Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Painted By Nature

The grass has been cut.  Edging done.   Gardening complete!  Flower beds have been raked and weeded and now hold the blossoms that will last throughtout spring into summer.... then fall.

So many finely manicured lawns on the backroads of the Eastern Shore in Virginia.  Or anywhere else during spring.  Neatness counts for most if does for me.

But I  still prefer to watch and see what Nature designs in Spring.

She always paints with such beauty all of her  disorganized organized mess.

Always leaving just the right touches.

Get out and enjoy the Spring and enjoy the works of Nature.......while the beauty is  still here.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Prayers For Courtney

Extra prayers are needed for Courtney Bloxom.  Courtney was taken to Shore Memorial Hospital a few hours ago with  severe stomach pains. 

Please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers.

Town Clerk Charged With Embezzlement

ONANCOCK, Va. (WAVY) - Police arrested and charged the town clerk of Onancock with embezzlement, after recording her actions over the past month with a hidden camera.

Police said Patricia Colleen Reiber, of the 15000 block of Waterfield Street in Painter, was charged with embezzlement of public funds by a public officer.

State police started started watching Reiber on March 18, and made the arrest on April 19.
According to court documents, police installed a hidden camera into the town office at the town hall. Over the last month, police recorded Reiber taking money from the register and petty cash drawers on several occasions.

Police said they do not know the total amount of what she took, but at one time, she allegedly stole $200.

Reiber is currently out on bond.


Friday, April 22, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... April, 1977

Having cleared both the Maryland House and Senate the Pocomoke City Sunday Blue Law bill was ready to be signed into law by the governor, clearing the way for Sunday merchandise sales in Pocomoke City. In a 1974 referendum the Pocomoke City area voted against lifting Sunday Blue Law restrictions while the rest of Worcester County voted in favor and was permitting the Sunday sales. The bill to bring Pocomoke City in line with the remainder of the county was co-sponsored by House Of Delegates members Russell O. Hickman of Worcester County, R.C. (Biggy) Long of Somerset County, and Joseph J. Long of Wicomico County.


SAN DIEGO, CA, April 19, 2011… San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders signed a proclamation designating April 28, 2011 as Pay (Paw) It Forward Day.  By signing the proclamation, Mayor Sanders commends this observance to all our citizens.  Ricochet calls upon animal lovers, surfers, website administrators, bloggers, Facebook users, Twitter users, media, businesses, communities, health care professionals, educators, volunteers, and all people & pets of the world to get involved! 

The idea of Pay (Paw) It Forward Day, is for people to do one good deed for three others. When recipients ask how they can re-pay the favor, which can be big or small, they are instructed to pay/paw It forward to three more people.  With each good deed, the cycle of generosity and kindness will ripple across the world, making us all better people and pets.

Surf Dog Ricochet, the SURFice dog who inspires others with her charitable/Paw It Forward lifestyle, initiated the proclamation signed by Mayor Sanders.  She uses the term "Paw" it Forward to describe what she, and other pets can do to make a difference.

Pay (Paw) It Forward Day is a worldwide initiative based on the novel of the same name written by Catherine Ryan Hyde.  The premise of the story is about a 12 year old boy who did three good deeds for others in need.  All he asked in return, was for them to pass on the good deed to three other people, and keep the cycle going.

On April 28th, Ricochet will be pawing it forward locally, and encouraging people/pets around the world to do the same.  She recently had wrist bands made with the message "Paw it Forward", and proceeds are being donated to charity in the spirit of pawing it forward. Random acts of kindness can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, or paying for the vehicle ahead of you in the toll booth lane. Other acts of kindness can be rescuing an animal in need, helping a senior citizen, or babysitting for a friend. The list is endless!

Pay (Paw) It Forward Day is about all people, from all walks of life, giving to someone else, and making a positive difference.  There are over 15 countries involved, hundreds of schools are participating, and thousands of people will be paying it forward across the world.

Ricochet was named an ambassador for Pay It Forward Day by founder, Blake Beattie, "Ricochet embodies what Pay It Forward Day is all about.  She has done some wonderful good deeds and has made a real difference in the lives of many.  I think we can all learn some powerful lessons from this amazing dog who has a heart of gold.  It is great having Ricochet as an official ambassador of International Pay It Forward Day as she truly helps inspire the world - one good deed at a time."

