Thursday, July 26, 2012

Delegate Mike McDermott: 2nd Ammendment Ruling

Let Freedom Ring Out...One Round at a Time
by Delegate Michael A. McDermott

There are always challenges living in a free society. Perhaps the first is ensuring that freedom continues to prosper corporately, and the second is to ensure that one’s personal freedom is not ravaged by those who may seek to do harm.

Our wise founders took care of both in declaring our freedom and then establishing our collective Constitution to protect the essence of that liberty. Like many liberal states in the Union, Maryland has long rejected the rights of individuals to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm through the use of a firearm concealed on their person. Denying them this liberty became the subject of a lawsuit known as the “Woollard Case”.

In recent days, the Hon. Judge Benson Legg of the Federal Court of Appeals has issued his awaited order in the case declaring that Maryland’s “good and substantial cause” standard represents an unconstitutional burden for Marylanders.

The court has clearly stated that our people do not need a “good and substantial” reason to exercise their God given (and Constitutionally recognized) right to protect themselves and their loved ones with a firearm at all times. The burden does not rest on the individual to prove they have a need, and this ruling will require the Maryland State Police to come up with new standards when it comes to the issuance of Carry Permits.

This is not the end of the fight, but it represents a true milestone in the battle to have Maryland join the majority of states which do not stand unnecessarily in the way of their citizens right to wear and carry firearms. Kudos to those who have fought the good fight. Particular praise should be ascribed to Delegate Michael Smeigel (R-Cecil) who has been rock steady in raising the questions in the House Judiciary Committee in recent years. His work has not gone unnoticed and has truly defined the position of the Maryland State Police when it comes to the issuance of Handgun Carry Permits on the record.

States that have trusted their citizens with the right to carry firearms have benefitted from lower murder rates and fewer violent crimes. States that have stood in the way of their people continue to struggle.

The bottom line in Maryland is this: If you want to protect a piece of gold on your way to the bank, the state will allow you, as a merchant, to have a permit to carry a firearm while making the deposit. If you want to transport diamonds from one place to another, the state will allow you to protect your property with a concealed firearm. Yet, up until this decision, the same state police will not allow you to conceal a firearm to protect your family when you take a trip to the mall.

There is something terribly skewed when we place greater value on jewelry and money than we do on those we love. Is there any question of “greater value” in these cases? While carrying a firearm may not be the choice of everyone, it should be recognized as a precious right of a free people. It should not be up for debate.

A government “of the people” should not fear those same people and their right of self protection. When government steps in to differentiate between certain rights over others, the red flags should go up in the hearts of all who love freedom.

I encourage all who desire one to file the required paperwork for a Wear and Carry Permit with the Maryland State Police. Clearly, the burden for a citizen to prove a need has been lifted. The burden now rests with the state to find a legitimate reason to deny the right.

The battle is far from over, but Judge Legg has ruled in favor of the Constitution, and that is good news for Marylanders. Now on to the Supreme Court for an exclamation point!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Riverside Grill ~ Downtown Pocomoke


Vegetable Beef Barley soup w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 5.99

Cold Plate with Shrimp, Chicken, and Pasta Salads 7.99

Tropical Salad: Iceberg, chilled shrimp, strawberries, mandarin oranges, pineapples, cucumbers, and tomatoes 8.99

Tonight is Ladies Night!
Starting at 8 pm

$3 house wines, $5 cosmos, and $2 coors light draft

ABLE Vacation Property Maintenance - Hosting Business After-Hours

Photo/Jen Rafter
On Friday, July 27th from 5 pm to 7 pm, ABLE Vacation Property Maintenance will be hosting a business after-hours at the home of business owners John & Jen Rafter.  

The address is 913 Market Street, Pocomoke City MD 21851.  Light food and drink will be served.  If you are interested in having a home office, come see ABLE's beautiful built-ins!

Photo/Jen Rafter
ABLE can do many jobs of all sizes and types- we know that just because you can do a project yourself doesn't mean you have to!  Let us make your life easier with prompt and professional results.  Stop by to learn more or just to visit.  

We hope to see you there!

