Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Watch Your Speed

Check your speed when riding through Virginia during the Thanksgiving holiday.
Virginia State Police will be out in full force.

The agency says 75 percent of its uniformed work force will be on patrol from 12:01 a.m. Wednesday through midnight Sunday.

Once again Troopers will be participating in Operation Combined Accident Reduction Effort, a nationwide campaign designed to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries caused by impaired driving, speeding and failure to buckle up.

Parents Of Pocomoke Middle School Students Make A Request

Parents of Pocomoke Middle School Students have done a wonderful thing by taking their concerns to the school board. Does the lack of recess have anything to do with educating the student for life or for educating the student so they can pass the required testing that gives the school a higher rating? Is it really about the student?
Pocomoke Middle School parents have a request of the school's administration: Please reinstate recess.

Most adults have some sense that taking a break from routine is a good thing, whether it's a few minutes to walk away from the task, 15 minutes to chat with co-workers or a full-fledged half-hour brisk walk. People who return to work (or the classroom) after a break often find themselves feeling refreshed, focused and ready to tackle the job at hand.

A break is a great stress reliever, too.

In today's public schools, everyone from administrators to teachers and students is feeling the pressure to increase test scores and meet the increasing demands of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Indeed, Pocomoke Middle School's elimination of recess was part of the effort to improve academic performance and raise test scores. Eliminating recess increases instructional time in the classroom.

But is this productive? Research indicates withholding recess may actually contribute to behavior problems and decreased ability to focus on the part of students, making elimination of recess counter-productive. A recent study on how recess affects academic performance found that in schools without recess, the amount of instructional time lost to fidgeting adds up to the amount of time it takes to have recess; the gain in instructional time may be without benefit. Other studies reach similar conclusions. Teachers who do not get an adult equivalent of recess may also become more irritable as the day wears on.

According to a 1998 study, this need for regular downtime is part of our physiological makeup -- our brains need a break every 90 to 110 minutes to recycle chemicals for long-term memory establishment. Regular physical activity can contribute to both mental and physical well-being.

Perhaps schools should seek to increase the quality -- as opposed to the quantity -- of available instructional time. Experience, tradition, science and observation all point to the same conclusion: Recess effectively contributes to an enhanced ability for students to focus on academics.

Pocomoke Middle School has now tried operating with and without recess. Short of discovering that academic performance improved dramatically without recess, administrators should reinstate recess as parents have requested.


Siberian Tiger 'Shaka Khan' Dies Of Cancer/Zoo Announces Two New Malayan Tigers

NORFOLK — After battling cancer for several months, the Virginia Zoo's 18-year-old Siberian Tiger named Shaka Khan, died in her sleep over the weekend.

Zoo Director, Greg Bockheim says even though her passing was inevitable, it has hit the staff hard.

He says, "It does have a tremendous effect and really is traumatizing to the animal care staff because we really do build those relationships with the animals that has passed away."

Sadly, the Virginia Zoo is riddled with a history of animal deaths over the past decade.

Since 2002, a baby giraffe and her mother, a tiger, a bull rhino, a zebra, several prairie dogs, a baby gazelle, another giraffe, a baboon, and a lion, have all died. Some were health related, others were accidents.

"We report and announce things when they do happen because we're not the only people that are close to these animals but we know that our community and visitorship is also," Bockheim says.

But there is good news, even in the sadness. Virginia Zoo officials shared exclusive information with NewsChannel 3.

Ten days ago, the zoo received two new Malayan Tigers. Kadar and Tahan are 16 months old and are currently in quarantine in Norfolk. They'll be available for public viewing in the spring.


Malfunctioning Sprinkler System Closes Store

Many people have a difference of opinion when it comes to the state mandated sprinkler law that is scheduled to go into effect in January of 2011. Take a look at the article below. This happened in October of this year to a business. This business in Fairfield, CT. suffered quite a loss simply because of a malfunction. Just something to think about.

The Home Depot may be closed for at least part of this weekend after a sprinkler head malfunctioned in the Kings Highway Cutoff store Friday night and flooded it with water, firefighters said.

"You can swim in here," Fire Chief Richard Felner said, adding that the mega-store would have been better off having a fire.

Felner said the sprinkler head near the front of the store, by the plumbing aisle, was spraying water for around 40 minutes and that merchandise in four aisles was soaked. The water wasn't confined to those aisles, though. Felner said it had spread throughout the store. "It just keeps spreading out. There's nothing to hold it in," he said.

