Thursday, May 13, 2010

Becomming A Bluebird

I've been watching these bluebirds for a few weeks now and I must admit that creatures in the wild are such hard working beings that perhaps some of us could learn a lesson or two from them.
These two photos were taken on May 9...........Mother's Day. For a few days the male bluebird has been very active in seeing that his family is not only fed but protected. There has been a black bird, similar to a Grackle, trying to stir up trouble for this family. I have seen the male bird go directly at this black bird to knock him out of the air. The female bird has made numerous attempts to tap the bird on the head with her beak........which she has. Bluebirds are shy birds normally but it has been quite clear to me that like most parents, they will protect their home and their family.

Yesterday morning those same black birds (there are two) were at the bluebird house again with wads of dried grass this time........trying to force it into the hole of the house. These grackle-like birds are so very aggressive and if I could get my hands on just one of them life sure would be easier....... not just for me but for this tiny mommy bluebird.
I noticed all day yesterday that the male Bluebird was missing.
He is missing again today and I have been trying to help this pitiful mommy bluebird protect her nest from predators. Now I don't know if there is such a thing as a "dead beat dad" in the world of birds or not. I have no clue as to his whereabouts except that maybe he lost the battle trying to fight the Grackles.
So, the mommy bluebird continues her struggle to feed and protect her family and I am doing all I can to help. She has seen me so many times flapping my "wings" at the Grackles and understands that I am trying to help. In just a few more days these small fluffy birds will be leaving the nest and fly off into the world....................leaving the female bluebird and ME alone.
I'll take care of those Grackles....................

You can't see them very well in this picture but there are two in the house and I'm quite sure there are four.
Two years ago these same birds stuffed my bluebird house with dried grass and suffocated FOUR babies that within a day or two would have left the nest and I vowed it would never again happen in my yard!

Virginia Tax Holiday For Hurricane Preparedness

May 25 - 31

With the hurricane season upon us the Commonwealth of Virginia has announced their annual sales tax holiday for purchasing hurricane and emergency preparedness equipment. During this week you can stock up on supplies that will be needed during the hurricane and flooding season. It's also a good time to add to you family first aid kit.

Many of these items are less than $60.00. Please take advantage of this sales tax holiday so that you and your family will be prepared. We have been so very fortunate in the past years but let's not let our guard down. Be prepared and don't wait until the last minute!
  • Artificial ice, blue ice, ice packs, reusable ice
  • Batteries, excluding car or boat batteries
  • Battery-powered light sources, including flashlights and lanterns
  • First aid kits
  • Cell phone chargers
  • Weather Band radios and NOAA Weather Radios
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radios, including radio with electrical power option
  • Bottled water of any size, including flavored, carbonated and vitamin water
  • Two-way radios
  • Manual can openers
  • Tarps, plastic sheeting, plastic drop cloths
  • Bungee cords and rope
  • Ground anchor systems or tie down kits
  • Ratchet straps
  • Duct tape
  • Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, fire extinguishers
  • Empty gas, propane or diesel fuel tanks or containers
  • Water storage containers such as buckets, barrels, canteens, coolers
  • Storm shutter devices made for the prevention of storm damage (not plywood)

Shop for items on this list that have a sales price of $1,000 or less:

  • Portable generators and generator power cords
  • Inverters and inverter power cables.

Participating retail outlets will have information about the upcoming Virginia tax holiday.

For more information, go to

For information about getting ready for hurricane and flooding season in Virginia, visit

The History Of Pocomoke by Murray James (12)

Formerly New Town. 73 obliging and accomodating, and has made money. He has been sheriff of Worcester county. During 1881, he united in partnership with Edgar Fontaine, who was also in the drug business, thus the two stores became one ; they are now doing business under the firm of Lloyd and Fontaine, and are prospering.

In 1862, Dr. D. J. O. Truitt commenced the apothecary and variety business, in New Town, and has conducted it successfully to the present. In 1862, Dr. Samuel S. Quinn and Albert S. Merrill commenced the drug busi- ness, and continued it until 1864, when they retired. In 1866, Dr. John T. B. McMaster opened a drug store in co-partnership with Ashtchi Milbourn, which firm con- tinued until 1869, when Dr. McMaster sold out his interest in the store to Ashton Milbourn.

In 1869, Ashton Milbourn and William T. Broughton united in the drug business and conducted it until 1873, at which time they sold out their stock in trade to Messrs. Fontaine and Turpin. This firm continued for two years, when Mr. Turpin sold out to Mr. Fontaine. From 1875 to the present, or until Mr. Fontaine united in business with C. C. Lloyd, he has been quite attentive to business; has built up a good trade, and has become a popular merchant.

In i860, William W\ Quinn & Brother opened a general dry goods and grocery store, which they con- ducted until 1873, when they closed out. In 1855, W. S. C. Polk commenced merchandising in New Town, and 74 History of Pocorrwke City, in 1863 he took as a partner his brother, Emerson G.. Polk. This firm continued until 1866, when he sold out his interest in the store to his brother Emerson. From 1S66 until the present Emerson G. Polk has con- ducted a dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe store of quite an extensive character, and keeps on hand a general assortment of first class cloths for gentlemen's wear : and none need fear in going to him for a good article and of getting what they want.

He is polite, obliging and attentive to business. In 1868, Henry King commenced merchandising, in New Town, and conducted the business until 1875, when he closed out. In 1864, John W. Mezick commenced merchandizing,, in New Town, and continued until 1 866, when he retired from business, and removed to the State of Missouri.

In 1863 or '64, the Messrs. Bachrachs were engaged in the sale of goods, in New Town, about one year, after which they settled in Baltimore, where they are still doing business, and have become wealthy.