John & Jen Rafter
ABLE Vacation Property Maintenance

Worcester County - James Edward Ballard Will Have Retrial

Written by
Brian Shane
SNOW HILL -- A Pocomoke City man convicted last year of murder won his appeal and will have his case retried in Worcester County Circuit Court.

James Edward Ballard, 31, was convicted last spring of second-degree murder in the September 2010 stabbing death of 18-year-old Russell Matthew Bailey III.

Police said the men knew each other and were involved in an ongoing neighborhood squabble. Ballard had been harassed earlier that day by the victim and his friends, which included allegations of rock-throwing, in the area of Pocomoke Middle School.

According to court testimony, Ballard and Bailey ran into each other immediately after that confrontation. Ballard eventually chased after Bailey, who slipped and fell. It was then that Ballard allegedly stabbed Bailey in the chest, police said.

Police had originally charged Ballard with first-degree murder, a charge that implies premeditation. Ballard had told police he was defending himself.

The case went to trial. In any jury trial, the judge gives the jury specific instructions as to what they may or may not consider when deliberating a verdict.

During Ballard's trial in April 2011, his attorney asked the judge to consider a specific jury instruction: That jurors should view Ballard's act of stabbing as a form of hot-blooded self-defense rather than premeditated murder.

Judge Thomas Groton denied that request by public defender Burton Anderson. Ballard went on to be convicted.

However, Ballard appealed, saying his case should have included the jury instruction on what's known as an imperfect self-defense.
Perfect self-defense, legally speaking, means a person would have not done anything wrong while using an act of deadly force to defend his or her own life. Imperfect self-defense means the accused may have been in the wrong in some way.

The Maryland Court of Special Appeals agreed with that public defender that the jury instructions should have been read and overturned Ballard's conviction.

The court's May 9 opinion also notes that imperfect self-defense may mitigate a charge of premeditated murder to voluntary manslaughter.

Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby tried that case, and he said he plans to retry Ballard using the same evidence as before. He also said there's no telling whether that specific instruction from the judge to jury would have changed any jurors' minds.

A retrial date has not yet been set, but it's likely to be scheduled for later this year, according to Oglesby's office.


Visit The Delmarva Discovery Center

The Delmarva Discovery Center is now open late three nights a week.  Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays the center is open until 7:00 PM. 

And there is something happening 7 days a week at the Delmarva Discovery Center.
WEDNESDAY - 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m./ History, stories and legends of the Delmarva Peninsula.  Each week a 30 minute presentation will focus on a different  historical area and area of the museum.  These guided talks are geared towards adult audiences.

Early Pony Swim...

According to Suzanne Taylor of the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce, the ponies are expected to make their swim Wednesday morning between 8:30 and 9:30 am. The Chincoteague Fire Company's salt water cowboys allow the ponies to rest and make sure the tide has stopped running completely before herding them across the channel.

As is customary the ponies will then be herded to the carnival grounds where they will rest and receive medical treatment before Thursday morning's auction. WESR will have live reports from the swim on Wednesday and Thursday's auction.

Parking will be very limited at the event and those who are headed to watch the annual event are encouraged to park at the High School and ride a bus to Tom's Cove. The Chincoteague Trolley will also be operating throughout the island.

The Chincotegue Volunteer Fireman's Carnival will be open during the day of the swim and the auction and will open evenings through Saturday night this week and will open for their final weekend Augut 2, 3 and 4.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Tonka Toy" Meets The Mud Again In Crisfield

Crisfield Mud Bog
Nite Race
Saturday  July 21, 2012

With the special runs Saturday night and so much money to be won,  there's lots to talk about and plenty of photos and video to sort through.  Since so many were delighted to see "Tonka Toy" in the pits I decided this would be the first post.

Not many knew that this "legend" and  long time favorite mud truck "Tonka Toy" would make an appearance at the Crisfield Mud Bog on Saturday.
Throughout the day spectators viewed the monster. Many had never seen "Tonka Toy" before. So many had memories of racing days long ago.   But by the time "Tonka Toy" made it's appearance at the starting end of that 150 foot mudpit they all  knew who "Tonka Toy" was  and they were on their feet to cheer the driver along.

