Friday, June 1, 2012

SURPRISE!! You've Been Busted!!

I have taken the liberty to separate this new story from the others sent to me by the Pocomoke City Police Department.

Here's another successful drug bust in the city of Pocomoke where some say the law isn't doing their job! I'm going to argue that fact with anyone and will continue until you are convinced you have been totally wrong. Let me adise you that carrying out a drug bust can be risky business and the main reason it seems to take so long to get something done is simply because it takes great skill and perfect timing to enter someone's world and blow it all apart.....

Pocomoke City now has the best law enforcement team it has ever had. Pocomoke City now employs a chief that has had many years of  experience and I challenge anyone to walk in his shoes. Since he has arrived in Pocomoke City the police department has had a vast change not only in moral but in training. They are no long good at what they do. They are GREAT!.

The best thing to happen to Worcester County is Sheriff Reggie Mason and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby. The Criminal Enforcement Team consists of individuals from the various law departments in Worcester County and the state of Maryland.  Their work is done sometimes under cover and each one is highly trained in the investigations of any type of criminal activity.  And let it be known that changes were made shortly after the last election in Worcester County.....Worcester County now works side by side with Accomack County.  Accomack County works with the Pocomoke City Police Dept. 

Having all three teams: Pocomoke City Police Department, Sheriff Mason's Crimminal Enforce Team, and Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby working together only makes for a more successful arrest and a safer world around us all. jmmb

From:  Pocomoke City Police Chief Sewell

05/30/2012 Approximately 1930hrs, Members of the Pocomoke City Police Department, Criminal Enforcement Team & The Worcester County States Attorney Office executed a search and seizure Warrant at 1902 North Old Mill Drive, Pocomoke City MD. Arrested was Toan Chi Huynh age 26 of Pocomoke City, MD. The following items were recovered from Mr. Huynh residence:

 - 1,207 grams of Marijuana (High Grade)
- 61 grams of Powder MDMA
- 16 tablets of Ecstasy MDMA
- Various items of paraphernalia to include commercial heat sealer and scale
- $1,075 in US Currency
- 2 Flat screen TV’s
- 2007 Honda Civic
- Other miscellaneous documents
Huynh was charged with the following charges:- Possession of Marijuana
- Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana
- Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana (School Zone)
- Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA/Molle
- Possession with intent to distribute powder/Molle (School Zone)
- Possession of Ecstasy/MDMA
- Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy/MDMA
- Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy/MDMA (School Zone)
- Possession of Paraphernalia

What A Busy Day!!

Ok, everyone.  I have been at this for the biggest portion of the day so I'm going to take a little break from this action to tend to a few other  activities that need my attention- like food.

But don't go too far......  We still haven't gotten to the good things yet!

And for all of you naysayers out there make sure you come back too.  I haven't even given you Pocomoke Police Chief Sewell's crime report for the month yet....and you will be surprised to find that Pocomoke City IS protected by the finest!

And for all of you out there that believe no one is doing anything about crime I'm going to prove you wrong......and will continue to prove you wrong.   It won't take long for all of you to be clearly convinced that Pocomoke City has the BEST protection it has every had!  If I didn't think so I wouldn't waste time tyring to convince those that don't believe it..........

I'll be back. 

BBQ Chicken Platter Fundraiser

Come out and support the Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Company's BBQ Chicken Dinner fundraiser
Saturday  June 2, 2012
11:00 AM until sold out

No ticket needed~just show up!!

BBQ Chicken Dinner includes:
1/2 BBQ Chicken
2 Sides

Cost: $9.00
Eat there or carry-out

Also check out the  baked goods on sale:  Pina Colada cupcakes, Key Lime Cupcakes and Margarita Cupcakes just to name a few.

Help Support the Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Company

More Vandalism

This just in from a Pocomoke Public Eye reader.

(Lack of respect for other people's property)

The Skipjack Ida May ~ Docked In Pocomoke City

The Skipjack Ida May is docked at the Delmarva Discovery Center in downtown Pocomoke City. 

