Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Schizophrenic Salisbury Grinch

don’t like kicking a guy when’s he down, but few people deserve it more than Jonathan Taylor, house blogger of Salisbury’s Barrie Comegys party. Still facing criminal charges after being slapped with a judicial order related to his harassment of local resident Donna Ennis, Taylor just can’t shut up and let things blow over.

Taylor is infamous for promising to stop some of his nastier behavior and then simply doubling down. C’mon, when you go after people’s kids (as he has done with the children of Salisbury councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen) we have moved from bad taste to pathology.

Since being slapped by a judge last week, Taylor has since promised that his site would be going “invitation only” (a means of libeling decent folk without them being able to see it) to reneging on that claim and promising that his comments would no longer be moderated and that anonymous comments would no longer be permitted.

This was not true from the start. Any moron can set up an account on Blogger and comment. They can do so anonymously, unless you want to call a handle like “Moron123456” not anonymous. While Taylor certainly has a history of being a liar, and a pretty nasty one at that, I won’t call him a liar on this one. He’s probably just too stupid to understand that commenting as “Moron 123456” is no different than commenting as Anonymous.

Now Taylor claims that he no longer reads SbyNEWS. He’s even gone so far as to claim that he’s locked himself out of his own internet router to keep him from seeing his favorite website. Personally, I could care less. It’s just that Taylor must have a really low opinion of his few readers (most of whom are probably people like me, who only check out to see how low the man can go) to believe that we would believe that he would lock himself out of his own internet router (which can simply be reset back to the original password anyway).

We’ll see if Taylor is even able to stop mentioning SbyNEWS on his site. Given the nasty case of “man-love” Taylor appears to have for SbyNEWS publisher Joe Albero, I doubt it.

As for those of you wondering why I would waste disk space and bandwidth on this guy, the explanation is fairly simple – Taylor is the kind of guy who gives justification to those who want to regulate the blogosphere. In other words, he’s dangerous. We’re seeing that with the filing of civil and criminal complaints against him.
Read more HERE

Ummm... for those that have not figured it out yet.... Oh yes.. In the Famous words of George Lopez... "It's on!!"

Hat Tip G.A.

2010 Census Cautions

Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers.

With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft.
The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers

have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country.

Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
The big question is -
How do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a Con Artist?

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) offers the following advice:

** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have the following:
1. a
badge ,
2. a
hand held device,
3. a
Census Bureau canvas bag, and
4. a
confidentiality notice.

Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions.
However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.

** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information.
Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census.

While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, it will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers nor will employees solicit donations.

Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home.

However, they will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.
Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that is supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.


1. Census workers will carry a badge, a hand held device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. MAKE SURE TO ASK THEM FOR THEIR BADGE AND IDENTIFICATION BEFORE TALKING TO THEM!
Census workers will NOT ask for Social Security numbers, Bank Account Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, or any specific account information!
3. Census workers will NOT solicit for donations – do not give anyone any money!
4. Census Workers will NOT contact you by email – do not respond to anyone claiming to be with the US Census by email!
5. Don't invite them into your homes!!

Please pass this information to everyone you know!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Now Obama Wants to Ban Sport Fishing

More Hope and Change...
Here's Obama's latest assault on our rights-- He wants to ban sport fishing.
Obama may enjoy fishing but he won't let you.
The American Sportfishing Association reported:

A sweeping oceans and Great Lakes management policy document proposed by the Obama Administration will have a significant impact on the sportfishing industry, America’s saltwater anglers and the nation’s coastal communities. The draft policy, the Interim Report of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, issued on September 17, will govern federal Pacific and Atlantic Ocean waters and Great Lakes resource conservation and management and will coordinate these efforts among federal, state and local agencies. This past June, President Obama created the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, led by the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), to develop a draft national policy and implementation strategy for conserving and managing the United States ocean territory and the Great Lakes.

“In regards to recreational fishing specifically, it is a long-standing policy of the federal government to allow public access to public lands and waters for recreational purposes consistent with sound conservation including the nation’s wildlife refuges, national forests, and national parks and should be reflected in a national policy for the oceans and Great Lakes. In fact, the use of public resources by recreational anglers is essential to the conservation model used in this country for fish and wildlife management,” said ASA Ocean Resource Policy Director Patty Doerr.

Doerr further said, “As with any good federal policy decision, discussions about measures that may restrict public access to public resources must involve an open public process, have a solid scientific basis and incorporate specific guidelines on implementation and follow-up. We are very concerned about the abbreviated 90 day timeline which forced the Task Force to issue this policy document prematurely. The implications of such a policy are vast and nationwide. Therefore, the review process should be very deliberate and go well beyond the 30 days public review and comment period which started on September 17.” The Task Force's Interim Report is currently under a 30-day public review and comment period.

Since 1950, with the passage of the Sport Fish Restoration Act, anglers and the sportfishing industry have provided the bulk of funding for fisheries conservation and management in the United States through fishing license fees and the federal manufacturers excise tax on recreational fishing equipment. According to NOAA Fisheries, saltwater anglers contribute over $82 billion annually to the economy. Despite taking only three percent of the saltwater fish harvested each year, the recreational sector creates nearly half the jobs coming from domestic saltwater fisheries.

Husband Shot Soccer Mom, Cops Say

LEBANON, Pa. (Oct. 9) - A soccer mom who gained notoriety for openly carrying a loaded pistol to youth sports events was fatally shot by her husband as she video-chatted with a friend, authorities said Friday.
Scott Hain used his own gun to fire several shots into his 30-year-old wife, Meleanie, while her video chat was active and perhaps as she washed dishes in their kitchen, police said. Scott Hain, 33, later killed himself in an upstairs bedroom.
Meleanie Hain's loaded pistol — with a bullet ready in the chamber — was in a backpack hanging from the front door.

