Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mom Looks for Daughter’s Prom Date on Craigslist

Photo By Varin Tsai
Photo by Varin Tsai
SEATTLE — Without fail, most of us were mortified by our parents at one point or another during our adolescence. But one Seattle mom, who posted an ad on Craigslist looking for prom dates for her daughter and some of her friends, may just take the cake for the creating the ultimate embarrassment.

The ad, which has since been removed, was headlined “Hot Male Teens 17 to 19 yrs old for Prom Date (Seattle).”

We’re not sure if it was mom’s own rosy memories of her prom or if it was just the opposite — a lonely night at home in front of the TV while everyone else donned evening wear and sped off in limos — that prompted her to pen the ad.

Whatever the reason that made mom post the ad, it’s clear she was making a pitch to ensure her daughter and friends weren’t flying solo for this year’s prom — and she’s pretty particular about what she’s looking for in a date.

Here’s the ad:

My daughter and her friends attend a small private school in Seattle. The Senior Prom is June 2nd. My husband and I are looking to hire four prom dates for my daughter and her three friends. All the gals are very good looking, trim, friendly, and fun. We can trade photos.

The time commitment would be seven hours..5pm to midnight paid at $50 per hour. If you are taller than 6feet, good looking, fit and outgoing, please send your photo to me as soon as possible. You will be required to interview, if selected, you will also need to meet for a one hour strategy session and tux fitting in advance of prom night. All expenses will be paid by us, tux rental, pre-party at down town high rise condo, limo, Senior dinner, and prom. To be clear..all expenses paid, no compensation for interview or tux fitting, $350 for seven hours on Prom night.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Location: Seattle
Compensation: $350
This is a contract job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

No matter what happens, we’re guessing this is one prom that these girls won’t forget.





Pulled Chicken BLT (lettuce, tomato, bacon and  (NEW) honey mustard bbq sauce
w/ Side & Drink  ~  $7.95

Thursday will be new burger day!

The seafood sandwiches were a big hit!

And beginning this Saturday: Large Soft Crab Sandwiches....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Your Calls Are Needed TODAY to Help MD Dogs!

Please let the Governor Know
YOU Care About Maryland's Dogs

On April 26, 2012, the Maryland Court of Appeals issued a decision which has serious and far-reaching consequences for everyone in Maryland who deals with dogs.  In the case of Tracey v. Solesky.  The court ruled that in a dog attack involving a pit bull or a pit bull cross, the owner or other persons (including a landlord) who have the right to control a pit bull’s presence on a premises, is liable for damages caused by the dog.  Previous to this ruling a landlord could only be held liable if the landlord had a reason to believe that a dog was dangerous. 

This ruling effects dog owners, residential and commercial landlords, veterinarians, groomers, and pet stores.   Landlord associations are already advising landlords that they can’t afford the liability of having tenants with pit bulls and pit bull mixes, and dog owners are being pressured to give up well-tempered family dogs.   

The ruling sets a very dangerous precedent under which other dog breeds can be designated as inherently dangerous.  It discourages landlords from renting to families with pit bulls, pit bull mixes, or anything that anyone thinks looks like a pit bull.  Some landlords will decide it is easier and safer to ban all dogs from their residential and commercial properties. 

Please call Governor Martin O’Malley on TODAY, May 8
to urge him to support introduction of legislation during next week’s special session to provide a legislative remedy to the Court of Appeals ruling on pit bulls.  Dangerous dog legislation should be based on a dog’s behavior, not the dog’s breed.  We want to create an impression by overwhelming the phone lines at the Governor’s office on Tuesday but calls are needed any time this week.  You can also e-mail the Governor.  Be polite.  The Governor and his staff did not create this problem, and we need their support to solve it. 

Governor Martin O’Malley

410 974-3901

1 800 811-8336

Maryland Relay:  1 800 735-2258

Sample script/letter:
Dear Governor O'Malley:

Please put a legislative remedy to the pit-bull ruling on the agenda for the special session starting next week.  The consequences of this ruling are so dire that pit-bulls, their owners and landlords cannot wait until 2013.  We ask for your intervention now.

Sincerely. ________________(your name and address)



Fundraiser For Local Robotics Team

FIRST Team 1829, the Carbonauts, and Johnny Mo of Mallards on the Wharf have joined together to bring you an evening of great music and food, featuring the band, Kid Architect.

