Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Man Accused Of Kidnapping Elizabeth Smart Is Kicked Out Of Court

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The man accused of the 2002 abduction of Elizabeth Smart was kicked out of a federal courtroom Monday for singing hymns as jury selection for his trial got under way. U.S. District Judge Dale Kimball tolerated about a half-hour of Brian David Mitchell's soft hymns before ordering Mitchell to be taken to another room in Salt Lake City's federal courthouse to watch Monday's proceedings by remote video.

Kimball also rejected Mitchell's request to don the robes he was wearing when he was arrested with Smart in March 2003, nine months after the girl vanished from her bedroom.

Mitchell faces federal charges of kidnapping and unlawful transportation of a minor across state lines. He could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted.

Federal prosecutors moved to take over the case in 2008 after a parallel state court case stalled over questions about Mitchell's mental health.

Kimball decided earlier this year that the Mitchell is competent to face trial. The 57-year-old had been diagnosed with a delusional disorder and twice deemed incompetent for trial in state court.

Defense attorneys maintain Mitchell is unable to participate in his own defense. In court papers, attorneys have said they'll mount an insanity defense, claiming Mitchell was so impaired in 2002 that he can't be held legally responsible.

Some 600 potential jurors were called for the trial. After exclusions based on hardships or responses to a 42-page juror questionnaire, about 220 remained to be questioned in person by attorneys for both sides.

Jury selection could take several weeks, and the trial is expected to last into December.

Defense attorneys had sought to move the trial out of Utah, claiming that publicity of the case since Smart's abduction in 2002 had tainted the jury pool and make it difficult for Mitchell to get a fair trial. Both Kimball and the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver rejected that request.

Smart was 14 when she was kidnapped at knifepoint from her home on June 5, 2002. She was recovered nine months later after a motorist spotted her walking the streets of a Salt Lake City suburb with Mitchell and his now-estranged wife, Wanda Eileen Barzee.

Now 22, Smart is expected to return to Utah from serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in France to testify against Mitchell. Smart testified for the first time last year as part of a competency hearing for Mitchell, saying that within hours of her kidnapping she was forced to become Mitchell's polygamous wife and endured repeated rapes and other abuses throughout her captivity.

Barzee, 64, pleaded guilty last year to federal charges related to Smart's kidnapping and is serving a 15-year term in federal prison. The plea came after Barzee was ordered by a state judge to undergo forced mental health treatment at the Utah State Hospital to restore her competency to stand trial.

As part of a plea agreement, Barzee said she would cooperate with prosecutors in cases pending in state and federal court. But Barzee's name doesn't appear on the list of 22 witnesses the government plans to call in Mitchell's trial. Instead, court papers show Barzee listed among the 24 people defense attorneys plan to call to testify on Mitchell's behalf.


Virginia Election 2010

Today's election will decide the next Congressman for Virginia's 2nd District, as well as Town Council positions for the localities of Parksley and Wachapreague in Accomack County.

In addition to these elections, there will be three referendums in both counties regarding amendments to the Commonwealth of Virginia's Constitution. The referendum's all regard taxation.

In Accomack County, there will a meal's tax referendum which was initiated by Supervisor Wanda Thornton. If the referendum passes, it will add a 4% tax to the purchase of prepared food from businesses not in incorporated towns. This tax already exists for prepared food purchased in incorporated towns.

Please be sure to take the time and vote today.

~~We All Know What Today Is ~~


Monday, November 1, 2010

Beau Oglesby Answers to the Garbage That is Being Published

Here's a little background that brought Mr. Oglesby to write this letter. This is a rebuttal to the lies and vilified hate speech that has been part of the focus of other blogs that have no business even discussing Worcester County politics.

This response shows that Candidate Oglesby has a backbone and is not afraid to stand-up for himself. I'll explain why.

Over the course of the election campaign I have asked several candidates to send us a rebuttal to the lies, and liable hate speech that has been applied to them over the course of the campaign VIA; other blogs etc. Some have sent us letters saying that they do not read the other outlets and have no idea what I was talking about and others just simply ignored our request and never responded unlike Mr. Oglesby.

So with that in mind please take the time to read the letter below.

Thank You Mr. Oglesby for taking the time to write in to us.

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

As we approach Election Day with growing excitement, I am once again reminded why this County is in such desperate need of new ideas, fresh perspectives, and tempered patience from its State’s Attorney. This year the voters have been plagued with endless negative advertising, vicious attacks, and attempts at outright deception. While I have been deeply saddened and disappointed by the candidates and elected officials who have chosen to engage in this type of distasteful politics, I am delighted and proud of both our campaign and its supporters for remaining true to our commitment to raise the level of genuine discussion in Worcester County.

At a time when our County deserves effective, honest, and trustworthy leadership from its State’s Attorney, Joel Todd continues to focus his attention on why you should not vote for me instead of why you should vote for him. The sixteen year incumbent has gone to great lengths, and spent a lot of money to mischaracterize the truth; yet despite his actions to the contrary, I remain resolved to running a positive campaign because I believe the voters of Worcester County deserve honest discussion – not desperation. I refuse to participate in betrayals of public trust through the use of deceptive mailers, scare tactics, fraudulent endorsements, and shameless lies.

As Election Day draws nearer, some will resort to “gutter” politics. However, people can see beyond such transparent tactics. Tempered silence is the true measure of a person’s dignity. Let’s show Joel Todd and the “would be” leaders of this County that the days of broken promises, misdirection, and insincerity are over. Help bring the better angels of our consciences to the forefronts of our ballots. Show through your vote that the High Road is the ONLY road. On Nov. 2nd a vote for me is a vote for civility - one that loudly rejects the politics of yesterday.

Beau Oglesby

Please spread this message by forwarding to as many as possible.

By Authority of Citizens for Beau Oglesby, Anne Oglesby, Treasurer

Last Appeal For Sifrit Is Rejected By Judge

OCEAN CITY – Convicted killer Benjamin Sifrit, who, along with his wife Erika, brutally murdered and dismembered a Virginia couple vacationing in Ocean City eight years ago, had his bid for a new trial denied by a U.S. District Court judge last week.

After exhausting an initial appeal process based on the claim his defense counsel was ineffective during his 2003 trial, Benjamin Sifrit embarked on a different tack in an attempt to get his conviction reversed and gain a new trial when he filed a petition with the Maryland Court of Appeals, arguing the prosecution team, led by Worcester County State’s Attorney Joel Todd, used inconsistent theories of the events surrounding the crimes in order to gain the convictions of both he and his wife. When the state’s highest court denied the petition, Benjamin Sifrit in September 2008 filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in U.S. District Court against the Maryland Attorney General and the warden of the facility were he is serving a 38-year sentence, essentially alleging he is being held illegally and should be given a new trial because prosecutors presented inconsistent theories against he and his wife during their separate trials in 2003.

