Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Chincoteague Causeway Now Snow Drift Free

CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND, Va.- The Chincoteague Causeway has re-opened after it was closed due to high winds and snow drifts from Sunday's winter storm.

Holiday travelers were held up for hours as they tried to drive on the only road that leads to the island.

Chincoteague residents were stuck on the island at the same time.

One family traveled from Delaware and they say they were trapped at the Royal Farms convenience store for nearly four hours. Virginia State Police directed them into the parking lot until the causeway re-opened.

One man on the island said even the snow plow trucks were having a rough time handling the snow drifts and wind.

After the causeway re-opened to traffic on Tuesday morning, motorists were able to reach their holiday vacation destinations and people on the island were able to once again drive to the mainland.

One of the most treacherous areas of the Chincoteague Causeway is the area known to locals as the 'Pumphouse Turn'. The high winds and drifting made it difficult for anyone to travel, including those that work on and off Chincoteague.

Exmore Without Water Yesterday

According to sources, the town of Exmore's main waterline ruptured along Main Street Tuesday afternoon.

In order to repair the break, the entire water system had to be shut down which left all houses on the system without water.

According to Exmore Town Manager Artie Miles crews working on repairing the break completed work at 11:45 PM Tuesday evening. The town was without water for less than a half day.

Lost Dog Reunited With Family Is 'Christmas Miracle'

WASHINGTON - Andi Vanko starts her mornings with a prayer: "I say, 'Please don't let me see a little stray on the side of the road.'"

Because if Vanko sees one, she'll stop for it.

And that's exactly what happened on Christmas Day.

She, her boyfriend and her mom were in the car driving along Route 140 in Carroll County when she saw it - a little Golden Retriever dashing in and out of traffic.

Vanko and her boyfriend were chatting and laughing while her mom slept in the back seat.

"I started screaming and he says the next thing he knows, we're flying across the turn lane and two lanes of traffic."

Vanko got out of the car and called to the little dog.

"And she came bounding to me and jumped on me like, 'Please! Help me!'" Vanko says.

Vanko hustled the dog into her already-full car, and drove on to her sister's house for Christmas dinner.

When she got there, she explained the situation. Soft hearts seem to run in the family.

Her sister had one question: "Does she bite?" When Vanko told her no, she added "Okay, let's get a leash. Bring her in, we'll feed her."

They checked her collar and found three tags, one with the word "GRREAT" on it.

Vanko thought that was odd.

"I looked at her and I said "GRREAT! What a funny name for you!'"

GRREAT wasn't the dog's name. It was an acronym for Golden Retriever Rescue Education And Training.

A call to the organization was returned quickly: The dog had been microchipped, the GRREAT volunteer was able to crosscheck a database and within hours, the dog's owners were on the way to pick up their wayward pup "Jazzy."

Vanko says a couple from Silver Spring had been in the area for a hike when Jazzy bolted and took off. They had no luck trying to catch her.

Vanko says she could see why. When she stopped to get the dog, two men approached the dog and she initially thought they were the owners. Like, her, they stopped to try to catch the dog, who had been dodging traffic on Route 140 for about 15 minutes when Vanko stopped.

Vanko says that's one reason she says that little prayer each morning.

"For some reason, stray animals have always been drawn to me."

When the dog's owners showed up, Vanko was thrilled for them, but admits she was a bit sad.

She lost her own dog about a year and a half ago and had already given the dog a new name, "Holly."

"She spent the day with us and she was the perfect little creature! And I thought, I hope no one calls me back about this little dog!"

But being able to reunite the dog with her owners was its own reward.

"When she saw her daddy, she was over the moon. And they were so thankful. They gave me a big, big hug. It was like a little Christmas miracle."

GRREAT is a local rescue group that offers all kinds of help and advice to those looking for a dog, and those who feel they have to surrender their dogs. Learn more about the organization by clicking here.

