Monday, January 31, 2011

Two Arrested For Burglary and Related Charges

POCOMOKE CIT>, Md.- Two Pocomoke City men are facing burglary and related charges after being accused of stealing copper from 11 different locations throughout the city.

Pocomoke City police say that on Friday, Jan. 28, an officer on patrol in 800 block of Clarke Avenue observed two men carrying copper tubing in a bed sheet. Authorities say that when the pair noticed the officer, they abandoned the copper and entered a home.

The officer located both suspects, who after questioning were arrested for stealing copper from the following locations in Pocomoke City between November 2010 and January 2011:

  • 109 Willow St.

  • 618 Clarke Ave.

  • 508 Market St.

  • 406 2nd St.

  • 600 Young St.

  • 812 Clarke Ave.

  • 714 5th St.

  • 405 5th St.

  • 622 Cedar St.

  • 407 Market St.

  • 606 2nd St.

The suspects, identified as 45-year-old Kevin Roger Fisher (top) and 51-year-old Edgeforth Waters,(below) were charged with several counts of burglary, theft and malicious destruction of property. They are being held in lieu of $15,000 bond each.

Some Interesting Words.........

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities

By Delegate Mike McDermott

January 17th-23rd

  • The session opened on Monday evening with a presentation by Delegate Shawn Tarrant reflecting on the life and legacy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The delegate offered some interesting insights reflecting on many struggles and triumphs by African-American Marylanders.
  • On Tuesday, the committee heard from the Chief Judge Ben Clyburn of Maryland’s District Court system concerning the digitalization of court records. He first reviewed the success of implementing the E-Ticket system (computer generated traffic tickets) which is now utilized on over 50% of all tickets issued. Concerning the coming consolidations and changes, there were many questions regarding some of the operational details which they were not prepared to answer, but the dialogue was helpful. It was suggested that the working committee overseeing the changes for the district courts should include representation from the Judiciary Committee. This was resisted by the Chief Judge as a separation of powers issue. The problem is the District Court is spending money and making decisions about future expenses without input from legislators who will be the ones deciding on funding. Without legislative approval, a lot of tax dollars are at risk of being wasted by a committee preparing for change that may not be fully funded. It was a good example of a failure to partner by government entities which could create significant problems in the future.
  • On Wednesday, I met with a representative of the License Beverage Holders to discuss their recommended changes to the wholesale operations of the Worcester County Liquor Control Board. They had made a presentation to the Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday. I am waiting to hear back from the commissioners regarding their thoughts on the operations of the LCB before crafting any legislation.
  • On Thursday, the Judiciary Committee received a report from the Chairman of the Parole Commission, David Blumburg, regarding their activities in the past year. Also present in the audience for the review were several wardens and other local correctional service staff from across Maryland. There was much debate over the effectiveness of the Parole Commission in meeting the needs of the local correctional facilities. In fact, at times, members of the Committee had to referee between those speaking to the Committee and those in the audience.
    1. Two discussion items stood out: first, it was reported to us that inmates receiving “Good Time” Credits had a higher recidivism rate that than those who served out more of their sentence. I found this interesting considering that we are rewarding inmates for behaving by letting them go early, only to have them offend again. I was not the only delegate thinking that perhaps we should consider eliminating these credits.
    2. The second issue was the cost of parole monitoring. This cost is suppose to be paid in full by the inmate during his parole/probation time. I was surprised to learn that the Commission Chairman provides a waiver of these fees whenever he is asked to do so; and, further, if the inmate does not pay the fees (Rule 10 of their parole/probation requirements), the Commission does not violate them nor does it require them to make the payments. I found this outrageous and I advised the Chairman that I expected him to fully collect all monies owed to the State of Maryland by any inmate being given the privilege of parole/probation. It is interesting to note that the Governor’s Budget for this year includes a 4 million dollar increase in the fees charged for Parole and Probation Supervision by the state. Sounds like the governor may want to have a sit down with his Parole Commission Chairman before he counts on any money from these guys!
  • In my comments for this past week, I would be remiss if I did not mention an incident which occurred on the floor of the House during the Thursday morning session. One of our Baltimore County Delegates stood and gave a somber tribute to a Baltimore County Fireman, Mark Falkenhan, killed in the line of duty the previous day. The two were very good friends and it was a very heavy, emotional moment in the House. I had stood up to introduce my family and was recognized by the Speaker immediately after this somber moment. I felt compelled to ask the Speaker for permission to pray for the Firefighters family and our colleague who was in mourning. This request was denied based upon some bizarre sense of House protocols that made even less sense once they were explained. I then requested a simple moment of silence. This too was rejected. It seems in the peoples House, a prayer can be said to start the meeting, but we will not do so at any other time. Fortunately, several delegates came over after the session was adjourned and we prayed together for the Firefighters family and our colleague. I received many comments from veteran and freshman delegates alike later in the day indicating that they thought I had done the right thing and they thought it quite strange that my request was not allowed.

I understand protocol, and I respect the Speaker, but I think this unwritten rule is not in the best interest of the House or the people of Maryland. If anything, we need more prayer on the floor of the people’s House.

Man Accused Of Kidnapping Brittany Smith Says She Rode Along Voluntarily

Accused abductor Jeffrey Easley said in a letter from jail that 12-year-old Brittany Smith was his willing cross-country travelling companion.