In 1864, Littleton T. Clarke, Thos. J. Blain and Thos. N. Williams, formed a co-partnership in merchandising in New Town. They kept a first class dry goods and grocery store. They continued in the business unti* 1866, when they closed out.

In 1867, Captain Robert Henry engaged in mercan- tile life in New Town. His store is a first class dry goods and grocery store. Captain Henry not only owns his- Formerly New Town. 75 stock in trade, but three schooners, seven houses and several building lots and two farms.

Some of the houses rank among the finest houses in the town. His entire property may be safely estimated at $30,000. In thus describing his wealth, the reader may be anxious to learn something of the man. Well, as I have known him from his infancy, it will give me pleasure to show him up as a wide-awake, sagacious business man.

Let me say in the first place, however, that he is a man of color, and was raised to work. When but a boy he became a sailor, and was hand before the mast, and after he became his own man he laid up $1,400, the result of his hard labor on board of vessels. After this he joined Ashcraft & Risley in the vessel trade, and here was the mine of wealth which he struck. After some years this partnership dissolved, and since then he has operated by himself. Captain Henry has no education. He can neither read nor write, but although he is without this necessary quali- fication, yet he studies men and business ; and there are but few more shrewd business men than Captain Henry.

He has six children, and he is over 50 years of age. CHAPTER IX. MERCANTILE ASPECT (CONTINUED). In 1 85 1, Mrs. Araminta Hall commenced the millinery and ladies trimming business, which she has conducted 76 History of Pocomoke City, up to the present ; has been very successful in business, and has made money. In 1S30, Mrs. Eliza Merrill established the millinery and ladies trimming business, in New Town, and con- ducted the same for 35 years, and made money.

In 1846, Miss Anna H. Henderson commenced the millinery and ladies trimming business, in New Town. In 1863, she married Mr. William T. Hearn, and after- wards her store was familiarly known as Mrs. Anna Hearn's store. She conducted the business successfully until 1863, in which year she died. In 1855) Miss Amereth J. Trader commenced the mil- linery, notion and ladies trimming business in New Town.

About one year after this she married Mr. Littleton T. Clarke, after which her house of business was known as Mrs. Jane Clarke's store. In 1866 Mr. Clarke died. She continued the business, however, without intermission, and in 1S71 she married Mr. Henry A. DeKay. After this her business com- menced increasing until it has assumed its present proportions as one of the finest millinery, notion and ladies trimming stores on the Eastern Shore.

In 1849, Mrs. Julia Redden commenced the millinery business and conducted the same until 1S61, when she closed out. In 1864, Mrs. Ursula B. Henderson, commenced the millinery, notion and ladies trimming business, in New Town, and has continuous! v conducted the same until

Formerly New Town. 77

the present. Mrs. Henderson is industrious and attentive to her businesss, enterprising and unyielding in her pur- pose to succeed. If these qualifications are a true index to success, she is bound to win. She commenced business on fifty dollars and has increased to such an extent as to warrant the declaration that her house, for the beauty and tasteful arrangement of goods, together with its heavy stock in trade, will com- pare favorably with any house of like character in the cities.

In 1866, Mrs. Ella Foster commenced the milli- nery business, and continued the same for about two years. In 1867, Miss Lizzie Clayville commenced the millinery business and conducted the same about two years and retired. In 1866, Mrs. Mary A. Tipton commenced the milli- nery business aud continued with slight intervals until 1880, when she moved to Philadelphia.

In 1876, Zadock J. Hall and his son, Charles S. Hall, commenced merchandising in Pocomoke City under the firm of C. S. Hall & Co, ; this partnership business lasted two years, when Zadok J. Hall sold out his interest in the store to Richard Hall another son of his. This firm is now doing business under the name of C. S. Hall & Brother, two enterprising young men, who without an accident will succeed. A word here in reference to Zadok J. Hall may be interesting to the reader: He is brother to Major T. Hall and Jerome B. Hall, who have already been noticed in

78 History of Pocomdke City, this history. He was subject to all the privations that marked their earlier years, and was reared under the most discouraging circumstances, without a friend who was able to take him by the hand and promote him, and without education ; yet by dint of perseverance, has made his mark in the world as well as his brothers.

He has attained a competency and lives retired from the whirl of business life, taking delight in the improvement and cul- tivation of his little farm. Mr. Hall is also a member of the Baptist Church, in Pocomoke City. He has four children, and he is fifty-two years old. In I878, Herbert H. King and William Sidney Dryden formed a partnership, under the title of H. H. King & Co., in a first-class dry goods and grocery store, in Pocomoke City. This firm is doing a safe business, enterprising and polite, they must win.

Mr. Dryden, one of this firm, has been engaged in business nearly twenty years, in the City of Baltimore. He left his father's home, a young man, to seek his for- tune with no other help but his own native talent. After being engaged in business for some time in the city, he worked his way up to a clerkship as salsman, in one of the largest wholesale dry-good houses in the city, that of William Devries & Co. In this house he has been engaged without intermission for seventeen years, the last three of which have been partially devoted to the collec- tion of claims for the house. formerly

New Town. 79 This trust, committed by the house to him, shows not ♦only their confidence in his integrity, but also their confi- •dence in his tact and business ability in dealing with men. He has succeeded above many of his chance and has made money. About the year 1869, James W. Payne commenced merchandising, in New Town and continued in business until his death, which occurred in January, 1878. About 1 866, Emerson Melvin commenced the sale of goods, in New Town ; he continued in the business with .great success until he died, which event took place in 1879. His estate was worth $6,000 clear of debt. In the settlement of his estate, the inventory of his personal property was the largest that had ever been entered in the Registers office of Worcester County.

