Monday, April 11, 2011

National Crime Victims Rights' Week

From the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services:

Join us April 10-16, 2011 during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week for regional Open Houses to learn more about how our belief in the value of the human being is impacting victim services within DPSCS - and what we are doing to reshape thefuture for those affected by crime inMaryland, while also honoring the past:

Division of Correction
Division of Parole and Probation
MD Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Division of Pretrial Detention & Services
Patuxent Institution
MD Sex Offender Registry
MD Parole Commission
MD Police and Correctional Training
and our victim services partners by region

Monday, April 11
Eastern Shore Community Awareness Fair
Wor-Wic Community College
32000 Campus Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804
4pm - 6pm

Sunday, April 10, 2011

National Crime Victims Rights Week

The week of April 10 April 16, 2011 will commemorate National Crime Victims Rights’ Week.  Each year during this time, victim service providers, justice professionals and community advocates across the country come together to reflect upon milestones of the past year and rededicate their efforts towards the furtherance of victims’ rights.  Here in Maryland, statewide programs are held to honor lives that were lost to crime and to recognize others who have worked tirelessly demonstrating commitment to the cause. 

Throughout the week, the Maryland State Board of Victim Services will sponsor several events beginning on April 10th with the 22nd Annual Crime Victims Memorial Services, "Their Light Still Shines," which will be held this year in Baltimore, Carroll, Queen Anne’s and Saint Mary’s counties.
 More information on:            
Some interesting information On the history of  Crime Victim's Rights In America
  • First Crime victim compensation program established in California (Maryland’s program created in 1972)
  • President Ronald Reagan proclaims the First “Crime Victims’ Rights Week” in April

  • President Reagan appoints the Task Force on Victims of Crime – Final Report offers 68 recommendations to improve the treatment of crime victims, including an amendment to the 6th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to guarantee victims’ rights to be present & heard at critical stages of judicial proceedings
  • The Missing Children’s Act is passed by Congress to help find missing children through FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC) computer system

  • President Reagon honors crime victims in First White House Rose Garden ceremony

  • 1984
    • The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) is passed; establishes the Crime Victims Fund from federal criminal fines & penalties to support state victim compensation; service programs
    • President Reagon signs Justice Assistance Act which establishes financial support assistance to state & local governments
    • The National Minimum Drinking Age Act is enacted
    • The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is created
    • President Clinton signs the “Brady Bill” requiring a waiting period for handgun purchases
    • Congress passes the Child Sexual Abuse Registry Act, establishing a national repository for information about child sex offenders
    • U.S. Congress passed the strongest federal crime victims' legislation in nation's history after failure to approve a Federal Constitutional Amendment; H.R. 5107, The Justice For All Act of 2004, strengthens the rights of victims of federal crimes and provides enforcement and remedies when there is failure to comply; Title 1 is named in honor of five victims: Scott Campbell, Stephanie Roper, Wendy Preston, Louarna Gillis and Nila Lynn; H.R. 5107 also includes provisions for DNA analysis backlog
    • The Senate Judiciary Committee passes the Federal Victims’ Rights Constitutional Amendment: "But The House Fails to Take Action"
     For more on Crime Victims Rights: 

    Family Of Foxes Found Living In Mans Backyard

    A group of foxes in Greendale are being called the "FOX 6." Dan Molthen says, "When I was 12-years-old, which was around 1946, we used to have a fox go through our yard."

    In the 65 years since then, Dan Molthen has continued living in his Greendale neighborhood where he's welcomed plenty of new neighbors. He says, "We have foxes in our neighbor's yard."

    After finding the family of foxes Dan called FOX6. Dan took plenty of pictures before FOX6 cameras showed up. He said, "They play like little kittens, actually. You know how kittens get together 'n' they bit, 'n' they'll hit each other, 'n' paw each other."

    The photographs were necessary to prove Dan's claims to his wife and FOX6. He said, "I showed her the pictures 'n' she said, 'You gotta be kidding me!'. She says, 'You did that on the computer!'. I says, 'I don't know anything about computers!'"

    Dan says he thinks the foxes will eventually make their way to a larger home.


    Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

    • Field Notes
    • Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
    • By Delegate Mike McDermott
    March 4th-April 9th, 2011
    • The debate and voting on Second Reader Amendments for the Capital Budget, HB-71, was largely partisan with a few exceptions on the Democrat side of the aisle. This is the nearly billion dollar bill addressing a myriad of statewide projects from the tens of millions to the tens of thousands. The budget office with the Department of Legislative Services had recommended a reduction of overall spending down to $825 million, but this bill comes in at $925 million. The following amendments were offered on the floor following debate:
    1. HB 71: (Delegate McDermott) {613721/1 Rejected (42-92): Would have reduced the overall Capital Budget by 5%
    2. Floor Amendment (Delegate Boteler) {253627/1 Rejected (43-95): Would have reduced the overall Capital Budget by 3%
    3. Floor Amendment (Delegate George) {143321/1 Rejected (45-93): Would have reduced the overall Capital Budget by a mere 1%
    4. Floor Amendment (Delegate Smigiel) {803720/1 Rejected (41-97): Would have stripped the $15 million in local bond bills from the Capital Budget in recognition of the Tea Party Caucus and Republican Caucus position taken at the beginning of session relative to spending.
    • The House debated HB-173, the Invest Maryland Bill, which seeks to create a $100 million dollar fund overseen by the Governor and his appointed committee. The fund is to be used as “venture capital” to invest in companies that would find private investors reluctant to take the risk. There was a lot of debate over the need to create such a fund. Some have referred to it as “the Governor’s slush fund” as it will allow him to “pick the winners” and move money to various companies and projects that he favors or those that are deemed “politically correct”. One must ask the question…if the private sector is not willing to put their capital at risk, why should the taxpayer take that risk? This is what happens in government…many willing to spend and risk OPM (Other People’s Money). After all, if you lose the money and the venture fails, where are those who will complain?
    • On Tuesday afternoon, the Judiciary Committee heard the following Senate bills which had no matching bill in the House:
    1. SB-50: Would allow the use of Victim’s Compensation Funds for the temporary lodging of victims of domestic violence.
    2. SB-51: Would not allow for convicted felons to receive any compensation as a “victim” under the Victim’s Compensation Fund. We heard testimony that seemed to indicate that there would soon be audit revelations reflecting poorly on the process by which some individuals have been compensated.
    3. SB-138: Would allow certain records to be introduced at trial for motor vehicle accident damage repair estimates. This would eliminate the need that a body shop estimator is required to come to court and testify as to their opinion or how they arrived at the estimate.
    4. SB-142: Would require an insurance firm to provide last known address of a customer who is a defendant in a civil case if the information has not otherwise been provided.
    5. SB-200: Requires the reporting of Juvenile Recidivism rates from state facilities that serve the Juvenile Justice System. This data has not been collected and there is no way to properly evaluate certain program areas as to their effectiveness.
    6. SB-515: Sets the Federal Poverty Guidelines as the bar for determining eligibility of the services of the Public Defender. This would automatically provide a determination that someone qualified for the use of a Public Defender.
    The committee voted “Favorable” on the following bills:
    SB-599 (Requires pre litigation discovery of certain insurance coverage); SB-803 (The Senate version of the House bill increasing the use of ignition interlock systems in Maryland).
    • On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee voted “Favorable” on the following bills:
    SB-308 (Medical Marijuana); SB-139 (Changes grounds for an Absolute Divorce/reduces time of separation); SB-200 (Requires the Dept. of Juvenile Services to issue a report on the current recidivism rate in state run facilities); SB-374 (A technical change to the law governing Grand Jury Investigations in Baltimore City); SB-696 (A bill addressing technical changes to Estate and Trustee property law); SB-787 (Would require Juvenile Justice to provide similar programs for female detainees as they provide for males); SB-803 (This bill is now amended to resemble HB-1012 and addresses the new mandates for ignition interlock programs dealing with drunk drivers).
    • On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee voted “Favorable” on the following bills:
    SB-196 (Increases the Statute of Limitations on 4th Degree Sex Offenses when the victim is a juvenile); SB-281 (Would require Prince George County Orphans Court Judges to be members of the MD bar); SB-327 (The Human Trafficking Protection Act); SB-515 (Changes the income eligibility requirements to qualify for a Public Defender); SB-747 (Creates a provision to address cruelty toward a pet in domestic violence cases).
    • Friday, while many Senate bills moved through the House, the big debate was on HB-470 which provides in-state tuition rates for illegal aliens. This will cost the state tens of millions of dollars and will make it more difficult for American citizens from neighboring states to attend our colleges and universities. It was interesting that none of the supporters disagreed with the cost associated with providing these reduced rates. We heard many argue in favor of the bill while using legal immigrants as their back drop. It truly was an outrage when one considers the time and effort a legal immigrant to our country must invest to become a resident alien, let alone a US citizen.

    We heard that the discussion should not be about immigration, but “about education”. It should have been a debate about the rule of law and the cost of these benefits. By way of example, Montgomery County (that bastion of liberalism) has illegally offered these benefits at their community college for the past three years at a cost of millions in taxpayer dollars. It is a Federal offense to do what Montgomery County is doing in Maryland (and it is currently being litigated). There were amendments offered which would have limited the fiscal impact on our budget and to allow counties to opt out of providing this benefit at community colleges. All of these were resisted by the ruling party. This bill was amended on the floor and must be sent to the Senate before it can be finalized. The vote was close at 74-66.
    • On Saturday, we faced another full day of bills moving back and forth between the House and Senate. The Senate pulled a fast one on the Medical Marijuana bill, SB-308, which had been amended to simply be a study. The senate amended the bill to include an “Affirmative Defense” for those who are caught in possession of 1-ounce or less of marijuana so they can avoid prosecution if they can provide evidence that they were using marijuana for medicinal reasons. I tried to amend this in Committee when it came back over to place the “affirmative defense” issue in the study as well, but this was rejected on a divided vote. This would have been a better approach as the study is set to provide many answers for the 2012 session, but many in the General Assembly seem intent on putting the cart before the horse. (Later during the late Saturday session, the bill was passed by the House on a vote of 82-54 after several amendments failed).