Felner said a cleaning crew was due to come in Friday night to begin mop up operations and he said the store almost certainly would be closed Saturday.

Employees outside the store Friday night turned customers away but said the store should be open Saturday because cleanup crews would be working all night. The store was open when the sprinkler head went off, and the parking lot was wet with water.

Firefighters aren't sure why the sprinkler head malfunctioned. Felner said the head, which is about 40 feet in the air, wasn't near a source of heat, and it may have just been old or rusted. "There's nothing up there that set it off. It could have been a faulty head," he said.

Felner said the head shot water over a 15-foot radius and that the water spread all over the store. He estimated it was about an inch deep across the store by the time firefighters could shut off the head. He estimated damage from the incident at $50,000.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Get Ready For Delmarva's Largest Nighttime Christmas Parade !

On November 29, 2010 (Rain date Nov.30) Pocomoke City will be turned into a magnificent winter wonderland with one of Delmarva's largest nighttime Christmas parades. Always held on the first Monday night after Thanksgiving, the Pocomoke parade has become an Eastern Shore tradition and will attract over 100 units from Maryland, Delaware and Virginia along with thousands of spectators. As part of the tradition, parade night is said to be the "coldest night of the year. Each year the parade features marching bands representing middle and high schools from seven counties in three states.

Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches and commercial enterprises. Clowns, marching units, fire departments, equestrian units, and of course the one and only "Santa Claus" will round out the two-hour event, slated to kick-off at 7:00 pm. sharp. Also as tradition the blowing of the fire siren will signal the starting of the parade. The route will take the parade North on Market Street beginning at 14th Street and ending at the Pocomoke River. Professional Judges, from the National Judges Association (NJA), will score entries in 10 different categories. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded immediately following the event to the top entries in each category. A special thanks to the community of Pocomoke City and Surrounding areas for the recent support given to us to continue this great tradition that has been a part of the town of over 30 years. If you would like to enter the parade please fill out the appropriate judging form on the applications page. If you do not want to be judged but still enter please use the Miscellaneous form.

If you have any questions you can contact Mike Shannon at 410-957-0802 and leave a message with your name, address and telephone number and type of entry, or fill out our contact form in the Contact Us section of this website.

*New for 2010, The Pocomoke City Parade Association is currently seeking new members to join our parade committee. If you are interested please contact us by email ONLY.


For more info go to their website: www.pocomokechristmasparade.com

Top U.S. Millitary Official Says Al-Qaida Threat From Yemen Is 'Serious'

The top U.S. military officer says al-Qaida's branch in Yemen is a "serious" threat to the United States and has become substantially more dangerous over the past two years.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday he takes seriously al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula's latest threat to carry out more inexpensive, small-scale attacks against American targets.

In the latest edition of its English-language, online magazine, Inspire, released early Sunday, the group said its attempt to bomb two U.S.-bound cargo planes last month cost only $4,200 to mount.

The al-Qaida branch wrote that the operation was intended to disrupt global air cargo systems and reflected a new strategy of low-cost attacks designed to inflict broad economic damage. The group said its main objective is not to maximize civilian casualties, but to threaten the aviation industry, which it described as "vital" for trade and transport between the U.S. and Europe.

In the new issue of Inspire, al-Qaida unveiled what it described as its "strategy of a thousand cuts" that will "bleed the enemy to death."

The magazine gave a detailed account of what it called "Operation Hemorrhage", in which toner cartridges packed with explosives were sent from Yemen's capital, Sana'a, to out-of-date addresses for two synagogues in the midwestern U.S. city of Chicago. The printers containing the cartridges were intercepted in Dubai and Britain.

Inspire listed the cost of the printers at $300 each, with additional expenses coming from two Nokia cell phones at $150 a piece, plus shipping and transportation costs.

The attack failed as a result of a tip from Saudi intelligence, which provided the tracking numbers for the parcels, sent via United Parcel Service and FedEx. But the al-Qaida magazine said the fear, disruption and added security costs caused by the packages made the operation a success.

The group mocked the notion that the plot was a failure, writing that it will "without a doubt it cost America and other Western countries" billions of dollars in new security measures.

Arrest Made In Slaying Of Man Found In A Box

WASHINGTON, D.C. - D.C. police have made an arrest in the slaying of a man whose body was found inside a cardboard box on the side of Interstate 70 in Maryland.

Police say 34-year-old Marvin Palencia was arrested without incident Saturday afternoon in Hyattsville, where he lives. He's been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of 36-year-old Jacobo Vazquez of Washington.

