Thursday, February 4, 2010

Medal of Honor recipient Bud Day Speaks of Torture

I got shot down over N Vietnam in 1967, a Sqdn. Commander.
After I returned in 1973...I published 2 books that dealt a lot
with "real torture" in Hanoi . Our make believe president is
branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has
no idea what torture is.

As for me, put thru a mock execution because I would not respond...
pistol whipped on the head...same event.. Couple of days later...
hung by my feet all day. I escaped and a couple of weeks later, I got
shot and recaptured. Shot was OK...what happened afterwards was not.

They marched me to Vinh...put me in the rope trick, trick...almost
pulled my arms out of the sockets. Beat me on the head with a
little wooden rod until my eyes were swelled shut, and my unshot,
unbroken hand a pulp.

Next day hung me by the arms...rebroke my right wrist...wiped
out the nerves in my arms that control the hands...rolled my fingers
up into a ball. Only left the slightest movement of my L forefinger.
So I started answering with some incredible lies.

Sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gas in the back of a truck.

Hanoi..on my knees....rope trick again.. Beaten by a big fool.

Into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel.

Much kneeling--hands up at Zoo.

Really bad beating for refusing to condemn Lyndon Johnson.

Several more kneeling events. I could see my knee bone thru
kneeling holes.

There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo. I was the Senior
Officer of a large building because of escape...they started a mass
torture of all commanders.

I think it was July 7, 1969...they started beating me with a car fan
belt. In first 2 days I took over 300 strokes...then stopped counting
because I never thought I would live thru it.

They continued day-night torture to get me to confess to a non-existent
part in the escape. This went on for at least 3 days. On my knees....
fan belting...cut open my scrotum with fan belt stroke. opened up
both knee holes again. My fanny looked like hamburger...I could not
lie on my back.

They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape...and
that my 2 room-mates knew about it.

The next day I denied the lie.

They commenced torturing me again with 3- 6- or 9 strokes of
the fan belt every day from about July 11 or 14 October
1969. I continued to refuse to lie about my roommates again.

Now, the point of this is that our make-believe
president has declared to the world that we (U.S..) are a bunch of
torturers...Thus it will be OK to torture us next time when they
catch us....because that is what the U.S. does.

Our make-believe president is a know nothing fool who thinks
that pouring a little water on some one's face, or hanging a pair of
women's pants over an Arabs head is TORTURE. He is a meathead.

I just talked to MOH holder Leo Thorsness, who was also in my squadron,
in was John McCain...and we agree that McCain does
not speak for the POW group when he claims that Al Gharib was
torture...or that "water boarding" is torture.

Our president and those fools around him who keep bad mouthing
our great country are a disgrace to the United States . Please pass
this info on to Sean Hannity. He is free to use it to point out the
stupidity of the claims that water boarding...which has no after torture.
If it got the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on the twin towers in NYC ...
hurrah for the guy who poured the water.

"Bud" Day, Medal Of Honor Recipient

George Everett "Bud" Day(born February 24, 1925) is a retired
U.S. Air Force Colonel and Command Pilot who served during the
Vietnam War. He is often cited as being the most decorated U.S.
service member since General Douglas MacArthur, having
received some seventy decorations, a majority for actions
in combat. Day is a recipient of the Medal of Honor.

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

Hat Tip; Eric

Smart A$$ Answers For 2009


It was mealtime during an airline flight.

'Would you like dinner?', the flight attendant asked John, seated in front.

'What are my choices?' John asked.

'Yes or no,' she replied.


A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her.

Without missing a beat, she said, 'Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.'


A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store but she couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, ' Do these turkeys get any bigger?'

The stock boy replied, 'No ma'am, they're dead...'



The police officer got out of his car as the kid who was stopped for
speeding rolled down his window. 'I've been waiting for you all day,' the officer said.

The kid replied, Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could.'

When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket.



A truck driver was driving along on the freeway and noticed a sign that read: Low Bridge Ahead. Before he knows it, the bridge is right in front of him and his truck gets wedged under it. Cars are backed up for miles.

Finally a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, 'Got stuck, huh?'

The truck driver says, 'No, I was delivering this bridge and I ran out of gas.'


A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. 'Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!'

A smart-ass student in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, 'What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?'

The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shook her head and sweetly said, 'Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand.'