    We took a break for the printing office to get cranked up and the arms to be twisted in the Democratic Caucus before coming back into session after 5pm. The dreaded tax on alcohol has been forced to the floor out of Ways and Means and we will be debating fiercely the merits of raising a tax by 50% on the consumers of Maryland. Alcohol is currently taxed at 6% above the 6% Retail Sales Tax already imposed. They want to raise the 6% to 9% immediately.

    The Fiscal Note attached to this bill shows job losses in the industry if it is passed and a loss of revenues from diminished sales in the state. This is typical of any tax passed. In fact, if you want less of something, just tax it. The secondary issue of this tax is where the new found money will go. The budget was approved by the House without the additional revenue and there is no need to pass this tax in order to balance the budget; but this will not stop them from forcing through a tax in order to garner more spoil for Baltimore City, Prince Georges County, and Montgomery Counties. The hands are outstretched and there is a line outside the Speaker’s door a mile long.

    To say this is disgusting is putting it mildly. This tax was being pushed for during session by the developmentally disabled and Mental Health lobby. They wanted the money to be directly assigned to filling the gaping holes in the Mental Health community created over the past few budget cycles by transfers, etc. I passed these folks and heard them in the Lawyer’s Mall shouting loudly, “Dime a drink, with a link” as they demanded an increased alcohol tax. So now it appears they will get a tax with little, if any, relief.

    I’m sure we will be here till late tonight (Saturday). Take a deep breath Eastern Shore; Monday (Sine Die) will not be pretty fiscally or socially.

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Crippen Gets 25 Years For Attempted Murder

    Written by:  Jennifer Shutt
    Staff Writer- Daily Times
    SNOW HILL -- Pleas of "No, judge!" and sobs erupted from the family of Alexander Crippen after he was sentenced to 25 years in prison stemming from his December conviction of first-degree attempted murder.

    Several members of Crippen's family left the courtroom after Judge Richard R. Bloxom handed down a sentence of life in prison with all but 25 years suspended, and a 10-year concurrent sentence for handgun use during a felony or violent crime. Crippen is 37 years old.

    Crippen was originally charged in the shooting death of Reginald Handy Jr. in June after witnesses said they saw him shoot and kill Handy. Those charges were vacated just before the trial began and replaced with attempted murder charges. Prosecutors said forensic evidence would have made it impossible to prove Crippen was the murderer.

    A nephew of Crippen's, Skylor Harmon of Pocomoke City, was then charged with Handy's murder, and Harmon's trial is pending.

    At the sentencing hearing, State's Attorney Beau Oglesby recalled Crippen's criminal past, saying an escalation in charges and convictions against him shows increasingly violent behavior. In 1991, Crippen was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest; in 1996, he was convicted of assault with intent to maim and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

    "These actions for an individual with no prior criminal history would be atrocious," Oglesby said. "Mr. Crippen was, and continues to be, a menace to our public safety."

    Crippen's attorney, Arthur McGreevy, contested the state's request for a full life sentence, saying Crippen should be able to re-enter society at some point in his life.

    "He is not a person devoid of potential," said McGreevy, after recalling stories of Crippen helping others and discussing Crippen's recently born son.

    Before sentencing, Bloxom said Crippen's lengthy criminal history helped the judge determine the sentence. He also mentioned Crippen's conviction for assault of a corrections employee while he was behind bars.

    "You have an adult criminal record going back 19 years," Bloxom said. "As the state's attorney observed, your criminal record is indicative of someone who has become more dangerous."

    Although sentencing is often the last step in a criminal trial, Crippen is scheduled to appear at a motions hearing May 6, where he is expected to request a new trial. Crippen has also indicated his intent to appeal his conviction.


    One Wal*Mart Carjacker Is Charged

    Being held for bond in an unspecified location? Would anyone know why.....unless it's because he is a juvenile?

    By:  Linda Cicoira
    An Accomack youth was charged in connection with an armed robbery and motor vehicle theft that allegedly occurred late last month at the Pocomoke Walmart.

    Troy Anthony Ewell,17, of New Church was charged with 16 counts according to the Pocomoke City Police Department

    He will be tried as an adult and is being held for $250,000 bond at an unspecified location.

    Another suspect is being held in Eastern Shore Regional Jail in Eastville. Information about that male has not been disclosed because he is a juvenile and has not waived juvenile status.
    On March 28, Maryland officers responded to the Walmart on Old Snowhill Road. "Upon arrival they learned that a 69-year-old store employee was on her way into the store when she was approached by two blackmales with a gun who demanded her wallet and vehicle keys," a spokes person said. "The victim complied and the two suspects fled from the parking lot in her vehicle."

