Friday, June 10, 2011

Pocomoke Officials Plan For Main Budget Fund To Rise

Written by
Bill Kerbin

POCOMOKE CITY -- The proposed budget for next year's municipal spending calls for the same tax rate for owner-occupied homes, 75 cents per $100 assessment, as they were charged last year. But rates for other real property would rise by four cents, to 80 cents per $100 of assessed value; and the budget calls for some increases in what property owners and businesses pay for municipal utilities.

Because the estimated value of Shore properties has declined recently, on average, no property owner should see an increase in any tax bills, town officials predicted.

The total budget for all three areas calls for spending $8.5 million next year, compared to $10.6 million in expenses in the current year. The drop in spending follows the end of one-time grants for upgrades to the sewer plant, which were taken in and spent right away in this year's budget. The water and sewer fund is shrinking from $4.8 million to $2.5 million.

The general fund portion of the budget, which pays for salaries and services like streetlights, road maintenance and trash pickup, is set to rise 3 percent, from $4.96 million to $5.1 million. A fund for ambulance service is planned to go up 5 percent, from $823,000 to $867,000.

One major cost for residents of Pocomoke City is the bill for water and sewer service, which will remain the same for owner-occupied homes. All other properties will see a 15 percent increase, the first in several years, if the proposed budget passes.

One increase for city residents is the trash disposal fee, which will be raised 50 cents per month to $9.50.
City Manager Russell W. Blake is expecting an increase in highway user funds from $22,900 to $59,200.

That's still down from recent years; in 2008 the town received $240,000 in state funding for city streets. That figure was substantially reduced the following year.

The $5 million upgrade at the wastewater treatment plant is expected to be completed by the end of this month. The only funds coming from the city will be $102,078, with the rest coming from grants, according to the budget.

Some other income expected includes $400,000 in economic development funds from Worcester County; $110,000 in room taxes; $40,000 from the county liquor department; $50,000 in franchise fees from the CATV service; and funds from other sources.

Concerning expenses, the town plans to increase employees' salaries by two percent to cover the state increase in their pension contributions. Another two percent cost of living allowance is planned because, officials said, they have not received raises for three years.

There are expected to be savings in personnel costs because of retirements and resignations in the public works department, the police department, the ambulance service and the golf course.

A major cost from the general fund is an $87,324 subsidy for the ambulance fund. The general fund will also have to subsidize the water and sewer fund to the tune of $22,356. With the purchase of the new building on Market Street for the Police Department, Blake estimates that the interior renovations next year will cost about $100,000.

Some other major costs include $150,000 for street lighting; over $100,000 for worker's compensation; $720,000 for health insurance payments, which is less than if the town had remained with Blue Cross (the town is self-insured); and $100,000 for street paving and repairs.

Blake has also included $20,000 to hire a new half-time employee to help promote downtown and work on other economic development. This money would come from a previous grant for downtown business start-ups and expansions.

The council will meet June 20 to vote on the final passage. The July meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5.
The council granted the Rev. Barbara Bassuener, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, permission to hold services one day a week in Cypress Park. Along with the service, bag lunches would be provided for homeless people attending.

Under other business Mayor Bruce Morrison presented a plaque to former Mayor Michael A. McDermott in recognition of his six years as mayor of Pocomoke City; he presented a proclamation to Bill Kerbin in recognition of his being named to the newspaper Hall of Fame; and swore in Jarmel Gibson and Jessica Villanueva as the town's new police officers.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s


Christine Cullen - Staff Writer
A Worcester County family grieving the loss of a brother, son, cousin and nephew in a tragic motorcycle accident last week had to relive that pain when an item went missing from a memorial they erected in his memory.

Brandon Matthew Richardson of Bishopville died last Friday after his motorcycle crashed into a guardrail on the Route 90 bridge. He was 20 years old.

Richardson was a graduate of Stephen Decatur High School, and a private first class in the Army National Guard. His family said he loved to ride his motorcycle and often wore his older brother Brett’s helmet when he rode.