A woman is standing nude looking in the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly... I really need you to pay me a compliment.

The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.

Hat Tip; Ree

My New Lawn Mower

1950 Chevy with 437 actual miles

1950 Chevy with 437 actual milesThey ARE still out there somewhere! ! !1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe 437 original, actual miles, only 3 owners.Check out the dealer installed "oil filter", the rusty carb, and you can even see the spark plugs if they need changed.

437 Actual milesPurchased new by Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Trueblood of Modesto. Shortly after purchasing this car, Mr. Trueblood took a day off to go fishing. While waiting for the "big one" to bite he witnessed a woman fall out of her boat. Mr. Trueblood jumped in to help only to fall victim of a fatal heart attack. Mrs.. Trueblood returned the car home and placed it in the garage for the next 12 years. The odometer reading at that time (1962) was 413 miles. Mrs. Trueblood lived next door to a used car lot owned by Mr. William E. Wilson (now 81 years old). Mr. Wilson spoke with her frequently and often told her he would like to buy the car for himself to keep. In 1962 the time had come. Mrs. Trueblood told Mr.Wilson she needed a car for her bookkeeper who didn't really care for the ol' Chevy and would prefer a Rambler. No problem. Mr. Wilson went down to the local Rambler dealer and bought a brand new one for $1,650.00 ($100.00 over cost) and made the swap.He then took the car home and parked it with 433 actual miles. And there it sat for the next45 years, occasionally being started and moved in and out of the garage.

In 2007 Mr. Wilson decided to sell the car and started spreading the word around Modesto that the ol' Chevy with 433 miles on it was for sale. Many had heard about the car, but hardly anyone had ever laid eyes on it. In fact, according to Mr.Wilson he believes he only showed the car to about 5 people in 45 years.

Word spread quickly about the car and soon a buyer arrived ready and willing to pay the $60,000 asking price. When Mr. Wilson told me the story of this car he complained heavily of the "capital gains" tax he was required to pay and wished he had never sold it. As of this writing, Mr. Wilson is still alive and well in Modesto and can verify the miles and originality of this car. Simply put, this is a true 100% factory original survivor (that includes the air in the tires). This ol' Chevy now has 437 original miles and is most likely the world's lowest mileage 1950 Chevy.

1950 Chevy 437 actual miles!

HarleyGator; Bet you've never seen anything like this

Hat Tip; Kack

Little League Baseball

The North Accomack Little League will be holding its registration for the 2010 Season at the Chincoteague High School Gym and Subway and T's Corner on January 30th, February 13th, 20th and 27th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The last registration is March 6th at both locations.

If you can't make these locations you can also go to the North Accomack Little website, download the application, and mail it with your check to:

PO Box 381
Chincoteague, VA 23336

The cost is $40.00 per child. If you have any questions please call Aubrey Justice at (757)894-2167 or (757)824-0071.

Seafood Feast - All You Can Eat

Smart Driving??

On Tuesday a 61 year old driver
was stopped while driving in the HOV lane on the Long Island Expressway.

An alert deputy sheriff noticed that the "other occupant" in the vehicle with with long brown hair, wearing a scarf and jacket, was also wearing sunglasses. The cars visor had also been pulled down to protect the passenger from the sun.

What made the Deputy Sheriff Robert Howard suspicious? It was an overcast day. The officer pulled the vehicle over to find the second passenger was a life sized mannequin!

K.A. Frascinell, of Mt. Sinai, L.I., was issued a $135.00 ticket and two points on her license.

The half body mannequin was fully dressed in a long, dark wig, scarf, blazer and matching shirt with a belt.

