Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Dear Lord"

Dear Lord, this past year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze,

My favorite actress, Farah Fawcett,

My favorite musician, Michael Jackson,

My favorite sales man, Billy Mayes,

I just wanted to let you know that my favorite president is Obama....Amen

Hat Tip; Eric

Former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder Calls for White House Staff Shake-Up

Former Democratic Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder says if Barack Obama is to fulfill his promise of positive change in America, the president must "make some hard changes of his own" by replacing inexperienced members of his team with "others more capable of helping him govern."

In an editorial for Politico Tuesday, Wilder writes Obama's White House staff is made up of too many people left over from the campaign or from his time in Chicago. "Getting elected and getting things done for the people are two different jobs," Wilder writes, suggesting the president and his people haven't fully made the transition from campaign mode to governing.

Wilder, who endorsed Obama in 2008, goes on:
One problem is that they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level. The deeper problem is that they are not listening to the people.

Hearing is one thing; listening is another.

Some are even questioning whether Obama has forgotten how he got elected and the promises he made to the people who elected him.

Don't take my word for any of this. Look at the clear message the American people have been sending at the polls these past few months.
Wilder places part of the blame for recent election losses in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts squarely on one of his successors as governor: the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine. He calls on Kaine to step down as head of the DNC, saying it is "the wrong job for him."

Shake-ups at the White House and at the top of the party are necessary if the president is to succeed and Democrats are going to turn around downward trending poll numbers and survive in November, Wilder writes.

In addition to replacing his staff, Wilder, the nation's first African-American governor, also urges the president to fine tune his message and focus on one major issue: jobs.

"Unless changes are made at the top, by the top, when the time comes for voters to show how they really feel about Obama, his policies and the messages he sends directly or through the people around him, the president will discover that Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts were not just temporary aberrations but, rather, timely expressions of voters who always show that they are ahead of the politicians," Wilder writes.

Read the full editorial here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How About Some Hot Chocolate

Perfect for these wintry days

1 tbsp. cocoa powder
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. water
1 c. milk
a bit of vanilla, if desired and/or cinnamon

Combine cocoa, sugar, and water in a small saucepan. Heat it on low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent the paste from sticking to the pan. After about 1 to 2 minutes, add milk and vanilla. Mix it all together until it reaches your preferred temperature.

Never-Before-Seen 9/11 Attack Photos Released

Just-released aerial police photos show the World Trade Center attack on Sept. 11, 2001, from a new angle.

ABC News was handed 2,770 photos, many taken from police helicopters, after filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

We have seen the Twin Towers collapse hundreds of times on TV. The steel and glass skyscrapers exploding like a bag of flour, the dust and smoke pluming out across Manhattan. But never like this, from above.

Nine years after the defining moment of the 21st century, a stunning set of photographs taken by New York Police helicopters forces us to look afresh at a catastrophe we assumed we knew so well.

You know but cannot see the 2,752 men, women and children who died at the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. None is visible here.

All we see is the spectacular moment of collapse, what film directors call the wide shot, showing the towers in their urban setting, before, during and after their fall.

Even for those who were there, like me, running from the cloud and choking in the dust, it is hard to believe. But what is all too evident to everyone is that this event changed the world, with consequences that will haunt us for decades.

With the Twin Towers collapsed the world we thought we knew.

These dramatic images were taken by police photographers in helicopters and it is the first time they have been seen, having been released under a Freedom of Information request made by America's ABC News.

Burning buildings can be seen crumpling in on themselves as plumes of smoke rise up over the New York skyline that terrible September morning.

The images show how the police helicopter first began taking images from afar before moving in to reveal the devastation taking place underneath.

They also reveal the horror faced by those trapped in the burning buildings and then the walls of smoke and debris that enveloped the surrounding area as the towers came crashing down.

Released more than eight years after the deaths of 2,752 people on that day, they are powerful reminders of the attack that led to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The legacy of the New York attack continues today with as British forces joining with Afghan soldiers and Nato to launch the biggest attack on the Taliban - accused of harbouring Al Qaeda who organised the 9/11 attack - since the initial 2001 offensive.

Meanwhile, in New York, work is continuing to build on the rubble of what became known as Ground Zero.

Structural steel for the 1,776ft tower, which will be known as 1 World Trade Centre, has already reached 200ft above street level.

Workers are now installing 16 steel nodes on the 20th-floor of the tower which will serve as joints between the steel framing for the building's podium and the steel for the rest of the tower. The 104-storey skyscraper is due to be completed in 2013 and will be one of the tallest buildings in the U.S.

For More Pictures Click HERE


De-Ice a Frozen Lock

It's late. It's dark. You trudge through the snow to your car and discover the locks are all iced up. Don't panic! There's a clever way to solve this problem. Just apply a glob of hand sanitizer to the key and wiggle it gently into the lock.

Why does this work? Hand sanitizer's primary ingredient is alcohol, which melts ice clear away in seconds.

I love this tip, especially since I usually keep a travel-size bottle of Purell in my bag anyway. Another plus: hand sanitizer is much easier to come by in a pinch than specialty de-icing products. After all, even if you aren't carrying any Purell yourself, you can probably borrow some from a friend or passerby, right?

A few more clever de-icing ideas:
Use a cigarette lighter to heat the tip of the key. It may take a few attempts, but the hot key should gradually melt the ice.

Spray a little WD-40 into the lock. Just remember WD-40 is highly flammable. If it doesn't work, don't try the cigarette lighter method afterwards -- at least not on the same lock!

If your car is parked at home you can also try breaking out the hair dryer. A blast of hot air should be all that's needed to get that lock finally de-iced. If you don't have a suitably long extension cord, try pouring some very hot water over the lock. Hopefully you'll be on your way in no time!


