Saturday, August 21, 2010

Virginia's Congressman Weigh In On JFCOM

Here are statements on the proposed closing of JFCOM in Norfolk, from Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Chesapeake, and Rep. Glenn Nye, D-Norfolk and Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Westmoreland.

From Forbes:

“For the past two years I have sounded the alarm that this Administration has allowed their uncontrolled fervor for social spending and the resulting budgetary pressure to drive our national defense strategy. We are now seeing the piecemeal auctioning off of the greatest military the world has ever known. Unfortunately, it is a silent auction because the voice of the American people is not being heard.

“Today's announcement to close our nation's premier joint operations and efficiency command is the outcome of fiscal coercion resulting from reckless and dangerous spending decisions, not from well-placed and much-needed efforts to root out waste in government. It exhibits an arrogant lack of leadership and lack of concern for the welfare of our nation and for the men and women in uniform.

“Under the cover of night, this Administration is selling off our military at auction to pay for its social programs. It has withheld our nation’s shipbuilding plan - required of them by law - while the Chinese navy aggressively bypassed us in number of ships. It has withheld our aviation plan, while our Navy struggles from a lack of aircraft needed to perform current and future missions. It has issued gag orders preventing any Pentagon officials, military and civilian, from speaking with Congress about budgets cuts and the risks to our national defense. This Administration has brought blatant partisan politics into the annual defense policy bill by attaching controversial social agendas. They have shown more regard for the rights of terrorists than for justice for those lost on September 11th and the safety of those currently fighting to protect our nation from the next radical terrorist attack. And this week, they and Congressional Democrat leadership have called the House back into session to vote on a package that includes $2.8 billion in defense spending cuts in order to pay for more social bailouts.

“The American people will see this decision for what it is: a first step in a long string of national defense cuts that will systematically and intentionally gut the institutions that protect and defend the freedoms and liberties upon which our nation was founded - and they will not stand for it.”

Joint Forces Command is the leading command for joint training, development and experimentation. Tracing its history back to 1947 with the establishment of the new commands made up from services of more than one military service, it had originally been Atlantic Command. In 1999, it was reorganized to become JFCOM for the purpose of ensuring efficiency among branches of the military. The command oversees a force of more than 1.16 million men and women and coordinates more than 70 joint training events, involving 46,000 participants, each year.

Forbes is Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee.

From Nye:

NORFOLK – Rep. Glenn Nye, D-Norfolk, questioned U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ proposal to eliminate U.S Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), headquartered in Norfolk, VA. JFCOM is one of the Department of Defense’s ten combatant commands, and was created to coordinate joint training, development and experimentation among the different branches of the armed services. Gates’ proposal comes at a time when DoD is trying to substantially trim its budget.

“The proposal by the Defense Department to close JFCOM is short-sighted and without merit,” Nye said following Gates’ announcement. “I appreciate the Department’s attempt to rein in spending, but I have yet to see any substantive analysis to support the assertion that closing JFCOM will yield large savings.”

“JFCOM exercises combatant command over 1.1 million U.S. forces, and performs critical functions and training necessary to maintain our warfighters’ supremacy in overseas operations,” Nye continued. “Eliminating the Command does not eliminate the demand for these critical missions; it only redistributes the responsibilities elsewhere. I look forward to receiving the Secretary’s official proposal and his analysis for reorganization.”

Finally, from Wittman:

"I have deep concerns about the strategic implications of Secretary Gates’ decision to close Joint Forces Command (JFCOM). Until I am convinced that it is the right decision for our national security, I cannot support the closure of this Command. One of the greatest successes of the U.S. military – unlike any other in the world – is its ability to function jointly, and this decision could hinder the tremendous progress we’ve made. ‪

"I question why a change in structure of this magnitude was not included in the Quadrennial Defense Review. This is just one more example of budgetary pressures, rather than strategic need, driving defense decisions. In this announcement, the Executive Branch has clearly side-stepped the Legislative Branch without deliberation on the way forward with what's best with our nation's defense policy. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Armed Services Committee to conduct oversight and execute our funding authority to the fullest extent. Furthermore, I look forward to hearing from Secretary Gates how the current, critical missions of JFCOM, such as joint training efforts, will be carried out under this new plan.‪"

9 Year Old Vacationer Gives Poem To Chamber

CHINCOTEAGUE -- Allison Doss of Dacula, Ga. is a budding young poet.

Allison, 9, a student at Freeman's Mill Elementary School, had an assignment to write a poem with the subject, "Beauty Is."

Allison wrote the following, arranging it in the shape of a Christmas tree:

Beauty Is

Salty air

A quiet marsh

On a secret island

Crashing waves

An Egret's nest

Muller's Ice Cream Parlor

On a hot summer night

A bike ride through mini Africa

A long hike up the striped lighthouse

My friends don't know this place

My teachers don't know this place

This secret island called Chincoteague

But I know

My Pop knows

The ponies know

That is what Beauty is....

Allison's poem won first prize at Freeman's Mill Elementary School and went on to win first place in a countywide competition in Gwinnet County, Ga.

Allison presented the poem to her "Pop," Walter Bulmer, as a Christmas gift last year.

Allison presented a framed copy of the poem to the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce last week, while she was on vacation with her parents and grandparents.

Toddler Left Alone In Hot Car

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) - A Hampton couple is facing felony child endangerment charges for allegedly leaving their toddler in a car alone while they went shopping.

