Kristen A. Shockley, 20, of Pocomoke City, was charged with first-degree robbery, possession of drug paraphernalia and conspiracy, said Seaford police spokesman Lt. Richard Jamison.
Police are still searching for Gianfranco Minello, 28, of Milford, and Randy T. Rickards, 30, who is believed to be homeless, on robbery and assorted other charges.
Shockley and the two men followed three people from a Royal Farms gas station on U.S. 13 (Sussex Highway) to the Quality Inn, where they followed the victims into their room and robbed them at gunpoint, Jamison said.
While Minello and Rickards ran out of the room following the robbery, the three victims were able to hold Shockley for police.
The two men were seen leaving in a dark-colored Ford Focus with a temporary Delaware license plate.
As the victim was complying, one of the bandits pulled out a long gun and hit the victim in the face, injuring him.
The victim was taken to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital where he was treated and released.
Shockley is being held in the Baylor Woman’s Correctional Institution in lieu of $32,500 bail.
Seaford police are asking anyone with information about the other two suspects’ whereabouts to call (302) 629-6644 or Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333.
Many thanks to the reader that sent this in!
Well, I guess she's not missing anymore, is she? Wasn't it early April that there was all kind of hullabaloo about this girl missing and how sweet and innocent she was?
Sure was. She has a case coming up in Salisbury in Dec.
She's also been seen in Ocean City hanging out at a known trouble rental. I believe this was in September.
She was missing a few times Baltimore area.. Then she was soon as one of the "off-the-street" type interviewees on WBOC for the shooting earlier this year in Pocomoke. I thought that was comical.. WBOC had reported her missing case a few months (or was it only weeks?) before the shooting and she happened to be the one they interviewed to get the public opinion angle they often get. This girl seems to have nothing but problems.
This girl 'runs away' alot from home. She takes off for days leaving her mother worried. Known to take off for days and seen alot on 'those' streets in Salisbury. Hope they take that baby and place it in a good home.
Sweet and innocent nothing. Use to plant drugs in front yard of house in Pocomoke under 'plastic flowers'. She looks high in the picture.
Why does Rikards look so familiar?? Think he was in Pocomoke City downtown today!!!
oh wow, she had a burglary 4th degree charge and malicious destruction charge in May 2010 AND she was ordered by Master Mary Kent to pay child support to her mother who was awarded full custody of the baby. Sounds like to me she's struggled with her own daughter and this child stands a better chance with a fresh start.
And mother began pursuit of custody only 6 months earlier. I do give the Kristen's mother credit for that! Known other parents who two years later still don't have it together and DSS will still make excuses for the birth parent. Meanwhile, a child grows up confused for two years!
Gosh malicious destruction and burglary charges. Sound like anyone else we knew running for a county seat?
Sure does have charges from April 6, 2010 that are to be up for hearing on 12/6/2010 for trespass, 2 charges of paraphernalia, 1 charge of possession and 1 charge for resisting. By this point, she knows all the 'right' words to tell probation officers, a parent, a counselor or a Judge.
My prayer is this girl stops running and 'using' and truly gets help one day.
As terrible as it seems, atleast her family knows where she is for the time being and she is safe.
Robbing someone at gunpoint is some serious stuff. I hope no one gets the notion to bail her out or her bail is lowered. She needs to reflect on how these wonderful new "friends" of hers ran off and left her. These "friends" weren't one bit worried about her, unlike her mother and brother were, when she was missing before.
Maybe if they let her sit behind bars for a while she'll have time to realise how lucky she is that she wasn't raped and murdered or beaten herself.
But like all criminals, this is just the beginning to her criminal history. If she had any consideration for her family she would have learned the first time.
If this young woman is supposed to be paying child support why didn't she have a job? Don't they lock up dead beat dads? What about dead beat moms?
Had she been trying to make a living and do the proper thing for her child she wouldn't be sitting her behind in jail. Let her sit. That way she won't be out robbing again.
Her mom might as well forget ever getting any kind of child support out of Kristen. Kristen's only goals seem to be hanging out with losers and doing what losers do-drugs and getting drunk and with no jobs, they have to rob people to pay for what they think is a good time.
It's a terrible shame and by hanging out with these guys she has upped up her chances of getting murdered drastically. The sad thing is that if she does end up dead not many will care and just chalk it up to her making poor choices.
Alot of people were concerned a few months ago when this girl went missing and was found in jail in Baltimore. Alot of people spent alot of time trying to find her.
The police dept. got alot of lip for not taking action to help locate her. But here's a news flash that EVERY parent needs to take heed to. You can not expect the law to get involved in finding your child when the child has no pattern of conduct such as school, work, credit, etc. She is an adult and adults can do what they want......unfortunately alot of parents get their feelings hurt. Can you imagine how many adults go missing in just a weeks time and are on binges like this?
It's sad, very sad.And I believe this girl could have gotten help had she wanted it. She'll find out later that it's no fun and by then she'll be so far into drugs and crime that the state will be feeding her too.
The only help this girl needs 12:32 is to grow up! She already has one child and no mother with one ounce of sense would be out doing what she is doing. Wasn't she at one point attending WorWic? That's what decent "mothers" do. They try and better themselves for the sake of their children. They don't hang around losers.
Okay, 12:32pm but the Police DO KNOW HER, ALL TOO WELL!
And the sad part of it all is that this did not start over night. This started many years ago and this is what happens when parents rescue time and time again their children or make 'excuses' for them. The old 'adage' children will be children or boys will be boys, is not true! It looks really bad when they are 25 or even 35 and still doing the same thing!
She has a problem. No one is responsible for her but her now. Maybe a year in jail would be good. She didn't seem to fear it. But guess what, when they get in a gang, they usually don't.
9:53 BINGO! You said it right!
Children rely on parents and peers to direct them into the right direction. It is a 24/7 job with no easing up for any reason.
In todays times I guess it's just too easy to sit back and watch a child grow and take your chances as a parent. Never could see it that way. I certainly didn't want to grow old and have children plagued with drugs and jail time.
But it doesn't bother some.
10:10 pm it should bother them! and if it doesn't, then they shouldn't be raising a grandchild!
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