The Right Way to Shovel Snow

1. Do some stretching before you head outside, just to limber up like you would before any other workout.

2. When buying a shovel, invest in one that has a smaller blade -- the less snow you pick up, the less strain on your body. You may also want to try a lightweight, ergonomic shovel -- preferably one with a bent handle (pictured). A shovel with a plastic blade will be lighter than a steel blade, but the choice is yours.

3. If you can, avoid lifting the snow while shoveling. Instead, push the snow to the side.If you must lift the snow, stand with your feet hip distance apart and keep the shovel close to your body.

4. Always bend from the knees, not the back or torso.

5. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lift the snow to help provide extra back support.

6. Pause every 10 minutes or so to catch your breath and make sure you're not overexerting yourself.

7. Avoid drinking coffee before going outside in the snow, as it can place more stress on your heart by increasing your heart rate and causing blood vessels to narrow.

8. Dress in layers and remove layers as you work up a sweat to avoid overhearing.

9. Drink plenty of water before, during and after you shovel your driveway.

A few other cool snow shovels we found include wheels, but no motor, so they reduce pollution and physical strain! The Wovel is touted as the world's safest snow shovel; it even won an award from Time magazine. Then there's this lightweight ergonomic shovel we found on QVC for just $65.

OR you could just get one of these.

Worcester County Schools Closed Thursday 2/11/10

Go ahead kids, do the snow-day dance

The Beauty of Winter!

Some wonderful, beautiful, winter photos

And last but not least


I just remembered something, under this "state of emergency" with the Mayors decelerations, traveling ban, the USNG, and possibly FEMA camping out here in Md. aren't we supposed to be looting?

I mean after all don't we need these things? All the stores have closed and the police can't move so ain't we just supposed to go take it?

U.S. RT 113 Shut-Down

U.S. route 113 Pocomoke is shut-down in both directions (North/Southbound) for an undetermined amount of time.

Billie's Goat Lives Indoors

Fourteen Day Old Goat Lives In Kitchen
by Ted Shockley, Staff Writer

ACCOMAC -- Two weeks ago, Billie Blackwell faced a difficult decision. The mother goat was ignoring the newborn kid and a snowstorm was approaching. Should she let the baby try to survive or bring it indoors?

Blackwell did what many loving Eastern Shore pet owners did as temperatures dropped and snow fell. She brought her pet inside.

"It was making a choice between two evils," said Blackwell, nodding at Snoopy, now 14 days old, standing in her kitchen in the Henry's Point community. "We selected this one, which is going to be a problem."

Living with an indoor goat has its challenges. Blackwell has been paper-training the kid on the vinyl kitchen floor. But, as she puts it, every five ounces it eats produces at least 20 ounces in return.

Relations with the 9-year-old indoor cat, Fuzzball, have been strained.

"The goat wants to investigate the cat, but the cat doesn't want anything to do with the goat," she said.

But the living arrangement has been poignant at times.

Blackwell bottle-feeds Snoopy, who sleeps in a big cardboard box. Its muffled bleating sounds like a toy. It sits in her lap like a puppy.

With it standing on the floor, Blackwell trains it to butt heads by pushing her sock-covered foot against its forehead. Snoopy pushes back.

Blackwell, who retired from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility as a contract specialist after 35 years there, and her husband, Charlie, have raised goats for 30 years. But circumstances have never required one to live inside.

Now, despite her good intentions, she is worried about the future. Snoopy has become accustomed to the warm house and might not take well to outside living in February. But the goat is growing faster than spring's arrival.

"He can't stay in here too much longer," Blackwell said. "He's going to be taking over the land. They just get rambunctious -- they want to butt on everything. They want to chew on everything."

Now housemates for two snowstorms, Snoopy has taken to Blackwell, and has charmed the owner who took seriously her responsibility as a pet owner.

But as soon as it warms up, Snoopy might be back where the other goats live.

"The Bible says there is a time for everything," said Blackwell, who then recites several verses from Ecclesiastes 3 from memory -- there is a time to be born, a time to plant, a time to heal.

Then she adds a new one:

"There's a time to have goats, and a time not to have goats," she said.

Have You Paid to Have Your Sidewalk Cleared?

If you did, I hope you got a warranty because it didn't work, the snow has re-appeared emot15

I've seen in my travels a few residents having their sidewalks cleared of snow by machines that were obviously way to big to be doing that type of work, I assume that these folks are out trying to make a couple of bucks and I say more power too'em. That's capitalism at it's finest and I hope they do well.

But a word of caution to the home owners, some of the equipment I've seen doing this work is much too heavy for the average sidewalk, especially some of the very old sidewalks in town.

Anything much bigger than a lawn tractor can and will damage your walk and curbing, you might not see the damage until the snow completely clears and/or it completely thaws or maybe even this summer is when your walk/curb start deteriorating, cracking and crumbling. Notice all the new pot-holes after a snow and a plow job?

Let the tractors have the driveways and parking lots, give an ambitious youth with a shovel some spending change to clear your sidewalk(s), steps etc. they can use the extra change and wont damage your property. Plus that smile you'll put on a young persons face is worth a million bucks for the measly 10-20 bucks to shovel all that snow.

Damn Tractor Stole My Snow

For Thursday, February 11, 2010


Holly Grove- Closed

Accomack County Schools- Closed

Broadwater Academy- Closed

Central Baptist Academy Closed

St. Paul on the Shore Closed

Head Start Accomack and Northampton Closed

Tyson 1st shift: No evicerating or receiving,rest of shift report on time.

2nd shift no evicerating or receiving, rest of shift report on time.

Tyson Maintenence report on time.

Alissa Blanton, Ex-Hooters Waitress, Killed by Stalker Roger Troy

Roger Troy, 61, was apparently one of those guys who took the faux flirting of Hooters waitresses as genuine affection, rather than a naked attempt to get him to empty his wallet. And he took a special fancy to Alissa Blanton...