However, U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett last week issued an opinion in Benjamin Sifrit’s petition for a new trial, essentially upholding the Court of Appeals decision.
“The petitioner’s sole claim before this court is that his right to due process was violated when the state presented materially inconsistent theories at Mr. Sifrit’s trial and at the trial of his wife, Erika Sifrit,” the opinion reads. “At Mr. Sifrit’s trial, the state argued the petitioner killed the two victims and was in control of the events surrounding the victims’ deaths. At the subsequent trial of Erika Sifrit, the state argued that Erika killed the two victims.”

In April 2003, Benjamin Sifrit was convicted of second-degree murder, first-degree assault and accessory after the fact for his part in the killing of Martha Crutchley in an Ocean City condominium on Memorial Day weekend in 2002 and was sentenced to 38 years in jail. His wife, Erika, was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of Joshua Ford, and second-degree murder in the death of Crutchley in a separate trial in Frederick, Md. that same year and was sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years.

The Sifrits lured Crutchley and Ford back to their Ocean City condo after spending the evening with them at a resort nightclub before brutally murdering them and dismembering the bodies, parts of which were found in a Delaware landfill nine days later. The couple was caught during a botched attempt at a burglary in Ocean City nearly a week later and the trail of evidence led investigators to the scene of the murders.

Both Erika and Benjamin Sifrit each argued the state utilized differing versions of the same basic set of facts surrounding the crime in order to gain convictions on both of the accused during their separate attempts at appeal. However, at each level of appeal, the varying courts have ruled the prosecution did not deny the defendants due process because it strictly stuck to the same basic theory that the two acted together in the commission of the crimes.
“None of the differences in the two trials alleged by Erika go to the state’s underlying theory of the case, which remained consistent throughout both trials, which was that Benjamin and Erika Sifrit committed the crimes together,” the opinion reads. “The differences raised are differences in emphasis and inferences regarding certain facts tending to show the guilt of the defendant currently on trial, but in no way exculpating the other Sifrit. Provided the emphasis remains consistent with the underlying facts, the inconsistent emphasis or inferences will not amount to a due process violation.”

In his opinion, Bennett ruled despite nuances in the prosecution’s cases against the two defendants, the underlying theory remained consistent throughout the trials at the Circuit Court level.

“To violate due process, an inconsistency must exist at the core of the prosecutor’s case against the defendants for the same crime,” the opinion reads. “No such inconsistency exists in the present case. From the beginning of both Benjamin and Erika Sifrit’s prosecutions, the government consistently asserted one theory of the case, that both defendants acted in concert to murder Joshua Ford and Martha Crutchley, and that no one would ever know, aside from the petitioner and his wife, what precisely transpired that night.”

In terms of the inconsistent theory of prosecution argument, last week’s federal court opinion exhausts Benjamin Sifrit’s last attempt at an appeal, although he could conceivably attempt another appeal using a different tack. However, that would require going back to square one in Bennett’s opinion.

“The petitioner no longer has any state direct review or collateral review remedies available to him with respect to the claim raised in this court,” the opinion reads. “His claim is exhausted for the purpose of federal habeas corpus review.”


Supervisors Of Accomack Co./Professional Lobbyist

ACCOMAC -- The Accomack County Board of Supervisors is considering whether to hire a professional lobbying firm to help the county get its share of Congressional earmarks for local projects.

The board authorized Chairwoman Laura Belle Gordy to appoint a committee to make a recommendation about hiring a lobbyist.

County Administrator Steve Miner cited U.S. Sen. Jim Webb's remarks during his recent visit to the Shore, saying Webb "made it very clear that Congress considers earmarks ... to be one of their prerogatives" and that hiring a professional to lobby for the county is the effective way to get earmarks for the area.

The county this week advertised that it is accepting proposals for federal government lobbying services until Nov. 10. The request seeks lobbyists who can "document past successful interventions for assistance" and who have experience in localities with federal government installations.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Man Arrested For Allegedly Ejaculating on Woman in School Library

TAKOMA PARK, Md. - A man was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly ejaculated on a woman and exposed himself to her as she was reading in a school library.

The incident happened on October 9 at the Montgomery College Library in Takoma Park, Maryland.

Police say the female was sitting in the library when a man walked past her and ejaculated on her arm. When the female turned to the subject, he was standing behind her with his genitals exposed.

The male fled the library, returned briefly, and fled again as the woman was reporting the incident to police.

Campus security chased the man but he was able to flee in a car.

DNA evidence was obtained from the woman. She did not know the man but was able to provide a description of him to police.

Officers used the victim’s description and surveillance video to identify the suspect as 29-year-old Oritse Ayu of Baltimore, Maryland

Ayu was arrested and is facing charges of 2nd degree assault and indecent exposure.

Disturbingly similar incidents occurred in Montgomery County in July of 2010 when a man was arrested for throwing semen on women who were shopping.

In this case police believe the suspect, Michael Wayne Edwards, Jr., used a spray bottle to spray the semen on the women’s backs as they were shopping in stores in Gaithersburg.

In August, a California man was arrested for ejaculating twice into a female co-worker’s water bottle.

Police try to help man with crotch cut

A 52-year-old Athens man took a trip to the emergency room for some delicate stitches before heading to jail late Friday evening, according to an Athens-Clarke police report.

Officers responding to a domestic disturbance at an apartment near Georgia Square Mall around 10:45 p.m. heard a man threaten to kill someone, then beg for help. In a bedroom, they found him lying in a pool of blood and covered by a blanket, with a large laceration to his scrotum. The man first told police that a woman kicked him, then that he slipped, and finally something unintelligible about a broken screen door in another room, police said.

The officers called for an ambulance, but also learned the man is wanted for felony probation violation.

When paramedics arrived, the man told them he had a "big problem down there," but refused treatment and asked, "Is this really necessary?" according to the report.

He became so combative, an officer had to handcuff him and take him to the hospital in the back of his patrol car. At the hospital, the officer struggled to get the man to the registration desk because he dragged his feet to stop his wheelchair from rolling, police said.

He shouted profanities in the waiting room, but once the man was in a room, he cursed at the female nurses so badly, the hospital had to assign a male nurse to deal with him, an officer reported. He also spit in the face of another police officer who arrived to relieve the first officer.

The man was charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass (for breaking the door), simple battery on a police officer (for spitting) and probation violation.

VIA: jailface.com

Sex Offender Caught Nude, Hanging Halloween Decorations

A registered sexual offender is being held in the Lorain County Jail, on charges that he exposed himself to two teenage girls on Monday.

Matthew Trakas, 41, is facing two counts of public indecency. Trakas was arrested after the girls told investigators the registered sexual predator was completely naked in his doorway while putting up Halloween decorations. Trakas lives across the street from St. Mary's Catholic School and was in full view of the school.

Trakas' home on Fourth Street in Elyria is decorated for Halloween, but for parents and children living in the surrounding neighborhood, the most frightening thing about the house is what they are learning about the man who put up the decorations.

