Sunday, December 12, 2010

Accomack And Northampton County Court

Accomack County Court

Ryan Bonniwell, 27, of Painter, was found guilty of burglary and grand larceny. A presentence report has been ordered.

Lavar Johnson, 30, of Mappsville, was found guilty of possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute. He was sentenced to 10 years with all but time served suspended.

Christopher Barcroft, 21, of Cape Charles, was sentenced to four years for two counts of burglary and two counts of grand larceny.

Keenan Goodwine, 19, of Atlantic, was found guilty of robbery and the use of a firearm in commission of a robbery. A presentence report was ordered.

Thomas Bunting, 27, of Melfa, was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault. A presentence report has been ordered.

Joann Ball, 57, of Accomac, was sentenced to 10 years with all but 12 months suspended for possession of cocaine.

Michael Sample Jr., 25, of Painter, was sentenced to 10 years each on two counts of breaking and entering and two counts of grand larceny, to run concurrently, with all suspended upon completion of detention and diversion center programs.

Jonathan Stevens, 27, of Quinby, was sentenced to five years for burglary with all suspended after completion of community service.

Jesse Mariner, 28, of Keller, was sentenced to 10 years each on counts of burglary and grand larceny, with all but three years suspended.

Derrick Reid, 22, of Nassawadox, was sentenced to five years each on counts of breaking and entering, robbery and a firearms charge, to run consecutively, for a sentence of 15 years.

Keshawn Savage, 21, of New Church, was sentenced to three years with all but one year suspended for hit and run.

Terrell Robinson, 33, of Birdsnest, had his probation reinstated.

Northampton County

Yolanda O'Sha Stines, 35, of Accomac, was sentenced to five years with all but 2.5 years suspended for writing bad checks.

Leonard Tromell Brooks, 27, of Cape Charles, was sentenced to 10 years with all but two years suspended for possession with the intent to distribute more than one-half ounce but less than five pounds of marijuana.

Cynthia Rene Weathers, 35, of Pocomoke City, Md., was sentenced to five years with all but time served suspended for four counts of welfare fraud and ordered to pay $5,005.

Terry Wayne McGee Jr., 34, of Newport News, was sentenced to five years for forgery, 12 months for receiving stolen property, 12 months for using a false identity and 12 months for driving on a suspended license, to run concurrently, with all but 12 months suspended.

William Jerome Reid Jr., 31, of Machipongo, was sentenced to five years with four years suspended for possession with the intent to distribute more than one half ounce but less than five pounds of marijuana. He also had a previous sentence imposed and received indefinite probation.

Brian Dwayne Johnson, 31, of Tasley, had his probation revoked.

Deshaun Lamont Corney, 21, of Birdsnest, pleaded guilty of two counts of robbery, one count of entering in the nighttime while armed with a deadly weapon, one count of malicious wounding, and one count of displaying a firearm in a threatening manner during a robbery. A presentence report has been ordered.

Crippen Found Guilty For Attempted Murder

Alexander Crippen could be facing life in jail for attempted murder with the possibility of an extra 20 added to those years for carrying an illegal weapon. Gee, that means for the rest of his life he gets to breath, eat, exist behind bars. No matter where he is and no matter where the man that he attempted to murder may be BOTH are alive. And good for them, I guess. But what about the family of Reginald Handy?

Forensics couldn't prove Crippen killed that young man. And no one saw? Not a soul saw anyone that night but a bullet into the back of Handy? I'm just wondering, because there doesn't seem to be any closure for the family that loved and had to bury Reginald Jerome Handy.

If it can't be proven that Crippen fired that bullet into Handy's back then who did? Or is that the family just has to accept that Crippen probably did do just can't be proven beyond that "shadow of a doubt"? Where is the closure for this family?
What do you say to them? Does anything happen for them?
SNOW HILL -- Friends and family members of Alexander Crippen cried and consoled each other in Circuit Court after Judge Richard R. Bloxom said Crippen was guilty of trying to kill a man.

Testimony in the trial for first- and second-degree attempted murder, first- and second-degree assault and gun charges concluded Dec. 7. Bloxom said he needed time to review the testimony and facts of the case before giving a verdict, which he issued Friday.

During his deliberations, he recalled the instructions given to jurors when they have trouble deciphering witness testimony: that they may believe all, part or none of what witnesses say.

Crippen, who has listed residences in Fort Washington, Md., and Pocomoke City, has been held without bond at the Worcester County Jail since late May, when he was charged in the murder of Reginald Jerome Handy Jr., 22. Handy was gunned down outside a Laurel Avenue home on May 27.

In June, a grand jury indicted Crippen on murder and other related charges connected to Handy's death in addition to attempted murder. But Bloxom dismissed the murder charge against Crippen during a criminal motions hearing. Prosecutors said forensic evidence would have made it impossible to prove Crippen killed Handy. Crippen was instead convicted of attempting to kill another man, Torrance Davis, 28, who was at the scene of the shooting in May.

After the verdict was read, Deputy State's Attorney Michael Farlow asked the judge to order a presentence investigation before Crippen is sentenced.

"Now that he has been found guilty on all counts, we will be seeking the maximum penalty," Farlow said. The maximum penalty life in prison. He said a second charge, wearing and carrying an illegal weapon, can carry an additional sentence of up to 20 years.

Crippen's defense attorney, Arthur McGreevy, said he expects his client to appeal the decision.

"We are obviously disappointed but respect the judge's decision," McGreevy said.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

12-Year Old Missing For One Week Found Safe

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -- A 12-year-old girl who had been missing for a week was found unharmed Friday after she and the man accused in her abduction were recognized in a store in San Francisco, police said.

Brittany Mae Smith has since been in touch with her family in Virginia, while Jeffrey Scot Easley, 32, was in police custody in San Francisco, Roanoke County Police Chief Ray Lavinder said at a news conference.

The two hadn't been seen since Dec. 3, when they were captured on store surveillance video at a Walmart in Salem, about five miles from Roanoke.

The girl's mother and Easley's girlfriend, Tina Smith, was found dead on Monday their home in southwestern Virginia. The cause of death has not been released but police consider it a homicide.

Police have refused to say whether they consider Easley a suspect in the mother's death, but they said Friday that the investigation of the slaying would ramp up now that the search for the girl is over.

Lavinder said Brittany and Easley were in a retail store around 3 p.m. in San Francisco when someone in the store recognized the pair from reports on their disappearance and called police. Easley did not resist arrest.

Asked if Easley forced Brittany on the cross-country trip, Lavinder said he didn't know.

"We're just getting bits and pieces of the facts right now," he said.