The young woman worked at the Hooters in Merritt Island, Florida until September of 2008. During that time, Troy became obsessed with her, though his initial passion appeared somewhat innocent.

"In the beginning Roger was a regular customer that came in daily and always sat in my section," Alissa would later write in a protection order taken out against him. "I gave him my e-mail one day because he continued to ask for my number. That way he knew my schedule. He never harassed me in the beginning."

But Troy began to consider it more than a waitress-customer relationship. "At the end of employment at Hooters, Roger always tried to walk me to my car at the end of the night, but he would stand and talk and hug me and so on. My manager John didn't like this. The customers are not allowed to touch any of the girls."

So her boss confronted Troy, warning him that touching was a no-no. But he seemed to believe that buying overpriced wings entitled him to more than a tight shirt and a smile. "He has said several times that he spent so much money there and on me, and he doesn't deserve to be treated this way (not talking to him)," Alissa wrote in her complaint.

"After this incident he stopped sitting in my section, and the e-mails started about how terrible I am and all about an ex-boyfriend I was dating. I moved to Orlando to be closer to new job and he began showing up there and e-mailing about seeing me. I reported it. Then got married and moved back to Brevard County and letters are coming and stalking here also."

Blanton got a job at an AT&T call center and married a coworker last August. But Tory's stalking only continued, becoming even more obsessed. "He states several times drove by my home, how he has seen me in Orlando. He describes how I look (like that I gained weight and cut my hair). He once came to my work at AT&T call center in Orlando, and blocked me in my car. (Parked his car behind mine and came to my window and put arms on window ledge.) Also, in letters, put in other remarks, like 'Wearing your seatbelt?' "

So a week ago, she took out a temporary restraining order against him. A hearing was scheduled for February 16. But Troy wasn't about to wait for that.

On Monday, he caught up with Alissa in a parking lot outside AT&T in Orlando and opened fire. Though details are still sparse, witnesses say he may have fired as many as a dozen shots.

Alissa later died at the hospital. Troy shot himself and was found dead at the scene.


Closings and Cancellations

More closings and cancellations for Wednesday, February 10, 2010
See post below for closings prior to this.

2nd Shift at Tyson's- Canceled

Shore Little League Meeting- Rescheduled for Tuesday at 7:00 PM at the Fire House

Central Baptist Church- Canceled for tonight

Traveling in the Storm

I took these pictures while on my trek home, this was the normal conditions on the road, I couldn't get a picture of the complete whiteout conditions as I need all my attention on driving.

The updated weather forecast…

Please read the very important information concerning the blizzard.

Hat Tip; Kack

Stay Off the Roads

Please do not go out unless absolutely necessary.

I drove from Salisbury to the Va line and in the open spots the wind blowing the snow across the roadway is not just a whiteout, it's a complete whiteout at times. there were a couple of times that I had to stop because I literally could not see the end of the hood on my truck.

It is also very slick, there are patches where the earlier rain has frozen on the road under the fresh snow.

It is dangerous; Stay Home

Closings and Cancellaltions Updated As Of 3:00 PM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Board Meeting of the Eastern Shore Soil & Water Conservation District for Wed. February 10th rescheduled for Wed. February 17

Metompkin Medical Center- Closed

Arcadia Middle School PTA meeting for tonight cancelled

St. James Episcopal Church Groundhog Day delayed until February 20th

Head-start programs both counties closed today ... Staff should report at 8:00 A.M

ESAAA Senior Centers closed

Agape Christian Center Closed

PNC Banks Branches and drive - thru's closed today

Accomack - Northampton Planning District and Housing Commission closed

Section 8 Office in Accomac closed

Little Pungo Ruritan Club Meeting is posponed until next Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

ESCC closed

Legal Aide in Belle Haven closed

Veteran Services Accomac closed

Star Transit after 1st run closing

ES Community Services Board- All offices closing at 9 AM today

The Boys & Girls club of Exmore- closed. Parents please make arrangements to pick up your children.

Services at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Temperanceville- Cancelled

Accomack County Farm Bureau- closing at 10 AM

USDA Service Center in Accomac- Closin at 10 AM

TOPS of Accomac- Closed tomorrow

All 3 Eastern Shore BB&T Branches- Closing at 11:00 AM

Telemon Corporation in Belle Haven- Closing at 11:00 AM

All Shore Bank Branches, Drivethroughs and Headquarters- Closing at 10 AM

Eastern Shore Animal Hospital- Closing at Noon

Sears in Onley- Closing at 10 AM

Hospice office & Thrift Store in Onancock- Closed. All medical staff can be reached by calling 787-3310

Foodbank and Thrift Store- closing at 10:30 AM

ESO Art Center in Belle Haven- closed

Accomac & Nassawadox Libraries- closing at 10 AM

Island Library on Chincoteague- Closed

Exmore Town Office Closing at Noon

ES Foot Center Dr. Wayne CHin will close at 2 PM

Northampton County Administative Office, Sanitary Landfill and Convenience Centers will be closing at Noon.