A neighbor who asked that she not be identified, tells Fox 8 News, "he is very kid friendly and that is weird for a single guy all by himself, I guess when you start breaking it down, it starts to look a little odd."

Investigators concede he never should have been allowed in the neighborhood.

It seems that nearly all of his neighbors were unaware that Trakas was a registered sexual offender as the result of a 1993 assault on a four-year-old girl.

That is the same age as the daughter of one of Trakas' current neighbors, a little girl he tried to befriend.

The child's mother, who also did not want to be identified, says "I'm extremely scared. Somebody that nice and that polite, that you would never think that about, could actually be the one you should be scared of. You know you're talking to him every day and you probably shouldn't have."

To read more GO HERE>

Pocomoke Crime Reports for the Month of October

 CrimeReports.com has added icons that when clicked they show sex offenders and their information.

Theft    10/26/2010    900 Block CEDAR STREET    Time(24h): 17:09
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Assault    10/27/2010    BONNEVILLE AVENUE AND FIFTH STREE...    Time(24h): 09:58

Theft    10/27/2010    700 Block WALNUT STREET    Time(24h): 11:25
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Theft    10/17/2010    100 Block HAMPSHIRE TERRACE    Time(24h): 11:31
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Assault    10/18/2010    1000 Block MARKET STREET    Time(24h): 12:00

Theft    10/23/2010    1 Block SOMERSET AVENUE    Time(24h): 16:24
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Theft    10/23/2010    1 Block SOMERSET AVENUE    Time(24h): 19:11
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Theft    10/26/2010    1200 Block MARKET STREET    Time(24h): 10:42

Theft    10/19/2010    600 Block WALNUT STREET    Time(24h): 16:56
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Theft    10/20/2010    300 Block SECOND STREET    Time(24h): 13:07
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Assault    10/23/2010    CYPRESS PARK    Time(24h): 17:16

Assault    10/24/2010    800 Block LYNNHAVEN DRIVE    Time(24h): 18:58

Theft    10/25/2010    300 Block SECOND STREET    Time(24h): 14:59
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Theft    10/25/2010    300 Block SECOND STREET    Time(24h): 15:19
THEFT $1,000 - L/T $10,000

Assault    10/25/2010    WAL MART PLAZA    Time(24h): 16:49

Theft    10/25/2010    400 Block CEDAR STREET    Time(24h): 07:50
THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000

Breaking & Entering    10/27/2010    200 Block WALNUT STREET    Time(24h): 00:15

Theft    10/28/2010    500 Block LINDEN AVENUE    Time(24h): 16:37

Theft    10/20/2010    2100 Block OLD SNOW HILL ROAD    Time(24h): 15:02

Theft    10/29/2010    2100 Block OLD SNOW HILL ROAD    Time(24h): 14:16

Crimereports Pocomoke CLICK HERE>

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pocomoke; Trick-Or-Treaters Out In Full Force

While taking my little Angel out for her first Halloween Trick-Or-Treat adventure the Trick-Or-Treaters were out like ants to a spring picnic.

We saw all kinds of scary creatures of all ages from strollers to questionable if they were of the maximum age. We were met with every type of scary monster and bogeyman imaginable from little dogs to a monster truck and everything in-between. They were all well thought-out as we saw a lot of handmade costumes this year.

Here's where we began the evening and it looks as though many others did the same.

 It just doesn't seam right to me when out Trick-Or-Treating while the sun is still bright.

In our travels I encountered an ice-cream sunday among the bunch of ghouls and goblin's

The ice-cream sunday was also traveling with a friend.

And as we walked through foreboding streets we came across this 'monster' truck guarding it's palace.

And the 'monster' trucks masters looking for fresh blood to feed the massive engine of the 'monster'

And as the evening sun slowly faded away (and the candy) so did the ghost, goblins, vampires, zombies, and even the sunday retreated to their lair.

We here at PPE hope everyone had a great Halloween and just a reminder, check your child's candy very good, if it's open or just doesn't look right to you throw it away because sadly we just never know what kind of people we are dealing with these days.

Happy Halloween

~~Happy Trick-Or-Treating~~

Don't forget to send me your Halloween or autumn photos!!

Have a safe evening of Trick-Or-Treating !!
Don't Forget --

Trick-Or-Treat at Midway on route 13 south of Pocomoke.

Events at Delmarva Discovery Center in downtonw Pocomoke.

The Haunted Forest- sponsored by the New Church Vol. Fire Dept., Firehouse Ave., New Church, Virginia (This is really scary)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Worcester County court briefs

This is what gets my goat. Every time I read the court briefs I get disgusted. As proof of the verdicts show, here in lower Worcester County it's ok to have drugs, it's ok to conceal weapons, it's ok to drink and drive, it's ok to drive on a "fictitious license" it's ok to steal, it's ok to steal a car (HUH?) it's ok to assault someone, it's ok to drink if you're under 21, it's ok to posses marijuana and a controlled dangerous substance and paraphernalia, but God forbid that you trespass.

The court briefs are below to back-up what I say here. Our court system needs to hold these criminals accountable for their actions, until then the criminals know they will be on the street to commit their next crime before the arresting officer has his paperwork filled out. Something needs to change here. Not ONE person was sentenced to serve any jail time.

The following cases were heard in Worcester County District Court in Snow Hill by Judge R. Patrick Hayman on Oct. 8 and Oct. 12, 2010.

Michele L. Wilkerson, 29, of the 6000 block of Willing Drive, Salisbury, was charged with bad check/utter/non-sufficient funds/under $500 and theft of less than $1,000 value. Nol pros was entered for both charges.

Dorothy Sturgis, 36, of the 1000 block of Ellis Street, Greenbackville, Va., was charged with vehicle/rented: failure to return. Nol pros was entered.

Orval Whaley, 32, of the 500 block of Bay Street, Berlin, was charged with assault second degree. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

Derek John Wood, 27, of Bloomington, N.Y., was charged with dangerous weapon - conceal. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

Jessica Paige Therres, 20, of the 10000 block of Adkins Road, Berlin, was charged with possession of alcoholic beverage under 21. The verdict was probation before judgment.

Jessica Paige Therres, 20, of the 10000 block of Adkins Road, Berlin, was charged with malicious destruction of less than $500. Nol pros was entered.

Lakeisha Faye Salaam, 24, of the 800 block of Lynnhaven Drive, Pocomoke City, was charged with theft of less than $100. The verdict was not guilty.

Douglas Eugene Lesher Jr., 21, of the 700 block of Walnut Street, Columbia, Pa., was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia. Nol pros was entered for both charges.

Jorma John Wilson, 25, of the 1000 block of Adams Avenue, Salisbury, was charged with assault second degree. Nol pros was entered.

 Randy Antonio Torres-Quinones, 19, of the 1000 block of Madison Road, Stockton, was charged with theft of less than $1,000 value and burglary fourth degree theft. Nol pros was entered for both charges.

Randy Antonio Torres-Quinones, 19, of the 1000 block of Madison Road, Stockton, was charged with theft of less than $1,000 value and unauthorized removal of property. Nol pros was entered for both charges.

