Monday, January 30, 2012

Mud Bog Team Participates In "Touch A Truck" in Parksley

What a great time the 187 East Performance mud trucks  drivers had on Saturday, November  5, 2011  in Parksley, Virginia.  The "Touch A Truck" event along with all Fall Festival events were canceled from the week before due to the rainfall we experienced that day  - all day long!  Only a few events were salvaged for this day.  It certaily was a shame because Parksley ALWAYS goes all out for this festival.

But the guys with the trucks were satisfied....they were able to please lots of children.

On  this Saturday the skies were clear but it sure was windy! ....Did I mention cool?   The gentlemen in the above photo had the right idea!  Wool uniforms!

"All Night Soldier"
Driver Patrick Long

"Sod Buster"
Driver Barry Long

All of us had quite a laugh the evening before when my "go to guy" Patrick made the comment that he hoped all of Parksley was awake by the time the mudtrucks rolled into town.  Each truck has an enormous powerful roar of a voice when it runs and I couldn't  help but laugh out loud  that day at the deafening sound these powerful  trucks made as they were unloaded and lined up in the street.

"Short and Sassy"
Driver Barry Wise

It's a "man thing" to enjoy the huge rumble sound  these trucks make.  I hope that no one was rolled out of bed that day as that rumble sound echoed through the steets.

For those that may not know "Touch A Truck" is an event that allows children the chance to see up close the many types of vehicles they see on a daily basis.  Most of the children who sat in the trucks on Saturday couldn't see over the window in any of the trucks!  They all had a great time.

I can't forget to mention that right in the middle of the "Touch A Truck" was a boat!  This gentleman was quite interesting  to talk to and drew a crowd just as large as the trucks on display.  This racing boat is one of many up and down DelMarVa.  They can be seen racing in Chestertown, Oxford and even Crisfield.  (Just to name a few) 


Railroad Station

Parksley Fire Company

Parksley, thanks for letting us participate!

Community Crime Watch Meetings

From the Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Feb. 8: Stockton Community Crime Watch, Stockton Fire Department.

Feb. 15: Girdletree Community Crime Watch, Girdletree Fire Department.

Feb. 19: Bishopville Community Crime Watch (including Hidden Harbor area) Bishopville Fire Department.

Feb. 24: Newark Community Crime Watch, Newark Fire Department.


For more information:  contact Deputy Dale Trotter at the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1112.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Visit To the Delmarva Discovery Center Jan. 20, 2012

The Delmarva Discovery Center hadn't been included in the plans Councilman Malloy and I had previously discussed for last Friday. Jan. 20)  We ran into Brian Garrett the Director of the  Delmarva Discovery Center and when he found out I had never seen the inside of the center it was a GO.  I went!

This is indeed another of the pride and joys in Pocomoke!  (I shudder to think how many memberships I may have bought by now if my son were still a young boy.)  Children and adults will enjoy it greatly!

The bear was the first thing I saw.  I knew absolutely nothing about bears being on the Eastern Shore (or don't remember) and unless it's Yogi Bear and Boo Boo I don't want to know too much else.  He's a little fuzzy in this photo but he is beautiful.

Believe it or not signs of the Beaver have been found along the Pocomoke River. 

These fish are actually larger in the tank. And there are plenty more! Catfish live in the aquarium along with the Bass and many more.   On Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 pm  every  week a SCUBA diver goes into the 6,00 gallon tank to feed the fish.  So when you visit try to see that. 

The tank is filled with the same type of fish that call the Pocomoke River home.  This was especially enjoyable to me because the waters of the Pocomoke River are so dark you can't see a thing.  The aquarium gives one the chance to watch them in  in their own habitat to see just exactly what it is they do all day....which isn't much except swim around and entertain.
This tank is filled with living coral of just about  every color you can imagine.  Those tiny fish look as if they have been hand painted.  Be sure to find out what type of fish they are....I didn't.

