Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lin's Asian Cuisine ~ A Readers Review

Many of you have been waiting patiently for a review on the new restaurant located at Newtown Blvd. in the same area as the flower shop Country Blossoms. I will be the first to admit that I did "drop the ball" on this one. And I know that many of you have already eaten there. But thanks to a couple of readers on the facebook PPE here is a review for you along with photos. Enjoy!

Lin's Asian Cuisine Restaurant
Let me start by stating that I am an avid sushi eater I have eaten at many different sushi restaurants and I’m more than happy that I can finally eat at one close to home. Since I've heard about Lin’s Asian Cuisine I made sure to find the exact date it was opening and I was excited that Pocomoke was finally getting real sushi. No longer would I have to take a forty five minute drive in busy traffic just to satisfy my cravings. So the 28th finally got here and my fiancé and I decided to go for lunch since we didn’t know how busy it would be at dinner time. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by some of the friendliest staff I have ever seen in any Asian restaurant. The décor was very elegant and as you would expect in an Asian themed restaurant. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked in. I figured there would be several tables with a hibachi grill sort of like at Tokyo Steakhouse in Salisbury.
However that was not the case. In the front there was the sushi bar along with one lone hibachi grill. This kind of turned me off at first but I was still intrigued to try their sushi.

As we were seated and given our menus I browsed through the large variety of food that they had. Everything from the usual Chinese takeout menu we all know and love from a whole section dedicated to nothing but sushi and hibachi. The menu was very extensive so even a non-sushi lover could eat here and be happy.
As I turned to the lunch menu I saw that they had a pick three rolls for ten dollars, my eyes widened, if you eat sushi then you know that this is a deal that you cannot beat. Even the lunch hibachi was cheap 8.95 for steak and that includes the freshly fried rice, steak made to your liking, and vegetables with yum-yum sauce. After getting our drinks we were ready for our order, I ordered a spicy salmon roll, a shrimp tempura roll, a salmon avocado roll and an order of lunch hibachi steak. My fiancé ordered a spicy salmon, spicy yellowtail, shrimp avocado roll, and an order of hibachi chicken. We also ordered a specialty roll called a Black Dragon Roll that has eel and avocado on top with shrimp tempura in the middle.
After our order we were each given an order of miso soup free of charge. I can say trying various miso soups in my past this is the first one I finished for it had a generous amount of tofu and vegetables and was very tasty.

It didn’t take long at all for our food to come out: roughly fifteen minutes and when the plates hit the table my mouth was watering the vegetables looked fresh along with the fish with very lovely plating. The first rolls to come out were the lunch. As I bit in to the spicy salmon my taste buds thanked me the salmon tasted like it was just caught and spicy mayo infused in the roll had a very nice kick to it. The avocado in the salmon avocado roll was perfect it wasn’t mushy or too firm and of course the salmon was fresh as ever. The leaf lettuce in the shrimp tempura roll was very crisp and the shrimp was fried to perfection that in every bite there was a satisfying crunch. The sushi here was no gimmick at all this isn’t a Chinese restaurant that sold sushi on the side or on a buffet that tasted less then mediocre. This was the real deal, the presentation was fabulous and the taste was more than satisfying.

The staff was very attentive to us for they came by our table several times to make we were satisfied and kept our drinks full. The next item that came to our table was our beautifully plated specialty roll “The Black Dragon Roll”. This roll had avocado and eel cut on top of a shrimp tempura roll. The eel was of course some of the best tasting smoked eel in unagi sauce that I have ever tasted. This roll was to die for and just about ate the whole thing to myself. Last but not least the hibachi plates came to the table fresh off the grill. The hibachi steak was cooked medium-rare, just as I asked, and the fried rice was very delicious you could taste the fried onions, eggs, bean sprouts, and carrots distinctively. This wasn’t like a regular pre-made order of pork fried rice this was far better. The side of vegetables with yum-yum sauce was the icing on the cake; the sauce was sweet and tangy while the vegetables were flavorful and crisp making the ultimate combination.

Overall this was an excellent experience and there is so much good to say about this new establishment. The pricing was very generous along with the food portions for we still had sushi and hibachi to take home we later ate for dinner. The staff was very friendly, attentive, and made feel appreciated as a new customer. Rating wise I would give them five stars. Now I have to re-budget and figure how I can make it so I can eat here every day.