Keshawn Jermaine McNeil, 26, of the 5000 block of Onley Road, Girdletree, was charged with possession of marijuana. Nol pros was entered.

Jessica Rose Weinberg, 23, of Samaritan Ministries, 800 block of Fourth Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with theft of less than $100. The verdict was probation before judgment.

Lakesha Faye Salaam, 24, of the 800 block of Lynnhaven Road, Pocomoke City, was charged with trespassing on private property. The verdict was guilty.

Zachary Alex White, 20, of the 600 block of 142nd Street, Ocean City, was charged with possession of alcoholic beverage under 21. The verdict was probation before judgment.

Arthur Lee Hemmeain, 59, of the 900 block of Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with alcoholic beverage/prohibited place drink. Nol pros was entered.

Marion Levstek, 73, of the 800 block of Cedar Street, Pocomoke City, was charged with theft of less than $100. Nol pros was entered.

Breon Odale Ayres, 19, of the 500 block of Bonneville Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with trespassing on posted property. The verdict was not guilty.

Alexander Michael Rettig, 25, of the 60 block of Cresthaven, Berlin, was charged with willfully acting in disorderly way. The verdict was not guilty.

Donovan Michael Lange, 18, of the 100 block of Louis Se Terrace, Glen Burnie, Md., was charged with possessing fictitious license. Nol pros was entered.

New Church "Haunted Forest"

Looking for a scary treat for Halloween????
Visit the Eastern Shore's #1 haunted attraction!
Just a few evenings left to visit the Haunted Forest
Sponsored by the New Church Vol. Fire Dept.

" Take a stroll past the old abandoned camp site. Wander down the twisting trails. Creep through old town and the cursed cemetary but try not to wake the dead! Then join us at the twisted carnival. You will die laughing!!!!! Come face to face with your worst nightmares!!!!!"

Tonight October 29th, Saturday night, October 30th, Sundaynight, October 31st.

4264 Firehouse Street, New Church, Virginia

Open 7pm until 10pm

Admission: $7.00 per person

Food and drinks available for sale.

For more info call: 757-824-9724


The Politics Just Keep Getting Stranger in Pocomoke

Okay, here we go again, Schoolfield owns a business and he now has listed his home address! Which is illegal and is not zoned a business district! The facts have been checked with city hall, too and he doesn't have a business license either!
Jae's Electric Service. http://www.manta.com/c/mms7ysh/

Boy they got it all wrong! Mr. Schoolfield is an associate minister and NOT "THE" minister at Georgetown Baptist Church, just ask Rev. Fletcher.
And....his 'troubles' were not several years ago....Mr. Jimmy Schoolfield is being sued by none other then, okay, here is where it gets very interesting as he's an electrician, owning his own business, which he has not acknowledged in news articles: Jae's Electric Service. http://www.manta.com/c/mms7ysh/

In Wicomico District Court, Charles Harris, Delmar, Maryland filed against Jimmy Schoolfield just a few weeks ago for four thousand dollars, and guess who Charles Harris is!

Charles Harris, IBEW Local 1307, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.....could Mr. Schoolfield belong to the IBEW since it's a union?? http://ibew1307.org/printable/node/425

Schoolfield HASN'T overcome anything. He's got the Worcester County Times fooled. He can be found anyday of the week placing bets on the horses in Downtown Pocomoke City. He was there the very day the paper was published.

Hat Tip; MsFactchecker

A Few Words From Beau Oglesby

Having lost an election four years ago by 14 votes, I know better than most that every vote counts. Four years later, I am the deputy state’s attorney in Caroline County, with 13 years of experience as a prosecutor.

The state’s attorney is the critical link between arrest and conviction. Without a conviction there can be no punishment, no deterrence and no rehabilitation. Thus, public safety is compromised.

I am proud to have received the support and endorsement of all three of Worcester County’s Fraternal Orders of Police (Worcester County, Ocean City and Berlin), the Maryland State FOP, Chief Deputy Reggie Mason of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County FOP and Caroline County FOP. These endorsements are from the men and women who know best the importance of a strong and effective state’s attorney. Law enforcement is a team effort and these unanimous endorsements prove the need for immediate change in the State’s Attorney’s Office to increase public safety.

As your state’s attorney, I will execute an office-wide policy of prosecution that ensures individuals will be held accountable for their criminal behavior. All cases will be prosecuted with a hands-on, aggressive approach and in a manner that is firm, fair and consistent.

I appreciate your consideration on Tuesday. Together we will make Worcester County the first place you want to live and the last place you want to commit a crime.

Beau Oglesby
Ocean Pines

Oglesby is a candidate for Worcester County state’s attorney. — Editor


Clarification Some Have Been Waiting For..........

Md. Coast Dispatch
Steve Green, Publisher Editor

In last week’s issue, a story was published on the State’s Attorney campaign between Joel Todd and Beau Oglesby.

A small part of the article touched on a Facebook page titled, “Crime Victims to Re-elect Joel Todd.” In the article, Oglesby questioned the site as a campaign tactic for Todd’s re-election bid and alleges Todd solicited comments from crime victims for political gain. Though Todd denied having anything to do with the page, there were questions raised as to why the newspaper did not print who created the page.

In fact, Lynn Dodenhoff, the mother of Christine Sheddy, who was allegedly murdered in Worcester County, started the social network page, and she adamantly confirmed this week.

Todd had nothing to do with its creation or the information contained on it. She said it was her idea to start the page and she continues to monitor it daily.

We regret any confusion.

U.S. Honor Flag Arrives In Baltimore For Officers Funeral

Hundreds of police officers, family and friends of Baltimore police officer Thomas R. Portz Jr. gathered Wednesday to remember the fallen officer's gregarious nature, fierce devotion to those close to him and even his athletic prowess in a somber church ceremony.

Portz became the third city police officer to die in the past month and the first killed in the line of duty since 2007, when his vehicle crashed into the back of a firetruck last week.

Frederick H. Bealefeld III, the Baltimore police commissioner and a close friend of Portz's, eulogized the 32-year-old husband and father, as did two of Portz's fellow policemen and friends, Sgt. Kurt Roepcke and Officer Ricky Livesay.

He loved being an officer, and he was a damn good one," Bealefeld said.

Bealefeld said the 10-year police veteran had been recognized as an officer of the month and honored for helping to save the residents of a burning building.

(Captain Jon Vise, American Airlines pilot, presents the U.S. Honor Flag, which flew during the recovery effort at Ground Zero in New York, to the family of Officer Tommy Portz at BWI. Portz died last week after his police car ran into the back of a fire truck. October 26,2010)

The commissioner's voice broke and he grew emotional as he described his friendship with Portz, which included practical jokes and games of ice hockey.

Livesay described Portz's dedication to his family and loyalty to his wife, Jessica, whom Portz met in his childhood at Sunday school.