I believe it was in this tiny building  there were several hand crafted skip jacks.  When you visit the DDC please be sure to take a look at them.  They are just as elegant when small and hand made as they are sailing the Chesapeake.  One thing to keep in mind as you tour this magnificent place is that many of the items on display are tools and equipment actually used  at one time.  Many kind hearted persons have either loaned or given items to the Discovery Center because they recognize the importance of  educating those that do not know about this small part of the Eastern Shore or the Eastern Shore as a whole.
 This looks very much like a scene I see every day.  In fact, in the small "village" very near my own home motorists have to stop most mornings while the ducks cross the narrow road.  They don't move for you and they don't bother to fly away.... every day .....they've done it for years.  It isn't too bad sitting there waiting if you think about those on the highway or freeway trying to beat the clock to get to work on time.  In some places on the Eastern Shore traffic jams include ducks.  Yets, here we are at times,  (in the boonies Councilman Malloy calls it), waiting for ducks.  Doesn't get much better than that.
 Ladies and gentlemen, this is a female Diamond Back Terrapin. (Thank you, Jenny Somers).  I didn't know.  My son  brought turtles home in his lunch box, his pants pockets and in paper bags many times as a child.  I've seen them in our yard and a few years ago a female snapping turtle made herself comfortable and laid eggs in a pile of sand near our brand new garage....then she left.....hissing all the way down our drive.  I had never seen a Diamond Back and was really thrilled to see that this one was so active and didn't mind showing off.  Be sure to stop by and see her.

A work shop that represents the decoy carvers on the Eastern Shore.  Steve and Lem Ward, of Crisfield came to my mind when I saw this.  The Ward Brothers were friends of my in-laws.  In the dining room there were  framed ink sketches created by one of the brothers  and a couple of decoys in the livingroom.  My  children never wanted to leave Crisfield unless we road by the old workshop.  Did you know that the Ward Brothers were actually both barbers?

Today there are many decoy carvers withing the local area and I'm sure we all know who some of them are.  In fact, in the past many local carvers have set up displays in the DDC for the public to view.  Check the DDC website for upcoming events. 
Watch for the  the Oyster Toads (that's what Councilman Malloy said they were).  The aquarium has quite a few of them.  Cute little things but they always  look like they were having a bad day....Good defense...I wouldn't bother anything that contrary looking either.

This was at the end of our visit.  For those of you that like boats but don't like the water this might be the thing to try.  There is actually two speeds of  'wind' to blow the sail.  Jump in and hit the button!

Going through the Delmarva Discovery Center was great fun!  I didn't take time to see all of it.but I will go again.  My photos can not begin to bring you the true beauty of the display.  The entire center is amazing and seems to actually capture all of the things that make the Eastern Shore unique.  If you were born and have lived on the shore all your life you understand what I'm speaking about.

There are also hands-on learning stations for anyone that wants that experience. 

A steamship gives anyone the opportunity to go aboard, walk through and even go to the top deck.  The setting around the steamship is quite in line with what would be done during its use many years ago. 

The Delmarva Discovery Center truly  IS a "showcase of the regions cultural and environmental heritage".
And if you were born and raised on the Eastern Shore it is YOUR cultural and environmental heritage that is showcased there.  Spend the time and the money to see it.  Most of you will be able to identify with all of the exhibits and you will be amazed at the beauty of it all stretched out under one roof. 

An excellant way to see the Eastern Shore without being bothered by the summer heat, humidity and bugs.  There's also no marshy smell.

And you might just learn something new!

Sleepovers and birthday parties are welcomed there too!  For more information call the Delmarva Discovery Center - 410-957-9933 or go to   The center also has a page on Facebook with tons of photographs and information.  The website and the facebook page will enable you to be constantly updated.  And pass the word around ~ The DDC is looking for volunteers.  If you are interested give Brian a call.

If you have never visited the Eastern Shore and are planning to be in the area I would certainly reccommend the Delmarva Discovery Center to be the best museum to visit  to get good lesson about  the surrounding area. 

Thank you so very much Brian Garrett for allowing me to visit the Delmarva Discovery Center. I am impressed and it is quite plain to see that great amounts of hard work and time were taken to make the center the showcase it is. Everyone that had a hand in making the DDC the showcase it is should be very proud.  I will be back to visit very soon.