He first commenced on fifty dollars capital. About the year 1865, William H. S. Merrill added clothing and gents' furnishing goods to his stock of boots and shoes, he having engaged in the sale of boots and .shoes several years previous. He sold goods until 1871, when he sold out to Robinson & Matthews, who con- ducted the business for five or six years and then closed -out. In 1S77, A. G. Marshall commenced merchandising, in Pocomoke City ; he conducted the business until the spring of 1881, when he closed out. In 1870, Mrs. Sally Payne commenced the confectionery and candy business, in Pocomoke City, and continues the same to the present.

Next 80 History of Pocomoke City,

Previous Chapters by reader request












Missing Michigan Woman's Husband Has Left Newport News

Douglas Stewart, whose Newport News property was searched earlier this week in connection with his wife's disappearance in Michigan, has left Virginia.

Lt. Mike Risko of Michigan State Police said Stewart has left his apartment on West Avenue in Newport News and returned to Michigan.

His wife, Venus Rose Stewart, has been missing for two weeks. Douglas Stewart has not been named as a suspect, but investigators searched his home and vehicles earlier this week and found possible evidence – a substance that might be blood in his truck, and a receipt from a store in Ohio indicating that he purchased a tarp, a shovel and work gloves the day before his wife disappeared.

Venus Stewart, 32, went missing from her parents' home in Colon Township, Mich., on April 26 and is believed to have been abducted.

Search For Fugitive Wanted On Drug Charges

The Virginia State Police, the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force, and the DEA's Norfolk Office are currently searching for a notorious drug dealer wanted on a federal warrant stemming from a multi-agency investigation in Northampton County on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Jonathan Manwell Johnson, 28, is a black male, 5 feet 8 inches tall, and 160 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes. His last known address was in the 2700 block of Arlington Road in Northampton County. Johnson has family in the Philadelphia area, and may flee there to avoid prosecution.

Johnson is known to carry firearms and has a violent criminal history. He should be considered armed and dangerous. He is wanted for conspiracy to distribute more than 5 kilos of cocaine.

A reward is being offered for information resulting in the arrest of Johnson.
Anyone with information on this subject is asked to contact the following agencies. Anonymous tips are welcome.

Virginia State Police: 1-800-582-8350 Toll-free in Virginia

Eastern Shore Task Force: 757-414-0746

Northampton County Sheriff's Office: 757-678-0458

Accomack County Sheriff's Office: 757-787-1131

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Johnny

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.

Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny .

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different... again.

Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."

The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?" Johnny said, "Because I'm a Republican."

The teacher asked him why he's a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, "If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, "That would make me an Obama fan."

Kate & Gin Canine freestyle


Hat Tip; Mrs. M

Kagan Argued to Ban Political Pamphlets

Some free speech advocates are going to be very unhappy with President Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court vacancy, Solicitor General Elena Kagan.

That’s because, as reports, she argued to the court in September that Congress has the constitutional right to forbid companies from engaging in political speech such as publishing pamphlets that advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for federal office.

The court, in its 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, ruled against Kagan’s contention that the government can limit political speech by corporations.

In a scathing concurrence to the opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts blasted Kagan’s argument.

“The government urges us in this case to uphold a direct prohibition on political speech. It asks us to embrace a theory of the First Amendment that would allow censorship not only of television and radio broadcasts, but of pamphlets, posters, the Internet, and virtually any other medium that corporations and unions might find useful in expressing their views on matters of public concern,” he wrote.

“Its theory, if accepted, would empower the government to prohibit newspapers from running editorials or opinion pieces supporting or opposing candidates for office, so long as the newspapers were owned by corporations — as the major ones are. First Amendment rights could be confined to individuals, subverting the vibrant public discourse that is at the foundation of our democracy.”

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion that Kagan was defending a law that represents an illegitimate attempt to use “censorship to control thought.”

He declared, “This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves.”

Conservatives are uniting in opposition to Kagan and say her nomination will boomerang against Democrats.



I was a very happy man.

My wonderful girlfriend
and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married.

There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister.

My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less.

She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view.

It had to be deliberate. Because she never did it when she was near anyone else.

One day her 'little' sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations.

She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome.

She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister.

Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word.

She said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you wan one last wild fling, just come up and get me.'

I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs.

I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car.

Low... and behold, my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping!

With tears in his eyes, my future father-in-law hugged me and said, 'We are very happy that you have passed our little test.

We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter.

Welcome to the family.'

And the moral of this story is:

Always keep your condoms in your car.

Hat Tip; Eric

Eureka! Understanding Women

Finally, we have an equation to understand female thinking.


"And thus, dear students, we have arrived at the formula for understanding women".

Hat Tip; Kack

Checkpoints At Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Toll Plazas

The Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response operation, called VIPR, has officers pulling randomly selected vehicles out of line and checking them for anything unusual, said Tom Anderson, the bridge-tunnel’s deputy director.

The goal of the event, a repeat of an operation held in the fall, is to increase safety, prevent terrorism and “act as a method of deterrence,” Anderson said.

The checkpoints are coordinated by the Transportation Security Administration and include the FBI, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Coast Guard, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Norfolk and Virginia Beach police and Northampton County Sheriff’s Office, Anderson said. Police dogs also are being used to check vehicles.

The checkpoints began early this morning and will continue through the day, Anderson said.

Genetic Tests Available In Drug Stores

A new DNA test will be available at more than 6,000 Walgreen drug stores by the end of the week. However, there are big concerns about the tests.

Your corner drugstore could soon hold the key to unlock your genetic code and your potential for disease. It's a $30 home DNA test kit.