An employee at the Walmart in the 12000 block of Jefferson Avenue told police he was in the parking lot at around 11 a.m. on August 18 when he noticed a child alone in a car. He said he waited for about ten minutes for someone to return to the car, but that never happened, so the employee alerted his manager.

Newport News Police arrived at the store and made an announcement over the Walmart sound system. When the parents returned to the car, they reportedly told officers they were only inside the store for about three minutes. According to the store manager, the 2 year old child was in the car for as long as 40 minutes.

Police charged Andriy Kot and Khrystyna Porseua, both 29 years old, with felony child endangerment.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Burn Bans Lifted

As of Friday, August 20, 2010 the burn bans in Accomack and Northampton Counties have been lifted.
Both counties urge residents to adhere by all regular laws, rules, regulations and normal precautions when conducting open burns.

Police Investigating Attacks On Bicyclists In Charles Village

Baltimore MD The city's bicycle and pedestrian planner wants a "bike boulevard" to run up Guilford Avenue through Charles Village, an area already filled with commuters using pedal power. But a series of attacks on cyclists and several bike-jackings are creating concern.

Police had arrested three people in two bike robberies this month and thought they had a handle on the situation until three young men pushed Michael Byrne off his Blue Falcon bike Wednesday night at North Charles and 20th streets.

Police said one of the men rode the bike away, and a new search for suspects has commenced.

"We knew the arrests couldn't completely quell the problem," said Maj. Ross Buzzuro, the commander of the Northern District. "We have increased deployment."

The attacks — which include several instances of harassment and rock-throwing, many that were not reported to police — generated discussion on Facebook among bike commuters and the city's pedestrian planner, Nate Evans.

Evans said in an interview that he has picked up on "a pattern of attacks on cyclists" in recent weeks in blocks bordered by North and Guilford avenues and Charles and 25th streets. He's heard many of the stories at meetings as he plans a bike route on Guilford.

"It sounds like in a couple of the attacks, the victims were overcome by a number of assailants," he said. Most occurred on the evening commute, between 5:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

The area essentially divides neighborhoods north of downtown and upper Charles Village, and is almost unavoidable for anyone commuting from downtown to points north. It's six blocks south from where Johns Hopkins researcher Stephen Pitcairn was robbed and fatally stabbed last month as he walked home from the train station.

"That area of Lower Charles Village has always been a dangerous area to ride around in at night," said one bicyclist who didn't want his name used. He was a victim two years ago at nearly the same spot where Byrne was attacked. "It's very dark and just kind of a no-man's land," the young man said.

"Unfortunately, it's not like a lot of people can avoid these routes," said Evans, who when designing bike routes charts potholes, road conditions, congestion and crime.

He noted that Guilford and Charles "are some of the safest streets going through that area" and he recommended that "if you see someone coming after you, if you have to go through a red light or a stop sign to avoid being attacked, then keeping safe needs to be the priority."

Byrne said he was riding home to Charles Village from work as music editor for the City Paper and was going "at a pretty good clip" when three kids stepped off a corner and knocked him down. "It was like a combination of getting punched and tackled," the 30-year-old said.

He said one youngster "screamed at me not to get up and somebody else took off on the bike." He said he suffered a bruised rib but otherwise wasn't hurt. He said the bike is old and might be worth $300 or $400.

Police said the description of the attackers is vague. Byrne said he regularly commutes through the area and that he's never before been attacked there. "I don't think it's a bad area," he said of the heavily trafficked streets. "It's not a place where [you] think, 'Oh, something bad is going to happen here.'"

The Newest NASCAR Sponsor ~~ The GI Bill

In an effort to bring more attention to veterans education benefits, the GI Bill will sponsor a car in a Sept. 11 NASCAR race in Richmond, Va., and is also one of the sponsors of the race itself.

The Air National Guard is the chief sponsor of that Sprint Cup Series 400 race, which will be called the Air Guard 400.

The idea, according to Veterans Affairs Department officials, is to get the GI Bill plastered on a racecar and frequently mentioned by broadcasters to spread the word about the availability of the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Sponsoring the race and a car in the race is part of an outreach program aimed at getting more people to use the year-old GI Bill benefits program.

The combined cost of sponsoring a car and the race will be about $420,000, a significant part of a $1 million advertising campaign that also includes buying ads in college newspapers and in online publications to try to reach eligible service members and veterans, VA officials said.

Having a racecar painted with the GI Bill as its sole sponsor, having the pit crew dressed to match the car and doing some pre-race promotions will cost about $200,000, VA officials said. Serving as an official race sponsor will cost another $250,000. Sponsorship will result in frequent mentions of the GI Bill and its purpose during the nighttime race on the oval track, officials said.

NASCAR is a good way to reach service members and veterans, VA officials said, because marketing surveys show that one-third of NASCAR fans are veterans or personally know a veteran. The Defense Department also advertises at NASCAR events because of marketing surveys that show race fans have a greater interest in military service than people who don’t watch NASCAR events.

An added benefit of being a race sponsor is that NASCAR events are broadcast on military radio and television networks, VA officials said.

“We wanted to do more than just reach veterans and influencers that are thinking about school … we wanted to also reach those folks who could be going to school but may not be fully aware of the benefit,” VA spokesman Nathan Naylor said.

Julia A. Purnell Museum- Last Of Summer Heritage Crafts

SNOW HILL -- The Julia A. Purnell Museum will host the last in a series of summer heritage craft activities for children on Wednesday, Aug. 25, from 1-3 p.m. Children can learn to create and decorate paper chains, just like those made by youngsters 100 years ago.