Virginia National Guard Aids Motorists During Snow Storm

Monday, December 27, 2010

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) - Virginia National Guard soldiers are assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations respond to stranded motorists on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

A total of eight soldiers in four Humvees are conducting the support mission on Monday.

According to a Virginia National Guard statement, one adult and two children were transported from a stranded vehicle off Route 13 near Cape Charles to a local hotel around 4:45 a.m. Another three citizens stranded in their car for more than four hours were rescued around 6:30 a.m. in the Onancock area and taken to a local shelter.

The soldiers are also transporting emergency services personnel to work at the local hospital.

In Hampton Roads, Virginia Guard soldiers conducted mounted route patrols Sunday night into Monday morning in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach and assisted several motorists free their cars from being stuck in the snow.

Since early Sunday morning, approximately 100 Virginia National Guard soldiers have been staged and ready to provide support to emergency response organizations in Hampton Roads.

Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 111th Field Artillery Regiment; 2d Squadron, 183d Cavalry Regiment and 429th Brigade Support Battalion are providing personnel for the operation. Soldiers are staged at the Hampton and Norfolk readiness centers.

Governor Bob McDonnell declared a state of emergency in the Commonwealth of Virginia Saturday afternoon, a step authorizing state agencies to take precautionary action to prepare for any potential impacts of significant snow accumulation in the region. The declaration authorized the Adjutant General of Virginia to call up those resources he thinks necessary to ensure the Guard can fulfill its mission to provide snow recovery operations.

On Sunday soldiers conducted route reconnaissance patrols in Humvees to assess road conditions in the Hampton Roads area, said Col. Gerald T. Catrett, joint operations officer for the Virginia Guard.

"The key to rapid response for this event is having personnel in place and ready to respond before the snow begins falling in the region," Catrett said. "By calling in soldiers Saturday night while the roads were still clear, we were able to have a force in place and ready to respond Sunday morning.

The Virginia National Guard receives their missions through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management to assist state and local emergency response organizations and is not able to respond to direct support requests from the public, Catrett said. "If the snow storm causes any conditions where people need assistance, they should request assistance through their local dispatcher or 911 service, not directly to the Virginia Guard. When appropriate, the request for assistance will be forwarded to us for action," he said.

Sirens To Sound In Worcester County

On Jan. 1 Worcester County emergency alert signals are scheduled to sound from area fire sirens at 10 a.m. A steady alert tone will sound for approximately one minute.

In the event of an actual emergency, the sirens would be used as additional means to warn the surrounding communities of imminent danger and the need to tune to either radio, television or the Internet for information.

DNA Links Suspect To Burglary

BERLIN, Md.- Police in Worcester County said Tuesday that they used DNA evidence to connect a suspect to the burglary of a Berlin business.

Martino Galeaz, 39, of Ocean City, is charged with second-, third- and fourth-degree burglary and theft over $1,000.

Detectives with the Worcester County said Galeaz's arrest stemmed from a burglary that occurred earlier this year at Atlantic Aquatech on 10902 Ocean Gateway.

Authorities said an investigation revealed the suspect entered the business and stole a number of items, including power tools. Through DNA analysis from evidence collected at the crime scene, investigators identified Galeaz as the suspect.

After his arrest on the aforementioned charges, Galeaz was locked up in the Worcester County Jail on a $10,000 bond.

Anyone with additional information about this case is asked to contact the WCBI at (410) 352-3476, or Maryland State Police at (410) 641-3101.

Bill For More EPA Power Dies In Lame Duck-Session

Congress passed over the Chesapeake Clean Water Act during the lame duck session, which was folded into a larger bill called the America's Great Outdoors Act. The bill would have given the Environmental Protection Agency greater power monitor and take steps to reduce the Bay's pollution.

Senate leaders could not gather enough votes to prevent a filibuster on the America's Great Outdoors Act.

The Chesapeake Clean Water Act would have put into law many of the bay cleanup actions already under way by the EPA. However, the bill's co-sponsors Senators Benjamin Cardin and Elijah Cummings, both of Maryland, have said they will reintroduce the bill in the next Congress.