"It gives me the chance to be pre-emptive about it. It's always better to know in advance," Damion Sanders said.

After taking the test; you place your DNA order online. The company says for $79 you can find out how you'll react to certain medications, $179 will tell you what bad genes you might pass on to your baby; and for $179 you can find out what diseases you may develop.

Other companies sell DNA test kits online but Pathways is the first to do so in stores. The FDA says all DNA test kits come under its jurisdiction, and that without approval Pathways could face legal trouble.

Medical ethicists wonder what people might do if they find out they have the potential for getting an incurable disease or would they abort a baby if they find out they may pass along a defective gene.

"It kind of freaks me out, actually. I'm not sure that would be something I would be interested in," Lisa Indelicato said.

"I think that's an unbelievable help, but then again, where do we stop. You don't want to find out too much information," Lucas Hall said.

And if that information is bad; the company promises counselors will be available on the phone at no additional cost.

For more information, visit the company's website here: Pathway DNA & Genetic Testing

Tournament To Benefit RELAY FOR LIFE

Texas Hold 'em Poker Tournament

May 13, 2010 at Little Italy Restaurant in Nassawadox

Doors open at 6:30 PM Cards start at 7:00 PM

$20 buy-ins and $10 re-buys

Pizza and soda included

Proceeds to benefit Relay For Life

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Blood Donation dates to benefit the American Red Cross.

Thursday, May 13 at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM.

Thursday, May 13 at Craddockville United Methodist Church from 3:00 PM until 7:30 PM.

Thursday, May 13 at Broadwater Academy from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Portsmouth Mayor Challenges Petition

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) - Portsmouth Mayor James Holley, whose citizens filed a petition last week calling for his resignation, has filed a challenge petition.

The 40-word challenge questioned the "genuineness of the signatures," of which there were nearly 9,000, and the "qualifications of the electors."

A judge will decide the legitimacy of the signatures on May 27.

If the judge rules that the amount of legitimate signatures constitute enough for a recall, Holley will have five days from that date to step down from office.

Pre-Dawn Meteor Startles Drivers

The meteor seen Monday morning may have looked like this one.
Early-morning commuters in Maryland and as far away as Pittsburgh and Massachusetts were startled Monday by what was likely a spectacular meteor that crossed the sky in the pre-dawn darkness.

Dawn Teagle Dobbs spotted it as she drove south on Interstate 270 near Gaithersburg at 4:47 a.m. "At first I thought it was a shooting star, but it was huge and bright green with a tail," she wrote in a post to The Baltimore Sun's Weather Blog.

Ricky Diggler was motoring south on Route 100. "I saw a very large, greenish-yellow-colored object burning (with fiery tail) its way through the atmosphere in the east," he said in another blog comment. "It appeared to be heading for the Bay."

"Compared to the usual wisps of light very high up in the stratosphere that I usually see, this thing was huge," Diggler said.

Similar reports were posted to the blog from all across Central Maryland and the Eastern Shore, and as far off as Ashburn, Va., Pittsburgh, Greencastle and Gettysburg, Pa., and New Jersey and central Massachusetts.

The fireball sighting was at least the third such spectacle for Marylanders in less than a year.

On July 6, 2009, people in northern Baltimore County and nearby sections of Pennsylvania were rattled by the brilliant flash of a meteor and an accompanying sonic boom. The meteor's fiery entry into the atmosphere was captured on security camera tapes, but a subsequent search turned up no trace of the space rock itself.

Such was not the case on the evening of Jan. 18 this year, when another meteor dropped out of the twilight over Maryland and Virginia with a fiery flash and a lingering smoke trail that several people captured on their cameras.

Hundreds saw the fall, and a fist-sized chunk of that rock drilled through the roof of a doctor's office in Lorton, Va., narrowly missing its occupants before landing on the floor.

"Three [big meteors] in a year over a relatively populated area? That's pretty unusual," said Jim O'Leary, director of the Maryland Science Center's Davis Planetarium.

Although these objects encounter the Earth all the time, most fall over the ocean or other sparsely populated regions. "The chances of seeing it are pretty low," O'Leary said.

Most meteors are tiny bits of space dust no bigger than a grain of rice. They enter the Earth's atmosphere 40 to 60 miles up at such high speeds that the friction causes the air to glow and the meteor to vaporize, creating the visible light.

Fireballs are caused by much larger objects, said Denton Ebel, curator of meteorites at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. "They could be all the way from a basketball to a small car," he said. When they arrive it's "like hitting a wall of air. The air can't get out of the way, so they break into pieces. They explode, essentially," becoming a cluster of objects.

Fireballs can vary in color. Heating during descent will ionize both the air around the meteor, and the rock itself, "sort of like a neon sign," Ebel said. Depending on what element of the air or in the meteor itself dominates, the colors can vary from yellow or red to blue or green.

Because of the fireballs' high speed and brightness, observers on the ground often underestimate their distance, O'Leary said. "Typically they're very high when you see them," he said. "But the impression is that sometimes, especially when they're every bright, that they're closer. In your mind, they're just beyond the trees."

From the descriptions provided by Weather Blog comments, the Monday morning meteor seems to have crossed Maryland and Virginia from roughly west to east, disappearing after a matter of seconds near the east or southeast horizon.

"Charlie" said he was driving on Route 23 in Forest Hill, Harford County, when he spotted the meteor as he neared Conowingo Road.

"I noticed this amazing bright streak of green light falling diagonally through the sky," he said. "I lost sight as it appeared to go behind the buildings at the intersection. I've never seen anything like it in my life."

From the Eastern Shore, a poster named "Jeff" said he was driving to work, eastbound in Salisbury, at that early hour. "I saw the green fireball," he said. "It appeared to have been traveling off the coast."