The girl was aware that her mother had been found dead. She had no signs of physical injury.

Lavinder did not know if Easley had any connections to the San Francisco area or how the pair traveled the 2,320 miles to get there. Roanoke authorities planned to travel to California as soon as possible.

Brittany's disappearance had generated more than 700 tips to Roanoke County police, who earlier Friday said they were deeply concerned after finding no trace of the girl after days of searching.

Lavinder said he had a "tremendous sense of relief" that Brittany had been found.

After learning that her granddaughter was safe, Liz Dyer told The Roanoke Times: "We're so glad. We're bouncing off the walls."

Recess Still Under Discussion With Board of Education

SNOW HILL – The question of whether or not recess will become mandatory in Worcester County schools is still up in the air.

At the Board of Education’s Dec. 7 Budget Public Input Session, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jon Andes introduced a proposed revision to a policy that would require all elementary level schools, grades pre-k through fifth, to have daily recess.

However, because several members of the board were absent and others wished for more time to review the proposal, the issue was tabled until the Dec. 21 meeting.
Board President Bob Hulburd told the audience that the matter was too significant to be decided without every member’s input.

“I think we all need to be here to make the decision,” he said.

Hulburd also stressed the fact the board was not acting in confrontation with Pocomoke Middle School, whose recess policy had sparked the debate.

While Andes’ proposal would contradict the current PMS system, which does not provide daily recess, Hulburd made it clear that whatever the board decided, it in no way reflected any negativity on the school.

“Everyone here should go away knowing that Pocomoke is a great school, with great leadership,” Hulburd said.

While the draft of the proposition is a significant step forward, some people in the audience were not satisfied with the tabling of the issue for another two weeks.

Parent Todd Palmer, who originally brought the matter to the board’s attention, had hoped for more action to be taken at the meeting.
“We’re upset with the delay,” he said, referring to the group of parents he represents. “We were under the impression that we’d have an answer tonight.”

Doug Voss, another concerned parent, shared some of Palmer’s feelings.
“We’re disappointed there was no decision,” Voss said. “We’re really looking for an unambiguous statement [from the board].”

One detail that bothered Palmer was the possibility that Andes’ proposition would just be a suggested guideline, instead of county policy.

“We want a policy,” he said. “A suggested guideline can be manipulated.”

However, Voss remarked that it did seem like the proposition would be going into policy.

Palmer expressed disappointment that not all board members had been in attendance at the meeting. He did, however, clarify that he was grateful to the board for making time to listen to complaints of the public.

Palmer and several other parents plan to be in attendance at the next meeting.
by:Travis Brown

Friday, December 10, 2010

Deja vu: MUST SEE inspirational video - please share!

My inspirational SURFice dog video went viral last year at this time. It has a million views in 42 days. Please help me spread the message again, like you did last year by emailing it to everyone you know! Blogging, tweeting, posting to Facebook, showing it in schools & other gatherings, and sharing it with friends. 

Remind everyone that they are perfect, just the way they are!  To adjust expectations, to focus on what they CAN do, and what they HAVE this holiday season, instead of what they have not.  Everyone can use a little inspiration this time of year.

Happy Howl-idays to you... and the universe!

Love, Ricochet

Pocomoke City Community Awareness meeting

The Pocomoke City Community Awareness meeting is scheduled for Saturday 12/11/2010 at 10 am

The meeting is scheduled for Saturday at 10 am at Abundant Life Apostolic Church on Front Street in Pocomoke.

New Worcester County Sheriff Will Run A 'Tight Ship'

BERLIN – Long-time Worcester County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Reggie Mason this week was officially sworn in as the new sheriff after a successful election last month and is now preparing for a smooth transition for the department.

Mason and new Chief Deputy Dale Smack were officially sworn in during a special ceremony in Snow Hill on Monday and the new sheriff has hit the ground running. His overall goal is maintaining the continuity of his predecessor, Sheriff Chuck Martin, who held the post for 16 years, while adding his own initiatives and programs to better serve the entire county.

This week, Mason took time out of his busy schedule for an interview with The Dispatch during which he outlined some of his priorities, programs and initiatives for his new office, some of which are already underway. The following are some of the excerpts from that conversation:

"I’m very lucky. I’ve got great people here. I was chief deputy for over 24 years and I was involved in a lot of the hiring here. It’s a great agency and I’m very proud of them. My job is to make sure they come to work safe and go home to their family safe. I worry about my people just like the sheriff before me, Sheriff Martin. We always worried about our people. I was born and raised in this county and I care about this county. I have relatives in this county from Pocomoke to St. Martin’s Neck and I care about our people here. I want people to go out at night to a movie or go shopping and feel safe. That’s my job."

On increasing the department’s presence throughout the county:
I’m going to have command staff, lieutenants and above, work night patrol. The sheriff let me start this about two months ago. I brought this idea up to him. A lot of times, we leave here at five or six in the evening, but if the public calls here, they want to talk to someone in command. I don’t want the public to have to wait until morning to talk to a lieutenant or higher-up. This way, 911 can put them right through to somebody in command.

I plan on making some promotions after the first of the year and they’re going to be accessible. Somebody in command is going to be out there and is going to be able to answer the questions.

We’re doing it already. I’ve personally been doing it for about four months. I want to see first-hand what is going on in this county, and I want to let the public know that I’m out here, that we’re out here. You can’t just sit behind a desk. I want to see what my deputies need and what’s going on out there. It’s been working great. I want to boost up our patrols, so I’m going with a 4-3 program where my people work 10-hour days, sometimes four days a week. I learned that from Lee Duggan when he was chief in Ocean City. It allows us to almost double our coverage with the same manpower during the most active times on the streets and in our communities.

On new hires:
My biggest thing right now is adding more deputies to the road patrol. Right now, I have four vacancies and we’re in the process of filling them and I’m looking at these new people. I’m looking at hiring kids that have grown up in this county and giving them the opportunity to work in the Sheriff’s Office. Anyone living outside Worcester County that we hire will have one year to move into the county. Recently we hire five people, four of which are going through the last two stages. I’ll be sending four through the police academy and I think that’s the first time ever we’ve had that many.

On getting back into the communities:
I want to be a community police agency. I want to put more of our deputies back into community policing and neighborhood watch programs. I’m a firm believer in neighborhood watch programs, educating the public, what to look out for in their neighborhoods. A community police deputy is great. He or she gets to know a lot of people in the small towns. They get good information from the people in the towns and see a lot. We got away from this a couple of years ago, but I definitely want to get back into it. Years ago, when I was first here, we had deputies out in the communities riding bicycles. They had better contact with the public rather than just riding around in the car all the time. I want the residents to know they have a deputy they can talk to. If we get our manpower issues straightened out, I’d love to have one on the south end and one in the north end to go into our small communities.