"Tonka Toy" debut in Crisfield with driver Sunshine Taylor

More to come.........

Maryland Leading the Nation in Job Loss in 2012

Annapolis - Maryland has lost more jobs so far this year than any other state in
the nation according to the U.S. Department of Labor.  After last
Friday's release of June state unemployment figures, there is now six
months of data with which to compare the states.  Maryland, which lost
just over 10,000 jobs since the beginning of this year,  is among a
dozen states to have experienced declines during this period.

"This is a very disturbing trend, which needs to be addressed," said
Change  Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "I'm deeply concerned
that state government's onslaught of taxes and fees is causing us to
lose businesses, jobs and taxpayers at an alarming rate."

Maryland has raised taxes and fees 24 times since 2007, removing an
additional $2.4 billion from the economy annually.

Maryland is also performing poorly in another important time period.
From the beginning of 2007 to present, Maryland has lost more jobs than
any other state in the region except for Pennsylvania, where each
state lost nearly 40,000 and 60,000 jobs respectively.

"Governor O'Malley says repeatedly that Maryland has fared better
than other states during the recession," said Hogan.  "He should be
talking about our state's performance relative to others in this region,
not compared to Michigan or Nevada.  Once again he is cherry
picking data in an attempt to fool people."

A comparison frequently made on all sides of the political spectrum is
between Maryland and Virginia.  Maryland's unemployment rate, at 6.9%,
contrasts sharply with Virginia's 5.7%.  This is the widest gap
between the two states since 2001, when Parris Glendening was

The Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics measures total
non-farm employment.  June numbers are preliminary.



Chincoteague Island Pony Penning

There is not a more exciting week on Chincoteague Island than Pony Penning!  Sources say to be ON the island by 5:30 a.m. if you want to catch the shuttle to the swim site.  Keep an eye out for the first foal to come ashore.

Photo/Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce

Pony Swim Day

Wednesday July 25, 2012

At "slack tide", sometime between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., the Chincoteague Ponies will swim across the Assateague Channel just south of Memorial Park (7427 Memorial Park Dr,  Chincoteague Island, VA  23336) on the east side of Chincoteague Island.  There is no charge by the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company for parking or seeing the ponies swim.  The ONLY parking at Memorial Park, however, is designated for handicap use.  All other folks coming in just for the day are encouraged to go to Chincoteague Combined School (4586 Main St. Chincoteague Island, VA  23336) and catch the free shuttle. There is also a handicap accessible bus for your convenience (click here for shuttle information).  Those staying on the island may catch a shuttle bus near their lodging.

The first foal to come ashore will be named King or Queen Neptune and will be given away in a raffle drawing at the carnival grounds later in the day (time to be announced).  Tickets are sold each night at the carnival and amongst the crowd while waiting for the swim to occur.  You must have a ticket and you must be present to win.

After swimming the short distance across the channel, the ponies will rest for approximately 45 minutes to an hour before “parading” to the carnival grounds on Main Street. See shuttle bus map for parade route. 

The carnival will open at 7:00 p.m. with rides, games, and lots of good food.
Note: Pets are not permitted in Memorial Park or the Carnival Grounds.Coast Guard on Alert for Illegal Charter Boats During Chincoteague Pony Swim
(The Coast Guard is cautioning tourists attending the pony swim to avoid boats that do not have licensed captains, and in some cases have not been inspected by the Coast Guard.)

7:00 p.m. - Carnival attractions.


2012 National Night Out Invitation !!

Arts Stroll Looking For Artists

5:30PM – 8:30PM

No fee

The Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke are proud to announce the first THIRD FRIDAY ARTS STROLL for Downtown Pocomoke. The purpose of this event is to: (1) enhance the arts scene in Pocomoke City and surrounding areas; (2) provide an opportunity for Pocomoke City residents, and other area residents, to enjoy local art and beautiful Downtown Pocomoke; (3) increase tourism in downtown Pocomoke; (4) enhance opportunities for Downtown Pocomoke businesses and attractions; (5) enhance opportunities for local artists, and (6) add to Pocomoke’s overall downtown revitalization effort.

