Friday, November 5, 2010

No Beer Summit For The Republicans

President Obama has just given Slurpee something it could never buy: global street cred.

Hours after the leader of the free world jokingly suggested at Wednesday's day-after-election press conference that he might hold a "Slurpee Summit" with the new Republican leadership, the brand of slushy soft drinks is in overdrive to make the summit real.

"This is a rare opportunity for a brand," says Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven, which owns 44-year-old Slurpee. "We don't want to be opportunistic, but nothing has ever been this big for Slurpee."

This is what brands dream about. Bud Light got a big PR lift after Obama drank a Bud Light at the White House "Beer Summit" in July 2009. That brought together Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and James Crowley, the police sergeant who arrested him.

During recent campaign speeches, Obama said Republicans stood around drinking Slurpees while Democrats did the hard legislative work. Now, Slurpee's getting the last laugh. Already in motion:

•Negotiations. White House officials were contacted late Wednesday by officials representing 7-Eleven with a proposal for the Slurpee brand to cater a Slurpee Summit between key Democrats and Republicans. The summit could be at the White House — or wherever the president chooses.

"If the president wants a Slurpee Summit, we're offering to cater it with red and blue Slurpees — and we'll even offer a purple Slurpee, since that's what you get when you bring red and blue together," Chabris says.

7-Eleven's request to the White House was made via the public relations firm New Partners, which has many employees who worked on the Obama campaign in 2008.

•Advertising. 7-Eleven on Friday will place an ad in national newspapers that plays off the idea of Slurpees bringing people together, says Chabris. One concept in discussion is a picture of a purple Slurpee with a red straw and a blue straw sticking out.

•Strategy. Slurpee is re-evaluating its brand strategy. It's looking at a new theme to be a drink that "brings people together," says Chabris.

Consultant David Aaker says it doesn't get any better. "If they actually have a summit, it's worth tens of millions of dollars in free advertising."

Strategy guru Mark Coopersmith says Slurpee should quickly go big in social media, nudging folks to have Slurpee Summits to solve problems.

"How often do you get the leader of the free world to associate your brand with all of these positive elements?"

Congressman Elect Rigell Lays out Plan to Reshape Washington

Congressman-elect Scott Rigell has released his plan for reforming Congress. In the plan, Rigell states he attempt to reshape the mindset in Washington, forcing elected officials to be more transparent and frugal with taxpayer dollars.

Rigell says he will aim to change Congressional pensions plans to be more similar to 401(k)s as well as ending free lobbyist and foundation sponsored travel. The plan includes a call to institute 12 year term limits for representatives, posting committee votes online and restoring congressional offices' operating budgets to 2008 levels.

"I want to be very proactive and reach out to all parts of our community," explained Rigell. "We will make absolutely no distinction in constituent service, I will make that so clear to my staff. I'm optimistic that we'll reach out to folks who might not have reached out to us."

Rigell also spoke about the Eastern Shore. "I am proud of our commitment to the Eastern Shore," he said. "One of the first calls I made after learning I had won was to my good friend Ooker, the Mayor of Tangier, and he said 'Scott, we're going to turn out for you on Tangier.'"

Rigell is set to be inaugurated in January.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh my Gourd!

Here are some photos taken of the pumpkin village taken at the Dallas Arboretum. 

Anger Management

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up


Hat Tip; Kack

Oglesby Holds Narrow Lead In Race With Todd

SNOW HILL — The Worcester state’s attorney race narrowed when absentee ballots were counted, but candidate Beau Oglesby retained a 107-vote lead over incumbent Joel Todd.

When election officials finished counting about 1,500 absentee ballots Thursday, Todd, a Democrat, had received 739 additional votes. Oglesby, a Republican, added 701 absentee votes.

That cut down the vote lead Oglesby earned on Election Day, but did not reverse it.

“This time four years ago, I was up by two [votes], and now I’m up by 107,” Oglesby said, referring to a razor-thin 2006 contest in which Todd prevailed by 14 votes. “It’s a much better place to be.”

Several hundred absentee ballots Worcester officials mailed out to voters who asked for them haven’t yet been cataloged or counted. Ballots postmarked by Nov. 2 and received by the time officals count absentees again on Nov. 12 could still be counted as valid votes.