If you have never seen a Skipjack up close now is your chance!  I will agree that docked they look alot like most any other boat at a pier but such water vessels as these are disappearing from our Eastern Shore lives.

A few years ago I was lucky enough to observe part of the yearly Skipjack Races from our boat.  There is absolutely nothing else on the water that has the Skipjacks grace and beauty.

The Delmarva Discovery Center has activities planned for Saturday from 2 to 4 PM.   Please go to the link below the photos to read about the Ida May and to inform yourself on this reception you really don't want to miss.

Skipjack Ida May while docked in Pocomoke City, Maryland

Skipjack Ida May
Docked in Pocomoke City, Maryland

Skipjack Ida May
 Information about the Ida May while docked in Pocomoke City :

~Spaghetti Dinner~

Vandalism ~ Pocomoke City & Local Virginia

Route 13- headed North and into Pocomoke ....
While on my way to Pocomoke City yesterday I found to city crew workers trying to decide how to remove the spray paint job left by  some brilliant fool a few hours before. 

This was in my email yesterday afternoon when I returned from Pocomoke.  Tom forwarded the photo to me that had been sent to him  from one or our readers.

Don't feel alone.....
Just a few miles down the road it seems creativity from the mindless has become popular.

I hate to see these types of things.  For one,  it makes me wonder and ask that age old question "Where are the parents?"  And then why would someone feel the need to deface anyone's property whether it's city, state or even something that belongs to a private citizen.

Look on....

Taken two  weeks ago but the sign gets shot at frequently.  Intersection- Neil  Parker Road & Horsey Road

The old Jenkins Bridge post office.  It's been closed for years and sits at the intersection of Saxis, Road and Wessels Farm Road next to the house that was burned by an arsonist late last summer.  Google NARC and it stands for just about anything.  I love this old building and would give anything is someone would just give it to me and move it to my yard.  Otherwise, it will just sit there until vandals finish with it.

Horsey Road/Virginia
Property of a farmer and cattle grower in the community.  A man that would do anything just about for anyone. 

Anyone have any idea as to who may be doing this in either area?  If so, I'm listening......

Worcester County Sheriff's Office


May 21, 2012   At approximately 0756 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested 44 year old Stephen Darrel l Stark of Ocean City, MD on a District Court Warrant for failure to appear for court. Mr. Stark’s original charge was Disorderly. Mr. Stark was released on personal recognizance.

May 26, 2012   A Worcester County Sheriff's Office Deputy stopped a motorcycle operated by a Mr. Michael Goodwin of Virginia, at inlet isle and Rt. 50 in West Ocean City. Mr. Good win was observed caring a hand gun. The Deputy located a Glock pistol concealed in Mr. Goodwin's pants. Mr. Goodwin was arrested and Charged with possessing of a hand gun. Mr. Goodwin was released from the District Court commissioner on his own recognizance.

May 27, 2012   A Worcester Sheriff’s Office Deputy stopped a car on Md. route 90 near US route 50 in Berlin for having a headlight out. The driver, Jennifer Marquess, 42 of Salisbury Md. smelled of alcoholic beverages. After failing field sobriety tests she was arrested for DUI. It was also learned that her license was suspended and revoked. Marquess was charged with driving while impaired by alcohol and driving while suspended, and released pending a court date to be set by the District Court.

May 28, 2012   At approximately 1415 hours Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies arrested 38 year old Kenneth Robert Wallace of Eden, MD on a District Court Arrest Warrant for theft $1000.00-$10,000.00 and a Circuit Court Body Attachment for failure to appear for court on 1/25/2012 for a paternity hearing. Mr. Wallace was released on personal recognizance for the District Court Arrest Warrant and held at the Worcester County Jail on $1000.00 bond for the Circuit.