Selected artists from the Eastern Shore will display their works in storefronts, as part of attractions, and on sidewalks for the duration of the stroll. Artists will offer at least some of their works for sale to the public as part of the event. They are also welcome to advertise their own business and engagements. Downtown businesses and attractions will simultaneously be marketing their own establishment and activities. It is expected that the two will work together to achieve a mutually beneficial arrangement for the evening the will both attract and entertain residents and tourists. Refreshments for the public are encouraged.

Selection process
All artists are being asked to submit an application by July 31, 2012. If an artist is selected to be hosted by a Downtown Pocomoke business or attraction, she/he will be assigned to that business or attraction that best suits her/his medium and display needs. From that point on, the artist will work with her/his assigned host to determine the specific display method and the timing of set up. Official check-in will begin at 4:00pm on Friday, August 17, but artists and hosts may choose to make other arrangements for set up. Artists and hosts may also choose to enhance their participation by creating “theme windows” and/or by displaying art in establishments prior to, or following, the stroll.

If an artist is not selected for a specific host, she/he will be offered the opportunity to set up a display in one of the designated city parking lots along Market Street.

Following is the current list of host establishments:*
  • A Second Time Around
  • Enchanted Florist
  • Cole’s Cakes
  • Classic Collections
  • Lusby’s True Value Hardware & Maytag Appliances

Virginia State Board of Elections Issues Statement Regarding Voter Registration

The Virginia State Board of Elections released the following statement today because of false rumors being spread via emails and on the Internet:

The State Board of Elections (SBE) is aware of incorrect information circulating via mass emails stating that voters who have not voted since the 2008 General Election must re-register to vote 25 days prior to Election Day November 6, 2012 in order to be eligible to vote. This information is false.

There is absolutely no requirement to re-register in Virginia.  Voters are not removed from the rolls solely for the reason of not voting; however, it is recommended that voters check their registration status to ensure it is current.  If a voter has not voted since 2008, and also moved since that time, it is possible that a voter’s record may have been moved to inactive status.  This shift would occur if mail delivered to the voter was returned undeliverable, and the voter also failed to respond to a later address confirmation mailing.  Voters identified as inactive will be permitted to vote after signing a statement at the polling place.

The registration deadline is also inaccurate in this rumor. Voters have until 21 days prior to the election, or until October 15, to register or update their registration information. It is imperative that voters check their registration status well in advance of the October 15, 2012 registration deadline in order for any necessary changes to be completed prior to Election Day.

Voters are encouraged to check their registration status using the SBE website:

Voters who need to update their registration information can do so by completing a Virginia Voter Registration Application available at the SBE website. Additional information about updating registration status is available at SBE’s website.

Voters may also contact SBE directly to check voter registration status.  For more information, please contact SBE at 804.864.8901 or 1.800.552.9745.


NASA Offers Condolences

NASA Offers Condolences on the Passing of Pioneering Astronaut Sally Ride

WASHINGTON -- In a space agency filled with trailblazers, Sally K. Ride was a pioneer of a different sort. The soft-spoken California physicist broke the gender barrier 29 years ago when she rode to orbit aboard space shuttle Challenger to become America's first woman in space.
"Sally Ride broke barriers with grace and professionalism -- and literally changed the face of America's space program," said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. "The nation has lost one of its finest leaders, teachers and explorers. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sally's family and the many she inspired. She will be missed, but her star will always shine brightly."

"Sally was a personal and professional role model to me and thousands of women around the world," said NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver. "Her spirit and determination will continue to be an inspiration for women everywhere."

Ride's contribution to America's space program continued right up until her death at age 61 this week. After two trips to orbit aboard the shuttle, she went on to an award-winning academic career at the University of California, San Diego, where her expertise and wisdom were widely sought on matters related to space. She holds the distinction of being the only person to serve as a member of both investigation boards following NASA's two space shuttle accidents. She also served as a member of the Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee in 2009 which informed many of the decisions about NASA's current human spaceflight programs.
However, Ride's place in history was assured on June 18, 1983 when she rocketed into space on Challenger's STS-7 mission with four male crewmates.