Volney Hall in Eastville- Closing at 1 PM

Kerr Place in Onancock Dennis Custis Lecture series- canceled

Market Street UMC Canceled Tonight will resume next Wednesday

Hollies Baptist Church in Keller- Day Time and Evening Bible Study Canceled

VA Employment Commission- Closing at 11 AM

Exmore Community Center Soup Kitchen- Closed

Associated Insurance Centers in Pocomoke, Chincoteague & Onancock- Closed

Zion Baptist Church Services for Tonight- Canceled

Hall Richardson Insurance Agency- Closing at 11 AM

Division of Child Support in Onancock- Closing at 10 AM

Onley Neighborhood Watch Meeting for Tonight- Canceled

The Drummond Insurance Agency State Farm in Nelsonia- closing at 11 AM

Mosher Physical Therapy- closing at noon

Weight Watchers at Rock Church- Canceled

ES Rural Centers- Closing at 1:30 PM

Monkeys- Closed

YMCA- Closing at Noon

Cape Charles Town Office- Closing at 11

Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services, Belle Haven, VA-Closed

Painter UFC Bingo- Canceled

Kate's Kupboard- Closed

Accutax- Closing at 1:00 PM

Atlantic Animal Hospital- Closed

Epworth UMC Choir will not meet tonight

Northampton County Circuit Court & Clerks Office- Closed

Zumba Class at ExmoreMoose Lodge- Canceled

Corner Bakery- Closed

Accomack County Landfills- closing at Noon will repon on Thursday, Feb 11

Accomack County Convenience Centers will close at Noon. Will repon as snow is cleared.

Accomack & Northampton Health Departments- Closed

Bethel Baptist Church in Bloxom- Closed

Intrepid OFfice will close at noon. Essential personel will be out seeing patients

DMV in Onancock- Closing at 12:15

ES Staffing & ES Remediation- Closed

Parksley Livestock Supply- Closed

CVS Pharmacy- CLosing at 5 PM

Annies Restaurant in Parksley- Closed

H&R Block Onley- Closed

USI Insurance Centers in Exmore- closed at 1:30

Advantage Medical- Closed

Union Baptist Church on Chinocteague- Services Canceled


Tired of Snow?

Strange Pets


For most people, the idea of keeping rodents as pets is off-putting, if not downright creepy.

However, it's possible all these reservations could be put aside if we just embrace the capybara as a household pet. The semi-aquatic rodent native to South America can grow to be around 100 lbs. and about 2 feet tall at the shoulder.

Click through to check out the pictures of Melanie Typaldos and her pet capybara Caplin, and try to deny this is the cuddliest giant rat you've ever seen.

Closings and Cancellations

Closings and Cancellations Reposted and Updated
Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The Board Meeting of the Eastern Shore Soil & Water Conservation District for Wed. February 10th rescheduled for Wed. February 17

Metompkin Medical Center- Closed

Arcadia Middle School PTA meeting for tonight cancelled

St. James Episcopal Church Groundhog Day delayed until February 20th

NASA Wallops closed

Accomack County Schools Closed

Head-start programs both counties closed today ... Staff should report at 8:00 A.M

Central Baptist Academy closed

ESAAA Senior Centers closed

Agape Christian Center Closed

PNC Banks Branches and drive - thru's closed today

NASA Federal Credit Union Oak Hall closed today

Accomac - Northampton Planning District and Housing Commission closed

Section 8 Office in Accomac closed

Little Pungo Ruritan Club Meeting is posponed until next Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

ESCC closed

Legal Aide in Belle Haven closed

Veteran Services Accomac closed

Star Transit after 1st run closing

Accomack County Circuit Court closed
ES Community Services Board- All offices closing at 9 AM today

The Boys & Girls club of Exmore- closed. Parents please make arrangements to pick up your children.

Services at Jerusalem Baptist Church in Temperanceville- Cancelled

Accomack County Farm Bureau- closing at 10 AM

USDA Service Center in Accomac- Closin at 10 AM

TOPS of Accomac- Closed tomorrow

All 3 Eastern Shore BB&T Branches- Closing at 11:00 AM

Telemon Corporation in Belle Haven- Closing at 11:00 AM

All Shore Bank Branches, Drivethroughs and Headquarters- Closing at 10 AM

Eastern Shore Animal Hospital- Closing at Noon

Sears in Onley- Closing at 10 AM

Hospice office & Thrift Store in Onancock- Closed. All medical staff can be reached by calling 787-3310

Foodbank and Thrift Store- closing at 10:30 AM

ESO Art Center in Belle Haven- closed

Accomac & Nassawadox Libraries- closing at 10 AM

Island Library on Chincoteague- Closed

Exmore Town Office Closing at Noon

ES Foot Center Dr. Wayne CHin will close at 2 PM

Northampton County Administative Office, Sanitary Landfill and Convenience Centers will be closing at Noon.

Volney Hall in Eastville- Closing at 1 PM

Kerr Place in Onancock Dennis Custis Lecture series- canceled

Market Street UMC Canceled Tonight will resume next Wednesday

Hollies Baptist Church in Keller- Day Time and Evening Bible Study Canceled

VA Employment Commission- Closing at 11 AM

Exmore Community Center Soup Kitchen- Closed

Associated Insurance Centers in Pocomoke, Chincoteague & Onancock- Closed

Zion Baptist Church Services for Tonight- Canceled

Hall Richardson Insurance Agency- Closing at 11 AM

Division of Child Support in Onancock- Closing at 10 AM

Onley Neighborhood Watch Meeting for Tonight- Canceled

The Drummond Insurance Agency State Farm in Nelsonia- closing at 11 AM

Mosher Physical Therapy- closing at noon

Weight Watchers at Rock Church- Canceled

ES Rural Centers- Closing at 1:30 PM

Monkeys- Closed

YMCA- Closing at Noon

Cape Charles Town Office- Closing at 11

Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services, Belle Haven, VA-Closed

Painter UFC Bingo- Canceled

Kate's Kupboard- Closed

Accutax- Closing at 1:00 PM

Atlantic Animal Hospital- Closed

Epworth UMC Choir will not meet tonight

Northampton County Circuit Court & Clerks Office- Closed

Zumba Class at ExmoreMoose Lodge- Canceled

Corner Bakery- Closed

Accomack County Landfills- closing at Noon will repon on Thursday, Feb 11

Accomack County Convenience Centers will close at Noon. Will repon as snow is cleared.

