Monday, September 26, 2011

Poker Run To Benefit Courtney Bloxom

Saturday, October 1,  2011
11:30am - 2:30pm



11:30 AM TILL 1:30PM .








More to come..............

As always, please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers....................

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Problems Commenting?

Is anyone having problems leaving a comment? If so please let us know @
We have opened the comments up to non-moderated to see if that fixes this problem, the downside of that is we had to enable the word verification which will add that one little extra step to leave a comment but without the word verification we'd get swamped with spam.

Please bare with us until we get this figured out.


    TIME MACHINE ... Electricity!

    (Excuse the "shocking" pun on this week's previews. No, not any shocking revelations today but items that all deal with electricity! Hope you'll find them of interest.)


    February, 1942

    (The Salisbury Times)


    Half Of Rural Homes In Area To Get Electricity

    More than 50-percent of approximately 1,200 rural homes and farm buildings on the lower Eastern Shore have been wired for electricity and inspected by the Choptank Cooperative in readiness for REA current to be turned on next Monday.

    The three switches at power stations on the Eastern Shore at Salisbury, near Princess Anne, and at Airy in Dorchester County will be turned on according to John Warren of Snow Hill, coordinator of the project for the Choptank Cooperative.

    Although houses are wired for the current, the system will not be ready for use for the homes for about ten days or two weeks after the current is officially turned on. As soon as the homes are wired, the Choptank Cooperative inspects and approves each job.

    Maintenance will be done by the cooperative, which has made arrangements to purchase power from the Eastern Shore Public Service Company.

    Rights of way were obtained from all subscribers on the power routes by farmers who volunteered their services in the interest of obtaining power for their communities.

    A meeting of the cooperative today in Denton was held to elect officers and make final arrangements for bringing the lower shore unit into the cooperative as a completed project of the Rural Electrification Administration. 


    July, 1944

    (Eastern Shore Public Service Ad)

    The question most frequently asked about extending electric service to the farm is "How much will it cost to have a line extended to me?"

    Our new rural line plan offers an easy solution to this problem because most farms can be connected without any expenditure on the part of the farmer for the electric lines. This plan includes not only the electric line along the county road, but also the line running into the farm.

    Temporary wartime restrictions may delay the construction of some lines, but we are ready now to estimate your needs and contract for your requirements. If you are interested in having electric service on your farm, we shall be happy to talk with you. Just give us a call or drop a penny postcard to Ready Killowatt, Box 391, Salisbury, Md., and say "I am interested in getting electricity to my farm." 


    Anyone know when electricity first came to Pocomoke City? Perhaps it was around the same time as nearby neighbor Snow Hill.

    December, 1887

    (The Herald And Torch Light- Hagerstown, Md)

    Snow Hill, Worcester County, was lighted for the first time on Wednesday night of last week with electric lights. The work of wiring stores, etc., proceeded rapidly and the business portion of the town has been supplied with electric lights.


    March, 1970

    One of Pocomoke City's long standing buildings, which in earlier times had housed the town's ice and electric company, was demolished. The Maple Street building had been built around 1910. 



    August, 1885

    (The Wellsboro Agitator- Wellsboro, Pa.)


    Good For Hot Weather


    An electric lamp manufacturing firm has recently invented something quite new. It is an electric fan. Upon the top ( an ordinary lamp pedestol about a foot high) is mounted a screw propeller fan. The standard is of wood or other non-conducting material, with wires running up through the middle. When the connection is made, the fan begins to revolve rapidly.

    The battery is contained in a little box about four to five inches square. It holds material to generate electricity enough to turn the fan several hours. The fan is fixed upon a hinge so it can be set at any desired angle, thus changing its direction. Clockwork fans are not uncommon. In large factories, where large number of men are crowded together in hot rooms, large revolving wooden fans are attached to the machinery and worked by steam. But this neat little electric arrangement seems an improvement on any other plan that has yet been tried.


    November, 1905

    (The Anaconda Standard)


    Latest Labor Saving Invasion In The Cooks Domain- Economy Of Time Accomplished

    "A newer application of electricity to household uses is the electric refrigerator," says a writer on "The Electric Housekeeper" in the Technical World Magazine.