Read the full story HERE

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maxine Waters, just so we don't forget


The same will happen if obamacare passes, they want to control every aspects of life and business.

Speaker Pelosi Hints At Massive Tax Hike

Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined a growing liberal chorus calling for a massive tax hike through the implementation of a value added tax (VAT). A VAT is similar to a national sales tax. Businesses would pay it at each stage of the production process and consumers at the cash register. European countries have had VATs for years. As we pointed out earlier this year, Congress should not pass a VAT to pay for a government takeover of the health care system or expand the size of government. If it does so, it will be a massive tax hike:

Just a 1 percent VAT on all goods and services in the economy would raise $63 billion for Congress to spend each year. Some suggest the VAT rate should be set as high as 20 percent. At that rate, a VAT that covers all goods and services in the economy – including food, clothing, housing, and health care – would collect an additional $1,260 billion a year and cost every U.S. household $10,680 annually.

Even if Congress passes a VAT that has a rate of just a few percentage points, it would likely lead to higher rates in the future. Evidence from other countries that already have VATs show once it is on the books the rate tends to rise over time.

The American people would be better off if Congress stopped spending and instead reformed existing entitlements to make them more affordable and effective. Adding a new entitlement will only make the country’s fiscal situation worse and make painful tax hikes more likely.

Unfortunately, that might have been the plan all along.

Hat Tip; Kack

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mule deer or Yule deer? Buck draped with decor

HELENA, Mont. (AP) - Call it a case of Christmas creep. A young mule deer in Montana is ushering in the holiday season early. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks game warden Kevin Cook says the buck got mixed up with a string of Christmas lights and now they are hanging from his antlers and body. The agency started getting reports about the decorated deer near Fort Harrison last week.

Cook says the buck probably became entangled when he rubbed his antlers on a tree. He says the department is keeping an eye on the animal, but so far it seems to be full of mule-tide cheer.

Cook says similar incidents have happened previously, including a deer with a swing in its antlers and another sporting a clothes line, complete with clothing. The deer usually lose the accessories when they shed their antlers.

Odor on Nictitate (chapter 4)

Coming soon!

Be here, you wont want to miss this one!

Chincoteague Considers New Dog Ordinance

Chincoteague Town Attorney Jon C. Poulson will study Accomack County’s newly passed dog ordinance before recommending it to Chincoteague Town Council. Officials said the change is needed to extend the town’s rules beyond leash or running-at-large restrictions.

Chincoteague Police Chief Eddie Lewis told council Monday, “We’ve not had that many vicious dogs.” He said there were only two in the last decade and both were “put down.”

“I don’t think we need to just discuss this one,” said Councilman Terry Howard, who recently was threatened by two dogs. “We need to give it more consideration … I’m not taking this lightly. If one child were taken down by one of these dogs … the money (for training and equipment) would be well spent. You either act or react. It’s too late after it does happen.”

Poulson said there are three categories of dogs: vicious, dangerous and running at large. The owners of the ones designated as dangerous by the court must post signs on their property and take out a liability policy for $100,000. The court generally orders that a vicious dog be killed, Poulson said.

The council should “adopt a parallel ordinance,” the attorney continued. “I want to make sure it is appropriate and who will enforce it. I want to look at the thing and fine-tune it.”

Councilman Jim Frese was against spending town funds for animal control since the county already provides the service.


Michael Connelly Constitutional Law Instructor explains obamacare

Michael Connelly of Carrollton, Texas is a Constitutional lawyer and has read the entire health care bill and

has some comments, not about the bill, but about the effects on our Constitution. It's a broader picture than just

health care reform.

It's time we sit up and pay attention; once this sort of thing happens, it will be irreversible. We have reason to be
very afraid of what is happening.


Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200:

The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise,

constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be


What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.

To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true,

despite what the Democrats and the media are saying.

The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where

senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved,

free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and

probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.

The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business and

put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately

be made by federal bureaucrats and most of them will not be health care professionals.

Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices

will be strictly controlled

However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have

concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health

care choices. Instead,
it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the

Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated.

If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United

States will effectively have been destroyed.

The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the

Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government.

Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority

in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people

and the businesses they own
. The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority

to legislate in most of those areas to begin with.

I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the
members of Congress to regulate health care

This legislation also provides for access by the appointees of the Obama

administration to all of your personal healthcare information,

your personal financial information, and the information of your

employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is
a direct violation of the

specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution

protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures

You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into

oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.

If you decide not to have healthcare insurance or if you have private insurance that

is not deemed "acceptable" to the "Health Choices Administrator" appointed by Obama

there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a "tax" instead of a fine because of the

intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment

However, that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows

you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of

property without the "due process of law.

So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much out of the original

ten in the Bill of Rights that are effectively nullified by this law. It doesn't stop there though. The 9th

Amendment that provides: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed

to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The 10th Amendment states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited

by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the

states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control

I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea.

This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights.

Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or

affirmation" to support the Constitution. If I were a member of Congress, I would not be able to vote for

this legislation or anything like it without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted

for it anyway, I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.

For those who might doubt the nature of this threat I suggest they consult the source.

Here is a link to the Constitution:

There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly

Retired Attorney,

Constitutional Law Instructor

Carrollton, Texas

Hat Tip; Plainsman

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can you guess this?

Can you guess what this is?
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Student Driver Crashes Into Bedroom

LANHAM, Md. (Oct. 6) -- Police in Maryland say a driving lesson on Good Luck Road ended with a minivan crashing through an apartment wall.
It happened in Lanham, where apartment resident Robert Scriber's leg was hurt by flying debris. He says the minivan landed on top of a bed where he'd been lying minutes before.

A man inspects the scene after a minivan crashed through an apartment wall in Lanham, Md., on Oct. 5.