On the need to finish Route 113:
That’s a priority for me. I want to do my part to make sure that gets done and gets done in a timely fashion. Every one of us who travel that road knows how dangerous it is. It’s one of the most dangerous roads in the country and the statistics bear that out. Years back, I was talking with a State Highway official and he said we’re all probably going to be dead before that’s finished and now, I’m starting to think he might have been right. There is just no way they can’t get that highway finished. When they start to do a highway project on the other side of that bridge, they don’t start until it’s finished. We need to get mobilized and unified in a single voice and tell them we want it done. That’s a priority.

On underage alcohol and tobacco sales:
The other big thing I’m after is the sale of alcohol and tobacco to teenagers. We’re going to do a lot of spot checks. The main thing is talking to the business owners and making sure that they inform their employees about the laws. We’re going to spot-check them and we’re going to have our cadets go in and try to make buys. I don’t want to put anybody out of business, but I don’t want them selling alcohol and tobacco to the teenagers. That’s going to be one of our priorities.

On managing the department’s budget:
My big thing is, I worry about my budget. I know times are very tough, but I want to get the very best training for my people. I had the opportunity when I was with the OCPD. Chief Duggan sent everyone of us to so many schools and specialized classes to make us better professionals and I want to give the same opportunities to my people. I want to give them the very best equipment to do their job. Anything we need to find in our budget to let our people better protect themselves, we’re going to find a way to do it. I’m looking at ways to save anything I can in our budget to allow us to do the things that are most important. If that means filling jobs with part-timers and retirees, I’m going to do it.

On making tough decisions:
If I see something that isn’t working, I’m going to make the tough decisions. They might not always be the most popular decisions, but I’m going to do what’s best for this county and my people. I’m always willing to give 100-percent and I expect the people working for me to do the same. If I see something that isn’t working, I’m going to make the tough choices. I’ve learned to treat people the way you like to be treated, but I’m not afraid of discipline. I’m a former Marine Corps sergeant and I’m going to run a tight ship. We have rules and regulations and that’s what they’re there for.

On forging good relationships:
I want to work with our neighbors and form new and better partnerships. We have a great partnership with Virginia and we have people deputized in Virginia and they have a Virginia state trooper and three Accomack County sheriff’s deputies deputized here. We’ve been working great crossing the lines in and around the Pocomoke area and we’ve made some nice busts. It’s working great. We’re also going to help Somerset County and Wicomico County with any resources they need. If we work together, it makes our county that much safer.

Crime doesn’t know physical boundaries. If they need anything, they’ll get it, and they’ll do the same for us. Chief DiPino is going to assign me some personnel to help with the drug problem, because it’s not only in the south end but all over the county including Ocean City. She’s going to help us with manpower. That’s what its all about, helping your neighbor. We’re all going to work together in the county. We’ve already talked about what we can help each other with and we’re going to team up, the same thing with Pocomoke, Berlin, and Snow Hill. It’s not about one individual agency. It’s all about working as a good team and helping each other. I’ve had nothing so far but great support from all the chiefs. I’d love to work more with Delaware because we’re one of the only counties that borders two states. There are opportunities for partnerships there and we’re already exploring them.

On the take-home vehicle policy:
A lot of these people are school resource officers, drug enforcement officers and SWAT team members. When I need them, I need them. Once they hit that county line, they know where they’re going and what the situation is. I don’t need them driving to the county line in their personal car and picking up one of our cars when they get here. You can lose a lot of time doing that. When I need my specialized people, I need them right away. Now, if gas prices skyrocket or it becomes too expensive, I’ll address that when the time comes, but it’s not a big problem now.
Why it became such a big issue during the election I don’t know, but some of the figures put out there about the cost of our take-home vehicle policy were just inaccurate. In county, they can use their vehicle off duty. Out of county, they can’t. In county, it’s good to see them out in their cars when they go out. They have to check in when they’re on duty and when they have to go off duty. It’s all about high visibility.

On the use of part-timers:
Part-timers save the taxpayers of this county money and they free up more manpower for me. I’ve also hired a part-time detective to work with the child advocacy program, who works with crimes involving children. We got a grant to pay for the position, and while we don’t know how long the grant will last, by hiring him part time, I’ll be able to keep him when the grant runs out. It’s so important to have this deputy work the child cases.

I also have a part-time deputy that tracks sex offenders in the county. We have about 60 right now he keeps track of. U.S. Marshals have teamed up with us on this. If one leaves our county, we contact the U.S. Marshals and they will be on their track. Our part-time deputy does an outstanding job with this. He keeps a close tab on where they reside, where they work and he does an outstanding job.
by: Shawn Soper

Change In Accomack County Christmas Dismissal

Accomack County Schools have annoucned a change to their Christmas dismissal schedule, according to a press release.

Students will be dismissed two hours early on Wednesday, December 22. Schools and the Central Office will remain closed on Thursday, December 23 through Tuesday December 28 for the Winter Holiday.

The Offices will also be closed on Friday, December 23.

All schools and the Central Office will reopen on Monday, January 3.

Telescoper Offices Raided By IRS Agents

(Dec. 10, 2010) Agents with the Internal Revenue Service raided an Ocean City business Tuesday morning, taking computers and boxes of files with them.

Around 8 a.m., a fleet of large, black sport utility vehicles with tinted windows and out-of-state license plates rolled up in front of Telescope Pictures on 16th Street. The crowd having breakfast at a diner across the street watched as federal agents wearing bulletproof vests and dark jackets got out of the vehicles and entered the business.

“They were wearing flak jackets and ski masks. They just rolled up and jumped out of all these cars with plates from Maryland, Virginia and D.C. tags. I’ve never seen anything this serious,” said City Council President Jim Hall, who was eating breakfast in the diner at the time and watched the raid unfold.

The agents’ jackets identified them as members of the “IRS Criminal Enforcement Division,” and some were wearing firearms. Hall said they removed some people from the property who appeared to be living in apartments above the business, and then began to empty the place.

“They took computers, books, boxes, everything,” he said.

Telescope Pictures is the company holding the city franchise to provide beach photographers. The photographers take pictures of beachgoers, who can go to the 16th Street offices to purchase their photos at the end of the day. The company is owned by Patrick McLaughlin and is also known as United Beach Photo Inc.

The company holds the two beach photo franchises and the night before the IRS raid, McLaughlin was the only bidder in an auction to hold the franchises for the next four years. Hall did not know whether the city would be able to accept his bids or have to hold another auction.