Student members of the team will staff the event, May 12, starting at 8 pm (doors open at 7 pm) All proceeds from ticket sales and a portion of food and beverage sales will go to Team 1829 in preparation for their 2012-13 competition season. Tickets need not be purchased to eat in the Restaurant.

Team 1829, Carbonauts, is the FIRST robotics competiton team serving students in Accomack county high schools as well as students from Maryland's eastern shore. FIRST is an international organization dedicated to helping young people discover and develop a passion for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math). Each season, teams of high schoolers and their professional mentors design, build, and program robots to play and compete in a new game.

The season culminates in an international robotics competition and celebration where teams win recognition, gain self-confidence, develop people and life skills, make new friends, and perhaps discover an unforeseen career path The Carbonauts have been building and playing together under several names since 2006. Interest and participation in Accomack county have grown over the years, with 16 students now, primarily from Nandua and Arcadia High Schools. Even more are expected to participate next year.

Graduates from this team have gone on to colleges and engineering schools in Virginia, Maryland, and Florida. Most of these students have received scholarships.

Kid Architect
Kid Architect, an experimental rock band from Fairfax, VA, is performing for this concert, and this team, free of charge, in order to support the vision and mission of FIRST on the Eastern Shore. Driven by heavy piano and ethereal guitars, Kid Architect delivers an explosive, clean, and undeniably catchy sound. Fronted by singer and keyboardist Thom Bridgwood, the band continues to propel their reputation up and down the east coast with powerful performances and a clear passion for life and music. Mallards on the Wharf has agreed to help host this concert, and donate a portion of all food and beverage sales to the team.

Listen to local radio for promotions and contests, and to hear some of Kid Architects music.

A limited number of tickets will be available in advance for $7 at Mallards or the Book Bin, or for $10 at the door.

More PHS Prom Photos From Cypress Park

I asked for more photos taken in Cypress Park on Prom Night and I received some!

What a wonderful idea to use  the beauty of Cypress Park as background for prom photos.

These young adults look absolutely elegant yet comfortable in formal wear and the photos are wonderful.

Matt Whyte and Amber Hall

Robbie Stancil, Austin McGee, Matt Whyte

Group Photo

Taken Saturday May 5, 2012
PHS Prom

Thank you Sandee Whyte for sending the photos !

An Evening With David Ogden Stiers

What do M*A*S*H, Perry Mason's TV movies, the Dead Zone, Disney's: Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pocahontas, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and Lilo and Stitch, and the Newport Symphony Orchestra ALL have in common? Save the date for an evening with David Ogden Stiers! This talented celebrity will be showcasing his years on stage at the Mar-Va! This will be an evening you won't want to miss!

Thursday Evening
May 17th

VIP Reception at 6 PM
VIP Tickets: $25

Show begins at 7 PM
Tickets: $15

You can purchase tickets at the Mar-Va Box Office or
 online by visiting the "Event" section of our website.


Monday, May 7, 2012

From Maryland Business For Responsive Government

MBRG to Keep Close Eye on Special Session

Towson, MD - Maryland Business for Responsive Government announced today it will be monitoring votes from both the special and regular sessions of the Maryland General Assembly for possible inclusion in the annual publication that monitors the legislature's impact on the business community and job creation.

With a compressed time frame, legislation in a special session is often introduced without adequate vetting in the committee hearing process. One notable example is the "tech tax" which swiftly passed the General Assembly in the 2007 special session and was signed into law only to be repealed and later replaced by the millionaire's tax after an outcry from Maryland's IT sector.

"All kinds of mischief is possible in a special session," said MBRG President Kimberly M. Burns. " And everyone is aware that the Governor, Senate President and House Speaker didn't finish their work by April 9."

MBRG noted the legislature is not limited to simply proposals to increase the income tax, which is bad enough, but that a special session puts everything back in the mix. Still, the impetus for the session is to raise revenues to please government spending advocates.

"It’s a pretty sad day in Maryland when the legislature re-convenes just to raise taxes on hard working Maryland families and businesses to support its spending habit," Burns said. "I hope folks will be paying attention."

MBRG will be taking a close look at regular and special session votes in its annual Roll Call publication, which grades legislators on their votes on issues affecting jobs and business in Maryland. The publication will be issued in late June; the 2012 edition will mark the 27th edition of Roll Call.

