clerk First Vice President

Clothes Lines Bill Passed In Va. Senate

The Virginia Senate wants all homeowners to be able to air out their clean laundry.

By a 37-3 vote on Tuesday, the Senate passed a bill that would prohibit homeowner's associations from banning residents from stringing up clothes lines to dry their garments.

Sen. Linda Puller introduced the bill that would allow the organizations to set restrictions concerning the size and placement of the so-called natural drying devices.

A similar bill which called them wind energy drying devices made it out of the Senate last year but was defeated in the House of Delgates.

From the Rural Artist

This weeks message from the "message board" on the long and winding road.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Remains of Missing Va. Tech Student Found

(Jan. 26) – Skeletal remains found on a Virginia farm are those of Morgan Dana Harrington, a 20-year-old Virgina Tech student missing since Oct. 17, authorities say.

David Bass found the remains this morning in a remote hayfield on his farm approximately 10 miles outside of Charlottesville. The hay had been cut in August, and by October it would have been waist high.

"I was on my tractor feeding cows on a remote part of the farm I don't normally go to," Bass told The Hook, a Charlottesville newspaper.

Bass' property is the 700-acre Anchorage Farm. There is no public access to the area where the body was found. Police had not searched the area before this morning.

The remains reportedly have blond hair and were clad in black clothing. Missing-person fliers for Harrington described her as blond and said she was wearing a black T-shirt with the word "Pantera" on it, a black miniskirt, black tights and black boots when she disappeared.

At a news conference late this afternoon, authorities said they were confident the remains are those of Harrington. "There were significant items and evidence" found to support the identification, Virginia State Police Superintendent Steve Flaherty said, although he would not elaborate. Police did not give any information about how she died.

Police said they would need to be careful when giving out information because the "perpetrator or perpetrators" are still at large. The body was being taken to Richmond for an autopsy.

Harrington was last seen in a parking lot at the John Paul Jones Arena at the University of Virginia, where she had been attending a Metallica concert. Around 8:40 p.m., she went outside to smoke a cigarette and left her ticket inside. Her friends in the arena called her and she told them she'd find her own ride home. That was the last time anyone talked to her.

Her parents became worried the next day when she didn't show up at home. Harrington was an education major and had planned on returning to her parents' home in Roanoke the next day to study with her father for a math test.

Police found her purse, ID and cell phone in the parking lot, but said there was no sign of a struggle.

The farm where her body was found is about 10 miles from the concert venue.

"This is a horrible day" for the family, her father, Dan Harrington, told WTVR in Richmond after the remains were discovered.

The Harrington family has offered a $100,000 reward for her return or information leading to the arrest of anyone involved in her disappearance. Metallica has added another $50,000 in reward money.

Teen Killed Parents to Avoid Chores

It's not uncommon for a teenager to go to extreme measures to avoid having to do chores: Television and the Internet are far more appealing than taking out the trash and loading the dishwasher.

Nonetheless, most kids slog through it, if only for the sake of getting their parents off their backs. That, however, was not the case with a Colorado teen who police say fatally shot his mother and stepfather to get out of doing his household duties.

The 14-year-old boy, John Caudle, has been charged as an adult with two counts of murder. He is being held at a youth center and is due in court next week.

The case began in late October, when Park County deputies stopped a pickup truck in Fairplay. The driver, Caudle, was too young to drive, so police attempted to find his parents, who he said lived about 130 miles away near the city of Monte Vista. The boy said he was going to visit his uncle.

When the patrol officer contacted authorities near the boy's home, he was told that police were already at the house, which was being treated as a crime scene. Earlier that day, a relative had found the bodies of the boy's mother and stepfather, Joanne Rinebarger, 34, and Tracy Rinebarger, 38, on the bedroom floor.

According to the arrest affidavit, Caudle told police that he had an argument with his mother at home on Oct. 26. Afterward, he allegedly took two .22-caliber pistols from a gun safe and shot her dead with one of them. He then hid in a laundry room and allegedly shot his stepfather when he walked by.

"Caudle said the reason he shot Joanne Rinebarger was because he did not want to do household chores," the affidavit read.

After the shootings, police say, Caudle spent the rest of his day watching movies and playing on a computer. The next morning he took his stepfather's truck and drove to school. When questioned, Caudle's teachers told investigators he seemed "happy" that day.

Caudle is represented by two public defenders, who could not be reached for comment today.