“We’re quietly optimistic,” Oglesby said. “There’s still enough votes out there to make a difference, so we’ll stand by and see what happens.”

Todd did not return a call for comment late Thursday.

In another close Worcester county race, for District 4 commissioner, incumbent Democrat Virgil Shockley slightly widened his lead over Republican Ted Elder.

Shockley earned 93 absentee votes, for a total of 1,257; Elder garnered 79, for a total of 1,172. Shockley now leads by 85 votes.

Worcester County Commissioner Seat - District 1

It must have been a difficult decision for Bobby Cowger to opt out for reelection this year. Lots of Worcestor County citizens hate to see him go.

We truly thank him for being so devoted and wish Bobby the best.

Here is the man that will and can fill his shoes! Merrill W. Lockfaw, Jr.
Just like Bobby, Merrill Lockfaw, is a man you can trust and believe in. He is a man that will work for the citizens and the communities.

Merill has a wonderful family, is a devoted person to his community, his church, fire department and country.


And good luck!

20 TONS Of Pot Found Near Tunnel By U S Border

SAN DIEGO – Federal authorities in San Diego have made one of the largest marijuana seizures in the United States, confiscating 20 tons of pot near an underground tunnel connecting warehouses on either side of California's border with Mexico, officials said Wednesday.

Mexican authorities seized another four tons of pot from the warehouse on their side of the border. Officials said the lightening-speed, 12-hour operation started Tuesday night when U.S. authorities watching a warehouse under surveillance followed a tractor-trailer as it left the building.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents called in the California Highway Patrol, whose officers stopped the rig near Temecula and authorities found 10 tons of marijuana inside. The driver, a U.S. citizen, and his Mexican wife were arrested and will be arraigned in San Diego on Thursday.

Authorities quickly obtained a federal search warrant to go inside the warehouse, where they discovered 10 to 15 tons of marijuana — worth an estimated $20 million, said ICE director John Morton.

They also found a wood door that opened to a hole leading to the tunnel, running the length of six football fields, under the border and into a warehouse in Mexico, Morton said. Officials found packets being ready to be moved into the United States from the tunnel, which had lighting, ventilation and a rail system to send loads of illegal drugs into California.

"This is not a mom-and-pop operation. This is obviously the work of a cartel," said Morton, who held a news conference outside the warehouse in an industrial park near the Otay Mesa truck crossing, across from Tijuana.

Officials said the seizure was the largest ever in California and was believed to be the second-largest in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 33 tons of marijuana in Oregon in 2008, DEA special agent Ralph W. Partridge said.

McDonald's Happy Meals May Become UnHappy Meals In San Francisco

In another significant vote on the health front Tuesday, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors took a big step toward an ordinance against restaurants handing out toys as part of junky kids' meals.

Can you say McDonald's Happy Meal? We thought you could.

In an 8-3 vote, the board passed a preliminary version of a new rule that forbids toy freebies with meals that don't meet minimum nutritional standards.

"This is a challenge to the restaurant industry to think about children's health first and join the wide range of local restaurants that have already made this commitment," Supervisor Eric Mar, who introduced the legislation, said in a statement.

How high is the bar? Not as high as you might think.

Here's the lowdown on what kind of meal would qualify.

  • Calories: Less than 600
  • Sodium: Less than 640 milligram.
  • Fat: Less than 35 percent of calories from fat; Less than 10 percent from saturated fat (with exception for nuts, seeds, eggs or low-fat cheese).

  • Meals would also have to offer fruit or vegetables.

    Mayor Gavin Newsom has said he would veto the ordinance. But if a final vote, expected next week, goes like this one, it would be veto-proof.

    McDonald's is unhappy. "We are extremely disappointed with this decision," company spokeswoman Danya Proud said in a statement. "It's not what our customers want, nor is it something they asked for."

    The fast-food chain says research shows the proposal is "unrealistic" because kids aren't likely to eat the sorts of meals stipulated by the ordinance.

    Flea-Control Chemicals Can Be Harmful To More Than Just Pets

    Fleas are obnoxious and if you've seen your pet scratching a lot or, worse yet, are bitten yourself, you know how itchy and uncomfortable the jumpy little insects can be. But when it comes to treatment, rather than use chemicals, your first moves should be to keep your pet indoors and vacuum and comb to sweep up fleas and eggs. Flea collars and sprays may seem like an easy solution, but they often contain chemicals that can harm your pets, your children and you.