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation was a major backer of the bill and lobbied for it.

The region's riverkeepers, however, felt the bill was weakened too much during the Senate committee process.

However, the bill drew strong opposition from farming groups, including the American Farm Bureau Federation. The farm bureau said the Chesapeake Clean Water Act would fundamentally change the way the existing Clean Water Act is enforced.

The bill may have a tougher road to approval the next time around, particularly in the House of Representatives, which is switching to Republican control.

Even with the bill's failure, the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort is moving ahead. Next week, the EPA will finalize a pollution diet that will limit how much nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment can flow into rivers, streams and the Chesapeake. The goal of the diet is to reduce pollution enough to eventually get the bay off the list of the nation's "impaired waters." States that don't meet their new limits could face federal sanctions.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Worst Snow Storm In Over A Century

The worst snow storm to hit the Eastern Shore in December in over a century has passed but the effects are still being felt.

High winds began howling Sunday night just after sun down and continued throughout the day Monday and into Tuesday, reaching gusts as high as 50 mph. These high gusts have created large snow drifts, as the snow was still dry and fluffy.

Road ways were blocked by the snow drifts, and motorists who did not heed warnings of the hazardous conditions have left cars stranded on a slew of roads throughout the Eastern Shore, further blocking roadways.

According to Meteorologist Jon Cash, sun shine and higher temperatures today will begin to melt the snow. This in turn will make the snow more moist, heavy and less likely to be blown by the wind. High temperatures are expected at the end of the week which will likely rid the region of any remnants of the storm by the weekend.

However, motorists are still urged not to travel. Cars which get stuck in snow drifts will further block traffic and create more difficulties for VDOT to clear the roadways.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Surf dog helps special needs kids fetch waves!

VIDEO: SURF DOG RICOCHET HELPS SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS FETCH WAVES:  As 2010 comes to a close, this video montage shows Ricochet's year of working with special needs kids, and people with disabilities in a non "traditional" SURFice dog kind of way! She thanks all the kids, people and organizations for allowing her to be part of their lives

$9000+ TOY DRIVE UPDATE:  Donations to Ricochet's Surfin' Santa Paws Toy drive continued to come in, even after delivery on December 22nd.  Final totals ended with $9045 in donations, and more than 3400 toys delivered to kids at Rady Children's Hospital, and to Helen Woodward Animal Center's dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and birds... yes, Ricochet stopped chasing birds long enough to give them toys!  Ricochet sincerely thanks everyone for their donations and involvement... so do the animals, as you can see in this video...  

$5000 WHEELCHAIR DONATION:  Ricochet presented Tamandra Michaels, a woman with spina bifida a brand new $5000 wheelchair donated by the TiLite Wheelchair company (  Tamandra had been using a very dangerous chair she kept falling out of.  In fact, Ricochet used her old chair during toy delivery (Ricochet injured her foot a few days prior), and she fell out of it twice! Ricochet is very grateful to TiLIte for donating this amazing new chair!

Ricochet wishes everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy New Year!!  For more info on the toy drive, the kids, people and organizations she works with, please visit

State's Attorney, Joel Todd, Bids Farewell

SNOW HILL – Departing Worcester County State’s Attorney Joel Todd paid a surprise visit to the Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday.

Todd, who recently lost his bid for re-election to Beau Ogelsby by a slim margin, took the opportunity to say his farewells to the commissioners he has worked with during his multiple terms as the county’s top prosecutor. He also thanked them for the level of effort they had put into running the county.

“I know I’ve said it before but it bears repeating,” stated Todd. “I’ve always been impressed with the quality of government in this county.”

Todd then commented on the growth of the commission over the last decade or so. Todd mentioned that when he took office the commission was not diverse ethnically or in terms of gender, but things were different now.

“The makeup (of the commission) has changed and I think it’s for the better,” Todd said. “I hope one day Washington looks at Worcester County…that they take a page out of your book.”