The Heritage Crafts are free with the price of general admission, just $.50 for children, and $2 for adults. Kids should expect to spend about 15 to 30 minutes working on their projects. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information, contact the museum at 410-632-0515.

Counseling Group Presents Movie "What If" This Weekend

POCOMOKE CITY -- The movie "What If" will be featured at the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department's Community Center on Friday, Aug. 20, with a showing at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 21, with showings at 3 and 7 p.m.; and on Sunday, Aug. 22, at 3 p.m.

This is hosted by Lighthouse Counseling & Consulting Services. Tickets are $5, with a dollar donated to a local youth ministry (Save the Youth), however, ages 5 and under are free and may be purchased in advance, by calling 410-957-4200 or at the door.

Bikers Honor 9/11 Victims With Annual Ride

SHANKSVILLE — Bikers wearing red, white and blue bandanas and with American flags flying from their motorcycles gathered outside this tiny town Thursday on their way to visit hallowed ground. Their three destinations: The nearby site of the crash of Flight 93, the Pentagon and, eventually, ground zero in New York City.

More than 700 bikers and police officers are participating in the 10th annual ride, sponsored by the America’s 911 Foundation.

Many said they want the focus to be on reminding people what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 – not the current controversy over a proposed Islamic center and mosque near where the twin towers once stood.

“It’s a remembrance ride. A lot of the general public have become complacent with the events of Sept. 11. That can’t be,” said Rick Flick, 50, who lives in western Pennsylvania and has been participating in the ride for nine years.

A volunteer firefighter, Flick was on the scene after Flight 93 crashed and said the ride is personal for him.

Bill and Mary Byers, of Washington, Pa., are participating in their first ride with the group. A longtime biker, 51-year-old Bill Byers has never been to ground zero and has mixed feelings about the proposed mosque.

“Muslims are like any other religion. The people who are putting this mosque up are just regular people,” said Byers, wearing a black leather vest with a pentagonal patch that is the ride’s logo. At the same time, he said, “You don’t want to have the families feel they are disrespected.”

Pete Burgoon, 65, a member of the Red Knights, a motorcycle club for firefighters, greeted bikers arriving in town. Wearing a red T-shirt and black leather vest, the Altoona resident said the ride is a chance for people to pause and think about the lives that were lost that day.

The America’s 911 Foundation was started by Ted Sjurseth and his wife, Lisa, just weeks after the attacks, and the group had its first ride to New York City that fall.

The group was started with the goal of bringing back tourists and money to businesses hard hit by the attacks; it later evolved to a group dedicated to honoring first responders, as well as promoting volunteerism, said Roger Flick, of Damascus, Md., the group’s promotion’s manager.

Bikes started lining up Thursday outside a hotel in Somerset where the ride is to start early today. Riders will be escorted by dozens of police on motorcycles, and participants are expected from as far away as California.(Photo taken from previous ride) The participants visited a temporary memorial set up at the Flight 93 crash site about 10 miles away. Construction is under way on a permanent memorial there, and the first phase of it is expected to be completed in time for the 10th anniversary of the attacks next year.

Ride organizers hope to also have their biggest turnout ever next year, with a bike for each of the more than 2,000 people who died in the attacks.

“This will be my ninth ride,” Flick said, “and I’ve done it every year with a knot in my throat when I think about why we’re doing this.”

Coupled Argued Before Her Death

Former Virginia lacrosse players George Huguely V and Yeardley Love got into a physical altercation and exchanged e-mails in the days leading up to Love’s May 3 death, according to search warrant affidavits released Wednesday.

The affidavits, released by the Charlottesville Circuit Court, reveal partially redacted findings of the searches of two white-colored Apple laptop computers that were seized from the bedroom of Huguely’s off-campus apartment May 3.

Huguely, a 22-year-old Chevy Chase native who had been a member of the men’s lacrosse team at Virginia, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Love, his former girlfriend of more than two years. A hearing in Huguely’s case has been set for Oct. 8.

According to the affidavits, an unidentified witness told police the day after the alleged murder that Love had told her about an e-mail Huguely sent to Love in the previous week.

The witness told police she may have seen the e-mail while she and Love were in Chicago. The Virginia women’s lacrosse team, of which the 22-year-old Love was a member, played at Northwestern on April 30 in Evanston, Ill.

Following the physical altercation at Love’s off-campus apartment on the night of her alleged murder, Huguely took Love’s personal computer, he later told police. Huguely said he threw Love’s computer into a dumpster after leaving Love’s residence that night.

Two Charlottesville detectives recovered the computer shortly thereafter in a dumpster on Sadler Street in Charlottesville, according to the affidavit. The computer’s serial number matched records of a computer previously sold to Love that were provided by Dell Inc.

During a forensic search of Love’s computer that was consented to by Sharon Love, Yeardley’s mother, police discovered fragments of an e-mail with a statement that was redacted in the affidavit. A fragmented e-mail is "a partial portion of an email that has been retrieved from the deleted files of a computer that was previously sent or received," according to the affidavit.

Police believe the e-mail was sent in response to a previous e-mail sent by Huguely. Two other witnesses independently told police of their knowledge of recent e-mail correspondence between Huguely and Love.

Witnesses also told police Love lost her cell phone and a camera following a verbal argument with Huguely at his apartment in the days leading up to her alleged murder. A friend of Love’s stated she witnessed an altercation between Love and Huguely “a few days before Love’s death,” according to the affidavit.

“She stated that Love and Huguely were arguing and Love hit Huguely with her purse,” the affidavit stated. The witness, whose named was redacted, “stated that when Love’s purse hit Huguely all her stuff flew out of her purse.”