McLaughlin is perhaps the biggest player in direct business with the city through its franchises. Aside from the beach photo franchises, he also holds approximately half of the city’s beach equipment rental stand franchises, has a small stake in an ice cream vending truck franchise and holds three of the resort’s taxicab medallions.

The IRS agent in charge of the Telescope Pictures case declined to comment on the details of search and seizure or the case in general and the IRS media contact did not return calls seeking comment about the case. Calls made to the Telescope Pictures office were met by a recording announcing the office was closed for the season.

Christine Cullen, Staff Writer

Pocomoke City Police Make Arrests On Weapons Charges

POCOMOKE CITY -- Police said on Dec. 1 that they had arrested two people in recent days for possessing weapons it was illegal for them to have, in seperate incidents. Pocomoke officers went to a motel for a report of a man with a stolen gun on Nov. 26 and arrested Andre L. Doggett, 32, of Danville, Va. for possession of a concealed weapon, saying he was carrying a .22-caliber gun in his pocket. Police did not locate the gun reported stolen, a .45-caliber pistol, the Police Department said in a news release. Doggett was released on his own recognizance pending trial.

On Nov. 29, police said, they went to assist paramedics at a residence at 500 Young St. and learned a wanted person was hiding inside. With the homeowner's permission, police said, they entered the home and found Harvey D. Hall, 21, of Pocomoke City, who was wanted for violating probation. Police also found a .22-caliber pistol there, police said, and Hall was additionally charged with possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. He was held on $40,000 bond.

Va. State Police Ask Hunters Help In Tracking Narcotics

With hunting season in full swing, the Virginia State Police is asking for the public's assistance with reporting suspicious activity relating to drug activity and marijuana grow sites. This summer more than 35,000 marijuana plants were eradicated throughout Virginia with the assistance of federal, state and local law enforcement officials as part of the Governor's Initiative Against Narcotics Trafficking (G.I.A.N.T) program.

"The discovery and destruction of these illegal grows have played a significant role in preventing marijuana from reaching the streets and Virginia's youth," said Lt. Richard A. Childers, Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation's Richmond Drug Enforcement Section. "In addition to the more than 180 arrests resulting from the 2010 GIANT initiative, millions of dollars have also been kept out of the hands of drug dealers."

Because the cultivation of marijuana is a year-round process, law enforcement needs Virginians - especially hunters - to be on alert to what may indicate an area being used to illegally grow marijuana.

Signs include:

- an obscured/hidden clearing in the woods, swamp or corn fields possibly near or with reasonable access to water;

- shovels, pails to haul water, bags of fertilizer and/or chemicals discarded near the clearing;

- random, well-trampled trails leading into the woods or swamp.

Hunters are advised not to confront anyone they may encounter near a clearing or possible grow site. Instead, please take mental notes of what you see, smell and hear at that location, and then report it to law enforcement.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation Drug Diversion Unit at 1-800-553-DOPE (3673). You can also contact your local law enforcement to report illegal activity. Information you provide can result in a cash reward and all information is confidential.

One Arrested, Police Searching For 2 More In Burglaries

POCOMOKE CITY, Md.- One suspect is in custody and police are searching for two others wanted in connection with two residential burglaries that occurred in Pocomoke City over the past two days. The suspect in custody, 18-year-old LeAnder Dynte Ward of Pocomoke City, is charged with first- and third-degree burglary, theft: $10,000 to under $100,000, theft: $1,000 to under $10,000, malicious destruction of property under $500, and conspiracy to commit first-degree burglary.

Authorities say the first burglary occurred Tuesday, Dec. 7, at a home on Critcher Road in Pocomoke City. Deputies with the Worcester County Sheriff's Office responded to the scene and determined that the suspects had gained entry into the home by prying open one of the exterior doors. The victim determined that more than $43,000 in personal property had been taken from his home.

Detectives from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation were contacted to assist with the investigation.

The next day, on Wednesday, Dec. 8, Maryland state troopers were dispatched to a home on Brantley Road. According to police, the homeowner had arrived at his home and observed three male suspects walking out of his house carrying his wrapped Christmas presents, as well as other personal property.

Police say that while the victim was on the telephone with authorities, the three suspects fled the scene.

State troopers, assisted by sheriff's deputies and officers from the Pocomoke City Police Department, searched the area for the suspects.

One of the suspects, identified as LeAnder Ward, was arrested and charged with the aforementioned crimes. He is being held in the Worcester County Jail on $20,000 bond.

The other suspects drove off in a car described as a black four-door Taurus, with Maryland registration.

Anyone with additional information about these incidents, or knows of the identities or whereabouts of the other two suspects, is asked to call the WCBI at (410) 352-3476.

Christmas Basket Drawing To Benefit Samaritan Shelter

A Bountiful Blessings Christmas Basket
A Bountiful Blessings Christmas Basket drawing is a chance to shop for holiday stocking stuffers as well as raise money to benefit the Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City.

The basket is stuffed with items ranging from dinner for two at Texas Roadhouse to a family membership at the Delmarva Discovery Center. Basket items are valued at more than $950.

Tickets for the drawing are $5 each or $10 for three.

The drawing will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Heart 'N Home gift store and vendor, 1532 Ocean Highway in Pocomoke City.

Call 410-957-4310

Manslaughter Trial Reset For January 11

SNOW HILL -- Jesse James Mason's manslaughter trial has been pushed to January, after State's Attorney Joel Todd filed a motion for postponement.

Mason was charged with homicide by motor vehicle, negligent homicide by auto while impaired, negligent manslaughter by auto, auto homicide under the influence of alcohol and related charges after he allegedly drove out of a parking lot while Hunter Lee Stonnell was hanging onto his vehicle. Stonnell knew Mason was drunk, police said, and had been imploring him not to drive when he was killed.

Todd said he disqualified himself in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. The victim's family believes he has a "too close relationship" with the defense attorney, Todd said in an interview.

The case is currently scheduled for trial on Jan. 11, and incoming State's Attorney Beau Oglesby will try the case after being sworn into office on Jan. 3.

Swim With Santa This Saturday

Donations of food and unwrapped toys will be accepted on behalf of the Worcester County Sheriff Department's Christmas for the Needy program.OCEAN PINES -- Bring the family Saturday, Dec. 11, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for the fourth annual Swim with Santa at the Sports Core pool. Join Santa in a tropical setting while he floats in the pool.

The fee for this program is $3 for swim members and $5 for non-members. Only those swimming pay a fee.

Non-swimmers are welcome to visit with Santa and watch the festivities.