    Many flea and tick formulations are safe when used as directed, but two alarmingly toxic chemicals are found in some products. Called tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur these chemicals are potentially harmful to pets and their humans at the levels found in today's flea collars. The humans at greatest risk from these chemicals are young children, especially toddlers who spend a lot of time hugging, stroking, and sleeping with their pets.

    Tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) is used in flea and tick collars, powders, and sprays, while propoxur is found only in the collars. Both chemicals are in products marketed for cats and dogs. Flea collars release the chThese chemicals kill by jamming communications between nerve cells in insects. On the most basic level, however, we humans are not all that different from insects. Our human nervous system (and our pets' nervous systems) utilize the same nerve cell messaging system as the insect's, so TCVP and propoxur can harm not only insects but our pets and us. In high doses, these chemicals can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, sweating and tearing eyes. More severe poisoning can cause muscle twitching, drooling, seizures and death. Over the past decade, the Humane Society of the United States has received hundreds of complaints of pets experiencing severe reactions or death from flea collars.
    Although the amounts in the residue left by flea collars are smaller than the doses that cause acute human symptoms, both TCVP and propoxur may cause long-term health consequences. Propoxur is known to cause cancer in humans, according to the State of California. TCVP is classified by the US EPA as a possible human carcinogen.

    TCVP and other chemicals in the family known as organophosphates are also suspected of being linked to neurodevelopmental problems including impulsivity, hyperactivity and learning disabilities in children. A study published in June in the journal Pediatrics found that children with higher exposure to TCVP-like chemicals were more likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although more research needs to be done to see if the association is causal.

    Young children are most at risk, because they spend the most time at pets-eye view, playing on floors and putting their hands in their mouths. Children also have developing neurological systems that may be more vulnerable to toxic chemicals. Through pet collars, children are being exposed to levels of tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur that exceed the US EPA's acceptable levels, according to an NRDC study published in 2009. The study found that after three days, 100 percent of pets wearing a propoxur flea collar and 50 percent of pets wearing a tetrachlorvinphos collar had enough chemical on their fur to exceed the EPA's acceptable dose level for toddlers.

    The EPA's acceptable dose is based on the toxicity of the chemical and the safety of the use of a particular product is determined by comparing the expected amount of exposure to the acceptable dose. In the case of flea collar chemicals, the EPA assumes that a typical child spends about two hours per day with his or her pet. But many children spend eight or more hours a day with their pets (including when sleeping), and many children have more than one pet, so a child's exposure can be higher than EPA models predict. Many consumers assume that whatever is on store shelves must be 100 percent safe for use around pets and children. But both these chemicals have significant health risks. Though still allowed for use in flea collars, propoxur has been banned for use in homes for other pests, although the State of Ohio last year asked EPA to approve it for residential use to treat bed bugs. The EPA denied the request in June, citing the unacceptable risk to children.

    What you can do:

    Start with chemical-free methods and use chemical treatments only when necessary.

    Wash pet bedding (and your bedding, too, if your pet sleeps with you) in hot, soapy water.

    Vacuum often to remove flea eggs, and replace the vacuum bag frequently.

    Comb your pet daily with a fine-toothed flea comb. Dispose of any fleas you find.

    If needed, try products made with essential oils of lemongrass, cedarwood, peppermint, rosemary or thyme.

    If you are getting a new cat, keep it indoors so that fleas and ticks will not be a problem.

    If non-chemical methods haven't worked, look for lower risk products. Check the label to make sure the product does not contain tetrachlorvinphos or propoxur or any of the other high risk chemicals. Make sure the product is suitable for your pet and follow the instructions carefully. The safest options, according to NRDC, are pill-based flea treatments.

    Visit NRDC's for a comprehensive list of brand-name products with their chemical ingredients and more information about health risks from pesticides. ___ For better health and sustainable living tips, articles and how-tos, visit NRDC SimpleSteps at:

    White House Ups Ante With Iran - Tries To Save Woman From Hanging

    Written by, Eleanor Clift
    I'm sure the Obama administration will insist that the fuel deal they are attempting to revive with Iran has nothing to do with the White House's strongly worded rebuke of the government of Iran's intention to move forward with the execution by hanging of a 43-year-old woman charged with adultery.