Police say a man was teaching his friend to drive when the accident occurred just after 10 a.m. Monday.
Authorities say the driver was in the country illegally and didn't have a license. They say the man's friend didn't have a license either. Both are charged with reckless endangerment, and the driver has also been charged with driving without a license.


Next day air package takes 14 years to deliver

A businessman named Paul, who mailed a package using next day air service from UPS, found out 14 years later the package never got there, according to a report on The Consumerist.

Well, he probably knew that was the case, and 14 years earlier he probably sent replacement materials, but he wasn't able to find out what was actually in the package.

The package arrived empty and damaged. It was torn open and the contents were missing. Paul reports he has no idea what was in the package and his records for customers 14 years ago are long gone. He said the only way he could even tell the age of the package was that it had his company's shipping number and company label on the damaged package. In fact the address for the shipment was his home address from which he ran the business at the time.

What's really incredible is that the UPS tracked down the business to its current location, which has changed numerous times, just to deliver an empty, damaged package. UPS even offered to pay a claim on the package, but there's one big problem. Paul needs to know what was in the package before he can file a claim and he has no idea given the package is so old.He did talk with a UPS customer service rep, who he said was laughing about it. Given that's it's so old it may be something to laugh about, but I'll bet Paul wasn't laughing when he first found out the package didn't arrive. The UPS customer service person told him he could still file a claim in the future if he can ever figure out what was lost.


Democrats Disenfranchising Soldiers... Again

One of the most unseemly displays of the 2000 election was the disgusting sight of Al Gore's lawyers high-fiving each other after disqualifying hundreds of military ballots on minor technicalities.

In 2004 and 2008, the Democrat governors of the states of Washington and Pennsylvania also did their best to make sure active duty soldiers did not receive absentee ballots in time to vote.

And, just this week, the state of Virginia --- whose governor also happens to be the chairman of the Democrat National Committee --- went to court to disenfranchise military voters in that state's upcoming elections.

The Virginia State Board of Elections argued in their most recent filing that they have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely manner. Restated, the State of Virginia has argued in a federal court filing that they can legally send out absentee ballots to active duty soldiers the day before an election. Restated again, the Democratic Chairwoman of the Virginia State Board of Election (appointed by the Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine, in his capacity as Virginia Governor) Jean Cunningham just claimed a legal basis for massively raising the barrier to voting for soldiers at war.

Disgusting, but this is how Democrats operate. They oppose common sense ID requirements that would protect against vote fraud, while disenfranchising the votes of men and women serving in the military.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Pope VS Pelosi

The Pope and Nancy Pelosi are on stage in front of a huge crowd.

The Pope leans towards Mrs. Pelosi and said, “Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, like that of your followers, but go deep into their hearts and for the rest of their lives whenever they speak of this day they will rejoice!”

Pelosi replied, “I seriously doubt that with one little wave of your hand? Show me.”

So the Pope slowly raises his hand and with lightning speed ................................................................................
.............he bitch slapped her!!

Fischer increases production of its MRX Sport motorcycle

Pocomoke City, Maryland (October 1, 2009) – American Sport Motorcycle manufacturer Fischer Motor Company of Pocomoke City, Maryland is pleased to announce a production increase for the 2010 MRX Sport motorcycle.

After shipping their first production units just this past summer, Fischer has been receiving orders at an increasing rate.

“We always knew that once people discovered the value of the MRX, we wouldn’t be able to build them fast enough,” says FMC president Dan Fischer, “and even though we’re increasing production, we’re still a very small company, and each MRX is hand built- right here in the United States.”

With many of the first units going overseas to Australia and Europe, there are very few of these beautiful motorcycles riding around the highways of the US, but MRX owners are getting a lot of use out of their bikes. “Because of the standard Ohlins suspension, Brembo brake parts, and GP chassis, people think of the MRX only as a track bike.” continues Fischer. “But the comfortable riding position, the plush leather seat, and the great electronics package make the MRX an excellent all-day sport-tourer, too. Our customers are putting thousands of reliable miles on them, and we’re so glad to see that everyone just loves their MRX.”

With this long-awaited production increase, you may soon see an MRX in your neighborhood, or at your local racetrack.

Dealership and race sponsorship opportunities are now available for the beautiful and exotic MRX.

You can learn more at

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Dangerous Situation !!

You are riding a beautiful white horse.
On your right side is a drop off.

On your left side are several ostriches
being chased by a lion.

In front of you are FOUR large gazelles which won't get out of your way and you just can't seem to overtake them!

Behind you is a stampede of horses!!

What MUST you do to get out of this HIGHLY dangerous situation!!!!



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Guess This Star

Can ya guess who this is, and what they star on today?

Understanding Life

This weeks sign from the rural sign painter asks a very good question..........
If only life could be a series of yes and no answers.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Odor on Nictitate (chapter 3)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator

Chapter 3 – Someone’s got to take the heat, it might as well be the cops!

Bloggers sure have been busy this past week. It’s taking me longer and longer to keep up with all of the posts on the many blogs. Trying to sort through the relevance of all the mucky muck that is being slung out into cyberspace is becoming a who’s who story of its own. This book might well extend into the next millennium.

Before I go any further I need to say that there is a great divide that has been inserted into Christine’s case and it appears as if there are now sides as to who the good people are and who the bad people are. In relationship to the case, the only bad guys are whoever is involved in Christine’s disappearance.

Secondly, if you have ever been a victim of crime, you will understand the feelings of expecting law enforcement to move heaven and earth to put the perpetrator(s) behind bars. Add watching too many television programs such as CSI or Cold Case to the mix of emotions and the imagination runs wild.

So, where were we? Last week, we left off with the promise of looking into law enforcements role in this saga. This is going to take some time so for all of you avid readers out there – sit back and get comfy because I’m going to stop along the way for doses of rationality.

In telling this story, it needs to be perfectly understood that no member of law enforcement has contributed to this accounting. Likewise, OE would never expect LE to divulge any details concerning Christine’s case and would think much less of them if they did.