Nice try, Ms. Frascinell!

``````Birthday Wishes```````


Seniors -- don't mess with them, they've been around!

Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break
in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall. As yet, the store
wasn't ready, with only a few shelves and display racks set up.
One said to the other, "I'll bet that any minute now some senior
is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we're selling."

Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked
up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass,
then in a loud voice asked, "What are you sellin' here?"

One of the men replied sarcastically, "We're selling ass-holes."
Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, "You're doing well. Only two left."

Seniors -- don't mess with them, they've been around!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Achmed the Dead Terrorist


((FREE)) Bumper Sticker ((FREE))

Scott Brown is much too liberal for me but hey.. he's soooo much better than the alternative. If Scott Brown is a politician you like here's an offer you can't refuse... and it's free... after all these years I thought only liberal democrats got the free stuff, well I reckon if you're a liberal republican (RINO) you can get freebies too.

Go HERE to get your free bumper sticker(s)

Your Social Security

Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn't know this. It's easy to check out, if you don't believe it.

Be sure and show it to your kids. They need a little history lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter whether you are Democrat or Republican. Facts are Facts!!!

Our Social Security;

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social

Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be

Completely voluntary,

No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual Incomes into the Program,

Now 7.65%

3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year,

No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put into the independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program, and, Under Johnson the money was moved to

The General Fund and Spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Under Clinton & Gore

Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month -- and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put

away' -- you may be interested in the following:

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and Senate..

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the 'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That's right!

Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!

------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!

If enough people read this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe changes will evolve. Maybe not, some Democrats are awfully sure of what isn't so.

Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.


"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

-Thomas Jefferson

Hat Tip; Eric @ Motor-Mouths

Modern Flight; Transport Canada


More spam from Kratovil

Ya gotta love this one, Frank sends out this spam mail talking about how he likes to "rein-in spending" then adds a post script on information and learning how to receive government college funding.

I guess we "regular people" weren't supposed to pick up on that.

Dear Friend,
Last week, President Obama delivered his State of the Union address, which included a call to freeze discretionary spending for three years. As a member of the Blue Dog Coalition I have been a strong supporter of discretionary spending caps, and I applaud the President’s effort to rein in spending. However, as I stated in an op-ed published last week, I believe that spending caps are just one component of a broader reform agenda that Congress should pass in 2010.
We need comprehensive budget reform, starting with this discretionary spending freeze but also including a restoration of pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budget rules, a budget commission empowered to reform entitlement programs, earmark reforms to improve accountability and transparency, and strong budget enforcement tools to ensure a fiscally responsible federal budget. I am committed to working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle on this comprehensive budget reform effort, because I firmly believe we desperately need to restore fiscal discipline in Washington.
Families here in Maryland understand that budgets are about setting priorities and making the tough choices to live within our means. For the past decade, the federal government has failed to live by that same set of rules. And while it is true that extraordinary steps are sometimes needed in tough times to get the economy moving again, uncontrolled spending growth cannot be allowed to continue year after year. With the economy now showing small but encouraging signs of a turnaround, we must take meaningful action to reduce our deficit and put us back on a path toward fiscal sustainability.

With warm regards,

Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.

“How to Pay for College” Forums Coming in February

Families across Maryland understand that in tough economic times, paying for college is harder than ever. However, there are a number of programs that can help students and their families afford a college education. Congressman Kratovil will be hosting two information forums in February to help students and parents learn more about these options:

Sat. Feb. 6th - Chesapeake College

9:30-12PM - The Performing Arts Center

Maryland 213 & Rte. 50

Queenstown, MD

Sat. Feb.12th - Perry Hall H.S.

9:30-12PM - Auditorium

4601 Ebenezer Road

Baltimore, MD

Participating in these forums will be representatives from The United States Service Academies, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the Maryland Comptroller’s Office, the United States Department of Education, and several nearby colleges. If you have any questions about the time, location, or content of the “How to Pay for College” forums, please contact Karen Willis in my Centreville Office at 443-262-9136.

*In the event of inclement weather please contact my Centreville Office at 443-262-9136 for updates.

Picture For Today

The Current Asylum Administration


Hat Tip; Eric @ Motor-mouths

Tangier Bone Mystery Solved

Skeletal Remains Return from Medical Examiner

The Accomack County Sheriffs Office received information from the Medical Examiners Office in Norfolk, Virginia regarding the aged skeletal remains found on Tangier Island last week.

According to Sheriff Larry Giddens, the remains have been confirmed to be that of a human body and have been declared by the medical examiners office to be prehistoric with a time of death estimated at 75 to 150 years ago.

According to Sheriff Larry Giddens, on Wednesday, January 27, the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report from the Virginia Marine Police regarding skeletal remains that were found in a box near a dumpster on Tangier Island. The aged skeletal remains were transported by the Investigations Division to the Medical Examiners Office in Norfolk, Virginia.

The remains are believed to be of a historic gravesite on the island of Port Isobel by Tangier residents. The findings of the medical examiner reinforce this belief.

PETA Protest At NASA Today

By Ted Shockley
Staff Writer

WALLOPS — Three volunteers from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wearing cardboard masks caged themselves in front of a NASA Wallops Flight Facility sign Wednesday to protest a radiation experiment on squirrel monkeys.

Two other PETA representatives held protest signs along the Chincoteague Road site as some driving by pointed, stared straight ahead or took photos of a rare Eastern Shore appearance by the Norfolk-based international animal-rights group.

“People are totally surprised that NASA is still radiating monkeys when they could be testing humans who have been to space,” said David Shirk, a PETA campaigner.

Ashley Edwards, a Washington D.C.-based NASA spokeswoman, said none of the monkeys are at Wallops and they won’t be harmed.

They will be housed at a national laboratory in New York where they will receive a dosage of heavy ion radiation equal to what would be received by an astronaut on a trip to Mars, she said.

The proposed study would exceed federal safety guidelines and the effect on the monkeys’ central nervous system will be studied over a four-year period.

“We would not test on primates unless we felt it was absolutely necessary to do so,” said Edwards.

Afterward, they will be cared for and live out the rest of their natural lives. “They’re not going to be sick,” she said.

There were scattered similar protests across the country.

At the Wallops intersection, the PETA representatives caused a stir, arriving in a yellow van painted with criticism of McDonald’s restaurants, calling the chain “McCruelty.”

The van temporarily parked in a handicap-reserved space at Ocean Deli while organizers set up foldable animal cages across the street from a Royal Farms convenience store. They later moved the van.

Three climbed into cages, later banging against the sides and impersonating the animals.

Their goal, Shirk said, was “urging NASA to use more modern methods instead of experimenting on animals.”

One man in a red Dodge pickup truck rolled down his window to heckle the group.

“Hey, I like animals. They taste great next to the potatoes,” he shouted.

Shirk acknowledged that some make similar statements. But more, he said, feel differently.

“Most people are compassionate and recognize animal cruelty,” he said.

I rode over that way this afternoon but was too late. PETA had already packed up their cages and had left the area. I was going to ask one of them about the more "modern ways of experimenting". Just what is that?

PETA Plans Protest At NASA


WALLOPS — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals at noon Wednesday will protest against what it claims is a plan by NASA to use squirrel monkeys in a radiation experiment.

The protest will be held at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility’s Visitor Center on Route 175. It was announced to media on Tuesday afternoon.

The PETA members will be wearing monkey masks while locked in small cages while they hold signs that read, "No Tax $ for Animal Abuse" and "Stop Radiation Tests on Monkeys.”

After exposing the monkeys to the radiation, NASA plans to subject the animals to years of additional laboratory experiments in order to observe how the radiation devastates their brains and bodies, PETA claims.