Maryland Business For Responsive Government

Friday May 4, 2012

Maryland Business for Responsive Government on official announcement of special session:

“It’s a pretty sad day in Maryland when the legislature re-convenes just to raise taxes on hard working Maryland families and businesses to support its spending habit,” MBRG President 
 Kimberly M. Burns said.    “I hope folks will be paying attention.” 

Men's Lingerie Contest

ALL proceeds go to benefit the COURTNEY BLOXOM FUND


Gumboro Mudbog Racing Has Begun

Gumboro/Crisfield Mudbogs opened the 2012 season on Saturday under foggy skies but the weather didn't seem to put a damper on the amount of mud trucks anxiously awaiting opening day.

I'll have more photos and video posted later.

But first here's something that, in my opinion, you need to know.

The Modified Race was "The William "Mike" Brittingham Mudbog Tribute Race.  

After very successful pass through 200 feet of mud Charlie Price, driver of "Midnight Express",  stopped his truck, removed his helmet and presented it to someone in the granstands.  During the remainder of the race day Charlie's helmet was passed around in the grandstands and pit area to collect funds for the Mike Brittingham family.   

"Midnight Express" / Driver Charlie Price

For those who may not know,  "Mike" Brittingham  was killed in a vehicle accident a few weeks ago.  He was an avid fan of mudracing and  Mike's untimely death  leaves behind a wife and four young children.  Funds collected will go into a trust fund for Mike's  children.


Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight

7:30 P.M., MONDAY
 MAY 7, 2012

  1. Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of April 9, 2012.

3.  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.  Authorize Mayor to sign  lease agreement for new restaurant.

5.  Public Hearing on proposed 2013 CDBG and status report on current CDBG projects.

6.  Emergency Resolution No. 459 to authorize submittal of CDBG application and to adopt updated “Section 3 Plan”.

7.  Discuss letter from Andy Clarke, president of Pocomoke City Volunteer Pocomoke Fire Company, Inc. to purchase new slip-in pump and tank unit for their brush fire response unit.  Total cost $11,185.

8.  Consider request from DPGA to use Winter Quarters Golf Course for a tournament on Friday morning June 15.

9.  Second Reading of Res. No 457 to authorize USDA loan to purchase new ambulance.

10.  Second Reading of Res. No. 458 to refinance loan with new police department building with USDA funds.

11.  Emergency Resolution No. 460 to approve a three year lease with Ford Motor Credit for a new Ford police vehicle purchased for the Police Department, and allowing the Mayor to sign documents relating to this lease.

12.  City Manager to discuss proposed regulation of interior furnishings left on open porches, balconies or other exposed areas.

Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.


The Rural Sign Painter Is Back !

The Rural Sign Painter is back and, as usual, I intend on catching his works of art  every chance I get.

Photos In the Park....

The Pocomoke High School Junior-Senior Prom was held Saturday May 5, 2012

Before the prom a group of prom attendees had photos taken in Pocomoke's  Cypress Park.

This lovely looking couple had their photo taken while posing on the footbridge located at the Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden. 

If  anyone from this group has photos to share that were taken in Cypress Park please send them to me.  I would be more than glad to post them.

Shore Beef & BBQ- "The Summer 7 Days A Week" Begins

Beginning Monday Shore Beef & BBQ begins its summer hours and  will be OPEN 7 days a week !

Mondays and Tuesdays will be
"Surprise Seafood Sandwich Day"


Fried Shrimp Big Boy Sandwich
(topped with lettuce, tomato, seafood mayo,  6 golden shrimp)
w/ Pickle and Chips & Drink ~ $9.75

Reminder:  All of our great sandwiches are also available for lunch.

Looking forward to spicing up Shore Beef & BBQ !


Sunday, May 6, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... "An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


November, 1884

(The Denton Journal)


An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore than William J. Handy, of Somerset County, who died last week at the age of 85.

The Handy family is a prominent one in Somerset and Worcester counties, and several of its members have risen to distinction. William J. Handy was born before the 19th century began, on a farm on Jones Creek near Princess Anne, and lived there until he was taken away by an order of the court a year or so ago. He was thoroughly educated and remarkably intelligent. He studied law, but never practiced. He never married. He was of miserly habits, and in slave times, it is said denied his Negroes food enough to keep them from being hungry;- the weekly allowance being a peck of corn and two pounds of bacon. So (they) had an evil reputation throughout the countryside for stealing. He had a hundred slaves and a large-landed estate.