Ricochet sincerely thank Mayor Sanders for proclaiming April 28, 2011 as Pay (Paw) It Forward Day. She encourages people to visit her website for more suggestions on how to Pay (Paw) it Forward, or her Facebook page  For more information on the worldwide Pay it Forward initiative go to

Note: For additional information contact Judy Fridono at 707-228-0679 or

Prices Rise- Quanity Lessens

Not only are gas prices soaring rapidly so are the prices on everything we consume.  Sometimes the prices go  up AND the quanity becomes smaller.  Alot of shoppers aren't even aware of it.

Someone brought this to my attention yesterday and I was amazed.  I'm guilty of buying this brand of sugar simply because it is less expensive than the 5 lb. bag  of  Domino sugar in  Wal*Mart.

Now I'm quite sure Wal*Mart has done everything correct with the pricing and all the info we need to know is on the shelf sticker and the weight is  clearly marked on the bag. 

My friend and I just never noticed. We assumed the 4 lb. bag of Great Value Pure Sugar was a 5 lb. bag. 

Does anyone know if this was ever a 5 lb. bag?

Breyers icecream did this a good while back.  Have you noticed the same thing happening in other foods?

Over 10 MILLION DOLLARS Unpaid To Accomack County

Alot of Accomack County taxpayers would like to know what is being done to collect the monies owed to the county.  Have we become such a wealthy county that these taxes don't need to be paid ?  Or is the County Treasurer's Office just hoping none of the taxpayers that carry the burden by paying  taxes on time will ever ask?  Taxpayers of Accomack County deserve some prompt answers!

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors met for their regular meeting on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 in the board chambers in Accomac.

During the Public Comment part of the meeting, Belle Haven resident Wesley Edwards told the board that he has confirmed with the County Treasurer that over 10 million dollars is owed in delinquent taxes. He provided the board members with copies of pages from the Supervisor's manual that states that the Treasurer must prepare several lists of uncollectible taxes and delinquents by August 1 of each year.

 The lists include real estate on the commissioner's land book improperly placed with the amount of taxes charged, other real estate which is delinquent, and taxes assessed on tangible personal property which the Treasurer in unable to collect. It also stated that the board may order the lists of delinquent taxes to be published in the newspaper.

 Edwards said he has never seen any of these lists and wants to know what is being covered up and wants taxpayers and voters to know who owes these millions of dollars that are not being collected. Edwards also provided the board with the list of the top 25 people who owe delinquent taxes.

Shirley Zamora of Onancock told the board that she believes decreasing the number of supervisors is a good idea. She said it would save the county money and asked the board to consider this sacrifice for the citizens.
Zamora expressed her concerns about the Whispering Pines hotel, calling it a nuisance and liability, noting that there are derelict buildings and a pool that she believes is filled with nasty water.

County Attorney Mark Taylor said the property owner, who is an investor from Pennsylvania owes over $10,000 in delinquent taxes. He also told the board that there were someone living at the hotel, who provides security for the property. Supervisor Wanda Thornton said because they owe over $10,000, the property needs to be sold. The board voted unanimously to have the Treasurer to sell the property as soon as possible.

There will be a public hearing concerning redistricting on May 12th at the board chambers in Accomac at 7:30. Board members and staff will be available for citizens to ask questions and view the redistricting maps at 6:30 p.m. At the Redistricting Meeting held last week, the board voted 8-1 to limit the amount of precincts in a district to three. District 8 Supervisor Donald Hart was the only one who voted against the motion. Hart stated he is concerned with the way redistricting has gone so far.

He went on to say that voting should be convenient, noting that the decision means that he is losing two of his smallest precincts in his district. Quinby residents must travel to Wachapreague to cast their vote and Keller residents will now vote in Bobtown.

Hart is concerned that this will make it more difficult for elderly citizens to vote.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Longtime Aide To Schaefer Dies The Same Day

The Baltimore Sun
Here is how Charlie Kelly imagined the scene at the pearly gates this week: William Donald Schaefer  awaits entry as St. Peter goes over his list. Maybe his eyes are widening as he sees all the rude, bombastic things Schaefer has said over the years.

A diminutive woman who just passed through the gates interjects, "He really didn't mean all those things he said."