    The following day, the vehicle was in a single-vehicle accident in Accomack County, where police found it had been severely damaged and abandoned.

    Officers were able to identify the driver and passenger of the stolen vehicle, the spokesperson added.

    Ewell was charged with armed robbery,  robbery, two counts of use of a firearm in a felony, two counts of handgun on a person, armed carjacking, conspiracy to commit armed carjacking, conspiracy carjacking, carjacking, two counts of unlawful taking of a vehicle, two counts of theft under $100, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, and conspiracy to commit robbery.

    He turned himself into authorities on March 31.


    Deer Stands Guard Over Goose Nest In Cemetary

    . REUTERS/Doug Benz
    By: Neale Gulley
    BUFFALO, New York (Reuters) – A deer has been standing watch for several days over a female goose nesting in a city cemetery, a scene normally reserved for a children's movie.

    "People always want to turn it into a Disney story and in this case it's not far off," said Gina Browning, director of the Erie County SPCA.

    For at least four days, the buck stood guard near the nest of a Canada goose as she sits on her eggs inside a large urn at Forest Lawn cemetery, home to the remains of President Millard Fillmore and rock icon Rick James.

    "He does appear to be guarding the goose, as it were," Erie County SPCA Wildlife Administrator Joel Thomas said. "He's within touching distance of her -- there's no doubt what's going on."

    The deer, which he said looks like a buck that has shed its antlers, has not strayed from his post.
    Employees at the cemetery were alerted to the situation after the animal positioned itself between the bird and an employee of a company that traps and relocates geese, which Thomas said have become a messy problem in large numbers.

    "When he approached the bird with a net, the deer puts itself between him and the bird, and he's repeated that behavior for some time," he said.

    Typically positioning himself broadside to any car or passerby who comes near the nest, the deer stares intently until the potential aggressor moves on, he said.

    Why exactly the deer has chosen to champion a bird of a different feather is a complicated question, Thomas said. While interdependence among species in the wild is not unheard of, Thomas said whatever is causing this animal kingdom alliance is anybody's guess.

    "From a human standpoint we can fill in a lot of blanks but it doesn't mean we're right," he said. "Does he know she's nesting? I don't know. Is he going to leave when the chicks hatch? I don't know."

    One thing is clear: It could go on for some time.

    The gestation period for a Canada goose is up to 31 days, Thomas said, with the nesting season only just beginning. While normally both the male and female share the task of keeping the eggs warm, the expectant mother at Forest Lawn appears not to have that luxury.

    "If the deer is determined, he's going to be on the job for at least three weeks," Thomas said.

    Devotion rather than emotion seems to be driving the buck.

    "The deer and the goose are not in love," Thomas said.
    (Editing by Barbara Goldberg and Jerry Norton)


    Thanks Sheri

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Trump Buys Winery In Virginia

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - Billionaire Donald Trump has bought the Kluge Estate Winery and Vineyards in Charlottesville.

    Media outlets report that representatives for Trump bought the winery at a foreclosure auction Thursday. Trump officials say he's interested in making wines and is in talks with former owners William Moses and Patricia Kluge about running the operation.

    Preliminary estimates indicate the property sold for less than $7.5 million. A separate auction is being held to sell equipment used in making wine and tending the vineyards. Trump's representatives also successfully bid on the trademarks and labels for the winery.

    Kluge Estate owed Farm Credit Bank an estimated $34.8 million. The winery took out loans to expand its operations from regional to national. But it missed sales targets required by its line of credit with the bank.


    Bogus Bomb Threat Evacuates School

    Written by:
    Shawn J. Soper - News Editor
    SHOWELL -- Hundreds of Showell Elementary students were evacuated from the school building for a couple of hours yesterday as authorities investigated a potential bomb threat.

    Around 8:40 a.m. yesterday, Maryland State Police officers responded to Showell Elementary to investigate a reported bomb threat on the school made during an apparent domestic dispute Wednesday night. According to a source close to the situation, an unidentified man was involved in a domestic dispute with his estranged wife, the mother of a student at Showell, the night before and made a veiled threat to blow up a classroom at the facility.

    School officials immediately set in motion Showell’s prescribed and practiced emergency plan and the students, teachers and staff were evacuated from the building in a measure of “extreme caution.” The students, teachers and administrators remained outside the building for about two hours as Maryland State Police investigators along with allied law enforcement agencies searched the building for a potential explosive device.

    A bomb-sniffing dog was brought in to do a complete scan of the school building and property, which turned up negative. Students, teachers and administrators started trickling back into the facility around 11 a.m., over two hours after police first arrived on the scene.

    Colonel Doug Dods of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office said yesterday the investigation was ongoing.

    “At this point, we don’t think it was a valid threat,” he said. “Investigators are trying to track down where it came from. It appears somebody took something out of context. We had people calling and telling us there were armed gunmen in the school. That’s how it snowballs.”