Along came a spider called Nictitate spinning a tale of corruption and conspiracy within law enforcement agencies involved in Christine’s case. Nictitates tale is spun from a long running conspiracy theory which has been brewing in the City of Pocomoke and fueled by opinions from a local blog. In the spirit of fairness, one has to reason that it’s much more interesting to tell conspiracy tales than to tell factual accountings of a story.

Just what does a real accounting of the events of police involvement tell? Supposedly, the police dropped the ball in the very beginning when Christine went missing and if you listen to the chatter, they haven’t done much good since then. This is where OE’s investigation has gone. Sources and eyewitness accounts are differing from the chatter.

Concerns over Christine missing began on the evening of November 13, 2007 and a call was made to the Pocomoke City Police Department by her family. The caller was told to contact the Delaware State Police.

At this point in time, there’s no reason to suspect that anything out of the ordinary had taken place only that someone had taken off. Christine had every right to disappear if she wanted to since she was an adult and couldn’t be considered an underage runaway.

In addition, the farm house where Christine was staying is not within the jurisdiction of the PCPD it’s in the jurisdiction of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department and the Maryland State Police. Christine was from Delaware, was supposed to have returned to Delaware that evening, and the caller was from Delaware.

– Proper procedure?

By November 15th, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the farm on Byrd Road to take a statement from the last people to see Christine Sheddy. The occupants, Clarence aka Butch, aka Junior, aka JR, Jackson and Teresa Lynn, aka Tia Johnson, tell the story that they had left the farm on the afternoon of the 13th to pick their children up from school and when they returned they found that Christine was gone and had left her two young children behind.

It’s also known that at the time of Christine’s disappearance a cousin of Tia’s, Justin Hadel was living at the farm house and he was questioned as well. It is not known if Justin Hadel left the farm house with JR and Tia when they went to pick their children up from school. There is evidence that tells a different story than the one that JR, Tia, and Justin tell.

There are others who LE has identified that were on the premises during the day of November 13th when Christine was reported missing.

Time Out……… Dose of rationality………………..

Nictitates tale says that Christine was murdered on the night of November 12th. How this has been determined is anyone’s guess and it appears as if a supposition has been made. Nictitates groupies are hanging on the web of tales accepting it as the gospel truth. We know that Nictitates nest has hatched out some interesting babies who have become a team and they claim to have psychic powers.

Observers of the international seer society have mixed thoughts about their special abilities and say that it’s a show worth seeing. Over the past two years, the team of seers has placed Christine all over the countryside. Witnesses tell OE that some within LE were willing to be opened minded enough and to satisfy Christine’s family’s insistence of looking into information provided by the seers. But that is something that will be for a later chapter of the Odor on Nictitate tale.

We all can speculate as to what happened to Christine and come up with a determination however that doesn’t mean that it’s the truth. Only those who witnessed the happenings of what went on the evening of November 12th and the day of November 13th, know the real story.

Sources tell us that three days later a Worcester County Sheriff is seen going through the neighborhood surrounding the farm armed with pictures of a young man and woman practicing tongue exercises together. They are asking folks if they have seen the young woman because she is missing.

One eyewitness tells us that it was a Sunday afternoon when they were stopped while on Byrd Road and asked about the pictures. The Deputy who asked them was off duty and they joked and teased with him about his dedication to his job.

Within a couple of days following, Worcester County Sheriff’s arrive on the Byrd Road Farm to search for the missing woman. Several units are dispatched to aide in this effort. The occupants of the farm house are not at home.

Scuttle butt is that LE found the door to the farm house ajar and checked it out for a possible breaking and entering. Upon entering the house, pets within were found in physically bad shape and the proper authorities were called to remove them from their environment.

When LE left the premises, they stopped and showed the neighbors the pictures and asked about the missing woman. The neighbors tell OE that they did not recognize the woman in the picture but learned her name and that she had been reported missing. LE also asked and was given pictures from a security camera on their property.

Okay, Time Out….... Now I don’t know about the rest of you but…… from what I understand, in Maryland, people who want to file a missing persons report should contact the law agency within the county that they are living or where the missing person was living, not where they went missing from. The next step is to file a written report with that agency and provide LE with as many details about the missing person as they can. Remember that PCPD told the family to contact the Delaware State Police? The Delaware police then told the family that they needed to contact local authorities where the person went missing from. Since the family didn’t know where the farm was located, they contacted the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Department and were given the correct address of the farm. Is it too far of a stretch of one’s imagination to think that the family was told by PCPD what the procedure is? Nothing more nothing less?

Rationality dose - In less than two days time the police take a statement concerning Christine missing. What can be clearly seen here is “special” treatment if you take into consideration all of the legal procedures for a person to be considered missing and for LE to step in.

We are now into over a week since Christine went missing. There is no indication of foul play behind her disappearance but LE is still looking for her. If everyone is to believe the early stories, Christine was portrayed as someone who had a habit of disappearing. It’s been said that she had been known to drop her two youngest children off with their father Levi Hall and then pull a vanishing act. At the time that Christine went to Pocomoke for an extended visit, Levi was leaving messages on My Space looking for her.

Police investigations deal in facts. There is a reason for that and it’s called the law. The law is there to protect people’s rights and LE can’t just go around accusing people of things without hard proof. A family’s say so is not hard proof of anything except their loyalty to a family member.

It’s reasonable to think that by the end of November 2007, LE had heard so many stories from many sources that they were going to have to start sifting through all of the statements and try to figure out if indeed there had been foul play surrounding Christine’s disappearance.

Sources tell OE that in early December, LE visited the Byrd Road property again at night time. JR and Tia had been evicted and Christine’s case had been turned over to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation.

Eyewitnesses to this visit say that WCBI investigators notified them that they would be on the property and not to be alarmed if they observed lights coming from the now empty farm house. At this time, the neighbors were still using the services of a private security firm and LE didn’t want to cause any unnecessary concern over their presence.