For more information on this event, please call the Ocean Pines Recreation Department at 410-641-7717, ext. 3050.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Four Men Arrested For Dash In Robbery Charged For Second

Let's hope that the courts begin to do something about crimes like this instead of letting these creeps back onto the streets!

BERLIN, Md.- Police have arrested four suspects wanted in connection with last week's armed robbery of a convenience store in Berlin. The suspects are also alleged to have robbed another convenience store in Willards on the same day.

Jordan Criner, 23, of Berlin, Takeyah Mason, 21, of Melfa, Va., Akeem Mason, 17, of Painter, Va., and Dalton Entzminger, 17, of Accomac, Va., are each charged with armed robbery, robbery, theft, first- and second-degree assault and conspiracy.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation says the arrests stemmed from an armed robbery that occurred Dec. 1 at the Shore Stop store on 11121 Racetrack Road in Berlin.

According to detectives, an investigation revealed that Akeem Mason and Entzminger entered the store, with Mason allegedly armed with a handgun. Police say the pair then robbed the store clerk, and stole an undetermined amount of cash and cigarettes. The suspects then fled the area in a vehicle also occupied by Criner and Takeyah Mason who was driving, according to investigators.

Police say the same four suspects also robbed the Dash In convenience store in Willards, and were apprehended by deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. Police say the four were later identified as the individuals who robbed the Shore Stop.

All four suspects are being held at the Wicomico County Detention Center in Salisbury in default of bond.

The investigation into the robberies is continuing, and anyone with any information about this case or any related case is asked to contact the WCBI at (410) 352-3476, or the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at (410) 632-1100.

No Verdict For Attempted Murder

SNOW HILL -- The attempted murder trial of a 36-year-old Maryland man concluded with no verdict Tuesday after the judge said he needed time to review and consider the evidence.

After a day and a half of testimony, Alexander Crippen, who is alleged to have fired shots at 28-year-old Torrance Davis, will have to wait three days before the court will rule on the case.

Circuit Court Judge Richard R. Bloxom said the bench trial will resume at 1 p.m. Friday.

Crippen, who is listed as a resident of Fort Washington, Md., and Pocomoke City, has been held without bond at the Worcester County Jail since late May when he was charged in the murder of Reginald Jerome Handy Jr., a 22-year-old Greenbush resident.

Handy was gunned down outside a Laurel Avenue home May 27.

In June, a grand jury indicted Crippen on murder and other related charges connected to Handy's death in addition to attempted murder charges.

Bloxom dismissed the murder and assault charges filed against Crippen during a criminal motions hearing Dec. 1. The prosecutor and Deputy State's Attorney Michael Farlow said forensic evidence would have made it impossible to prove Crippen killed Handy.

During the trial Tuesday, two Pocomoke City women testified they saw Crippen in the area where the victim was killed before the shots were fired.

"When I first heard gunshots, I took off," 20-year-old Rashima Schoolfield said.

When she looked behind her, Crippen was 5-10 feet behind her, she said.

Shanna Harmon, 31, testified that she saw Crippen running toward Fifth Street after the shots were fired.

However, neither witness identified Crippen as the gunman.

The victim's cousin and witness for the state identified Crippen as the shooter during a recorded interview with investigators May 27; however, private defense attorney Arthur E. McGreevy of Baltimore pointed to inconsistencies in Davis' statements compared to evidence in the case and trial testimony from other witnesses.

"There really isn't a whole lot of physical evidence that links my client to this case," McGreevy said.

Buy A Pet Calendar - Give As A Gift

These make wonderful Christmas gifts!The 2011 "Onancock Loves Rescue Pets" Calendar is now on sale at gardenART on King Street, SouthEast Expeditions at the Wharf, Janet's Café, Red Queen Gallery, CD Marsh Jewlers and the SPCA Eastern Shore in Onley.

They are $15 each, which benefits Onancock Business & Civic Association's pet-friendly efforts, with a portion going to the SPCA Eastern Shore.

Each of the 50 pets featured has a caption describing how they found their forever homes, many of them through the local SPCA,

Ripkens Youth Baseball Field At Memorial Stadium Now Open

It was 19 years ago — and about 30 degrees warmer — when Cal and Billy Ripken played in the last game at Memorial Stadium. But on Tuesday, when they replanted home plate in its old spot off East 33rd Street, the past returned as if on a welcome summer breeze.

"It does make you think of all the memories you have of playing here," Cal Ripken Jr., said after a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new youth baseball diamond opening in the old home of Baltimore's Orioles and Colts.

"My favorite one is hitting my first home run and shaking Dad's hand," Ripken said of his father, Cal Sr., then the third base coach and later manager of the Orioles. "No words were exchanged, but it was a good moment for a dad and a son."
Joining the Ripkens to cut the red ribbon stretched across the new home plate were Gov. Martin O'Malley, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger and other supporters of the $1.5 million project.

The funds were raised by the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation, which was started by the Ripken brothers in honor of their late father and dedicated to bringing baseball to disadvantaged youths. The project received $400,000 from the state's Program Open Space funds.
"What a fitting tribute to have on this hallowed ground," O'Malley said.

The park will return sports, albeit at the amateur level, to a site that was home to so many great Baltimore pro teams. The diamond has a removable center field fence that will enable it to be converted to a football field — in the same orientation as the gridiron on which the Colts played.

Tuesday's ribbon-cutting was the first time former Baltimore Colt Joe Ehrmann had been back since his playing days.

"It gets your adrenalin pumping," the former lineman said of stepping back on the grounds. "You can hear the band playing in the recesses of your mind. It's great to reclaim this field."

With new housing and other buildings surrounding the site, he and the other former Memorial Stadium denizens at the ribbon-cutting said it took a couple of minutes to get reoriented. But once they did, the details were as clear as if they'd happened yesterday.

"The stadium was rocking," Cal Ripken said, remembering the heart-stopping end to the 1982 season when the Orioles were three games behind Milwaukee with four games to go. "We beat them in a doubleheader. We win Saturday. We're all tied up. The fans come with brooms. We have Jim Palmer on the mound."

Despite the 10-2 loss and the end of the season, Ripken said he still thinks of that series when he drives past 33rd Street. Now, he hopes the kids who will play there will make memories of their own.

Called Youth Development Park, it is the first of 18 such facilities that the foundation plans to open in at-risk communities in six states. This one is to be managed by the adjacent Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Center Y at Stadium Place.

Morgan Scroggings, 12, a student at the nearby Stadium School, was among a group of kids who attended the ceremony and said he looked forward to playing on the field. Maybe not baseball, though.