I hope Pocomoke sees the beauty in this new restaurant and doesn’t by-pass it due to the other Chinese establishments in Pocomoke that all taste the same. This is new, fresh, and different; exactly what the friendliest town on Eastern Shore needed.
A huge thanks to Pedro B. for writing the great descriptive review and Brooklyn H. for the wonderful photos.

Deputy Allison Herrman Awarded Top Academic Honors

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Graduates
NUMBER ONE Academically From the Academy

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Deputy Allison Herrman was awarded top academic honors from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice academy June 13th 2012 Deputy Herrman graduated number one in her class. Deputy Herrman joins her brother Sgt. Nate Passwaters in serving the citizens of Worcester County.

Deputy Herrman is pictured in the center flanked by the Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason and Chief Deputy Dale Smack

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Fourth Of July

The year was 1830. It was but 54 years since the birth of our nation. A citizen writes to a Maryland newspaper expressing thoughts about the upcoming Fourth Of July observance. The words seem to come to life as they express an enthusiastic and patriotic sentiment reflecting the true spirit of this holiday.

Please take a few moments to read these words from 182 years go.. this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Kevin had shingles.

Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line?

Here's what happened to Kevin:

Kevin walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Kevin said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat.

Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Kevin what he had...

Kevin said, 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Kevin to wait in the examining room.

A half  hour later a nurse came in and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, 'Shingles..' So the nurse gave Kevin a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Kevin to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor.

An hour later the doctor came in and found Kevin sitting patiently in the nude and asked Kevin what he had.

Kevin said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?'

Kevin said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em??'

Obama to Soldiers: Pay Up

The Obama administration on Friday threatened to veto a defense appropriations bill in part because it does not include higher health care fees for members of the military.

“The Administration is disappointed that the Congress did not incorporate the requested TRICARE fee initiatives into either the appropriation or authorization legislation,” the White House wrote in an official policy statement expressing opposition to the bill, which the House approved in May.

President Obama’s most recent budget proposal includes billions of dollars in higher fees for members of TRICARE, the military health care system, and is part of the administration’s plan to cut nearly $500 billion from the Pentagon’s budget.

Some fear the administration’s proposal is an effort to increase enrollment in the state-run insurance exchanges mandated under the president’s controversial health care law.

The administration urged the House to “reconsider” to fee increase, arguing they are “essential for DOD to successfully address rising personnel costs.”

The House bill has significant bipartisan support, and easily passed by a margin of 299 to 120.

source: The Wasington Free Beacon

Friday, June 29, 2012

High-Tech Company Moves To Pocomoke-Offers Jobs

Great news for Pocomoke. A new business is coming to Pocomoke City. Vorbeck Materials Corp., a high-tech manufacturing enterprise will be opening a facility in the Pocomoke-Worcester County Enterprise Zone - aka Industrial Park on Broad Street.

John Lettow, the 38-year old president of Vorbeck, met with Pocomoke officials and other dignitaries on Wednesday and told them the plans are to hire 20 to 30 people in the first year and make a total of 50 high tech jobs to the area in 3 years.

By Alyana Gomez

POCOMOKE CITY, Md. - A new high tech company is bringing their business and products to Delmarva. Vorbeck Materials is well on their way to manufacturing innovative products that could change everyday technology. President John Lettow unveiled his company's new expansion project housed in this Pocomoke City facility.

"We make a new material and then form of that material in a powder, but we convert that powder into a range of different products," said Lettow.

"They're hoping that this could be the new Silicon Valley of the east coast and so we're excited about the opportunity here," said City Manager, Russell Blake.

What's more important: job growth. Vorbeck expects to employ 25 to 30 people in the first year, and 50 others soon after.

More of the story and video here.

Welcome to Pocomoke City John Lettow and Vorbeck Materials Corporation !

Pocomoke Fire Co. Annual Chicken BBQ

Don't forget the Pocomoke City Fireman's Annual Chicken BBQ this weekend!

Sources tell me that some freshly cooked BBQ'd chicken is about ready to come off the pit!