May 29, 2012   A Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested 51 year old Terry Wayne Burkhead of New Church, Virginia on a District Court Arrest Warrant for theft less than $1000.00 and a Fugitive Warrant through Virginia for theft over $200. Mr. Burkhead was released on personal recognizance for the District Court Arrest Warrant and held at the Worcester County Jail on no bond for the Fugitive Warrant.

National Donut Day


FREE !!  Dunkin Donut with beverage purchase !

MarVa Theater This Weekend

Friday, June 1st
Saturday, June 2nd
7 PM


Change Maryland Drives National Messaging
on O'Malley's Record

Annapolis, MD - As Governor Martin O'Malley diverts attention from Maryland again to focus on personal political ambitions, national media platforms are delivering Change Maryland's message of the problems massive tax increases have had on job growth here at home.

O'Malley is headed to Wisconsin today to campaign for the recall effort of Gov. Scott Walker.

"Our governor is travelling around the country attacking other governors who are doing their jobs and who are making the tough decisions," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "O'Malley is trying to spread his failed tax and spend, job-killing strategies across the country."

An article in and picked up in Real Clear Politics yesterday by Larry Hogan shows Maryland's tax base fleeing to Virginia and North Carolina,  This was the subject of an earlier interview today with "Power Talk," WQMR, in Ocean City and will be again later today at 1:05 p.m. on "C-4," WBAL in Baltimore.

Meanwhile, the Republican Governor's Association released a 55-second video highlighting Gov. O'Malley's tax-and-spend approach to Governing. The RGA video highlights news articles and this Change Maryland press release about Maryland's shrinking tax base.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Snow Hill: Arts on the River ~ First Friday

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Fish Stories (And Other Tales From The Water)!

Some fish stories from long ago..including a seal, and a whale, too... and an iceberg off of Ocean City?

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Huge Crowd At Crisfield Mud Bog On Sunday

The second mud bog took us to Crisfield on Sunday  May 27.  What a crowd!  Seems like the idea to add more bleachers this season was a most wonderful thought!  What a HUGE crowd of spectators and they seemed to enjoy every minute of the race day. 

Most people know that Crisfield is my most favorite place to race...for alot of being that Crisfield has been in my heart for many years.

When you are married to or related to someone that races through the mud and is dedicated to the hobby you know all about the early morning hours and the length of time it takes to prepare for the day "in the pits".  But because I'm nosey getting there early is fine with me.

Probably the greatest suprise on Sunday was knowing the Buddy Ward would be our "sportscaster" for the day!  This was his first time for announcing the races and Buddy did a wonderful job!  Being able to hear when you are in the pits isn't easy and most times, even when paying attention, you just cannot hear.  Thanks Buddy for placing a speaker in the pit area.  Buddy gave us great announcing all day long and  a music selection that was woth listening to! (I despise twangy country music) 

 Be sure to tell Buddy how much you appreciated him taking on  that rather difficult task of announcing ALL day long.

Race preparation is not easy- especially on hot days.  Most trucks begin with a spotless truck.  If you have never washed a muddy truck you have NO idea what washing a vehicle means.  But for those who love the sport is worth the time.... and so is changing tires.......

"All Night Soldier"- Patrick Long/Owner/Driver
(187 East Performance/Bowden Racing)

"Short and Sassy"/Driver-Owner Barry Wise
(187 East Performance/Bowden Racing)

Donald Bowder drove "Wild Fire" for the second race of the season on Sunday.  This is something completely difference for him to be doing.......all these years he's been inside the engines of the 187 East Performance trucks but never in the drivers seat until a few weeks ago at Gumboro.

I still remember what the Mud Doc told my husband a couple years ago before one  important race...."Drive it like you stole it".   Donald practices what he preaches. 

See bottom video

Top video.  Lee Sturgis in "The Grey Ghost"  If you follow mud racing at all you know this is a most familiar truck.  Lee Sturgis seems to have had 2 great racing events!

Timing for his two runs on Sunday was 3.71  and 3.79.  Video is the 3.79 run.