The witness helped Love collect her belongings and leave Huguely’s apartment. Love later told the unnamed witness that she was missing her camera and cell phone and that she thought the items had been left at Huguely’s apartment, according to the affidavit.

The witness said Love asked her to go to Huguely’s apartment and retrieve the items, which the unnamed witness attempted to do. The affidavit stated that the witness found the camera, but not the cell phone.


My Wife always wanted a riding lawn mower.

She works all day and was always tired
when she came home from work
and thought that a
riding lawn mower would help her get the yard work done quicker
so she would have more time
for the chores inside the house.

SO, being the handy sort of guy that I am, I made her a riding lawn mower.
I guess I thought she would squeal with delight or something and give me a big hug.

To this day I have never been able to understand why some women are so hard to please .


San Francisco Plane Threat Deemed Non-Credible

A security threat to an American Airlines plane in San Francisco Thursday was deemed "non-credible," according to the San Francisco Police Department and other law enforcement agencies.

No one was arrested or "placed in handcuffs" in connection with a phone call threatening a hijacking of the flight in San Francisco, California, police Sgt. Michael Rodriguez said.

Earlier, a source familiar with the investigation said that two passengers were being questioned further by authorities.

The threat was called in before the plane departed from San Francisco.

Flight 24, bound for New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, was taken to a remote location, and passengers were interviewed and re-screened, while local law enforcement officers inspected the aircraft, TSA said.

Randy Cohen, a passenger on the flight, said the people on the plane were calm in general, but that as the time went by on the tarmac, some became nervous.

Even when the pilot made an announcement, "you could tell the angst in his voice and the uncertainty," Cohen said.

Cohen said he saw authorities remove a large garbage bag from an overhead bin in the back of the plane.

Once police arrived, the passengers were removed from the plane, six at a time.

Another passenger said they waited on the isolated plane for three hours after being diverted from the runway.

Lt. Bill Scott of the Alameda County, California, Police Department said his department became aware of the threat when a clerk at a local business called to report it.

The clerk had received a call that included a threat from "a suspicious male," Scott said. The police then called the FBI.

Scott said he could not comment on the specifics of the threat and whether it included a threat to hijack the plane said, "It was significant enough for us to notify the FBI."

A security official told CNN that the caller claimed the flight would be hijacked, but nothing has been found yet to back up that assertion.

Federal air marshals were aboard, according to a source familiar with the incident. The source did not know whether the marshals had to break cover because of the incident.

Testimony Continues in Pennsylvania Trial of Onley Man Accused of Murder

A witness in the trial of a man accused of killing a camp counselor 19 years ago in northeastern Pennsylvania has cast doubt on the prosecution's claim that it has the murder weapon.

Prosecutors trying to convict 47-year-old Jeffrey Plishka in the 1991 shooting death of Laura Lynne Ronning say his rifle was used in the shooting.

But a retired state trooper testified Wednesday that in 1992 a police crime lab determined the rifle didn't fire the fatal shot.

District Attorney Michael Lehutsky claims DNA evidence on the gun links it to the shooting.

Ronning, of St. Petersburg, Fla., was a counselor at Camp Cayuga when she disappeared in July 1991. Investigators say she was sexually assaulted and shot in the head.

Plishka, of Onley, Va., lived near where Ronning disappeared and participated in the search for her.

Tractor Pulling And Mud Hop At Melson

Another wonderful crowd at Melson Tractor Pull/Mud Hop Saturday night (August 14)along with some great competition in both groups of racing.

Tractor Pulling If you have never seen tractor pulling before this probably looks like one boring and unexciting sport, but I guarantee that most times this can get quite hair raising and the winner of the event will sometimes surprise you! If you own a tractor and think you can pull a large amount of weight with it, or if you just want to give it a try, bring it to the next event! New entries are always welcomed.......... (I find it amusing when the old clunker looking tractors sometimes suddenly break loose and race down the track making the nicely groomed John Deere tractors look like wimps!)

Mud Hop Another popular event on Saturday nights is the Mud Hop! These trucks will make your heart stop as they move across the top of the hill and down the other side into and through the mud!!!
Speed plays a big part in this competition............... .....because this is what you find at the bottom of the other side of the hill. MUD! Keep in mind that after a rainy week this hole is sometimes covered with water and the driver must get through this with speed and not get stuck!

Think you have a truck that can do this?

By all means please make plans to try it out at the next event. For rules and more info go to what happens!!!

Think you can do it??

Next events are scheduled for September 10th and 11th!
Registration begins at 5:00 PM Races start at 7:00 PM

There's plenty of refreshments.

Bring your own chair and sit back and let these fearless guys entertain you.

We'll see you there..............

9343 Guy Ward Road, Parsonsburg, Maryland

Thanks for the photos Bill


HOSTED BY MIDWAY Welcome to the 1st Annual "Help Midway Drive Out Breast Cancer" Charity Walk, to benefit Women Supporting Women - a local, non-profit group that provides support to those in our community who have in some way been affected by breast cancer.

The qualified and dedicated staff provides a variety of free services, including education and awareness events with free literature and guest speakers, monthly support meetings and private mentoring information, and counseling for the newly diagnosed and their families. WSW also provides wigs, hats, and scarves - at no cost - to women enduring and recovering from cancer treatments.

Since WSW is a local non-profit with no national affiliations, all contributions stay here on the Eastern Shore to help those affected by breast cancer.