U.S. Gov Bans Texting For Truckers and Bus Drivers

The U.S. Government passed legislation banning texting by drivers of large commercial trucks and buses today in an effort to eliminate the dangers of distracted driving. The new ban carries civil and criminal penalties with fines of up to $2,750.

According to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the ban will go into effect immediately.

"We want the drivers of big rigs and buses and those who share the roads with them to be safe," LaHood said. "This is an important safety step and we will be taking more to eliminate the threat of distracted driving."

Trucking regulators cite research that shows when drivers take their eyes off the road to send and receive text messages on cell phones they put themselves and other drivers at a significantly higher risk for accidents.

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute Study concludes that drivers of heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses who are texting are 23.2 times more likely to be involved in a crash or near crash event than those who are not texting while driving. As opposed to talking, dialing, listening, or reaching for a cell phone, texting was found to pose the greatest threat for accidents. The study found that drivers of heavy vehicles take their eyes off the road for almost a full 5 seconds while texting. At 55 miles per hour, this means that the driver is traveling the length of a football field, including the end zones, without looking at the road.

The National Safety Council, a research and advocacy group, also provides evidence supporting the ban, estimating that 200,000 crashes per year are caused by drivers who are texting.

The ban is a testament to the growing national concern surrounding the dangers of cell phone use while driving.

Some 23 states and the District of Columbia already have some form of restriction on texting while driving and others are considering similar action. Drivers who break the ban in these states are liable for fines and, in certain cases, points on their driver’s license.

In Florida, a proposed bill known as “Heather’s Law” would, if passed, prohibit all cell phone use while driving. The bill was inspired by Heather Hurd, a 27-year-old woman who was killed in an accident caused by a truck driver who was texting while behind the wheel.

The new federal law is a big gain for supporters of banned cell phone use while driving. It follows a similar December ban on texting for drivers of federal government vehicles and is part of a large effort by the U.S. government to combat distracted driving.

Legislation has also been introduced in Congress to extend the ban to all drivers of motor vehicles on a national scale.


Body May Be of Missing VT Student

Police say they are confident that skeletal remains found on a Virginia farm are likely those of a Virginia Tech student who vanished after attending a Metallica concert in Charlottesville.

State Police Superintendent Steve Flaherty says an autopsy will be conducted to confirm that the remains are those of Morgan Harrington, who disappeared on Oct. 17.

The 20-year-old Roanoke woman became separated from friends after she left a concert arena and was denied re-entry.

The skeletal remains were found Tuesday morning by a farmer surveying his farm. The farm is about 10 miles from where Harrington attended the concert at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville.

State Police crime scene technicians arrived at Anchorage Farm and are searching for evidence using a grid mapping technique.

Body Found May be of Morgan Harrison


Breaking News: Police near Charlottesville say they've discovered a woman's body

on a remote farm and it could be related to the disappearance of a Virginia Tech student last October.

Morgan Harrison went missing while attending a Metallica concert with friends..

The New Senator On Leno

Senator Scott Brown, the new Republican superstar from Massachusetts will make a brief apperance via satellite on the Jay Leno Show. During his appearance scheduled for Thursday Brown will answer 10 brief questions from Leno.

For those who don't know Senator Scott Brown won the election last week and was voted to serve as senator of Massachusetts filling the seat left vacant by Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Gee, I wonder if Leno is hoping Brown will pull him "out of the ditch" and save his show. We'll see.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Mirror Image

Tomorrow is my B-Day

and my sister sends me THIS!!
too late sis, it's already happened to me finger3

$5.37. That's what the kid behind the counter at Taco Bell said to me.

I dug into my pocket and pulled out some lint and two dimes and something that used to be a Jolly Rancher. Having already handed the kid a five-spot, I started to head back out to the truck to grab some change when the kid with the Emo hairdo said the harshest thing anyone has ever said to me.

He said, "It's OK.. I'll just give you the senior citizen discount."

I turned to see who he was talking to and then heard the sound of change hitting the counter in front of me. "Only $4.68" he said cheerfully.

I stood there stupefied. I am 48, not even 50 yet? A mere child! Senior citizen?

I took my burrito and walked out to the truck wondering what was wrong with Emo. Was he blind? As I sat in the truck, my blood began to boil. Old? Me?

I'll show him, I thought. I opened the door and headed back inside. I strode to the counter, and there he was waiting with a smile..

Before I could say a word, he held up something and jingled it in front of me, like I could be that easily distracted! What am I now? A toddler?

"Dude! Can't get too far without your car keys, eh?"

I stared with utter disdain at the keys. I began to rationalize in my mind.