~~~The Mar-Va This Weekend~~~

The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family. Starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw.

If you call please leave a message!

Get your tickets now! We expect a great turnout!

**Sponsorships are available for this movie. Email Emily for details.**

More Snow!

More snow is in the forecast for this weekend. Although it is still uncertain at this time, meteorologists say some parts of the state could be seeing more double digit snow fall this weekend. The Eastern Shore right now is expecting snow throughout the day on Saturday with no accumulations and snow Saturday night that could accumulate up to an inch.

It has been an active season this year for weather. After multiple occasions of flooding in the fall and now several snowfalls, this snow storm expected this weekend could put another layer of snow on top of the 2010 Snowstorm of last weekend. Temperatures will rise into the forties during the days this week, but will not exceed thirty degrees during any nights.

Stay tuned to WESR for closings, cancellations and postponements throughout the week and for live up to date weather coverage.


Closings, Delays for Wednesday Feb. 3rd

































More Closings/Delays HERE

Some Virginia Closures and Cancellations

Head Start Programs both counties closed today however, staff should report at 9:00 A.M.

Accomack County Public Schools Closed today

Holly Grove Christian School 2 hour delay

Central Baptist Academy 2 hour delay

Eastern Shore Community Board open and on-time today

Agape Christian Center closed today

Eastern Shore Area Agency On Aging Senior Centers (only) will be closed today

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Accomack County School News

Accomack County Schools have released the following statement in regards to schools tomorrow:

Because of the uncertainty of the weather tonight and the current condition of the back roads and town streets a decision regrding whether the Accomack County Schools will open tomorrow or remain closed will not be made until approximately 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.