YUMMY!Route 13 South of Pocomoke

Menu includes: 1/2 bbq chicken, potato salad, baked beans, roll

Advanced tickets: $7.00
$8.00 w/no ticket

****While supplies last...****

Supreme Court Heath Care Decision

U. S. Representative Scott Rigell Statement

on the
Supreme Court's Health Care Decision

Washington/Thursday -- Congressman Scott Rigell (VA-2) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s health care ruling:

"Like the underlying legislation that it addresses, today’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is lengthy and complex. I will be reviewing the decision thoroughly so I can fully understand the practical implications of the ruling.

A cursory review, however, makes it clear that much of the PPACA has been ruled constitutional. This is deeply disappointing because it sets a legal precedent that greatly expands government’s ability to “mandate” other aspects of American life. For the first time in our history, Americans will be taxed not for what they purchase, but for what they have not purchased. That is wrong, and in my view, unconstitutional.

I have often said the PPACA is misnamed because it does not do what the name implies it will: protect patients and offer them affordable care. Instead, it:

• Hits hard-working Americans and job creators with a mandatory tax disguised as an individual mandate increasing costs and uncertainty for our families and small businesses;
• Imposes $800 billion in additional tax increases on Americans and small businesses;
• Cuts $500 billion from Medicare, putting senior care at risk, while adding to our nation’s $15 trillion debt;
• Creates an Independent Payment Advisory Board of 15 bureaucrats which will restrict health care choices for seniors;
• Infringes on Americans’ religious freedoms.

For these reasons and others, I have and will continue to vote to repeal the PPACA and replace it with legislation that protects the patient-doctor relationship and ultimately ensures that individuals – not the government – maintain control of their health care."

Snow Hill 4th Of July Celebration !

The New Riverside Grill

Since last winter I have taken my share of photos of the new restaurant downtown. Some are really good- some not some good and some are so beautiful I even surprised myself!

But this photo is the best by far! ..... I didn't even take the photo but I sure do appreciate Councilman Rob Clarke sharing it with me so I could share it with you.

"Reflections On the Riverside Grill"

Photo by: Rob Clarke (Councilman/Pocomoke City

Thank you, Councilman Clarke!

Attorney General Eric Holder Held in "Civil Contempt"

Rigell Statement on House Action to Find

Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt

Washington/Thursday – Today Congressman Scott Rigell voted to find Attorney General Eric Holder in “civil contempt” for withholding documents from Congress in relation to the Fast and Furious program that resulted in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The Congressman voted against finding Mr. Holder in “criminal contempt.” Rigell released the following statement on Thursday afternoon:

“In the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, there is built-in tension among the three branches of our federal government. This tension was reflected in two votes that came to the House floor this afternoon.

“I believe in progressive discipline. Accordingly, and after a careful review of the facts, I voted against a bill to hold the Attorney General in criminal contempt of Congress. Later, I voted for a bill that authorizes the Oversight Committee to initiate or intervene in judicial proceedings and force the Attorney General to comply with what are very reasonable oversight requests from this Congress.

“In my view, the Attorney General has not served the President or the American people well. I believe he should resign. I am intent on pursuing the facts and gaining a full understanding of the Administration’s handling of the events leading to the Fast and Furious program, and as importantly, the conduct of the Administration in the months that followed.”


The weather predicted for the next few days is HOT! The weatherman says the "feel like" temperatures will be in the 3 digit area.

Since we all can't go to the beach to keep cool (and I'm not sure if the beach is the place to be either) try to go slow, take short breaks, drink lots of fluids- no not beer- eat light food, wear light know the drill. And REMEMBER to check on your elderly neighbors and your animals!!

Here's the weather report that tk for PPE sent me last night for an area a little North of us:

Barrow, Alaska

Tonight...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Lows in the mid to upper 30s. West winds 5 to 10 mph becoming northeast.

Friday...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Highs in the 40s. East winds to 10 mph.

Friday Night...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Lows in the mid to upper 30s. East winds around 10 mph.

Saturday...Cloudy. Areas of fog in the morning. Highs in the lower to mid 40s. Northeast winds to 10 mph.

Stay Cool!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Camp Fragile Hearts ~ Application Deadline Friday

This fall Hospice and Palliative Care of the Eastern Shore will sponsor a grief camp for children ages 7-17 who reside on the Eastern Shore and who have lost a significant loved one due to death, incarceration, foster placement, military deployment or divorce. Camp Fragile Hearts is scheduled for October 19-20, at YMCA Camp Silver Beach.