"I played it once. It's fun, but not as exciting as other sports," he shrugged. "I play football and basketball, and I wrestled for five years."

Which is probably OK with Cal Ripken, who says the park is more than a place for kids to play sports.

"You just want them to find themselves," Ripken said. "You just want them to grow and develop into being good, productive citizens."

Three From Pocomoke Arrested For Stealing From Local Business

POCOMOKE CITY, Md.- Three suspects are facing charges after being accused of stealing dozens of vehicle tire rims from a tire business in Pocomoke City.

Christopher D. Joseph, 19, Stephen E. Petitt, 23, and Travis A. Parsons, 24, all of Pocomoke City, were each charged on a criminal summons with theft over $1,000 and conspiracy.

The arrests stemmed from an incident alleged to have occurred at Nock's Tire on Ocean Highway during the overnight hours of Nov. 30. According to detectives with the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, the three suspects stole 25 vehicle tire rims from the business.

An investigation into the incident led to the arrests of the aforementioned suspects. The investigation is continuing, and anyone with any information about this case is asked to contact the WCBI at (410) 352-3476, or the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at (410) 632-1100.

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Vote On Sprinkler Installations

POCOMOKE CITY -- The mayor and council voted to opt out of a state regulation requiring the installation of sprinkler systems in new single-family homes in Maryland after Jan. 1.

Instead, the town will offer owners of a new home a rebate on property taxes if they decide to install a sprinkler system. The amount of the rebate will be decided later.

Two-family homes are not affected by the town's decision since they already come under the code that calls for structures with more than one family to have the systems.

Worcester County Commissioners have so far decided to let the state regulations stand, meaning they would go into effect in the new year. But the two newly elected commissioners who were sworn in Tuesday -- Merrill Lockfaw Jr. and Jim Bunting Jr. -- want to revisit the issue.

In Ocean City, the Town Council is on track to clear the way for the state regulations to take effect in the resort.

Other business

Chris B. Derbyshire, representing George, Miles and Buhr, also gave the mayor and council an update this week on the upgrade to the town's sewer plant.

He said work on the upgrade is 82 percent complete. The original completion date was Dec. 29, but an additional 48 days is needed because of a change order in the original contract. Because of the increase in time, the architects requested an additional $32,234 to monitor the construction. The request was approved.

City Manager Russell W. Blake said no local funds will be needed to cover this cost. Derbyshire also said bids should be opened in about two weeks on the UV disinfection project. This addition, costing about $225,000, will disinfect sewage leaving the plant and reduce the cost of operation because it will eliminate the need for chemicals. Again, no local funds will be needed to cover the cost of this project.

Off Shore Wind Farms Discussed

A new authority promoting the development of wind farms off Virginia's coast met for the first time, reviewing a raft of reports on the emerging energy source.

The Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority met in suburban Richmond on Tuesday. The authority's eight members represent power companies, people involved in the financing of wind energy and others connected with industries and interests linked to offshore winds.

One report reviewed by authority members included an offshore wind study by Dominion Virginia Power . The study concluded that Dominion's transmission system in the Virginia Beach area can handle a potential interconnection from a large-scale offshore wind facility.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wo. Co. Commissioners Get To Work After Swearing-In Ceremony

SNOW HILL -- The first matter at the Worcester County Commissioners meeting was the swearing-in ceremony for new and seasoned commissioners. Some, such as James Purnell, took the oath for a fifth time and others, like Jim Bunting Jr. and Merrill Lockfaw Jr., were sworn in for their first terms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you prepared to take the oath of office for which you were elected," began Stephen Hales, clerk of the court, just before administering the oath to all seven commissioners.

After being sworn in, the commissioners adjourned for a brief recess to take pictures with family and friends, as well as mingle with colleagues and snack, before returning to business as usual.

Following up on a letter sent to commissioners by Lockfaw while he was still a commissioner-elect, members approved a measure to install a truck route in Pocomoke City by a 6-1 vote, with Virgil Shockley voting against it.

Specifically, no through truck traffic of 15,000 pounds or greater gross vehicle weight shall be allowed on Cypress Road, New Bridge Road, Hillman Road, Dun Swamp Road or Tulls Corner Road.

Shockley voiced opposition to the language in the bill, saying there is no way sheriff's deputies will be able to tell a 15,000-pound truck from a 18,000-pound truck from a 12,000-pound truck. He went on to say it would be easier to regulate based on the number of axles a truck has.

"The first ticket they write and someone challenges will end up in court," Shockley said.

County Attorney Sonny Bloxom responded to Shockley's concerns by noting that if the regulations become a problem, commissioners can revisit the bill and amend it as necessary.

The letter, originally sent to commissioners on Oct. 27 by Lockfaw, who served as road superintendent for the county for 19 years, expressed concern about potential damage to local roads and bridges due to trucks hauling from Vulcan materials.

In the letter, he said that if the usage of the roads went unaddressed, it could cost the county $92,000 for bridge repairs or replacement.

Although the agenda for the Dec. 21 meeting has not yet been set, Lockfaw and Bunting said they wish to revisit the possibility of opting Worcester County out of a Maryland law that would require all new homes built after Jan. 1 to contain a residential sprinkler system.

Sellers Convicted Of First Degree Arson In Worcester County

A man with no permanent address has been convicted of First Degree Arson from a house fire that occurred on Keyser Point Road in Ocean City back on April 11th. Thomas Sellers was arrested on September 1st. Then earlier this month, Worcester County Circuit Court convicted Sellers of intentionally setting the blaze. A Pre Sentence Investigation has been ordered.
December 6, 2010 – West Ocean City Arson Conviction
Written by Matt Owens

Monday, 06 December 2010 12:45 The Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office has been investigating an April 11, 2010 residential house fire at 10359 Keyser Point Road, Ocean City, Maryland in Worcester County. Evidence and information from interviews led to the September 1, 2010 arrest of Thomas W. Sellers, (no permanent address). On December 1, 2010, Worcester County Circuit Court convicted Sellers of First Degree Arson. A Pre Sentence Investigation has been ordered. Anyone with additional questions is asked to contact Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Matthew Owens at 410-632-5666 x 2 or at

First Stage Of Taurus II Rocket Has Arrived At Wallops

WALLOPS -- The 90-foot-long first stage of Orbital Sciences' Taurus II rocket has arrived at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility after a journey that began Oct. 8 in Ukraine, continued across the Atlantic Ocean to Wilmington and finally traveled Delmarva's highways to Wallops.

A team of Ukrainian rocket engineers arrived at Wallops Flight Facility last month in advance of the rocket stage and will be working there on the Taurus II project.