    "Heretofore the difficulty has been to make a practical apparatus small enough for use in the average household. An electric machine which will furnish refrigeration equivalent to that supplied by 800 pounds of ice has been on the market for some time and shows a saving of 50 per cent over the ice-cooler apparatus. Now, it is claimed, a smaller electric refrigerator is about ready for general introduction, which will take the place of ice boxes which now use 100 pounds daily. It will show a considerable saving over the cost of ice and will do away with the uncleanliness, odor, and general sloppiness which too often make the ordinary ice box a nuisance. The new machine will be arranged so that when the desired degree of cold is reached the electric current will automatically shut off, to be turned on again in the same way when the temperature rises above a certain point."


    December, 1905

    (The New York Times)


    Viands Cooked on Electric Range or Frozen to Order.

    An electric heating company gave an exhibition last evening in its booth at the electrical show in Madison Square Garden of what can be done in a kitchen with electricity. An elaborate dinner was served, all cooked and prepared on an electric range. A special arrangement of the meter recorded the moderate amount of electricity used in cooking the meal.

    Not only were hot viands prepared, but dishes which should be served cold were cooled in an electric refrigerator.

    Footnote: "viands - articles or dishes of food, now usually of a choice or delicate kind."


    Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

    Structure Fire Friday Night

    You have to know that fire departments, along with any organization that protects and serves communities, are very special to me.  I appreciate everything they do and I admire their dedication....every ounce of it.  And I don't think that any of them could  ever be recognized enough.

    Friday night not far from my own home four fire departments were called to a structure fire on Saxis Road.  Every single person that lives around here KNOWS this  house.  I have been told that years ago it was a country store but more recently the house has been used for seasonal  farm workers that move into the area for just a few weeks then leave.

    The yard is always maintained.  The house has siding on it.  It is NOT an eyesore in the community compared to some we have to see.

    But for some reason on Friday evening of September 23, 2011 some low living creature decided to burn this home.

    Now, this really jerks my chain!  Men and women were called to duty - dropping what they were doing for the evening - to fight a fire started by someone that doesn't give a darn or just wanted to see something burn...........

    That's called -ARSON- 


    Here's what I'd like to know...........Do they have any idea who did this?  What was used to start this fire?  Has the person/s been arrested?  Just how safe are the other unoccupied homes in this area?
     I took these photos the next day....
    This is the aftermath - all created because someone had NO regard for property owned by someone else.....  NOR the fact that the brave, unselfish men and women of our community had to put their personal lives on hold to take care of mess that was caused by someone whose life is probably a mess.

    This structure is located on the corner of Jenkins Bridge Road and Saxis Road.  The wonderful fire departments that responded were from the fire departments of Saxis, Bloxom, Atlantic and New Church.  All wonderful fire departments manned with all volunteers that extinguished the fire within a short period of time but remained on the scene for several hours to assist in "overhaul and investigation".  The investigation is being handled by Virginia State Police Investigator Neal.

    For the peace of mind in the community I sincerely hope this 'firebug' is nabbed before he/they have the chance to destroy something else..... that belongs to someone else.... and before someone gets injured. 

    The UARS Has Fallen Back To Earth

    It seems the dreaded satellite no longer needed  by NASA has fallen to the Earth. 

    I awoke in the middle of the night a few nights ago to a humming in the sky and my first thought was this research satellite (as BIG as a bus) was heading towards my yard.  Then I remembered I was a day early in my thoughts and figured then it must have just been an alien saucer landing and leaving a fresh supply of mosquitoes.  I would deal with that later in the morning and fell back to sleep.

    People were worried sick about the landing location of this mass and I have to admit I may have been more concerned if  I had seen Chicken Little being interviewed on CNN.

    You can  remove your hard hats now.  You can walk into the street and your own backyards.  It's not here. 

    And I must admit that if I had known about this 14 years ago I had forgotten it.  That's why I don't work for NASA.  I would have forgotten about it........besides what did we learn about chemicals in atmosphere?

    Here's a release from NASA that's pretty interesting.......  Read it and find out exactly where "the bus" did land...........

    NASA's UARS Re-Enters Earth's Atmosphere

    WASHINGTON – NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. Sept. 24, 20 years and nine days after its launch on a 14-year mission that produced some of the first long-term records of chemicals in the atmosphere.

    The precise re-entry time and location of debris impacts have not been determined. During the re-entry period, the satellite passed from the east coast of Africa over the Indian Ocean, then the Pacific Ocean, then across northern Canada, then across the northern Atlantic Ocean, to a point over West Africa. The vast majority of the orbital transit was over water, with some flight over northern Canada and West Africa.