    According to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jon Andes, when police informed school administrators of the potential threat, Showell Elementary’s school safety plan was immediately put into effect.

    “The State Police arrived at the school around 8:40 a.m. and informed the administration about the situation,” he said. “As a result of that information, we implemented the school’s safety plan, which we practice and rehearse monthly in preparation for a potential situation such as this. Our primary concern is for the safety the children, and as a precaution we evacuated the facility to provide police with an opportunity to search the school.”

    County Schools Public Information Officer Barb Witherow said yesterday the school’s automated message system was activated to inform parents about the pending situation.

    “The students practice evacuation drills once a month and as a result, we had a very calm and very organized evacuation,” she said. “You hope that you never need the plan in real life, but it worked exactly how it was designed to work.”


    If Law Passes Pooches Would Be Allowed On Restaurant Patios

    TOM RISEN ¦ Staff Writer
    Some people spend a lot of money on their pets and the Dining Out Growth Bill is waiting for Maryland Senate approval on whether to open restaurant patios to dogs and more tourist dollars. If passed, it would take effect on July 1.

    After clearing the House of Delegates with a vote of 124 to 8, House Bill 941 has until the legislative session ends Monday to carry its offer of more customer service options onto the Senate floor and to the governor’s desk.

    Delegates Mike McDermott (R-38) and Norm Conway (D-38B) differed on budget proposals, but both voted in favor of the pet-friendly measure because of its potential to boost consumer spending.

    “This is a bill that will cost taxpayers nothing and has only the potential to increase disposable income from out-ofstaters,” said Delegate Dan Morhaim (D-11), who introduced the legislation.

    “Businesses in North Carolina, California, Florida, Michigan and many cities around the country are reaping benefits from having introduced this.”

    Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Melanie Pursel said there is a growing trend of people traveling with their pets.

    “People who treat their pets like their children are sometimes the ones with disposable income,” Pursel said. “I personally think this could be a good idea for businesses to offer something more to travelers. But it’s a fine line, like with the leash law on the beach.

    Business owners would have one more thing to keep track of if they allow dogs in their patios.”

    The bill would leave it up to bar owners on whether to allow dogs and what kind of dogs would be allowed on patios. The pet owners would be held responsible for managing Fido, Rover and Spot.

    Along with displaying a sign for patrons and keeping the dog outside, the restaurant would have notify local health departments.

    “Other states doing this only had isolated incidents in our judgment, so it’s something we decided to work on with Delegate Morhaim,” said Dr. Clifford S. Mitchell, assistant director for Health and Food Protection at the Maryland Department of Mental Health and Hygiene.

    Ocean City already has a handful of pet-friendly hotels that claim to have harnessed extra tourism dollars from pet travel. Barefoot Mailman Motel’s owner Adam Showell said his hotel profits by working out a balance with pet owners and housekeeping working in concert. Housekeeping cannot enter a room if the pet is there without the owner, Showell said.

    “It’s fun running a pet-friendly business and we have a high rate of returning guests,” Showell said. “There is a high rate of camaraderie among the customers since they all bring their dogs or cats as part of the family. They love coming to Ocean City, even during cooler weather when the Boardwalk and beaches are still open to pets.”

    One provision of the bill prohibits dogs from entering the restaurant at any point, even to get to the outdoor seating and could apply to the Ocean City Boardwalk. Ocean City’s beaches and its Boardwalk are not open to dog walking between May 1 and Sept. 30 because of the crowds. Monitoring pets in a crowded bar could be a concern for some businessmen, such as Shenanigans Manager Nick Feickert, who said his Boardwalk side patio would not allow dogs if the bill passed.

    “In our experience some people have phobias of dogs and might not want to have them around while drinking or eating,” Feickert said.

    “There‘s also the risk for an accident with servers walking around carrying food and drinks.”

    Donna Abbott, communications manager for the Town of Ocean City, said if the bill passed, business owners would likely have to approach the City Council about Boardwalk access for pets.

    One tourist to Ocean City, Rhonda Gresham of Chesapeake, Va., said she and her husband sometimes take their Yorkshire terrier, Lacy Lou, to Rehoboth since she finds it more pet-friendly.

    “Ocean City has lost my travel money in the past,” Treuth said. “I plan my vacation around Lacy Lou and I would love to see more pet-friendly.


    Grader Shed Fire In Nelsonia

    Fire completely destroyed an old grader shed in Nelsonia late Thursday afternoon. Fire fighters from Bloxom, Atlantic, Onancock, Parksley, Tasley and Onley responded to the call at approximately 5 PM.

    The grader shed located behind Affordable Auto Sales in Nelsonia was fully involved and destroyed.

    Firefighters were successful in keeping the fire from spreading to adjucent structures which included the car sales facility and a former lumber business.

    No cause for the fire has been reported.


    Mason Pleads Guilty To Negligent Homicide

    Written by: Jennifer Shutt
    Staff Writer
    SNOW HILL -- Sobs could be heard from all sides of the courtroom, including the defense table, as Hunter Lee Stonnell's parents talked about how their lives have changed since the death of their son.