Camp Fragile Hearts Grief Camp provides a safe, nurturing environment where children and teens ages 7-17 can express their grief over the loss of a loved one and begin the healing process. Campers not only get support from professionals and their "Big Buddy" volunteer, but also experience real healing from being around other kids and teens who have faced similar losses. And because it's a camp, they also get to be kids and participate in typical camp activities like canoeing, rope courses, scavenger hunts, sports and more!

Space is limited, so we encourage you to complete and return your application by Friday, June 29, 2012. Camp is made possible through generous donations, fund raising events and private donors to offset the cost.

To learn more about Camp Fragile Hearts or to download an application- visit our website at
If you have any questions, please call Mozella Francis at (757) 787-3310x 205 or Fay Ellis Jones Eller at x206. If youd like to learn about how you can become a volunteer for Camp Fragile Hearts, create lasting memories and begin healing in the life of a child- we need you! Call Bill LeCato, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator at (757) 787-3310 x109.

Pocomoke City Police Dept. Dedication and Ribbon Cutting /2

Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Pocomoke City Police Department

Friday June 22, 2012

A banner was on display from Lighthouse Counseling welcoming the Pocomoke City Police Department to their new location of 1500 Market Street

Tom Beauchamp- owner of Beauchamp Construction with daughter.
Beauchamp Construction handled the rennovations on the building.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell and his wife Rhonda. It was so wonderful to finally meet her. I knew there had to be a strong woman behind that smile Chief Sewell almost always wears. Maybe she should write a book. Being the wife of a Baltimore City Homicide Detective could not have been an easy task. I just can't help but wonder about her long dark nights. How many times did she have to appear brave, keep a smile, bite her tongue and hold back tears sitting at home while waiting for her husband to finish a case to the point he could return home. How many times were important family matters put on hold? How many sleepless night.

On the Dedication page of "Why Do We Kill" Chief Sewell writes that his wife Rhonda once stated "The Police Department took my husband away from me years ago."

Here's hoping that now with your husband being Chief of the Police Department in Pocomoke City you have gotten back your husband. Oh, there's still crime, his responsibilities are there. But being in Pocomoke has to make all the difference in the world.....for all of you. My very best to all of you.

Many thanks to Chief Sewell, Angel and everyone associated with the Pocomoke City Police Department. I appreciate everything minute of your time you have given to me and you will never know exactly how proud I am of all of you. If there are days when you think those around you are not grateful for everything you do remember always that I do. You kindness, your smiles will never be forgotten and I hold all of you dear in my heart. Please stay safe.

Thank you to those great people at Pocomoke City Hall for your words of appreciation. Pocomoke now has the best police department it has ever had with a new headquarters to be proud of for many years.

Councilman Malloy, thank so much for leading the way and making it possible for me to carry out my mission of keeping everyone informed mostly through photos. This is Mission Accomplished!

And a very special thanks to my wonderful husband. I love you. And remember: YOU bought me the book....and you bought me the camera.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Fourth Of July

The year was 1830. It was but 54 years since the birth of our nation. A citizen writes to a Maryland newspaper expressing thoughts about the upcoming Fourth Of July observance. The words seem to come to life as they express an enthusiastic and patriotic sentiment reflecting the true spirit of this holiday.

Please take a few moments to read these words from 182 years go.. this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Tips to Prevent Residential Burglaries


While we enjoy a very safe community, in the United States, a residential burglary occurs every 13 seconds. In addition to the property loses, victims often develop personal feelings of vulnerability resulting from these crimes. To help prevent becoming a victim, the Pocomoke City Police Department offers some helpful hints:

•Have sturdy dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors – and use them.

•Trim shrubbery back to avoid giving burglars cover, and trim tree branches so there is no access to upper windows.

•Leave shades and blinds in normal positions.

•Keep porches, entrances, and driveways well lit – consider installing automatic lights that turn on at specific times or when there is movement in the area.

•Keep garages and sheds closed and locked when not in use – they offer excellent cover for a burglar attempting to break into a house.