(Better start working on that homework!)

"Don't ask - don't tell" Gates, Mullen: Military Gay Ban Should be Lifted

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday that he supports President Obama's decision to seek the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy prohibiting gays from serving openly in the military and has appointed a "high-level working group" to figure out how to do it.

Gates, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, announced that Gen. Carter Ham, who leads U.S. Army forces in Europe, and Pentagon General Counsel Jeh Johnson will lead the review, according to Fox News. The defense chief called for an "implementation plan" by the end of the year.

"I fully support the president's decision," Gates said. "The question before us is not whether the military prepares to make this change, but how we ... best prepare for it. We have received our orders from the commander in chief and we are moving out accordingly."

The military's top uniformed officer also declared Tuesday that gays should be allowed to serve openly in uniform, arguing that it is "the right thing to do."

Adm. Mike Mullen's statement was the strongest yet from the uniformed military on this volatile issue, although he stressed that he was "speaking for myself and myself only." He told the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday he is deeply troubled by a policy that forces people to "lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens."

Mullen said he knows many will disagree about abandoning the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and said there are practical obstacles to lifting the 1993 ban. But he said he thinks the military can handle it. Mullen is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and chief military adviser to President Barack Obama.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the panel he is tapping his chief legal adviser and a four-star Army general to lead a landmark study on how the military would lift its ban on openly gay service members.

Pentagon counsel Jeh Johnson and Gen. Carter Ham, who leads Army forces in Europe, will conduct the yearlong assessment.

Ham is a former enlisted infantryman who rose through the ranks to eventually command troops in northern Iraq in 2004 and hold senior positions within the Joint Staff. Recently, he helped conduct an investigation into the shootings by a soldier at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas.

As the Pentagon's top legal counsel, Johnson has played an integral role into the effort to try to close the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Gates' announcement marked a measured step toward President Barack Obama's goal of eliminating the military's policy against gays, which is based on a 1993 law.

Ham is a former enlisted infantryman who rose to command troops in northern Iraq. Johnson, the Pentagon's general counsel, played an integral role in the effort to close the military prison in Guantanamo Bay.


McCain Against Changing Policy On Gays in Military

Sen. John McCain is bristling at the Pentagon's decision to launch a yearlong study into allowing gays to serve openly in uniform, saying he is "deeply disappointed" and calling the assessment "clearly biased" because it presumes the law should be changed.

McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said the current policy is not ideal, but that it has been effective.

His remarks were in direct contrast to Adm. Mike Mullen, who said it was his personal opinion that lifting the ban was "the right thing to do." Defense Secretary Robert Gates suggested that lawmakers should stand down from the process until the military can get a better handle on how to proceed. He told the panel: "Keep the impact it will have on our forces firmly in mind."

I guess this is next?

Picture For Today

Governor appoints six members to sex-offender advisory board

Well more liberal BS for our state!
Governor; the people of Maryland want sex offenders sentenced to DEATH, not sent to the luxury of a nut house like your appointed Father-in-law so believes that an SO should be treated and I quote;
"O'Malley's father-in-law, has studied sex-offender reforms for years and favors civil commitments"

Look here for the definition of civil commitments, we the people will not stand for this type of grandstanding and your thinking we "regular people" will never understand your liberal ways. Wrong!

We also will not stand for any sex offender receiving "lifetime supervision" as you propose, we want the death penalty, period.

How are you going to supervise a SO while in their own home Governor? Don't you know that most SO victims are victims of someone that lives in the same house? Of course you do, you just do not care.

I could go on and on about this piece, but I'll refrain, for now. This is a slap in the face to all victims of an SO

Vote the liberal SO protecting Governor out come next election.

Gov. Martin O'Malley announced Monday the appointment of six members to the newly revived Sexual Offender Advisory Board, which had lain dormant since being established by law in 2006.

Last week, O'Malley tapped former Attorney General J. Joseph Curran Jr. as the board chairman. Curran, who is O'Malley's father-in-law, has studied sex-offender reforms for years and favors civil commitments for certain predators.