Handy accumulated a large amount of money which he kept hid about his premises, being afraid to trust a bank with it. In 1851 he was robbed of $3,200 which was never recovered.

When he lost his slaves through emancipation, Handy became embittered and enraged. It made him almost helpless, and his lands were never thoroughly cultivated afterwards. And the revenue raised by hiring out slaves was gone, so that he became more miserly than ever, and it is said that his sister who kept house for him, with thousands of dollars around her, did not have enough to eat.

In 1863 a second attempt was made to rob him. The house was entered, but Mr. Handy opened upon the intruders with a double barreled shotgun, and drove them off.

After this affair Mr. Handy kept strict watch and ward over his money. Even in the hottest weather the windows and doors were kept fastened down, and Mr. Handy and his sister led miserable lives. During the night while one slept the other would watch with a double-barreled gun and pistol heavily loaded at hand. Even during the day Mr. Handy kept his gun in his hand and seemed to be constantly afraid somebody would rob him. The farm became a wilderness, and the house almost inaccessible from the bushes and thorns that grew around it.

(In a third robbery attempt he told would-be robbers to go ahead and kill him but his sister persuaded him to relinquish $3,000 in gold. He hired detectives to track down the robbers but when they were located he refused to identify them.)

A short time after this (the robbery) his sister died and he was left alone, and he would have died several years ago from hunger and cold had it not been for the kindness of his neighbors. He would furnish neither food nor raiment for himself, yet he persisted in the house in which he had eked out such a miserable existence, though kind friends offered to care for him at a reasonable figure. But he rejected every generous offer, and would have remained under the old roof until his death had not the house been reduced to ashes. He was then forced to take up quarters elsewhere.

Two years ago he was judged a lunatic and Col. Levin L. Waters was appointed by the court trustee to sell the property and take care of the proceeds.


October, 1893

(The News- Frederick, Md)

The Eastern Branch of the Maryland Agricultural College, near Princess Anne, Somerset County, is rapidly growing to be a flourishing institution.  


June, 1959

Mayor Fred W. Parsons announced that construction was to begin on a new boat dock near Pocomoke's Winter Quarters Golf Course. The 28x90 foot dock would cost $1,000 and was expected to last "up to 20 years." Dredging work for the dock would be done by the Norfolk construction company that was currently involved with the building of the new bridge that would be part of the Pocomoke By-pass. The Mayor and City Council felt the new dock would bring an increase in trade in conjunction with a proposed Chincoteague Bay-Pocomoke River Canal. 


September, 1983

(Daily News-Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)



WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. (AP)- The United States Navy, which closed its Chincoteague Air Station in 1959, has returned here to break ground for a new $6.8 million combat system center.

The new computer-age facility, a two-story steel frame structure, is to house the Navy's Aegis Combat System Center and is set to be completed in June, 1986, Naval officials said at a ground-breaking ceremony Monday.

The new facility is expected to bring some 120 new civilian and military personnel to the area and officials say they anticipate annual employment increases. The Wallops Island flight facility employs 400 people.

Pocomoke City Mayor Dawson Clarke said he and his town council had visited Washington to lobby for the new center.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... " An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

A reminder that on this Sunday's Pocomoke Public Eye...

An 1884 news article tells about a local resident from a prominent family in Somerset and Worcester Counties who was highly educated and acquired wealth, but as years passed he chose to eke out a miserable existance.

Read more tomorrow..right here!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant

Pocomoke City, Maryland
Sunday   April 29, 2012

Due to a few other obligations for the past few days I haven't been able to get to Pocomoke for any amount of time.  I dropped by late Sunday afternoon and before I crossed the bridge I noticed the lighting that had been mounted.... and they look wonderful!

The brickwork has been extended to the back of the restaurant.  I can only imagine what a tedious job that was.  But the work is beautiful and complements the entire restaurant and setting so well.

Work is still being done inside the restaurant and from what I understand great  things are being done in the kitchen....that's a good thing because I think we are all just about ready to have a meal there!

With every week that passes opening day is that much closer and it's  closer now than it  was  in December. 

Once open,  the restaurant will feature indoor dining with windows to view the river or dining on the deck.  Either way you'll have quite a view of the river and its surroundings.

And remember:  NO FEE for docking your boat.  And NO FEE for the beauty that surrounds you.