Taurus II's first launch is scheduled for early 2011.

Orbital Sciences was one of two companies awarded a NASA contract for missions to take supplies to the International Space Station after the space shuttle program ends. NASA, in December 2008, awarded the company a $1.9 billion contract for eight missions.

The first Taurus II mission, under a NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services agreement, will be a risk reduction test flight, followed by a demonstration mission to show the vehicle's capability to perform the commercial re-supply missions, which are slated to begin in early 2012.

The first stage core structure is nearly 13 feet in diameter and weighs 29,000 pounds with no fuel in it.

It was transported on a 95-foot-long trailer specially designed by Diamond Heavy Haul Inc. of Shandon, Ohio -- a company that specializes in arranging transportation for unusual supersized cargo -- along Route 13 and Chincoteague Road to the NASA Wallops Flight Facility, where it will remain in the payload processing facility until a new horizontal integration facility under construction near the launch pad on Wallops Island is completed.

The stage likely will be moved to the island in January, NASA Wallops Flight Facility spokesman Keith Kohler said.

It was shipped by rail from the city of Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine to the Black Sea port of Oktyabrsk, from where it was transported by ship to the United States. It arrived at the Port of Wilmington on Nov. 21, but transport to Wallops was delayed for nearly two weeks due to highway restrictions associated with the Thanksgiving holiday.

Two Ukrainian companies, Yuzhnoye and Yuzhmash, designed and manufactured the rocket component, which includes a liquid oxygen tank, a kerosene fuel tank, an intertank assembly and an aft bay where the main engine interfaces with the booster, according to the Orbital Sciences website.

Other aspects of the Taurus II program also are coming together around the world, including the delivery in September of the first Taurus II AJ26 engine to NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where it is being tested before being sent to Wallops, and the production in Turino, Italy, of the Cygnus cargo modules at the Thales/Alenia Space facility.

The cargo modules will carry up to 4,400 pounds of supplies during missions to the International Space Station. The first payload fairing for the rocket was manufactured in Stockton, Calif., by Applied Aerospace Structures.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who's your Baby's Daddy?

The following are all replies that Detroit women have written on Child
Support Agency Forms in the section for listing 'Father's Details,' or putting it
another way...  Who's your baby's Daddy?  These are genuine excerpts from
the forms.  Be sure to check out #11, it takes 1st prize and #3 is runner up.
1.  Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, Makeeshia was
fathered by Maclearndon McKinley I am unsure as to the identity of the father of
Marlinda, but I believe that she was conceived on the same night. 
2. I am unsure, as to the identity of the father of my child as I was
being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind.  I can provide
you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps. 

3.  I do not know the name of the father of my little girl.  She was
conceived at a party at 3600 East Grand Boulevard where I had sex with a man I met
night.  I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted.  If you do
manage to track down the father, can you please send me his phone number?

4.  I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter.  He drives a
BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels.  Perhaps
you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it

5.  I have never had sex with a man.  I am still a Virginian.  I am
awaiting a
letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was ejaculate and
that he is the Saver risen again. 

6.  I cannot tell you the name of Alleshia's dad as he informs me that to
do so
would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the
economy  I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country..
Please advise. 

7.  I do not know who the father of my child was as they all look the same
to me. 

8.  Tyrone Hairston is the father of child A.  If you do catch up with him,
you axe him what he did with my AC/DC CDs?  Child B who was also borned at
the same time.....  well, I don't have clue.. 

9.  From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Disney World.
 Maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom . 

10.  So much about that night is a blur.  The only thing that I remember
for sure is Delia Smith did a program about eggs earlier in the evening.  If I
had stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 8956 Miller
Ave, mine might have remained unfertilized. 

11.  I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all,
like when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you fart.

Two Feet of Snow



Crippen Two Day Trial Begins

SNOW HILL -- The first day of what is expected to be a two-day court trail for Alexander Crippen began with testimony from about a dozen people, including Torrance Davis, whom Crippen is charged with trying to kill.

Crippen is charged with the first- and second-degree attempted murder of Davis, along with first- and second-degree assault charges and other related offenses.

Deputy State's Attorney Michael Farlow and Crippen's attorney, Arthur McGreevy, presented opening statements before Judge Richard R. Bloxom before the state began to call its witnesses.

Davis testified that on the night of the shooting he heard a "boom, then pop, pop, pop, pop."

Police found a Bushmaster assault rifle, AR-15, at 503 Laurel St., about one block away from where the shooting took place.

Davis also testified that he had been at the scene of the shooting for about 10 minutes when, he said, Crippen "just started shooting."

"I think he emptied his clip ... maybe six or seven shots," said Davis. "I seen the fire come out of the gun."

An officer from the Pocomoke City Police Department, who was one of the first officers on the scene, testified that when she asked Davis to tell her who shot Handy, he was unable to.

"As I was tending to the victim, I said, 'If you know who did this,' you need to tell me," the officer testified, indicating she lowered her voice so people standing in the crowd could not hear her. "He just kept saying 'R.J., breathe' ... he didn't answer me or say anything in response to the question."

Crippen was previously charged with the shooting death of Reginald Jerome Handy Jr., Davis's cousin, who was found dead at the scene the night of the events now being discussed at trial. But the charge of murder was dismissed at a pretrial motions hearing last week, leaving the lesser attempted murder and assault charges, which are still felonies.

Second Major Fire In Baltimore Within 24 Hours

A five-alarm fire tore through a pair of historic buildings facing Mount Vernon Place early Tuesday, causing heavy damage to restaurants and offices in the heart of the city's cultural district.

The blaze broke out about 1:30 a.m. in the 800 block of Charles Street in a pair of four-story brick buildings that house Donna's Coffee Bar, restaurants Indigma and My Thai, and several offices.

More than 150 firefighters, many of whom had battled a five-alarm fire on The Block earlier in their shift, worked to control the fire.

Swirls of thick smoke were silhouetted against the twinkling holiday lights on the Washington Monument. Shattered glass rained down on the street as firefighters, perched high on ladders, smashed open windows with axes. Flames crackled along the second and fourth floors of the two buildings as window blinds, wooden window casings and papers swirled down to the ground.

It was unclear early Tuesday in which building the fire had originated. The cause of the fire was not known.

Two alarms of fire trucks, engines and other equipment initially arrived at the fire, but three additional alarms were called as the fire raged for more than an two hours. Police spokesman Chief Kevin Cartwright said that two firefighters suffered minor injuries, were treated at the scene and taken to local hospitals for treatment. One woman suffered minor chest pains and a man had a slight knee injury, he said.