During this same month, December 2007, LE along with Flatland Search and Rescue conducted a search of the entire Byrd Road Area.

What did WCBI find on their visit to the farm house in early December? If you listen to the ranting of the cop bashers - nothing.

Time Out…….here comes another dose of rationality………. It’s highly doubtful that LE would discuss anything about what they did or didn’t find at the farm during their visits. What we do know is that they continued to look for Christine.

What we are told is that at some point during this time frame Christine’s mother had a conversation with Mike McDermott, Mayor of Pocomoke City and a detective with WCBI. Evidently some heated words were exchanged and as the story goes Mr. McDermott made some type of disparaging comment about Christine being a sponge on society. That comment has recently been repeated by a local blog owner who has said that it’s true because Mr. McDermott made the same comment about Christine to them.

What’s obvious is that there is bad blood between the Mayor of Pocomoke City, Christine’s family, and the owners of the local blog. Anyone can see that as soon as you read the many episodes of negative comments on the blog concerning the Mayor of our fair city.

Somehow in all of the controversy over the Mayor, Christine’s family members and the blog owners joined forces for a common cause. Get the Mayor/Detective. This is where the lines get real fuzzy and it’s a take no prisoner war. It’s apparent to bloggers that you are either with them are you’re not. There is not any middle ground and you can’t be interested in helping to find Christine unless you are also interested in bashing Mr. McDermott.

What gets real confusing is how the battle with the Mayor equates to slip shod police work in looking for Christine. Yes, I know, I’m kind of jumping around here on subjects but honestly if you’ve been a witness to any of the shenanigans, this is how it goes. You can’t talk or think about one without the other. If Mayor McDermott made such a disparaging comment about Christine, then he needs to man up, own it, and correct the problem!

Unfortunately for all of the many fine men and woman of LE who have been in any way involved in Christine’s case are now the targets of the bad mouthing. Sources who have observed the work of LE tell OE that the police have made many efforts to find Christine. One source tells us that Christine’s family knows that LE is progressing in the case and at this time they are waiting on crucial evidence.

Many sources tell OE that they have witnessed LE efforts in finding Christine. One witness tells OE “I have seen many times where detectives involved in Christine’s case have been out searching on their day off”. So now you have it folks. Did LE drop the ball? OE says NO. For all of the thankless ingrates OE is stepping up in their place and says “thank you” to LE for all of your efforts in trying to find Christine!

OE thinks it would be an intelligent decision for the cop bashers to stop their shenanigans. To lay blame on LE is ridiculous and disrespectful of their efforts. Nictitates tale is just that, a tale filled with nonsense and maliciousness. The seer’s society needs to cut the crap. The word charlatan comes to mind.

Up next……… Odor on Nictitate, Chapter 4: The Search is on for Christine.

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.

Golden Tapestry Created From Spider Silk

This is not your everyday knee-warmer.
Woven entirely out of spider silk, a shimmering, 11-by-4 foot golden tapestry has gone on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
According to the museum's Web site, the spectacular textile is the brainchild of British art historian Simon Peers, who studied previous attempts to use spider silk to produce fabric.

More than 1 million golden orb spiders from Madagascar were "silked" to produce enough thread to weave the stunning tapestry, the museum said. To extract the surprisingly durable thread, a special harness was used to hold the spiders in place.
It took 70 hired workers four years to make the tapestry, the museum said, at an approximate cost to Peers of $500,000.
Believed to be the only one of its kind in the world, the cashmere-soft creation will be on view at the American Museum of Natural History until traveling to London next year.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pocomoke VFD under Fire AGAIN!!

Let me just say this post IS NOT about the missing Christine Sheddy or her family. It is however about those that align themselves with this completely ridiculous rhetoric that I have been made aware of by concerned citizens.

It seems we have a reporter/blogger constantly, for reasons unknown, bashing and trashing our VFD. It is a damn shame that even some of our locals and a local blogger have felt the need to put themselves under the wing of this vial, out-of-town reporter/blogger that is supposed to be looking into the Sheddy case.

I refuse to honor either site with my presence even to read their garbage of constant belittlement of our local heroes. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I cannot, however, ignore the pleas for help from the locals that call on me as their outlet for help.

In reference to the post that I have received (I wont post it, it's that bad) this viral blogger/reporter is cautioning our citizens not to take their children to the PVFD ladies auxiliary event or and fire prevention, or Christmas event in fear for the children. This is another slap in the face of our wonderful VFD and a question of their judgment as to who can be a VFM.

I WILL say this again, anyone in Pocomoke that aligns themselves with that nasty blogger/reporter SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!! including any local blogs/bloggers.

This is not about bringing Christine home, they have another agenda that will rear it's ugly head in time. Those of you sitting back wringing your hands that this blogger will expose the corruption in Pocomoke will end up with egg on your face and may not be able to show your face in public in the future. I hope you do not have a fire and the truck just happens to break-down, that would be awful.

There is a lot wrong here in Pocomoke, as with any other City in this great country. But we have more good than bad. I'm sorry I will NOT sit idly by and whatch these bloggers drag our good people of the VFD through the mud. I have a lot more on my mind to say, but it wouldn't be so nice. I'll get the chance to say it to their FACE in time.

And to the VFD, Thank you for your service. I hope you find the resource to sue for liable. The "B" picked the wrong town this time.

Monday, September 28, 2009

They Stepped In What?

Oh yeah, we are gonna do it again.. we have too.

Hold on, buckle-up, remove all lose particles of clothing, heavy people to the outside of the ride please.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Somerset deputy who lost job feels 'robbed' (update)

Board found officer guilty of leaking info;

Former Somerset Sheriff's deputy James "Troy" Durham knew he wanted to be a cop since he was 5 years old.