    Six years after the end of its productive scientific life, UARS broke into pieces during re-entry, and most of it up burned in the atmosphere. Data indicates the satellite likely broke apart and landed in the Pacific Ocean far off the U.S. coast. Twenty-six satellite components, weighing a total of about 1,200 pounds, could have survived the fiery re-entry and reach the surface of Earth. However, NASA is not aware of any reports of injury or property damage.

    The Operations Center for JFCC-Space, the Joint Functional Component Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., which works around the clock detecting, identifying and tracking all man-made objects in Earth orbit, tracked the movements of UARS through the satellite’s final orbits and provided confirmation of re-entry.

    “We extend our appreciation to the Joint Space Operations Center for monitoring UARS not only this past week but also throughout its entire 20 years on orbit,” said Nick Johnson, NASA’s chief scientist for orbital debris, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. “This was not an easy re-entry to predict because of the natural forces acting on the satellite as its orbit decayed. Space-faring nations around the world also were monitoring the satellite’s descent in the last two hours and all the predictions were well within the range estimated by JSpOC.”

    UARS was launched Sept. 12, 1991, aboard space shuttle mission STS-48 and deployed on Sept. 15, 1991. It was the first multi-instrumented satellite to observe numerous chemical components of the atmosphere for better understanding of photochemistry. UARS data marked the beginning of many long-term records for key chemicals in the atmosphere. The satellite also provided key data on the amount of light that comes from the sun at ultraviolet and visible wavelengths. UARS ceased its scientific life in 2005.

    Because of the satellite's orbit, any surviving components of UARS should have landed within a zone between 57 degrees north latitude and 57 degrees south latitude. It is impossible to pinpoint just where in that zone the debris landed, but NASA estimates the debris footprint to be about 500 miles long.

    For more information about UARS, visit:

    Saturday, September 24, 2011

    TIME MACHINE Preview ... Shocking?

    Remember to take a look at the TIME MACHINE tomorrow on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

    Some potentially shocking items this week??

    Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

    Have You Thought About Being A Volunteer?

    Volunteers are needed.... Please ask a friend to volunteer with you.  If you are a member of an organization get your group involved in this worthy cause.  Let's keep this trail growing......
    The Nature Trail Committee is looking for public spirited people!

    Volunteers are needed to work with the Nature Trail Committee in continuing the trail extension of the Nature Trail.

    To refresh your memories, The Nature Trail is located in the back of Cypress Park. The trail began as a boarded walk through a maze of Cypress trees, fern and other woodsy growth continuing over towards Stevenson's Pond. Benches were provided along the walkway for relaxing and observing those magnificent Cypress trees, birds and wildlife.

    Through the years the Nature Trail has taken many twists and turns and now actually runs from Stevenson's Pond to the banks of the scenic Pocomoke River. The newer extensions connect to the original trail and wind their way through the more dense swamp. The trail is also handicap accessible.

    Here is where volunteers are needed!! YOUR HELP is needed -as Friends of the Nature Trail- with continuing this dream and keeping the Nature Trail alive. More work needs to be done.

    If you are an adult and you love the outdoors but can't seem to pull yourself away from the recliner to take a walk here is your excuse to get out into the fresh air! If you have experience in carpentry I'm sure your assistance would be appreciated in this rewarding work. You don't have to have experience - just be a volunteer.

    Ask others in your church, your local organizations, or ask your neightbor to volunteer with you.

    Let's see this dream that the Nature Trail Committee began a few years ago goes even farther than they ever thought possible.

    I'll have another post in a couple of days giving you information on who to contact. But until then let's see how many wonderful Pocomoke people we can get to volunteer.

    ~Delmarva's Got Talent~ TONIGHT

    Another great night at the Mar-Va Theater
    in downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland.

    Show begins at 7:00 PM
    Admission:  $10.00  adults
                       $  5.00  children

    Don't miss the fun!  See if you know anyone up there displaying their talent!!

    REMINDER ~ Gumboro Mudbog

    Due to the recent rains and flooding since Hurricane Irene and recent rainfall this weekend the GUMBORO MUDBOG  has been CANCELLED for today.

    The next Gumboro Mudbog is October 8, 2011

    Saturday Events At Sonic In Oak Hall

    SONIC DRIVE IN in Oak Hall, Virginia
    will be holding a fund raiser today,
    Saturday, September 24, 2011.

    Proceeds from the fund raiser will benefit the Make A Wish Foundation with some foundation members being present for the events.
    Events will begin at 10:00 AM.  Plenty of parking.