"The fact that I was going to be the first American woman to go into space carried huge expectations along with it," Ride recalled in an interview for the 25th anniversary of her flight in 2008. "That was made pretty clear the day that I was told I was selected as a crew. I was taken up to Chris Kraft's office. He wanted to have a chat with me and make sure I knew what I was getting into before I went on the crew. I was so dazzled to be on the crew and go into space I remembered very little of what he said."

"On launch day, there was so much excitement and so much happening around us in crew quarters, even on the way to the launch pad," Ride said. "I didn't really think about it that much at the time -- but I came to appreciate what an honor it was to be selected to be the first to get a chance to go into space."

Ride joined NASA as part of the 1978 astronaut class, the first to include women. She and five other women, along with 29 men, were selected out of 8,000 applicants. The class became known as the "Thirty-Five New Guys" and reported to the Johnson Space Center the next summer to begin training. Ride trained for five years before she and three of her classmates were assigned to STS-7. The six-day mission deployed two communications satellites and performed a number of science experiments.

Following that historic flight, Ride returned to space on another shuttle mission, STS-41G in 1984. The 8-day mission deployed the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite, conducted scientific observations of Earth, and demonstrated potential satellite refueling techniques. She was assigned to a third flight, but transitioned to a role on the Rogers Commission that investigated the Challenger accident after that shuttle was lost in January 1986. When the investigation was completed, she accepted a job as a special assistant to the NASA administrator for long range and strategic planning.

Ride left NASA in 1987. In 1989, she joined the faculty at the University of California, San Diego, as a professor of physics and director of the University of California's California Space Institute. In 2001, she founded her own company, Sally Ride Science, to pursue her long-time passion of motivating girls and young women to pursue careers in science, math and technology.

A native of Los Angeles, Ride graduated from high school there in 1968 and enrolled at Stanford University. At Stanford, she earned four degrees, including a doctorate in physics in 1978. She also was an accomplished athlete who played varsity tennis at Stanford after being nationally ranked as a youth.

Ride received numerous honors and awards during the course of her career. Most notably, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame and the Astronaut Hall of Fame, and received the Jefferson Award for Public Service, the von Braun Award, the Lindbergh Eagle, and the NCAA's Theodore Roosevelt Award.

Monday, July 23, 2012

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell


The information below is the monthly Arrest by the Officers of the Pocomoke City Police Department.

06/22/2012 Yashica Chisum, age 29 of Pocomoke was arrested for Trespass on posted property. She was issued a criminal citation and released.

06/23/2012 Hakeem McBride, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested for False Imprisonment and Disorderly Conduct. He was taken before the commissioner and released on personal recognizance.

06/24/2012 Hakeem McBride, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested for Failure to obey a lawful order, Assault 2nd degree, Reckless Endangerment, Abduct a child under 12 and Resist/Interfere with arrest. He was taken before the commissioner and released on personal recognizance.

06/26/2012 Steven Ennis, age 29 of Pocomoke was arrested for Theft less than $500, Theft less than $100 and Theft scheme $1,000-$10,000. He was taken before the commissioner and held on $7,000 bond.

06/28/2012 Anthony Pioli, age 32 of Bloxom VA was arrested for Handgun in vehicle. He was taken before the commissioner and released on personal recognizance.

06/28/2012 Phillip Justice, age 29 of Temperenceville VA was arrested for CDS Posses-Not Marihuana, CDS Possess with intent to Distribute, CDS W/I Dist.: Narc, CDS Poss. Paraphernalia, CDS Possession Marihuana. He was taken before the commissioner and released on personnel recognizance.

06/28/2012 Marcus Cropper, age 18 of Pocomoke was arrested for CDS Posses-Not Marihuana, CDS Possess with intent to Distribute, CDS W/I Dist.: Narc, CDS Poss. Paraphernalia, CDS Possession Marihuana. He was taken before the commissioner and released on personnel recognizance.