    The parents spoke after Jesse James Mason, the man charged in the death of 21-year-old Stonnell, pleaded guilty to homicide by motor vehicle while impaired.

    Mason, 23, was charged last September after Stonnell was killed trying to prevent Mason from driving drunk. Witnesses told police Stonnell had grabbed the side of Mason's white Ford pickup truck, attempting to prevent him from driving, when he was thrown from the vehicle.

    Mason later told police he heard Stonnell's head hit the pavement and knew he was injured, but drove home anyway from the parking lot on Market Street in Pocomoke City.

    "Nobody who knew him called 911 ... a stranger called 911," said Malcolm Stonnell, the victim's father.

    Court records and witness statements indicate Mason's wife and his father were in the parking lot when Stonnell was injured.

    "How do you drive past someone who is dying?" asked mother Belinda Ann Stonnell, looking directly at Mason.

    Before he spoke, Malcolm Stonnell placed a framed 8-by-10-inch photograph of his son on the defense table, facing Mason.

    "Since the death of my son I have cried every day," he said.
    Malcolm Stonnell also criticized a former state's attorney in his remarks but did not mention him by name.

    In a brief interview, Joel Todd, who was the Worcester County state's attorney when the death occurred, said Mason's defense attorney, Cathi Coates, is the sister-in-law of Bryan Randall Coates, who was a treasurer for Todd in several campaigns.

    Mason's prosecution in Circuit Court was handled by current State's Attorney Beau Oglesby, who defeated Todd in last fall's elections.
    Malcolm and Belinda Stonnell described their son as a caring young man who liked to help others. He graduated from Crisfield High School in 2007 and was working as a heavy equipment operator with the Vulcan Materials Co. in Pocomoke City.

    "I want the courts to show you as much compassion as you and your family showed to my son on Sept. 10," Belinda Stonnell said to Mason.

    As part of the plea agreement, Mason could serve a maximum of three years in prison, with a request by the state's attorney's office for him to serve 18 months of active incarceration.

    Mason has two previous alcohol-related charges in Worcester County on his court record, including one in February 2006 for possession of an intoxicating beverage under the age of 21 and one in September 2006 for possession of an alcoholic beverage under the age of 21. In both cases he pleaded guilty and paid court imposed fines.

    Coates requested time for a presentencing investigation, which was granted. Mason will likely be sentenced in about 60 days.


    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    At The Hop!

    BILLBOARD Magazine, April 20. 1957 ..."Little Georgie" Hack, WBOC, Salisbury, Md., is now emceeing three weekly record hops and is anxious to line up record artists as guests.

    George also hosted a weekly teen dance program on Saturday afternoons televised live from the WBOC-TV studio. When Dick Clark made a benefit appearance in Salisbury he and George were in the spotlight together at a teen dance held in the Armory. As George recalls it Clark came to Salisbury to raise funds for the tennis courts at Wicomico Middle School at the request of Clark's wife whose aunt was a principal or vice principal at the school.

    In the late 1940's the parents of Dick Clark's girlfriend, Babrara Mallery, moved to Salisbury from Syracuse, NY. She attended Salisbury State College for a couple of years before transferring to another college. Clark was working at WFIL in Philadelphia at the time and made frequent trips to Salisbury to visit Barbara. As referenced in the book "American Bandstand"...which necessitated what Clark described as seventeen-hour "sheer suicide" motor trips in his heaterless '34 Ford convertible in the dead of winter. They married in 1952; divorced in 1961.

    The Pier Ball Room in Ocean City was the location for many teen record hops. In the late 1950's Baltimore's popular disc jockey Buddy Dean held hops there every Friday and Saturday night. The town of Ocean City leased the Pier building for teen dancing nightly except Sunday during the summer. Dean hosted a teen dance program on Baltimore TV for six years. In the early 1960's WJDY's Johnny Williams was doing seven hops a week at the Pier. In the areas around Pocomoke City it wasn't a record hop but a "Chop Hop" that teens looked forward to, hosted by WDVM'S (later WDMV) Choppy Layton.

    Contributed by Terry Kleger of Salisbury.

    Don't Forget The Chincoteague Daffodil Festival This Weekend

    April Meeting ~~

     Mayor and City Council Meeting. 
    The meeting will begin Monday, April 11, 2011
     at 7:30pm 
    City Hall
    101 Clarke Avenue
    Pocomoke City, Maryland

    Announcement Made For Preferred Hospital Location

    Riverside's evaluation of and due diligence on two properties revealed that a 55acre parcel on Market Street behind Four Corners Plaza will best meet the needs for building a new hospital.

    Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital (RSMH) has applied to the Virginia Department of Health for a Certificate of Public Need to relocate the inpatient hospital in an area defined by the local Board of Directors as "between Keller and Parksley". RSMH's evaluation team and its local Board chose this site as the best location from which to serve the medical needs of all the citizens on the Virginia Eastern Shore in the decades to come.