Gov. Martin O'Malley, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and city State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy also attended the service. City police sat on one side of the cathedral, filling half of the pews available, with civilians and local officials sitting on the other side.

After the closing hymn of "Onward, Christian Soldiers," the congregation let out onto the church grounds. Portz's family followed his coffin, draped in an American flag and carried by officers, out of the church. Outside, bagpipers played "America the Beautiful," and Portz's coffin was loaded into a hearse to be taken to Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens in Timonium.

A light drizzle descended as the music ended and the police procession that would take Portz to his final resting place began.


Halloween Lantern Recall

Around 682,000 Halloween lanterns sold at various dollar stores nationwide are being recalled due to overheating, causing fire and burn hazards. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, a recall was announced Thursday for pumpkin, ghost and skull Halloween lanterns. The lanterns are about 6 1/2 inches tall and were sold in orange, white and black. Model number 954437-13096-003-1005 is printed on the bottom of the lanterns.

The Dollar Tree has received one report of the bulb in a lantern overheating. No injuries have been reported.

The lanterns were sold from August 2010 to October 2010 for about $1 at Dollar Tree, Dollar Bill$, Occasions, Deal$ and Dollar Tree Deal$ stores nationwide.

Consumers are instructed to take the recalled lanterns away from children immediately, remove and properly throw batteries away and return the lanterns to the store where they were purchased for a full refund.

For additional information, contact Dollar Tree Stores Inc. at (800) 876-8077 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or visit the firm’s website at www.dollartree.com.


Cancer Scam Gets Woman Sentenced To 15 Year Sentence

A 38-year-old Rosedale woman who falsely claimed she was dying of cancer, and who a prosecutor said "ripped off person after person" to pay for nonexistent treatments, was sentenced Thursday to 15 years in prison by a judge who called her a "professional thief."

Dina Perouty Leone, a former real estate agent whose license was revoked in 2007 for unrelated offenses, was ordered to pay restitution of $14,090 to two of her victims, each of whom had lost a parent to cancer before they went to Leone's aid.

Leone, who had astonished investigators with her lack of remorse and combative nature when they first interviewed her last year, was contrite and tearful Thursday before the judge, and said she had found religion.

"I didn't know I had a problem until this came up," Leone said. "It's not easy for me because I don't know right from wrong all the time. I just need a chance."

She apologized to her children — a son and a stepdaughter, both teenagers — and to her victims, specifically Jennifer Lynch, who had given her about $4,000 and who was sitting a few feet away. "Jen, I'm very sorry that I hurt you," Leone said. "I really am."

Lynch, whose mother died of cancer in 1983, told the court that she had provided Leone with affection, advice and money. Leone, she said, "played on my emotions for her own gain."

In handing down the 15-year term on a felony-theft charge — the maximum sentence — Baltimore County Circuit Judge John G. Turnbull II referred to the defendant's previous convictions, including for petty theft in 1996, writing bad checks in 2004 and a series of mortgage scams in Carroll County that began about 2002, for which she was given a suspended sentence.

"That did absolutely nothing to deter you from going out and victimizing people again," Turnbull said. "I have absolutely no sympathy for you. In my opinion, you're a professional thief."

Upon hearing the terms of her sentence, Leone, who had been standing, fell backward into a chair, her mouth open in surprise. She then looked into the courtroom toward her father, Neal Perouty, tears welling again in her eyes. After the hearing, she was led away.

Her lawyer, John M. Hassett, had told the court earlier that "no rational person would ever conduct themselves this way," and said his client had "substantial psychological issues" that resulted in depression, alcohol abuse, violations of law, lack of remorse and behavior such as her "effort to replicate being on chemotherapy by shaving her head."

Hassett asked that his client be evaluated at the Patuxent Institute, a maximum-security correctional facility that focuses on psychotherapeutic care, and he said later that the judge had agreed to recommend it.

"We expected a severe penalty and are thankful that Judge Turnbull has provided the opportunity for Dina to receive the psychiatric treatment she needs," Hassett wrote in an e-mail. "If accepted, the program may grant parole at their discretion after a finding that the individual has progressed with treatment."

Leone's conviction in the Baltimore County case has triggered a probation violation in the Carroll County mortgage scam, meaning that she could be ordered to serve the full 10-year term in that case in addition to the time she received Thursday in Towson. Leone had served 49 days of the prior sentence.

Assistant State's Attorney Adam D. Lippe said that for months, Leone not only failed to admit responsibility for her actions but turned on the people whose trust she had violated, many of them old school friends from Dundalk and Sparrows Point, demanding that they be arrested for defaming her. "She becomes a predator," Lippe said, "and she doesn't care."

Vicky Squires, a breast-cancer survivor, said Leone's conduct should not deter anyone willing to help the truly sick. "What she did to me and others is horrible," Squires said. "However, it does not change who I am. I would still help anyone out that claimed to have cancer."

Another of Leone's targets, Jennifer R. Lasek, wife of the competitive skateboarder Bucky Lasek, gave her about $10,000 and paid for a trip for Leone and her family to the San Diego Zoo and Disneyland, the latter a "dying wish" of Leone's.

"Cancer hit home for me," Lasek, whose father died in 2007 of colon cancer, wrote in a letter to the court. "So when someone from my hometown — a schoolmate — said they were suffering the same fate, I wanted to help. I wanted to help her for my dad."

Leone, she wrote, "had a harrowing tale of needing money for treatment, the extreme pain she was in, how she wanted to do nice things for her children so they would have fond last memories of their mother before she passed." In the end, she said, it was all "scheming, manipulation and lies."


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Joel Todd mailer

 Anita Todd responds to mailer.

I had what I thought was a good idea to send a mailer showing Joel in the community with other community leaders at various events - at the Blessing of the Combines, the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce dinner, Joel getting an award from the Berlin Mayor and Council, that sort of thing. He is very involved with the community all year long, not just at campaign time, and I wanted to highlight that. Something along the lines of "Joel Todd in the Community" was the original headline. 

There were different fliers going to different zip codes. For example, Pocomoke residents probably don't care about Ocean City's community leaders, so some of the photos were specific to the area where they were mailed.

At a certain point I decided to change the verbiage and put in the headline "Community Leaders Support Joel". I had dozens of photos I was dealing with, so I had to go to each proof and remove certain photos for each zip code for those people who did not expressly give support or who didn't want their support made public.

Although the majority of the photos printed were those who support Joel, unfortunately, there were a few photos that should have been removed and I missed them. We have no campaign staff, so I did my own proofreading. Joel was very busy last week doing his job, and I did not want to bother him with a project that I thought I could handle on my own. As everyone knows by now, I screwed up. I was juggling several printed projects at work as well, and I just took on too much.

So, I would ask your readers, how many times have they seen a photo in the newspaper with the wrong person's name below it? Or the wrong headline above a story? This happens with printed materials all the time, even with major newspapers who have several editors read everything before it goes out.

Just a few days ago the State Election Board mailed the wrong sample ballots to voters throughout the county. If a big agency such as that could make such a major mistake, is it so difficult to believe that this was a mistake too?