"I did not kidnapp her or take her aginest her will," Easley, 32, wrote in a letter postmarked Thursday from the Western Virginia Regional Jail. "She made me promise not to leave her."

The one-page letter, hand-printed on lined notebook paper, contains misspellings and lacks punctuation. It doesn't mention the slaying of Tina Smith, 41, who was Easley's girlfriend and Brittany's mother.

"I want the truth out there not all these storys," Easley writes.

It continues: "I made a promise to britt in front of her mom back in july

"i promised never to leave her behind and always to protect her. that what I did."

Tina Smith was found slain at her western Roanoke County home Dec. 6, the same day police discovered that Easley, Brittany and Smith's Dodge Neon were missing. Police found the pair a week later, camping in downtown San Francisco.

Easley was charged with abducting Brittany. Police have called him a suspect in Smith's killing, but no one has been charged.

His letter responds to a Roanoke Times request to interview him.

"Its about time," the letter begins.

Easley told jail authorities on Friday that he would agree to a jailhouse interview, but quickly changed his mind and said he wanted his attorney, Thomas Roe, present. Roe, angry that a reporter had contacted Easley, declined to elaborate on Easley's letter.

"It's way too early in the case," Roe said. "It could hurt his defense."

Brittany has retained Altavista attorney Glenn Berger, who in 1997 won a dismissal of murder charges against an 8-year-old Franklin County boy accused of beating his stepfather to death. Berger would not answer questions about whether Brittany will testify against Easley, or whether she is cooperating with police.

Brittany's father, Benny Smith, a police officer in South Boston, said he did not want to talk about the investigation.

He said Brittany shares time with him and other relatives, sees a counselor twice a week and is being home-schooled.

"Brittany is doing a lot better than anybody thought she would be at this time," Smith said Friday. "She's tough, and she'll make it through all this."

Tina Smith's stepmother said she doesn't understand why no one has been charged in the slaying.

"I'm sitting here going, 'Why isn't this guy being charged with my daughter's death?' " said Liz Dyer, who lives in South Boston, Tina Smith's hometown.

"I know it's not forgotten, but I just would prefer that I could see some evidence that he's going to be charged."

Roanoke County police Lt. Chuck Mason said in a statement on Friday that his detectives and the Roanoke County commonwealth's attorney's office have been actively investigating "the crimes committed against Tina and Brittany Smith." Mason wouldn't answer questions about the case.

"It takes time to complete forensic examinations and to analyze the enormous volume of evidence compiled in this case so far," Mason said in the statement. "Let me assure you when the investigation is complete, and we have a case that is ready for court, we will place charges for the crimes that were committed."

Easley, a landscaper whose mother lives in Franklin County, met Tina Smith online over the summer and moved into the Smiths' home in October. The three became close, according to their postings on social media websites.

Brittany's MySpace page mentions that she and Easley worked out and watched movies together. He called her "Short Stack." She called him "Handcuff Buddy."

Even if Brittany willingly accompanied Easley, the law doesn't care. She's 12, not old enough to give legal consent, police and prosecutors have said.

Easley was being held in solitary confinement at the regional jail. A preliminary hearing on the abduction charge is scheduled for Feb. 8.

House Fire Claims The Life Of One

Sanford,Virginia--Virginia fire departments were called to the scene of a house fire on Saxis Road at 2:30 AM Sunday morning. The home located at 25246 Saxis Road was reported to have flames showing and an occupant still inside the dwelling.

Once the crews arrived on the scene they were able to enter the structure and locate the victim.

Fire departments from Saxis, Bloxom, New Church and Atlantic responded and remained on the scene for several hours to assist in the investigation.

Virginia State Police Investigator Neal is handling the investigation.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Household Items Needed

Any and all household items.

My son is venturing out on his own and is renting a house. He is 18 years old and this is his first time out on his own so he has absolutely nothing to start out with. Nothing.

If anyone has anything at all that you have been wanting to get out of your way please let me know before you throw it away, my son may very well be in need of it.

We have a truck so no item is to big.

So before you throw out that old toaster give me a shout.

You can contact me at or you can contact him directly at


Open Every Day!!





Saturday, January 29, 2011

Brian D. Shockley Sworn In As Worcester County Circuit Court Judge

OCEAN CITY -- Ocean City attorney Brian D. Shockley has been sworn in as Worcester County's newest Circuit Court judge.

"I will not let you down," he told the standing-room-only courtroom of about 150 family members, colleagues and friends. "I have earned the appointment and now it is time to earn your trust."

Circuit Court Clerk Stephen Hales administered the oath that invested Shockley as an associate judge for the 1st judicial circuit for the Circuit Court of Maryland.

After Shockley removed his suit jacket, his wife helped him put on his black judge's robe, and he walked around the bench to take a seat beside the other judges.

From the bench, he told the crowd how the last month since his judicial appointment by Gov. Martin O'Malley has been "a whirlwind" and the reality of his appointment was just setting in. He said he is "honored, thrilled and humbled" to have been selected as a judge.

Shockley added he's learned that being an effective judge means "you have to listen, you have to be fair and you can't take yourself too seriously."

Shockley, 45, of West Ocean City, will fill the vacancy created by the June 2010 retirement of Judge Ted Eschenburg.

Seated in the jury box alongside several other attending county judges, Eschenburg was introduced by Somerset Circuit Court Judge Danny Long as "the gentleman who made this celebration possible today."

Shockley is a 1987 graduate of Davidson College and a 1992 graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law. Since 1995, he has been an attorney at the Ocean City-based law firm of Williams, Moore, Shockley, and Harrison, LLP, becoming a partner in 2000.

Joe Moore, a partner with the firm, said he feels mixed emotions seeing Shockley move onto the bench. Moore isn't just a colleague -- he and Shockley's father, Ray, have practiced law together for more than 36 years in the resort.

Shockley's departure is a "true sense of loss for the firm," Moore said during the swearing-in ceremony, but called it "most assuredly Worcester County's gain."

Shockley later said packing up his office and leaving the firm after 16 years was "bittersweet."

The judicial application process, Shockley said, led him to reflect on his own life. He said the knowledge and wisdom he gained from his family and colleagues over time has shaped him.

"I'm very proud to say I'm a product of my father," he said, noting his father's ascent from humble beginnings to state trooper to respected attorney and community philanthropist.

"His commitment to public service was quiet but profound, and I'm in no small part influenced by him," he added.

Shockley joins on the bench Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Thomas C. Groton III, who moved up to chief judge when Eschenburg retired.

Wallops Off Shore Exercise Is A Success

OCEAN CITY – Perhaps providing further evidence of a growing presence at Wallops Island, along the coast just south of Assateague, NASA last weekend conducted a significant rocket launch visible in much of the mid-Atlantic area, as part of a joint training exercise with the U.S. Navy.

Shortly after 1 a.m. last Saturday, residents and visitors to the resort area still awake were treated to a rare spectacle when the Terrier-Oriole sub-orbital rocket arched its way across the Delmarva sky and reached its peak altitude before falling harmlessly into the ocean.

According to Wallops officials, the launch was visible throughout a wide swath of Delmarva from Delaware to as far south as North Carolina.

“It was a great launch and should have been visible throughout much of the region, although I’m not sure how many people were up at that hour to witness it,” said Wallops spokesman Keith Koehler this week. “It wasn’t crystal clear and it might have been hazy in some areas, but many people in the area probably saw a pretty cool show.”
The rocket was launched as part of a Navy exercise off the mid-Atlantic coast. Three U.S. Second Fleet ships, including the U.S.S. Monterrey, the U.S.S. Ramage and the U.S.S. Gonzalez, converged off the Atlantic coast just south of Assateague to test their tracking systems for the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system. All three successfully tracked the sub-orbital Terrier Oriole rocket launched from Wallops early last Saturday morning.

All three ships were able to successfully track the target missile, with the Monterrey and the Ramage, both Aegis destroyers, providing simulated target solutions that would have resulted in a successful interception of the rocket had it been a real threat. No missiles were fired from the ships during the launch because it was simply a simulated training exercise.

“The whole exercise went very well,” said Koehler. “The Navy was able to accomplish everything it hoped to with the launch and its simulated responses to a real threat, and we were able to successfully launch another significant rocket at Wallops.”

Koehler said the training exercise was just one of many planned off the coast of the Atlantic involving rocket launches from Wallops.

“We are looking forward to working with the Navy on similar exercises in the future,” he said. “Because of our natural proximity to a vast majority of the Atlantic fleet in Norfolk, it makes perfect sense to continue our great working relationship with future launches.”
by: Shawn J. Soper, News Editor

Frozen New Born Baby Found In Bed Of Truck

KANSAS CITY, MO. — Kansas City Missouri Police have arrested a woman for possession of marijuana the body of her newborn baby was found frozen in the back of her boyfriend's pickup truck on Thursday. Wanda Benenhaley said she gave birth to a stillborn baby on Jan. 9 and the baby's father then put the baby in a plastic bag in the back of his truck.

According to Kansas City Missouri Police, a witness visited a residence in the 11300 block of E. 49th Street on Jan. 9 where Benenhaley was in the process of delivering a baby in a bedroom. When the witness returned to the house on Thursday, Jan. 13, they said they didn't see a baby. The witness thought that was strange and called police. When officers arrived, they interviewed Benenhaley who said she had a baby, but it was stillborn.

Police said Benenhaley's boyfriend, and the father of the baby, said he put the baby in a plastic bag and tossed it into the bed of his truck. Investigators said that a baby, frozen solid from the cold, was found in the truck.
The child's body was taken to the Jackson County Medical Examiner where it's expected to take days to thaw before an autopsy can be performed.

Neighbors said they were shocked by what police found.

"Once I found out the baby was in the back, I just about threw up," said Matthew Long, neighbor. "I'm a father of two, and to think that anyone could be that cruel to a life, that's just appalling, incredibly appalling. If they need to be punished, I hope they get punished to the fullest extent because that's just despicable."

Police said the boyfriend, who was not identified, was released from custody, while Benenhaley is being held on a drug warrant from another county. No charges have been filed, but it's possible the couple could be charged with abandoning a corpse.

Friday, January 28, 2011


1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new refrigerator.

2. Hey, thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week. While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.

3. Love those flowers. That tells me you have taste... and taste means there are nice things inside. Those yard toys your kids leave out always make me wonder what type of gaming system they have.

4. Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway. And I might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long it takes you to remove it..

5. If it snows while you're out of town, get a neighbor to create car and foot tracks into the house. Virgin drifts in  the driveway are a dead giveaway.

6. If decorative glass is part of your front entrance, don't let your alarm company install the control pad where I can see if it's set. That makes it too easy.

7. A good security company alarms the window over the sink. And the windows on the second floor, which often access the master bedroom - and your jewelry. It's not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there too.

8. It's raining, you're fumbling with your umbrella, and you forget to lock your door - understandable. But understand this: I don't take a day off because of bad weather.

9. I always knock first. If you answer, I'll ask for directions somewhere or offer to clean your gutters. (Don't take me up on it.)

10. Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet.

11. Here's a helpful hint: I almost never go into kids' rooms.

12. You're right: I won't have enough time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables. But if it's not bolted down, I'll take it with me.

13. A loud TV or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system. If you're reluctant to leave your TV on while you're out of town, you can buy a $35 device that works on a timer and simulates the flickering glow of a real television. (Find it at

1. Sometimes, I carry a clipboard. Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake. I do my best to never, ever look like a crook.

2. The two things I hate most: loud dogs and nosy neighbors.

3. I'll break a window to get in, even if it makes a little noise. If your neighbor hears one loud sound,  he'll stop what he's doing and wait to hear it again... If he doesn't hear it again, he'll just go back to what he was doing. It's human nature.

4. I'm not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it?

5. I love looking in your windows. I'm looking for signs that you're home, and for flat screen TVs or gaming systems I'd like. I'll drive or walk through your neighborhood at night, before you close the blinds, just to pick my targets.

6. Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook page. It's easier than you think to look up your address.

7. To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it's an invitation.

8. If you don't answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in.

Sources: Convicted burglars in North Carolina, Oregon, California,  and Kentucky ; security consultant Chris McGoey, who runs T. Wright, a criminology professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, who interviewed 105 burglars for his book Burglars on the Job

Protection for you and your home:
If you don't have a gun, here's a more humane way to wreck someone’s evil plans for you. (I guess I can get rid of the baseball bat.):

A friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area was concerned about someone coming into the office on Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection. She asked the local police department about using pepper spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray instead.

The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate, while with the pepper spray, they have to get too close to you and could overpower you. The wasp spray temporarily blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote. She keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby at home for home protection... Thought this was interesting and might be of use.
On the heels of a break in and beating that left an elderly woman in Toledo dead, self defense experts have a tip that could save your life.
Val Glinka teaches self-defense to students at Sylvania Southview High School . For decades, he's suggested putting a can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed.

Glinka says, "This is better than anything I can teach them."

Glinka considers it inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than mace or  pepper spray. The cans typically shoot 20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, Glinka says, "spray the culprit in the eyes". It's a tip he's given to students for decades. It's also one he wants everyone to hear. If you're looking for protection, Glinka says look to the spray.

"That's going to give you a chance to call the police; maybe get out."
Maybe even save a life.

Put your car keys beside your bed at night

Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies. 

This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you  come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. 

It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around. After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that. 

And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

One Missing Maryland Teen Located

Montgomery County Police say they have found one of the teens from Olney who has been missing since January 12.

County police learned Nicholas (Cole) Balderson, 17, and Rachel Reilly, 16, might be in the San Antonio, Texas area and began coordinating with the San Antonio Police Department.

Thursday night, county detectives were contacted by San Antonio Police Department investigators who said they took Rachel Reilly into custody at approximately 8:15 p.m.

San Antonio Police had received information that the two teens may be staying at a homeless camp near a San Antonio truck stop, T and A Travel Center of America in San Antonio. They located a homeless camp to the rear of the truck stop, and police say when officers approached, two subjects matching the teens' descriptions fled on foot.

Police were able to stop and detain the girl and identified her as Rachel Reilly. Balderson was not apprehended.

Rachel Reilly was taken into custody by the San Antonio Police and is waiting to be reunited with family. Police say she appears to be uninjured and in good health.

Police say Balderson is still missing, and it is believed that he remains in the San Antonio area.

Anyone who may know the whereabouts of Cole Balderson is asked to call the Montgomery County Police Family Crimes Division at 240-773-5400 or the police non-emergency number at 301-279-8000.

25th Anniversary of Challenger Explosion Remembered With Memorial Service

CAPE CANAVERAL — In a somber ceremony at Kennedy Space Center's Visitor Complex today, NASA leaders, employees and relatives paid tribute to the two women and five men who lost their lives on space shuttle Challenger 25 years ago, recalling the disaster that shocked the country and forever changed America's space agency.

On a brisk morning under cloudy skies, about 200 people — many carrying a long-stemmed rose — gathered at the stark Space Mirror Memorial at the front of the tourist attraction for the service sponsored by the Astronauts Memorial Foundation. By the end of the 45-minute ceremony, the skies were as clear as they were a quarter-century ago when Challenger exploded.

Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for Space Operations, said he had vowed after the Challenger explosion that it would never happen again. But it did – on Feb. 1, 2003 – when shuttle Columbia broke up on re-entry because a piece of insulating foam falling off the fuel tank had punched a hole in the orbiter's wing during launch.

Like the cause of the Challenger disaster – caused by a failed O-ring in the shuttle's solid-rocket booster – problems with foam coming off the tank were apparent after the shuttle's first flight in 1981, he said. But NASA engineers didn't judge them serious enough to halt flights to fix them.

"This is the most difficult speech that I give," Gerstenmaier said. "This speech becomes much more than words as I reflect on the failings of the human safe-flight team…They're not academic or simple lessons, but are lessons that must be implemented and learned every day. The little things that seemed harmless can become catastrophic events."

However, he added, "We can't let the fear of failure stop us from the challenges and risky work of discovery."

Gerstenmaier was joined by June Scobee Rodgers, widow of Challenger's commander, Dick Scobee. But unlike the veteran NASA administrator, she chose to emphasize the positive – creation of the Challenger Centers that have provided 4 million students in the U.S .as well as in Canada, South Korea and Canada with space-education programs.

"What should have been a day of education turned to tragedy in a split second," said Scobee Rodgers, who has remarried.

"Lessons were left untaught," she said, adding that the families of the dead crewmembers – including Christa McAuliffe, the New Hampshire high-school teacher who was flying as part of the Teacher in Space program -- realized that "if we didn't somehow continue Challenger's mission of education, then our loved ones would have died in vain."

In a statement released before the event, Steven McAuliffe, Christa McAuliffe's widower, put it like this: "Ordinary people can make extraordinary contributions when they remain true to themselves and enthusiastically pursue their own dreams wherever they may lead."

In addition to McAuliffe and Scobee, the Challenger crew included pilot Michael Smith, astronauts Ronald McNair, Judith Resnik, Ellison Onizuka and payload specialist Gregory "Bruce" Jarvis, who worked for Hughes Aircraft Co.

The theme of the day was the legacy of the seven astronauts who lost their lives just 73 seconds into the flight. It was a message focusing on learning not loss.

The shuttle was destroyed 73 seconds after launch, when a failed O-ring in one of the shuttle's solid-rocket boosters allowed hot gases to escape and ignite the shuttle's main fuel tank. It was the 25th flight in the shuttle program.

A quarter-century later, images of the exploding space shuttle still signify all that can go wrong with space travel.

The accident — the first high-tech catastrophe to unfold on live TV — took place 9 miles above the Atlantic and remains NASA's most visible failure. Adding to the anguish was the young audience: Schoolchildren everywhere tuned in to watch McAuliffe become the first schoolteacher and ordinary citizen bound for space.

President Ronald Reagan was due to give his State of the Union address the night of the Challenger disaster. Instead he postponed the speech for a week, and appeared on national television to pay tribute to the crew.

He said they were "pioneers" before ending his address with two lines from the John Magee poem "High Flight": "We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God'

Man Breaks Into Bank To Steal Fake Money

PRINCESS ANNE, Md. (AP) — Princess Anne police have arrested a man they say broke into a bank and tried to steal fake money.

Police Chief Scott Keller says a motion detector alarm went off in the PNC Bank on Somerset Avenue Tuesday about 11 p.m. Officers saw broken glass at the drive-up window.

Keller says officers found a man inside the bank, taking fake bills that are used for bank training. Keller says the suspect though the bills were real money.

Twenty-five-year-old George Ballard of Princess Anne has been charged with burglary.

Don Malloy Files To Run For Council Seat In Pocomoke

POCOMOKE CITY -- With the filing of Don Malloy for a council seat, both offices up for grabs in Pocomoke's April 5 election have a candidate. Malloy, who had served previously on the Council from 1965-1968, filed to fill the third district seat. That seat is now up for election as Bruce Morrison, the present occupant, has filed for mayor.

Malloy said that he had been asked by a number of friends and acqaintances to put his name in for the post. He doesn't see any problems with the direction of the town but would like to see Pocomoke continue to improve, he said in an interview.

A member of the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company for more than 40 years, he was also active in the ambulance service. He served on the board of the historic Mar-Va Theater during a number of the years the landmark was brought back to life. He is a member of the Pocomoke Elks Lodge where he is a past exalted ruler.

One project he points to with pride is helping with the construction of the Nature Trail from Cypress Park to the edge of the Winter Quarters Golf Course.

To be eligible to run for mayor, a person must be a resident of Pocomoke City for at least one year prior to the election, a registered voter and at least 25 years old. To be eligible to run for the open council seat, a person must be a registered voter and a resident of the Third District.

The deadline for filing is Friday, Feb. 4, at Pocomoke City Hall.

The deadline for registering to vote in the election is March 4. To be eligible to register, a person must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a resident of Maryland for the past six months and must have been a resident of Pocomoke City for at least 30 days just prior to the election.

Anyone who does not know his or her district of residence can find it at City Hall.

written by: Bill Kerbin

MUD BOG Added To the Monster Truck Show

"Can you picture this - Mud flying 30 feet in the air, tires spinning, and engines screaming with the driver’s foot standing on the gas, well from the Bad Boys of Racing it is HOT ROD MUD BOG DRAG RACING ACTION! " (from

On the minds of the fans of Monster Trucks shows is the show this weekend at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center sponsored by Checkkered Flag Productions. These Monster Trucks have won the hearts of fans of all ages and beginning Friday night, then Saturday afternoon and ending Saturday evening these monstrous trucks will keep all their fans on their feet yelling and begging for MORE!

This year it won't just be the Monster Trucks they're screaming MORE for!!
The MUD BOG has been added.

span >
Mud Bog Racers are excited about this!

So, of course when certain people from the 123 East Performance/Bowden Racing Team heard about it they just had to jump on board.

If you are a follower of the Gumboro Mudbog you will recognize the names Laurie Ann (Long) Sturgis and now husband Lee. They each drive the Grey Ghost. They will be competing and I can't wait to see who will drive the Grey Ghost through the mud since only one trip through the mud is allowed. Good luck, guys. The Grey Ghost participated in several classes during the season of the Gumboro Mudbog. It's a fast truck and one to watch as it hits the mud!
Another Gumboro Mudbog participator is Patrick Long driving his All Night Soldier. During the season Patrick participated in different classes of mudracing and was the 1st place winner in the Prostock class plus the 2nd place winner in Big-tire Prostock. Keep your eyes wide open on All Night Soldier. Keep your eyes on him.

Then last but never least is Kelly Hubbard. It saddens me that I don't have a photo of his truck High Voltage. I can tell you that Kelly drove High Voltage at both Crisfield and Gumboro during the past season and ended with a 2nd place win in Small-tire modified. In this class ending the season with a second place win was NOT an easy feat for this guy. So pay attention when he makes his attempt to glide through the mud.

If you have never seen mudbogging before you are in for a surprise IF indoor mudbogging is anything like it is outside.

And I'm quite sure there will be others from the surrounding area waiting to throw mud 30 feet or more in the air.

Good luck to all of you and be safe.<>

The Bay Queen Restaurant and Bakery

Don't Forget To Try The Bay Queen Restaurant and Bakery this weekend!

Daily homemade Blue Plate Specials for $5.95

And while you are there check out the Smith Island Cakes and those delicious Smith Island "BabyCakes".

Stop by for BRUNCH on Sundays.......

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Courtney Bloxom's Mother To Be Interviewed On WBOC Tonight

Please watch WBOC TV 16 tonight at 6:00 PM.

Becky Bloxom, the mother of Courtney Bloxom, will be interviewed and will explain just exactly what is involved in the life of a patient that suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on a daily basis.

Courtney is the nineteen year old Arcadia High School student still hospitalized from a car accident back in May of 2010. At the present time Courtney is a patient at Shore LifeCare in Parksley, Virginia. Each day she undergoes hours of extensive therapies trying to get her young body back on the right track so that she may live life as she once did.

This young woman has a very long way to go but it has been through prayer, her wonderful medical personnel and the love from family, friends and even strangers that has helped Courtney stay on course.

On her facebook page Courtney has close to 4,000 friends many of them leaving notes of love to her on a daily basis. Each and every day Becky takes the time to give updates on Courtney's progress. The journey has been a long one but each day Courtney's Mother makes sure God knows how thankful she is.

Please say a prayer for Courtney as she continues to recover.

Day of Remembrance For NASA

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - NASA is pausing Thursday to remember the 17 astronauts lost in the line of duty.

The so-called Day of Remembrance — always the last Thursday of January — takes on special meaning this year. Friday marks the 25th anniversary of the shuttle Challenger launch disaster.

Flags will fly at half-staff at NASA centers nationwide Thursday. In addition, NASA officials will lay wreathes at various memorials to honor the dead.

NASA's three space-related fatalities occurred within days of one another but years apart. Three astronauts were killed in the Apollo 1 launch pad fire on Jan. 27, 1967. Seven more died aboard Challenger on Jan. 28, 1986. And the seven-member crew of Columbia perished during re-entry on Feb. 1, 2003

Garage Fire Under Investigation

The Worcester County Fire Marshal's Office is investigating a fire at 407 McGrath Road. The fire occurred at approximately 10AM. Fire Departments from Fruitland, Allen and Salisbury Station 1, 16 and Parsonsburg from Wicomico County, Princess Anne from Somerset County and Snow Hill responded to the alarm.

Arriving firefighters found the detach garage and shed fully involved. The fire is under investigation and no cause has been determined at this time.

Anyone with information or questions about this fire is asked to call the Fire Marshal's Office at 410.632.5666 or the Maryland Hotline at 1-800-492-7529.

Bill To Allow Inmates To Work At Virginia Rest Areas

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA -(AP)A bill allowing inmates to provide maintenance at Virginia's rest stops cleared its first hurdle Wednesday, overcoming some legislators' concerns about perception and public safety.

A subcommittee of the Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee gave preliminary approval to Sen. Emmett Hanger's bill to authorize inmate labor at Virginia's 42 rest stops.

Former Gov. Tim Kaine shuttered 19 rest stops before leaving office last year in an attempt to save money. Gov. Bob McDonnell ordered the rest stops reopened soon after taking office, vowing to find cheaper ways to operate them.

Each rest stop costs about $500,000 a year to maintain and keep open. Hanger and supporters of his bill said allowing inmates to do most of the work would reduce costs and improve maintenance at the rest stops.

Some legislators worried that having inmates and armed guards at rest stops would be perceived poorly by those visiting or passing through the state.

"I'm not sure it necessarily sends the message that we want to send in that particular situation," said Sen. George Barker, D-Fairfax County.

Supporters argued that most of the work would be outside the rest stops — mowing grass, landscaping and making structural repairs — instead of inside the facilities and would be done during off hours. Inmates would not be in orange jumpsuits.

Hanger argued that the labor would improve the appearance of the rest stops, impressing those who stop at them.

"The flowers are going to look prettier. The grass is going to be kept. The roof in going to be repaired," said Hanger, R-Augusta. "They're in Virginia, and Virginia uses common sense."

No violent prisoners or sex offenders would be allowed to do the work.

Inmates currently work along Virginia's roadways throughout the state and on Capitol Square.

Hanger said there are thousands of inmates perfectly suited for the work, and that doing something constructive helps prepare them for re-entry into society.

"They're going to be our neighbors in just a couple of months anyway," he said.

Assistant Transportation Secretary Matt Strader said the inmate labor would cost the department about $1.50 per hour per inmate.

"It's just about cost savings and finding the most efficient way to get this work done," he said.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Super Heated Danger

This is something I did not know........!!!! Microwaving Water 

Microwaving   Water!

A 26-year old man decided to have a cup of coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). I am not sure how long he set the timer for, but he wanted to bring the water to a boil.. When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the cup from the oven. As he looked into the cup, he noted that the! Water was not boiling, but suddenly the water in the cup 'blew up' into his face. The cup remained intact until he threw it out of his hand, but all the water had flown out into his face due to the buildup of energy.  His whole face is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face which may leave scarring.

He also may have lost partial sight in his left eye. While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this is a fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. If water is heated in this manner, something should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a wooden stir stick, tea bag, etc..., (nothing metal).

General   Electric's Response:

Thanks for contacting us, I will be happy to assist you. The e-mail that you received is correct. Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it.

To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than two minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup stand in the microwave for thirty seconds! Before moving it or adding anything into it.

Here is what our local science teacher had to say on the matter: 'Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen this happen before. It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating. It can occur anytime water is heated and will particularly occur if the vessel that the water is heated in is new, or when heating a small amount of water (less than half a cup).

What happens is that the water heats faster than the vapor bubbles can form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat has built up, the liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point.

What then usually happens is that the liquid is bumped or jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the bubbles to rapidly form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.'

How Does This Work? [Brain Teaser]

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ......... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were
born plus the age you will be this year and
it WILL EQUAL .... 111!

Hat Tip; Kack

Alternative To Civil Commitment For Predators

A Virginia legislator is proposing castrating sex offenders as an alternative to the increasing costs to detain and treat them after they've served their prison sentences.

Republican Sen. Emmett Hanger's bill would require the state to study the use of physical castration as an alternative to civil commitment for sexually violent predators. A similar proposal was vetoed four years ago.

The civil commitment program's budget grew from $2.7 million in 2004 to $24 million this year. Gov. Bob McDonnell has proposed spending nearly $70 million over the next two years to meet the increasing demands.

Hanger's bill also would require study of the crimes that qualify for commitment, the process and housing options for those who leave the program.

Eliminate Option Of A Death Sentence? Cruel?

ELKTON, Md. -- Attorneys for the Salisbury man charged in the murder of 11-year-old Sarah Foxwell have filed a request to eliminate the option of a death sentence.

The motion is one of several death penalty-related requests filed by defense counsel for 31-year-old Thomas James Leggs Jr. The requests will be heard in Cecil County Circuit Court during a three-day hearing scheduled to begin Wednesday.

Defense attorneys for Leggs argue the court should rule against the state's intent to seek the death penalty because execution methods authorized in Maryland "constitute cruel and unusual punishment and violates evolving standards of decency."

"There is a plethora of evidence to demonstrate that Maryland's lethal injection method, and the correctional policies and procedures governing it, present grave risk of needlessly inflicting a painful, torturous, lingering death," wrote Katy C. O'Donnell, division chief of the aggravated homicide division of the public defender's office, and Kay Beehler, an assistant public defender.

The motion also states that execution procedures used by the department of corrections violate state regulations. O'Donnell and Beehler state the Maryland Court of Appeals previously rejected the execution procedures and the state's continued use violates the Maryland Administrative Procedures Act.

Leggs, a registered sex offender in Maryland and Delaware, was taken into police custody and charged with burglary and kidnapping shortly after Foxwell's relatives reported her missing on Dec. 22, 2009.

More than 3,000 volunteers reported to Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Christmas Day to help authorities search for the missing girl. Her burned remains were located in a wooded area later the same day.

At the time of his arrest, Leggs had been released from the Worcester County Detention Center on bond from burglary and malicious destruction of property charges. A woman reported he had allegedly broken into her home in September. He was convicted on the burglary charge and sentenced to three years in prison.

A Wicomico County grand jury indicted him on murder, burglary, sex offense and kidnapping charges in February 2010.

After the state filed a notice of its intent to seek the death penalty, the case was moved to Cecil County Circuit Court and Judge J. Frederick K. Price, a retired administrative judge for the 2nd Judicial Circuit, was assigned to the case

"Needlessly inflicting a painful, torturous, lingering death"????? HA!! Think about what that poor child had to endure for the remainder of her short life! Who cares how painful death may be for Thomas Leggs, Jr. I would certainly hope it would be a painful and torturous as possible!