•Store tools and ladders securely out of the way when not in use.

•Never carry identification tags on your keys.

•Do not hide "spare house keys" outside.

•Keep daily routines confidential and vary them when possible.

•Do not put valuables where they are visible from a door or window of your home.

•Do not let strangers into your home to use the phone – offer to make the call for them.

•Put lights and television and/or stereo on timers (not just when you are away on vacation).

•Make sure your exterior lights are not on during day light hours. (remember to adjust timers with seasonal day light changes).

•Do not let newspapers build up on your driveway and/or property - have a trusted neighbor retrieve your newspapers and mail.

•Do not let mail build up and/or over flow your mail box.

If you observe anyone acting suspicious call the Police immediately, you can remain anonymous.

If you have any questions or would be interested in further information on crime prevention, please contact the Pocomoke City Police Department.

Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

Pocomoke City Police

Chincoteague Vol. Fire Co. Adopts Wounded Warrior Project

Chincoteague Fire Company Salutes Military Men and Women

CHINCOTEAGUE, Va., Now in its 87th year, the Chincoteague Annual Carnival and Pony Penning event will kick off Fri., June 29 with a special focus on military men and women in uniform during every carnival weekend. The event begins with a patriotic rendition of the National Anthem and a posting of colors by the American Legion Post 159. The carnival grounds gate opens at 6:30 p.m. and the first 100 people admitted will receive a fire company souvenir.

The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company will recognize men and women in uniform every weekend from June 29 – July, with a special focus on the U.S. Army the first weekend and additional honors for the U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard during consecutive July weekends. On the weekend their branch of service is recognized, active service members with a military id will receive a free carnival ride wristband and military dependents will receive 50 percent off the price of rides. In honor of the U.S. Military, the Fire Company will donate the sale of one wild Assateague pony to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Denise Bowden, spokeswoman for the Fire Company, and a Chincoteague Volunteer Firefighter said "This is one more way for us to show our sincere appreciation for the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make for our country. These brave service members of the true heroes of the world."

Since 1925, the Chincoteague Fire Company volunteers have organized the Carnival, Pony Swim and Auction, an event made famous by Marguerite Henry's novel "Misty of Chincoteague" and the 20th-Century Fox film that followed. Each year, the firefighters adopt a charity to which they donate proceeds from the sale of a pony at auction. Chincoteague has been named the best beach town in America.

The tradition of pony gift-giving is further kept alive each year by the Feather Fund, which encourages children to work hard for something they love. Many children come to Chincoteague each year with the dream of buying a pony at auction, but may not be able to afford a winning bid. The tradition carried on by the Feather Fund in memory of a generous woman named Carollynn Suplee, awards a pony to a child who has submitted an essay to the Fund, and who has demonstrated a commitment to caring for a pony or horse. Mrs. Suplee is no longer living but her pony-giving tradition lives on thanks to Lois Szymanski, book author and journalist, who established the Feather Fund in 2004 after the death of Mrs. Suplee, who gave her children a pony they called SeaFeather. Biblical Psalm 91:4 inspired Mrs. Suplee, and Mrs. Symanski, who was also touched by the Psalm, named her non-profit organization the Feather Fund. The Psalm reads: "He will cover you with feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." To learn more about this inspirational story, visit For more details about the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company, and its annual fundraising event, visit

The Fire Company is working toward establishing a new home on the island for its firefighting equipment. The Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island, Va., is home to rare and spectacular waterfowl, fauna and the world-famous, wild Chincoteague ponies managed by the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company. For the most comprehensive information about Chincoteague Island, visit its Chamber of Commerce website:

Chincoteague Carinval OPENS June 29th

Shore Beef and BBQ




Pulled Pork Sandwich (any way) w/ Side

Drink ~ $7.95


1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack of Ribs

2 Sides ~ $17.95

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shore Beef & BBQ Specials




Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ side

Drink ~ $7.95


1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack Ribs

w/ 2 Sides ~ 17.95

Community Giving Garden

Community Giving Garden is located on the corner of Clarke Avenue and Willow Street.

Want to volunteer for the Community Giving Garden?

Helpers needed for planting, weeding and harvesting. Short-term and long-term commitments are welcome!

Contact: Neelam Strom @ 443-437-7203; or Norma Howard @ 410-726-0066.