There are those who are trying to use this mistake to their political advantage, attempting to deflect the issue from who is more experienced and qualified for the job. That is unfortunate because they are doing a disservices to the voters. I truly believe with all my heart that the people of Worcester County are a smart group and they will vote for who they believe is the most qualified and experienced person, and not base their decisions on photos or endorsements.

The bottom line is this:  I screwed up. I made a mistake. I take full responsibility, not because I am his wife, but because I took on the project and assured him he could trust me to do it right. I let him down, and I am sorry for that. I am also sorry to those people who did not want their photos used in the context of supporting Joel. I truly feel bad if I put them in a tough spot.

This experience has confirmed what I already knew: Partisan politics is an ugly thing.

I have also learned two very important lessons from this experience: Multitasking is dangerous, and never, ever be your own editor.


Anita Todd

Meals Tax Referendum on Ballots Tuesday

Accomack County voters on Nov. 2 will decided whether the county should have a food and beverages tax with the revenues being given to the county's public schools.

A 4% tax increase would affect nearly 60 businesses and generate $500,000 to $700,000 per year according to Accomack County officials.

The tax would apply to food or drinks purchased from restaurants or caterers and includes items such as fountain drinks, cooked food sold at a grocery story for off-premises consumption, doughnuts that are not pre-packaged, alcoholic drinks served at a bar or restaurant and sandwiches sold for on or off premises consumption.

A recent poll conducted at ShoreDailyNews.com in June showed more than 80% of respondents would not support the Meals Tax Referendum.


Parades are planned, costumes have been picked out, pumpkins are carved and children can't wait to head out in search of candy.

This year, different towns are clustering trick-or-treating events for both Saturday night and Sunday, which is Halloween proper.

The Pocomoke City Police Department is scheduled to hold a candy safety checkpoint from 5-7 p.m. at police headquarters on Second Street, as well as having 10 officers on patrol throughout the town.

"We run a scanner over the candy to make sure there isn't any metal or anything else in there," said Angel Thornes of the PCPD. "Of course, we also tell them to throw away anything opened or damaged."

The Delmarva Discovery Center is scheduled to host a Halloween-themed family fund day on Oct. 30 from 12-4 p.m.

Games, crafts, prizes and creepy critters will be featured at the event, in addition to a costume contest at 2 p.m. Admittance will be $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and one child will get in free with the paid admission of an adult.

Snow Hill will celebrate Halloween from 5-8 p.m. on Oct. 30, as well as a candy bag scanning at the police station on Green Street between 7:30 and 8:15 p.m., free of charge.

Children 12 years or younger may trick-or-treat with their parents in costume. But officials say no masks or costumes should disguise anyone older than 12, unless they are with children making Halloween visits.

Washington Street, between Federal Street and Belt Street, will be closed from 5-8 p.m. to ensure safety of those out in that area.

"The police have arranged with public works to have additional lighting at certain intersections throughout town," said Trish Greene, assistant to the town manager for Snow Hill. "There will also be extra officers on patrol."

In Berlin, police are encouraging people to trick-or-treat on Sunday, Oct. 31, from 5-7 p.m. Police will be available to scan children's candy at Berlin Town Hall, 10 Williams St., until 8 p.m. The Worcester County Youth and Family Counseling Services will be hosting a "Haunted Hallway" at their 124 N. Main St., office during trick-or-treat time.


Stolen Laptop Could Cause Problems For Residents Forever !!

ACCOMAC -- At least two Northampton County residents received letters from Accomack County notifying them their personal information may have been subject to unauthorized access as a result of the theft of a county-owned laptop in Las Vegas earlier this month.

The two men, who are related, do not own personal property in Accomack County and have never paid personal property taxes to Accomack County, one said.

Accomack County Administrator Steve Miner said he has spoken to one other Northampton resident who also received a letter, and he thinks there were others.

"I saw the article in the Eastern Shore News, and I was thinking, 'Oh, those poor people in Accomack County,' " said Craig Richardson, who lives near Seaview in lower Northampton County and whose mailing address is in Cape Charles.

Then he received one of about 35,000 letters sent by Accomack County informing him that his name and driver's license number were on the stolen laptop. He called Accomack County the same day to ask why.

"I couldn't get a straight answer from them as to why they have this," said Richardson, who moved to Northampton County about five years ago from Fairfax. His father, Robert C. Richardson, a Northampton County native, also received a letter.

Someone in the Accomack County Attorney's Office took his phone call and after checking with an information technology employee told Richardson the county got the information from the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

Richardson said when he moved to the Eastern Shore he went to the DMV office in Onancock, in Accomack County, to register his two vehicles, but his registrations correctly stated the vehicles are located in Northampton County and he has never received a tax bill from Accomack County. His neighbor, who has never used the Onancock DMV office, did not get a letter from Accomack.

"That's what made me think, anybody from Northampton County who has ever gone up to that office in Onancock, they've got your records," he said.

DMV spokeswoman Melanie Stokes said it should not matter to which office an owner goes to register his vehicle. She said she was unfamiliar with the issue of Accomack County having information about Northampton residents.

"We weren't asked to look at this ... DMV was just told what the data was; we did not look at it," she said about discussions held between the agency and Accomack County officials about the theft.

Miner said Monday in an e-mail that the county "is working with the state DMV to understand this list better."

Miner said the county has received a number of calls from people who received a letter "and had no apparent reason to be on our list, since they have not ever lived here and, hence, had no reason to be taxed by us."

But he said the county's priority was to notify those potentially affected by the theft, whether they were properly on the list or not.


This does not surprise me in the least! Keep those toll free telephone numbers nearby. You're going to need them for a long, long time. I made a phone call to the Accomack office to ask some questions and was told in so many words that calling the fraud hotline would be something the citizens would need to do every 92 days. Why every 92 days??....... so we don't have to pay for the service!

Mistake Or Political Move ?

WMDT TV 47 News
by Ryan Hughes
WORCESTER COUNTY, Md. - The race for Worcester County State's Attorney has been pushed into the spotlight.

State's Attorney Joel Todd is running for re-election and is seen in pictures with community leaders. The problem, officials say they're misleading. "You're sending out a piece to the voters that says look at these community leaders that support me, and he didn't have their permission to do it," said Lee McClaflin, Chairman of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee.

County Commissioner Bud Church is one of them. Now, officials say Todd committed a breach of trust. "He shouldn't have tried to draw other people in and use other people's political capital for his gain," said McClaflin."He had nothing to do with the final approval, he never saw it, he's busy doing his job," said Anita Todd, who designed the mailers.

Anita is Todd's wife and says she is the one responsible. She was balancing four other projects, and the final result stems from multi-tasking. "All the verbiage was the same on all of them, but I did need to make some changes with photos and I did forget to do that," said Anita.