According to the Maryland State Police, Richardson was riding his 2003 Kawasaki ZX- 6 motorcycle east on Route 90 around 2:30 p.m. when he lost control and crashed into the guardrail in the median of the highway near the intersection with St. Martins Neck Road. He died of his injuries at Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin.

Richardson was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash, and alcohol was not a factor in the accident, police said. Police closed Route 90 to all traffic in both directions between Route 589 and Ocean City for three hours, causing long backups of traffic heading to the beach for the weekend.

Richardson’s family erected a memorial on the side of Route 90 at the site of the accident over the weekend. The memorial included a cross, Richardson’s National Guard fatigue jacket, an American flag and his brother Brett’s special helmet, a black KBC Tarmac with a white tribal design and red pin stripes.

His uncle, Mike Richardson, said the family has kept close watch on the site since the memorial was built. They noticed the helmet was missing from the memorial around 6:30 p.m. on Monday. He said the family is upset that someone would steal an item that was clearly there to remember someone who died.

“It was his brother Brett’s helmet and it meant a lot to him. Brandon wore the helmet often when he rode motorcycles. We only want the helmet returned, no questions asked. It means a lot to our family,” he said.

Mike Richardson hoped the person who took the helmet did not realize its sentimental value and will return it to the site. He said it could also be turned in to the Ocean City Police Department, where he is an officer, no questions asked. Anyone with information about the helmet can also contact the OCPD at 410-723-6610.

“It’s heartbreaking to have this happen so soon after the accident. We’re hopeful whoever took it will have the heart to return it,” Mike Richardson said.

As news of the missing helmet spread through the community, businesses have stepped up to help. Loaded Gun Customs in Selbyville, Del., a company that customizes cars and motorcycles, offered a brand-new helmet for the memorial, and Oasis Bar and Grill in Whaleyville has offered a $1,000 reward for information that leads to the discovery of the missing helmet.

The Maryland State Highway Administration removed the remainder of the memorial Thursday morning amid concerns it was too close to the roadway. The family plans to relocate the memorial to another location.

SaturdayTruck and Tractor Pull..........

......and other power events!
Satruday - June 11, 2011
Don't miss out on the events this weekend.
Registration at 3 PM
Racing Events at 5 PM


Here's Dave and Bill's new toy!

This sand drag car tried out the muddy pit at the Crisfield Mud Hop on May 29.  It made an impressive run but needed more ground clearance.  Personally, I don't think it was an advantage for any racer that day to start the race in the mud and on an angle.   I give them an A for making the attempt. 

Dave and Bill worked on this as a winter project and now that summer racing time is here I know they can't wait to race it again.  I just bet this little thing will fly down  the sand track!

So bring your chairs and relax in the shade while watching the events.

Bring your own vehicle and see what you can do on the track!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Superheroes" Truck Gets A Mud Bath

The "Superheroes"  mudtruck is popular with many mudbog fans not only for the speed it travels through the mud but for the super heroes it has painted on  its body. 
The colors are bright and the superheroes are not quite  life size but large enough to be recognized.

Cleaned and mud free this is one eye-catching truck and once you see it you never forget it. 

This isn't the best photo of the truck but you can at least see the colors used to make it so appealing.

Here's what the "Superheroes" truck experiences --

And the crowd loves it!!

Gumboro 2011-lower photos
Crisfield 2011-top photos

Please Protect Your Animals

DANGEROUSLY HOT weather is here once again.  PLEASE use good judgement when traveling with your pets.


And remember: Animals wear fur coats that CAN NOT be removed!  Would you want to wear a coat all day long in the heat??

Sprout and Keegan

Remember to provide fresh water and cool shade for your pet.  It isn't fair to neglect them. 

In fact, it's against the law.

Wallops Island Rocket Launch


Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket from the Wallops Flight Facility.

