Sunday, May 20, 2012

Former Somerset County Deputy Awarded 1.1 Million Dollars

Written by
Liz Holland
Staff Writer
PRINCESS ANNE -- A former Somerset County sheriff's deputy was awarded more than $1 million Thursday after a jury found he had been denied his First Amendment rights.

James "Troy" Durham, 44, of Pocomoke City, who was fired after filing a grievance against Sheriff Robert N. Jones, was awarded $412,000 in economic damages, $700,000 in noneconomic damages and $200 in punitive damages in U.S. District Court, said Howard Hoffman, Durham's attorney.

"Troy has been fully vindicated," he said.

Hoffman said he asked for only $1 in punitive damages since Jones is not a wealthy man, and was pleased the jury awarded 200 times that amount at the end of the four-day trial in Baltimore.
He said he also plans to ask the court to award Durham the cost of his legal fees.

The former deputy has been fighting a legal battle against the Sheriff's Office since 2008 when he filed a grievance alleging internal corruption and accusing co-workers of forcing him to change a police report.

In his lawsuit, Durham alleged he was ordered to alter a police report, but refused. He said he was threatened with his job and relented, but later filed a grievance with the Somerset County Commissioners.

Five days later, Durham was placed on administrative leave and was told his grievance was being investigated by Jones.
Durham was eventually terminated and has alleged Jones fired him in retaliation.

Durham filed a lawsuit in Circuit Court seeking reinstatement and claiming wrongful termination, but Judge W. Newton Jackson III said in a 2010 ruling there was not enough evidence to support Durham's claims.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ...

I'm away this week but I've selected some postings from the past year that, perhaps, you may have missed or might like to read again. -tk

Take a look this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott

May. 18th, 2012

Field Notes…Special Session Pirates”
By Delegate Mike McDermott
Behaving more akin to pirates than elected legislators, I witnessed first hand a budget slush fund crafted for the O’Malley-Brown administration and an overall budget increase of $938 million in new taxes and spending. All this in a three day session where the fix was in before we ever arrived in Annapolis.

As I stated to the governor at Monday night’s protest on the Lawyer’s Mall: “If you insist on behaving like pirates…you need to strike the Maryland colors on the State House and run up the Jolly Roger!!!”

The budget that was in place in April was a good spending plan. It increased the budget by over $700 million but was within the projected revenues. It also did not call for any tax or fee increases, no pension shifts to the counties for teacher retirement pay, and no transfers of any “trust” funds (such as Transportation or Bay Restoration). This budget, arguably the best spending plan in decades to come out of Annapolis, was not enough for most of the democrats who rule Maryland.

The new budget does several things to increase spending by a billion dollars. First, it increases Income Tax rates on wage earners making $100,000 or more and couples earning $150,000 or better. Second, it transfers teacher pensions (paid for since 1927 by the state) to county governments. The budget also adopts other fees and taxes which will provide additional reasons not to start or expand a business in Maryland at a time when our economy continues to struggle.

Another interesting item is the “Budget Restoration Fund” established in this new supplemental budget through which all of the new taxes, fees, and transfers will be collected and spent. The bill establishes this as a gubernatorial slush fund that uses the word “may” instead of “shall” when directing where the money can be spent. Essentially, this vast amount of money is not required to be spent for any of the purposes for which it was collected. We tried to change that one word with an amendment, but it was shot down.

In fact, many amendments were offered , mostly by Republicans, which would have provided better guidance to this bill or would have cut back some of the burden that will be borne by Maryland’s middle class. They were summarily defeated with around 7 to 10 Democrats voting with the loyal opposition to try and curb the madness.