 A big thankyou to my wonderful husband for making sure I complete my mission.
(Someone else who is "just as neat as papertowels".)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Saturday, May 5th - Donation Day at the Delmarva Discovery Center

Come explore the Delmarva Discovery Center on Donation Day and choose your own admission price!

Always wondered what’s inside of the Delmarva Discovery Center?

Love the museum and want to give a special donation?

On Saturday May 5th visitors will be given an envelope to return at the end of your tour with your chosen donation enclosed.

Donations will be anonymous unless you wish otherwise.

This is your chance to visit the Delmarva Discovery Center, a 16,000 square foot living museum of the cultural and natural history of the Eastern Shore. See our 6,000 gallon aquarium, learn about Native American history, try your hand tonging for oysters or climb aboard our replica Steamboat.

This is your museum! Come see what it’s all about!

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information contact the Delmarva Discovery Center at 410.957.9933

Ava's Law Passes

OCEAN CITY: Ava's Law passes General Assembly
Written by
Scott Muska
Staff Writer
OCEAN CITY — State legislators have passed Ava’s Law, a bill that will enact harsher penalties for people who are driving under the influence of drugs and cause a life-threatening crash, making them parallel with driving under the influence of alcohol punishments.

For either offense, the maximum penalty is three years imprisonment, a $5,000 fine or both.

The sponsors called it Ava's Law, for Ava DelRicco, a one-year-old girl who was critically injured along with her in a Dec. 16 Coastal Highway car crash when Andre James Kaczynski of Ocean Pines caused the wreck while high on PCP. The incident was the catalyst for Worcester County State's Attorney, Beau Oglesby, to contact McDermott and Sen. Jim Mathias, D-38-Worcester about what an effort for a law change would entail.


This Saturday ~ Delmarva Discovery Center


Thursday, May 3, 2012


I'm in the process of moving and took my dog out to the new place on Somerset Road yesterday afternoon.  She managed to get over a 6 foot fence and ran off while I was in town getting more of the moving stuff finished and by the time I got out there and found her gone it was dark.  
She's a dark brindle, almost black, with an old faded blue collar and answers to Taje
 Good with people, doesn't cope with other female dogs very well.
If you hear anything or if you know anyone who lives out in that area please ask them if they've seen her. 
 I already contacted both the Worcester and Somerset county animal control departments and the Pocomoke PD.  I'm about to call the State Patrol and the Sheriff's Department but thought I'd ask you for help too.  
My nephew and I are really worried about her since she was out in the storm.  Call 443-422-1317or call 443-365-6400.

Thank you for your time.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... " An Eastern Shore Miser.- No more curious or interesting character perhaps ever lived on the Eastern Shore..."

He was from a prominent family in Somerset and Worcester Counties, highly educated, acquired wealth, yet in later years eked out a miserable existance.
An 1884 news item tells more about him.. this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Gumboro/Crisfield Mudbog Events Begin This Saturday

Welcome to the 2012
  Gumboro/Crisfield mudbogging
"The Grey Ghost"
Drivers  Lori Ann Sturgis
Lee Sturgis
"All Night Soldier"
Driver  Patrick Long

The 2012 mudbogging season for Gumboro/Crisfield begins this Saturday, May 5th in Gumboro, Delaware.

"Short and Sassy"
Driver  Barry Wise

Gates Open ~  10:00 AM
Racing Begins ~ 1:00 AM

Adults & Children 10 and up  $7.00
Children under 10  FREE (ALL children must be accompanied by an adult)

Pit Admission ~ $5.00 per person
All Drivers & 1 crew person FREE in pits

"In The Mix"
Driver  Johnny Edwards


10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Cost per class

$35.00 Classes
Street class
Prostock Class
Small Tire Super Stock
Big Tire Super Stock

$55.00 Classes
Modified Class
Mini-open Class
Unlimited Class
X- Class
Unlimited X-Class

"Sod Buster"
Driver  Barry Long
 Don't forget the Kid's Power Wheels Racing Event

This event is held at every race.  ALL power wheel racers MUST  be equipped with manufacturer's battery. 

Showing At the Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday, May 4th at 7PM
Saturday, May 5th at 7PM
Tickets   $5.00

You Can Help These Homeless Animals In So Many Ways.....