The launch is scheduled to happen between 7 and 10 a.m. and can be viewed by a webcast that will begin at 6 a.m. weather  permitting.  Backup days are June 10 and 11.

The launch also can be viewed at the NASA Visitor Center, which will open at 6 a.m.

Launch status updates will be provided by NASA on Twitter and by phone at (757) 824-2050.

To learn more about the rocket program, visit

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

BINGO ! This Friday

Arrest Made For Drug and Deadly Weapon Possession

POCOMOKE CITY — A state trooper who stopped a man walking in Pocomoke at about 2 a.m. on June 5 found a device that had been used to ingest crack cocaine and a concealed knife, police said.

Ronnie Lee Collins, 52, of the 400 block of Market Street in Snow Hill, was stopped for a pedestrian violation, according to a Maryland State Police statement. When Collins made furtive movements near his waistband, police said, he was searched, and a knife tucked under his waistband was found.

Collins was arrested, police said; during a search after his arrest, police reportedly found a smoking device containing suspected burnt crack cocaine. He was charged with having a concealed deadly weapon and drug possession.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s

Protect Yourself and Your Pet During Tick Season

Tick season is here on the Eastern Shore.

Pets, just like humans, are at risk for contracting diseases that various species of ticks carry. The diseases include Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Erlichiosis, Anaplasmosis and more.

Several treatments and prevention strategies exist, but multiple steps may be needed to minimize our exposure to ticks and the diseases they carry. There are many topical products as well as collars on the market for dogs and cats. Remember that not all products are created equal, and to check with your veterinarian to make sure you are using the safest, most effective product for your pet. Take care to only apply cat products to cats as dog products can poison and even kill cats.

Yard sprays can be helpful, but make sure to read package directions carefully for your pets safety, as well as your own. Limiting your pets range is important also. Dogs and cats that have free range of the outdoors are almost impossible to keep from getting ticks. Applying your pets flea and tick prevention regularly will also help greatly to reduce their exposure.

There is also a vaccine available for protecting your dog from Lyme disease. Talk to your veterinarian about including this in your dogs annual immunizations.

Contact your veterinarian for the best advice on your pets prevention program.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"The Grey Ghost" Runs At Crisfield Mudhop

The banner across the windshield of "The Gray Ghost" reads 'drive it like u stole it' which is something that has always been told to the drivers of the Bowden Racing Team. 

 And that's what the drivers try to do every time they meet the muddy pit face to face.
However, it's important for everyone to understand that mud sometimes has a mind of it's own.

Lee Sturgis, behind the wheel of "The Grey Ghost" seemed to have no problem heeding  the  'drive it like u stole it' advice on Sunday, May 29, 2011 in Crisfield, Md.

Lee and "The Grey Ghost" ended with a great run! 

Unfortunately, there is no advice on a fast, easy way to remove the dried,  caked on mud that gets carried home.
"The Grey Ghost"
Owned and driven by
Lee and Lori Ann Sturgis


Rocket Launch At Wallops Island

NASA is planning to test several new rocket technologies with a launch Thursday of a Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket from the Wallops Flight Facility.

The new technologies include the Small Rocket/Spacecraft Techonology platform, or SMART; Autonomous Flight Safety System, Low Cost Telemetry Transmitter and an electrohydrodynamic-based thermal control unit, a news release says.

The launch is scheduled to happen between 7 and 10 a.m. and can be viewed by a webcast that will begin at 6 a.m. If weather prevents the launch, the backup days are June 10 and 11.

The launch also can be viewed at the NASA Visitor Center, which will open at 6 a.m. Launch status updates will be provided by NASA on Twitter and by phone at (757) 824-2050.

To learn more about the rocket program, visit

Rigell Working To Solve Parking Problem At Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

There's a parking problem at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. Concerns of Beach erosion and interference with birds have prompted the National wildlife Refuge System to consider moving parking for the beach to a new location.