Todd said he believes the commissioners were “always interested in the greater good” for the county.

Todd also passed along a few departing requests. He asked the commissioners to consider granting county employees a raise as soon as they could in such a weak economy.

Beyond that, Todd encouraged the commissioners to supply as much funding as possible to Diakonia.

“It’s more than just a homeless shelter,” said Todd.

Each commissioner took a moment to thank Todd for his service. Many had known Todd for years and reminisced about the past.

“I’ve known him a long time…good people, good family,” said Commissioner Madison Bunting.

“I guess I remember Joel more for the bagpipe thing,” admitted Commissioner Virgil Shockley, referring to the first time he’d met Todd, playing bagpipes at a funeral.

Shockley joked, “I always thought it took a real man to wear a quilt.”

County Attorney and former commissioner Sonny Bloxom was one of the last to speak. He cited his unique experience with Todd, both as a member of the bar and as a commissioner.

“Joel raised professionalism and expertise to an all-time high [in his office],” Bloxom said.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Will It Start In The Morning?

When you think you have it bad it doesn't take much looking to see that some of the worst days of our lives are merely everyday occurrences to a lot of people.

When I started looking at these pictures it was hard for me to stop so below is a collage of various vehicles stuck in a little snow.

Which one do you think will start in the morning?

^^^I can tell you with 100% certainty that this one ^^^^ will not start in the morning.^^^ 

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Not Even ONE Deputy On Duty??

As I was making my rounds today helping people out and enjoying the drive in the snow I came across a vehicle that was blocking a side road and not one soul was around.

Well I don't know about anyone else but when I find a vehicle that has been abandon right smack-dab in the middle of a roadway I wonder, did this vehicle breakdown and the occupants try to walk somewhere in this weather? If they did, did they make it to their destination?

Being where this vehicle was abandon and the conditions I called the Somerset County Sheriffs Department and guess what? The SCSO dispatch said that they had NO ONE ON DUTY. HUH?? That's right the SCSO had not one officer on duty while under the state of emergency.

This is not hearsay or second hand information, this came directly from the SCSO dispatcher on duty.I was told to call the MSP for assistance.

Snow Storm of 12/26/2010

While I was out and about today my son snapped a few pictures of the whiteout conditions that occurred at different times and places during my travels.

 If you notice in the picture below you can barely see the hood of my truck

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By 3:00 PM 11 Inches of Snow Or More Have Fallen

BELLE HAVEN -- Unofficial totals show 11 inches of snow have fallen in the mid-Va. Shore area by 3 p.m. Sunday.

As much as 14 inches are expected.

The winter storm warning for Northampton and Accomack counties expires at 5 a.m. Monday.

Blizzard conditions have just been announced. Please use good judgement and good sense and stay where you are. The police and emergency people are having a rough time out in this weather. Don't jeopardise your life or theirs!

Heavy Snowing To Continue

The heavy snow that started early Sunday morning continues to fall as it begins to pile up.

As of noon, almost 6 inches had fallen and we may see as much as 4 to6 inches more before it all ends overnight.

VDOT is working the main roads including Rt. 13, The Chincoteague Road and the roads leading into the main towns on the Eastern Shore.

The back roads however are unplowed and increasing winds this afternoon and evening as the low pressure moves past could result in serious drifting before morning.

Therefore Winter Storm Warnings remain in effect until 5 AM Monday. Church services were cancelled both Sunday and Sunday evening as motorists were advised to stay off the roads as much as possible.

The Dialysis Center in Nassawadox has closed for the day and they're advising their patients to call Monday morning at 7:30 for a treatment time. They're also asking individuals with big trucks willint to transport patients to and from the Dialysis center to call 442-4966.

Closings for Monday include Mosher Physical, both offices, Accomack Convenience Centers closed til noon, and Cardiac Rehab in Onley and Nassawadox, closed.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Issued by The National Weather Service
Wakefield, VA
7:22 pm EST, Sat., Dec. 25, 2010