Anita takes full responsibility and says the wording was intended to say Todd with community leaders, not community leaders support Joel Todd. Now, she hopes her mistake does not cost her husband the election. Todd himself declined to comment on the situation.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween is Coming

A cabbie picks up a Nun in San Francisco. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her.

She asks him why he is staring. He replies: 'I have a question to ask, but I don't want to offend you.'

She answers, 'My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. 

I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.'

'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.'   

She responds, 'Well, let's see what we can do about that: 

#1, you have to be single and 

#2, you must be Catholic.'

The cab driver is very excited and says, 'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!'

'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.'
The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.

But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

'My dear child,' said the nun, 'Why are you crying?'

'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess; I'm married and I'm Jewish.'

The nun says, 'That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party.'

Hat Tip; Kack
Enhanced by Zemanta

Press Conference Held Concerning Mailed Election Flyers

Worcester County Times
By Jennifer Shutt

BERLIN — Worcester Republicans say they’re upset with State’s Attorney Joel Todd for sending out campaign materials falsely implying he’d gotten endorsements from key figures in their party.
span class="aa">

Lee McClaflin, chairman of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee, held a press conference Wednesday to draw attention to recent election mailers, sent by Todd’s campaign, which showed him pictured with several people under the heading “Community Leaders Support Joel Todd.”

Many of the people on the mailers were not aware they were on it, McClaflin said, and do not endorse Todd as a candidate for re-election. Todd, a Democrat, is being challenged by Republican candidate Beau Oglesby.

“We are not saying, because they didn’t want to be on campaign materials, that they do not support Todd; nor are we saying that means they endorse Beau Olgesby,” said McClaflin. “We are saying it was unethical to use names and pictures in a political mailer without their permission.”

Anita Todd, Joel Todd’s wife and his campaign manager, said she is responsible for the mailer. Joel Todd never saw or approved a final draft of the flyer, she said in an interview.

“I screwed up, and should not have had those four photos under the word ‘support,’” says Anita Todd. “There was no malicious intent, no intent to misrepresent.”

Four different versions of the mailers were sent out to different parts of the county. Several prominent people from each region are featured on the mailers, including Pines police chief David Massey, Worcester County Sheriff Charles Martin, Circuit Court Clerk Stephen Hales, County Commissioner Louise Gulyas, County Commissioner Bud Church and Pocomoke City police chief J.D. Ervin.

"I don’t endorse anybody but myself,” said Gulyas, in an interview. “It’s over and done with, and it really doesn’t bother me.”


News You Might Be Able To Use For Election Day

OCEAN CITY -- Candidates for Worcester County's sheriff and state's attorney had a chance to spar before voters this week, one of the last chances to make their views and policy positions known before Election Day.

At the forum featuring 18 candidates and incumbents, State's Attorney Joel Todd defended himself from questions about photos that appeared on campaign mailers sent to voters county-wide.

"How do you ethically justify using pictures and names as if they support you in your political mailers without that person's knowledge or without their consent?" asked Lee McClafflin, chairman of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee.

"Somehow, in the haste to get that to the press, the wrong draft was sent to the printer. It was an honest mistake, nothing more," said Todd.

Todd, a Democrat, also said there were several people pictured on the mailer who did endorse him. The photo caption was supposed to say "Joel Todd with community leaders" but appeared as "community leaders support Joel Todd," he said.

Todd and Republican opponent Beau Oglesby, Deputy State's Attorney for Caroline County, traded barbs for an audience of about 50 at American Legion Post 166.

Todd, 55, touted his prosecution of three dozen murder trials and 25 years experience."Change for the sake of change is not good," he said. "The question is, how do you tell whether it's time for a change or not? I would indicate to look at the record."

Oglesby said his 14 years of experience as a prosecutor in Caroline, Dorchester and Wicomico counties has taught him the ways a state's attorney's job should, and should not, be done.

"Just because someone has done something for a very long time does not mean that it's being done the best way, and it does not means it's being done by the best person," Oglesby said. "I have a more well-rounded perspective of looking at the office."

Oglesby, 41, also touted endorsements from several Lower Shore fraternal orders of police.

"I promise you, my endorsements are genuine, and there are people who stand behind them," he said. "I suggest to you those endorsements speak volumes."

Candidates for Worcester County Sheriff also spoke. Sheriff Chuck Martin will not be seeking re-election.

Democratic candidate Bobby Brittingham, 52, a retired Worcester sheriff's deputy, said he wanted to be "proactive, not reactive" in the office.

He said he would make the issue of bullying in schools a priority for law enforcement, and would work with state and federal agencies to ensure drug dealers aren't living in publicly subsidized housing.

"Our schools and our children are suffering," he said. "They're suffering from bullying by their peers to deal drugs, to commit crimes."

Republican candidate Reggie Mason, 65, now the chief deputy for the Sheriff's Office, said his office recently formed a partnership with law enforcement in Virginia that has already yielded several significant drug busts.

"It's all about teamwork," he said. "It's not about one individual agency. We're going pull together our resources, and we're going to work hard to continue to make Worcester County safe for all."


Trick Or Treat Time At MIDWAY

To all community businesses!! Help these trick or treaters have a safe and fun filled Halloween. Call Midway today and help sponsor a 'trick-or-treat trunk' !! I'm sure they'd love to have any Pocomoke organization fill a trunk also. Give them a call........
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. -- Midway of Pocomoke City, Md., will be hosting its second annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 30, providing a safe place for all children to trick or treat.

Vehicles will be arranged to allow children to trick or treat from trunk to trunk and receive candies and goodies. Refreshments will be served and games will be played. A costume contest will be held every hour. Trick or treat bags will be provided with additional goodies inside.

To make the event a success, Midway is requesting the help of community businesses.

Any business can sponsor a trunk by decorating the trunk, providing candy for up to 750 kids and having personnel to man the trunk during the event from 1-4 p.m.

For more information, contact Talia McCleish or Andy Linton at 410-957-2222.

Another Pity Party For A Suspected Murderer??

Florida teen Jennifer Mee, now charged with murder, is gullible and easily manipulated, and she underwent a radical change after her inability to stop hiccuping turned her into a mini-celebrity, friends and family members say.

Three years ago, the then 15-year-old Mee developed hiccups that came 50 times a minute, causing her to miss school. Dubbed "Hiccup Girl," she tried many remedies, including medication, hypnosis and acupuncture -- all without success -- until the hiccups went away, on their own, after five weeks.

"We knew her before and during the hiccups," Kelly Cook, Mee's friend and former legal guardian, told AOL News. "I think she was mentally exhausted because of some things that were going on, [and] I feel that is how her body reacted. We took out of town one weekend and everything was fine, then all of a sudden they started to come out again.

"I don't think she was necessarily faking. ... [And] I don't know if she kept it going on for the attention, but I know that was the way she was coping with the issues she had."

Now 19, Mee, of St. Petersburg, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the weekend killing of Shannon Griffin. Two others, Laron Raiford, 20, and Lamont Newton, 22, were also charged in the slaying.