Congressman Scott Rigell has been working with the National Wildlife Refuge System to find the best solution on the issue. In a letter to Gregory Siekaniec, Rigell states that beach access is the single greatest driver of tourism in Chincoteague and has a direct impact on every aspect of the community's economy and that many of his constituents have expressed their concern about potential changes to the current parking lot that has capacity for 1,000 cars and is at a reasonable walking distance to the beach.

Rigell met with Siekaniec and said that left the that meeting with several "takeaways" including:

That Siekaniec recognizes recreational beach access within the CNWR is paramount to Chincoteagues economy and that any reduction in direct beach access will be detrimental to Chincoteague and Accomack County.

February 2010
While potential beach erosion many necessitate moving the recreational beach to a point further north, no decision will be made until after the list of alternatives is published for public comment.

If it is necessary to move the beach, the current parking lot will not be eliminated until new parking is established within a reasonable walking distance of the beach, with no shuttle service required.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight


7:30 P.M., MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2011

1.                  Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.                  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of May 2, 2011.

3.                  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.                  Introduction of new police officers, Jarmel Gibson and Jessica Villanueva.  Mayor to swear in new officers.

5.                  Presentation of plaque to former Mayor Michael McDermott in recognition of his six years of service as Mayor of Pocomoke City (2005-2011).

6.                  Special recognition of Mr. William Kerbin, of Pocomoke City, on his recent induction into the Maryland, Delaware, D.C. Press Association’s Newspaper Hall of Fame.

7.                  Public Hearing on proposed City budget for 2011-2012 fiscal year as required by Sec. 49 of Pocomoke City Charter.

8.                  First Reading of Res. No. 447 to set the tax rate for 2011-2012

9.                  First Reading of Res. No. 448 to adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 2011-2012.

10.              First Reading of Res. No. 449 to establish certain City fees and other charges for fiscal year 2011-2012.

11.              Review proposal for architectural services for improvements to new police station building at 1500 Market Street.

12.              Review of bids for electrical pedestals and wiring services at City docks.  (DNR grant funding).

13.              City Attorney to present revised lease agreement between Pocomoke City and Bloosurf Broadband Co. regarding the placement of antennas on City water towers.

14.              City Attorney to introduce Emergency Ord. No. 407: An ordinance authorizing the issuance of Pocomoke City Water Quality Bond for Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements.

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.

Cornhole Tourneys Help Band Hurt By Tornado

What a great idea for any kind of fundraiser!
By Eric Feber
The Virginia-Pilot
On Wednesdays, you can make a "cow pie" or an "airmail" or toss a "blocker" while helping a middle school get its tune back.

Ken Parsons, owner of Knot Hole Station in Driver, began weekly "Toss for Gloucester" cornhole tournaments May 18 to benefit the band department at the Col. Mitchell Paige Middle School which suffered severe tornado damage April 16.

The back of the Gloucester school collapsed and a storage facility was destroyed. Food service is gone, along with furniture and other items including band instruments, equipment and music.

"We called the city, they said the school needs help, so we called them," Parsons said. "The principal said the band room really took a hit; many of the instruments the kids were renting are gone. So we thought kids and education and extracurricular activities equals a good fit. All the money we raise we'll send directly to the school's band department, for them to use as they see fit."

Players pay $2 per person per tournament. Two to three tournaments, sanctioned by the American Cornhole Association, will take place every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. as long as the weather holds, Parsons said.

"We'll run it all the way through September, until the weather makes us stop," Parsons said.
The tournaments will feature different formats each week including teams formed from blind draws, teen afternoons, contests for various age groups and Boy Scout tournaments. Extending the competitions to Sundays to include children's bouts is also being considered.

"We're looking at ways to make more money for the school," Parsons said. "Last week we made $52. That's a small drop in the pot, but it all goes to the school. And if we can keep this up every week and build on it, who knows? It's one little baby step at a time."

Parsons asks any participants with their own boards to bring them along.