St. Peter continues down his list — it's a long one — and the woman starts to reconsider. "Maybe you're right," she says. "A little bit of purgatory might do him some good."

Pam Kelly was one of  William Donald Schaefer's closest aides, from Baltimore's City Hall to the State House in Annapolis. She ran his Cabinet meetings, she managed his tantrums, she whispered election night intelligence in his ear.

And on Monday, she did one last piece of advance work for the former mayor and governor: Kelly, 66 and suffering from lung cancer,  died four hours before Schaefer did.

"She probably was up there getting things ready for him," said her husband, Charlie.

Schaefer's circle, of which she was something of a social director, has been much in the news this week as they plan his memorial service and funeral next week. But to less public attention they have also been mourning the loss of the woman some considered Schaefer's right hand, someone whose counsel he trusted and who could be counted on to save him from himself.

Chincoteague Island Easter Decoy and Art Show

32nd Annual Easter Decoy & Art Festival

April 22 & 23, 2011
Friday, April 22   Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 23     9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 23  Auction  7:30 p.m.
Chincoteague Combined School
4586 Main St.
Chincoteague Island, VA  23336

Local and national carvers and artists of all kinds exhibit and sell their works.  Awards are given in various categories.  Wooden Easter Eggs decorated by the exhibitors are offered in a silent auction. A live auction of donated works caps off the weekend. 
Admission to the show is $3.00 per day.
(children under 12 are free--no admission to auction)
Fax: 757-336-1242

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center

Accepting Applications for 2011 Theater Academy!
This year the Mar-Va Theater Performing Arts Center will bring you three exciting sessions of Theater Academy. 

We will offer sessions for varying abilities.  Our Introductory Session is for those thespians that are beginning to learn the craft of theater and performing arts. Students with three years or more experience may register for our Advanced or Musical sessions.  Each session culminates in a production.  

Advanced Session: Midsummer Night's Dream

Musical Session: Peter Pan and Wendy

For more information contact Emily by email:

Click HERE to download the application for 2011 Theater Academy.

~The Colors of Spring~

Nature doesn't need fake egg dye to color her eggs.  She has her own palette of colors to select from.

And it doesn't  really matter where we call home just so we are all snuggled together in the same tidy nest.

Thanks Jordan !

'Cold Feet' Gets Groom Jail Time

Nancy Drury Duncan
Staff Writer- Daily Times
ACCOMAC -- An Accomack County man described by his attorney as having "cold feet" before his wedding will serve jail time for taking his girlfriend's money and car and trying to flee to Central America just weeks before the planned nuptials.

Gilbert Werner, 33, of Chincoteague pleaded guilty to charges of uttering, grand larceny and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in Accomack Circuit Court.

Defense attorney Patrick Robbins said the man was having "second thoughts" two weeks before the upcoming marriage.

Werner took $500 from his fiancé, forged her checks and used her car in a way that was described as "beyond the scope of her permission."

The car was found in Salisbury where Werner left it. Werner bought an airline ticket out of the country in an attempt to meet his mother in Costa Rica, according to Robbins.

He had been abandoned by her as a child and grew up in an orphanage, Robbins told the court.

On the witness stand, Werner said he was going through a lot.

"I had just found my mother," he said. "I just kind of broke down."

He said his then-girlfriend had forgiven him for what he did. "She still loves and misses me," he said.

Robbins said his client had made restitution and even filed his 2010 tax return from jail, where he has been the past 10 months.

Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Francis Suraci presented evidence that Werner should serve time in jail because he had a criminal record. He was convicted of arson and unlawful wounding when he was 19 years old, Suraci said.

A year later, Suraci said, he served time for grand larceny and unlawful wounding.

"He was good for 13 years," Robbins said. He has been working and making "pretty decent earnings."

Werner was sentenced to nine years in prison with all suspended but 18 months.

PCVFD Responds To Electrical Outage

During the high winds  and storm that blew  threw Pocomoke City last Saturday night (April 16, 2011) the Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Department was called to the scene of the Homewood Drive area. 
Due to the high winds in the area a tree limb had fallen onto the power lines causing electrical outages in the area.

The fire department remained on the scene until Delmarva Power arrived to repair the problem.