TIME MACHINE ... School Days!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

August, 1958

School faculty members were announced for Pocomoke City schools for the 1958-1959 school year:

Pocomoke High School

Leon N. Timmons, Principal

Verlin C. Krabill

Betty Jane Burton

William C. Carey, Jr.

Lucille G. Hatfield

Louise Holbrook

J. Nelson Jester

Clothilde H. Kellogg

Gladys N. Lankford

Louis Malkus

Elizabeth P. Marshall

Mary E. Matthews

Marilyn P. Melendy

Charles S. Murphy

Rheba Alice Palmer

Pauline L. Robertson

Marian G. Severance

Phillip W. Slacum

Luella H. Tatam

Jacquelyn E. Trader

Lawrence A. Powell

Pocomoke Elementary School

John W. Tatem, Jr., principal

Violel Chesser

Ruth Cropper

Dorothy A. Elliot

N. Mae Ellis

Katherine S. Etchison

Anna E. Meyers

Margaret V. Stoffers

Pauline P. Tyndall

Agnes B. Willard

Ruby T. Wilson

Blanche D. Wright

Pocomoke Primary School

Anne L. Ross, principal

Sara S. Dallas

Martha W. Duncan

Zella C. Lamdem

Pearl P. Mariner

LaReine T. Powell

Julia E. Robertson

Footnote: From a little earlier I recall Barbara Lee Tull (later active in Pocomoke business and civic affairs) as one of my Junior High teachers...possibly her first teaching job(?). -tk for PPE

February, 1964

Winners were announced in a contest in which high school students in Worcester County vied for honors for bringing in Civil War relics. Pocomoke High School winners were: Mike Bloxom placing first for an 1858 Colt .44 revolver; Jack Tatem, second, with a Springfield rifle and a Civil War era postage stamp; Melissa Jackson, third, with a Civil War sword that was used by her great-grandfather. The contest was jointly sponsored by the Worcester County Historical Society and The Maryland Civil War Commission.

June, 1941

With the closing of the one-teacher school in Westover Miss Mary Ritzel, the teacher in charge, was retiring from active duty. When school resumed the Westover students would be transported by bus to Princess Anne.

April, 1946

School news reported by students in the "PHS Speak's" column in Pocomoke's Worcester Democrat newspaper included items about a month long competition among home room classes for cleanest rooms...the annual Commercial Day program under the direction of Miss Mary Emily Easter Party being planned by Miss Pearl Bratten's 5th and 6th grade classes...a victory garden project under the direction of Mrs. Wilson...a fried chicken dinner for faculty and Chef Club members, directed by Miss Mable Jones...the organization of an Aviation Club to make model airplanes and collect information about important flights, under the direction of Mrs. Mae Taylor...and the organization of a Camera Club under the direction of Mrs. Cutright.

March, 1949

A fire broke out at the old Pocomoke school building on Walnut Street where some 190 first through third graders were attending classes. They filed out safely under the supervision of Principal Miss Annie Ross. Pocomoke firemen had the blaze under conrol in about 30 minutes. The 70-year-old three-story structure sufffered roof and water damage. An overheated flue was believed to be the cause of the fire.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Field Notes
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities

Week 3 January 23-27, 2012

Judicial Electronic Filing
Briefings continue in every committee from various state agencies. The Judiciary Committee heard from Chief Judge Ben C. Clyburn on upgrades to the court records management system. Maryland has been in the process of moving to a relatively paperless system where records are updated and posted in real time. While the benefits are significant, the vendor costs are not a small thing. One of the focal points of the committee was the filing fees that the court intends to assess the attorneys for electronic actions taken by the court.

Budget Briefing
We received a budget briefing which I have touched on in previous press releases. In a nutshell, the overall budget grows by one billion dollars. We started with a 1.5 billion dollar deficit. Many of the revenue streams for the state have dried up. In particular the federal money on which we have become so dependant. There are significant proposals that would affect every family in Maryland if they are adopted. They include:
Income tax deduction changes (mortgage and charitable donations)
Fee increases (such as doubling of vehicle registration)
College tuition increases
Sales Tax applied to Internet purchases
Sales Tax applied to phone applications
Applying the Sales Tax to many items that, to date, have been exempt.