"We have five complete sets, but we'd be more than happy if other players could bring their own. The more we have, the more we grow," he said.

Parsons is holding these tournaments not only because he's a cornhole enthusiast himself - he's about to take the test to be certified as a sanctioned cornhole referee - but to help a nearby community that suffered the same fate he and his neighbors did a few years ago.

"I'm here in the heart of Driver and a tornado wiped us out three years ago," he said. "So we feel that connection with Gloucester. Through God's grace we're getting our lives back together and, with this tournament, we're having fun. It's amazing how much enthusiasm $2 will bring."

And that's music to Paige Middle School's ears.

'In The Mix' Saves The Best For Crisfield

This mudbogging jeep really took a beating at the first mudbogging race in Gumboro a few weeks ago.  The mud combined with the speed actually caused some major parts to fall off and disappear into that thick mud.  Safety being a good reason the  driver and mechanic returned to the Gumboro grounds the next day to search for the parts left behind.  Somewhere and some how  deep in that gooey mud they found them.

With the Crisfield Mudhop not far off they worked quickly to get "In The Mix" back into racing condition just in time.  After all, the Crisfield Mudhop is where it all began for "In The Mix" many years ago. 

Now I say that this jeep is more motor than it is man and metal and Johnny makes me very nervous when it's his turn to speed through the mud!  We've all seen him plow though the mud from side to side, almost turn over, run the bank, head for the pits,  and who knows what else!   But he's good at what he does. He's very good.  (Yea, Johnnie, that's somewhat of an exaggeration).
But NOT last Sunday in Crisfield.  
It was almost as if the small jeep  (or motor on wheels) knew exactly where it was  -  back on home ground.

 Johnnie Edwards is owner and driver of "In The Mix"


Sunday, June 5, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... August, 1884

Real Life Soap Opera Near Pocomoke City

(The Denton Journal)


Murdering His Sweetheart's Father Because He Prohibited A Drive

Princess Anne, Md., July 27.

This county of Somerset and the adjoining of Worcester are in a tumult of excitement over the brutal shooting of Captain L.Q.C. Davis, a respectable and wealthy resident of Pocomoke City, in the last named county. For the past two years Mrs. Mary E. Ross, daughter of Captain Davis, a beautiful young widow, has been residing with him and receiving the attentions of Irving J. Mills, a drummer for the Baltimore firm of Williams G. Bansemer & Co. Mrs. Ross is about 28 years old, and both before and since her marriage has been quite a belle in the lower peninsula. Her father some time ago, finding that she continued to accept the attentions of young Mills despite his protests, forbade the latter to come to his house. The lovers, however, frequently met clandestinely and yesterday, Mrs. Ross, during the absence of her father, went out driving with Mr. Mills. As they were returning home and were about to cross a small bridge in Dublin district near Pocomoke City, they were seen by Captain Davis, who was standing talking to his niece, Mrs. Marcellus Dickerson, in the latters yard near the bridge. Captain Davis ran out into the road and called to Mrs. Ross to leave the carriage. Mills objected to this and when Mrs. Ross tried to get out he whipped up the horse. Captain Davis sprang forward and seized the animal by the rein. Mrs. Ross then jumped out, when Mills, in a frenzy of rage drew a pistol and fired. When the daughter's feet touched the ground she almost fell over her father's corpse lying in the road.

Mrs. Ross sprang toward Mills and began to wrestle with him for the possession of his weapon, for he was preparing for a second shot. Mrs. Dickerson went to her aid and the two finally succeeded in making Mills desist. Mrs. Ross then fell fainting on her father's body. Mills glanced at the body and turned away muttering, without offering any explanation. He left the scene and went to the residence of his uncle and requested to be sent to Princess Anne jail. Unable to get a conveyance and fearing that the community would take the law into its own hand he started to walk to jail. He proceeded this way eight miles and then got a friend to take him to his destination. When called upon in jail to-day he appeared perfectly cool and refused to make any statement.