Photos from Pocomoke City Vol. Fire Department website.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rural Living During Spring

When you live 5 miles from the highway, deep in the country, anything can be seen traveling down the road.  On my way to run some errands I spotted what seemed to be a brown fuzzy ball of fur venturing down the  road close to the shoulder.

I was lucky enough to run into a nearby neighbor, now retired from the DNR,  and asked him what it could have been.  I had seen a muskrat!  Well, I KNOW what a muskrat looks like but had never seen one so far from where they normally live, never walking down the shoulder of the road and certainly never one so small.   According to him,  the reason is that with the unusual high tides we have experienced lately the muskrat are making their tunnels in nearby ditches.

Well, that makes sense, I guess,  but the tiny, furry thing seemed to be to far away from his natural habitat  for my preference.  So, on the return trip back home I slowed in the area I had seen the muskrat.  Sure enough,  there that furry thisg was nibbling on fresh green grass  completely uninterested that I was there aiming a camera  towards it.

Meet Marietta Muskrat!

I drew my own conclusion on this matter because I'm still not comforable with this littlle thing venturing so far from the water  even though  it  knows very well what it's doing.

Even muskrat like to dine away from home.

Tangier Needs YOUR Help! ~ CHEER FOR TANGIER

As written in Shore Daily News/WESR
Let's hear it for Tangier Island! Tangier Island, is home to over 500 people and has been referred to as heaven on earth by many. But Tangier Island is facing a serious challenge. Part of the island is eroding and islanders are worried about losing this priceless piece of America.

But there's good news! We can all help, and all you have to do is "cheer" for Tangier! Readers Digest, who says they are the world's largest global editorial brand and have a reputation for "getting to the heart of the matter and "capturing the best of America" is running the "We Hear You America" campaign.
Basically its an online contest where people can go to a specific site and vote "or cheer", as they call it, up to ten times daily for the town of their choice. The top ten towns with the greatest amount of cheers, wins.


The prize for getting the most votes? They call it promotional and economic stimulus. The top ten winning towns of this phase of the contest, which runs until May 16th, will receive funds ranging from $10,000 to the grand prize of $40,000, plus promotional support through Reader's Digest outlets which includes over 30 million readers. Having that kind of publicity could encourage a lot of people to visit the unique island of Tangier and that could definitely stimulate many parts of our eastern shore economy.

But there is a more important reason for you to cheer than stimulating our economy. Shelli Crockett, who is from Tangier and now lives in Texas is spearheading the efforts, using social media like Facebook, to encourage cheering. I talked with Shelli who told me that because Tangier is eroding at an alarming rate, the prize money will go towards a new seawall. "This small island has an important place in history and needs to be saved." says Crockett.

Tangier Mayor William Eskridge says this is a very serious problem. On the east side of the island, there are openings on both sides of the harbor that are quickly eroding and the openings are getting wider every year. They have needed a new seawall since the late 90s but funding has just not been available. A seawall or jetty as some call it would cost at least $300,000.

He said back in the 80's a seawall was put in on the west side and it saved the island. Had it not been done, the airport and some homes would be gone.

Now, when you are competing with the whole United States, it might seem impossible to win this type of competition. But actually, Tangier was in 800th place when they started and has quickly moved to 26th place. Thats really amazing and I believe we can finish in the top ten, if not at 1! So here's the website:

On that site, you can find comments left by those who are cheering, like: "if the old English accents do not draw you to Tangier... Its rich and vast history and amazing natural beauty will. So I ask you to please help save Tangier." Another one reads: "Did you know that Tangier Island played a role in the national anthem, which next year will be 200 years old? Let's make sure Tangier also lives long after that, in part by building a seawall that could get a huge financial boost from this cheer campaign. Francis Scott Key penned The Star Spangled Banner after the British failure at Baltimore - which had been predicted by Joshua Thomas, the Parson of the Islands, who addressed the British on Tangier's beach. The continuing, unique culture of this waterman community and its rich history make it worthy of your cheer!" It certainly does.

Now, when I was talking with Mayor Eskridge, he also told me that Tangier is willing to take barges to provide protection for their island. He has talked with Congressman Scott Rigell about having a barge brought in as an alternative to a rock or concrete seawall. Would you take a few minutes to give Congressman Rigells office a call to tell him that you support this effort? Congressman Rigell's local number is (757)789-5172.