Harvest will benefit local families in need.

Activity and beauty will benefit all!

Pocomoke Vol. Fire Co. Annual Chicken BBQ



Will be held

JUNE 29-30 and JULY 1

Route 13- South of Pocomoke

Menu: 1/2 Chicken ~ Baked Beans ~ Potato Salad ~ Roll

Price: $7.00 ~ ADULTS ~ ADVANCED

$8.00 ~ At the door


*****Tickets available from just about any fire fighter and at First Shore Federal on Market Street*****

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Take Time To Protect Yourself

Every once in a while the Pocomoke Public Eye receives an email from a reader wanting to share information with others.

The reader wants to warn everyone to be sure to keep your windows and doors LOCKED! Take ALL precautions to protect your possessions.

A burglary/breaking and entering occurred last Sunday near the readers residence, in broad daylight while her elderly neighbors were at church. Entry was gained from the back of the house by pushing in the air conditioning window unit in the kitchen.

A similar situation occurred last month at another residence near the reader except entry was gained this time by removing the air conditioning unit located in the garage area. The air conditioner was taken along with other property.

These incidences have been reported to the Pocomoke City Police Department.

But this information brings up a few questions. How DO you secure a window unit properly so this doesn't happen to anyone else? Most times we are all in a big hurry when the weather becomes suddenly hot and we don't think about what could happen if we don't take the time to properly protect ourselves.

Please remember that the Pocomoke City Police Department is once again on foot, on bicycle and driving through your neighborhood. But crime can strike at anytime and a criminal has no conscience. A criminal doesn't care who you are, how old you are, what he takes or how much he destroys to get what he wants......he just wants what belongs to you. If you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood PLEASE contact the Pocomoke Police Department.

Be good neighbors and look out for one another. And please feel free to take a look at the Crime Report. Click onto the Pocomoke City Police Dept. icon on the right of the PPE.

Pocomoke City Police Department Dedication

Pocomoke City Police Department Dedication

and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Friday ~ June 22, 2012

Congratulations to the Pocomoke City Police Department! Those congratulations include everyone and anyone linked to the department or had a role in bringing this beautiful facility to a reality for the people of Pocomoke City.

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison was Master of Ceremonies and Councilman/Rev. George Tasker gave the invocation. But is was the remarks given by the guest speakers that touched our hearts when commenting on the men and women in uniform that protect and serve the citizens of Pocomoke. They are the best and they deserve the the best.

This isn't the first generation of police officers for Pocomoke City and Chief Sewell stated that. In fact he named many of them and went on to say how proud the newest generation of Pocomoke City Police Officers were to walk in the footsteps of those before them.

In the program handed out before the ceremony Chief Sewell stated: " All of us in the Pocomoke City Police Department are very excited about our new police building. This move has already resulted in greatly improved morale within the ranks of the officers and our civilian employees. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Mayor and City Council, the City's Public Works Department, Beauchamp Construction, and everyone else who was in this project. We look forward to serving the community from this location for many years."

What wonderful words came from Delegate Mike McDermott as he spoke about the Pocomoke Police Department. To be honest I had to hold back my tears as he spoke. These brave men and women do leave their homes and the arms of their loved ones to become the protectors of society. They are the brave warriors who put their lives on the line for the people. They are the ones who patrol the dark streets on foot, bike or car. And we can not forget those back at the police department manning the radios and working in capacities that keep the Pocomoke Police Department running....nor should the loved ones waiting at home ever go unnoticed.

Worcester County Commissioner Merle Lockfaw
expressed the same sentiments as the others. Being a citizen of Pocomoke and Pocomoke City Volunteer fireman he knows the determination and dedication that is required to be successful.

Above- Jack Tarburton, State Director, U.S.D.A. - It has been through the U.S.D.A -According to the Ceremony Program -"The total cost of the project including purchase of the property will be approximately $1 million. Permanent financing of the project is being provided by the U.S.D.A."

Senator Jim Mathias - A long time friend to Pocomoke City and also had some great words to share with those present.
Two of my dear old friends....John McDaniel and Patrol Officer Ralph Corbin. Other officer's last name is Craven (I believe, help me on this one). If I am not mistaken this officer is the same one that tried to get me to give him my thumb print- to see if I was a fugitive!