Mrs. Ross, in speaking of the affair today, denounced Mills in bitter terms and cried and sobbed piteously. She states positively that she saw no attempt at violence on her father's part and that he never carried a pistol in his life. Mill's bullet passed directly through Captain Davis' heart. The son of Captain Davis married the sister of his father's murderer about eight months ago.

Footnote: When the case was being heard in court in October the sudden death of a juror resulted in postponement of proceedings until a new jury could be be seated. The case was concluded in November with Mills being sentenced to eight years in prison.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

UK Spies Hack al-Qaida, Replace Bomb Info With Cupcake Recipes

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - British spies hacked into an al-Qaida website to replace instructions on how to build a bomb with recipes for making cupcakes, newspapers reported on Friday.

The cyber offensive took place last year when the English language magazine called Inspire, aimed at Muslims in the West, was launched by supporters of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

British intelligence officers based at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the state eavesdropping service, attacked the 67-page magazine, leaving most of it garbled, British newspapers said.

Instead of being able to read how to "Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom," readers were greeted with computer code which actually contained recipes from The Best Cupcakes in America, published by U.S. chat show host Ellen DeGeneres.

The Washington Post reported that the British action followed a dispute between the CIA and the newly formed U.S. Cyber Command.

The cyber unit had wanted to block the al Qaeda magazine but the CIA, which had countered such an attack would expose sources and intelligence methods, won the debate and declined to allow an attack on Inspire.

The paper reported that it took almost two weeks for AQAP to post a corrected version of the magazine after it had been sabotaged.

A British security source said the Post's report was accurate but could not confirm details of the reported cupcake operation.

Last year, Britain's new National Security Strategy placed cyber attacks as one of the top threats to the country, and ministers have repeatedly spoken out about the danger posed by extremist Islamist websites.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Soap Box Derby In Federalsburg This Saturday

Staff Writer
The Star Democrat

FEDERALSBURG — Federalsburg youths are gearing up for the sixth annual Soapbox Derby to be held on West Central Avenue this Saturday.

The event, which also was held in town in the 1960s and 1970s, returned six years ago. It is sponsored by the Federalsburg Volunteer Fire Company, Preston Ford and Provident State Bank, will begin at 9 a.m. with weigh-in beginning at 7 a.m.

The competition has two classes — Stock, for drivers aged 8 to 13 and with a combined weight of driver and car of 200 pounds, and Super Stock for drivers aged 10 to 17 with a combined weight of 230 pounds. Drivers will compete against each other twice with wheels and lanes swapped after the first race. The driver with the best cumulative time will advance to the next round. Last year, Police clocked some of the drivers going as fast as 19 miles per hour.

Forty-four drivers have registered for the race. Registration is now closed.

Winners of each class will receive a trophy and a $500 savings bond, and will advance to the World Championship Soapbox Derby in Akron, Ohio, in July. Last year, Crystal Loudon of Seaford, Del., finished sixth in her division in Akron — an accomplishment that was broadcast live on ESPN.

Danny Phillips, who is coordinating the event, invites kids who haven’t registered for the race this year to “come and scope it out” to see if they want to compete next year.

Burgers and hot dogs will be provided on-site by the Federalsburg Volunteer Fire Company ladies’ auxiliary.


Kitten Rescued From 12-year-old's Abuse Dies

Jamarea Mills
This kitten was grossly abused by a twelve year old on a neighborhood playground.  The 12 year old took the kitten to the top of a piece of equipment where he dropped it to the ground, continued to abuse the tiny defenseless creature and then pulled out a knife to cut the kitten. Jamerea Mills asked the 12 year old what he was doing to the cat and the older boy replied he wanted to kill it.  Jamerea smacked the knife from the boys hand, placed the lifeless kitten in a cardboard box then the 9 year old and his friends  took it home.

Jamerea Mills has been called a hero and even has a facebook page (Jamaera Mills is a hero) set up in his honor and one day hopes to become a veterinarian.