Let's join in together to save this island by cheering to win or by helping to get a barge. And remember to visit everyday to cheer for Tangier!

More Information CLICK HERE TO VOTE!!


Please note that when you vote you will have to put your name and street address plus state- VA.,  zip code, along with your email address.  For street address I used  Main St.  ZIP CODE IS:  23440.  The nice thing is you can vote your  10 times a day all in ONE sitting!    It's so easy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Once Governor William Donald Schaefer Dies

William Donald Schaefer, who served four terms as Mayor of Baltimore and two terms as Governor of Maryland, died today.  He was 89 years old.

Accident On Chesapeake Bay Bridge ~ Man Falls Overboard

SANDY POINT, Md. (AP) — Authorities say a man has died after he was thrown from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge when his disabled car was rear-ended.

The Maryland Transportation Authority says the man was one of three people pulled from the water below the bridge in separate incidents on Monday.

Authority police spokesman Sgt. Jonathan Green says the 70-year-old man got out of his Honda Accord of the eastbound span. That's when a large truck hit the car, which knocked the man over the jersey wall and into the water about 50 feet below.

The man was pronounced dead at a local hospital and a passenger was treated for a medical emergency.

Rescuers were called out twice more Monday to pull people from the water below the bridge, including a man who jumped.

Victim Robbed, Carjacked and Shot Near Parksley Saturday Evening

According to Major Todd Godwin, on April 17, 2011 at approximately 12:41 P.M., the Accomack County Sheriff's Office was notified of a gunshot victim who had been located on Whites Neck Road near Parksley, Virginia.

 Further investigation revealed that this incident had actually occurred during the late evening hours of April 16, 2011 in the John Cane Road area of Parksley.

The victim was allegedly signaled to stop by the suspects, and following a confrontation, the victim was robbed, assaulted and shot by the suspects. The victim's vehicle was taken during this incident but has since been recovered.

Suspect information has been developed in this case and the investigation is continuing.

The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, Maryland by Parksley Rescue where he was later transferred to another medical facility. Assisting the Accomack County Sheriff's Office was the Parksley Police Department.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666.


Arrests Made In Shooting ~ Police Still Search For One

According to Major Todd Godwin, on April 1, 2011, the Accomack County Sheriff's Office was notified of multiple gunshots being fired on A. S. West Road near Painter, Virginia, and that one subject had been injured as a result of the gunfire. The victim in that incident was transported to a medical facility where he was treated, and has since been released.

An extensive investigation into that incident has resulted in warrants being obtained against several subjects on a variety of charges.

49 year old Richmond Southey Johnson, of Parksley, was arrested on April 15, 2011 and has been charged with Malicious Wounding, Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Johnson is incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail with bond denied.

46 year old Samuel Randolph Custis, of Painter, was arrested on April 18, 2011 and has been charged with Malicious Wounding, Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. Custis is incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail with bond denied.

24 year old Jarod Scott Lee, of Painter, was arrested on April 18, 2011 and has been charged with three counts of Attempted Malicious Wounding and one count of Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony. Lee is incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail with bond denied.

36 year old Phillip Maurice Robinson, of Painter, is wanted on one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon.

Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Phillip Robinson is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666.


Motorcycle Accident

An Eastern Shore man died in a motorcycle accident early Sunday morning in Accomack County.

Allen Derrick Ferrell, a 52-year-old Wachapreague resident, was pronounced dead at the scene near the junction of Willis Street and Drummondtown Road. The single-vehicle accident happened around 1:45 a.m. Sunday.

Sgt. Michelle Anaya of state police said Ferrell was riding a 2000 Harley-Davidson and lost control while turning from Willis onto Drummondtown. He slammed into a tree.

The accident remains under investigation.


~Don't Forget It's National Park Week~

BERLIN, Md. -- Superintendent Trish Kicklighter has announced that in celebration of National Park Week, the entrance fee to Assateague Island National Seashore will be waived from April 16-24.
The fee waiver applies at both the Maryland and Virginia districts of the Seashore.