Event Information
Date: August 21, 2010
Time: 10 AM (Registration)
11 AM 3 PM (Walk)
Location: Midway GM/Toyota
1337 Ocean Highway
Pocomoke City, Maryland
(Call for Directions)

Purpose: To raise money, through pledges by individuals and corporate sponsors, to benefit Women Supporting Women a local non-profit organization that provides awareness, education, and support to all those who are affected by breast cancer.

For more information, or to receive an official entry folder, fill out our form below or call Josh Nordstrom @ Midway: 443.614.6021

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eastern Shore Musician Is One Of Five Finalists In Song Competition

Don't forget to cast your vote real soon!

Eastern Shore musician Thelma Peterson has entered her song "I Am At War" in a national competition sponsored by USAtoday. The competition is for songs which relate to the Gulf Oil Spill.

Peterson was informed last week that her song is one of five finalists and her song, along with four others, have been posted on the USAToday website. On the website you will be able to listen to the song and vote on your favorite.

Please click the link below today and vote for the Eastern Shores own Thelma Peterson's song "I Am At War."

More Information Gulf Oil Spill Tragedy Contest and to hear her song...............

"After returning from a Veterans Day service with my dad, who landed on the first wave at Omaha Beach, I saw for the first time the horrific images of oil-coated seabirds," says the
songwriter, THELMA PETERSON of Machipongo, Va. "It seemed to me as if they, as well as all of men, are in a war not so very different from the war that was talked about that day, which was fresh in my mind. It was a very emotional day."

Craig's comments: "I think this song sums up the way many of us feel. The music is very haunting. The lyric reminds us there's a battle between exploiting our natural resources and protecting our environment; between holding the guilty accountable and yet keeping the jobs these companies provide; between cheap oil and expensive consequences. This war touches the lives of many, but particularly those who are the casualties on the front line, as well as the seacoast itself. "

Thelma Peterson's video can be found on YouTube: I Am At War - Thelma Peterson

What a wonderful way for our sentiments to be sent than through this song.................Vote for Thelma Peterson.......Let's show America how strong the Eastern Shore can be!

Bones Found Under Porch Are Probably Very Old

CRISFIELD -- City police are continuing their investigation into a macabre discovery under an old house this week.

Workers who were tearing a porch off a house on Pine Street found human bones lying in a ditch underneath it.

"They called me all panicky," said Noah Bradshaw, the city inspector, who went over to the house, then quickly called in the Crisfield Police Department.

After the scene was processed by police, the skeletal remains were recovered and another portion of the area was dug to recover additional bones.

The remains consisted only of various leg bones and joints. No other parts of the body, such as a skull, were found at the site, police said.

The State Medical Examiner's Office identified the bones as human remains, and will take them to their Baltimore office for further analysis.

The house where the skeletal remains were recovered is 100 years old and has been in the same family for a long time, Bradshaw said. The owner, Sarah Wise, lives out of state and the house is currently vacant.

Bradshaw said the bones could pre-date the house.

"They're petrified, they're so old." he said.

Although there is an open missing persons case in Crisfield, police said they so far do not suspect the remains to be those of Gordon Nelson Sr., who disappeared in October 2007.

"We don't know anything yet," Lt. Stanley Harmon said. "We're just trying to get the bones identified."

Police consider Nelson's disappearance to be suspicious.

Last year, Crisfield police excavated a property on Canal Drive outside city limits where Nelson once lived. Although a trained cadaver dog hit on a spot in the yard, no remains were found.

Nelson, who was living inside city limits at the time of his disappearance, was last seen at the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post.

Farmers Of Virginia Encouraged To Participate In Small Grain Production Survey

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced today that the 2010 harvest of small grains is complete and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will now measure farmers' final production of those grains, including wheat, oats, barley and rye.

During the first two weeks of September, the Virginia Field Office of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact more than 900 producers statewide as part of the September Agricultural Survey, also known as the Crops/Stocks Survey. Results will provide the basis for official USDA estimates of 2010 acreage, yield and production for small grains.

"This is one of the most important surveys NASS conducts each year," explained

Herman Ellison, director of the NASS Virginia Field Office. "Not only will we be gathering final data on 2010 small grains production, but we'll also be collecting information on quantities of grains and oilseeds stored on farms across the state.

"Data from the September Agricultural Survey benefits farmers by providing timely and accurate information to help them make critical year-end business decisions and evaluate the success of the growing season," added Ellison.

NASS will contact selected Virginia producers by mail or telephone and ask them to provide information on their 2010 production and on-farm stocks of winter wheat, barley, and oats. As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential by law.

"NASS safeguards the privacy of all responses and publishes only state- and national level data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified," Ellison said. Survey results will be published in several reports, including the annual Small Grains summary and the quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be released on September 30. These and all NASS reports are available on the agency's web site: For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Virginia Field Office at 800-772-0670.

The Heavens Opened And It Finally Rained !!

The Eastern Shore contiues to get much needed rain as rain and thunderstorms were in the area throughout the day on Wednesday. Downpours covered the area Wednesday morning causing traffic on main roads to slow.

Roadways and yards were partially flooded from the rainfall which exceeded 2 inches. Weather experts predict storms and rain to continue in the area through Thursday with temperatures in upper 80's.

AHHHHH.... Life is good..............

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Human Remains Found Under Old Porch

CRISFIELD, Md.- Authorities say workers tearing down an old porch at a Crisfield house on Tuesday discovered human remains under the structure.