"The Grey Ghost"- Owner/Driver Lee Sturgis
(187 East Performance/Bowden Racing

More to be posted..........

Legislative Task Force To Do Study On Pit Bull Breed

Maryland pit bull ruling’s ‘profound effects’ to be studied by legislative task force

by John Wagner

Maryland legislative leaders on Wednesday launched a new task force to get a firmer grip on a recent court ruling that declared pit bulls to be “inherently dangerous.”

Under the ruling by the Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, it will be easier to hold owners of pit bulls and cross-bred pit bulls legally resonsbile for bites even if the dog has no history of similar attacks.

The decision, which stemmed from a 2007 attack on a child in Towson, has galvanized pit bull owners — and sympathetic lawmakers — who question why a single breed should be singled out for different treatment under the law.

“This decision will have profound effects on dogs, dog owners, property owners, tenants and landlords,” House Speaker Michael E. Busch (D-Anne Arundel) and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Cavert) wrote in a letter to Gov. Matin O’Malley (D). “Therefore, we are appointing a Joint Task Force to study the court decision and make possible recommendations.”

Several lawmakers filed bills to effectively overturn the court ruling during the three-day special session this month related to budget issues. The bills were not acted upon, but some lawmakers and O’Malley suggested such legislation might be in order during a possible second special session this summer, devoted primarily to gambling issues.

Wednesday’s letter was vague about the timing of any legislation, saying only that the presiding officers hope for “some resolution and clarity to the issues raised by this decision in the near future.”

The 10-member task force includes members of both the House and Senate and from both political parties.

Sen. Brian E. Frosh (D-Montgomery) and Del. Curtis S. Anderson (D-Baltimore) will serve as co-chairmen.


NASA Visitor Center Offering Venus Transit Viewing

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will be open 5 to 8 p.m., June 5, for the only opportunity until the next century to see the Venus transit of the Sun.

The transit occurs when Venus passes directly between Earth and the sun. Viewers will see Venus as a small dot gliding slowly across our nearest star. Historically, viewed by luminaries like Captain James Cook and even Benjamin Franklin, this rare alignment is how we measured the size of our solar system. The rare event will not occur again until 2117.

During the evening at the Visitor Center, solar viewing glasses will be available to the public to view the transit which begins shortly after 6:09 p.m.

A presentation on the history of viewing the transit and the importance of these observations to our understanding of the solar system will be held at 5:30. The 20-minute presentation will be given by Rob Landis from the Wallops Flight Facility. Landis has been instrumental in supporting the viewing of this transit from the International Space Station. He also will be available to answer questions throughout the event.

In addition, live coverage from NASA TV of the transit will be show in the Visitor Center auditorium. NASA TV coverage will include updates from NASA centers across the country and locations from some of the 148 countries hosting viewing activities.

Images taken of the transit from the International Space Station and NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and Solar Dynamics Observatory also will be aired with scientists sharing their perspectives and the historical significance of the event.

For more information about Venus Transit worldwide events, safety precautions for viewing, educational content and social media activities, visit:



Lunch Special

Pit Beef Sandwich w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.95

Dinner Special

1/2 Rack Ribs & 1/2 Chicken
2 Sides ~ $17.95

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Maryland Taxes Spark Largest Exodus of Any State in Region

Maryland Taxes Spark Largest Exodus of Any State in Region


Annapolis, MD - Maryland accounted for the largest migration exodus of any 
state in the region between 2007 and 2010, with a net migration resulting in
nearly 31,000 residents having left the state.  Where did most of them go?
Virginia.  Virginia is now home to 11,455 former Marylanders, taking $390 
million from the tax rolls during this three-year period.

The Old Dominion can claim these former Maryland revenues as part of its 
expanding tax base. Following Virginia, Marylanders opted for North Carolina.

"What happens when you raise taxes and fees 24 times?,"  asked Change
Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "You get people voting with their feet
and moving to tax-friendly states."  Since 2007, Governor O'Malley has raised
taxes and fees 24 times, taking an additional $2.4 billion out of the economy
each year according to a Change Maryland analysis based on state government 

The analysis, from the non-partisan Tax Foundation, examines IRS tax
return data to determine where individuals are filing.