    This will be an all day event lasting into the evening.

    Events for the day include:

    Car Show

    Music ~ Three talented young recording artist that have opened and been on tour with artist from the Disney channel and many more. These young artists will draw a huge crowd to help raise the money that is much needed.

    Raffles ~ Prizes ~ Games for everyone!

    And a special demonstration at 12:00 by the students from Pocomoke Karate and Judo in Pocomoke City, Maryland, under the instuction of Mrs. Diana Toledo Martin.  Diana has done so much for the community  and her students have never given  a bad performance You will be amazed at what they can do.

    Make sure to get there early and plan to stay a while. 

    Proceeds go to the Make A Wish Foundation.

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Beginning TONIGHT @ Mar-Va Theater

    Mar-Va Theater
    7:00 PM
    Tickets $10.00 at the door

    Tonight is the first big night! 
    Be sure to see all the great talents on Delmarva!

    Gumboro Mudbog Canceled

    The mudbog scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2011 in Gumboro, Del.  has been canceled due to the weather conditions that have been forcasted for today and tomorrow.

    No word on a date to make up this race.

    The next date for Gumboro Mudbog  is Saturday, October 8th.

    Unless tomorrows canceled race is rescheduled  October 8th will be the last race for the season.

    After 41 Years - "All My Children" Ends Today..........

    CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV)-- While the online version of All My Children remains in question, the online presence of the show's fans is a certainty.

    After 41 years on ABC, the decision was made by network executives to cancel the popular soap opera because of a decline in projected ratings and the popularity of other genres of daytime television. Going in its place? An hour long talk show dedicated to all things food-related: The Chew.

    The Chew will feature well known foodies:
    • Mario Batali from Iron Chef
    • Michael Symon from Iron Chef
    • Carla Hall from Top Chef
    • Clinton Kelly of What Not to Wear
    and will introduce Daphne Oz, the 25-year-old daughter of Dr. Mehmet Oz.

    Following the announcement of the cancellation back in April, fans of the show made their displeasure known across the internet, accusing executives of being greedy and alienating millions of faithful viewers. Some even organized and called for a boycott of the network which led to one household name doing just that. Vacuum maker Hoover pulled all of its advertising from ABC. Turns out the marketing executive who made that decision has a mother and wife who are both big fans of the show.

    But is it the end for the people of Pine Valley? The possibility of a new version of the show has many fans waiting to hear if they will be able to get their soap opera fix online. Prospect Park, the production company behind Royal Pains on the USA network and Wilfred on FX, has acquired the license for AMC and is attempting to launch a web version next January. The new series is expected to pick up where the TV version left off. How many returning cast members will be there to do so remains to be seen.

    So far, only two cast members have signed on to appear online next year. Due to contract and pay disputes, Emmy award winning star Susan Lucci has not signed on as of yet but her coworkers Cameron Mathison (Ryan) and Lindsay Hartley (Cara) have.

    How upset are the fans? Very. Imagine that you have watched a show for so long, you don't remember ever not watching it. You know the characters and their back stories like you know your own family. We asked our viewers what they thought on our Facebook page.

    "I'm so upset," commented Tricia "I already cried twice this week watching it, and I'm sure I will cry Thursday and Friday as well."

    Andrea had personal ties to the show. "Hate it! Started watching AMC when I was 2 with my mom & grandmother. Can't believe ABC is doing this. Nobody wants another ridiculous cooking show."

    In regards to the cooking show, Tricia pointed out, "I wish Disney would pull their heads out their butts and realize that stay at home moms and wives don't want to watch cooking shows, it only makes them remember they have to do it later."

    One Life to Live was also canceled. Its last show airs next January leaving General Hospital as the only daytime soap on ABC.

    If you have questions or concerns regarding the programming changes, you can contact ABC directly either online or by calling the ABC Audience Information phone line at 818-460-7477


    Friday Specials At Shore Beef and BBQ


    LUNCH ~ All Day
    Beef BBQ Sandwich/w side
    and drink ~ $7.50

    1/2 BBQ  Chicken ~ 1/2 Rack of Ribs
    w/ 2 sides  ~ $17.50

    Route 13  South
    Before T's Corner

    Flash Flood WATCH Issued For Eastern Shore Today

    A flash flood watch has been issued for Accomack and Northampton County as well as Worcester and Somerset County in Maryland from midnight Thursday through Friday at midnight.

    Scattered showers, more widespread rain and thunderstorms are expected Thursday evening, through midnight and into Friday.