Vazquez's body was found Tuesday morning in a box alongside westbound I-70 near Frederick.

D.C. police say Vazquez was shot to death on Constitution Avenue near the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 12. The case was initially investigated as a suspicious disappearance. Police
did not release any details about a motive for the slaying.


Sheriff's Office Begins Christmas Fund Drive

SNOW HILL -- The numbers have been growing ever since the Worcester Sheriff's Office began its annual program to insure that children are remembered at Christmastime. This past year there were more than 1,500 children who enjoyed a Christmas thanks to the Sheriff's Christmas Program.

With the economy still far from normal, about 400 families have been referred to the program as of mid-November. Dena Holloway, the coordinator, is receiving referrals from state and county organizations, schools, and churches. Once they are referred she has to interview each family. She also compares her list with other organizations such as Worcester County G.O.L.D. to insure that there are no duplications.

Each year she hears from people that were not on the lists in the past. "Some of the families have stories that are heartbreaking," Holloway said.

Families helped by the program will receive toys for the children, clothing if needed, and food for the members of the family.

Contributions can be made in the form of toys, non-perishable food and clothing or by sending in a check. Holloway said that she would prefer new toys and/or new clothing. Dropoff locations for donated items include all branches of Taylor Bank; DeNovo's at the south Gate of Ocean Pines; and Five Below near Ocean City. If anyone wishes to make a monetary contribution they can mail it to Worcester County Sheriff's Office, 1 W. Market St., Room 1001, Snow Hill, Md. 21863, Attn: Dena Holloway. Contributions can be accepted until Dec. 17.

As in past years, there is one contribution that Holloway desperately needs: non-perishable food. Last year the program helped 1,532 children in 485 families, exceeding previous years. Thirty-two senior citizens were also given assistance.

Another area in which the program has been of assistance is helping families who have been burned out of their homes. The Christmas program began in a small way in 1981 and has been growing each year since that event.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baltimore's 'Ace of Cakes' Is Canceled By Food Network

The Food Network Friday cancelled "Ace of Cakes," the Baltimore-based reality TV series featuring chef Duff Goldman.

The series set at Goldman's Charm City Cakes will end with the run of its 10th season, which begins in January, according to a spokeswoman for Authentic Television, the California-based production company that makes the show.

“Ace of Cakes has been a Food Network favorite for the past four and half years over the course of 116 episodes,” Bob Tuschman, senior vice president for programming at the cable channel, said in a statement to the Sun. “But all good things must come to an end. The final season of ‘Ace of Cakes’ will begin on-air in January. The Food Network, as well as its millions of viewers, remain passionate about Duff. So, we are currently in the process of developing new show concepts for him.”

The cancellation was first reported Friday by the Hollywood celebrity website TMZ.

The series debuted in 2006 and was instantly one of the highest rated series on the Food Network.

Here's how the network describes the show:

"Meet Chef Duff. Shaping cakes with drill saws and blowtorches, and staffing his bakery with fellow rock musicians, he's not your typical baker. However, he's one of the most sought-after decorative cake makers in the country. Every week at Charm City Cakes in Baltimore, Duff and his team of artists try to meet the demands of creating up to 20 cakes a week, some of which take up to 29 hours to build! From a tilted Dr. Seuss-like seven-tiered wedding cake to an almost perfect replica of Wrigley Field, Duff can build it. Go behind the scenes to see how he and his fellow cake bakers dish up sugar and spice in the most unexpected and entertaining ways."

The show, which is filmed at the bakery on Remington Avenue in Baltimore, can be seen in reruns at 11 p.m. Tuesday nights on the Food Network.

Calls and emails to Charm City Cakes, which is on a Thanksgiving break, according to a recorded message, were not returned Friday.


Churches Come Together For Gun Buyback

At a recent Pocomoke City citizens meeting the Police Chief scoffed at having any type of gun buypack arrangements for the town. And I know that Baltimore is much larger, crime is through the roof there but come on..........Do you really want to wait until crime is WORSE in Pocomoke to try to do anything?

OH, I bet you would be surprised at what some may find in their yards when a weekend is over. And you know what? I just bet there might be a gun or two in that city. Maybe the best thing to do is give it a try........or is it that you don't want to attempt it because it costs money?

Two churches took 42 working firearms off the street Saturday during a gun buyback sponsored by The Catholic Review newspaper in hopes of curbing violence in the city.