This young lady seems to be the back bone to the police department. Angel D. Thornes, Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke Police Department. That's a pretty large title to hold for such a petite person. But in the course of the past few months I've seen her dig her heels in and work hard just like the others. On one occasion I saw her busy with the new furniture that had been delivered to the new department; and dealing with the headaches that you get when your goods are damaged. The last occasion I ran into her was on the second floor of the old police headquarters on a really hot day. She was in a file closet moving paper files. That's not easy work.

I also think I am correct when I tell you that it was Angel that did the excellant selection of furnishings in the new police department. Each and everyone that holds a position in the police department of Pocomoke City deserve our thanks. They have all done an outstanding job!

Discovery Center Fund Raiser

Join the Discovery Center this fall

for an "OUT OF THIS WORLD" Event!!

Stars Soul Rock and Roll

Mar-Va Theater Benefit BINGO

at Tom's Cove Park Clubhouse

June 29th
Doors Open: 6 PM
Bingo Begins: 7 PM

Price: $20/book; $10/additional book; $5/special game

Monday, June 25, 2012

Welcome To Monday

Wow! It's Monday already.

It has been a very hot and very busy weekend for me....but exciting.

Coming up sometime today will be more on the new Pocomoke City Police Department dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony that was held on Friday. What a wonderful way to spend a hot afternoon....

Saturday was busy! Ten mud trucks from the Eastern Shore traveled to the Carolina Sand Drags and Mud Bog in Elizabeth, North Carolina. Quite an exhausting day but the drivers and their trucks made a wonderful showing and they now know (in that area of North Carolina) that we have some trucks that can move through any mud in seconds too! But, getting up at 3:00 a.m., on the road by 5 a.m. and in the sun, the heat, a thunderstorm then the looooong ride back home is extremely tiresome and just plain hard work! Sunday was for some much needed rest.... And we did rest until we found this little guy in the woods across the street. My neighbor found him walking down the road dragging a leash and to keep him from getting run over attached him to a tree in the woods. That was earlier in the day and by 5:30 p.m. no one had passed by to claim the little guy.........

I wasn't about to let the little guy endure a night in the woods and have found him a nice temporary home. And since I have to give everything a name I have named him Petey. And right now the little guy needs my attention and I need to make sure he had a comfortable night and is ok.......

I'll have posts up as soon as I can............

By the way, IF Petey is YOUR pet you had better have a REAL GOOD reason for why you didn't look for this little guy yesterday morning and why you never worried about the little guy being in the heat, walking down a hot road until today!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Heiress Gives Up Society Life For Farming Near Princess Anne.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


September, 1905

(The Galveston Daily News- Galveston, Texas)


Baltimore, Md.- Miss Georgia Gelston Jones, daughter of the late Isaac D. Jones, has given up her fashionable life in Baltimore and ceased to take an active interest in the old First Presbyterian Church, having taken over management of a farm of 400 acres under cultivation and 200 acres in woodland. She has raised one of the largest crops on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Cares of a big farm are just the opposite of the easy life that has been the life of Miss Jones. Her grandfather, Hugh Gelston, was one of the leading merchants and real estate owners of this city in the 40's, and her father was Attorney General under Governor William Pinkney Whyte. Miss Jones inherited wealth from both. She is a cousin of the late Countess Machido of Paris.

When the father of Miss Jones died she fell heir to Arcadia, an estate of 600 acres near Princess Anne, on the Eastern Shore. She soon found she could not get a capable overseer or manager for the place and it was going to wreck and ruin. She closed her ancestral home at Linden Avenue and Hoffman street, boarding up its exterior to protect its rich furniture, works of art, and fine linen, placed the family silverware in storage and decided to go to Princess Anne to run the farm herself.

The estate lies on the bank of the Manokin River, and is crowned by a large and roomy old mansion. Fifty thousand dollars has been refused for the place. A wooded lawn stretches away in front of the house, a score of negroes are in the fields busy cutting corn and a heard of Jersey cattle roams over the place.

"I did not come here to live, or, rather, I did not come here to stay," said Miss Jones. "I came here fully intending to get a good tenant, to get the dear old place, the house of my father and the home of my childhood, straightened up. I failed to get the kind of tenant I wanted. In the meantime I am managing it myself."