Here’s how some of the Income Tax increases break down:
The new tax rates, by income brackets, are:
·                             $125,001 to $150,000 will go from 4.75 percent to 5.25 percent
·                             $150,001 to $250,000 will go from5 percent to 5.5 percent
·                             Incomes above $250,000 to be taxed at 5.75 percent
Joint filers in the higher brackets also will pay more:
·                             $150,001 to $175,000 will go from 4.75 percent to 5 percent
·                             $175,001 to $225,000 will go from 5 percent to 5.25 percent
·                             $225,001 to $300,000 will go from 5 percent to 5.5 percent
·                             Incomes above $300,000 to be taxed at 5.75 percent

The government will raise an additional $52 million in the coming year by reducing personal tax exemptions for some tax brackets.
For individuals with federal adjusted gross incomes above $100,000, the exemption will be reduced from $2,400 to $1,600. The amount will be reduced from $1,800 to $800 for earners who make more than $150,000, and will be eliminated for those earning over $200,000. There will be similar reductions for taxpayers filing jointly.
You can get ready to feel the pain very soon. In fact, democrats rejected an amendment that would have only made the tax apply beginning January 1, 2013. Since it will be in effect this year, payroll deductions will be double for affected wage earners during the coming 6-months. Essentially, you’ll experience a double hit courtesy of the Special Session.
The transfer of the teacher pensions will result in  long term budget pain for county governments. This costs will, without a doubt, migrate to the tax payers through additional local taxes. The counties simply cannot absorb this hit from the state in such a down turned economy. The budget act also enacts the extortion override of county tax caps thereby authorizing the state to withhold county revenues and send them directly to the local Board of Education if a county cannot meet their Maintenance of Effort (MOE) spending obligations. This is a terrible act and I doubt it would even survive a Constitutional challenge in the courts.
There are one year “sweeteners” in the act designed to cushion the blow to local government, but they are a false hope. Even the $14 million MOE adjustment for Wicomico County pales when stacked against the longer term obligations of these pension funds. When the Thornton Act was passed in 2002, the General Assembly failed to identify a funding mechanism. Well, a decade later and they have now identified the funding source: County Government. Unfunded mandates continue to wreck havoc on tax payers.

If there is anything from which to draw encouragement from this latest act of piracy, it would have to be the final vote in the House:  77-60. For all of the hue and cry about a lack of “bi-partisanship” exhibited in the General Assembly, true bi-partisanship was displayed from those opposing this monster tax increase (consisting of 42-R’s and 18-D’s). Those 77 votes in favor are only democrats.

During the debate, I customarily projected my voice which prompted the Speaker to state that we should use our “inside voice”. Here is my response to his request. Pay particular attention at the very end to the Speakers truer words were ever spoken.

* How they voted:   On the shore, only the democrats voted for the tax and spend bills. Delegate Conway  and Delegate Cane  voted for both bills (Budget and Revenue-Tax bill). Senator Mathias  voted for the Budget Act and then against the Revenue-Tax bill.
Delegates Otto, Echardt, Haddaway-Riccio, and myself voted against both bills. Senator Colburn also voted against both bills.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Visit the Delmarva Discovery Center This Weekend

There will be NO guided trail walk  from the Delmarva Discovery Center on  Saturday, May 19th.

Something you may be very interested in:

 The Assateague Peoples of Delmarva will be hosting their 20th annual  Drums on the Pocomoke Powwow and Festival in Cypress Park this weekend.

After visiting the powwow stop by the Delmarva Discovery Center.

**The Delmarva Discovery Center will off half price admission to anyone with a powwow wristband or handstamp.**

The New Downtown Restaurant

Recent information concerning the new restaurant in downtown Pocomoke.

From Pocomoke City Hall
Angela Manos
Downtown Coordinator

The 145-seat restaurant and bar, located on the banks of the Pocomoke river in downtown Pocomoke City should open for business by mid-June.

 The new restaurant  will be managed by Corey Reeves, daughter of Mark Reeves who is the current owner of Back Street Grill in  Salisbury, Maryland.   

Lunch and dinner specials will be offered on the menu along with a  wide variety of hot and cold sandwiches, salads, soups and other specialty items, including seafood.

Indoor and outdoor seating  will be available. 

The new restaurant is boater-friendly which includes free docking.