A poster named "Abbie," writing from much farther north, in central Massachusetts, said she watched as the meteor traveled from southwest to southeast, "right above the horizon. It was a very bright yellow fireball, with a train twice as long and just as bright, with pieces of fire breaking off."

"Mike" was in New Alexandria, Pa., near Pittsburgh, 167 miles northwest of Baltimore. He said, "I saw it very, very low above the southeast horizon … I am amazed at how bright it was for being so far away from me!"

For "Sam," who was driving south from Gettysburg on Maryland Route 97 about 4:45 a.m. Monday, the meteor appeared to be moving "across the sky, from west to east, at approximately 45 degrees above the horizon. Brilliant green in color, with trailing pieces. One of the most awesome things of that nature that I have ever seen."


WILMINGTON, Del.- A 3-year-old boy has been located after he went missing from a Delaware home early Tuesday morning.

New Castle County Police have canceled an Amber Alert issued after reports were issued that the child was abducted at gunpoint.

The missing child, identified as Brian Kenney, was later found uninjured in Wilmington. He is currently being evaluated.

Stumbers (the childs mother) was taken into custody and is facing charges. The incident remains under investigation.


WILMINGTON - Police in New Castle County have issued an Amber Alert after a 3-year-old was reportedly abducted from a Delaware home at gunpoint early Tuesday morning.

Officers were called to the Murray Manor Trailer Park on the 500 block of 6th Avenue at about 2:20 a.m. following reports of a child being abducted by three gunmen.

The child's 24-year-old father said he awoke to three males assaulting him with the butt of a handgun. He was knocked unconscious during the attack and when he arose, he discovered his son and the child's mother were missing.

The victim told police he believes the mother, 24-year-old Ashlie Stumbers, has full custody of his child and she may have played a role in the incident.

The missing child, identified as Brian Kenney, is said to be 3-foot-tall and weighs 45 pounds. He has blond hair, blue eyes and was last wearing blue and yellow pajamas with a print on the front.

Stumbers is said to be 5-foot-4, 135 pounds and has brown hair and blue eyes.

If you have any information on Kenney's or Stumbers' whereabouts, call 911.

VA. Space Flight Academy Announces Day Camp Session

The Virginia Space Flight Academy is pleased to present a Day Camp session of Space Flight Adventure Camp, July 5 through July 9, 2010. This session offers local students between the ages of 11 and 15 the same unique opportunities that attract campers from across the U.S., at less than half the price of residence camp tuition.

Campers build and launch model rockets, explore robotics using Lego MindStorm kits, fly cross-country with Microsoft Flight simulator, engineer a simulated rocket launch in an actual NASA mission control room, go behind the scenes of many departments at NASA Wallops Flight Facility, and more!
Camp tuition is $300, and bus service is available. Day camp registration is not available online, so call (757)824-3800 soon to reserve a spot for your favorite future space explorer.

Strict Rules For Facebook Page

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - The city of Charlotte plans to bar public viewing of comments on its Facebook page when it is up and running, a policy that runs counter to other major cities in North Carolina.

The Charlotte Observer reported Monday that only city staff will be allow to view citizens' comments because officials fear they'll be sued if they delete comments that are deemed inappropriate.

City attorney Bob Hagemann says court precedents say the city can't stop someone from talking -- or posting -- just because it doesn't like what the person says.

Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Asheville allow citizens to post comments that other Facebook users can see, as does Mecklenburg County.

The city adopted its policy last month. The city-sponsored Facebook page and Twitter feed could be running in the next couple of months.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Large Fire Saturday Near Hallwood, Virginia

Fire departments were called once again this afternoon to this location due to a rekindle.
At 5:09 PM on Saturday afternoon, a woods fire was reported on Neal Parker Road just south of Bayside Market. The fire burned several acres of property on Neal Parker Road, which is Route 316 between Hallwood and Saxis Road. The piece of land which was damaged in the fire was a wooded area which had just recently been cut, according to Station 6 Chief Jody Bagwell.

Several stations responded or helped with standby vehicles to assist in the fire. The stations included Saxis, Bloxom, New Church, Parksley, Tasley and Greenbackville. Pocomoke was called for a standby engine and brought a standby tanker. Chincoteague also brought a standby vehicle. Units from the Virginia Department of Forestry were also on the scene. According to Bagwell, the stretch of Neal Parker Road between Hallwood and Saxis road was temporarily closed due to the enormity of the fire. The scene was cleared Saturday evening at 10:10 PM. Several recalls were made on Sunday because of the fire reigniting in certain areas. Roughly 10 acres of land were burned in the blaze. Bagwell said the cause of the fire has not been determined, but foul play is suspected by investigators.
A forest fire warning was in effect throughout the weekend on the Eastern Shore due to the low humidity and the high winds. All citizens were advised to properly discard all smoking materials and items to avoid brush and timber fires. Lack of rain has caused the fire danger to be extreme and caution should continue. Showers and thunderstorms expected during the middle of the week should help reliveve some of the dry conditions.

Pictured: Pictures of the blaze on Neal Parker Road Saturday. Photos courtesy of Bloxom Fire Chief Jody Bagwell

State Of The County Report

The Northampton County Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual State of the County Breakfast at Aqua Restaurant in Cape Charles on Wednesday, May 5th.

The morning started off with a report on the state of the Commonwealth with Senator Ralph Northam. Northam reported that 4.2 million dollars has been cut from the budget in areas of Medicaid, k-12 education and law enforcement.

He also stated how the shore needs to concentrate on turning its economy around by getting people back to work. He mentioned the wallops initiative how there are companies coming to the shore that will be hiring. He noted that the Shore needs to make sure it has the ability to train the workforce, concentrating on vocational training.