These would be on top of the tax and fee increases already being proposed such as :
a 15 cent (66% increase) rise in our gasoline tax
a 100 to 200% increase in the “Flush” tax
Rate and fee charges for Wind Energy proposals

Across the board, Marylanders will find themselves with fewer dollars in their pocket so the governor can have a few more in his. Even Pres. Obama does not think Marylanders making less than $250,000 should pay any additional taxes, yet our governor wants to lower that standard down to $100,000.

I urge you to call, email, write, and visit the General Assembly. It is easier for them to raise taxes than it is for them to say “no” to spending increases.

“We Are The 96%” Press Conference
On Wednesday, my freshman Republican colleagues and I conducted a press conference to highlight a Gonzales Poll which we commissioned to ask Marylanders how they felt about their current tax rates. 96% of us feel that we are being taxed enough. That number includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Young and old, male and female, we all agree on the tax issue. The conference received a lot of press attention and raised the level of the debate with real facts and figures. It was picked up and broadcast extensively. Unfortunately, the shore rarely sends a crew to cover any of the business ongoing in Annapolis.

Public Defender Act Hearing
On Thursday the Judiciary Committee heard from many groups on the recent decision by the Court of Appeals in Maryland which would require the Public Defender to be present at Initial Appearances before a District Court Commissioners. This has not ever been the practice and it would cost the state anywhere from 30 to over 100 million to cover these 180,000 appearances and create facilities to accommodate the change. In response to this decision, I presented HB-112 as an Emergency Bill which would change the Public Defender Act so as not to require their presence at an Initial Appearance with a court commissioner. This has stirred many to action in the criminal justice community. I was happy to see Wicomico State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello and Somerset States Attorney Dan Powell attend the hearing and let the committee know the true cost to local government if we fail to take action. Another hearing on HB-112 will be conducted next Tuesday.

Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting
We met with Department of Natural Resources Secretary John Griffin who briefed the delegation on various DNR projects slated for funding in the governor’s proposed budget. The biggest items for our area included upgrades to the bathhouses on Assateague Island and a project to support the proposed new Ocean City Boat Ramp at 64th Street. These projects would represent several million dollars worth of improvements.

There was a passionate exchange between some delegation members and the Secretary over the use of tracking devices installed on commercial waterman's vessels last year. It seems several requests for information on this matter have received no response from the DNR. This was defended vigorously as an “ongoing” investigation although a year has passed. The Secretary stated he felt like he and his department were being “harassed” on this issue by certain members of the General Assembly (namely Sen. Colburn and Del. Smigiel). Little was resolved on this matter.

I inquired about the reductions in the Striped Bass Quota due to “anticipated theft” of the resource. I asked the Secretary to include any reductions in the original quota numbers so waterman can establish their budgets for the year without fear of reductions. It is absurd to reduce someones paycheck on the grounds that they “might” steal from you. Sen. Mathias had no problem with this premise, but most of the delegation was outraged by this approach. The purpose of having a citizen legislature is to provide direct oversight of these various government agencies and not simply take their word for any action they attempt to justify. It is called accountability and it can (as was the case on Friday), at times,be messy.

Upcoming Bills:
Next week I will provide a rundown on all of the bills I have sponsored or co-sponsored so far. They include bills to reduce or eliminate taxes, protecting private property rights, along with pieces of pro-gun legislation, and public safety bills.

Bond Bills:
For the second year, I have joined with most of my Republican colleagues in agreeing not to submit or vote for any bond bills which only serve to increase the debt for the future generations of Marylanders. Each one of these bills begins with the words, “Creation Of A State Debt...” for that is what they do. At a time when we walked in the door with a $1.5 Billion deficit, this is not the time to increase our debt, no matter how “worthy” one may think the proposal.

I have voted with the Republican Caucus to support giving any appropriated bond money available to local governments for replacement Highway User money. This would allow many road repairs and paving projects in our local area to be accomplished. I’m quite sure this notion will be summarily rejected by the democratic leadership, but we feel it is important to make these reasoned arguments.