Salty Dog Grooming & Cottage Art by Justine- Grand Opening and MORE

You don't have to be a dog owner to attend and become eligible for some GREAT door prizes!

Drums On The Pocomoke Powwow and Festival

By Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- The 19th annual Drums on the Pocomoke Powwow and Festival will be held on the banks of the Pocomoke River, Cypress Park in the Downtown area of Pocomoke City on May 19 and 20.

The event will be hosted by the Assateague People of Delmarva, a Native American tribe recognized by the Maryland Department of Indian Affairs.

On Saturday and Sunday, powwow grounds will open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., with the grand entry at noon. Several tribes will be represented including the Assateague, Cherokee, Cree, Navajo, Apache, Accohannock, Nause-Waiwash, Occanechi, Ojibwa, and Nanticoke tribes.

This year's host drum will be Na-Ma-Wo-Chi of North Carolina. Event hosts said this a powerful drum and singing group consisting of 10 members.

Their highest honor was in 2008 when they were invited by the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs to perform a sacred pipe ceremony honoring Native American veterans at Arlington National Cemetery, Va.

The host tribe called the powwow an opportunity for the public to interact with Native American dancers, singers, drummers, artists and craftpersons. There will be fun activities for children such as face painting, storytelling, the candy dance and the friendship dance. Patrons will have the opportunity to be entered for door prizes.

Powwow venders will be selling crafts like dream catchers, moccasins, pottery, drums, rattles, beadwork and turquoise jewelry.

The Accohannock Tribe of Marion Station will be cooking buffalo burgers, fried bread, tacos, and oyster fritters.

This year a wristband can be purchased for the two-day event; adults pay $8 and children under 11 pay $6. For one day of fun, adults are $5, children ages 5-11 pay $3 and children 4 and under and those with a military ID enter free.

The Delmarva Discovery Center will be offering half price admissions for anyone with a powwow wristband or hand stamp.


Pocomoke Farmers & Flea Market OPEN

Downtown Pocomoke City
Farmers  & Flea Market
AT 7:00 am

Saturday and Sunday
7:00 AM until 5:00 PM

Get there early for the best produce!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change Maryland: Special Session Made State "a Laughing Stock"

Change Maryland: Special Session Made State
 "a Laughing Stock" 

Change Maryland, the state’s largest non-partisan, grassroots citizen organization representing more than 13,000 members, described the outcome of the special session today as a reckless fiscal policy that ignores the will of the overwhelming majority of Marylanders while creating a liability for those interested in private sector job growth.

“Not only did the Governor and legislative leaders ignore the 96% of the people who oppose higher taxes, but they ignored their own independent budget analysts who warned that the state already relies too heavily on the personal income tax with the second-highest rates in the nation," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "They may have just moved Maryland forward to number one.”

Maryland's hostile business environment has led to stagnant job growth. Maryland's unemployment rate is a full point higher than neighboring Virginia - 6.6% compared to 5.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics March report. 

"The tax policies and the fact that we are the 4th highest in state and local tax burden, has cost Maryland thousands of jobs," Hogan said.  “Maryland has been bleeding jobs and has become a national laughing stock.”  On an interview with Fox Business Network today, Hogan noted graphics that appeared during his interview segment that says "taxed to death" and "Maryland money grab" -  the kind of publicity that does not enhance Maryland's perception to the business community.

In the last six years, Martin O'Malley has raised taxes and fees 20 times, taking an additional $2 billion out of the economy.   After the General Assembly adjournment today, that list will now swell to 24 tax and fee increases with an additional annual burden of $2.3 billion.   Change Maryland also raises concerns about the net effect of over-reliance on individual income taxes.

In 2007, an individual income tax hike was supposed to bring in $489.3 million in additional revenues by 2009. In anticipation of this "windfall" from the wealthy, government increased spending by $153.3 million during this time.   However, instead of increased revenues, the net revenue from those paying the increased tax dropped by over $800 million.  The net result, spending goes up, revenue goes down.