"Any weapons we get off the street is a good thing in this time, in this neighborhood," said the Rev. Peter Lyons of St. Wenceslaus Church in the Middle East neighborhood of Baltimore. Violence in the community just east of Johns Hopkins Hospital, he said, erupts "every weekend it seems."

At St. Gregory the Great Church on North Gilmor Street in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood, the Rev. Damien Nalepa said 26 guns were collected, "the second-highest" take among the half-dozen or so buybacks the parish has held.

For four hours, the churches accepted automatic and semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles for $100 and any other working gun for $50. Church officials hoped more people would come forward in the coming days.

Those who participated were not asked any questions. The firearms are handed over to police, who check serial numbers against those of weapons that have been used in crimes. Then the guns are destroyed.

"Some people thought they weren't loaded, but in two cases, they were," Lyons said. He hoped the possibility of cash for the holidays would entice people to turn in guns, and said his church would likely hold another such event in the future.

To promote the buyback, fliers were distributed at nearby community centers, including the Oliver Recreation Center and Safe Streets locations. The Safe Streets organization, funded by the city, aims to mediate disputes before they turn violent in troubled neighborhoods.

Gun buybacks have been debated in Baltimore at least since 1974, when Mayor William Donald Schaefer called such programs "innovative."

In 2000, Mayor Martin O'Malley questioned whether such measures were effective, saying the initiatives tended to collect "a lot of garbage guns."

But five years later, the city spent $100,000 on a buyback program.

"If we can save one life or spare one child from being harmed by playing with a gun, then it's worth the effort," O'Malley said at the time.

Since then, several churches have organized buyback initiatives.


Sunday Matinee At The MarVa Theater

If you haven't been to see this movie you have one more chance!

Sunday Matinee 2:00 pm Admission: $5.00

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mayor McDermott To Be Sworn Into House of Delegates On Jan. 12

POCOMOKE CITY, Md. - The town of Pocomoke will soon be losing its mayor, but not just yet.

Mayor Mike McDermott will be sworn into the House of Delegates for District 38-B on Jan. 12.

City officials say McDermott will remain mayor until then. At that point, Robert Hawkins, the First Vice-President of the City Council, will take on mayoral responsibilities, but not the official title. Hawkins will continue to serve as a councilman.

A new mayor will be elected in the city's scheduled elections in April of 2011.


2010 Pardoned Turkey Will Live At Mount Vernon

WASHINGTON – The turkey President Barack Obama will pardon this year for Thanksgiving is going to George Washington's house, not Mickey Mouse's, after his life is spared.

(2009 Turkey Pardon)

A Disneyland spokesman said Friday that after five years of taking turkeys, the park will no longer become home to the bird that the president pardons in an annual White House ceremony. Instead, after Obama pardons the turkey Wednesday, the fortunate fowl will live out the rest of its life at George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate in Virginia.

"We're moving on to do new things and surprise our guests with new things," said Disneyland spokesman John McClintock.

Presidents have been pardoning a turkey at Thanksgiving for years, but where the bird goes after its White House cameo has changed. For 15 years, until 2004, the birds went to a historic farm in Herndon, Va.: Frying Pan Farm Park.

Disneyland took over in 2005 when the California park was celebrating its 50th anniversary. The pardoned turkey and an alternate — Marshmallow and Yam — got a police escort to the airport and flew first class to California.

Marshmallow became the grand marshal of Disneyland's Thanksgiving parade, and the sign above his float read "The Happiest Turkey on Earth." The turkeys then retired to a coop at the park's Big Thunder Ranch, where three of the other pardoned birds — "Courage" and "Carolina" from 2009 and 2008's "Pecan" — still live. Florida's Disney World got the birds from 2007, when they arrived on a United Airlines flight that was renamed "Turkey One."

The 21-week-old turkey being pardoned this year will arrive in Washington from California next week and stay at the W Hotel, just a block from the White House. Once at Mount Vernon, he'll be driven to his pen in a horse-drawn carriage and be greeted with a trumpet fanfare.

Emily Coleman Dibella, a spokeswoman for Mount Vernon, says it's appropriate that the turkey will go to Washington's home. In 1789, Washington became the first president to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation, and the Washingtons also raised and ate turkeys at Mount Vernon. Wild turkeys still roam the estate.

The pardoned Tom will not, however, be put on permanent display at Mount Vernon, which prides itself on historical accuracy. The large white turkey the president will pardon is not like the smaller brown birds the Washingtons would have had. After Mount Vernon's holiday festivities end Jan. 6, the turkey and his alternate will be cared for behind the scenes.