The appointees are Michele J. Hughes, director of a nonprofit domestic violence victim support center; Dr. Annette L. Hanson, a psychiatrist at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center; Karla N. Smith, a family violence prosecutor in Montgomery County; David Walsh-Little, a Baltimore public defender; Laura Estupian-Kane, a licensed psychologist who focuses on the assessment of adolescents who have committed sexual offenses; and J. Patricia Wilson Smoot, a deputy state's attorney in Prince George's County.

"I am confident that their combined knowledge, background and expertise, and their advocacy of our legislation to impose the strictest standards of supervision of sex offenders will help strengthen our efforts to ensure that Maryland's children are protected," O'Malley, a Democrat, said in a statement.

The board's main purpose, an O'Malley spokesman said recently, is to promote legislation that will refocus its own mission. The governor activated the board as some lawmakers questioned why it hadn't been meeting over the past four years and why it failed to produce a required report recommending sex-offender reforms.

O'Malley is seeking several sex-offense revisions this year, including required lifetime supervision for violent and repeat offenders. Lawmakers have focused on sex-offender reform this year in part because of the December abduction and killing of 11-year-old Sarah Foxwell on the Eastern Shore. A registered sex offender is a suspect in the crime.


Hat Tip: S.R.

What Is Silver Alert?

I received a phone call earlier this afternoon from someone headed north on Route 50 asking me what a "Silver Alert" was. I wasn't really sure until I looked it up. The Maryland State Police have been using this since October 2009. Similar to the Amber Alert it can be a useful tool in finding older persons or persons with disorders. This is going to be, I am sure, a most wonderful program.
Please read this:

"Patterned after the AMBER Alert program for missing children, if the situation warrants, state or local police investigating the disappearance will contact the Maryland State Police Silver Alert coordinator. The Maryland Emergency Management Agency will request an emergency alert through all Maryland police departments, media outlets and 911 centers.

The State Highway Administration will post alert information, including a description of the person and the vehicle he was last seen in on overhead highway signs in the area where the missing person was last seen. Information may also be broadcast on the Highway Advisory Radio network.

The Silver Alert program is the result of legislation introduced in the Maryland General Assembly by Delegate Benjamin Kramer and Sen. Rona Kramer, both of Montgomery County.

“Our new Silver Alert program gives us a coordinated way to communicate information about a critically missing person quickly and to as many people as possible,” Maryland State Police Superintendent Col. Terrence Sheridan said.

“This alert system is designed to reunite families,” said Maryland Department of Human Resources Secretary Brenda Donald. “There are few things more disconcerting for a family than to have its elderly member go missing.”

In order for an alert to be issued, the following criteria must be met:

• The missing person must suffer from a cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

• The person’s disappearance must pose a true threat to his health and safety.

• The missing person must be traveling in a vehicle and there must be enough descriptive information about the person and the vehicle for police to issue an alert.

• The investigating police department has already activated a local alert by contacting media.

• The missing person has been entered into the National Crime Information Center database.

When a person goes missing and circumstances do not warrant a Silver Alert, law enforcement will still do everything possible to find the missing person.

The Maryland State Police will provide any assistance necessary for search and rescue operations. This will likely involve the deployment of K-9 units. State police bloodhound teams find dozens of missing persons each year, some of whom are senior citizens who have walked away and become lost.

Maryland State Police helicopters will also be available for search and rescue. They are equipped with infra-red cameras that help find people even in remote areas. State police also has specially trained search teams that can track people on foot in all types of terrain and surroundings."


IF today is your birthday RAISE YOUR HAND!!!!!


From all of us too cheap and too forgetful to buy a card!!!

PETA Wants Robotic Groundhog

Animal-rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wrote a Jan. 21 letter to organizers of the annual Groundhog Day spectacle in Punxsutawney, PA, demanding that the live groundhog used each year on Feb. 2 be replaced by a robotic version, USA Today reported Wednesday.

The paper showed a letter written by Gemma Vaughan, a PETA "Animals in Entertainment specialist," to Bill Deeley, president of the Inner Circle of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, in which Vaughan appeals to him to "make the compassionate decision to use an animatronic Phil and retire the live groundhogs who are used for Groundhog Day activities to a sanctuary."