Crisfield police were called to the house on 338 Pine Street after being informed that various bones had been located in a ditch under the porch. After the scene was processed, the skeletal remains were recovered and another portion of the area was dug up to recover additional bones.

According to police, the skeletal remains consisted only of various leg bones and joints. No other parts of the body were recovered such as a skull or upper torso.

Police say the Maryland State Medical Examiner's Office in Baltimore was contacted and the bones were identified as human remains.

The remains will be taken to the State Medical Examiner's Office for further analysis and classification.

According to police, the house where the skeletal remains were recovered is more than a century old. The case remains under investigation.

Swastikas Found On Cars In Northwest Baltimore

Baltimore City police are investigating several acts of vandalism in Northwest Baltimore last weekend in which swastikas and other messages were spray-painted onto cars, said a police spokesman.

Cars were tagged on Strathmore Avenue, Clarinth Road and Labyrinth Road between late Friday night and early Saturday morning, said Kevin Brown, the spokesman.

In the 2800 block of W. Strathmore Ave., a swastika was spray-painted on a vehicle, along with the phrase "IH8U," while an expletive was found on the side of another vehicle in the same block. A third vehicle was keyed a block away, Brown said.

Swastikas and "Hitler" were painted on two vehicles in the 3900 block of Labyrinth Road and the 3700 block of Clarinth Road, Brown said.

MarVa Theater This Weekend

Friday, Aug 20th Sat, Aug 21st
Time: 7 p.m.
Tickets: $5


After their high school basketball coach passes away, five good friends and former teammates reunite for a Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Rated PG-13

Adam Sandler
Kevin James
Chris Rock
David Spade
Rob Schneider
Salma Hayek

Two Hurt On Swing Ride At Maryland County Fair

GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- A Montgomery County Agricultural Fair official says a boy and ride operator were hurt in an accident on a swing ride.

Witnesses said one of the children on the swing ride "The Vertigo" on Tuesday hit the fence and video shot by WTTG-TV shows a swing hitting an operator in the head and knocking him down as he tries to help.

Fair Executive Director Martin Svrcek says the ride operator was alert when he was taken to a hospital and a boy who hit the fence was treated for injuries to his foot. Both have been released from the hospital.

The ride manufacturer, the carnival that operates the rides and the state regulation office will inspect the ride Wednesday. Svrcek says "The Vertigo" is closed until inspectors determine what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again.

bin Laden Hunter Wants To Try Again

DENVER—The Colorado man detained in Pakistan while trying to track down Osama bin Laden says he wants to try again.

Gary Faulkner said Tuesday it could be weeks or months before he makes another trip and still has to raise money for it.

The 51-year-old unemployed construction worker says he wants to bring the al-Qaida leader to the United States.

Faulkner was detained June 13 in Pakistan after he was found with weapons and night-vision equipment. Pakistan released him without charges and he returned to the U.S.

Faulkner says he believes he'll be allowed back into Pakistan. The Pakistani Embassy in Washington said no one was available to comment Tuesday.

Faulkner has kidney disease and needs regular dialysis.

Violation Of Air Space Not Intentional

SEATTLE (AP) - A passenger aboard a float plane that violated the airspace around Air Force One while President Barack Obama was in town Tuesday was stunned to find out about the fuss that resulted, saying the incursion wasn't intentional.

The military scrambled fighter jets, and the two sonic booms from the Oregon Air National Guard F-15s startled many people in Western Washington.

The Cessna 180 float plane was flying to a seaplane base on Lake Washington, next to Seattle, from Lake Chelan in Eastern Washington, said passenger Laura Joseph. She told The Associated Press that neither she nor the pilot, Lee Daily, knew about Obama's visit or the air restrictions that accompany such a high-profile trip.

The Secret Service interviewed Daily after he landed at Kenmore Air on the north end of the lake, which had been shut down for the duration of the presidential campaign stop.

North American Aerospace Defense Command spokesman John Cornelio said the civilian aircraft left the restricted area before the two jets arrived from the Portland, Ore.-based 142nd Fighter Wing and that there was no intercept. He confirmed the jets produced the sonic booms.

In a statement Tuesday evening, the Oregon Air National Guard said the jets were cleared to accelerate to supersonic speed minutes after takeoff. The Guard said the booms were heard by people from Longview, Wash., to the Puget Sound area.

Joseph, of Normandy Park, said she saw an F-15 outside the window as the plane approached Seattle.

"I saw a jet, just a white jet going by," she said. "I thought it was kind of odd to see a military jet."

The fighter only passed by the float plane once and didn't take any other action, Joseph said.

Joseph said she and Daily didn't know anything was wrong until they landed and were told they had to talk to the Secret Service. She also said she didn't hear the sonic booms.

"Oh my God, I can't believe -- is this the top news thing?" she said.

Joseph said she and Daily were allowed to leave after being interviewed by the Secret Service and haven't heard anything yet about possible sanctions.

Obama was in Seattle to stump for Sen. Patty Murray on a three-day campaign swing for endangered Democrats. Air Force One was on the ground at King County International Airport/Boeing Field in south Seattle at the time of the incident shortly after 1:30 p.m. The president's plane departed Seattle at 3:47 p.m.

The Air National Guard said the jets returned to Portland shortly before 3 p.m.

The two sharp booms, a few seconds apart, rattled windows in Seattle. Fire and police officials throughout the region said they were swamped with calls.

Oregon Air National Guard Staff Sgt. John Hughel said the F-15s were scrambled by NORAD from Portland International Airport. He said the guard has two fighters always on alert to patrol the air space from central California to the Canadian border.