"Leaving keys behind hardly makes a man elderly! It could happen to anyone!"

I turned and headed back to the truck. I slipped the key into the ignition, but it wouldn't turn. What now? I checked my keys and tried another.

Still nothing.

That's when I noticed the purple beads hanging from my rearview mirror.

I had no purple beads hanging from my rearview mirror.

Then, a few other objects came into focus. The car seat in the back seat. Happy Meal toys spread all over the floorboard. A partially eaten doughnut on the dashboard.

Faster than you can say ginkgo biloba, I flew out of the alien vehicle.
Moments later I was speeding out of the parking lot, relieved to finally be leaving this nightmarish stop in my life. That is when I felt it, deep in the bowels of my stomach: hunger! My stomach growled and churned, and I reached to grab my burrito, only it was nowhere to be found..

I swung the truck around, gathered my courage, and strode back into the restaurant one final time. There Emo stood, draped in youth and black nail polish. All I could think was, "What is the world coming to?" All I could say was, "Did I leave my food and drink in here?" At this point I was ready to ask a Boy Scout to help me back to my vehicle, and then go straight home and apply for Social Security benefits.

Emo had no clue. I walked back out to the truck, and suddenly a young lad came up and tugged on my jeans to get my attention. He was holding up a drink and a bag. His mother explained, "I think you left this in my truck by mistake."

I took the food and drink from the little boy and sheepishly apologized.

She offered these kind words: "It's OK. My grandfather does stuff like this all the time."

All of this is to explain how I got a ticket doing 85 in a 40. Yes, I
was racing some punk kid in a Toyota Prius.. And no, I told the officer, I'm not too old to be driving this fast.

As I walked in the front door, my wife met me halfway down the hall. I handed her a bag of cold food and a $300 speeding ticket. I promptly sat in my rocking chair and covered up my legs with a blanky.

The good news was I had successfully found my way home.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- READ BELOW !

Just in case you weren't feeling too old today.

The people who are starting college this fall were born in 1991.

They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

Their lifetime has always included AIDS.

The CD was introduced two years before they were born.

They have always had an answering machine.

They have always had cable..

Popcorn has always been microwaved.

They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.

They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.

They never heard: 'Where's the Beef?', 'I'd walk a mile for a Camel ', or 'de plane Boss, de plane'.

McDonald's never came in Styrofoam containers.

They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list.

Notice the larger type?

That's for those of us who have trouble reading.

P.S. Save the earth.. It's the only planet with chocolate.

New Deodorant

I got this new deodorant today.
The instructions said remove cap and push up bottom.
I can barely walk, but whenever I fart the room smells awesome.

The Potty

It is so unusual to get a funny, non political, non sexist, non racist, and non doomsday message that I wanted to make your day by sending it along! I know you'll enjoy it.








Hat Tip; Kack

Mar-Va Theater - Not Just A Movie House

In yesterdays DelmarvaNow! the president of the Mar-Va theatre, Arnold Torres, replies to the comment in the Grapevine section that the Mar-Va Theater is more than just a weekend movie theater. Here is what he wrote:

"This is far from the case. Our schedule for 2010, our first year of full-time operations as a performing arts center, includes more than 50 different live performances -- in addition to 19 different movies. Many live events and all movies have two showings, so something will be happening in the theater on more than 100 evenings during 2010.

Our schedule includes bands, dramas, concerts, talent shows, dinner theaters, comedians, gospel music, pageants and more, all at easily affordable prices. See our Web site at or call 410-957-4230 for information about upcoming events.

Until this year, the nonprofit Mar-Va Theater was operated totally by devoted volunteers, many of whom have given thousands of hours of their time to restore the beauty of this historic old theater and upgrade its functionality, all to bring quality entertainment to the Eastern Shore.

This year we've hired a theater manager, but we're still primarily a volunteer organization. Very few performing arts centers survive on box office income alone without the help of a large number of volunteer workers.

If you would like to support the Mar-Va Theater, visit our Web site to find ways you can contribute either financially or by volunteering your time."

Arnold Torres
Pocomoke City

If you would like to be a volunteer and a friend of the Mar-Va Theater email Emily at

Sunday, January 24, 2010

NFL Playoff Observation From My Kitchen

I just made an observation a few minutes ago. And it's the kind of thing that alot of us don't really pay attention to because we take so much for granted anymore and our lives go so fast.