    The favored diplomatic term is "two-tracking," but it's pretty clear that Iran's treatment of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has made her a pawn in the much bigger geopolitical fight between Iran and the West. The White House press release went out on Election Day amidst fears by human rights groups that the execution was set to take place the following day. Instead, Ashtiani is reported in "perfect health" and being held at the Tabiz prison, according to a justice official quoted by the official Irna news agency.

    Iranian officials have their own version of two-tracking. They claim to not pay attention to critics of the severe sentence, saying the execution has been delayed, not cancelled. Yet they condemn the West for "trying to use this ordinary case as a pressure against our nation" in the words of foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast. If that's what the West is doing, so far it's succeeding if success is defined by every day that Ashtiani remains alive.

    She first came to the attention of human rights groups when her stoning sentence for adultery was upheld by Iran's Supreme Court in 2007. Since then, in an apparent concession to modernity, the Iranians have altered the sentence to death by hanging, which in their culture is a gesture to show mercy.

    The White House statement points to "the lack of transparency and due process" in the case, euphemisms that hardly convey the extent of the Iranian government's actions, which include arresting Ashtiani's lawyer and her adult son, who has been working to try to free his mother.
    In the meantime, the Obama administration together with its European allies is trying to entice Tehran into an arrangement where it would send a portion of its nuclear fuel out of the country for processing in exchange for lifting economic sanctions imposed by the West to hinder Iran's development of a nuclear bomb. A similar deal was proposed last year and rejected by Iran's supreme leader, but the administration thinks Tehran might now be ready to accept the restrictions because the latest round of sanctions are having a stronger impact than before on the Iranian economy.

    The fact that the White House waded into the controversy over Ashtiani and the government's imposition of Sharia law at a sensitive time in the ongoing negotiations suggests a bigger agenda at play in both capitals. Tehran, by backing off from what the U.S. and its European allies consider unacceptable behavior, could gain a measure of trust as it proceeds with talks that would allow it to continue its nuclear program for peaceful purposes without the burden of economic sanctions that have begun to cripple the government. If Ashtiani is a pawn in this global game, it at least keeps her alive, although in what conditions one can only imagine.

    Wal-Mart To Begin Carrying Virginia Grown Produce

    Virginia farmers will see an opportunity to improve their incomes under Wal-Mart Stores' plan to have more locally grown food in its U.S. stores.

    Wal-Mart announced this month it hopes to double its sales of locally sourced produce in the U.S. by the end of 2015. Its goals is to have 9 percent of its produce come from local farms.
    Tony Banks, a commodity marketing specialist for Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, says farmers should be aware that greater returns are possible from the increased demand.

    Some Wal-Mart stores in the state already carry Virginia peanuts and other local foods.

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    Why Men Shouldn't Write Advise Columns


    Hat Tip; Eric

    Trial Date Set For Justin Hadel

    SNOW HILL — A three-day jury trial of the man accused of murdering Christine Sheddy, a missing woman whose remains were found last spring, is slated to begin Dec. 7.

    Justin M. Hadel of College Station, Texas, who turns 20 next week, is charged with first-degree murder and first- and second-degree assault. Prosecutors say they believe he killed Sheddy on Nov. 13, 2007. Her family didn’t know her fate until last February, when her body was found buried in a Snow Hill yard.

    In charging documents, police detectives said Hadel had been a guest at a home at 2911 Byrd Road, near Pocomoke, at the same time Sheddy was staying there, and that witnesses told police Hadel was responsible for her death. Court records show Hadel’s trial is expected to last three days, with closing arguments delivered Dec. 9.

    Reggie Mason Elected New Sheriff For Worcester County

    Reggie T. Mason,Sr. (R) 12,083
    Bobby Brittingham (D) 6,709

    "My mission and dedication is to continue to serve the citizens of Worcester County to keep our children and families safe. The citizens are the eyes and ears of every community and I always welcome open lines of communication between the citizens and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. I am a true believer in giving back to the Community in which I serve. I will be accessible to the public for any needs or concerns that they may have. We need to work together to make Worcester County a safe place to work, live and raise our children. The Sheriff’s Departments success depends on the citizens of this county." Reggie Mason

    Congratulations Reggie !!

    District 38B Winner..............

    Pocomoke Mayor Mike McDermott wins seat in Maryland House Of Delegates!