The DISLIKE Button On Facebook

Now here's something to think about. I'm not sure this is entirely correct and I am not about to go to my facebook page and click the "dislike" button to see what happens (if it is there). In fact, I think that I have only seen it a few times in cases of disliking something I thought I liked and changed my mind. Have you seen it? Have you used it? Did anything happen?

A new Facebook scam is making the rounds, and it's taking advantage of a non-existent Facebook feature many users crave: the dislike button.

First, let's clear things up: There is no such thing as an official Facebook dislike button. It's possible that Facebook will implement a similar feature in the future, but right now it simply doesn't exist.

So, if you see a status update containing the message "I just got the Dislike button, so now I can dislike all of your dumb posts lol!!" or "Get the official DISLIKE button now" followed by a link, you should know that it's another one of many scams that aim to extract your personal data.

If you click on the link, you'll land on an elaborate Facebook dislike button "install" page (note that if the dislike button were real, you wouldn't need to install it; Facebook would automatically add it to user profiles). If you follow the instructions, you'll be asked to give the app permission to run, after which you'll be asked to complete a survey, similar to the surveys found in many other scams we've seen recently.

Interestingly enough, the app ultimately points you to an existing Firefox add-on called FaceMod, which dubs itself the "Facebook Dislike Button (the Original)," but the add-on doesn't seem to be connected to the scam. We haven't verified whether the add-on works as advertised or if it's dangerous, but one thing is certain: It is not coming from Facebook and it is not an official Facebook dislike button.

As usual, we advise you not to click on suspicious links on Facebook, especially if they promise something that sounds impossible or unlikely. Do not give away your personal information, unless you're absolutely sure why and who you're giving it to. If you've fallen for the scam, remove the offending app(s) from your Facebook profile; furthermore, remove the related message from your status, News Feed, and your Likes and Interests in the "Edit my Profile" menu.

N.Y. Governor to Meet With "Ground Zero" Mosque Developers But No Plans to Relocate

New York Gov. David Paterson expects to meet in the near future with developers of a proposed Islamic cultural center that would include a mosque near Manhattan's Ground Zero, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, but a key voice in the discussion denied to Fox News any plans to relocate."

Paterson last week offered his help and the possibility that state land could be used for an alternative site for the project.

The Post reported Tuesday that Paterson spokesman Morgan Hook said that the governor's staff is talking with developers, but no formal discussions have taken place on the the $100 million building.

"However, we expect to have a meeting scheduled in the near future," he said.

After a similar report appeared Monday in an Israeli newspaper, Sharif El-Gamal of SoHo Properties, which owns the property at Park 51, said it's absolutely wrong to suggest that the site is being abandoned.

"No. No. No," El-Gamal said.

'The reports that we may be abandoning the project are completely incorrect. We are committed to our plans of building Park 51 to serve the community of lower Manhattan. Our mission is one of peace, understanding and tolerance," he said.

The 13-story Islamic cultural center and mosque that would be located two blocks from where the World Trade Center stood until Sept. 11, 2001, has raised a national argument over the First Amendment and anger over the terror attacks.

Supporters say the mosque and its founders do not represent the beliefs of anyone associated with the attack on the U.S. that day, and its construction will represent the freedom of religion that America prizes.

Opponents say it's not a constitutional question, but one of right and wrong since no one wants to deny the Muslim community the right to practice its religion, but to show a greater respect and sensitivity for the tragedy.

The issue has caused a major debate among politicians, including President Obama, whose various comments over the weekend have forced lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to stake positions on whether they support the mosque's location or prefer the developers to move it.

Congress and the White House have no recourse to prevent its construction, and local officials last week approved new construction at the site, which is currently an old Burlington Coat Factory building that suffered damage from landing gear from one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers.

Late Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is in a tough race for re-election, suggested SoHo Properties find an alternate location. The statement was cast as a break from the president on an increasingly unpopular issue.

The White House said Tuesday it got the heads-up from Reid that he was going to side against the mosque's site.

"We had a sense of what they were going to do," White House spokesman Bill Burton said, describing Reid as an independent individual and strong leader in the Democratic Party.

However, one imam who complained that Muslims are being prevented from building mosques elsewhere around the country chastised Reid.

"It has political capital, but very negative political capital. It speaks to the worst of politics to advance aspirations for the White House, Senate or House or people already in the Senate, the majority leader of Senate, because the race is so close in Nevada. I'm talking about Harry Reid," Mahdi Bray, executive director of Muslim American Society Freedom.

Meanwhile, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, who strongly opposes Park 51 as the site for the mosque, will attend a previously scheduled appearance at a fundraiser Friday night for Chris Gibson, a GOP congressional candidate in upstate New York, who says political opponents have tried to distort his stance that there should not be a mosque near Ground Zero.

"As someone who wore our nation's uniform and helped fight against those who share the extremist views of our attackers on that fateful day, I am disappointed political operatives would distort my words on the matter of how we best honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks," he said in a written statement.

"I do not support the construction of a mosque and have always felt it's neither the time nor place for it," he said.

What About The Ground Zero Chruch??

Archdiocese Says Officials Abandoned Project

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America accused New York officials on Tuesday of turning their backs on the reconstruction of the only church destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks, while the controversial mosque near Ground Zero moves forward.

The sidelined project is the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, a tiny, four-story building destroyed in 2001 when one of the World Trade Center towers fell on top of it. Nobody from the church was hurt in the attack, but the congregation has for the past eight years been trying to rebuild its house of worship.