Accomack & Northampton Health Departments- Closed

Bethel Baptist Church in Bloxom- Closed

Intrepid OFfice will close at noon. Essential personel will be out seeing patients

DMV in Onancock- Closing at 12:15

ES Staffing & ES Remediation- Closed









Picture For Today


Diary of A Snow Shoveler

Author unknown

December 8: 6:00 PM.

It started to snow. The first snow of the season and the wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by the window watching the huge soft flakes drift down from heaven. It looked like a Grandma Moses Print. So romantic we felt like newlyweds again. I love snow!

December 9:

We woke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic sight! Can there be a more lovely place in the Whole World? Moving here was the best idea I've ever had. Shoveled for the first time in years and felt like a boy again. I did both our driveway and the sidewalks. This afternoon the snowplow came along and covered up the sidewalks and closed in the driveway, so I got to shovel again. What a perfect life.

December 12:

The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a disappointment. My neighbor tells me not to worry, we'll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on Christmas would be awful! Bob says we'll have so much snow by the end of winter, that I'll never want to see snow again. I don't think that's possible. Bob is such a nice man I'm glad he's our neighbor.

December 14:

Snow lovely snow! 8" last night. The temperature dropped to -20. The cold makes everything sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed up by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is the life! The snowplow came back this afternoon and buried everything again. I didn't realize I would have to do quite this much shoveling, but I'll certainly get back in shape this way. I wish I wouldn't huff and puff so.

December 15:

20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a 4x4 Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife's car and 2 extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants a wood stove in case the electricity goes out. I think that's silly. We aren't in Alaska, after all.

December 16:

Ice storm this morning. Fell on my ass on the ice in the driveway putting down salt. Hurt like hell. The wife laughed for an hour, which I think was very cruel.

December 17:

Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go anywhere. Electricity was off for 5 hours. I had to pile the blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to do but stare at the wife and try not to irritate her. Guess I should've bought a wood stove, but won't admit it to her. God I hate it when she's right. I can't believe I'm freezing to death in my own living room.

December 20:

Electricity's back on, but had another 14" of the damn stuff last night. More shoveling. Took all day. Goddamn snowplow came by twice. Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but they said they're too busy playing hockey. I think they're lying. Called the only hardware store around to see about buying a snow blower and they're out. Might have another shipment in March. I think they're lying. Bob says I have to shovel or the city will have it done and bill me. I think he's lying.

December 22:

Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more inches of the white shit fell today, and it's so cold it probably won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up to go out to shovel and then I had to piss. By the time I got undressed, pissed and dressed again. I was too tired to shovel. Tried to hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of the winter; but he says he's too busy. I think the asshole is lying.

December 23:

Only 2" of snow today. And it warmed up to 0o. The wife wanted me to decorate the front of the house this morning. What is she nuts!!! Why didn't she tell me to do that a month ago? She says she did but I think she's lying.

December 24:

6". Snow packed so hard by snowplow, l broke the shovel. Thought I was having a heart attack. If I ever catch the son of a bitch who drives that snowplow, I'll drag him through the snow by his balls. I know he hides around the corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then he comes down the street at a 100 miles an hour and throws snow all over where I've just been! Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas Carols with her and open our presents, but I was busy watching for the goddamn snowplow.

December 25:

Merry Christmas. 20 more inches of the !=3D@x@!x!x1 slop tonight. Snowed in. The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil. God I hate the snow! Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife says I have a bad attitude. I think she's an idiot. If I have to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" one more time, I'm going to kill her.

December 26:

Still snowed in. Why the hell did I ever move here? It was all HER idea. She's really getting on my nerves.

December 27:

Temperature dropped to -30o and the pipes froze.

December 28:

Warmed up to above -50. Still snowed in. THE BITCH is driving me crazy!!!!!

December 29:

10 more inches. Bob says I have to shovel the roof or it could cave in. That's the silliest thing I ever heard. How dumb does he think I am?

December 30:

Roof caved in. The snow plow driver is suing me for a million dollars. The wife went home to her mother. 9" predicted.

December 31:

Set fire to what's left of the house. No more shoveling.

January 8:

I feel so good. I just love those little white pills they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the bed?

Snowstorm Slams Mid-Atlantic and Points North

Plows that have been rolling around the clock for days in the nation's capital, Philadelphia and Baltimore won't be heading for the garage any time soon as a second major storm in a week moved into the snowbound region Wednesday.

Snow was falling from northern Virginia to Connecticut by early Wednesday. The storm started in the Midwest, where it was blamed for three traffic accident deaths in Michigan on Tuesday.

Along the East coast, thousands of workers were scrambling to plow and salt roads. Maryland officials said salt supplies used by road crews were dwindling in some parts of the state. A spokesman for Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation said drivers' shifts were running as long as 16 hours.

"It can be exhausting, mentally and physically," said Jerry Graham, a state plow truck driver in Pennsylvania's Lehigh County.

Areas that dodged last week's storm, which buried some areas in nearly 3 feet of snow, won't be as lucky this time around. Airports in the New York City area joined their counterparts farther south in canceling many flights, while the city's 1.1 million school children had a rare snow day Wednesday, only the third in six years. As much as a foot was expected there.

A forecast of at least that much new snow wasn't welcome in Washington and Philadelphia, which were hit hard by a blizzard over the weekend. Each needs about 9 more inches to give the cities their snowiest winters since 1884, the first year records were kept.

"It's hard to find anything in the history books of these types of storms back-to-back," said National Weather Service meteorologist Stephen Konarik.

Michael Giambattista, 56, a truck driver from Elizabeth, Pa., had been without power since Friday and was staying at a Red Cross shelter near his home with his girlfriend and 13-year-old son.