Pilots Exempt From Some Security Screenings

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Transportation Security Administration has agreed to let airline pilots skip the security scanning and pat-downs that passengers face at the nation's airports, pilot groups said Friday.

Beginning Friday, pilots traveling in uniform or on airline business will be allowed to pass security by presenting two photo IDs, one from their company and one from the government, to be checked against a secure flight crew database, the TSA said.

The Obama administration's retreat on screening pilots comes less than a week before the hectic Thanksgiving holiday travel period. Some travelers are threatening to protest the security measures by refusing to go through the scanning machines. Airlines are caught in the middle.

Pilots welcomed the changes.

"This looks good. It's basically what we've been after for 10 years," says Sam Mayer, a spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association at American Airlines, the union that raised objections to the new screening process about two weeks ago. "Pilots are not the threat here; we're the target."

Pilots have also argued that it made no sense to subject them to the same screening process as passengers since they control the plane. If they were intent on terrorism, they could crash it and the scanners wouldn't provide extra safety.

TSA offered few details about the specific changes in screening of pilots, which expands a program tested at airports in Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Charlotte, N.C.

"Pilots are trusted partners who ensure the safety of millions of passengers flying every day," said TSA Administrator John Pistole. He said putting pilots through a faster screening process would be a more efficient use of the agency's resources.

Pistole has defended the invasive pat-downs and said intelligence about potential terrorist attacks and plots to evade airport security have guided these changes.

Still, some lawmakers want a review of the government's pat-down procedure.

Pilots have complained about possible health effects from radiation emitted by full-body scanners that produce a virtually naked image, and they said that pat-downs by security inspectors were demeaning. Passengers have lodged similar complaints, but the government is not changing the screening requirements for air travelers.


Federal Police Officer Gets Probation For Shooting Family Pet, Bear-Bear

Federal police officer Keith Elgin Shepherd was fined and given probation before judgment Friday for shooting a Siberian husky he claimed attacked his pet and was threatening him and his wife at a community dog park in Severn in August.

"We are overjoyed that it's gotten this far," Rachel Rettaliata told Anne Arundel County District Judge Thomas J. Pryal. She and her husband, Ryan Rettaliata owned Bear-Bear, the dog shot in the Quail Run community dog park and injured so severely that it had to be euthanized. "Our lives have been turned upside down."

After a 31/2-hour trial, Pryal called the shooting of Bear-Bear "an overreaction" and said it was unreasonable, causing pain and suffering to the 3-year-old dog.

Pryal said he was ready to convict Shepherd, 32, on charges of misdemeanor animal cruelty and, with the nearest home about 66 yards away, discharging his personal handgun within 100 yards of homes in the Quail Run neighborhood. He offered Shepherd probation before judgment, allowing him to avoid a criminal record if he successfully completes probation.

Shepherd accepted the terms and, barring new criminal charges or not fulfilling the conditions of probation, he will have the opportunity to have his record expunged in three years. He cannot appeal.

Pryal fined Shepherd $500 for animal cruelty and gave him a suspended fine of $1,000 on the handgun charge. During his one-year unsupervised probation, he must complete 80 hours of community service.

During the trial, testimony from the two sides about what happened at the dog park was in conflict.

While on the stand, Shepherd said that Bear-Bear had bitten his dog around the neck, then bared its teeth at him. Seeing no rock or stick to use, he took a few steps back, pulled his personal Glock and shot the dog once, then called 911, telling the dispatcher to make sure animal control officers came to help the wounded dog.

Assistant State's Attorney Kimberly DiPietro argued that Shepherd had other options for handling what Shepherd perceived as a threatening situation for himself, his wife and his German shepherd.

"Did you kick Bear-Bear?" she asked Shepherd in cross-examination.

"No," he replied.

The verdict left the community that has rallied around the Rettaliatas — thousands locally and online — with mixed feelings. About 15 supporters attended part or all of the trial, some carrying "Justice for Bear-Bear" signs outside the courthouse before the trial, others wearing "Justice for Bear-Bear" T-shirts with Bear-Bear buttons pinned to their clothing. The Justice for Bear-Bear Facebook page has more than 15,600 members.

"I think the judge made the right decision," said Pamela Semies, a retiree who came from Halethorpe to attend the trial. "I would have liked to see the judge make the penalty stiffer."

She said she believed the judge made it clear that shooting the dog was the wrong way for Shepherd to handle the situation.