"The fee-free National Park Week provides a great opportunity for individuals and families alike to come out and enjoy all that Assateague has to offer," Kicklighter said. "I encourage everyone to take advantage of the free admission to visit one of the East Coast's finest seashores." First time visitors are encouraged to stop at either of the seashore's two visitor centers to see exhibits and get information about the many recreational activities and natural features in the seashore.

Ranger-led programs are scheduled throughout the week in both the Maryland and Virginia districts. Be sure to join park staff on April 23 as they celebrate National Junior Ranger Day. Explore Assateague from beach to bay with aquarium talks, beach walks, crafts, GPS activities and much more. Program schedules may be found by visiting

The waiver of entrance fees applies not just at Assateague but at all other National Park System areas that normally charge an entrance fee. This year's focus, "Healthy Parks, Healthy People," highlights the connection between human and environmental health and the vital role America's national parks play in both. So take advantage of the free entrance and enjoy a park near you, starting with Assateague.

For more information on Assateague Island National Seashore or to plan a trip, visit


Sunday, April 17, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... July, 1955

After five months under construction Pocomoke City's new J.J. Newberry Store was set to open at the northeast corner of Market and Second Streets where the old Wilson Hotel once stood. The new store would feature 40 major departments as well as a lunch counter, and a half-mile of air conditioned selling and display space with slim-line florescent lighting and incandescent spotlights. The new Pocomoke Newberry's would be five times larger than its' old store located on the west side of Market Street and would have about 40 employees.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Birthday Today


and best wishes !!

From the PPE

Tree limb down & power outage


There is a tree limb down and a live wire down at Adkins Place and Homewood Drive.  Traffic on Homewood is being blocked by the PVFC and PCPD From Cedar to Hamsphire Terrace until the power company arrives to shut down the power.  The tree limb is burning periodically.

Drivers needed to get out of White Oaks or Homewood should use Hampshire Terrace to Adkins Place to Holiday Drive to Cedar St. until the scene is cleared.

I believe that most of Homewood and White Oaks is without power.

Councilman Clarke

EDITOR; There is also a tree or a pole with electrical wires down on Hayward Rd

Big Government. Small Brains. Dumb Laws

Here's a few dumb laws that remain on the books still to this day. I will start out with Maryland not for the obvious reason but because we are close to Easter and one of the dumb laws for Maryland is pertaining to the Easter Holiday.

City Laws in Maryland

""""It is a violation of city code to sell chicks or ducklings to a minor within 1 week of the Easter holiday."

"It’s illegal to throw bales of hay from a second-story window within the city limits.

It’s illegal to take a lion to the movies.

It is a park rule violation to be in a public park with a sleeveless shirt.

No person who is a “tramp” or “vagrant” shall loiter in any park at any time.

Though you may spit on a city roadway, spitting on city sidewalks is prohibited.

You may not curse inside the city limits.


It is illegal to use profane language on a playground.

Knocking stones into a public park is prohibited.


Persons may not swear while on the highway.
Full text of the law.

It is illegal to remove a public building by writing on it.
Citizens may not swim in the public fountains within the city limits.

Quote Of The Day

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

- Mark Twain

Today's Wisdom

Why are Raincoats Yellow?


Any More Questions?

Locals Beware Theft

As promised this is a BOLO and local theft warning to everyone, but especially those that live in the Clarke Ave. Laurel St. Cedar St. Second and Forth St. area.

Starting about three weeks or so ago I started missing things around the yard I really didn't pay much attention to it until we noticed that a whole bunch of aluminum cans we had been saving were gone, this was a LOT of cans, my guess is that we had at least two large pick-up truck loads of cans all bagged up and ready to take to the recyclers. I didn't have anywhere to store that mountain of cans so they had to stay there until I was able to take them to the recyclers, I also had a very nice set of 19" wheels and tires stored behind my house near the cans.

The day that I had noticed the first bags of cans gone the thief somehow returned and stole ALL of the mountain of cans that were left except for a few that had busted bags, he also managed to steal two of my set of wheels and tires on this trip to the candy store.

This is when I went to the police, I made a report of the theft and of the things that were missing and I went on my way. The very next day my wife caught him stealing the remainder of the cans that he left behind from the busted bags, at this point she called the police and they came to my house and made a report and told my wife that by her description that they knew who this was.

I was thinking oh good they will go pick this criminal up and charge him with theft, trespassing, etc. Right.....? WRONG!