06/29/2012 Charles Collins, age 58 of Pocomoke was arrested for open container alcohol violation. He was issued a criminal citation and released on his signature pending trial.

07/01/2012 Alyssa Whitson, age 19 of Pocomoke was arrested for Theft less than $100. She was issued a Criminal citation and released on her signature pending trial.

07/02/2012 Michael Cover, age 22 of Pocomoke was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for Assault 1st degree, Assault 2nd degree and Rape 2nd degree. He was taken before the commissioner and held on $50,000 bond.

07/03/2012 Christopher Haberman, age 43 of Onley VA was arrested for Driving on a Suspended License. He was issued citations and released pending trial.

07/05/2012 Stephen Alexander, age 27 of Virginia was arrested for Theft $100-$1,000. He was issued a Criminal summons and released pending trial.

07/05/2012 Rebecca Alexander, age 32 of Frankford DE was arrested for Theft less than $100. She was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

07/06/2012 Linda Knox, age 53 of Bloxom VA was arrested for Theft less than $100. She was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

07/08/2012 William Baine, age 46 of Newport News VA was arrested for Driving on a Suspended License. He was issued citations and released pending trial.

07/11/2012 Terrence Snowden Sr., age 53 of Pocomoke was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for False Statement to a Police Officer, Obtain Prescription by Fraud and Obtain drugs by Fraud. He was taken before the commissioner and released.

07/12/2012 Shannon Scarborough, age 42 of Oak Hall VA was arrested for Driving on a Suspended License. She was issued citations and released pending trial.

07/14/2012 Tomika Adams, age 40 of Oak Hall VA was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for CDS Paraphernalia. She was taken before the Commissioner and released on her personal recognizance.

07/14/2012 Janice Adams, age 24 of Baltimore MD was arrested for Theft less than $100. She was issued a Criminal Citation and released on her signature pending trial.

07/16/2012 Loynial Sturgis, age 33 of Pocomoke was arrested for Disorderly Conduct. He was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

07/16/2012 Arthur Hemmeian, age 61 of Salisbury MD was arrested for Trespass on Posted Property. He was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

07/16/2012 Preston Nixon, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested for Disorderly Conduct. He was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

07/17/2012 Gary Short, age 21 of Pocomoke was arrested on an Outstanding Warrant for Failure to Appear. He was taken before the Commissioner and released on his personal recognizance.

07/17/2012 Freddie Roberts, age 53 of Pocomoke was arrested for Driving while under the influence of alcohol and driving while impaired by alcohol. He was issued citations and released pending trial.

07/17/2012 David Anderson, age 27 of Pocomoke was arrested for Driving on a Suspended License. He was issued citations and released pending trial.

07/18/2012 Celestino Hernandex, age 27 of Westover MD was arrested for Malicious Destruction of Property. He was issued a Criminal Citation and released pending trial.

07/18/2012 Juan Catalah, age 36 of Westover MD was arrested for Malicious Destruction of Property. He was issued a Criminal citation and released pending trial.

Chief Kelvin Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Department
July 23, 2012

Customer Appreciation Day~ "T's Corner " Celebrates

T's Corner in Oak Hall, Virginia 
Celebrating 76 years of business
Customer Appreciation today at T's Corner

Stop by and say hello to Rodney and Deidra Mears and the rest of the fine people that work there.

Congratulations Rodney and Deidra and family!

Seafood Feast Raffle

Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Co. Seafood Feast Raffle
Tickets - ONLY $5
Seafood Feast Includes:2 Bushels of #1 Crabs
10 lbs. Shrimp (heads off)
3 dz Soft Crabs
100 Little Neck Clams
3 dz Ears of Corn
30 Pack of Beer OR 36 Pack of Sodas (winners choice)

Drawing will be August 16, 2012
See any member for tickets!

Seafood supplied and prepared by:
Beack to Bay Seafood Co.
Winner to contact Beach to Bay Seafood Co. to arrange pick-up time. Package can be picked up in its entirety or any part of on Saturday, September 1, 2012. Entire package must be picked up before September 30, 2012.