Delegate Lynwood Lewis addressed the group, giving an overview of what happened during the general assembly session in Richmond. He said Virginia isnt immune to the Economic Challenge. He compared the challenge to a Category 5 storm. Lewis also elaborated on budget cuts. And stated how Virginia has been rated by several agencies the best place in the country to do business since it has a relative low tax and positive business environment.

Sam Long was the first member of the Northampton County Board of Supervisors to speak. He reminded the group that its a tough budget year and the board is having to make very difficult choices. Long voiced how he is disappointed in the lack of funding on Regional Jail, but excited with direction of the Board of Supervisors. He mentioned that they are taking steps toward eco develop-and opportunities are being presented but being kept private at this time.

Spencer Murray, intending to give a satellite view of Northampton County, noted the Northampton County was much like the rest of the world, country and state. He encouraged the county to connect with one another and reminded the group that we are really all in this mess together and we will either sink or we'll swim together. He said if community stops caring about each other, we wont make it.

Supervisor Richard Tankard was up next and focused in on Northampton Countys School System. He believes that the school system should make the same types of changes that have been done at the county level, noting that county employees have been furloughed, positions cut, and savings in many areas. He encouraged the school system to strive for the same so taxes dont have to be raised.

He also reported that through an audit, the school system discovered $377,000 last year that they didnt know they had and over 200,000 the year before. He asked school system to adjust their budget request based on this fact. By changing the base, it would be a big step to having a balanced budget.

Re-elected Mayor Dora Sullivan reported that Cape Charles has 16 millions in government funded projects going on at the same time. She noted how important tourism is to the town and that Cape Charles is Open For Business.

Newly elected Councilman Larry Lemond represented Cheriton reporting that the town has had 4 new businesses open recently, they are working on a boundary adjustment and the waste water system with other towns and the county.

Eastville Town Mayor Jim Sturgis reported that because of budget cutbacks at the state level, that town has re-instated its own police department, water testing is now paid for by the town and VDOT is requiring Eastville to be responsible for street repairs.

Re-elected Exmore Town May Billy Moore stated Exmore is a great town, giving credit to town employees, town manager and police department. He considers Exmore the commercial hub of the county. He noted that the two new hotels seem to be busy, the town is working towards broadband coming, and that the town is working with PSA and towards water and sewage.

Obama Wants CLERK for Supreme Court Justice to Sit as Supreme Court Judge

This is unbelievable, Obama and his liberal Marxist democrat friends will do ANYTHING to push their extreme liberal socialist agenda.

Even if it means appointing someone (Elena Kagan) that has absolutely no experience as a judge to sit on the bench as a judge of the highest, most powerful court in the land.

Hey... I stayed at Holiday Inn one night, maybe I should shoot for Secretary of Defense or Attorney General.

President Barack Obama will name Elena Kagan to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the U.S. Supreme Court, Politics Daily has learned. Kagan, 50, is currently the solicitor general of the United States and is the former dean of Harvard Law School. If confirmed, she would be the fourth woman to serve on the high court, and the third woman on the current court.

Kagan was on the short list for the last Supreme Court vacancy that Sonia Sotomayor eventually filled. Both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have interviewed her to fill Stevens' seat on the court.

On Sunday morning, Attorney General Eric Holder hinted that Kagan could be the next member of the high court. "She's done a wonderful job in the Justice Department. I've known her since the Clinton years. And I think she would be a great justice," Holder said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"I think people will get an understanding who she is, what her judicial philosophy is, if in fact she is the pick," Holder said.

A native of New York City, Kagan attended Princeton University and Oxford University in England, and finished magna cum laude from Harvard Law School.

In addition to having been the dean at Harvard law, she was also a professor there and at the University of Chicago, where Obama was a constitutional law professor. She also clerked for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and was in private law practice in Washington, D.C.

Lawrence Summers, the former Treasury Secretary and current economic adviser to President Obama, named Kagan to be the first woman to be dean of Harvard Law School in 2003.

Although her legal career has included time in private practice, academia and government service, including four years as associate White House counsel in the Clinton White House, she has never served as a judge.

Beyond Kagan's extensive resume, Democrats consider her strongest credential to be the fact that she was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 as the Justice Department's top litigator. The Senate voted then, 61 to 31, to confirm her, with conservatives Tom Coburn, Orrin Hatch and Jon Kyl voting for her. All 31 no votes came from Republicans, including the top GOP member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Jeff Sessions.

If the president formally nominates Kagan on Monday, as expected, her nomination will go to the Senate Judiciary Committee and then the full Senate for consideration. The process will likely last throughout the summer, and if successful, Kagan could be seated as a part of the Court's first day of session in October.


Mother's Day In The Birds World............

Even in the world of birds a Mothers work is never done.......
She does this over and over all day a good Mother would.One parent usually stays behind to watch the nest until the other returns.
It was Mother's Day in the Bluebird world!

And much like ours after feeding they spend time together.............relaxed.
And like a good Bluebird dad on Mother's Day he checks in on the little ones as they sleep.
And protects his family from intruders! This black bird sitting on top of their home caused quite alot of commotion today.That's the mother bluebird ruffling her feather behind the dad. After the daddy blue bopped him on the head a few times and the mother bird flew into him with both feet he flew away. But he'll be back tomorrow and they'll be ready.

I hope all of the Mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day!


GM, Treasury lied about bailout repayment


From the NYT;

AS we inch closer to a clearer understanding of the products and practices that unleashed the credit crisis of 2008, it’s becoming apparent that those seeking the whole truth are still outnumbered by those aiming to obscure it. This is the case not only on Wall Street but also in Washington.