Another item that many picked up on, including national media outlets,  is redefining wealth.   “They have redefined the term wealth. I guess the millionaires tax out so well, that this time they decided to raise taxes not just on ‘millionaires and billionaires’ but even on ‘thousandaires’, or almost anyone who has a good job,” said Hogan. “This time, if a firefighter is married to a teacher, their income taxes just got raised.”

Despite Governor O'Malley's claims in recent days that less than 1 in 4 will be affected by this latest increase in income taxes, the game of pitting one segment of society against another is just political cover for massive tax increases on everybody.  

“The 24 tax increases under his watch have taken $2.3 billion a year out of the pockets of struggling Marylanders and have had a negative impact on every single man woman and child in our state,” added Hogan. 

Spending under O'Malley has increased by $6 billion during his term in office - $3,000 per Maryland taxpayer.


Background:  Larry Hogan on "Varney and Co." Fox Business Network

MBRG: Special Session is Self-Inflicted Wound on Job Growth

May 17, 2012

MBRG: Special Session is Self-Inflicted Wound on Job Growth
Maryland Business for Responsive Government characterized the conclusion of the special session as yet another self-inflicted wound on the state's business climate.  The outcome of this special session, enabling the state to collect $264 million in additional revenues, comes mostly through increases in the individual income tax.  New tax brackets and reduced exemptions will hit those with annual incomes of $100,000 or greater and comes on the heels of such legendary ill-conceived tax policies including the 2007 tech-tax and its replacement - the millionaire's tax.  

"This latest self-inflicted wound on our business climate could have been avoided if our state government lived within its means, " said MBRG President Kimberly M. Burns. "Instead, our top elected officials chose the politically expedient route of continuing government spending at record levels and avoiding the difficult choices required of a fiscally-responsible approach to governing."

Over 80,000 businesses filed S-corporation tax returns in Maryland in 2010, according to the state comptroller's office. Income from S-Corporations, LLCs, and sole proprietorships are taxed at personal income rates.  Many businesses will simply reduce employment levels or reduce costs elsewhere. 

Robert Bauman, President of Trusted Systems, Inc. in Carroll County, and a member of MBRG, said businesses will adjust to tax increases in any number of ways including layoffs, pay cuts, raising prices or identifying other cost-saving measures.

“Many people don't realize that with this increase in the individual income tax, you are essentially taxing businesses at higher levels as well," said Bauman. "It's foolish to think that won't impact hiring and stunt private sector job growth." 

TIME MACHINE Preview ...

I'm away this week but I've selected some postings from the past year that, perhaps, you may have missed or might like to read again. -tk

Take a look this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Gumboro MudBog Season Opens

Gumboro Mudbog
Saturday  May 5, 2012

Mudbog season is finally here!

All trucks clean and shining....changes for some were made over the winter...and ready to go! 

 I  believe the final count was 72 entries in the various race classes.  Keep in mind that some of these driver enter two and three different classes and don't get to finish the racing day due to a malfunction with the truck....such as "The Short and Sassy" which suffered a broken drive shaft (and some other problems) in it's first race of the season. 

Now, to set the record straight concerning my thoughts (because I take this crap pretty seriously)... this can happen to any truck at any time.  I've seen it happen many times.  I'm just glad it happened during the first of the season instead of having accumulated points and be near the season end when points are most important.   
"Short and Sassy"/ Driver-Owner Barry Wise
"Sod Buster/Driver Barry Long
(center) "Wild Fire"/Driver Sonny Sturgis
"The Grey Ghost"/Driver Lee Sturgis
187 East Performance/ Bowden Racing didn't seem the same Saturday without Johnny.  It seems Johnny Edwards, driver of "In the Mix",  has taken the season off.  We're all going to miss him and his family this summer.  But at least I know I will leave at the end of the racing day with my nerves in tack.   His driving makes me nervous! 