Thanks Cindi.

NASA's Wallops Flight Center ~ Launch This Morning A Success

NASA Successfully Tests Hypersonic Inflatable Heat Shield
WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. -- A large inflatable heat shield developed by NASA's Space Technology Program has successfully survived a trip through Earth's atmosphere while travelling at hypersonic speeds up to 7,600 mph.

The Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE-3) was launched by sounding rocket at 7:01 a.m. Monday from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. The purpose of the IRVE-3 test was to show that a space capsule can use an inflatable outer shell to slow and protect itself as it enters an atmosphere at hypersonic speed during planetary entry and descent, or as it returns to Earth with cargo from the International Space Station.

"It's great to see the initial results indicate we had a successful test of the hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator," said James Reuther, deputy director of NASA's Space Technology Program. "This demonstration flight goes a long way toward showing the value of these technologies to serve as atmospheric entry heat shields for future space."

IRVE-3, a cone of uninflated high-tech rings covered by a thermal blanket of layers of heat resistant materials, launched from a three-stage Black Brant rocket for its suborbital flight. About 6 minutes into the flight, as planned, the 680-pound inflatable aeroshell, or heat shield, and its payload separated from the launch vehicle's 22-inch-diameter nose cone about 280 miles over the Atlantic Ocean.

An inflation system pumped nitrogen into the IRVE-3 aeroshell until it expanded to a mushroom shape almost 10 feet in diameter. Then the aeroshell plummeted at hypersonic speeds through Earth's atmosphere. Engineers in the Wallops control room watched as four onboard cameras confirmed the inflatable shield held its shape despite the force and high heat of reentry. Onboard instruments provided temperature and pressure data. Researchers will study that information to help develop future inflatable heat shield designs.

After its flight, IRVE-3 fell into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Carolina. From launch to splashdown, the flight lasted about 20 minutes. A high-speed U.S. Navy Stiletto boat is in the area with a crew that will attempt to retrieve IRVE-3. The Stiletto is a maritime demonstration craft operated by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock, Combatant Craft Division, and is based at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Ft Story, Va.

"A team of NASA engineers and technicians spent the last three years preparing for the IRVE-3 flight," said Lesa Roe, director of NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. "We are pushing the boundaries with this flight. We look forward to future test launches of even bigger inflatable aeroshells."

This test was a follow-on to the successful IRVE-2, which showed an inflatable heat shield could survive intact after coming through Earth's atmosphere. IRVE-3 was the same size as IRVE-2, but had a heavier payload and was subjected to a much higher re-entry heat, more like what a heat shield might encounter in space.

IRVE-3 is part of the Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) Project within the Game Changing Development Program, part of NASA's Space Technology Program. Langley developed and manages the IRVE-3 and HIAD programs.

For more information about IRVE-3 and the HIAD Project, go to:

Cole's Cakes Celebrates Grand Opening

A little bit of summer drizzle never stops great events from happening when there is lots of fun to be had!
Cole's Cakes celebrated their Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting/Block Party on Saturday, July 21, 2012 even though the skies were cloudy and somewhat rainy.

Mayoral ribbon cutting ceremony was held shortly after 12:00 on Saturday. 

Door prizes, kid events and free cupcakes- along with so many other activities- can bring a smile to anyones face.
What a wonderful spitit those at Cole's Cakes have for wanting to share with others and extending their kindness to others  by having a block party with a creative selection of events for children and adults along with lots of  GREAT door prizes! 

Now word  yet on the door prize winners....

Best wishes to all of those at Cole's Cakes.

Photos by City of Pocomoke on Facebook.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Accomac County's 1906 Sensation!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

March, 1906

(The Washington Post)


Special Correspondence of The Washington Post

Onancock, Va., March 17.- The automobile has appeared in this village, creating almost as much of a sensation throughout Accomac County as the railroad did years ago when it came and drove out of business the big fleet of sweet potato schooners which took Onancock's chief product up the Chesapeake to Baltimore for transportation to nearly every corner of the land. The auto is owned by the paying teller of the Onancock bank.