    Total rainfall is projected to be 1-3 inches.

    The ground is still saturated from a heavy month of rainfall on the Eastern Shore, thanks in part to Hurricane Irene.

    A flash flood watch means conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding.

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    ~Poker Run To Benefit Courtney Bloxom~

    Saturday, October 1,  2011
    11:30am - 2:30pm



    11:30 AM TILL 1:30PM .









    More to come..............

    As always, please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers....................

    Solar Farm Near Melfa Ok'd By Accomack County Supervisors

    By  Candy Farlow
    The Accomack County Board of Supervisors has given the go ahead for the construction of a solar farm in the Melfa area.

    The vote to issue a conditional use permit was unanimous and included a list of conditions including what is to happen should the project fail. Lincoln Renewable Energy plans to establish the Virginia Endeavor Solar Farm on some 180 acres off of Racetrack Road.

    The solar photovoltaic farm will be comprised of 20 one megawatt solar panel blocks with each block containing nearly 5,000 solar panels and a substation. The conditions under which the company can build the facility include the establishment of a landscaped buffer around the site and the execution of security agreements for maintaining the buffer in the future. A security agreement is also being required and for the removal of equipment and the restoration of the property to its current agricultural state should the venture cease to operate.

    It is estimated that some 100 workers will be needed during the six month construction process, however, once construction is complete only one full time local worker will be required for the operation.


    Wanted ~ Friends of the Nature Trail


    The Nature Trail Committee is looking for public spirited people!

    Volunteers are needed to work with the Nature Trail Committee in continuing the trail extension of the Nature Trail.

    To refresh your memories, The Nature Trail is located in the back of Cypress Park. The trail began as a boarded walk through a maze of Cypress trees, fern and other woodsy growth continuing over towards Stevenson's Pond. Benches were provided along the walkway for relaxing and observing those magnificent Cypress trees, birds and wildlife.

    Through the years the Nature Trail has taken many twists and turns and now actually runs from Stevenson's  Pond to the banks of the scenic Pocomoke River. The newer extensions connect to the original trail and wind their way through the more dense swamp. The trail is also handicap accessible.

    Here is where volunteers are needed!! YOUR HELP is needed -as Friends of the Nature Trail- with continuing this dream and keeping the Nature Trail alive. More work needs to be done.

    If you are an adult and you love the outdoors but can't seem to pull yourself away from the recliner to take a walk here is your excuse to get out into the fresh air! If you have experience in carpentry I'm sure your assistance would be appreciated in this rewarding work. You don't have to have experience - just be a volunteer.

    Ask others in your church, your local organizations, or ask your neightbor to volunteer with you.

    Let's see this dream that the Nature Trail Committee began a few years ago goes even farther than they ever thought possible.

    I'll have another post in a couple of days giving you information on who to contact. But until then let's see how many wonderful Pocomoke people we can get to volunteer.

    "TRIPLE TROUBLE" Keeps It All In The Family

    I wish I had the time to do a story on every truck and driver that enters a mudbog.  I am sure there are stories to be told and drivers willing to tell.  It's a  big deal and on this day alot of drivers love their trucks as much (or maybe more) than they love their wives or girlfriends.....but never more than Mother!

    Those in the pits don't always hear names of drivers when announced so most times we only know the name of the truck (and that's because it's written there for me to see).  A few weeks ago I kept hearing the same last name over and over, never giving any attention to the first name OR names.

    Not one of Buddy's best photos.
    Then I met Buddy.  Buddy happens to be one of the nicest dogs I've ever met.  Now Buddy, as it so happens, travels to every mudbog his family competes in.  I must give his family credit because the doggie does have manners better  than some children I've run into in my lifetime.

    Buddy's favorite truck is "Triple Trouble".   

    Here is the truck to watch!!  For the entire season this one truck has entered in at least three - sometimes more- classes on race day.  "Triple Trouble"  is owned by the Lohmeyer's from Denton, Maryland. ( Now, I know where Denton is because I was born in Caroline County.)

     The racing team consists of dad Keith and sons Kameron, Kyle and Kevin and sometimes (the uncle of these young guys) Brian.  That's what I call TEAM WORK!  (hope I have the names right)
    The Lohmeyers (some of them)
    The Lohmeyer guys are great drivers.......sometimes, like others, don't make it through the mud but my guess is that by the end of the season they will end up with some decent points!    I wish them the best of luck!
    "Triple Trouble"
    Driven by the Lohmeyer Family
    And you really have to give dad a pat on the back.  He has THREE teenage boys that  race.  Instead of  creating three racing trucks he makes one do for all.  I call that practical - good use of money and time.  To do everthing this truck does during a race day the truck  has to be a well built truck. (I wonder if they ever argue when decisions need to be made?)