On this particular Saturday mudbog history was made at Gumboro.  "Wild Fire" and driver Sonny Sturgis made their first venture to the muddy track.  Because Sonny wasn't able to drive he designated Donald to drive.  Well, the "Mud Doc", I call him,  had never driven in the mud.  Oh, he's a racer but all of his driving has been done on the dry tracks in places like Delmar. 

"Wild Fire" w/ Donald  Bowden driving

In case you don't know - Donald has worked on many of the engines in these trucks for many years.  He knows engines...he knows racing and how to race....but he's never ventured into the mud.

So, wearing the T-shirt that read "Drive it like you stole it"  under his racing suit Donald sets out for his first mud race competion! 

If believe this is the Modified Class and Donald ended with a time of 4.56 !!   If I'm not correct I'm sure one of them will correct me.  What a thrill it was for all of us to see!  Here's a guy that has been there for all of us through the years and is always there with us on racing days. 

He's seen trucks go into the mud and out of the mud.  He's seen them stuck in the mud and he's seen them zig zag and catch fire.  But he never had the opportunity to drive....until this Saturday. 

I hope he's still smiling........

More photos soon.

Be Sure To Give Chief Sewell A Big Wave....

Taken from "Why Do We Kill?" written by Kelvin Sewell & Stephen Janis
Case File 11- pages. 114, 115

Here is a part of what the current Chief Kelvin Sewell says about his first days in Pocomoke.  New to Pocomoke, and a Lieutenant with the Pocomoke City Police Department  at the time, he had an experience that we all think nothing of.....a simple wave of the hand. 

"I was standing outside the Pocomoke City P.D., waiting for a car, I think.  As I stood there waiting, I noticed someone across the street waving.  Instinctively I turned around to see who the person was waving to.

Suddenly I realized the woman was waving at me.

......That's what crossed my mind when I waved back at the woman in Pocomoke City.  It was a good moment:  I felt like I was a part of something, a community.  That they trusted me."

I hope by now you have read the book and have a true appreciation for what he has  written.  Pocomoke is like no other town.  And Baltimore, even with the beauty that is there, is just different. 

I, for one, appreciate the way Chief Sewell feels about the town  I grew up in.  I miss Pocomoke and times  and I'm only a few miles away.  And  it's always nice to run into him whenever I am in Pocomoke to take photos....because I'm certainly not going to be there to commit a crime!

A few days ago, while  driving by the police department  I stopped on Second Street to yell a "hello" to  Chief Sewell.  Councilman Malloy was with me since we were headed to the new restaurant to take photos.  Teasingly,  I offered the  Chief the opportunity to ride along in the back seat....the windows are tinted and no one would be able to see him.  He declined so I shared my freshly picked local strawberries with him. 

And then on the way home I thought about the woman in his book that had waved to him those few months ago. And I recalled what he had written that led to his confusion in a simple wave.  I actually felt a little  sad for the Chief.  He's probably never been offered  strawberries like that before....  Probably the only thing from a car window he has ever witnessed is a gun.  That's really sad.  Wish I had left the whole quart!

Honestly, Chief Sewell is a wonderful person, is doing a remarkable job and he does like Pocomoke!   Be sure to give him a big wave.

All of you locals have seen the new sign in front of the soon to be Police Station.  It looks wonderful and I like where it has been placed.    Cameras have been placed on the building and from what I could tell on the inside too. 

When they make the move from Second Street to Market  Street  the department  will probably the   have  much needed new furniture and supplies already in place.   Pocomoke City Council, at the last meeting,   approved a certain  dollar amount of  to go towards new items.

Photos taken Friday  May 11, 2012

Nature Trail Spring Cleaning

 Pocomoke Nature Trail Spring Cleaning

By Bill Kerbin
A group of naval personnel from the Surface Warfare Center at Wallops Island was prepared to trek into the Pocomoke nature trail for a cleanup prior to the summer season.

Don Malloy, Pocomoke City Council member, said that this is the second year that volunteers from the naval installation have worked to clean up the trail.