It just does not make sense to go into debt to build a playground today for our kids that their kids will be taxed to pay for.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


11:00 am until 5:00 pm

Todays Special 1/2 rack ribs & 1/2 chicken with 2 sides $16.95.
as per Facebook

TIME MACHINE Preview ... School Days!

Pocomoke City teachers you or your parents may recall.

An old "PHS Speaks" newspaper item reports some interesting school events and projects.

These school items and a few more... this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Retired Pocomoke City Public Works Supervisor Dies

William Riley White, 65, recently of Stockton and formerly of Pocomoke City, died Friday, January 27, 2012 at home, surrounded by his loving family. Born November 28, 1946 in Saxis, VA, he was the only child of the late William "Willy" R. White, Sr. and Mary Bailey White.

Nicknamed "Hot Rod", he was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting and fishing, He will be remembered as a loving father and grandfather who was a friend to many. He worked for was an employee of the City of Pocomoke for 36 years, retiring in 2009 as the public works superintendent.

He is survived by two daughters, Fonda Morse and her husband Henry “Dale” Steininger, of Princess Anne, and Sherrie White of Salisbury; his fiancee, Patsy Burkhead of Stockton; six step children and nineteen grandchildren.

A funeral service, officiated by Pastor Mark Massey, will be held at 7 PM, Monday, Jan. 30th at the Holloway Funeral Home in Pocomoke where family and friends will gather 2 hours prior to the service. Cremation will follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Coastal Hospice, P.O. Box 1733, Salisbury, MD 21802-1733.

Arrangements are in the care of Holloway Funeral Home, 107 Vine Street, Pocomoke City, MD 21851.To send condolences to the family visit

Coming Attractions At the Mar-Va Theater

Hensler's takes Towman AwardHensler's takes Towman Award

POCOMOKE CITY -- Bruce Rogers of Hensler's Towing has received the Order of Towman Award from American Towman Magazine.

Hensler's Towing was recognized for "extreme professionalism" shown while performing accident-related tows dispatched by the police department, according to a news release from the magazine. The award came Nov. 19 during a ceremony at the American Towman Exposition in Baltimore.

The Cross of the Order is a Maltese Cross that depicts an archer's hand clutching a nocked arrow. The bottom of the bow is in the shape of a tow hook being grabbed by another hand. Beside it is a Latin phrase meaning "aim true."


Friday, January 27, 2012

Pocomoke City Police Department ~ PRESS RELEASE


Pocomoke Police Department
300 Second Street
Pocomoke, Maryland 21851

Arrests – January 20, to January 27, 2012

1/20/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers arrested and charged James R. Motkya, 46, of Pocomoke City for "Theft" and "Trespass" from Wal-Mart. Motkya was issued several State Criminal Citations and was released pending trial.

1/20/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle failing to stop at a posted stop sign. Upon making contact with the driver, a Pocomoke City Juvenile was found to be "Driving without a Required License or Permit", "Driving without Required Supervision" and other traffic citations. The juvenile was released pending trial and the vehicle was removed from the scene by a licensed driver.

1/20/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers served an arrest warrant on Nicholas Lennord Lodowski, 24, of Salisbury, MD. This warrant stemmed from a Theft investigation from Wal-Mart on December 24, 2011. Lodowski was located at his residence and was placed under arrest; he was transported to the Pocomoke City Police Headquarters for processing. Lodowski was taken before the Commissioners and held on $10,000 Bond. Lodowski was then turned over to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office for service of two (2) VOP Warrants.

1/20/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers arrested and charged James Donald Keithley, 50, of Ocean City, MD with "Theft" from Wal-Mart and "Making a False Statement" while under investigation. Keithley was processed and taken before the Commissioners and released on his own recognizance pending trial.

1/22/2012 Deonta Lamont Smith, Sr. 31, of Pocomoke was charged with traffic violations after Pocomoke Police Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for expired tags. Smith was issued several State Traffic Citations and released pending trial. The vehicle was removed from the scene by a licensed driver.