    His goal when taking office will be removing regulations that keep industries and companies from settling in Maryland, with job creation his ultimate goal.

    "We've been working on this campaign for two years," he said. "When I started, it wasn't necessarily a great time to be a Republican. Now, big government has fallen out of favor."


    State's Attorney Race- Absentee Ballots To Be Counted

    SNOW HILL -- In a tight race and before absentee ballots were counted, challenger Beau Oglesby had an edge over veteran prosecutor Joel Todd in the race for Worcester County State's Attorney.

    Oglesby, who led Todd by 169 votes late Tuesday night, knows what a tight race feels like; he was narrowly defeated by Todd in 2006.

    "Four years ago, we were down by one vote on election night and ended up losing by 14," said Oglesby, a Republican. "We're in a much better position now. We're quietly optimistic this will hold but we're unsure how many absentee ballots are outstanding."

    According to election officials, 1,500 absentee ballots have been collected and will begin being counted Thursday, although the final results of that count will not be known until Nov. 22. In addition, late Tuesday night ballots from three voting machines -- one each from Districts 1, 2 and 6 -- were being counted manually because of machine errors.

    Although Oglesby led in the polls for much of the night, with 14 of 18 precincts reporting, Todd took the lead with 6,669 votes. Just after 11 p.m., however, when all 18 precincts' votes were tallied, Oglesby had regained a slight advantage.

    Todd said early in the evening that if he did lose, it would not be because of political mailers from his campaign that the Worcester Republicans called unethical last week. On the mailers, Todd was pictured with several prominent people under a headline that read "Community Leaders Support Joel Todd," although some of them had not endorsed him. Todd's wife and campaign manager, Anita Todd, took the blame for sending the literature.

    "If I lose the election, I don't think it has anything to do with that," Todd said as ballots were being counted.

    Todd was joined at the polls Tuesday by Lynn Dodenhoff, the mother of Pocomoke City woman Christine Sheddy, whose body was found in Snow Hill earlier this year after she had gone missing. Dodenhoff said Todd was the only man she trusted to prosecute Justin M. Hadel, the man charged in Sheddy's death.

    "I believe this is the only man who could prosecute my daughter's murderers," she said. "He's the only man that listened to me and stepped in, got the right people involved in her case."

    Other races
    In the sheriff's race, current chief deputy for the office Reggie Mason came out significantly ahead of Democratic challenger Bobby Brittingham. Mason received 12,083 votes, while Brittingham took 6,709.

    In the Worcester County Commissioners races, incumbents came out ahead, with Commissioner Judy Boggs besting challenger John Bodnar in District 5 with 2,212 votes to his 1,301.

    "It was a particularly satisfying win," Boggs said. "The people of Ocean Pines, by an overwhelming vote, demonstrated their confidence in me. I'm delighted by that and I'm looking forward to another four years."

    Rigell Ousts Nye In Second District

    VIRGINIA BEACH — Republican Scott Rigell rode a wave of conservative voters to knock off freshman Democrat Rep. Glenn Nye, recapturing a Hampton Roads swing district for the GOP, the Associated Press is projecting based on exit polling.

    Rigell, who owns a chain of car dealerships in Hampton Roads, pushed his business background as the main reason that local voters should send him to Congress, blasting Democratic leaders for deficit spending.

    The congressional midterm elections are an important indicator of the nation's political mood, and Republicans were expected to reclaim control of the House of Representatives and perhaps even the U.S. Senate.

    Rigell's victory is a boon for the Virginia Republican Party because the district, which includes parts of Hampton and Norfolk and all of Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore, had been reliably Republican for a number of years prior to 2008.

    Nye knocked off incumbent Thelma Drake during the 2008 campaign by eking out narrow victories in Hampton and Norfolk and rolling up a few thousand vote advantage in traditionally conservative Virginia Beach.

    This year, there were early reports of heavy voter turnout in downtown Hampton at Armstrong Elementary School, which usually breaks for Democrats on Election Day. But further north in Hampton at Asbury Elementary School in Fox Hill Rigell signs surrounded the precinct where Nye gear was hard to spot.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Today At The Polls

    Tells us about your day at the polls.

    I voted late in the day, I got there around 7:30pm and I had to wait a couple of minuets because the verification table was full of people. When I was moved to the verification table I was asked my name, last name first, my address, which I gave them my PO box but they did at least ask for my physical address.