So now a few days pass and I'm still finding things missing, old bikes, wheels, anything that would bring a penny at the recyclers but I figured that the police would be on his tail and nab him in the act. Right....? WRONG AGAIN!

Next couple of days after more things gone my son catches him with a shopping cart (that came from my yard) and cans in the cart. My son calls the police and the police arrest him right there.

Well I don't know what they did with him after that but I'm still having things stolen from my yard and he's still on the streets. I was on my way home yesterday and I spotted one of the bikes that were stolen from me, it's standing up in a yard not to far from my house, in-fact it's less than a block away and less than a block from the police station.

I do not see this characters name on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search and I have not heard from the police yet, so he's still running around stealing from you and I. 

DON'T FORGET ~ Atlantic Fire and Rescue Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast Buffet

Atlantic Fire and Rescue Company in having their annual
Saturday, April 16, 2011
7:00 AM until  11:00 AM
Breakfast includes:  eggs, pancakes, sausage, scrapple, drinks
Adults  $7:00    Children under 6 years of age  $3.00

Carry out available

EASTER EGG HUNT begins at 10:00 AM and is FREE with the purchase of breakfast!
Check out the BAKE SALE too!
Located on Atlantic Road about 2 1/2 miles south of Rt. 175.

Walk For MS Today

With 10 walks throughout Maryland more than 300 walkers will take part in this weekend's 5k   WALK  MS in Ocean City, Maryland.

The money raised through WALK  MS helps to support education, research and services  to help people with Mulltiple Sclerosis move forward with their lives.

at The Grand Hotel
2100 Baltimore Avenue
Ocean City, Maryland



Team Pietroski

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ TODAY

  SATURDAY April 16th

Easter Eaggs will be hidden throughout the Delmarva Discovery Center
Rooms will be separated by ages 2-5 and 6-10
Winners from each group will receive a prize bag!!
Fun starts at 11:00 AM
For more information, call 410-957-9933, ext.  101
~~~~~     ~~~~~~     ~~~~~     ~~~~~
Look what else is happening at the Delmarva Discovery Center Today!
Meet a naturalist inside the Discovery Center at 2pm on Saturday  for a guided tour of the riverside and Cypress Park nature trail, free with admission. Remember to wear proper footwear!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Locals Beware

There are a couple of guys riding around in a white SUV going from house to house claiming that they "sell cleaning supplies".

DO NOT open your door to these crooks, call the police and get a good description and tag number if you can. These goons are not trying to sell you anything they want to rob you. I have heard that they are looking for checks to wash, and I have also heard that they simply want to rob you.

Either way, just do not answer your door for any strangers especially if the above description fits.

Also, there is a rash of theft happening in the Clarke Ave. Laurel St area. I will have an article on that later. In the mean time make sure everything in your yard is put away and under lock and key, if not it WILL be stolen. If you see anyone in your yard, call the police.

Keep an eye on your neighbors property also if possible.

Overlarge Cargo Arrived At NASA

If your travels were delayed yesterday on Route 13 in Pocomoke heading south here's the reason.
This is another component to the Orbital Science's Corporation's Taurus II Launch Vehicle.  The component was transported on a specially designed truck/trailer and had traveled from the Port of  Wilmington  in  Delaware heading  south  towards NASA at Wallops Island.

Arrests In Keller Post Office Burglary

According to Major Todd Godwin, on Wednesday, April 6 at approximately 7:30 a.m., the Accomack County Sheriffs Office received a report regarding a breaking & entering at the Keller Post Office. Taken from the post office was an undisclosed amount of property and damage was also reported as a result of the burglary.

Major Godwin stated that Accomack County Investigators processed the scene of the crime and further investigation led to the identification and arrest of several suspects involved.

Barry T. Dewaal, age 50 of Melfa, was arrested April 7 on a charge of receiving stolen property. He was released on a $2500 bond.

Brandon Durrua, age 23 of Onley, was arrested April 11 on charges of breaking & entering and grand larceny. He is incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail with bond denied.

Alex Dewaal, age 21 of Melfa, was arrested April 13 on charges of breaking and  entering and grand larceny. He was released on a $1500 bond.

Assisting in the investigation were the United States Postal Inspectors and the Onley Police Department.


Rural Sign Painter