Occasionally a machine has been seen rolling serenely over the sandy roads, stretching almost in an unbroken level clear down to Cape Charles, but never before had a resident of this place indulged in the luxury of owning an auto. It was thought that no one would have the audacity to thrust aside time- honored precedents and give up the little Accomac horse for an invention of the old boy.

The Accomac fancy once painted this creature black, but since the red auto came they have changed his color. The pace of the auto is most disconcerting to the natives, who are accustomed to drive leisurely in their buggies, phaetons and sweet potato carts through the village, giving a bow, after the immemorial habit of Accomac folk (to people they meet).

The horses of Accomac wear no breeching, as they have no hills to descend. They are strong, but they are not swift, and in these respects they may be likened to their masters.

The auto frightens the horses and gives them a tendency to run. A running horse would be an innovation in Accomac. The country is so level that even the brooks refuse to run; they simply lounge and ripple.

The oldest residents are particularly shocked by the auto. Their conservatism is equaled only by their hospitality, which is the greatest institution in Virginia.

When the auto was first observed on the main street of the village there were several carriages before the biggest store. The chug-chug of the auto and its strangeness set the horses prancing, and men and women who owned them rushed out, grabbed the bridles, and looked with disapproval at the vanishing vehicle.

The news spread fast over the county, and within a week the Accomac imagination in the isolated districts pictured the red auto as a thing somewhat like a trust monster in a comic supplement, and the trade of the village merchants fell off, because the country people were afraid to venture into town.

The horses are getting somewhat accustomed to the auto now, but the natives are still timid. If they are out driving, and nearly everybody in Accomac drives, they turn their horses in on the side of the road and wait until the red devil passes. Women afoot lift their skirts as if somebody had shouted "Mice!" and get close to the building line.

The driver of the auto is not greeted with the usual cordiality. Grandpa Parks, the oldest man in the county, always alights when he sees the machine coming, and, firmly holding his horse's bridle, he bows low, not to the owner of the auto, but to the auto itself. The bow is one of the most elaborate and ironical ever seen in Accomac, which is famous for its fine old colonial brand of courtesies.

The paying teller has hopes that the people finally will get accustomed to the auto, and buy a few themselves, as many of them are quite able to do so.

March, 1941

The Pocomoke City Lions Club informed McCready Memorial Hospital in Crisfield that it would pay for the purchase of an incubator for the hospital. A formal presentation would be made in May at "Hospital Day" at McCready. Pocomoke Lions Club member Rev. "Parson Jack" Wooten came up with the idea for the purchase.

January, 1985

Former Pocomoke City councilman Paige Webb passed away at age 69. He served 12 years on the town council and operated Webb's Market in Pocomoke for more than 20 years.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

NASA Rocket Launch Rescheduled For Monday

IRVE-3 Launch Scrub: Bad weather in recovery zone off N.C. coast has postponed attempt. We'll try again Monday, July 23 5-8 a.m.

NASA managers are rescheduling the launch of an inflatable heat shield technology demonstration flight from the agency's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va., until no earlier than Sunday, July 22.

The Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE-3) launch was postponed for one day to allow for additional testing of launch vehicle systems. NASA has three consecutive days of launch opportunities for IRVE-3, with a liftoff window from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. EDT each day.

IRVE-3 is part of the Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) Project within the Game Changing Development Program, part of NASA's Space Technology Program.

The rocket will be visible to residents in the Wallops and southern Chesapeake Bay region.

The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops will open at 4:30 a.m. on launch day for viewing the launch.

Further information on this mission including how to view the launch on the Internet and following the countdown on Twitter and
Facebook is available at:

NASA Television will air the IRVE-3 launch live and stream it on the agency's website at:

Further information on the IRVE-3 is available at:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Accomac County's 1906 Sensation!

It was called the Red Devil. It was the first time a resident of Onancock "indulged in the luxury of owning an auto." But the sensation it created was not all favorable. Some were apprehensive. "... the trade of the village merchants fell off, because the country people were afraid to venture into town."

Much more about it in the full Washington Post article from 1906..this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

25th Annual Chincoteague Island Blueberry Festival