SUFFOLK, Virginia – A 7-week-old kitten that was rescued by children from an abusive 12-year-old has died.

The foster home caring for the kitten notified animal shelter personnel around 1am that the kitten was experiencing difficulty breathing and rushed the animal to an emergency vet. The kitten passed away shortly after arriving at the vet.

The unnamed tabby kitten was scheduled to be available for adoption Friday.

  A necropsy will be performed to determine if the death was a result of the injuries sustained in the assault.  If that is determined to be the case, the animal cruelty charge against the 12-year-old could possibly be upgraded to a felony.  

Suffolk Police and Suffolk Animal Control would like to thank the foster care provider who gave the kitten around the clock care, as well as Suffolk Humane for their willingness to provide future care for the kitten.


Jack Kevorkian Dies At 83

Associated Press

DETROIT — Jack Kevorkian, the retired pathologist who captured the world's attention as he helped dozens of ailing people commit suicide, igniting intense debate and ending up in prison for murder, has died in a Detroit area hospital after a short illness. He was 83.

Kevorkian, who said he helped some 130 people end their lives from 1990 to 1999, died about 2:30 a.m. at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, close friend and prominent attorney Mayer Morganroth said.

He had been hospitalized since last month with pneumonia and kidney problems, Morganroth said.

An official cause of death had not been determined, but Morganroth said it likely will be pulmonary thrombosis.

“I had seen him earlier and he was conscious,” said Morganroth, who added that the two spoke about Kevorkian's pending release from the hospital and planned start of rehabilitation. “Then I left and he took a turn for the worst and I went back.”

Nurses at the hospital played recordings of classical music by composer Johann Sebastian Bach for Kevorkian before he died, Morganroth said.

Kevorkian was freed in June 2007 after serving eight years of a 10- to 25-year sentence for second-degree murder. His lawyers had said he suffered from hepatitis C, diabetes and other problems, and he had promised in affidavits that he would not assist in a suicide if he was released.

In 2008, he ran for Congress as an independent, receiving just 2.7 percent of the vote in the suburban Detroit district. He said his experience showed the party system was “corrupt” and “has to be completely overhauled from the bottom up.”

His life story became the subject of the 2010 HBO movie, “You Don't Know Jack,” which earned actor Al Pacino Emmy and Golden Globe Awards for his portrayal of Kevorkian. Pacino paid tribute to Kevorkian during his Emmy acceptance speech and recognized the world-famous former doctor, who sat smiling in the audience.

Pacino said during the speech that it was a pleasure to “try to portray someone as brilliant and interesting and unique” as Kevorkian and a “pleasure to know him.”

Kevorkian himself said he liked the movie and enjoyed the attention it generated, but told The Associated Press that he doubted it would inspire much action by a new generation of assisted-suicide advocates.

“You'll hear people say, `Well, it's in the news again, it's time for discussing this further.’ No it isn't. It's been discussed to death,” he said. “There's nothing new to say about it. It's a legitimate ethical medical practice as it was in ancient Rome and Greece.”

Eleven years earlier, he was sentenced in the 1998 death of a Lou Gehrig's disease patient — a videotaped death shown to a national television audience as Kevorkian challenged prosecutors to charge him.

“The issue's got to be raised to the level where it is finally decided,” he said on the broadcast by CBS' “60 Minutes.”

Nicknamed “Dr. Death” because of his fascination with death, Kevorkian catapulted into public consciousness in 1990 when he used his homemade “suicide machine” in his rusted Volkswagen van to inject lethal drugs into an Alzheimer's patient who sought his help in dying.

For nearly a decade, he escaped authorities' efforts to stop him.  His first four trials, all on assisted suicide charges, resulted in three acquittals and one mistrial.

Murder charges in earlier cases were thrown out because Michigan at the time had no law against assisted suicide; the Legislature wrote one in response to Kevorkian. He was also stripped of his medical license.