    But.... and to me this is a BIG "BUT"; ... I had my I.D. (license) out and ready (and here's the "BUT") but they didn't ask for any I.D., notta, zip, zero, I was asked for nothing to prove I was who I said I was.

    I could have been anyone, a dead person, a person from anywhere in the world, I could have given them any name and address I wanted too and I wouldn't have had to prove it. With that I ask. Why doesn't one need to show I.D. to prove they are who they say they are at the polls?

    As I was waiting for a voting machine to become vacant I was talking to a volunteer asking if it had been this busy all day and he told me that it had not slowed down all day and that it was a little light at the time I was there but it had been very busy all day long. Way to go Pocomoke, y'all did your part by taking the time out of your busy schedule to go out and VOTE!

    Now I must apologize for not having pictures of the many people at the polls but unlike some blogs/bloggers I believe that voting is a private matter, not only to whom you vote for but I believe it's a private matter and frankly no ones business whether you even voted or not.

    So that's my day at the polls, tell us yours while I go put together the next article about Obama going to India on vacation and spending 200 million per day

    Enhanced by Zemanta

    FREE Alaskan Cruise for Seniors

    Social Security

    For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment).  In fact, The Henry J.. Kaiser Family Foundation predicts there may not be any COLA for the next three (3) years.  However, the per person monthly Medicare insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010 and to $120.20 for the year 2011.  Congress also gave themselves a $3,000.00 a month Cost of Living Adjustment!

    Hat Tip; Kack

    Today's The Day To Vote

    It's time to vote, it's our, right, it's a privilege but mostly and more importantly it's our duty. Do your part and vote today. Vote smart.

    Yep, it is Tuesday, November 02, 2010 … Election Day.  It is time for each of us to do our duty as citizens and get out and vote!  Exercise your right, and vote wisely!

    Remember, Ecclesiastes 10:2 NIV  The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.  

    Hat Tip; Art

    Route 113 Multiple Crash Update

    NEWARK — After piecing together clues in a horrific head-on collision on Route 113 Monday night, police described the accident as a violent, brutal wreck, with a compact car “catapulting upward” when it struck an oncoming SUV.

    Maryland State Police said three adults and a two-year-old child died in the accident near the intersection of Langmaid Road and Route 113. They were in a Nissan Cube being driven northbound on Route 113 by Carmelo Dominguez, 53, of the Bronx, N.Y., who was one of the four people killed. Also killed in the crash were his wife, Evelyn E. Morales, 48; his daughter, Natasha E. Dominguez, 23; and his grandson, Jose Dominguez, 2.

    Three other family members who were in the same car were injured, police said: a daughter, Christina A. Dominguez, 25, and two grandchildren, four-year-old Yasmine Dominguez-Astacio and nine-year-old Christina Gonzalez. The three were taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

    In all, police said, seven people were in the Cube, a five-passenger slab-sided compact car, as Dominguez drove it back from Virginia Beach, where they had been visiting family. “It does not appear that anyone in the vehicle was using seat belts or in child safety seats,” police said in a statement.

    Drivers of two other cars involved in the wreck were also injured, police said. Mary M. Jones, 41, of the 6700 block of Lenape Place, Snow Hill, was taken to PRMC in Salisbury. Daniel H. Nelson, 23, of Mt. Holley, N.J. was taken to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore.
    Describing how they believe the accident happened, police said witnesses told them the Cube was traveling fast, passing other cars in no-passing zones. Just before the crash, police said, Dominguez attempted to pass a 2000 Peterbilt truck tractor pulling a trailer driven by Leroy Trader, 54, of New Church, Va., who would not be injured in the accident.
    While trying to pass the truck in a no-passing zone, police said, the Cube struck a southbound Honda CRV driven by Jones. The crash “caused the Nissan to catapult upward and impact the side of the trailer being pulled by the truck tractor,” MSP said.
    The Cube turned over in the air and landed on top of a 2004 Volkswagen Jetta driven by Nelson, police said. The Cube and the Jetta careened off the road.

    “The preliminary findings indicate the crash was caused by speed, improper passing, and aggressive driving. Alcohol does not appear to be a factor,” police said.