In the region, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia increased the
number of tax filers.  The District of Columbia and Pennsylvania lost
tax filers, although in these jurisdictions the loss was not nearly as
dramatic as in Maryland.  The District lost just over 1,100, while
Pennsylvania lost just over 8,200.

Nationally, Maryland did not fair much better either.  Maryland joins
high-taxed, rust belt states including New York, California, Michigan,
Illinois, Ohio and New Jersey among states with largest mass exodus
between 2007 and 2010.   Maryland saw the seventh-highest negative net
migration after these states.

In all, Maryland lost $1.7 billion form the tax base due to out
migration during this three year period.


Greenbackville V.F.D. 2012 Summer Raffle

3rd Annual Fintastic Festival

Cal Ripken Burgers???

Oh, I know one of my family members that will want to try these!!
By Jill Rosen
The Baltimore Sun
Already an author and a Hall of Famer, Cal Ripken is adding foodie to his resume.

The Oriole great has launched a line of hamburgers.

According to the Daily Record, Ripken and Roseda Beef, a Baltimore company, have teamed up to sell Ripken Gourmet Burgers at Giant.

Mmmmm. Ripken burgers.

The six-ounce meat patties will be available only in the Maryland, D.C. and Virginia area, the paper says. They cost $9.99 for four.

They have apparently just hit stores. Giant will be donating some of the proceeds to Ripken's
Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation.

And, befitting a wholesome guy like Cal, the burgers, the paper says, are "natural, dry-aged Black Angus beef."

John Maroon, Ripken's PR man, told the Daily Record that in Cal's opinion, Roseda makes "the best burger he ever had."

One can only hope some Ripken buns will be next.

Free Fishing Days June 1-3, 2012 In Virginia

Gather the kids and grab your fishin' poles; free fishing days are here again! This year anyone in the Commonwealth can fish without a license June 1-3. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) the agency which regulates freshwater fishing, would like to encourage Virginians to take advantage of this once a year opportunity to fish for free while spending some quality time with friends and family.

"You don't have to travel very far to find fantastic fishing anywhere in Virginia" according to Bob Duncan, Executive Director, VDGIF.

"Fishing is a great way to reconnect with nature, escape the stresses of modern life, and create lasting family memories. I hope everyone will give it a try."

No fishing license of any kind will be required for recreational rod and reel fishing during free fishing days, except for a special trout license in designated stocked trout waters. All fishing regulations, including size, season, catch limits and gear restrictions, will remain in effect.

Want to Fish After the First Weekend in June? Fishing in Virginia is a Bargain!

A Virginia saltwater fishing license costs only $17.50 a year for state residents, while annual freshwater fishing and trout licenses are merely $23.00 each for state residents. Those license fees support valuable fisheries work across the Commonwealth. The VDGIF also offers short term licenses—ideal for visitors—and a variety of combination licenses to benefit anglers.

To purchase a fishing license online – and for freshwater fishing regulations and information on Virginia lakes, rivers, boating access and more, visit

 For size, season, and catch limits of saltwater species, please go to:

Not sure how to get started in fishing?

For free online fishing tips, visit the Department's YouTube channel: and click on the "Fishing 101" series of instructional videos.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Historic Shipjack Ida May Arrives In Pocomoke This Afternoon

A Different View of the New Pocomoke Restaurant

Pocomoke River
Sunday  May 27, 2012

Here's a totally different look at the restaurant being built between the Delmarva Discovery Center and the Pocomoke River.

Since I can not walk on water and my husband sold our boat and jet skis so  long ago to begin the hobby of mud bogging I have never been able to photograph the restaurant from this angle myself. 