1/23/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers conducted a traffic stop for a traffic violation and upon contact with the driver; Eric Aaron Cropper, 44, of Pocomoke City was arrested and issued several State Traffic Citations to include "Driving on a Suspended License". Cropper was released pending trial. A licensed driver removed the vehicle from the scene.

1/25/2012 While investigating a theft call from the Duck-In Pocomoke Police Officers stopped an individual fitting the description, upon initial contact the suspect fled on foot while attempting to discard objects from his clothing along the way. After a brief foot chase Dana Lamar Collick, 22, of Pocomoke City was apprehended. The discarded items were collected and Collick was charged with "CDS – Possession of Marijuana" and "CDS – Possession of Crack Cocaine". Collick was taken before the Worcester County Commissioners and released on his own recognizance pending trial.

1/26/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers were called to the Pocomoke High School in reference to an assault. Further investigation revealed that two students were involved in a physical argument in the school cafeteria during normal school hours; a 15-year-old Juvenile from Pocomoke City was charged with "Assault 2nd Degree" and referred to Juvenile Justice for further action. The juvenile was released to her parents pending further.

1/26/2012 Pocomoke Police Officers initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle without operable taillights. The driver, Michael Allen Isdale, 19, of Chincoteague, VA was arrested and issued several traffic citations to include "Driving on a Suspended License". Isdale was released pending trial. The vehicle was removed from the scene by Smitty’s Towing.

Submitted by
Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police

Annual Fundraiser "The Winter Wonderland Gala"

Tickekts are still available for the Winter Wonderland Gala.
Here are some of the items that will auctioned that evening...

You can see more auction items displayed on The  Delmarva Discovery Center Facebook page or go to

Delegate Mike McDermott ~ PRESS RELEASE

The DeWolfe Opinion: HB112’s Solution

January. 26. 2012
 Contact: Katlyn Schmitt (410-841-3431)

(ANNAPOLIS) - “HB112, “Criminal Procedure - Public Defender- Representation” resolves many of the issues arising out of the recent Maryland Court of Appeals Opinion, DeWolfe v. Richmond and has the potential to save Maryland from costs that exceed $100 million.” In DeWolfe v. Richmond, the court ruled that indigents had a statutory right to appointed counsel at the initial appearance stage of a case. Essentially, this requires the Office of the Public Defender’s appearance at bail review hearings in front of the District Court Commissioners for all defendants.

“Right now, the Public Defender’s Office is unable to comply with the mandate arising out of Dewolfe.” In 2011, there were over 176,000 bail hearings in Maryland. The Public Defender’s office currently does not have the staff or economic backing to attend the projected amount of bail hearings for 2012. Public Defenders’ have far exceeded caseload standards and are not prepared to attend bail hearings that occur 24 hours a day. Some estimates show that the Public Defender’s budget of $83 million will need to be doubled to comply with the DeWolfe standards. Moreover, the State’s Attorney will also need to comply with these standards for a fair trial, and their budgets could likely double as well.

“HB112 allows for the Office of the Public Defender to focus on the critical stages of any case, where attention should be paid. By requiring representation during these initial proceedings, the DeWolfe opinion further spreads out an office already spread thin--into an area where representation is unnecessary.” In Maryland, District Court Commissioners released on Personal Recognizance half of those who had bail hearings last year. Those not held on bail are scheduled to be heard by a judge in District Court within 24 hours -- where indigents will have representation from the Public Defender. Moreover, there were less than a dozen individuals last year who requested Private Counsel during their initial appearance hearing.

The initial draft of HB112 did not require the presence of the Public Defender’s Office in the District and Circuit Courts of Maryland, but has recently been amended to require the Public Defender’s presence after the initial bail hearings before the District Court Commissioner. HB112 is scheduled for a hearing in the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 26th.




Pit Beef Sandwich w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.50

Food available today until it's sold out

Don't forget to look for SHORE BEEF & BBQ on Facebook
Be sure to leave a comment

Thursday, January 26, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... School Days!

From past years at Pocomoke City schools... some teachers that you or your parents may recall.

And in a "PHS Speaks" newspaper item students report some interesting school events and projects in 1946.