Pictured are: (left to right) Jonathan Spalding, Melanie Brink, Malloy, David Corey, and David Caison. They spent an afternoon last week cutting out brush and cleaning up the trail. 
Photo/Bill Kerbin


Many thanks to Bill Kerbin.



Former Mayor of Pocomoke City
Curt Lippoldt/  1986 to 1998
B.  May 17, 1926
D.  May 18, 2011

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

On May third 2012 Members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Enforcement Team were honored by the Department of Justice United States Attorney’s Office of the eastern district of Virginia. The U. S. Attorney Neil H. MacBride presided over the ceremonies honoring several Law Enforcement

Officers from Eastern Virginia for the outstanding work they had done solving major crimes in the area.

Pictured in the back row are U.S. Attorney Neil H. MacBride Deputies Wells, Trader, and Sgt. Passwaters. In front of Sgt. Passwaters is Cpl. Ramey

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies, Sgt. Passwaters, Cpl. Ramey, Deputy First Class Trader, and Deputy First Class Wells, were among the Officers honored for the investigation, arrest, and conviction of several subjects that were distributing drugs in the Maryland and Virginia area.

Operation “Bakers Dozen”, as it was called, initially identified 13 people that were involved together in selling drugs on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The investigation revealed that the drug activity reached into Worcester County Maryland.

Virginia State Police investigators called on the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team to assist them in the investigation and apprehension of subject selling large quantities of drugs in the Maryland Virginia area. The investigation led to more than the original 13 people that were involved in the drug trade.

The major target of the investigation was arrested and charged federally for distribution of controlled dangerous substances. That subject was sentenced to close to 20 years in federal prison for his actions. 

-Congratulations.  Working together does make a difference.-jmmb   
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Press Release

On 05/15/2012 at approximately 1520 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Jose Deonte Green, 22 years of age, of Leesburg, Virginia for a District Court Arrest Warrant issued for Burglary-1st Degree. Mr. Green was later held at the Worcester County Jail on $10,000 bond.

On 05/15/2012 at approximately 1613 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Stephen Douglas Cymek, 33 years of age, of Ocean City, Maryland for a District Court Bench Warrant issued for Violation of Probation after being charged with Trespassing. Mr. Cymek was later held at the Worcester County Jail without bail.

On May 8, 2012 at approximately 0729 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Artilda Frances Purnell of Snow Hill, MD on a District Court Warrant through Somerset County for Failure to appear for court on May4, 2012.  Ms. Purnell’s original charges were for uttering a bad check $500.00 plus, and theft less than $1000.00.  Ms. Purnell was released on personal recognizance.

On May 12, 2012 at approximately 0908 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Alvin Eric Church Jr. of Salisbury, MD on a Circuit Court Warrant for Violation of Probation on May 9, 2012.  Church’s original charge was theft $1,000.00- $10,000.00. Mr. Church was held at the Worcester County Jail on $2000.00 bond.

On May 13, 2012 at approximately 1109 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Corey Lonnel Hinmon of Snow Hill, MD on the charges of Second degree assault and reckless endangerment. Mr. Hinmon was held at the Worcester County.

Grand Opening & Open House


Another Grand Opening & Open House

Pocomoke City –15 May 2012 – Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison proudly announces the grand opening of “Cottage Art by Justine,” an internet-based business featuring eclectic, repurposed, and “up- cycled” items.  He is also celebrating the completion of renovations of the recently revamped “Salty Dog Grooming” studio.  Both businesses are owned by Justine Oneal.

This Saturday, Oneal will host a joint grand opening and open house, along with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.  She is inviting the public to browse her newly renovated building and creative workspace.  Local business owners and public officials will be on hand.  Food and beverages will be served and a number of exciting door prizes – provided my local downtown businesses – will be distributed.  The event begins at 10:00am and will wrap-up by 12:00pm, with the ribbon-cutting scheduled for 10:30am.  It will all take place at 21 Clarke Avenue, across the street from City Hall.