    "From this location we will be positioned to serve the entire Eastern Shore community well into the future. We chose the location because of its ease of access from Route 13 and its proximity to the center of population in our service area," said Joseph P. Zager, Administrator of RSMH.

    Riverside is planning to convert the Nassawadox campus to an ambulatory healthcare complex. In keeping with the trend toward outpatient care, the current hospital campus is planned to include: urgent care, diagnostic imaging services, laboratory services, rehabilitation services and a strong physician presence.


    JUDGEMENTS - Accomack Circuit Court

    Nancy Drury Duncan
    Staff Writer

    ACCOMAC -- Colestino Cruz Aguilar, 39, of Exmore entered a guilty plea in Accomack Circuit Court to leaving the scene of an accident and causing property damage in an amount greater than $1,000.

    According to evidence offered by Common- wealth's Attorney Gary Agar, Aguilar was driving in the parking lot of Four Corner Plaza when he struck another car. He continued driving around the area and was quickly apprehended by police. A witness identified the driver and told police.

    Aguilar had "obviously been drinking," Agar said.

    He was sentenced to three years with all time suspended on condition of good behavior. Aguilar will continue to be held in jail at the commonwealth's request, to await deportation as a result of his felony conviction.

    Probation violation

    Tyron Grant Sr., 23, of Belle Haven, convicted of burglary and grand larceny and sentenced to three years of probation last October, was back in court for violating the terms of that probation, which included community service and payment of restitution to his victims.

    Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar detailed what he said were Grant's egregious failures to comply. "His probation officer drove him to the Virginia Employment Commision office because he said he had no transportation," Agar said. "When the probation officer later found out he had not applied for a job while there, he asked why. Grant told him the line was too long and he didn't want to wait."

    "This is not New York here," Agar told the court. "There were only two people in line ahead of Grant."

    On another occasion, Agar said, Grant was to attend an Employment Commission clinic. He was telephoned and reminded each day for several days leading up to the date of the clinic that he must be there.

    He was asked of he needed transportation, said Agar. Grant assured his probation officer he would be there and that he had a ride to get there. When he did not attend, Grant told his probation officer he had no way to get there. Agar told the court that the man had been given bus passes to use to get there if he could not find a ride.

    Agar detailed also Grant's lack of fulfillment of his community service requirement.

    "He was supposed to do 100 hours of community service," said Agar. "He was supposed to pick up trash on the road. He said he was doing it, but when the bags were checked, they were found to contain only Grant's household trash."

    "Mr. Grant has some limited abilities," said defense attorney Theresa Bliss. "He just can't follow through. He needs additional monitoring,"

    "I believe we need to wake you up," said Circuit Judge Edward W. Hanson Jr. He ordered Grant to serve 30 days in jail and re-suspended the remainder of the sentence.

    Welfare fraud

    Cathy Jones, 45, of Onancock was sentenced to 15 years for four counts of welfare fraud and a bad check charge. The time was suspended on condition of her successful completion of Virginia's Detention and Diversion programs. She will be required to pay restitution.

    She was originally eligible for food stamps, but failed to inform authorities when her two daughters went to work, which made her ineligible, said defense attorney Patrick Robbins.

    "We generally consider these pretty serious cases," said Common- wealth's Attorney Gary Agar. "The system is set up to help people in need. This is not the first time she committed welfare fraud."

    Agar told the court that Jones had been incarcerated seven separate times. "There are nine noteworthy crimes in the presentence report," he said. "She needs to stay off drugs."

    He said she owed more than $3,500 for these crimes in addition to more than $5,500 already owed to the general district court.
    Robbins was able to convince the court delay her incarceration for several days so Jones "could make arrangements for her six-year-old son and put her furniture in storage."

    Armed robbery

    Sidney Cottman, 34, of Eden, Md., will serve 21 years in a penitentiary for armed robbery and armed burglary in connection with the robberies of three local convenience stores.

    Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar asked for a long sentence in light of Cottman's past violent history. "He was expelled from school in the 11th grade because he assaulted the superintendent of schools," he said. "He was fired from his last job for threatening the line boss at Tyson Foods."

    "There are a lot of armed robberies around here. If you run out of gas on Route 13, my recommendation would be that you leave your car and walk home. Don't go to a convenience store around here."

    "What are we going to do with this guy when we are so threatened here in our convenience stores?" asked Agar.

    Agar told the court that Cottman was $8,000 in arrears in child support payments and that he had had past probations revoked for drug use.

    Defense attorney Garrett Dunham told the court that his client was, "a polite individual" and said Cottman had been cooperative and truthful throughout the investigation.

    "I've never seen someone so polite with these charges," Dunham said. He told the court that Cottman took steps to make sure he didn't hurt anyone by taking the pin out of the firearm.

    Evidence was presented by the Commonwealth that Cottman held a shotgun on the store clerks as they were robbed.

    Malicious maiming

    Shakeva Matthews, 23, of Keller, charged with malicious maiming, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of unlawful wounding.

    Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar described the circumstance to the court. "Everyone was drinking and the defendant was assaulting her twin sister with a serrated butcher knife, according to a witness."

    The incident occurred in a residence near Wachapreague, he said.
    The stabbing victim, who he said was presently incarcerated as a result of another issue, received one stab wound in the back while trying to pull the twins apart.

    Defense attorney Sharri Mapp asked the court to sentence her client on the spot but the judge asked that a presentence report be prepared as Agar described Matthews as having "a positive criminal history."

    Indecent liberties

    A presentence report was ordered for a 75-year-old man who pleaded guilty to carnal knowledge and indecent liberties with a child who is now a young adult. John Robbins of Onancock was allowed to remain free on bond. The illegal activity occurred during a period of several years and ended in 2009.

    Defense attorney Tom Northam made that request, saying that his client worked in a seafood business in Washington, D.C., and that he had a heart condition and breathing issues.

    Source;|newswell|text|Eastern Shore News|s

    Gumboro MudBog

    The mudbog scheduled for this Saturday, April 9th has been RESCHEDULED.

    First races of the season have been rescheduled for SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2011.

    Arrest Made In Murder Case

    The Daily Times is reporting this morning that an arrest has been made in the murder of Whitney Bennett

    Sharahn D. Boykin
    Staff Writer
    MANOKIN -- William Alexander Hill, a 23-year-old Fruitland resident, allegedly confessed to the murder of a missing Delaware woman who was recently found dead after a four-month search, according to court documents.

    Whitney Lynn Bennett's body was located Friday after an unidentified source contacted Maryland State Police investigators and reported she had been buried on the 29000 block of Pond Run Drive, according to charging documents.

    Two other men were charged Saturday with being an accessory after a crime was committed.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    -Press Release - Delegate Mike McDermott

    Press Release
    Apr. 6th, 2011

    Not Even One…
    By Delegate Mike McDermott

    Today, the House deliberated HB-71, the Capital Bond Budget, which came in with a near billion dollar price tag. This bill contains all of the projects that the state is appropriating money towards during the coming fiscal year. Many are ongoing such as major roads or building construction measured in the tens of millions, while just as many are small projects coming in under $100,000.00. To be sure, most are very worthy of support. Our problem is, we are out of money.

    Much of this Capital Budget is being funded on transfers from, so called, “trust” funds and is banking on a very optimistic economic forecast which remains to be seen. The Department of Legislative Services (those charged with providing statistics and crafting legislation for the General Assembly) made it clear that they wanted to see reductions of $100 million from the current proposal of $925 million. This could have been achieved in a variety of ways, but the committee elected to keep the spending higher and send it to the floor.

    The Republican Caucus offered several amendments to cut spending on this bill. I offered the first amendment which would have cut overall spending in each budgeted category by 5%. Conversely, it would have maintained all projects at 95% of the funding level which is more than fair. It would have reduced the overall Capital Budget by $45 million. This was rejected on a party line vote.

    We then offered an amendment to reduce spending by 3% overall. This would have saved $27 million. Hardly a big deal, but this too was rejected largely along party lines.

    Holding our breath and asking for some consideration, we offered our last amendment which would have only reduced spending by 1%. Unbelievably, this too was rejected out of hand as being simply too drastic a measure. The bottom line, a project to build a “dark room” at a Baltimore High School which was funded at $40,000.00 in this budget would have only been reduced by $400.00, and we could not even get them to agree to make this minor cut.

    At a time when our General Assembly should be performing triage in determining funding needs, we continue to treat scratches with the same necessity as we do amputations. Reluctant to believe the truth, the crafters and leadership of the ruling party say they are “optimistic” and actually stated that our real estate prices have stabilized in the state. They made this statement despite all evidence to the contrary. The Eastern Shore is wrestling with falling home prices and assessments which are swiftly diminishing the local government coffers, further straining services. In fact, this is happening all over the state, but those calling the shots are not taking heed.

    I think it is also note worthy that the Tea Party Caucus (made up of 23 House Republican members) offered an amendment as well which would have simply stripped the $15 million in local bond bills from the Capital Budget. That would amount to about a 1.5% reduction in spending. This particular area of spending was the subject of a resolution made by the Tea Party Caucus and the House Republican Caucus to not accept, or apply for, any of these bond projects. This amendment, and the subsequent vote, represents those making good on this commitment. How can we go home, look our citizens in the eye, and tell them we listened to them last year when they told us to get our fiscal house in order if we did not vote in favor of these reductions?

    In any school or college I ever attended, a 99%, 97%, or 95% were all solid “A’s” of which I could be proud. Yet, even offering the ruling party this level of funding for all of these projects was deemed punitive and unfair. What will they say to our citizens when the State Property Tax must be raised to cover their credit card spending? What happens when our revenue estimates fall below projected rates? What will they say?

    When it comes to our budget, the sky is not falling; rather, the ground is opening up.