Truth seekers the nation over, therefore, are indebted to Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, who in recent days uncovered what he called a government-enabled “TARP money shuffle.” It relates to General Motors, which on April 21 paid the balance of its $6.7 billion loan under the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

G.M. trumpeted its escape from the program as evidence that it had turned the corner in its operations. “G.M. is able to repay the taxpayers in full, with interest, ahead of schedule, because more customers are buying vehicles like the Chevrolet Malibu and Buick LaCrosse,” boasted Edward E. Whitacre Jr., its chief executive.

G.M. also crowed about its loan repayment in a national television ad and the United States Treasury also marked the moment with a press release: “We are encouraged that G.M. has repaid its debt well ahead of schedule and confident that the company is on a strong path to viability,” said Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary.

Taxpayers are naturally eager for news about bailout repayments. But what neither G.M. nor the Treasury disclosed was that the company simply used other funds held by the Treasury to pay off its original loan.

Neil M. Barofsky, the inspector general overseeing the troubled asset program, revealed this detail when he spoke before the Senate Finance Committee on April 20.

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

Armed with this information, Mr. Grassley fired off a letter to Mr. Geithner on April 22, asking for details of the transaction. “I am concerned ... that this announcement is not what it seems,” he wrote. “In fact, it appears to be nothing more than an elaborate TARP money shuffle.”


Hat Tip; Mrs. M

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lifelong BMW fan gets fitting headstone at death

Some cemetery bosses reel in horror at the mere thought of a teddy bear in their graveyard. They consider cuddly toys and trinkets tacky and inappropriate in a sombre setting.

Other managers, it would seem, take a more relaxed approach.

When car fanatic Steve Marsh died last year, aged 51, his family wanted to mark his passing with a big gesture.

And after getting permission from the authorities they came up with this headstone - in the shape of his favourite BMW M3 convertible.

The granite scale model, which had to be imported from the Far East, cost around £50,000 - almost as much as the real thing.

However, eyebrows are already being raised - with locals questioning how it was allowed, and what it could lead to next.

Weighing one ton, the BMW sculpture had to be lowered over Mr Marsh's grave by crane in an operation involving 20 people.

The detailed design includes silver-painted lights, a complete dashboard and tiny BMW logos on the wheels. It even has the personalised number-plate: 'Steve 1'.

Mr Marsh, who was known as 'BMW Steve' because of his love of the cars, died in his sleep last April. He had been suffering heart problems.

His wife Joanne, 51, and children Kerry, 31, and Vincent, 27, from Forest Gate, East London, drew up the designs for the headstone with the help of a stone mason.

After the blueprints were approved by the manager of Manor Park cemetery, they ordered the black granite car from China.

The family unveiled the headstone at a memorial service on the first anniversary of engineer Mr Marsh's death on April 23, which was attended by 50 mourners.

In keeping with his sense of humour, a joke parking ticket was placed under the windscreen wipers for the service.

Mr Marsh's daughter, Kerry, said: 'He was a car enthusiast all his life, he loved cars from a child. When Mum was in labour with me my Dad was outside fixing the nurse's car and got a page when it was time to come inside.

'He always drove BMWs, we've all got them. We couldn't just give him a normal headstone.

'We wanted it to look as realistic as possible. We had a lot of trouble getting it done. We had to order it from China and have it shipped over.

'It weighs about a ton and was made out of one piece of granite. I think my Dad would absolutely love it.'

Some locals, however, are concerned the headstone could open the floodgates to other 'novelty' graves.

A gatekeeper at the cemetery, who did not wish to be named, said: 'I was very surprised they were allowed to have it. They certainly wouldn't allow that at City of London cemetery.

'I said to the manager, "people are going to want all sorts now". I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing people are asking for is a bus. I think it's possible it could be targeted by vandals.'

Local resident Rene Dryden, 33, a mental health therapist, added: 'You have to admit it's totally different to everything else around it.

'It's definitely not my taste. I think some people will say it's tacky and it could end up as a target to be vandalised.

'It could open the floodgates for anything to be built in a cemetery. When I walked past it the other day, though, I have to admit it did make me smile.'


If Moms Earned a Salary, How Much Would They Make?

With Mother's Day upon us, I've been thinking about the "Mom job" and how many different jobs it really is. Can you imagine if moms got paid for all they do? Obviously moms don't take the job for the money, but it does make you wonder what their earning potential would be if they were actually compensated financially for all they do.

Here is a list of all the jobs moms do and their corresponding salaries according to Payscale:


Job Title




Daycare teacher




Restaurant cook




Medical assistant








Van driver




(Mental Health) Counselor








Sr. administrative assistant




Event coordinator




Drug counselor




Writer (notes, letters)








Career counselor



That adds up to over $500,000 a year, a nice little chunk of change! And I've even got a few of my own jobs to add:

  • Referee -- for all that sibling rivalry
  • Child advocate -- to deal with the abundances of injustices in most school systems
  • Costume designer -- think of all those school plays
  • Editor -- how many of your kid's research papers have you had to read?
  • Fundraiser -- schools always need people to help them raise money
  • Tour guide -- what mom among us hasn't chaperoned a class trip?
  • Entertainer -- moms know this one needs no explanation

The list goes on and on. The reality, however, is that women don't get paid a dime for parenting and society tends to value paid work over non-paid work. And even though moms who work outside the home may "outsource" some of these jobs, they still have to squeeze most of these duties into the evenings, weekends and days off.

So what's my point? It's that we all need to thank all the stay-at-home moms and working moms -- not just on Sunday but every day. And, although there's no salary, bonus or service awards, for many moms the "benefits package" makes it all worth it. Happy Mother's Day!