In just a few more weeks the long wait will be over.  Boaters and jet skiers will be able to take advantage of the FREE docking at the new restaurant while enjoying a meal or even just a few drinks either from the deck or inside.  I'm looking forward to it.
A big thank you to Bill and Sue Tull for sending me these photos to share.  Thank you for caring  about Pocomoke City, as many of us do, and enough about my venture (to capture history being made through photos)  and for knowing how important my "mission" is. 

Take Appropriate Measures To Prevent Tick Bites

ACCOMAC, Va.- Accomack County has been labeled an endemic locality for ticks carrying Lyme disease. This means the ticks are prevalent in the area.

Since 2007 there have been 500 positive Lyme disease lab reports for humans in Accomack County.

"It's now normal, we live we coexist with ticks in this population that are now infected with the organism that transmits Lyme disease," said Henry Kurban, director of the Eastern Shore (of Virginia) Health District. "I would just say that people, when they go about their daily routine, should be cautious about taking those measures that are appropriate to prevent tick bites."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010, 94 percent of all Lyme disease cases were from 12 U.S. states. Three of the states were Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.

Ecumenical Worship Service for Memorial Day

It was wonderful to see the citizens of Pocomoke City attending the Memorial Day Service that was held in Cypress Park on Monday May 28, 2012 at 9:00 AM.

This was the first Memorial Day Service that I can remember and I certainly hope more will follow.

Thank you to Councilman Rob Clarke for sharing his  photos.

The Rev. Dorthea S. Whittington welcomes the crowd

 Mayor Bruce Morrison addresses the citizens of Pocomoke City

Rev. Jeffrey T. Howard leads a prayer

2012 Memorial Day Speakers
left to right Rev. Sally Dolch, Rev. Dorthea Whittington, Rev. Jeffrey T.  Howard, Rev. George Tasker, Mayor Bruce Morrison

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Today we honor the lives and memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great  nation.  Because of those sacrifices we  know the feeling of  freedom.



Richard C. Brown, Jr., Air Force

Jacob Gibbons, SSgt. Air Force


Lt.Col. Carlyle S. Harris, Air Force - Viet Nam POW

Jeremy W. Doyle, Army, Scout Battalion 69th Armor Regiment-
On second tour -Operation Iraqi Freedon - KIA

David Greene, Air Force

Patrick A. Dize, Navy

Richard S. (Steve) Lawrence, Army, VietNam

Rick Choquette, Army

Bruce Glenn Merritt, Jr., Navy
("MT2/E5/SS He served on the USS Kamehameha and the West Virginia from 1990-1994.

Roy Woodrow Wilkins, Navy

James Walter Morris, Navy

Orland E. Howard, Marines, Korean Conflict

Buddy Hughes, Army, Korea

William Byron Schoolfield, Navy, WWII Pacific Theater

Byron Dorsey Schoolfield, Army WWI

Jack Sipilia, WWII, Navy (Retired)

Billy Hall, Army, Vietnam (Deceased)

James W. Maddox, WWII, Army (Deceased)

Art Sexton, Corporal, Marines, Vietnam

John Carey, Rank E-4, Airforce

Richard Hitchens, Army and National Guard, 1st Sergeant, Vietnam, Afganistan (40  yrs. later)

Larry Fykes, Coast Guard, Senior Chief, Desert Storm, Operation Iraq, Deep Water Horizon (Katrina)

Lawrence Tull, Airforce, Captain

Kenneth Tull, Airforce, A2C

James B. Maddox, Army National Guard, Vietnam and Desert Storm

Jason Harris, Airforce, 167 AW, Kuwait

Larry Wood, Navy

Paul Hill, Navy, Chief, WWII

Michael Hill, Navy

William Byrd, III Cpl E4, First Marine Brigade, Vietnam

Michael Coutu, Navy AZ3 (SCW)

Nicholas Jones, Marines, PFC

Cornell Ginn, Air Force, Master Sgt. E-7 Veteran of Foreign Wars

Ralph Riess,  Navy, PN2

William A. Frink, Navy, AMMC, WWII, Korea

Margaret M. Frink, Navy, MM2

 Please continue to fly your flags and yellow ribbons!