I am probably one of the few that does take notice of the pregame activities. My husband has learned (the hard way) NOT to use the remote to find another channel to watch until the Star Spangled Banner is over. He learned quickly that those things were a dear thing in my life. So now, when most would get up to go find something to eat and come back (hoping the patriotic "thing" is gone) he watches.

When everyone left today from my house I left the tv on. No special reason. I just didn't want to stop making the pot of soup I had started. As most of us know the NFL playoff games are on today. Now I don't care for football (I know) but I do care about the opening ceremonies and how the Star Spangled Banner is sung. NFL seems to be doing a really great job this year with that song but every year during Nascar I cringe!

Anyway, the National Anthem started out really good. Just a shame I can't remember the American Idol winners name. But what came after really touched my heart. There before a crowd of thousands. the great American flag was opened on the arena floor, held securely by our great men and women of the military forces. Now I have seen one of these great flags with my own eyes and unless you see it, stand under it you can never truly imagine the true power of those colors.

But in the wings, waiting, was the great American Bald Eagle perched regally on the left arm of his caretaker. Now for me the Bald Eagle is an ordinary sight back here where I live. BUT, with great power in his thrust for take off the Bald Eagle soared in elegance around the arena and over the huge flag as the crowd roared! He just seemed to be floating up in the air, over our flag as the National Anthem ended.
Wow! I thought. Wow. That was awsome. And then I had to wipe my eyes.

America. Hmmm. The United States of America!! In fact, the great, big, wonderful, beautiful United States of America!

You know, we move so fast in our lives anymore. We hear and we see but most times it is just for the pure sake of navigation to get to the next point in our day. We don't pay attention and we take for granted the things that have allowed us to be free for centuries. And I am certainly smart enough to know that it wan't just the American flag, the Star Spangled Banner and the American Bald Eagle that brought us to this point in history. It is because of those men and woman embracing that great flag that have provided us with freedom all these years and it is because of their efforts and determination that we can even witness a pregame show.

Thankyou to all of them. It got my attention today as it does most times. It makes me feel proud. It made me become all teary eyed with patriotism.

Now, as for the winner of the game I do not know. I'll go with the Colts. I think they're in the playoffs and tonight New Orleans................gonna go finish my soup!

Are Our Children Safe? Predators Amongst Us?

Over the past few years, there has been a disturbing increase of people in authority becoming g involved is sexual abuse of minors and young adults. What is happening to our society when we can no longer trust our teachers, our police officers, our attorneys, our religious leaders, and sometimes our own family?

This is a hot topic right now and one that deserves discussion. Yet, in a curious move, our hometown newspaper is looking to dissuade discussion of the topic by censoring and deleting comments. This needs to be discussed out in the open, not shunned like some oddball relative.

Cifala And the 16 Year Old

Most recently, Anne Arundel County police Lieutenant James Cifala has been charged with the possession of child pornography by federal authorities. It appears that Cifala, 47, married, and a 27 year police veteran, has had an ongoing sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl. While the relationship is not “illegal” it is certainly immoral; and federal prosecutors know that–hence the charge of child pornography. Cifala and his wife, own the Rita’s Water Ice franchise on Mayo Road. While little is known about the girl, one has to wonder if she worked for Cifala. One also has to wonder how Cifala could be so naive as to take photos of himself on his cell phone and include distinctive furnishings from his home in the background.

Did this girl have something to do with this? Absolutely. But having an affair with an older person is not a crime in Maryland. Did she realize what she was doing was illegal? Probably not? Will she be charged? And the question also needs to be asked, how many other people knew about this long going affair and kept their mouths shut? The County police department has been known to be a tight knit community and have protected their members in the past. Did this happen this time?

Sex For Drugs

The Capital also reported on a local attorney, Jeff Marcalus, who traded a Vicodin (drug) for a sex act. Sleazy attorneys are nothing new, but this seems a bit over the line. However, it is not a unique situation. I have heard (and cannot personally confirm) that another local attorney Oprah. But there was a controversy surrounding this case and several other officers were disciplined for their knowledge of the incidents and their failure to report them. I am all for having a friend’s “back”, but at what point does it go too far?

Safe At Home?

Read More HERE

Bin Laden Threatens More Attacks on US

Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the failed attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas in a new audio message released Sunday threatening more attacks on the United States.

However, a senior U.S. intelligence official in Washington said there is "no evidence whatsoever" that the al-Qaida leader had any involvement in the plot or even knew about it in advance. So the message indicates bin Laden may want to appear in direct command of the terror group's affiliates around the world at a time when some analysts have suggested he is mostly a figurehead.

The Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab told federal agents shortly afterward that he had been trained and given the explosives by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, an al-Qaida-inspired offshoot in bin Laden's ancestral homeland of Yemen.

In the minute-long recording released to al-Jazeera Arabic news channel, bin Laden addressed President Barack Obama saying the recent attempt was meant to send a message similar to that of the Sept. 11 attacks.

"The message delivered to you through the plane of the heroic warrior Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a confirmation of the previous messages sent by the heroes of the Sept. 11," he said. "America will never dream of security unless we will have it in reality in Palestine," he added.

"God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues."

U.S.-based IntelCenter, which monitors militant messages, said bin Laden used specific language he has used before in advance of attacks, a possible indicator of an upcoming action within the next 12 months.

The phrase "Peace be upon those who follow guidance" appears at the beginning and end of messages released in advance of attacks to warn al-Qaida's enemies that they need to change their ways or they will be attacked, IntelCenter said in a statement. The language, used in the latest message as well, allows al-Qaida to blame the actual attack on those who refuse to change their ways, which in the group's view forces a response.

There was no way to verify the voice on the audio message was actually bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him.

The U.S. said it could not immediately authenticate the message. But White House adviser David Axelrod told CNN's "State of the Union" that whatever the source, the message "contains the same hollow justification for the mass slaughter of innocents."

Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up his plane as it approached Detroit Metro Airport on Christmas Day. However, the explosive powder he was hiding in his underwear failed to detonate.

On Friday, Britain raised its terror threat alert to the second-highest level, one of several recent moves the country has made to increase vigilance against international terrorists after the Christmas Day bombing attempt on a flight from Amsterdam.

Bin Laden's message came four weeks after the Yemen-based group made its own claim of responsibility for the bomb plot with a different justification - linking it to Yemeni military attacks on al-Qaida targets with the help of U.S. intelligence.

But the U.S. intelligence official said al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is linked to the central al-Qaida that bin Laden heads and recent intelligence indicates there are ongoing contacts between al-Qaida in Yemen and in Pakistan. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information.

The message appeared to be an attempt by bin Laden to stay relevant, said Rohan Gunaratna, author of "Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror."

"The training and the definition of the attack was by the local leaders of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, so in many ways you can say bin Laden is exploiting for his benefit this particular attack," he said. "Bin Laden still wants to claim leadership for the global jihad movement."

Of all the various offshoots and branches of al-Qaida around the world, Gunaratna said the group in Yemen is one of the closest to bin Laden since it is made up of bodyguards and associates of the organization's top ideologues. Yemen is bin Laden's ancestral homeland.

"Today the operational relationship has somewhat suffered, but the ideological relationship is very strong and that is why bin Laden claimed this attack," Gunaratna said.

Two of the group's top members were former detainees released in November 2007 from the U.S. military prison Guantanamo Bay.

Since the Christmas Day attempt, the Yemeni government, at the U.S.'s urging has stepped up its attacks on the group's hideouts in the rugged country's remote hinterland.

Analysts have long debated how much control bin Laden, who is believed to be somewhere in Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, really has over the various organizations using his group's name.

The Yemen-based group, however, has closer ties than most to bin Laden and his key lieutenants, many having once been their bodyguards.

In the past year, bin Laden's messages have concentrated heavily on the situation of the Palestinians in attempt to rally support from Muslims around the world.

Some analysts say bin Laden is focusing on the close U.S.-Israeli relationship because he is worried about Obama's popularity across the Middle East with his promises to withdraw from Iraq and because his father was a Muslim from the African nation of Kenya.

The plight of the Palestinians, especially in the blockaded Gaza Strip where 1,400 were killed in an Israeli offensive a year ago, angers many in the Arab world.

"The Palestinian conflict was never part of the al-Qaida original mandate, but Osama is clearly exploiting it," Gunaratna said.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Andy David dismissed the latest al-Qaida message and its attempt to link Israel with attacks on the U.S.

"This is nothing new. He has said this before," he said. "Terrorists always look for absurd excuses for their despicable deeds."

The last public message from bin Laden appears to have been on Sept. 26, when he demanded that European countries pull their troops out of Afghanistan. The order came in an audiotape that also warned of "retaliation" against nations that are allied with the United States in fighting the war.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Insult To Our Democracy

YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS! 2 minutes long and straight from C-Span - how a vote was passed. (the video is very short and very maddening).

If anyone wonders about our current Congress and especially the House of Representatives this youtube will open their eyes. Watch this, then cry. We are losing our nation and everything it stands for.

Take a look: