Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coyotes Kill Woman in Canadian Park

TORONTO (Oct. 28) -- Two coyotes attacked a promising young musician as she was hiking alone in a national park in eastern Canada, and authorities said she died Wednesday of her injuries.

The victim was identified as Taylor Mitchell, 19, a singer-songwriter from Toronto who was touring her new album on the East Coast.

She was hiking solo on a trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia on Tuesday when the attack occurred. She was airlifted to a Halifax hospital in critical condition and died Wednesday morning, authorities said.

>Singer-songwriter Taylor Mitchell, 19, died after being attacked by coyotes in a Canadian national park. She "was so excited about the future," her manager said.

Coyotes, which also are known as prairie wolves, are found from Central America to the United States and Canada.
Wildlife biologist Bob Bancroft said coyote attacks are extremely rare because the animals are usually shy.

Bancroft, a retired biologist with Nova Scotia's Department of Natural Resources, said it's possible the coyotes thought Mitchell was a deer or other prey.
"It's very unusual and is not likely to be repeated," Bancroft said. "We shouldn't assume that coyotes are suddenly going to become the big bad wolf."

Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokeswoman Brigdit Leger said other hikers heard Mitchell's screams for help on Tuesday and called emergency police dispatchers.

Police who were in the area reached the scene quickly and shot one of the animals, apparently wounding it. But the wounded animal and a companion coyote managed to get away.

Read More HERE

Texans Ready To Take Out Future Muslim Killers.

Don't mess with Texas.

Hat Tip; Eric

Woman Walks 10,000 Miles for Husband

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Oct. 25) — An 88-year-old woman in Colorado Springs who walked laps around a nursing home in memory of her deceased husband has hit a major milestone: 10,000 miles.

Martha Michel walks laps daily around the lake at Namaste Alzheimer Center. Michel started walking the lake with her husband, former Colorado College Professor Dr. Lester Michel, who was a patient at the center. After Lester Michel's death in 1998, Martha Michel kept up the walking in his memory.


She told The Gazette that the last time her husband spoke to her was by the lake.
"He was pretty far along with the Alzheimer’s," Michel said. "His arms just hung down and his face was just expressionless. We stopped over on the other side and he said to me, 'I want to hold you.' And I picked up his arms and put them around me."


Islamic Radical Killed in Mich. Raid

Federal authorities in Detroit say they fatally shot the leader of a radical fundamentalist Sunni Islam group after he failed to surrender on several criminal charges.

The U.S. attorney's office says Luqman Ameen Abdullah was killed while exchanging gunfire with federal agents Wednesday at a warehouse in Dearborn.

A court document says Abdullah is an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States. Authorities say he's also known as Christopher Thomas.

The FBI was trying to round up Abdullah and 10 followers on many charges, including conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms.

The FBI says Abdullah regularly preached anti-government rhetoric, and some of his followers converted to Islam while in prison.


EXPLANATION OF GOD: by an 8-year-old

**It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in Chula Vista, CA. He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to 'explain God.' I wonder if any of us could have done as well**?*

*[ .... and he had such an assignment, in California, and someone published it, I guess miracles do happen ! ... ]**


'One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.'

'God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off.'

'God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over your mom and dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.'

'Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least there aren't any who come to our church.'

'Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of him preaching to them and they crucified him But he was good and kind, like his father, and he told his father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.'

'His dad (God) appreciated everything that he had done and all his hard work on earth so he told him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he helps his dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones he can take care of himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important.'

'You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.'

'You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if there's anybody you want to make happy, it's God!

Don't skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.'

'If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids.'

' shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases

And...that's why I believe in God.

Hat tip; Kack

Mom Opens "Haunted House" in Home Where Kids Died in Fire

A woman ran a "haunted house" attraction for Halloween in the same burnt out home where her two children died in a house fire earlier this year, before police had to shut it down.

Nearly six months ago on May 29th, firefighters arrived to the house at 1460 North Lilac Avenue which was already well-involved in flames.

The firefighters quickly extinguished the flames, but discovered 2 little boys, 5 year old Mario Sisneros and 3-year-old David Sisneros lying unconscious, overcome by heat and smoke in a converted bedroom along with their puppy.

Read more HERE

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eastern Shore Robotics hosts Open House

On Thursday, Eastern Shore Robotics will host an open house showcasing FRC Team 1829 and information about the LEGO League for younger kids which will be starting this year. This function will include last years robot which Team 1829 took to the World Championship in Atlanta, GA.

If you are interested in Eastern Shore Robotics, FIRST Robotics, FRC Team 1829, or a Lego League, please attend the open house at Lockheed Martin starting at 5 pm. The flyer for the event is below.

(Click on the flyer to enlarge it)
For more information on Eastern Shore Robotics, please visit and for more information on FIRST Robotics, please visit

Lets Get Down and Dirty, Doing it in the mud.

Mud and sled trucks are coming back!
It was once a very big event here on the shore with boggs in just about every city and town. It's coming back and each year seams to bring more and more trucks to the slippery slopes.

To a motor-head about the only thing better than hearing a finely tuned engine and smelling cam-2 is smelling Alcohol, add mud and it's on.

Below is a video of the big boys toys get'n down and dirty in some good ol' easternshore sticky stuff.

The blue Chevy in the video that seems to just skip across the mud and is owned by a local; Barry Wise. There's no doubt if you've ever been out playing in the mud you will know ..that Chevy is 'hooked-up'

Video compliments of The Watson Family MudRacing Team

Visit Little Red Dakota website for more videos and info.

Youtube video page HERE


This is REALLY Cool!!!
A new Digital version of the classic game...
This is so much fun !!!
The sound effects are really turn up your speakers.
Click on the Tic-Tac-Toe link (below) to play.
See if you can beat the computer...


Homecoming Dance Rape (brutal)

"YO"Al, Jessy, MSM, where's you at?
The school is poorly lit and their security do not work and are at least a week away from being repaired.

Richmond police have arrested a second suspect in connection with the two-hour gang rape of a semiconscious 15-year-old outside her homecoming dance at Richmond High, authorities said Monday night.

Police arrested and booked a 15-year-old student from Richmond High for felony sexual assault and are continuing to actively search for other suspects - both juveniles and adults - through the night, Detective Ken Greco said. The boy's name and grade level were not released.

The suspect was one of two students in custody for questioning early Monday evening, Greco said. Authorities have already arrested 19-year-old Manuel Ortega as he ran from the crime scene, police say.

Authorities said people took photos,laughed and some joined in as the girl was repeatedly assaulted. The victim, a student, remained hospitalized Monday with injuries that were not life-threatening.

"She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other's presence," said Lt. Mark Gagan, a patrol supervisor in the city's Northern Policing District. "What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others. People came by, saw what was happening, and failed to report it."

Read more HERE

Monday, October 26, 2009

Japanese suit that fights flu

A Japanese company, Haruyama Trading Co., has developed a suit that it claims protects the wearer from the deadly H1N1 strain of influenza.

The company has produced 50,000 of the suits and will start selling them on Thursday, according to a company spokesman.

The suit is coated with the chemical titanium dioxide, which reacts to light to break down and kill the virus when it comes into contact with it, according to Junko Hirohata. The chemical is a common ingredient in toothpaste and cosmetics.

The suit - which is indistinguishable from any other worn by Japan's legion of "salarymen" - comes in four colours and styles, which are medium grey, charcoal, navy and a grey pinstripe. It will go on sale for about £365.

The company said it spent a year developing the suit, which retains its properties even after being washed numerous times.

Japan has been gripped by swine flu fear since the global outbreak began a year ago, with the World Health Organisation confirming more than 340,000 cases worldwide and around 4,100 deaths.

A seven-year-old boy became the latest victim in Japan on Sept 22, the youngest and 18th fatality from the disease here.

In the same week, medical institutions across the country reported treating 23,275 cases of influenza, the majority with the new H1N1 strain. Most of the new cases were reported in urban areas, where population density increases the risk of transmission.


Wait, ain't that the guy running from the bear?


An atheist was walking through the woods.
'What majestic trees!
'What powerful rivers!
'What beautiful animals!
He said to himself.

As he was walking alongside the river,
He heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.

He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder
& saw that the bear was closing in on him.

He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer.

He tripped & fell on the ground.

He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of
Him, reaching for him with his
Left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.

At that instant the Atheist cried out, 'Oh my God!'

Time Stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.

As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.

'You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident.'

'Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?

Am I to count you as a believer?

The atheist looked directly into the light,

'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian'?

' Very Well,' said the voice.

The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:

'Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Pocomoke Budget INN ... Fire

The Pocomoke Budget Inn is on fire, heavy fire and smoke. Other departments have been called in it must be a big one.

Girdletree, Stockton, Newchurch assisting

2 units were burning, no cause yet, but the fire is extinguished.. all in less then 1 hour from volunteers that have to drive to the VFD, get suited-up etc.

Another great job and exceptional results from all the local VFD's

They do not get thanked enough for what they do.

Thank you to all the VFD's

Arrested Blogger; Seized Computers Returned

A blogger was arrested earlier this year and their equipment was seized during a raid of the home, all equipment that could be connected to the internet was confiscated and after months just recently returned. Albeit a bit messy at least they have their stuff back.

Although every piece was adorned with highly adhesive evidence tape and marker the blogger was happy that the items even were returned in one piece.

This has been a very controversial situation from the day the troops stormed the bloggers home and snatched their belongings. Why so? Because the blogger posted 'public information' .... information that anyone can access VIA the internet or simply by their eyes while in public.

Is this the beginning of an attack on our freedom of speech? The blogger was made to remove the public information from their blog but the same information is throughout the internet for all that wishes to see.

Below is a snip and a couple of pictures.

It seems every time anyone in law enforcement did anything with it, they slapped on a new icky sticky strip and initialed it. With a dang Sharpie!

My laptop was not spared the wrath of the everlasting black marker either.

Read the rest of the story HERE

Two Rescued Near Chincoteague Drawbridge

CHINCOTEAGUE, Va. - The Coast Guard along with local emergency medical service personnel rescue two people in the water under Chincoteague Swing Bridge late Friday night.

Coast Guard watchstanders at Sector Hampton Roads received a report at 10:55 p.m., from Chincoteague police dispatch of a person in the water near the swing bridge.

A rescue boat crew from Station Chincoteague was dispatched to the scene and recovered an unconscious 29-year-old female while EMS personnel recovered an uninjured male out of the water. The female was transfered to awaiting EMS personnel near the and transported her to Peninsula Regional Medical Hospital in Salisbury, Md., where she was revived and then transported to Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore for further evaluation.

The two were under the bridge fishing when the incident occurred.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Wonder what the artist had on his mind when he painted this.......................

You decide.

Officials Identify Teen With No Memory

(Oct. 24) -- Authorities have identified a teenager believed to be suffering from amnesia who was found on the streets of New York two weeks ago.

Police say a CNN viewer in Maryland identified the young woman, who mysteriously turned up in Manhattan two weeks ago, claiming to have no memory of her family, her home or even her own name.

The 18-year-old, whose name was not released, is being reunited with her family in Washington state, New York Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said.

A photo of the woman, who has been referred to as Jane Doe, was circulated by police and aired on CNN this week. The viewer in Maryland was familiar with her situation and knew she had been missing from her family earlier this month.

The girl was found in Midtown Manhattan around 12:30 a.m. October 9 outside the Covenant House youth shelter, although the organization said that she was not a resident at the time and did not appear as if she intended to seek refuge at the facility.

"I just want to know who I am," the girl said in a statement from the New York City Administration for Children's Services. "I want to know who I am and what happened to me."

According to its Web site, "Covenant House New York is the nation's largest adolescent care agency serving homeless, runaway and at-risk youth." Nearly 7,000 youths reportedly seek shelter there per year.
A security guard for the shelter noticed the girl walking on the sidewalk near Covenant House and approached her. Finding her unresponsive, he called the New York City Police Department.

Police officers interviewed the young woman, but it became clear that she couldn't provide authorities with any information about herself. The police said she was wearing military green camouflage pants, a black shirt and a pair of black sneakers when she was discovered.
The children's services agency said the girl recently wrote down the name "Amber" and has responded to it on one occasion, but she has no idea whether it is her true name.

On another occasion she is said to have recalled certain words, which turned out to be an excerpt from the fantasy novel "Fool's Fate" by Robin Hobb. The girl also is apparently writing a fantasy story of her own that features a heroine named Rian, "who's been raised by the commander of the guard post on the edge of a fantasy kingdom," the young woman said.

Judging from her poor dental hygiene, said Lt. Christopher Zimmerman, she appeared to have been living on the streets for some time.

This is one awesome 50's car collection

Anyone in this planet could only dream of owning any one of these cars. Please let me introduce two people that restored every one of these cars and still retain ownership to very one. Ted and Sharon (Sunflower) Forbes live in Sooke B.C. which is on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. This collection is without a doubt the absolute finest collection of fifties cars in the World.

1956 Ford Skyliner (Glasstop) We restored this car in 1988 from an original car that came from the Indian reservation here on Vancouver Island. It is full power with all options.

1956 Meteor Crown Victoria We restored this car in 1990 and drove it to Ocean Shores Washington for its first drive. It is full power with all accessories except "air".

1955 Meteor Convertible This car is mostly original and it has taken me 28 years to buy it from the original owner. This car spent a good part of its life in Winnipeg. There is probably only about 8 of these cars surviving out of the total production of 201 cars. We have driven this car more last summer than any of our other cars. I rebuilt all the mechanics and added all the accessories and options and it has everything except "air". There is an article on this car in FoMoCo Times

Meteor Convertible Meteors used some Mercury colors in 1956. This 56 Meteor is painted Grove Green and Saffron Yellow with a black lightning bolt and the production numbers are only 479. It is full power with all accessories except "air". She has taken us to Rockin Red Deer in Alberta, Hot August Nights in Reno and many other trips. Because of the color, we call her "Juicy Fruit" and many people have seen this car.

1956 Mercury M-100 Pickup We have driven this truck all over the place form Calif to Manitoba to Sturgis many times since we bought it in 1978. About 12 years ago I put an Aspen suspension , 302 and AOD in the truck to make it drive better. It has never missed a beat. The next time I rebuild the truck I have a 5 L. for it.

55 Merc Sun Valley. I bought this car from an old ladies estate sale in 1983. It was rust free but pretty banged up with only 26000 miles on it. I added all the options and accessories and restored only as needed keeping the car as original as possible.

56 Mercury Montclair Convertible. This car is one of our favorites. I found what was left of it in the Spokane area and restored and drove it to Hot August Nights in Reno in 1996. It is London Grey and Persimmon with full power and all accessories.

1955 Mercury Convertible I tow barred this car from Southern Calif in 1989 behind my little Ford short box 302. The 55 was so ugly, not once did anyone give me the "thumbs up". It is now restored Canadian colors, Sunset Coral with matching Tapestry weave interior and Metric speedo, full power and accessory steering wheel. It has only 530 miles on it because we mostly drive the 56 Mercury convertible

1958 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible. I built this car out of a super basket case. I welded 6 months on this car alone. It is a 348 tri-power, bucket seats and with practically every factory and dealer option available in 1958. We drove this car to Hot August Nights in 2004.

1959 Oldsmobile Convertible I bought this car from my neighbor as a basket case and restored it in 1998. Since then we have driven it to New Mexico, Colorado, Alberta and Nevada four times to Hot August Nights. It was difficult to restore and hard to find parts for. A friend in Cranbrook B.C. was the only source of parts and help I could get. It is full power with the standard 394/hydromantic trans and all accessories

The 64 Park Lane convertible is a good old 78,000 mile car, with all good parts to restore it. It is a full power, bucket seat car with super marauder engine and rare 15" wheels. I have cast iron headers and tri-power for it.

1958 Mercury Convertible I looked for one of these cars for about 10 years and finally got this one from John Fowlie in Calif. We restored it with a 430, full power with memory seat and everything and it is big. I was able to find a lot of NOS parts for this car probably because not many of these cars are being restored. Mostly 57's.

When I found the 59 Impala it was a rust bucket folded up on a 8 ft pallet. The car had no interior or powertrain. It was originally a black Canadian built car. I have installed a 1995 LT-1 fuel injected engine with 700R4 trans but when finished this car will look like it was built this way from the factory(I hope). It is going to be the usual cruiser with fenderskirts, full continental kit, spotlights and so on. It is presently 70% finished but will probably be finished for next spring.

This 1959 Edsel Convertible is the latest addition to the Mountaintop Collection. Of course it goes without saying, this machine has full power options and has been meticulously restored under the skilled hands of Ted Forbes. Another beautiful contribution to an already stunning collection. Congrats Guys!

Hat Tip; Kack

Saturday, October 24, 2009


My wife sat down on the settee next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?'

I said, 'Dust.'

And then the fight started...


My wife and I were watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?"

"No," she answered.

I then said, "Is that your final answer?"

She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes."

So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."

And then the fight started....


Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van, and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.

I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."

My loving wife of 5 years replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"

And that's how the fight started...


I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes you just get so stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it.... He was a DWARF!!! He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, "I AM NOT HAPPY!!!"

So, I looked down at him and said, "Well, then which one are you?"

And then the fight started.....


My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds.'

I bought her a bathroom scale.

And then the fight started...


When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her some place expensive... so, I took her to a petrol station.

And then the fight started...


After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.

The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application.

When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.

She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.'

And then the fight started...


My wife and I were sitting at a table at my school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.

My wife asked, 'Do you know her?'

'Yes,' I sighed, 'She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since.'

'My God!' says my wife, 'who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?'

And then the fight started...


I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason took my order first. "I'll have the steak, medium rare, please."

He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?""

Nah , she can order for herself."

And then the fight started...


A woman was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, "I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.'

The husband replied, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.'

And then the fight started.....

New Baby Giraffe Born at Zoo in Norfolk

Here is a picture of the new baby girl giraffe born at the Norfolk zoo on Thursday, October 22, 2009.
The Masai is the first to be born at the zoo and is the baby of 7 year old Imari and 8 year old Billy.
The unnamed baby giraffe has past all the survival milestones and is walking, nursing and bonding with its mother, Imara.
For more pictures of the baby giraffe go to
If you have never been to the Norfolk zoo it is quite a beautiful place to see. For more info on the zoo go to

Teen found in Times Square doesn't know who she is

Authorities are pleading for the public's help identifying a "Jane Doe" teen with amnesia who has been in the city's care for two weeks.

One of the few clues to her background is that she's able to recall words from a 2003 fantasy novel, "Fool's Fate."

"I just want to know who I am," the teen, estimated by doctors to be between 14 and 17 years old, was quoted as saying. "I want to know who I am and what happened to me."

In what an official described as an "extraordinary case," cops picked up the teen on Oct. 9 at 12:30 a.m. outside the Covenant House shelter at 460 W. 41st St., near the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

She was wearing tattered clothing, including green army pants, but had no ID.

She had no memory of her name, home or family. A fingerprint check produced nothing.

Tom Manning, a Covenant House spokesman, said she wasn't a resident at the shelter and workers there don't know her.

Officials said the blond, spiky-haired, soft-spoken girl has undergone testing by police experts and psychiatrists, who are convinced she isn't faking.

For two weeks, the Administration for Children's Services has been trying to track down her identity without luck.

"She is safe with us, and we are doing all we can to help her, but she needs to find her family," said ACS Commissioner John Mattingly.

Officials believe the young woman isn't from the city.

She is 5-foot-6 with a medium build, with poorly maintained teeth and blue eyes.

She has been reviewing materials designed to help students pass GED exams for high school and says she's able to do the math but has no memory of reading the history and science materials.

At one point, she wrote down the name "Amber" and responded when called by that name.

But she says she has no idea if that's really her name.

One of the weirdest clues to her identity is that she recently found herself recalling words that turned out to be an excerpt from the fantasy novel "Fool's Fate," by best-selling author Robin Hobb.

The book is part of a well-reviewed trilogy that has sold more than 1 million copies.

According to the ACS, the girl also said she has been writing a fantasy story featuring a heroine named Rian "who's been raised by the commander of the guard post on the edge of a fantasy kingdom."

Officials declined to make her available for an interview.

They asked anyone with information to contact the NYPD Missing Persons Squad at (212) 694-7781.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama taxes pacemakers, heart valves

By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

The more the fiscal details of the healthcare bills emerge, the more appalling they seem. The Senate Finance Committee bill includes a broad provision taxing all manner of medical devices. This tax includes such frivolous luxuries as pacemakers, stents, artificial heart valves, defibrillators, automated wheelchairs, mechanized artificial limbs, replacement hips and knees, surgical gurneys, laparoscopic equipment and the like.

President Obama is planning to reduce the cost of medical care by taxing it!

The most recent Gallup Poll reflected that 49 percent of respondents said they believed that the ObamaCare plan will increase their healthcare costs. Only about 20 percent said it would lower them. It is taxes like these that substantiate this kind of concern.

The origins of this new medical device tax are troubling as well.

The medical device industry had its day at the White House, as did the insurance industry, the drug makers, the nurses and the doctors. In turn, each group heard the White House request that it come up with voluntary cuts in its healthcare costs and support Obama’s proposed changes in return for assurances that Congress would not impose deeper cuts (or, in the case of the doctors, that it would actually rescind cuts already scheduled under current statutes).

But, unlike all these other groups, the medical device industry refused the deal. This posture enraged the tyrants in the White House, who vowed to punish the industry with cuts imposed by Congress. The result was a decision by the revenue-hungry Senate Finance Committee to extract billions in funds from the industry.

The legislation does not work like a sales or excise tax. Rather, it follows the model of the punitive tobacco settlement imposed on cigarette companies in the '90s. It assesses an industry-wide payment that firms must make in proportion to their market share. It bars the them from passing along the cost of the assessment by charging more for certain basic products, but allows them to raise the price of others to raise the funds for the fee.

The result will be that virtually every piece of advanced surgical equipment will be subject to a price increase to meet the levy from Washington. No matter that these devices often make the difference between life and death and that, in effect, taxing them raises the cost of vital treatments. The vengeful White House will have its pound of flesh from the medical device industry for daring to be independent and to refuse to knuckle down to administration pressure.

This tax, imposed in a spirit of haughty arrogance, falls on totally inappropriate objects. Valves, prosthetic limbs, pacemakers, hearing aids and such are essential therapies that make life longer, better and less painful. To tax them makes no sense. Except in the world of sharp elbows and interest group politics that grips this take-no-prisoners and show-no-mercy White House.


A Comment Requested to be posted

This was supposed to be a comment, it was obviously too long to be accepted in the comment section so the author emailed it to me with a request to have it posted.

If this would be the case for an opposing view I' would/will be happy to oblige.


Clara Mae says……………………..

There is more to Christine's case than meets the eye. Does anyone actually think that LE is going to babble about everything they know thus far? Give me a break...... Heck I bet that they don't tell Lynn much of anything about what they have on the case because she would blab it everywhere and to people like Blink.

Any information that LE has given to Lynn has gone out everywhere and then been twisted and turned by their agendas to try and hurt people. Lynn just wants the attention and has an evil vengeance against everyone and everything. She could have put an end to all of this stupid nonsense at any time and she hasn't. Instead, she has chosen to align herself with likeminded people with black hearts. Lynn brought Blink into our lives and has let Blink run roughshod over everyone. I blame Lynn for all of the trouble more than I blame Blink.

People have assisted Christine’s family and accommodated them in every way imaginable. Their appreciation and thankfulness is demonstrated by bringing in sleaze balls to make a big story of corruption about the disappearance of Christine. There is no BIG story to be had.

Christine made a really bad choice by going and staying with JR and Tia. Something happened while she was there. It’s common knowledge about their activities yet Christine stayed with them. It's obvious that she was enjoying her visit and partying with them. She stayed for several days. She had been there before with Levi. If she was on the up and up, she would have never gone back to visit a second time and live their lifestyle. Bad Choices - PERIOD!

I'm not saying that it's okay for anyone to do something to Christine. No one has the right to harm another. Whoever made Christine disappear, needs to be brought to justice.

Christine's case is not some big mystery that is fit for a book or television movie. Sorry, those are the facts. Lynn needs to take her head out of the sand and face the facts. There is no fame to be had and the only attention that she will get is not positive.

Cases like Christine's happen every day. Young people living a lifestyle partying because escaping into the fun is better than facing real life. Their brains are saturated with drugs and alcohol and someone gets hurt or they get murdered. Our society is numb to it. It's nothing new. There will not be any book or movie and no, the national media is not coming.

The ugliness and evil vengeance attitudes that have been displayed by Christine’s family members are appalling. Their behavior speaks volumes about who they really are. If they need to lay blame somewhere then I suggest that they take a look at their actions and leave the good people of Pocomoke alone. Christine’s behavior was not something new. They know that is a fact. Yet they did nothing to help her change her behavior and she wound up with the likes of JR and Tia. Those are the sad facts of the matter.

It’s sad that a beautiful young mother of 3 has gone missing and presumed dead. It breaks people’s hearts and they want to do something to help end the misery for her family. Why? Because that is the way us hillbillies are.

Although I’m not a born and raised hillbilly, I take pride in owning the name. It’s not a bad word to me because I know what kind of people the hillbillies are. Hillbillies are good people until you mess with one of their own. That’s called loyalty.

After this latest fiasco with Blink, I for one don’t have it in my heart to open my arms to Christine’s family. I think that many people feel the same. It’s not about we are hiding something or that we don’t care. It’s about the craziness and mean viciousness. The only thing that has been accomplished with the Blink fiasco is people turning away from Christine’s family. The hillbillies are closing their doors.

PE has given people a place where they can express their opinions freely. We owe many thanks to PE for doing that. Yes, this latest Blink fiasco has brought many “new friends” to TA and PE. It doesn’t matter what side of the political aisle we lean toward we can come to PE and speak freely. PE keeps its mouth shut about who the bloggers are. We can trust PE not to blab all over town about who is posting. It’s called “trust”. The thanks for doing that is a sleaze ball threatening to sue TA.

I wonder if they think they will split a settlement of a lawsuit? That is why people sue - to get money.

The primary focus is about finding Christine. Stupid dramas have unfolded and it appears that everyone who has tried to help find Christine is now in their sights. They have turned it into a “who can we get” issue and aren’t even focusing on finding Christine.

I for one am sick of it and say “not in my backyard. Put the lunatics back under whatever rock they crawled out from and leave the good people of Pocomoke and Worcester County alone.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dog bit off baby's toes as mom slept

Mom blames medication as reason she didn't hear baby's cries, officials say

JACKSONVILLE, North Carolina - Authorities say they are charging a North Carolina woman who slept as a pit bull chewed the toes off her 4-month-old baby's left foot.

The Onslow County Sheriff's Office said Monday that the child's mother, Robie Lynn Jenkins, and her boyfriend, Tremayne Spillman, will be charged with felony child abuse.

Deputies say the couple were dog-sitting the 1-year-old pit bull for a friend who had been arrested on gun charges.

Officials say Jenkins told investigators she was on medication and didn't hear the child crying as the two slept in the same room Sunday night. She says she didn't notice the injury until she changed the baby's diaper Monday morning.

Jenkins and Spillman did not have a listed phone number, and authorities would not say whether they had attorneys.


Father Runs Over Daughter For Being Too "Westernized"

Police believe a 20-year-old girl was run over in a Phoenix suburb because she had become too "Westernized." And the man they suspect was behind the wheel was her own father, an Iraqi immigrant.

Police say 48-year-old Faleh Hassan Almaleki of Glendale allegedly ran his daughter over Tuesday at an Arizona Department of Economic Security parking lot in Peoria.

The victim, Noor Faleh Almaleki, who lives in Surprise, Az., a Phoenix suburb, remains hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.

A second woman, 43-year-old Amal Edan Khalaf suffered non-life threatening injuries. Police say the women are roommates.

Cynthia Diaz, who witnessed the crash, said Noor Almaleki was unconscious and bleeding from the nose; however, Khalaf was able to communicate.

"I asked her specifically, 'Do you know who did this?'" Diaz said to CBS Affiliate KPHO. "She said yes and she gave a name."

Police said Faleh Almaleki was last seen driving a gray or silver 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee with license plate No. ADS-9192.

More at CBS Affiliate KPHO.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Girl's Body Found In SE Georgia Landfill

Sad, Sad, Sad....

Clay County Sheriff Fears Body Is That Of 7-Year-Old Somer Thompson

POSTED: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
UPDATED: 9:39 pm EDT October 21, 2009

ORANGE PARK, Fla. -- Clay County authorities report that the body of a small child was found in a landfill near Folkston, Ga., where Orange Park's garbage is dumped.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed later Wednesday the body is that of a girl. Investigators said an autopsy will be performed Thursday morning in Savannah, Ga.

"We hope and pray that it's not the body of Somer (Thompson), but the garbage that was in that area was collected from Orange Park," Beseler said.

Seven-year-old Somer Thompson disappeared while walking home from school Monday afternoon. A massive search of Orange Park has been under way since Monday evening.

Clay County detectives found the body about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at a the Chesser Island Landfill in Charlton County. Sgt. Dan Mahla said the scene at the landfill has been contained, and evidence technicians will process the scene as much as possible overnight. The FBI, GBI and the Charlton County Sheriff's Office are all at the landfill investigating. "This was just a hunch -- a standard investigative practice -- and discovered what we feared we were going to find," Beseler said. "Everyone in Clay County, everyone in Florida grieves for this family right now." Beseler announced the grim news at an afternoon news conference that was delayed for about 20 minutes because of a "major development." Gov. Charlie Crist was on hand hoping to rally efforts to find Somer and the Justice Coalition was set to announce a $30,000 reward for Somer's safe return.

Read More HERE





November 7th, 2009
10 AM to 5 PM
At Baltimore Inner Harbor’s McKeldin Square

Purpose: To have a large, completely peaceful and unarmed gathering of supporters of “Shall Issue” laws in Maryland. We will be wearing empty holsters in protest of the current “Discretionary Issue” system that sees Handgun Carry Permits issued only to those politically connected or dealing in extraordinarily large amounts of physical cash, or the occasional person who can meet the high burden of proof needed to receive one for self defense.

How to Participate: The intent is to have a nice day with the family and friends at the Inner Harbor, shopping, eating and sight seeing while wearing, in plain sight, an empty holster. You will know others participating in the protest by their open holsters. Stop by the Open Holster Day Rally information booth at McKeldin Square, located at the intersection of Light and Pratt Streets, introduce yourself and make new friends.

Basic Safety Rules: All holsters must remain empty at all times. Do not put toy guns, training guns or the like in your holster. We want to emphasize the emptiness of the holsters and our lack of protection. The holster will simply be a fashion accessory, symbolizing our vulnerability to criminals.

Long Term: The plan is to build on each Open Holster Day Rally, gathering more protesters to join us in January, during the Legislative session, to take the protest to the next “Shall Issue" bill hearing. Join us, make friends and help the movement to get Shall Issue Conceal Carry in Maryland.


Check HERE for more info and updates

When Geese Fly in a V

When geese fly they fly in a V formation for aerodynamics, they swap the single leader so it can rest as that goose takes the brunt of the air and tires. As they fly there is only one question.

Why is one side of the V always longer than the other side?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This is an actual sign that went up this week. VDOT officials are working as quickly as possible to replace it...obviously.

Post have been moved to collaborate

There were some good comments that made me think about re-doing those post and the way they were written. You were right,

I'll fix all that and bring it back ... no comments were lost.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Odor on Nictitate The Byrd Rd Fires (chapter 5)

Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator

Chapter 5: Just the facts, Man!

OE has decided that this chapter will not be about Nictitates misguided, misinformed, and sometimes made up story. Somehow along the way of this tale, OE came to the realization that Nictitates book was just plain stupid! There will always be someone out there looking to suck off of another to sensationalize their self. Anyone with half a brain can figure out Nictitates motives and if you can’t, OE will tell you that the motives are not pure.

Christine’s family has chosen to align their selves with Nictitate and have exhibited behavior beyond belief to all who have done nothing more than extend a hand of compassion. We know who has done what and belaboring the point is useless. Their behavior is self destructive and OE believes that they know no other way in life.

OE began this tale because too many lies were being told about efforts to find Christine and bring the people to justice who are responsible for her disappearance. Good, kind hearted people were being unfairly maligned and it was beyond OE’s realm of understanding how anyone could be so evil and hateful wishing to intentionally cause pain to others. It is still beyond OE’s realm of understanding.

Much ado has been made about the Fires on Byrd Road. Readers have asked many questions about what went on during the period from September to November of 2007 at the farm where Christine was staying and was last seen. Speculation about these fires is that the occupants disposed of Christine in one of the many fires and one of the searches focused on sifting through the ashes of the burnt down chicken house. OE has searched out the story about the fires and is now sharing them with you.

Sources tell OE that the first fire started around 10:00 P.M. on September 20, 2007. The neighbors tell OE that their dog had been barking off and on and they assumed that it was barking at deer walking around and eating in the just harvested corn fields surrounding the farm. They first noticed the fire while watching television and catching a glimpse of bright orange out the window. One of the neighbors got up and looked and saw that the end of one of the old chicken houses on the farm was in flames. They immediately called 911 to report the fire.

Fire crews arrived within minutes to put out the flames which were by then burning out of control. The neighbors say that “they were thankful that the fire fighters took the initiative to place a fire truck and firefighters on their property to protect their buildings in case the fire spread”. Amazingly, the fire didn’t spread and the neighbors say that it was due to the “quick response and hard work of the fire crews getting the fire under control”.

Sources tell OE that speculation and questions about how the fire got started in the first place began immediately. The farm had stood empty for about 5 years prior to the occupants moving in. The electric to the old chicken houses was turned off at the main breakers. Why didn’t the occupants of the farm house call 911 to report the fire? Sources tell OE that they had to have seen it because by the time the neighbors saw it the fire was burning out of control.

It is known that the occupants first said that “hunters” had been on the property and insisted the “hunters” were around when the fire started and were also back on the property afterwards. No one else saw these “hunters”. Sources tell OE that the following day one of the occupants of the farm house produced a Delaware license plate that had been partially burned. Supposedly, it was found while the occupants were looking through the remains of the fire. This was turned over to a Deputy Fire Marshall who was investigating the fire.

Contradictory to this story, one source tells OE that the owner of the farm had been on the property that day and one of the occupants and his nephew who was visiting from New York at the time, had told a story about how they had removed the license plate from the owners truck and made it look like he had been the one to start the fire. They did this because the owner had given them notice of eviction. Purely for informational purposes, the owner of the farm did not have insurance on the old chicken houses.

In the early hours of September 22nd, someone invaded the neighboring home while they were sleeping and stole a laptop, cell phone, and wallet. Sources tell OE that the neighbors have no doubt that it was one of the occupants of the farm house. Amazingly, one of the occupants of the farm house taunted the neighbors afterwards telling them that he had done it. He was brazen enough to admit in court to the Judge that yes he had told the neighbors that he did it.

The occupants came up with the rent money and were not evicted. Speculation about where the money came from to pay the rent ran rampant because none of the occupants worked a job. The big question was, where did the money come from to pay the rent?

By early October, the neighbors were in fear of the occupants of the farm house. Several incidents had occurred whereby the police had to be called to remove the occupants from their property. Sources tell OE that every time that the neighbors had company or tried to sit outside in their backyard, the occupants of the farm house would come on their property and start trouble. At one point, one of the farm house occupants was arrested and spent the night in jail. Sources tell OE that particular incident started the threats from the farm house occupants of hurting or killing the neighbors. One of the farm house occupants was carrying a lead pipe and trying to hit people with it. By this time, Justin Hadel was living at the farm house.

The terror of huge “bon fires” began. Sources tell OE that at all hours of the night 30 to 40 foot flames would suddenly shoot up into the air in the area surrounding the farm house. Eyewitnesses tell OE that it appeared as if the whole place was going to go up in flames. OE is told that on some occasions during these huge “bon fires” the occupants of the farm house could be seen dancing around the fire and throwing something into it that exploded.

The second fire began around midnight in early October. The other end of the old chicken house that had not burnt down in the first fire burst into flames. Security guards who had been hired to protect the neighbors called 911. Eyewitnesses watched as a small glow began in the building and then burst into flames. By the time that fire crews arrived, which was in minutes after the 911 call, the remainder of the building was burning out of control.

This time, Fire Marshall McMahon arrived to investigate. The occupants of the farm house told the story of seeing the neighbors on the back part of their property and that they started the fire. When the Fire Marshall questioned the neighbors, it was learned that the security guards were on the back part of the property patrolling not the neighbors. It was learned that while patrolling, the occupants of the farm house were observed sitting in a car drinking beer and then taking off and tearing up the soybean field surrounding the old chicken house.

Again, many questions and speculations ran rampant. One source tells OE that the occupants of the farm house were heard arguing and one of the occupants was hollering at the other saying “I know that you did this”.

The Fire Marshall laid down the law to everyone and said that if he saw so much as a spark, he would take it as someone trying to burn something down. Sources tell OE that any little flame was to be reported. During this time, a burn ban was in effect because the weather had been dry and vegetation was very dry. The entire area was like tinder waiting to burn.

Following this fire, the occupants of the farm house continually started the 30 to 40 foot “bon fires” at all hours of the night. Sources tell OE that there would be total darkness and then all of a sudden flames would leap into the air. As directed, the security guards or the neighbors called 911.

After a few times of doing this, one particular incident had a Worcester County Deputy and a Deputy Fire Marshall waking the neighbors up a 3:00 A.M. to talk to them. Sources tell OE that Deputy Sheriff Purnell and a Deputy Fire Marshall who wouldn’t identify his self told the neighbors that if they called in another fire they would be issued a citation. The neighbors explained what Fire Marshall McMahon had directed them to do and were told that the occupants of the farm house could now do whatever they wanted. Eyewitnesses tell OE that this “talk” got very loud and threatening. The neighbors ended it by telling the LE men that the whole place could burn down and they wouldn’t pick up the telephone. They then sent the LE men on their way.

This incident has had many accusing the VFD of threatening the neighbors. Clearly, the VFD had nothing to do with it. The neighbors say that if they had wanted to do something about it, they would and that they “surely would not ask Nictitate to stick her nose into it”. After seeing a recent email where Nictitate is questioning about the threats made to them if they called the fire department, they are angry that it continually appears to be a sticking point with Nictitate and that all kinds of wild accusations are being made. They feel that it’s no one’s business unless they say it is and have talked to OE and PPE only because the entire story has been misconstrued and they want the record set straight. They are also angry that Nictitate has taken pictures without permission that belong to them and is using them for personal gain. They have requested in the past and are requesting again that the pictures be removed from Nictitates website.

OE has obtained an actual picture of the second chicken house fire. Unlike Nictitate, OE was given the picture with permission to use it.

This is an actual Byrd Rd fire, not a controlled burn fire from the Showell VFD site.

The last fire reported at the farm was the infamous house fire. The neighbors were sleeping and the security guards on duty sat and watched but did not pick up the phone as they had been directed not to. This time, the occupants had to call in the fire their selves.

As the story goes, the occupants were utilizing an old wood stove in the farm house to provide heat. Sources tell OE that they had grabbed up or chopped up any piece of wood that they could find. In spite of being told not to use the woodstove, they did. Somehow, the house caught on fire and again, fire crews had to put out another fire on the Byrd Road Farm in the early morning hours.

Christine was living at the farm house at this time. As a matter of fact, this fire occurred 2 days prior to when she went missing. Questions remain as to why she stayed after the fire because the farm house was not habitable. The VFD had cut a hole in the roof to put out the fire and everything had to have been soaked from where the fire fighters used water to put the fire out. We know that there was no hot water or heat. It’s inconceivable that anyone would inhabit a house under these conditions especially with two small children. OE’s question for Nictitate is – Did Christine go somewhere else to stay after the house fire?

After the farm house fire, the “bon fires” continued. They were never reported. In November, the occupants of the farm house were evicted and this time they moved away.

Amazingly, since November of 2007, the VFD has not had to rush to Byrd Road. Clearly, something was going on however it has been explained to OE that suppositions are not enough evidence to put an arsonist behind bars. Unless an arsonist is witnessed in the actual act of starting a fire a conviction is rare. Don’t criticize the VFD’s or the Fire Marshall for this. Go to your Sate Capitol and get the laws changed.

There appears to be a clear pattern and we have learned that one of the former occupants of the Byrd Road Farm has now been arrested in Tennessee for repeating the same pattern. Eviction equals set it on fire.

Coming soon: Chapter 6 – We have a blog that has decided to try and discredit the PPE. Christine’s family has taken up residence on this blog and PPE is being accused of fabricating the stories about what happened on Byrd Road and of putting the efforts of LE down (they better go back and read Chapter 3 and 4). OE deems it time for a good ole slap down. We will continue to have information provided by eyewitness accounts and sources that have been close to Christine’s case from the beginning. It’s time!

Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.

Smash the SBY Blimp -'BOY', Enjoy the game!!

Smash The Blimp!!! oh this is fun!!