1 Year Anniversary Today 5-9-2010

Today is the one year anniversary of The PPE blog.

When I started this blog I had no idea it would grow as fast as it did in such a short time. This was do to only one thing and that is you the reader for that I would like to thank you.

It's a great amount of work (more than I thought) that goes into a daily updated blog and without the input and encouragement from the readers I would've probably become bored real quick like so many other blogs that just fade away in a couple months, again I thank you.

For the very young age of this blog we get what I think is a great amount of readers, many more than I thought we'd ever get. (over 70,000 in this first year)

I'd also like to thank a few people behind the scenes (you know who you are) ;) I'd also like to thank my contributors, the list of contributors is on the right side column.

And a great big thanks to JMMB for the tireless work they do with articles and administrative chores, JMMB is a BIG asset to "our" blog and helps me keep my cool and stay positive. Again Thank You.

So thanks to all that participate on PPE whether a reader, a contributor, and/or y'all that send me your emails.

Thank You!

Mothers Day


to all the moms out there

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Crocodile Kills NJ Woman

For one New Jersey family, tragedy has struck for a second time.

On April 28, 25-year-old Lauren Failla was snorkeling in the crystalline waters near Radhanagar Beach on Havelock Island, one of India's Andaman Islands. She and her boyfriend had decided to take a spur-of-the-moment vacation to the tropical paradise.

Suddenly, as Failla's boyfriend watched from shore, a massive saltwater crocodile surfaced and closed its jaws upon her, dragging her down beneath the surface. Her body was discovered two days later.

For her parents, Frank and Kay Failla of Morristown, the loss was compounded by the fact that it came four years after Lauren's older sister, Emily, was killed at age 24 when she fell 500 feet in a rock-climbing accident in Washington state.

"I'm angry, raging at the universe, that such a thing could not only happen, but that it could happen twice to one family," Anne Yardley, a family friend, told The Star Ledger.

Failla's extended family is demanding to know why tourists are not warned that Havelock Island's beaches lie just 45 miles from a crocodile sanctuary. The world's largest reptile, the saltwater crocodile is known to swim great distances in the open water, and the network of islands that make up the Andamans provides several possible resting places for any wayward swimmer.

According to Indian government statistics, there have been 24 crocodile attacks on humans in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands over the past 25 years, including four fatalities.

"How can this be a safe tourist destination?" Bernice Cook, Failla's aunt, wrote to Andaman Sheekha, an English-language newspaper in the Andamans. "Where are the signs alerting people to the potential dangers? A crocodile sanctuary and tourist destination cannot co-exist. This behavior is inexcusable and irresponsible on the part of the government."

The sanctuary near where Failla died, the Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary, was established by the Indian government in 1987, after the species was hunted to near-extinction by poachers. Prized for their multicolored skins, the crocodiles -- which remain an endangered species -- have made a modest comeback since that time.

Failla had recently earned her master's degree from Sotheby's Art Institute in London. Both she and her sister had graduated from Vanderbilt University.

"Such an unnecessary death. If there had been proper warnings and statements that there are in fact man-eating crocodiles nearby, I am sure Lauren would not have risked swimming," Gloria McLean Hiratsuka, Failla's cousin, told the Daily Record. "She thought she was safe. Her father made a point of saying she was not a big risk-taker, always a little reserved, all the more since her sister's untimely death four years ago.

"To me, this is such a big wake-up call to our romantic notions about nature," Hiratsuka said. "Nature gives and she takes away -- rather indifferently. It is human beings that must protect other human beings. "

A memorial is planned for Saturday at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown, where Lauren Failla used to sing in the choir.


Car accidents claim a life every 15 minutes.

Car accidents are the cost of doing business for a society that can't live without its automobiles. Ever since some not so subtle prodding back in the '60s (Thanks Mr. Nader!), automakers have continued to improve the car's ability to not only protect us when accidents do occur, but also avoid them in the first place. Nevertheless, one-third of all accidental deaths in the U.S. per year still involve cars. In fact, someone in this country dies in a car accident every 15 minutes. Sobering stats for sure, more of which can be found after the jump in our latest infographic.

Automobiles and the Environment
[Source: Auto Insurance for]

Detective Apologizes for Racial Epithet

These cops were totally wrong and should be fired....but... watching the video and reading the article I didn't see or hear any "Racial Epithet"

A Seattle police officer offered a tearful apology after being caught on camera kicking an innocent man and using a racial epithet.

The video shows a group of officers standing around three men who are lying on the ground. Seattle Police Detective Shandy Cobane shouts, "I'm going to beat the [expletive] Mexican [expletive] out of you homey! You feel me?"

Cobane later kicks the man in the head and another cop kicks him in the hand.

The detective sobbed as he gave a news conference on Friday to apologize to the Latino community, his colleagues and the city of Seattle, The Seattle Times reported.

"I know my words cut deep and were very hurtful," Cobane said. "Please know that I am truly, truly sorry."

The video was shot by a freelance videographer at around 2 a.m. on April 17.

The incident in question took place as officers were investigating an armed robbery in Seattle's Westlake neighborhood. The 911 call reporting the crime had described the suspects as Hispanic.

The man attacked was not involved in the robbery. After officers let him go, the freelance videographer asked the unidentified man why he had been beaten.

"I don't know. They knocked me down and kicked me in the head," he responded.

Cobane and another officer have been placed on administrative leave. The city's police department is carrying out an internal investigation, according to the Times.

Seattle police learned of the event a few days after the incident, and launched the investigation soon after, according to the AP.

Cobane, a 15-year veteran of the police force, said he never imagined he would "do anything to bring such notoriety to my department. Sadly, I did."

VIA: Aolnews.