When the Pocomoke City native's parents would take him to fairs and carnivals, he didn't spend a lot of time playing games and riding rides like the other children. He would spend his time talking to police officers, and playing with the lights and sirens in their cruisers, he said.

"I think God planted that seed in my heart all my life," he said.

Durham, 41, said he spent most of his adult life working toward his dream job, which materialized when he joined the Princess Anne Police Department in 1992. Six years later, he made his way to the Somerset County Sheriff's Office -- the same place where his dream career came to an abrupt end.

"I want to go back because I feel like I was robbed and it was taken from me," Durham said referring to his job. "I want to go back and serve my community."

Durham alleges that he was fired from the Sheriff's Office out of retaliation after he refused to omit information from an incident report, one in which he indicated he used force to subdue a suspect who resisted arrest.

However, according to Somerset County Sheriff Bobby Jones, Durham was terminated because he released information regarding the report.

"Our policy is not to disseminate information, and he did," Jones said. "And he's still doing it."

Durham filed a civil lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office and Somerset County Commissioners in April. The six-page complaint details the incident of the changed report and alleges misconduct within his former place of employment, stating the commissioners and Sheriff's Office violated state laws, including the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. Copies of the complaint and other documents were faxed to public officials, government agencies and other law enforcement departments across the state.

The grievance

Continued @

Blog Moderation is Enabled

Bare with us through this period please. During the last few days weeks, who knows time flies? We have had to put up with some off-the-wall? comments, reason being is NOT that we agree with those comments but not to jump the gun so we could investigate from where they were coming from.

Some of those post were hurtful, some just didn't make sense, some were off topic etc. But rather than just delete those post after they had been read by everyone anyway we have been searching for the source.

Our apologizes to those that have been offended and those that think those comments reflected our opinion, I assure it does not.

I was very happy to see that those comments DID NOT come from our locals but rather from trolls that jump allover the internet causing problems everywhere they go. Now unlike some I WILL NOT expose those trolls as even they have a right to their privacy and I will not violate that.

I will say we know who you are and we WILL warn the other blogs and/or forums if it continues.

Thanks PPE's for understanding, and to those that read and found some comments offensive we apologize, but I do hope you now understand what was happening.

How About a Sunday Smile

Saturday, September 26, 2009

They Come From Across The Land

That's right, as the title says, they come from across the land.

I find this very interesting to say the least. After all the heat and trolls we have been dealt for the last little while I decided to do some digging to see just why we do not seam to see a middle ground.

What I did was decided to keep a log, a very personal log where no one could see it, in my head.

I was not very surprised at my conclusion as I had already suspected what my findings would be.

And those findings are...the vast majority that comes here to the PPE to stir the pot and spit vitriol are from thousands of miles away... they have never been to a search, they have never given their time, they have never thanked a PVFireman, why? because they don't live here.

So with that, if there's another search will the land be filled with these 'so-called' supporters from thousands of miles away? (all 5-6 of them?)Will they fly in from TX, CA, ME, KY, TN, ect.etc? That's an easy one, NOPE!

They are trolls, and some folks jump right on their trolling rigs like a hungry blue fish.

Every local that posts here are on the same page, and some outsiders also, but mostly every single local person can see what's happening.

It is a darn shame that some have fallen trap of a few trolls that want attention and are sitting back laughing about the way they have influenced others that are at present, week at heart.

Kudos to the locals and a few others that see this for what it is.

Somerset deputy fired after complaint

Officer claims he was ordered to alter, omit info in arrest report

James "Troy" Durham was nervous when he heard that Worcester County sheriff's deputies were knocking on his door Friday afternoon

It wasn't so long ago that the 41-year-old former Somerset County Sheriff's deputy was in the law enforcement brotherhood.

But he was kicked out of the family after working more than two decades as an officer when Somerset Sheriff Bobby Jones terminated him last week. Durham had been placed on administrative leave in September 2008, where he remained and continued to be paid by the county for a year.

"It was an effort to intimidate me and keep me quiet," Durham said of the visit from the Worcester officers. "I am in fear of my well-being."

Durham says this all began with a single arrest report. He assisted the Maryland State Police during an arrest. Per normal routine, he filed a report shortly after. Durham says he was asked to change his report and omit certain pieces of information. When he refused, he claims he was told to make the change or turn in his badge and gun.

He made the change.

But he kept the original report. And with it he filed a grievance.

That grievance, Durham maintains, is why he was placed on leave, why he was fired, why he became the target of an investigation and why he now fears for his safety.

For filing his grievance, Durham said, he found himself under investigation for "leaking internal documents."

His grievance has since become the foundation for a civil lawsuit against the Somerset County Sheriff's Office and Somerset County Commissioners.

It details the incident of the changed report and alleged misconduct within his former place of employment.

Errant faxes
According to Durham, the house call by Worcester deputies was triggered by faxes that contained court documents related to the lawsuit.

The six-page complaint, filed in April, alleges the commissioners and Sheriff's Office violated state laws, including the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.

Why Durham's lawsuit was faxed to various law enforcement agencies is unclear and has sparked an investigation at the request of Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis Ruark.

The deputies were sent to check on Durham on Friday simply to make sure he was OK, according to Sgt. Ed Schreier, a spokesman for the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.

"The officers were sent there because a lot of faxes were being sent out," he said. "They went down there to check his status."

Schreier later changed his story, saying he didn't know the exact reason the deputies were checking on Durham and he could not confirm the dispatch was directly related to the faxes.

Copies of documents related to the lawsuit were sent by fax to law enforcement departments, public officials within the state and other agencies, according to Ruark.

The phone number at the top of the fax, which indicates the number the document was sent from, is a number associated with the Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office. But Ruark said the documents were not sent from his office.

"The fraudulent originating fax number at the top is inexcusable and was done with an intention to mislead those receiving the faxes," Ruark said.