Look for these and a few other school items, too this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



I forgot this date last year and vowed I would NOT forget THIS year!

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!  IT'S THE "BIG ONE" SO TRY NOT TO BE TOO UPSET!! -the feeling will pass..........


Delmarva Discovery Center Vist ~ Posted Soon....

For those of you waiting...I have not forgotten the post I promised  from my awesome visit to the Delmarva Discovery Center.
But in the meantime,  can someone tell me what kind of turtle this is?
What a show-off and entertainer!!

A Different Way To Celebrate A Birthday

Now here's a GREAT idea for a
 birthday party!

Delegate Mike McDermott - Press Release


Today, Eastern Shore Delegate Mike McDermott joined with the Republican Freshman Class of the Maryland House of Delegates in releasing a recent Gonzales Poll. The results show that an astonishing 96% of Marylanders believe they pay too much or the right amount of taxes, while only 4% feel they pay too little in taxes.
56% of Maryland Democrats and 80% of our state’s Republicans clearly stated they paid too much in taxes. Among male and female respondents, the numbers were very similar with 64% of men and 61% of the women polled stating they paid too much. Even in Baltimore City, one of the most liberal areas of the state, over 45% of those polled said they paid too much in taxes.

As the 2012 session rolls on, Maryland’s middle class families are on the governor’s chopping block. New limits on itemized deductions (mortgage/charity) as well as reduced personal exemptions will cost families thousands of dollars and turn many of our struggling households into crisis mode.

The O’Malley administration and the Democratic leadership in the General Assembly will pursue taxes on all internet sales. This even includes a tax on all downloaded applications for your Smart phones.

Even those seeking to shelter their investment portfolio in Gold will face a new Sales Tax on precious metal coins and bullion. Couple all of this with gasoline taxes rising 66%, and a 100% increase in the Flush Tax, it becomes clear that all Maryland families are squarely in the cross hairs of this budget

SHORE BEEF and BBQ Thursday Lunch


Pulled Chicken Sandwich w/ side
Drink ~ $7.50

Look for Shore Beef and BBQ on Facebook

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crisfield Mud Bog Racing Schedule ~ 2012

ATTENTION 187 East Performance Mud Bogging Team and ALL Mud Boggers out there !

My "go to guy" Patrick Long/driver of  "All Night Soldier" has just informed me that the 2012 Crisfield Mud Bog Schedule will be:


Added class this year will be BLOWN TRACTOR TIRE CLASS

Lots going on and I'm sure all of us will be anxious to experience the race under the lights!

This is great news!  Get your trucks ready....

"Short and Sassy"/ driver Barry Wise - is in the process of having some new features installed.

"All Night Soldier"/ driver Patrick Long- reports that there is alot to do with the three truck in his area!

  In the meantime this will give me the chance to finish with the 2011 year of racing so stand by for the photos and racing  fun I never got the chance to post.

Something More From the Pocomoke City Police Department

All things GREAT keep happening at the Pocomoke City Police Department!

Tom and I here at the PPE have always wanted the the Pocomoke citizens to know what was going on in the city of Pocomoke - good or bad. Angel and others at the Police Department, on behalf of Chief Sewell,  have been working hard to get information out to the people as quicklty as they can.  Gayle at the police department is kind enough to send  the Press Release to me every week.  Angel keeps me updated with any changes and always sends me the good news.

So, in keeping with his pledge written in his Mission Statement: "develop a parnership with the Community, lead a community commitment to resolve proplems and improve the safety and quality of life in our city", .....
Chief Kelvin D. Sewell is very pleased to inform the people of Pocomoke City  that the Pocomoke City Crime Report is NOW available to you.

Go to :  Look for CRIME/ Pocomoke City Crime Report on the right side.

And Readers please thank Chief Sewell and those officers for all they do.  Their job is not easy but it seems easier when they know the city is behind them and appreciates what they do.

And a note from Tom and me:
There are just so many people to thank for all of this and we personally can not thank you enough.
So from us (you know who you are) thank you for putting the heartbeat back into Pocomoke.

SPCA Eastern Shore "MARDI GRAS"