    The state has undertaken public works projects to divide the highway with a median to the north and the south of Langmaid Road, but that part of Route 113 remains an undivided highway with one lane in each direction.

    The road was closed for seven hours while police and rescuers dealt with the crash, MSP said.

    All of the family members lived at the same address in the 800 block of Macey Plaza in the Bronx, N.Y., police said.

    Get Out And VOTE

    Let us know how YOU think the election is going!

    Remember YOUR vote has the power to make the change!

    Change of Scenery- Utah State Senate

    Let's change the scenery a little and see what is going on in Utah! Most of you will not remember the name Betty Sawyer. Some of us will.

    This is the same Betty that always had herself together through high school! The candidate for State Sentate District 18 in Utah is none other than Betty Sawyer of Pocomoke City many years ago. Betty graduated from Pocomoke High School in 1971.

    Betty, all of us from the Pocomoke High School graduating class 1971 wish you lots of luck today. We will be watching........

    Residents of State Senate District 18 would be lucky to have Betty Sawyer representing them in the Utah Legislature.

    That's why the Standard-Examiner endorses the Democratic candidate in her race against former Democrat-turned-Republican Stuart Reid in the seat being vacated by Republican Jon Greiner.

    Sawyer, a 35-year resident of Weber County, is a vigilant spokesperson for the underprivileged and underrepresented. Her tireless public service efforts on behalf of children and senior citizens is renown across the Top of Utah. She has a commonperson style that makes her accessible and pleasant.

    However, that doesn't mean she is lacking in qualifications. She is currently a academics success coordinator for the Office of Diversity at the University of Utah. She has a masters degree in public administration and was an appointee in Gov. Mike Leavitt's administration. She has worked with the Boys and Girls Club, Project Success, the Weber County Health Department and the Utah State Office of Black Affairs.

    She is a strong proponent of ethics reform at a time when the public trust in how the Legislature does business is lacking.

    Some may say that because she is a Democrat, Sawyer will lack influence and effectiveness in the Republican-dominated Legislature.


    We feel that kind of logic becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that denies quality individuals like Sawyer the opportunity of holding public office.

    Quite frankly, we are bothered by the circumstances that led to Reid filing for the seat in the first place. In his meeting with the board, Reid, who previously ran for the District 18 seat as a Democrat, indicated that Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey had recruited him to run as a Republican. Reid said he wavered back and forth, and didn't decide to file until the last minute. He also told us he's not sure how long he would even serve in the Legislature if elected.

    This doesn't sound like a guy whose heart is in it. It's clear his party-switch had nothing to do with a change in philosophy, but everything to do with politics.

    In contrast, Sawyer, who has been a lifelong Democrat, is committed to serving and speaking for those she feels don't have a voice.

    Sawyer is the type of person who won't be silent and will effectively represent her district through sheer determination and grit.

    As luck would have it, she will give her heart and soul to the job.


    Vehicle Crash With Fatalities On Route 113

    NEWARK -- A driver and three passengers were fatally injured when the driver attempted to pass in a no-pass zone, according to the Maryland State Police in Berlin.

    There were four vehicles involved in the crash, including a tractor-trailer that was struck by debris but had no direct contact with the accident, police said.

    The accident happened just before the 5 p.m. rush hour on Route 113 near the Langmaid Road intersection in Newark, forcing the stretch to close in both directions for several hours and motorists to take alternate routes.

    According to preliminary reports, the at-fault driver attempted to pass other cars on a double yellow line along the undivided highway with one lane in either direction. The MSP crash team was at the scene investigating late Monday.

    The speed limit along the stretch is 55 mph.

    Very little was left of the vehicle whose driver was at fault, Sgt. Christopher M. Davala said. It was the same vehicle that carried the four people who died, he said.

    "The at-fault vehicle was passing other vehicles on a double yellow line," Davala said. "It was very tough to identify the vehicle."

    Seven people were in the at-fault car, and three were airlifted to Peninsula Regional Medical Center, as were the drivers of two other vehicles involved, according to a report from the MSP.

    In all, 10 people were involved in the crash, the sergeant also said.

    "The driver of the tractor-trailer and the vehicle are in good shape," Davala said.

    Authorities were withholding the names of the victims until immediate family members were notified, according to Greg Shipley, spokesman for MSP in Pikesville.

    The tractor-trailer belongs to an Eastern Shore company, police said.