The State's Attorney's Office was bombarded with phone calls and complaints after the first round of faxes were sent out about six months ago, according to Ruark. And as a result, the office took extra security precautions and changed the locks on its office doors. However, more documents were sent out this week, again claiming to have originated from the Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office.

Memos to other government agencies were also distributed to inform them that the faxed lawsuit documents were not from the Wicomico state's attorney.

Now, the legal documents that allege misconduct and violations by the Somerset County Sheriff's Office and Somerset County Commissioners have passed through many hands across the state, and Durham says he still wonders how he became the subject of an investigation and ultimately lost his career.

According to Durham, the threads of his 20-year law enforcement career started to unravel when he filed that grievance in September 2008.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Open Thread for Friday

Re-cap; this week in review. Open thread talk about whatever you want.
Enjoy, and relax. I hope everyone has a great weekend even to those that think I'm a terrible person.

post away if you dare.... ;)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Threatening Email; OK, Here it is, The Post you all have been waiting for.

This is where I stand folks, this is what I get after exposing lie after lie.
It's pretty obvious that we at PPE have struck a nerve and this is only one example of what I deal with behind the scenes of an opinion blog.

Being the fact that you folks will not stand for embellishments, plagiarism, and a host of other implications and conspiracy theories that our good people and our fine City has recently been accused of, this is their only recourse of action. Intimidation. I can assure I WILL NOT be bullied into backing down when it comes to exposing the truth.

Below you will read an email that I received from the owner of the website 'Blinkoncrime" Shannon Stoy... her motive is to quiet us, more like silence us, but let me say that if that website embellishes as it has on numerous occasions we will not stand by and watch it happen.

The owner can threaten me all she wants and if they at had consistently uncovered the truth this would not be an issue. Yet this is no issue on my part, I WILL NOT, now, or ever stand idly by and watch anyone drag our VFD and/or LE through the mud.

Our LE has gone to every length they could muster up a resolve to this case, they have gone well above and beyond their duty, even listening on their phone to someone with a wee-jee board trying to direct the officer to a body.

If one cannot support that, well there's no hope for them. Read the email below, and discuss. Keep it respectful please!!

BTW: I want all our readers to know that I sent a return email and gave this person 24 hours to provide me with proof of their copyright to this email.

September 21, 2009
Pocomoke City, MD 21851


Dear Mr. XXXXX;
I am in receipt of some entries contained in your blog, “The Pocomoke Public Eye” that are alarming, harassing, and in some instances, blatant lies. It contains requests and threats for others to openly and with malice, embarrass, harass and contact my professional contacts as well as family members. At no time have I ever publicly placed my name, professional affiliations, or personal statistics on the web.
Your blog has a moderation feature available to you. If it is your choice to post repeated anonymous vitriol, the responsibility of that content rests solely with you at this level. This applies to posts, comments; any all content published by you, whether written by you personally or submitted by named or unnamed contributor. I have addressed the copyright infringements with a notification complaint in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act through the ISP of your “blog”, separately.
To say this is a gross invasion of my privacy and is causing severe distress and concern for me, my family, and in some cases professional colleagues, is an understatement.
I note that there are a few posts about defamation and the like; Let me assure you the following laws, including, but not limited to: cyber bullying, cyber stalking and harassment make no provision for defamatory or libelous acts when they are exacted in this manner.
The state of Maryland, where you are located, provides for statutes of cyber bullying and cyber stalking under Maryland Statute 555C.

Md. Criminal Law Code Ann. § 3-803. Harassment. Amended 2002.

(a) Prohibited. -- A person may not follow another in or about a public place or maliciously engage in a course of conduct that alarms or seriously annoys the other:

(1) with the intent to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;

(2) after receiving a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and

(3) without a legal purpose.

(b) Exception. -- This section does not apply to a peaceable activity intended to express a political view or provide information to others.

(c) Penalty. -- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or a fine not exceeding $ 500 or both.
Under NJ law, where I am located, this activity is clearly covered in harassment statutes, located here. It is distinct in that it is prosecutable whether the offense originates in this state, yours, or possibly the posters itself, as you can discern from the Stalking statues below.

New Jersey Stalking Law
1[1. N.J.S.2C:33-4 is amended to read as follows:
2C:33-4. Harassment.
Except as provided in subsections d. and e., a person commits a petty disorderly persons offense if, with purpose to harass another, he:
a. Makes, or causes to be made, a communication or communications anonymously or at extremely inconvenient hours, or in offensively coarse language, or any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm;
b. Subjects another to striking, kicking, shoving, or other offensive touching, or threatens to do so; or
c. Engages in any other course of alarming conduct or of repeatedly committed acts with purpose to alarm or seriously annoy such other person. A communication under subsection a. may be deemed to have been made either at the place where it originated or at the place where it was received. A communication under subsection a. includes but is not limited to a communication made by means of an electronic communication device. "Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone, computer, video recorder, fax machine, or pager.
d. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if in committing an offense under this section, he acted with a purpose to intimidate an individual or group of individuals because of race, color, religion, gender, handicap, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
e. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if, in committing an offense under this section, he was serving a term of imprisonment or was on parole or probation as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this State, any other state or the United States. (cf: P.L.1998, c.17, s.4)]1
11. N.J.S. 2C:1-14 is amended to read as follows:
2C:1-14. In this code, unless a different meaning plainly is required:
a. "Statute" includes the Constitution and a local law or ordinance of a political subdivision of the State;
b. "Act" or "action" means a bodily movement whether voluntary or involuntary;
c. "Omission" means a failure to act;

A copy of Blogger Terms of Service violations is here
Please consider this my good faith attempt to request you remove objectionable content immediately.

Shannon Stoy
Editor In Chief

Cc: Janet Fries, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
1500 K Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005 202.842.8800 (main) 202.842.8465 (fax)

George S. Kounoupis, Hahalis & Kounoupis
20 East Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Telephone: (610) 865-2608
Facsimile: (610) 691-8418

Sean Henady, 3 View Search Services
Mandy Albritton, 3 View Search Services

NOTE: If you have received a similar email and would like it posted please send it in, I will be glad to post it for discussion.