Miss America 2010 To Attend Pageant Benefiting Courtney Bloxom

GREENBACKVILLE -- Sisters Sara and Emily Pettine wanted to help an Eastern Shore of Virginia car accident victim by holding a benefit pageant -- and they wanted the biggest draw possible.

So they contacted Miss America 2010, Caressa Cameron of Fredericksburg, Va., to see if she would attend. They hoped for the best but didn't expect it.

So when Cameron committed to attend the March benefit for Accomack County resident Courtney Bloxom and also waive her usual fee, Emily Pettine and her sister reacted like pageant winners.

"We started crying," she said.

Cameron will attend the inaugural Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant.

All proceeds go to the family of Bloxom, a graduate of Arcadia High School who was involved in a single-car crash last May. She suffered a severe brain injury that left her in a coma for six weeks, during which she missed her high school graduation.

Bloxom is still recovering and, last month, returned to Accomack County to continue her recuperation at Shore LifeCare, a long-term care facility in Parksley. She undergoes three hours of speech, occupational and physical therapy daily to recover basic skills.

The Pettine sisters, with the help of their mother, Maureen, started the company Bling, which will coordinate an annual benefit pageant on the Eastern Shore. Emily Pettine was Miss Teen Maryland 2009 and Teen Miss Delmarva 2011.

The Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant's goal is to raise enough money to buy Bloxom specialized physical therapy equipment costing about $19,000. Every year, the pageant will choose a new beneficiary.

"Everyone wants to help, and they don't know how," Emily Pettine said. "But just showing up at the pageant helps."

For contestants, the pageant will be comprised of an opening number that is not judged; a personal interview, consisting of 50 percent of the contestant's score; an onstage introduction, counting for 25 percent of the score; and evening gown session, with grading on grace, poise and confidence for the remaining 25 percent of the score.

There will be a silent auction of donated goods, including Vera Bradley merchandise, teeth whitening sessions and more. Businesses are donating the prizes, which include a photo shoot, hair and makeup at Vanity Hair Salon, dinner at Mallards in Onancock and limo service to these locations.

For the pageant, Bling is looking for ladies of all ages who are interested in community service and involvement. During her reign, the overall winner of Miss Hope Eastern Shore will participate in service-oriented events and mentor her younger sister queens and Little Miss Hope princesses.

Registration for the Miss Hope Pageant is $75 and payable in advance. However, if contestants refer a friend who registers, registration is $50. Age division spaces are limited.

Before the pageant begins, there will be a special crowning ceremony at 4 p.m. for all participants in the Little Miss Hope Eastern Shore Princess Tea. Girls ages 3-10 are encouraged to wear their prettiest party dresses and show off their natural beauty without makeup.

Little Miss Hope princesses will be crowned by the special guest queen and given an autographed photo of the guest queen. They will be given admission to the Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant, as well as an on-stage introduction during the pageant.

In addition, they will participate in holiday parades with their big sister queens and have the opportunity to join in volunteer service events throughout the year with their big sister queens. The registration fee to be a Little Miss Hope Eastern Shore Princess is $50.

Body Found Maybe The Brother Of Raven Player Ed Reed

A body believed to be the brother of Ravens safety Ed Reed was retrieved from the Mississippi River on Tuesday, 18 days after Brian Reed went into the water trying to escape from police in Kenner, La.

Identification of the body is pending an autopsy to be performed by the Jefferson Parish Coroner's Office on Wednesday.

According to Kenner police spokesman Lt. Wayne McInnis, the body was found less than a quarter mile — and some 30 feet off shore — from the place Brian Reed went into the river around 10 a.m. on Jan. 7.

Texas Equusearch, a volunteer organization that helps families find missing relatives, confirmed the recovery of a submerged body in the area of 153rd Street in Kenner to New Orleans TV station WDSU.

Tuesday was the seventh day of diving for Texas Equusearch, which thought it had found the body on Sunday in a nearby area. Heavy winds and sporadic rain hampered the search, McInnis said. Three boats used sonar and dragging operations in a search that extended eight to 10 miles downriver before locating the body Tuesday.

"It's premature to say it's Brian Reed until they perform the autopsy [Wednesday]," McInnis said. "The family pretty much had accepted the fact and assumed the worst. They realize it's a chance for closure and that's what they're looking for."

Reed, 29, was stopped by a deputy sheriff from the St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office on the morning of Jan. 7 over what was believed to be a stolen car. Karen Reed, Brian's mother, said the car actually belonged to another of his sons.

In an attempt to flee from the police, Brian Davis took off running and went into the Mississippi, where police saw him struggle and finally go under.

Ed Reed, a nine-year veteran for the Ravens, played in the team's first-round playoff game two days later, saying his brother would have wanted him to play. He then went home to St. Rose, La., to assist the family, returning to Baltimore to practice for the second-round playoff game in Pittsburgh.

After losing to the Steelers, Reed again returned to St. Rose to be with his family. He was not available to comment Tuesday night.

Karen Reed said that Brian had struggled with drug and alcohol abuse.