"I've never been without power like this," said Giambattista, who was trying to help keep spirits up among the more than 50 people at the shelter. "Mother Nature, you can't battle her. She's going to win."

The storms have kept some workers and students home for the better part of a week. About 230,000 federal workers in Washington have been off since Friday afternoon, when the first storm began. The U.S. House announced it was scrapping the rest of its workweek. Several hearings and meetings in Congress and federal agencies were postponed, including one planned to address Toyota's massive recalls.

"It's embarrassing that the world's largest superpower closes from a few feet of snow," said Alex Krause, 23, of Los Angeles, who was stranded in Washington and visiting the National Mall. "The Kremlin must be laughing."

But the effects of the federal government's closure were negligible since about 85 percent of federal employees work outside the Washington region. An IRS spokeswoman said tax returns should not be affected.

Thousands remained without power from the last storm in parts of western Pennsylvania, Maryland and other areas. Utilities said deep snow was hindering some crews trying to fix damaged power lines even before Tuesday's storm arrived.

Their task could grow even more difficult with new snowfall and winds gusting up to 50 mph that create blizzard conditions in the Mid-Atlantic.

The Washington area was expected to get a foot or more of snow, while Baltimore and Philadelphia could each get as many as 20 inches.

Most flights were canceled at Philadelphia's airport after 8 p.m. Tuesday, and Washington's airports had halted all but a few flights. Continental Airlines canceled all 400 of its Wednesday flights at Newark Liberty Airport, as well as several hundred more regional flights on affiliate airlines. U.S. Airways and Continental also canceled most flights at New York's LaGuardia Airport.

James Allen, 25, of Northampton, England, arrived Sunday on the first flight to land at Baltimore's airport after its runway reopened from the last storm. He was visiting friend Julia Tracey, 25, a nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The two were at a downtown grocery store Tuesday searching in vain for fresh herbs for a recipe.

Allen had planned to stay in Baltimore for a few days, but "it's probably going to turn into a few weeks now."

In West Virginia, where 40 counties were under winter storm warnings, Gov. Joe Manchin urged people to make sure snow was cleared from roofs of public buildings to avoid a repeat of 1998, when roof collapses were blamed for at least three deaths.

At the National Mall in Washington, Miron Daniela of Bucharest, Romania, said she's used to the snow and this would be normal in her country.

On area residents dealing with the snow, she said, "From what I heard, they're very scared and it's too much for them."


Closings and Cancellations

February 10, 2010 Wednesday

The Board Meeting of the Eastern Shore Soil & Water Conservation District for Wed. February 10th rescheduled for Wed. February 17

Metompkin Medical Center- Closed

Arcadia Middle School PTA meeting for tonight cancelled

St. James Episcopal Church Groundhog Day delayed until February 20th

Tonight's 2nd Congressional District GOP Candidate Debate has been canceled due to the pending winter storm. No rescheduled date has been set but as soon as information comes to WESR, we will pass it along

NASA Wallops closed today

Accomac County Schools Closed Today

Head-start programs both counties closed today ... Staff should report at 8:00 A.M

Central Baptist Academy closed today

ESAAA Senior Centers closed today

Agape Christian Center Closed

PNC Banks Branches and drive - thru's closed today

NASA Federal Credit Union Oak Hall closed today

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Corner Bakery In Onancock

I bet there was a wonderful aroma drifting around Onancock last Saturday. Come to think of it, soft warm donuts would have tasted wonderful with the day we all were experiencing. This is one place you need to visit!

Corner Bakery's 30th Anniversary a Success Despite Winter Storm

The Corner Bakery in Onancock celebrated its 30th Anniversary over the weekend despite the weather. Connie Smith of the Corner Bakery says they did not expect the turnout to be as well as it was.

"We think we sold almost 600 dozen doughnuts, we could not keep exact count because we just couldnt keep up," said Smith.

Smith said because of the heavy snow fall, they were not sure if anyone would show up. Still, Smith and her employees showed up as planned at 3:00 AM and began make doughnuts for the historic anniversary.

"We sold six days worth of doughnuts in 5 hours," added Smith. "Some people sat in line for a half hour of longer just to get to the counter."

As for the people who received "rain checks" from the Corner Bakery, Smith said they can come in at any time and still get the same deal that was offered for the 30th anniversary.

Smith said she would like to give a heartfelt thanks to not only the customers who braved the cold weather Saturday, but all the Corner Bakery customers over the past 30 years.

Worcester County Schools Closed

Again Wednesday 2/10/10

Picture For Today


Pray Once Then Repeat

We can't do anything about the weather that seems to be about ready to pounce us once again. I am sure by now alot of you are just like me. You are tired of snow. You have had enough of unplowed back roads, loss of electricity, and cancelled school.

A couple of days of this feeling is fine but this has been way too long for me.

After this winter and all this snow the only snow flakes I care to see are the ones on Christmas cards I receive. We all need the feeling that things are normal once again.
I guess when it comes down to the nitty gritty of it all, we are very lucky to have not gotten what our friends up north have received.
Lucky or not, the trapped, slowed feeling gets old. This little quick and easy prayer might help alot of us.

Hang in there!

Ban On Cell Phones While Driving? Really?

It's not unusual to see people talking on their cell phones while driving these days. And it's hard to remember when there wasn't a time when we could simply go through the day without those annoying rings. Cell phone usuage has gotten so huge that many businesses and doctor offices have requested that they be turned off. However, some can't seem to be without the thing jammed up to their ear. I wonder how they ever made it through the day before the cell.

The Senate has passed a bill banning talking on a cell phone unless you have a hands free device.

Unlike the texting ban, this ban is very enforceable.

State Senator Tommy Norment, who represents the Peninsula, wants to make it a primary offense to drive and talk - unless you're using a bluetooth or hands free device.