Blink; you've been blogged

Eastern Shore Robotics PEP Car Race Saturday

Eastern Shore Robotics will be conducting a PEP (potential energy powered) car race on Saturday, September 26th at the Cropper Center, Wallops Island, VA. This event is open to the public, and you can come see the team's robot that took us to the Atlanta Championship! Come out to find out what is in store for this year's build season!

Schedule for PEP Car Race:

1pm - 2pm: Team Safety Inspections, Registration Fee Collected, Introduction

2pm - 4pm: Races!, Display Booths open (FIRST Robotics, Navy, NASA)

4pm - 5pm: Finals!, Guest Speakers, Team 1829 Robot Show

5pm - 6pm: Sponsors Recognized, Award Ceremony!

For more information, please visit

Pocomoke leaves positions open to absorb state cuts

The Pocomoke mayor and Council voted Monday night to approve a cut of more than one-quarter of a million dollars in the 2009-2010 budget to absorb the effects of revenue reductions from the state.

City Manager Russell W. Blake reported that the state was cutting $221,522, mostly in highway user revenues, from the funds that would normally have been sent to Pocomoke City. The balance was cut from aid for police protection. Blake said that this was the largest cut the state, which is slashing its own budget as tax revenues fall short, had ever imposed on Pocomoke City.

Blake said that there were also items not included in the budget, such as the $10,000 reward for the arrests of the arsonists in the Public Works fire, $20,000 in costs related to a well project, and $12,000 for the purchase of the Fleming lot on Market Street.

To meet this shortfall, he proposed savings of $262,277 in unspent capital outlay and in not filling employment positions. There would be no layoffs or furloughs of personnel already working for the city.

The budget would also continue to include funds for a part-time downtown coordinator and the pigging of the water lines in the Pocomoke Heights area.

Treatment plant proposals
The council reviewed a proposal for contract administration for the sewage treatment plant ENR upgrade project. The only one that was submitted was from George, Miles and Buhr. Blake suggested that the council proceed to negotiate with the firm, a move that was given the okay by the council.

Proposed policies
The state of Maryland had asked the council to submit a policy giving guidelines for borrowing by the town. Blake said that this is not a problem for Pocomoke City, since the town had incurred very little debt. The policy, which was passed by the council, calls for the debt not to exceed 3 percent of the operating fund or one percent of the assessed valuation of property in the city limits.

The state is also requiring revisions in the stormwater management ordinance. The council is expecting to hear a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission at a future meeting. The deadline for a draft ordinance is Nov. 11.

In a hearing concerning a repair or demolish order for the former truck stop property on Route 13 south, William Hudson, one of the property owners, appeared to comment about the order. He said that the building had been closed, but he questioned the short amount of time to demolish the building if that action was needed.

Mayor Michael A. McDermott said even though the building might have been secured, it was "obviously an abandoned building."

Hudson said he would need more time, about six months, if the building had to be demolished. He added that he would take care of covering up the graffiti that is presently on the building.

The town decided to give him 60 days to remove the graffiti and secure the building and would review the matter in six months concerning any other actions.

Ron Sawyer, a Pocomoke resident, appeared before the council to discuss the policy on removal of abandoned cars. He had received a notice about a vehicle on his property and had removed it. He thought the policy was a good one, but that it was not being handled fairly. He has seen a number of other abandoned vehicles throughout the town.

McDermott said that a lot of the action in this area was complaint-driven. He also requested Sawyer's help in reporting any vehicles he has seen.

Under other business, the council passed an ordinance declaring a number of items, mostly cars, as surplus so they could be disposed of and they approved the Fair Board's plan to reimburse horse owners who had come to this year's races at the fair. The races were rained out.


Police say one shooting hit target, other hit bystander

POCOMOKE CITY -- Police are searching for a suspect they believe is responsible for shooting two local men

On Monday, Sept. 14, a 20-year-old Pocomoke City resident was shot in the calf near the intersection of Bonneville Avenue and Second Street just after 9 p.m. The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The man would not give any information to police about the shooter.

In a similar incident on the morning of Sept. 16, a 25-year-old man, also of Pocomoke City, was shot in the ankle near Sixth and Bank streets. The man was treated and released from Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin.

Pocomoke City Police officials believe that events are related and that one person is responsible for both shootings.

"It appears to be something that may have been borne out of a fight that happened some where outside of Pocomoke," said Pocomoke City Mayor Michael McDermott who added that the shootings targeted one individual, the man shot Wednesday morning. "It seems that there is some type of retaliation involved."

Shootings are not common in Pocomoke City, said Police Chief J.D. Ervin, and when they do happen, they tend not to be random.

"This is the first one we've had in four or five years," Ervin said. "They are very seldom and unfortunately these things normally don't start in Pocomoke -- they start outside of Pocomoke and come into town."

Police have identified a suspect they think is responsible for both shootings and are optimistic he will soon be in custody. In the meantime, Ervin said, residents should not be worried about their safety.

"Nobody wants any shootings or incidents like this in their community, but unfortunately theses types of things aren't always preventable," Ervin said. "But there shouldn't be any concern."

Anyone with information is asked to call 410-957-1600.


Wicomico mother charged with child's murder

SALISBURY — A 29-year-old mother of six was taken into custody by police on Thursday, after a grand jury indicted her on murder and manslaughter charges, according to the state's attorney office.

Debra Sanches is accused of leaving her 8-month- and 18-month-old children unattended in the bathtub. When she returned, the 8-month-old child was floating in the water and unresponsive, according to county officials.

As a result, Sanches was indicted on second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment charges earlier this week.

See continuing coverage in The Daily Times on Friday.