Cook says she is torn between sympathy for the victim's family and her belief that Mee lacks the mental capacity of a young woman her age.

"I am a mom, so I look at this as there is a mom out there without a son. But, I also look at this knowing Jennifer and knowing that her mom said that her [mentality] is [that of] a 12- or 13-year-old, [which] is totally true," Cook said.

According to Cook, the problems Mee experienced in connection with her hiccups spilled over into other parts of her life and caused her to have a difficult time in school.

"[She] didn't get to go to class anymore," Cook said. "She would go and sit in a room by herself with one other teacher ... and she did the work on the computer. ... Instead of home-schooling at home, it was inside the school in a classroom by herself. What 16- or 17-year-old wants to be doing that?"

A former classmate and friend of Mee's says she noticed a big change after Mee began receiving national media attention for her ailment, which included appearances on NBC's "Today Show."

"I used to hang out with her before she became the 'Hiccup Girl,'" Kayla Ann Labonte told AOL News. "I was the one [who] was with her the day it started. We had hung out the night before and we were great friends, but than she just drifted away. I guess [she] started to hang with people I did not like."

Mee's mother, Rachel Robidoux, told the "MJ Morning Show" on WFLZ Radio-Tampa on Monday that the hiccups became a "curse" for her daughter. She made similar statements to Tampa Bay Online, saying she noticed a "big change" in her daughter.

When the hiccup ordeal finally ended, Cook says Mee came to live with her for a brief period of time and she attempted to get the girl back on track.

"[We] tried to help," Cook said. "My sister and I were put down as legal guardians so she could go to school, [but] she wasn't going, so we called the school and took [ourselves] off as her legal guardians. You can go to jail if your kid is not going to school, ... so we told her she couldn't live with us. I feel bad because I wish I could have done more, but I have my own kids and they came first."

Cook believes Mee is naive and easily swayed to do what people ask of her.

"She would probably do anything a boy told her to do and not even ask questions," Cook said. "Even if I told her to do something, she may not ask questions. She may not even understand what I was saying but she would probably still do it."

Mee's father, Chris Robidoux, also told Tampa Bay Online that his daughter is easily manipulated. "She is not very intelligent [and] she is easily duped," Robidoux said.

Speaking on NBC's "Today Show" today, Maj. Mike Kovacsev of the St. Petersburg police said Mee had lured Griffin to a home, where the two other suspects robbed him at gunpoint. Griffin, 22, was killed during a struggle. "She ultimately admitted that she met the victim at a social networking site and ultimately made several phone calls back and forth and had him come down and meet her," Kovacsev said. "When he arrived at that location, she brought him to the rear of the residence where the other two individuals were waiting at that time. There was supposed to be a robbery, [but] obviously it went awry and our victim in this case was shot."

Kovacsev did not identify the social networking website that Mee had used but did say that it was not Facebook or MySpace, where Mee reportedly has two online profiles.

In her now-defunct MySpace profile, Mee described herself as a Christian from "St. Pistol," Florida.

"My name is Jennifer, I'm almost 19 but don't let the age fool you, the struggles I've been through has made me grown up so much," Mee wrote in the "about me" section. "I'm always havin fun chillin or vibbin to some Gucci. I'm a down a-- chick and all the others will never compare so don't try me like I'm the next hoe. I've lived in Florida for a while now but my heart is still in Vermont? I'm trying to better myself and just move on in life."

Mee's Facebook profile has not been updated since late last month. In it, she discusses partying and, on one occasion, going to a strip club.

"You can tell by looking at her [online profiles] that she is naive, but she is also just a girl who -- from things that happened to her in her past, which I assume will come out in the trial -- has an extreme need for men [and] attention," Cook said. Cook did not elaborate on those past experiences.

Labonte also believes Mee is easily influenced and said she would do whatever she thought was "cool."

"I think she just did it so she could make whoever happy," Labonte said. "She kinda was anything someone wanted. She tried to do for them [and] she didn't think for herself much."

According to Kovacsev, Mee lived a transient lifestyle before her arrest, moving from one location to another. Cook says Mee was able to support herself with Social Security checks that she received.

"I don't know [what it was for] but she had Social Security," Cook said on "Today." "She did live for a while in one apartment [and] that is when I tried to let her watch my kids again. Then [the landlord] finally evicted them for not paying and then she lived in the motel."

The last time Cook saw Mee was in August, when she went to take the teen out for her birthday.

"We took her out for her birthday and she was living at a motel," Cook said. "I tried asking her, 'Are you sure you don't want to come stay back with us?' Where [she was] staying was not good; ... it was a really seedy part of town. It just wasn't somewhere for her to be."

Mee would occasionally baby-sit for Cook, but all that changed when she went off on her own, Cook said.

"[With] the lifestyle she was living in I couldn't have her watching my kids. I couldn't stand that kind of stuff when it comes to my kids. My kids came home one time and told me stuff about her boyfriend -- stuff that was being said or done in the house while they were there -- [and] that was it. I cut her off. I didn't even call her. I called her mom and told her."

Investigators do not believe Mee was involved in the actual shooting and investigators "have an idea who handled the gun," Kovacsev told "Today."

Although police do not believe Mee was involved in the actual shooting, she is accused of being an accessory to a robbery that resulted in a death, which under Florida law, means she faces a murder charge. If convicted, she faces a possible sentence of life in prison, police said.

Kovacsev acknowledged it is possible Mee's attorney will blame her alleged involvement in the case on attention she received as the "Hiccup Girl." Kovacsev also said it is possible her lifestyle could be used by the defense.
Mee's attorney, John Trevena, has since told The Associated Press he might use Tourette's syndrome as part of his defense.

"Hiccups are a symptom of Tourette's," Trevena told the AP, declining to elaborate about how the condition might have affected his client's behavior. Trevena also said Mee still suffers from periodic bouts of the hiccups. "They'll always continue," he said.

Mee is being held in a protective confinement wing at the Pinellas County Jail with no bail set.

"I don't want people to think that I think she is an evil person, but ... I also don't want people to think I am defending her actions," Cook said. "I do think her actions were wrong and I think she did cause him to die, but I [also] think she may have been victimized in this."

Cook added: "Crime like this, it happens all the time but nobody seems to care except for now that she is the 'Hiccup Girl.' "

This Weekend At The MarVa Theater

"AMUSICAL EVENING" At The MarVa Theater On Thursday

A Musical Evening with
Todd Crosby, Earl Beardsley, Julie Hickman, Dave Dalfonzo and Frank Nana
Thursday, October 28th
Time: 7 p.m.
Tickets: $20


Please join us for an evening of music that features broadway show tunes, pop, jazz and blues.

A variety of hors d'oeuvres will be included.
Beer and wine will be available for purchase at the event.

We expect a big crowd, so call 410-957-4230 to purchase or reserve tickets!


Trick or Treat
Will be observed in Pocomoke City on
Saturday October 30th
From 5:00pm-7:00pm.

Children 12 and under in costume