If this bill becomes a law, anyone caught talking on their cell phone while driving would be fined and given points on their driving record. If passed, it would go into effect starting July 1.

The bill has passed its first hurdle with a 25-15 victory in the State Senate and now it heads to the House before its final stop on Governor Bob McDonnell's desk.

If the bill clears by this summer police won't need any other reason to pull you over.

And if passed, fines would go up to $50 and $200 starting July 1, 2011.

The ban would not apply to those driving emergency response vehicles, drivers who are stopped or parked, or anyone using a phone to report an emergency.

This could be such a waste of time. Other states have tried to enforce a law like this and people still talk without using a hands free device. I almost t-boned a woman the other day as she was making an illegal u-turn, running her mouth on her cell and carrying an elderly passenger with her. She never lost the conversation and looked at me as if it were my fault and I know the elderly gentleman messed his pants. The government shouldn't need to enforce laws upon us because WE ALL need to be MORE responsible and stop thinking we are the only ones on the road. I value my life too much.

What is it about our lives today that some can't wait until they get to their destination to make a call?

One More Time !!!

The Eastern Shore is again under a Winter Storm Warning. Just as the Shore is struggling to get back to normal in a winter that has been anything but normal, the National Weather Service has issued this warning.






More Closings For 2/9/10

Beebe School of Nursing closed

Berlin Head Start closed

Chesapeake College closed

Del Tech Georgetown closed

Delaware State University - open, but classes after 6 p.m. canceled

Delmar schools closed

Delmarva Beauty Academy closed

Delmarva Christian closed

Dorchester schools closed

Dove Pointe closed

Indian River school district closed

Laurel schools closed

Milford schools closed

Princess Anne Head Start closed

Salisbury Christian closed

Salisbury School closed

Seaford schools closed

Somerset County schools closed

St. Francis de Sales closed

Sussex Academy A&S closed

Sussex Tech closed

Telamon Head Start, Laurel, Bridgeville, Seaford closed

Wicomico County schools closed

Wicomico Day School open at 9 a.m.

Wor-Wic Community College - 2-hour delay

Wilmington College, Georgetown, Rehoboth, closed

Worcester County schools closed

Worcester Prep closed


Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday, 2/9/10 Closings and Delays

Accomack County Schools Closed Tuesday

Northampton Schools 1 hour late no breakfast staff on time.

Holly Grove Christian Closed

Broadwater 2 hrs. late

Central Baptist Academy Closed

Eastern Shore Community College 2 hrs. late

Another Major Snowstorm to Hit Eastern US

While residents in the mid-Atlantic region have yet to completely dig themselves out from the record-breaking snowstorm of last Friday into Saturday (nicknamed "Snowmageddon"), another major snowstorm will pound the East Coast from Tuesday through Wednesday of this week.

The most intense snowfall will be centered farther to the north than the last storm -- heavy snow is possible in New York City -- but the storm's effects will overlap the region pounded by Snowmageddon.

Although the new storm will not produce the widespread 20-inch to 30-inch-plus snowfall amounts that the previous storm did, it has the potential to become a dangerous storm.

A combination of heavy snow and strong wind is likely in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, and perhaps southern New England, including Boston, from Tuesday night through Wednesday as the storm intensifies along the Eastern Seaboard.

More than a foot of windblown snow might accumulate, likely snarling transit. As with the recent storm farther to the south, power outages will be possible.

If the storm intensifies a little sooner, then heavy snow and wind will start a little farther to the south. In that scenario, heavy snow would extend into Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, including Baltimore and Washington, D.C. While the storm would not rival the weekend storm in terms of overall snowfall amounts, heavy snow and wind would create significant problems in terms of travel, blowing and drifting snow, and snow removal.

Regardless of whether the storm intensifies quickly enough to hit Baltimore and Washington with another major blizzard, for a significant part of the region this will be the second major storm in less than a week. The map at right, which shows snow depth as of Sunday morning, indicates the areas that were hit hardest by the weekend storm. The dark blue shades indicate areas with more than 20 inches of snow on the ground.

Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, and southern New Jersey (including Atlantic City), will be in the area hit by both storms. With back-to-back major snow storms, this region will have a difficult time resuming normal activities after the storm ends. And the double dose of storms is certain to make this a February for the record books.

It's important to note that this approaching storm has had a history of creating weather problems across the entire country. Serious mudslides occurred in Southern California on Saturday when the storm moved inland from the Pacific, and heavy snow spread through the mountains of the Southwest and into the Great Plains on Sunday. Significant snow will continue to streak eastward across the Plains and Midwest today, and all of this has occurred (or will occur) before it becomes another major East Coast storm.

Picture For Today


Va. State Agencies Work Together

The Commonwealth continues around the clock response to the recent severe winter weather. The storm dropped up to 30 inches of snow more in some places to parts of northern and western Virginia, and citizens face snow-packed, icy roads and very low temperatures for the next few days. Power companies are reporting nearly 108,000 power outages. Approximately 210 people including several pets have sought shelter in about 20 locations around the state.

"Response efforts continue day and night," said Michael Cline, state coordinator for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. "We have been working closely with local governments to assess their needs and get them the staff, equipment and supplies that they need."

VDEM is processing requests from local governments and matching them with appropriate agencies for response. Local governments have asked for large vehicles and humvees so that local rescue and law enforcement personnel can transport emergency patients to hospitals; snow plows to help keep major highways and staging areas clear; and help in removing downed trees that are blocking roads and preventing snow removal and restoration of power lines.

Additional resources are being dispatched to Northern Virginia. More National Guard soldiers are being sent to the area, along with nearly 40 more heavy trucks and other vehicles to assist in snow removal.