The SPCA Eastern Shore is  still accepting monetary donations for roof repairs  so the animals that live there  and those that work there can stay dry.  This is quite an expense so they have asked the public to be kind enough to donate. 

The SPCA Eastern Shore located in  Onley, Virginia is a no-kill facility.  They provide food, shelter,  and medical care to the animals as they wait for adoption into a   forever home.  All this is very costly and the SPCA Eastern Shore runs its facility with donations from people like me and you and by sponsoring fund raisers.

If you would like to send a donation of any amount go to this website for the necessary information or find them on facebook. 

The SPCA Eastern Shore is always in need of items to maintain happy and sanitary living quarters for the animals that live there. 

If you can donate any of these items, please bring them to the SPCA facility in Onley, VA or if you are in Northamption County, bring them to these locations.

Cat Litter
Cat Toys
Purina Cat Chow (Indoor Complete)
Meow Mix
Can Cat Food
Cat Treats
Purina Dog Food
Pedigree Dog Food
Rawhide Chew's
Soft Dog Treats
Dish Liquid
High Efficiency Laundry Detergent
Paper Towels
Dog BiscuitsCan Dog Food
Dog Toys
Moist Dog Food

One more important thing!  If you shop Food Lion and carry a Food Lion customer card did you know that everytime you shop there a portion of your grocery total  gets donated to the SPCA Eastern Shore?   And it's so easy to sign up for.

Read the simple instructions and do it today!



26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418

P.S.  Belly rubs for the lonely animals are always welcomed.  Check their  website for hours.

Maryland State Police Reminder:


 (PIKESVILLE, MD) – In an effort to drive home the message of year round safety of Maryland’s emergency responders, the Maryland State Police remind motorists that May is Move Over Month.

As part of the effort to boost awareness of the ‘move over’ law, a decal, provided by the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF) was unveiled at a press conference earlier this year. The decal reads, “If I’m on the Shoulder, Slow Down and Move Over” and serves as a reminder for drivers approaching from the rear of an emergency vehicle using visual signals while stopped on a highway to, if possible, make a lane change into an available lane not immediately adjacent to the emergency vehicle or slow down to a reasonable prudent speed. Although state troopers will display the decal on their patrol cars for the month of May, the intended message will ultimately last a lifetime.
The intent of Maryland’s ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working along Maryland roads. “Roadside safety is a serious concern for all emergency responders,” said State Police Superintendent Marcus L. Brown, “Ideally, our motoring public will make it a habit to slow down and/or move over when they see those flashing red or blue emergency lights ahead, then the near misses and brushes with death could be avoided.”

Although the ‘move over’ law was passed in October 2010, the need to promote awareness of the law is still evident. In January of 2012, two separate incidents sent police officers to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center with injuries.

On the morning of January 15, Trooper First Class Jason James, assigned to the Golden Ring Barrack, was transported to Shock Trauma after being struck by a passing motorist while working a traffic stop. On the morning of January 22, a Howard County Police officer, a person he had in custody and the driver who hit them suffered injuries, after the motorist failed to slow down and move over. All three individuals were transported to the Shock Trauma Center for treatment.

Violation of the ‘move over’ law is a primary offense with a fine of $110 and one point. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash, the fine is $150 and three points. If the violation contributes to a traffic crash resulting in death or serious injury, the fine escalates to $750 and three points.

Statistics indicate more than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America's highways. To date, forty-three Maryland State Troopers have been killed in the line of duty and three of them have been killed by motor vehicle crashes.

Shore Beef & BBQ Specials


With Ron's NEW  honey mustard bbq sauce!

Pulled BBQ Chicken  BLT w/ lettuce, tomato, apple wood bacon
Side and Drink ~ $7.95
OR util sold out !

1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack of Ribs
w/ 2 Sides  ~  $17.95
Enough For TWO!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Ocean City Police Department
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at approximately 6:20 p.m., Ocean City Police responded to the area of 32nd Street for a report of a possible deceased body in the bay.  The body, which was recovered by the United States Coast Guard, was confirmed to be that of missing 22-year-old Lance Corey Gaines.
Gaines, who was visiting Ocean City with his family from upstate New York, was last seen on April 21, 2012 at approximately 1 a.m. at The Sandbar on 33rd Street and Coastal Highway.  His body has been sent to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland for autopsy.
The cause and manner of death are currently under investigation by the Ocean City Police Department.

Ocean City, Maryland