Just before 3 a.m., fire commanders could be heard on a fire scanner announcing that flames had gone through the roof and ordering all firefighters out of the buildings.

"Be aware there are houses across the street," a commander said. "Be sure no embers go over there."

Firefighters stood on the roofs of adjacent buildings across Charles Street, prepared to extinguish flames if heavy winds carried them across the street.

State property records indicate the building on the corner dates to 1900 and is owned by the 800 North Charles Street Limited Partnership. It was assessed at $1.7 million this year. The second building is owned by a Connecticut company, TMDSD Inc., and was recently assessed at just under $400,000. That building was constructed in 1995, according to property records.

Despite being blasted with water for hours, the blaze intensified around 4 a.m., leading commanders to call for a fifth alarm. Crews arrived from as far away as Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties and commanders could be heard radioing directions to firefighters unfamiliar with the downtown area.

The fourth-floor windows of the buildings glowed bright orange and flames shot up from the roofs.

Equipment filled at least six blocks surrounding the Washington Monument, with crews arriving at a steady pace. The hum of big trucks, whine of sirens and crackling radio transmissions could be heard in the Mount Vernon neighborhood throughout the early morning.

As of 6:45 a.m., streets were still closed within at least two blocks of the fire. Drivers should avoid Charles Street, which is closed between Centre and Eager Streets, as well as Cathedral Street -- closed between Eager and Madison -- and Madison Street, which is closed between Park Avenue and St. Paul Street.

The MTA has diverted routes 3, 11, 61, 64 at Charles and Centre streets, according to the MTA website. Buses will resume their regular routes at Chase and Charles. The Hopkins shuttle has been rerouted to the alternate northbound stop, which is at St. Paul Street and East Mount Vernon Place.

The cold temperatures complicated the firefighters' work as water from hoses froze. Thick layers of ice coated that the streets made sidewalks slippery. Fire commanders had been calling for a salt truck since around 2:30 a.m.; it did not appear that one had arrived two hours later. Firefighters tumbled on the slick streets and grabbed the sides of trucks to keep from falling.

As of 6:45 a.m., slippery conditions still were apparent in that area.

New Worcester County Sheriff And Chief Deputy Sworn In

SNOW HILL -- A standing-room-only crowd watched as, for the first time in more than a decade, a new law enforcement leader took the reins in Worcester County as Sheriff Reggie Mason was sworn in.

Mason, who was elected sheriff in November, was sworn in by Clerk of Court Stephen Hales as Mason's family, sheriff's deputies and a crowd of supporters watched.

"It's an honor to be in front of you," Mason said. "This is a special day for me and my family."

Mason -- a 28-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office who most recently served as chief deputy -- defeated Democratic candidate Bobby Brittingham in last month's election to take over as head of county law enforcement for Charles Martin, who chose not to run for re-election. Mason thanked Martin, who has held the post for 12 years, and said he hoped his health improved so he could do some traveling in his retirement. In January, Martin publicly disclosed he has Lyme disease and cited that as a reason he wouldn't run again.

Mason, a Republican, thanked his array of supporters, many of whom were in the crowded quarters, as well as those who taught him about police work. He said being elected sheriff meant a lot to him, especially since he lost a sister and his father-in-law during the campaign.

He assured those present that he would continue to ride the county's roads day and night.

"I will continue to make Worcester County safe," he said.

In light of recent fatal accidents on Route 113 in Worcester, Mason said the road's safety would be one of his priorities.

"We've got to do something about 113," he said. "The Worcester County Sheriff's Office will be involved."

Following Mason's installment as sheriff, John Dale Smack III was sworn in as chief deputy of the Sheriff's Office. He said he was looking forward to the opportunity.

"I will do the best I can for you," he said.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

When I was a child my Mother would always tell me about Pearl Harbor. She was just a child of 8 years old at the time but she remembered it well. I never understood why she sounded so sad when she spoke about it and it wasn't until I was much older that I realised that Pearl Harbor day must truly have been one of the scariest days in the lives of many Americans.

Here was something so huge happening to America and the only way for Americans to hear of those horrific bombings was to hear the United States President through only medium the radio. The only pictures at the moment were the ones imagined in ones own mind.

Years later when I finally heard the crackling radio broadcast made by President Roosevelt on that day did I finally understand just how dark that day must have been for so many Americans.

And on an odd note, I understood why no Japanese goods were sold in America when I was young (that I ever saw) and why nothing was ever allowed in our home made by the Japanese.

Please give thought today about the men and woman who fought that battle and for those who lost their lives on this day, December 7, 1941, and for the families that lost them. Say a prayer for those in harms way, fighting today to keep FREEDOM in America. ~ jmmb~

President Franklin D. Roosevelt described December 7, 1941, as a “date which will live in infamy.” It was early Sunday morning when Imperial Japanese naval aviation forces attacked Pearl Harbor. 2,400 service men and women lost their lives that day and more than 1,100 were injured during the surprise attack on Hawaii. The event led to the escalation of World War II. The day after the attack, the United States declared war on Japan.

December 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day, also referred to as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Memorial events are held across America in honor of the brave men and women who lost their lives that day and fought for America.

Elizabeth Edwards - Gravely Ill

Chapel Hill, N.C. — Elizabeth Edwards' cancer has spread, and her health has deteriorated, her family said in a statement Monday.

Edwards, 61, the estranged wife of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, was briefly hospitalized recently, but she is now at home, where her family and friends, including John Edwards, are lending their support.

"I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces – my family, my friends and a faith in the power of resilience and hope," Edwards wrote in a message posted Monday on her Facebook page. "These graces have carried me through difficult times, and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that."

Edwards was first diagnosed with cancer in the final weeks of the 2004 presidential campaign, when her husband, who was at the time a U.S. senator from North Carolina, was the Democratic nominee for vice president. The couple didn't disclose her illness until after the election.

The cancer went into remission after months of treatment, but it resurfaced in early 2007, as John Edwards was mounting a second run at the White House. The Edwardses agreed at the time that they wouldn't allow the cancer to derail his candidacy.

Because the cancer had moved into her bones in 2007, her doctors said at that time that it was no longer curable but could be treated.

Doctors now have recommended she not receive further treatment, according to the statement from her family.

Elizabeth Edwards has written two books about how she has overcome adversity in her life, "Resilience" and "Saving Graces."

She and her husband separated about a year ago after more than 30 years of marriage. The split followed John Edwards' affair with a campaign staffer.

The couple has four children: Wade, who died in a vehicle wreck in 1996; Cate, a lawyer in Washington, D.C.; and Emma Claire, 12, and Jack, 10, who both live in Chapel Hill with their mother.