Here are a few examples of state agencies working with local governments:

The Virginia Department of Forestry is using chain saws to help the Virginia Department of Transportation with tree removal in Bedford, Fluvanna, Pittsylvania and Shenandoah counties. A VDOF bulldozer also is being used in Bedford County.

The Virginia Department of Social Services is operating a free hotline for people seeking winter weather resources. Citizens can dial 2-1-1 for the locations of open shelters. Operators handled more than 200 calls from midnight Friday-midnight Saturday.

The Virginia National Guard has:
assisted emergency medical services and law enforcement personnel in Greene, Madison, Orange and Albemarle counties with rescuing stranded motorists and transporting families without power to shelters
transported medical crews to patients in Scottsville
assisted in recovering a fire engine stuck in ice in Fluvanna County
assisted Virginia State Police and Augusta County law enforcement in responding to rescue calls involving cars and tractor trailers along Interstate 81 near Staunton
transported health care professionals to medical facilities in Waynesboro

The Virginia Department of Health has posted important cold weather safety information on line at Citizens should guard against health risks brought on by low temperatures, which include overexertion during shoveling snow, hypothermia and frostbite.

The Virginia State Police have investigated more than 1,700 traffic crashes and responded to another 1,700 calls for disabled and stuck vehicles. As drivers ventured out today, VSP responded to more traffic incidents.

The Virginia Department of Transportation is working 24/7 to plow snow from state-maintained roads and in some cases truck it away.

While conditions are improving on interstates and primary roads, motorists are urged to avoid unnecessary travel. Driving is hazardous in many areas, and dropping temperatures this evening will lead to icy conditions.

VDOT employees and contractors are being re-deployed from other parts of the state to Northern Virginia to assist in snow removal.
Residents should be patient while waiting for secondary roads and subdivision streets to be cleared. The record amount of accumulation and the weight of the snow present major challenges in moving it.

Before traveling, call 511 or visit to get up to date road condition information.

Monday, Feb. 8, 2010 - Snow Days

Closings and Cancellations Reposted and Updated

Accomack County Public Schools Closed

Northampton County Public Schools Closed

Holly Grove Christian School Closed

St. Paul On The Shore Closed

Shore Christian Academy Closed

Broadwater Academy Opening 2 Hours Late

Eastern Shore Community College Opening At 10

Project Head Start In Both Counties Closed

Onley Pre-School Opening At 9:30
Eastville PlayCare Closed

Agape Christian Center Closed

Central Baptist Academy Closed

Belle Croft Open On Time

Volney Hall In Eastville Open On Time

Perdue: First Shift Production 2 Hours Late; 2nd Shift Report On Time; Live-Haul Report On Time

Tyson Foods: First Shift 2 Hours Late; 2nd Shift Report On Time

Accomack County Administrative Offices Opening 2 Hours Late

Northampton County Adminstrative Offices Closed

Northampton County Landfill And Convenience Centers OPEN

ES Community Services Board Will Open At 10:30; The Club House And Vocational Programs Will Remain Closed

All Accomack County Convenience Centers Are Open With The Exception Of Makemie Park And Horntown, Which Will Re-Open On Tuesday

NASA Wallops Closed

ES Public Libraries In Accomac And Nassawadox Opening 2 Hours Late

Weatherization At Hare Valley School Will Not Work

Boys And Girls Club Closed

ES Area Angency On Aging Closed

VEC Opening At 10AM

Accomck And Northampton County Health Departments Opening At 10:15

ES Center For Independent Living Closed

Hospice Office And Thrift Stores Opening At 10am

Boy Scouts of America Celebrates 100 Years

Founded on February 8, 1910, The Boy Scouts of America was founded by William Boyce along with a group of his business friends.

Lost on a street in London England, Boyce was aided by the help of a young man that would not take payment for his help. The young boy told Boyce that he was a Scout and would not take anything for helping. Impressed with the Scout's attitude, Mr. Boyce arranged a meeting with the founder of Boy Scouts in Great Britain. After learning the basics of the scouting program Mr. Boyce and his group of business friends brought scouting to America.

The Boy Scouts Of America's membership today exceeds 4.5 million youth and adults. Since the founding of the organization in 1910 more that 110 million young people have been involved in Scouting.

The Scout Motto: Be Prepared

The Scout Slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily

The Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times: to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.


Note: The Boy Scout Oath and Law have remained unchanged since they were first developed in 1910.



Sunday, February 7, 2010

(Re-Post) Pocomoke Snow and Ice Removal (City Code)

More snow Wednesday?

Remember Pocomoke City residents it's our responsibility to keep a clear path on the sidewalks that lay directly in front or at two sides of a corner lot.

The city code is as follows.

Snow and Ice Removal

§ 201-29. Removal from sidewalks required.
All owners and persons in possession of any land or premises situated on any street within the city where sidewalks are laid shall remove the snow or ice therefrom for the entire length thereof for a width of at least four (4) feet and may deposit the same along the remaining portion of such sidewalk nearest the curb within six (6) hours after it has ceased falling, unless the same shall have fallen between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., in which case it shall be removed before 2:00 p.m.

§ 201-30. Violations and penalties.
In the event that any such owner or person in possession shall refuse, fail or neglect to clean and remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk as provided in § 201-29 of this Article when notified so to do, such owner or person in possession shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine as set forth in the Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule, adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time9 In addition thereto, the city may cause the same to be removed as above specified and charge the cost thereof against the property.

§ 201-31. Collection of costs.
The cost of any removal of snow or ice incurred by the city pursuant to § 201-30 shall be a debt of the owner of the abutting property and shall become due and payable when the statement thereof is placed in the hands of the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall proceed immediately to render a bill therefor in the same manner as city taxes. Any such charge shall be a lien against the abutting property and shall draw interest after thirty (30) days at the rate of one-half of one percent (½ of 1%) per month or fraction thereof until paid.

From the City Website