"It had been under the care of tenants who seemed to make money for themselves but not for my father, and none for me when I came into possession of it. I urged my father to sell it, but he thought he could get returns from the farm equal to a 6 percent investment. Year after year passed and expected returns came not. All the time it was falling into bad repair."

"Imagine my consternation, and, indeed, my grief, when I saw the fences down, the lawn covered with sedge grass, the front porch a dishevelled wreck, the house badly lacking paint. Before I reached the house I set the sedge grass on fire. The neighbors thought there was a big conflagration on the place. I made my way amid the smoke to the house I had loved so dearly. It did not seem to be the same house, and I could hardly realize that within the same walls only a few years ago had gathered some of the most prominent men and women of the State and that here had been heard their gay laughter. Why, in the living rooms in the days of my father I had seen twenty-five guests assembled, the flower of Maryland."

"Mad? I was so mad I did not know what to do. No, I didn't cry, though I am a woman. I wanted to restore the dear old place, and I wanted to restore it all at once. I was too busy with my plans to cry. I could not get rid of the tenant, for he had a lease that would not expire for six months. When that period was up I came into undisputed possession and I set about my work of restoration."

"I advertised for a tenant. I got replies by the hundred. I picked out a young man who seemed to be capable. He stayed here for a while and then received an offer to go to West Virginia to engage in some kind of construction work. He employed all of the industrious negroes of the community on the promise of good wages. He carried them as far as Baltimore, where he heard a big strike was going on in West Virginia. He did not go any farther and the negroes had to return as best they could."

"The next tenant was a married man with children. I built a tenement for him, a nice two-story house. Well, he came. He had not been here long when the men of the place asked me what they should do. It was then 11 o'clock. I told them to get the manager and get their orders from him. But he was not to be found. I went to his house. What do you suppose he was doing? He was playing the organ. He told me he did not like to give up his music. I told him I employed him as a farmer, not as a musician. Well, I got rid of him."

"Would-be purchasers came. But when I asked them to put up a sufficient cash deposit before they cut off the timber they declined. I had all kinds of troubles. Everybody seemed to think he could make any kind of bargain with me , simply because I am a woman, but I still have the farm. Even if I am a woman I know something about law. I learned it from my father."

"You can see I have restored the farm to what it was, in greater part, during my father's lifetime. This year I beat all my neighbors in raising wheat. My wheat averaged thirty-five bushes to the acre. I have been told the average in the county was twenty-five bushels. So remarkable was the yield and of such fine quality was the grain that the Chamber of Commerce of Baltimore passed most favorably upon it. I have been in receipt of hundreds of letters from all parts of the United States asking for seed wheat. My neighbors said I sowed more to the acre then they did, and yet I sowed only a bushel to the acre, while they sowed a bushel and a half."

"My oat crop was equally satisfactory. The yield was 100 bushes to the acre. I don't know how my corn crop is going to turn out, but it certainly looks promising."

"I derive pleasure from farming, in a way. I would find it a greater pleasure if I could get the kind of help I want. I like farm life."

Footnotes: More on Arcadia:

More on Isaac D. Jones: 


April, 1990

The production line at the Campbell Soup frozen foods plant made its final run marking the end of operations at the Pocomoke facility and the loss of 200 jobs. Some of the workers were to be transferred to Campbell's Salisbury plant. The Pocomoke closing was part of a Campbell's worldwide restructuring program that also resulted in the closing of the company's Mrs. Paul's plant in Crisfield.

Footnote: In later years the Salisbury plant would close. 


January, 1952

Dedication was set for a Catholic Church for Pocomoke City. The newly constructed building on Market Street Extended would have seating accommodations for 200. For about ten years Catholic worship services had been held at the Pocomoke armory. Cost of the new church building was $50,000. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Heiress Gives Up Society Life For Farming Near Princess Anne.

It's 1905 and an heiress from a prominent Maryland family chooses to give up her fashionable life in Baltimore, closes her home there, "boarding up its exterior to protect its rich furniture, works of art, and fine linen, placed the family silverware in storage and decided to go to Princess Anne" to run the 600 acre farm she had inherited.

Read much more about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!