While the mosque project cleared red tape earlier this month, negotiations between the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the church stalled last year -- and will not be revived, according to government officials. Though the particulars of the two projects are completely different and on the surface unrelated, the church and its supporters see a disconnect in the way the proposals have been handled.

An archdiocese official said Tuesday that the situation has created "consternation" for those still struggling to jump-start talks over the church.

"We have people that are saying, why isn't our church being rebuilt and why is there ... such concern for people of the mosque?" Father Alex Karloutsos, assistant to the archbishop, told He said "religious freedom" would allow a place of worship for any denomination to be built, but accused officials with the Port Authority of making no effort to help move the congregation's project along.

"Unfortunately, they have just been silent -- dead silent, actually," said Karloutsos, whose father was ordained at St. Nicholas. "They just simply forgot about the church."

The Port Authority and the church announced a deal in July 2008 under which the Port Authority would grant land and up to $20 million to help rebuild it in a new location -- in addition, the authority was willing to pay up to $40 million to construct a bomb-proof platform underneath.

Within a year, the deal fell through and talks ended. Port Authority officials told Fox News that the deal is dead.

The archdiocese and Port Authority offer sharply conflicting accounts of where things went wrong. The Port Authority has previously claimed the church was making additional demands -- like wanting the $20 million up front and wanting to review plans for the surrounding area. They say the church can still proceed on its own if it wishes.

"The church continues to have the right to rebuild at their original site, and we will pay fair market value for the underground space beneath that building," a spokesperson with the Port Authority told Fox News.

But Karloutsos called the Port Authority's claims "propaganda" and said the church has complied with all conditions. He said the government should honor agreements that date back to 2004, under former New York Gov. George Pataki.

Pataki, speaking with Fox News on Tuesday, agreed that the church should be rebuilt.

"I don't understand it," Pataki said. "Why the Port Authority now has so far put roadblocks in the way of its reconstruction is beyond me. It's not the right thing to do."

George Demos, a Republican candidate for New York's 1st Congressional District, has also drawn attention to the church negotiations. He released a written statement last week calling the Port Authority "disingenuous and disrespectful" for claiming the church project could go forward.

"For the last year, the Port Authority has refused to meet with church officials and is now reneging on its commitment to rebuild the church," Demos said.

Demos said the stalled church plans are an "outrage," considering New York City's Landmarks Preservation Committee vote in early August to deny historical status protection to the building where the mosque is set to be built, clearing the way for the project to move forward.

The church project has not attracted the kind of national attention the mosque has. President Obama injected the mosque into the national political conversation when he appeared to endorse the plans at a Ramadan dinner at the White House Friday. The White House later clarified that Obama was supporting the developers' right to build the mosque, not the project itself.

The president's comments set the stage for mounting criticism from Republicans, who widely oppose the project and now want other Democrats to declare where they stand on what for months was a largely local issue.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has supported the church as well as the mosque, defended the mosque proposal Tuesday.

"I think it will add to the diversity of the area," Bloomberg said. As for Obama's comments, he said: "He understands the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well as anyone."

47 Year Old Onley, Virginia Man On Trial For Murder Of Camp Counselor In 1991

A trial is underway for a 47-year-old Virginia man long-suspected by police of raping and killing a Poconos camp counselor nearly 20 years ago.

Jeffrey Plishka of Onley, Va., and the son of internationally-known Metropolitan Opera bass Paul Plishka is charged in the sexual assault and murder of 24-year-old Laura Ronning, a St. Petersburg, Fla., woman who was working Camp Cayuga in Wayne County when she was killed in 1991. Testimony in the trial started Monday in Wayne County Court in Honesdale.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in the case that stymied them for nearly two decades, but they say new DNA testing procedures enabled them to link blood on a gun taken from Plishka's home in 1991 to Ronning. At the time, Plishka lived on a farm in Wayne County near the camp where Ronning worked. His opera-singing father was born in neighboring Lackawanna County in Old Forge.

Ronning disappeared in July 1991 after setting out on her day off to hike at Tanners Falls not far from Camp Cayuga, a 350-acre facility that caters to kids between 5 and 15 from New York City and Philadelphia. When Ronning failed to return to camp that night, state police initiated a search. Her body was found the next morning. Police say Plishka participated in the search and made bizarre statements about her disappearance during the search.

Although prosecutors said DNA evidence found on a gun taken from Plishka's home links him to the crime, Plishka's attorney says the sample could have come from someone else.

Court officials expect the trial, which started with jury selection Aug. 9, to last about two more weeks.

To refresh your memory here's an article written last year concerning the trial and charges..............

Last update Jul 31, 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Virginia's Eastern Shore 11th Annual Motorcycle Rally this Weekend

The Virginia's Eastern Shore Annual Motorcycle Rally will be this weekend, August 20 & 21st in Parksley.

There will be bike events, kids events, a bike show, vendors, cold beer, bold drinks and good food.

The gates open on Friday, August 20th at 4:00 PM. There will be live music Friday night with the bands "Mid-Life Crisis" and "Russell Lynch & the Southern Drunken Republicans" playing.

VCW Wrestling will be live and on hand at the Motorcycle Rally. There will also be a European bike hospitality tent with free hot dogs, drinks and cigars for those who have European motorcycles sponsored by Paddock Automotive.

Daily admission is $10, weekend admission is $15, campers for the weekend is $10, tents are $5, tents for rent are $25 and children 10 and under get in free.

Please call (757)665-6977 or visit for more information. The event is sponsored by the Parksley Volunteer Fire Company.