    Anyway, keep your eyes on it......... And if Buddy grows thumbs before next racing season we might see him in a helmet behind the wheel.

    Good luck Saturday, guys!!

    Video of Kameron Loymeyer


    Kameron Lohmeyer

    Note to self:  Take treats for Buddy.

    TIME MACHINE Preview ... Shocking?

    Check out some potentially shocking TIME MACHINE items.

    This Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

    Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Facebook and Google + Add New Features

    Written By
    Jon Swartz
    USA Today
    SAN FRANCISCO -- Facebook isn't waiting until its F8 developers conference Thursday to tack on new features.

    The social-networking power has revamped user profiles with a top-story function that highlights the most relevant tidbits from friends, a Twitter-like news ticker on the right side of the page that offers real-time updates, and larger photos. (Facebook estimates its users post 250 million photos daily.)

    The top-story function is based on who posted and the type of news (wedding, birth) shared.

    "We've been experimenting with changes for a long time and think this will ensure that users do not miss out on things they care about," says Keith Schacht, product manager for Facebook's News Feed. "It makes the site more alive." The new Facebook look should be available to all of its 750 million users in a week or so, he says.

    Facebook's announcement, in advance of what is expected to be a busy day at F8, is the latest broadside in its battle with Google+ for millions of consumers and -- indirectly -- advertising dollars.

    Facebook is expected to fold music and next-generation video into its service.

    Much is at stake financially. Facebook is expected to rake in $4.3 billion in revenue this year -- more than twice the $2 billion in 2010, according to market researcher eMarketer.

    Dueling features in Facebook and Google+ have taken on the feel of a social-networking arms race, with plenty of technological tit-for-tat.

    Earlier Tuesday, Google pre-empted Facebook's news with a slew of new Google+ features. It also said Google+ --is now open to everyone, after a nearly three-month closed-trial period. The most important new feature is improved search.

    Meanwhile, Hangouts, the Google+ multiperson video-chat component, will now let users take part in a Hangout chat session using a smartphone or tablet. For now, Hangouts' new mobile feature is available only on Android devices.

    Another new feature, called On Air, will let Google+ users broadcast their hangouts to the public for anyone to watch. In keeping with the Hangout theme, as many as nine other Google+ users can take part in the Hangout On Air.

    "We are serious about having the best (social-network) service, and we do not plan to slow down," says Vic Gundotra, the Google senior vice president in charge of Google+.

    He saays 100 changes and features have been added to Google+ since its debut in late June, and as many changes are planned in the next year.

    Google+ has more than 10 million members.


    Some Events Just Can't Be Stopped Because Of Rain

    The Great Pocomoke Fair Committee sure did a have a huge problem on their hands Saturday.  Two events had been scheduled to take place at the fairgrounds - both annual events, that had been  scheduled to take place all in one day at a GREAT admission price- The ATV Jamboree and The Demolition Derby.

    IT RAINED! And it rained all day.

    Now, if you know anything about any kind of racing you KNOW these two types  of racing don't mind mud and neither do the drivers.  It was a day these riders and drivers had planned for.......... 

    According to a statement on their facebook page: "We had two choices: go with an abbreviated show in the rain or disappoint all of those who had called to see if the show was still on. We chose the abbreviated."

    I didn't get there on Saturday even though I was all geared up to attend.  I was looking forward to getting lots of photos but
    The Pocomoke Fair committee should have some photos soon.  If so I will try to post them.

    But I did find this one photo and posting it is a MUST! 

    Pocomoke City has so many wonderful people living in it and  there are so many wonderful organizations.  But this is by far the greatest !

    Patricia Hidenbrand Photo
    Pocomoke City is the ONLY town I have ever watched nonprofessional  racing and witnessed  the fire department standing by.  I think that says alot for those training these guys and gals of today.... Also says alot about their dedication to people.

    And don't think for a second that nothing can happen while on can.  I've seen it happen.

    To find more upcoming events for The Great Pocomoke Fair go to:  

    Plans for the next ATV Jamboree and Demolition Derby should be posted soon. Let's see how many POCOMOKE cars we can get in the derby!!