Vaughan goes on to say that the groundhogs "become stressed when they are exposed to large, screaming crowds; flashing lights from perhaps hundreds of cameras; and human handling."

In response, Deeley told the Associated Press that Phil is kept in a climate-controlled environment, is inspected annually by the state Department of Agriculture and is "being treated better than the average child in Pennsylvania."

That's telling them, Mr. Deeley! And he's right! Phil is the most celebrated groundhog of today and has been for many years. PETA, if you want to do something for your "ethnical treatment of animals" why don't you spend some money on making donations to the SPCA's across America? If PETA people had more than a pea for a brain they would know that the public would not be attracted to this event year after year if groundhogs were being abused! Give normal people some credit. PETA, the people will let you know when animals are being abused. But good luck getting your robotic groundhog.


Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil, right, is held by Ben Hughes after emerging from his burrow on Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., to see his shadow and forecast six more weeks of winter weather Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010.(Gene J. Puskar/AP Photo)

Groundhog Day festivities started as early as 3 a.m. as a crowd gathered on Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa. The fireworks display started at 6:30, followed by the members of the Punxsutawney Inner Circle announcing Groundhog Day birthday wishes.

Punxsutawney Phil had a deal for those who couldn't make Gobblers Knob for his annual call of the winter: Text "Groundhog" to 247365.

The pudgy prognosticator apparently has a nose for the value of social networking. If you send the text, you'll receive a copy of his forecast delivered to your mobile. The Pennsylvania Tourism web site also offered a live webcast of the morning's event through to the groundhog's debut on You were also able to keep up with the crowds on Facebook and Twitter.

Monday, February 1, 2010




Broadwater Academy Closed
Shore Christian Academy Closed
Eastern Shore Community College open at 10 AM

Worcester County Schools Closed Tuesday

Another school day off kids, all Worcester schools are closed Tuesday February 2nd.

Have fun

Queen Pelosi Requisitioning Military Air Travel for Her Family

The audacity of Barack Obama could only be exceeded by the audacity of Nancy Pelosi. Doug Ross reports on how the military have been commandeered as common chauffeurs for Pelosi's children and grandchildren -- even on flights containing no congressional members.

It appears that this is all costing the American taxpayer millions of dollars, especially since Queen Palousy is only reimbursing the government for the flights at a bare minimum:

"Military flights cost between $5-$20 thousand dollars per hour to operate. Pelosi only reimburses the government between $120-$400 per flight. You and I pick up the rest of the tab with our tax dollars.
It's all perfectly legal, of course - or is it? Even if it is, perhaps we should start asking why a politician's children and grandchildren should have their travel subsidized at taxpayer expense?"

This post lists requisition forms and food/beverage receipts that are sickening to behold and this post lists numerous additional requisitions back to 2007.

Not only is this a violation of her oath to run the most uncorrupt Congress in the history of the universe. It is a slap in the face of every American who is footing the bill. What's more, San Fran Grand Nan and her husband are multi-millionaires several times over -- and yet she still prefers to suck the coffers of government dry and ask Joe and Jane Average to cough up yet more in taxes to cover it.


Picture For Today

Winter Classes for Women


By Thursday
January 28, 2010

Class 1

Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat

Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.

Meets 4 wks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM..

Class 2
Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, or Bitching About It for 3 Hours?
Round Table Discussion.

Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Class 3
Is It Possible To Drive Past a Wal-Mart Without Stopping?--Group Debate.

Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between a Purse and a Suitcase--Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.

Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5
Curling Irons--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Bathroom Cabinet?
Examples on Video.

Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning
At 7:00 PM

Class 6
How to Ask Questions During Commercials and Be Quiet During the Program
Help Line Support and Support Groups.

Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM

Class 7
Can a Bath Be Taken Without 14 Different Kinds of Soaps and Shampoos?
Open Forum
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.

Class 8
Health Watch--They Make Medicine for PMS - USE IT!

Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 9
I Was Wrong and He Was Right!--Real Life Testimonials.

Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.

Class 10
How to Parallel Park In Less Than 20 Minutes Without an Insurance Claim.
Driving Simulations.

4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.

Class 11
Learning to Live--How to Apply Brakes Without Throwing Passengers Through the Windshield
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined

Class 12
How to Shop by Yourself.

Meets 4 wks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

Hat Tip; Kack