Let the military men and women know they are in our hearts and NOT forgotten.

If you would like to list a name here please contact me via my email.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Buyer Beware!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


March, 1885

(The Denton Journal)

Frauds on the Road.- The Cambridge Chronicle says: This is the season when the nomadic swindler starts from the cities upon his career of humbuggery. He is near of kin to the common tramp, setting out as soon as spring opens, but sometimes he appears in better garb and even rides in a carriage. This community has been afflicted recently with a number of this people, who style themselves agents for a big firm in New York, and offer to sell any amount of dry goods at prices that so nearly approach the giveaway point as to convince all who know the value of such goods that the agents are frauds of the first water.

They offer to sell, for instance, Warnsutta muslin for 4 cents per yard, and best prints at 3 cents. Everybody knows goods can be bought from honest dealers at no such figures, but the unwary need to be warned of the seductiveness of the bait. The muslin is worth more than double the price asked, at wholesale, while prints are likewise worth double the figure named. As said above, the offer is only a bait, and it is understood systematic frauds are being practiced. A victim is at once struck with the exceedingly low price of the muslin and calico, and then the swindler, having gained an audience, will get in his neat work in disposing of worthless articles. It is always safe to show the door to these kind of people.


May, 1932

(The Cumberland Evening Times)

Snow Hill- Unveiling of a monument to the men of Worcester County who died in the World War and dedication of the new draw bridge across the Pocomoke River will mark the Memorial Day ceremonies here next Monday. Delegations from patriotic and military organizations will march to the new bridge at the junction of Washington Street and the Snow Hill-Salisbury Highway where the dedication exercises will take place. A musical program will conclude the program.


October, 1921

(Worcester Democrat- Pocomoke City)

All the way from the Maryland-Virginia line in Worcester County to the Maryland-Pennsylvania line in the mountains of Western Maryland on concrete or macadam road is what the people of this good State can now boast of. This was made possible by the opening of the new steel and concrete bridge across the Pocomoke River at this place (Pocomoke City) yesterday. Governor Albert C. Ritchie made the address at the opening ceremonies.


August, 1988

An investigation was underway into the collapse of a section of the Pocomoke River Bridge leading into Pocomoke City. A 50-foot portion of the 67-year-old drawbridge collapsed at about 2A.M. on August 17th just after a vehicle had crossed over.

August, 1969

Some available properties being advertised by an Ocean City real estate firm included the following:

Oceanfront- Four 2-bedroom apartment buildings, facing directly on the ocean. Knotty pine wall, wall to wall carpet, completely furnished. Each with tile bath, modern kitchens. These apartments are completely rented for 1969. $65,000 complete.

Bayside- Modern 2-bedroom home. Suitable for year around living. Hot water, baseboard heat. All tiled bath. Spacious lawns. Residential neighborhood. Completely furnished. Lots of closet space. $21,000.

Oceanfront- Condominium apartment. 1-bedroom. Wall to wall carpet. Paneled walls. All electric heat and air conditioning. All electric kitchen. Full tile bath. Sun deck. Directly on the ocean. No ground rent to pay. $19,950.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Crisfield Mud Bog Today

Racing Begins At 1:00
SUNDAY  MAY 27, 2012

Admission: $7.00 adults
Children under 10 FREE

Driver Registration: 9:30 ~ 12:00

(behind Crisfield Elks Lodge)

~Memorial Day Service~

Pocomoke City Hall will be
Monday  May 28, 2012


Please join us on Monday, May 28th at 9:00 am at the flag pole at Cypress Park in Downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland.

Bleacher seating available or bring your own chair.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Buyer Beware!

On the Eastern Shore, 1885: "This is the season when the nomadic swindler starts from the cities upon his career of humbuggery."

Also this week take a look at some Ocean City real estate prices in 1969.

Read more on these and other items this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!