Items sold at Cottage Art by Justine include painted and faux-finished furniture, fixtures, frames, accent pieces and other decorative items, along with original paintings. The business also sponsors several artists boasting different techniques, including her artist-in-residence, Annette Hicks. Annette is known locally for her canine portraits, but specializes in all custom portraits and mixed media canvas paintings.  A number of original artworks will be on display this Saturday, but a full selection can be found at:

Salty Dog Grooming is a “doggie day spa” for pampered pets. The spa offers all-breeds grooming by Justine Oneal. At Salty Dog all pampered clients receive “hydrosurge bathing” with specialized shampoos, and plenty of “bling” accompanies all standard service. 

Justine has over 30 years experience in the pet care industry. She built and operated for over 16 years a successful resort boarding kennel on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She also earned her CKO status from the American Boarding and Kennel Association. Salty Dog hours are by appointment only.

Cottage Art’s opening marks another milestone in the city’s efforts to attract new businesses to Pocomoke’s downtown as it repositions itself as a tourist destination.  Members of the community who are interested in learning more about either business are encouraged to stop by on Saturday.  Those interested in the city’s downtown efforts in general, should contact Angela Manos, at 410-603-1178, or

photo/Justine Oneal
Salty Dog Grooming
Cottage Art by Justine

Search For Escaped Inmate In Caroline County


FEDERALSBURG, Md. - Maryland State Police are searching for an escaped inmate.

Police say 32-year-old Jeremiah Windon walked off of a job detail at a farm on Turner Road outside of Federalsburg on Wednesday.

Windon is white, about 6-feet tall, 190 pounds with brown hair and green eyes. He also has a iron cross with wings tattoo on his throat.

Police say he was last seen wearing a beige long sleeved shirt over a green T-shirt and torn blue jeans with brown leather D.O.C. shoes. 

Windon is a prisoner at the Church Hill pre-release unit. He is originally from the Cecil County area.

Troopers from the North East barrack are checking locations in Elkton and North East.

Anyone with information on Windon's whereabouts should call the Maryland State Police Easton Barrack at 410-819-4747.

Community Crime Watch Meetings

Please join us at your local Crime Watch meeting; we will have a special presentation by Mr Fred Webster of the Worcester County Emergency Services regarding the 911 Center and Emergency Preparedness.

May  18    Stockton Fire Dept., Stockton Area Crime Watch Meeting

May 16     Germantown, New Bethel Church on Germantown Road, Germantown Area Crime Watch Meeting

May 25     Girdletree Fire Dept., Girdletree Area Crime Watch Meeting

**ALL times are 6 PM**


Movie At the Mar-Va This Weekend

Friday, May 18th at 7 PM
Saturday, May 19th at 7 PM
Tickets: $5

Woman Charged in School Bus Crash

Lauren King
The Virginia Pilot
No children were injured in a crash involving a school bus this afternoon. (Tuesday)

The crash in the 33000 block of Chincoteague Road occurred at about 3:20 p.m., Virginia State Police said in a news release.

Jalisa Fosque of Accomack County has been charged with following too closely. She and the bus driver, who was not identified, were taken to a local hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening.

The bus was from the Eastern Shore Agency Head Start.

 Pilot writer Mike Connors contributed to this report.


Driver Killed In Oak Hall, Virginia Accident

On May 15, 2012, Virginia State Police was called to a two vehicle accident on Route 175 ,Chincoteague Road, half a mile east of Route 13, Lankford Highway.

The accident occurred at approximately 0939 hours, a 1990 Chevrolet Geo Prism was traveling west on Route 175, entered into the east bound travel lane, and striking a 2007 Toyota Highlander head on.

The driver of the Geo Prism, Isabel Blanco, 58 of the 33000 block of Collins Lane in Wattsville, Virginia, suffered life threatening injuries and was pronounced dead at the Peninsula Regional Hospital, Salisbury, Maryland. It is unknown if alcohol was a factor, and there was no indication that subject was wearing her safety belt.

The driver of the Toyota Highlander, Jean Lopez, 56 of Pocomoke City, Maryland, suffered non life threatening injuries.