"I don't think Bear-Bear's death was in vain. A person will think a little more next time. Suppose [the bullet] would have ricocheted and hit a child, a person," she said.

Wendy Cozzone, who operates Cheryl's Rescue Ranch in Gambrills and heads the Anne Arundel County Animal Welfare Council, said it was important to see that Shepherd was held publicly accountable for a bad decision that proved fatal to someone's pet.

"I just wish one time, one of these cases, animal abuse cases, a statement would be made. And then someone says, 'Boy, I better not abuse animals or neglect animals. I might get that kind of a sentence,' because the judge says you're going to get the toughest fine you can get," she said. "I guess we take it one step at a time."

The Rettaliatas declined to comment as they left the courtroom. But their expressions were buoyant, a contrast to when they were listening to testimony, when Rachel Rettaliata appeared to sniffle and Ryan Rettaliata looked somberly down at the floor.

David Putzi, Shepherd's defense attorney, said he was not surprised but understood the rationale of the judge's decision.

Shepherd accepted the probation agreement, Putzi said, because "I think he wants to move on."

How this might affect Shepherd's work — he is a civilian police sergeant for the Army at Joint Command Myer-Henderson Hall in Northern Virginia and serves as a sergeant in the Army Reserves — is unclear.

"I think he's optimistic that it won't have too negative an impact," Putzi said. Shepherd, as a federal officer, was allowed to carry a personal weapon while off duty.

The prosecutor was pleased with the trial's outcome.

"I'm happy that he was held accountable for his actions," DiPietro said.

During her cross-examination of Shepherd, she noted that he did not get Bear-Bear's leash to hit him with, did not try to grab the dog's rear legs or take the leash of his German shepherd, Asia, from his wife. His wife did not drop Asia's leash, and neither Shepherd nor his wife retreated from the dog park through any of its three gates, she said.

Rachel Rettaliata's brother, Steven Ryan Kurinij, who lives with the couple, said he'd taken Bear-Bear to the private dog park about 6 p.m., as he often did. The Shepherds arrived later with Asia. The couple asked whether Bear-Bear was friendly, and after Kurinij said yes, the Shepherds said Asia was friendly, too, and entered.

Kurinij described two dogs playing, up on their hind legs making "little grunts," followed by Shepherd's wife screaming and Shepherd shouting.

"He told me, 'You'd better get your dog,' and he pulled out what I thought was a Taser and shot it — in the abdomen" in a sequence that took just seconds. Asked by DiPietro why he didn't jump in to get Bear-Bear, Kurinij replied, "I didn't have time to." Under cross-examination by Putzi, Kurinij said that at no time did it seem to him that the dogs were fighting.

In contrast, Shepherd said the dogs started out playing, but said that once his timid dog backed away, the husky attacked. He described a nearly minute-long sequence that included Bear-Bear's biting his dog around the neck, his wife "calling out hysterically" and him moving to grab Bear-Bear's collar, only to see the husky turn toward him.

He said he shouted a dozen times at Kurinij to get his dog but "he did absolutely nothing." Fearing for his wife as the husky bared its teeth, he shot the dog, he said.

Initially, county police closed the case, said Detective Tom Middleton. But the case was not really closed, he said, because his supervisor had not signed off on it.

Amid a public uproar, County Executive John R. Leopold ordered a full police investigation. Meanwhile, the state's attorney's office was reviewing the initial information and later solicited information from the state attorney general's office and federal officials. Charges were brought about two weeks after the shooting.

The Rettaliatas have adopted two huskies since Bear-Bear was shot. The Shepherd family has moved from the neighborhood.


Unusual Number of Structure Fires Being Investigated

State Police are investigating the rash of fires that occured on both ends of the Eastern Shore late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning.

The 911 Center received a reports of a fire at 10:20 PM at 5202 Cobbs Station Rd. near Cheriton.

At 10:21 there was a report of a fire at 23776 Ann's Cove Rd. near Bloxom.
Another fire was called into the 911 center at 11:20 which was at 64 Kerr St. in Onancock.

Then at 3:30 AM fire destroyed a building at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Wachapreague.

State Police investigators are trying to determine if any of the fires were arson and if there is any connection among them. It is very unusual to have that many fires within such a short period of time on the Eastern Shore.

Virginia Institure of Marine Science Burned

A fire destroyed the main research building at the Eastern Shore Laboratory of the College of William and Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science on Thursday.

Seaside Hall included a small library, classroom space, offices and laboratories. No one was inside the building, which broke out in the early hours of Thursday morning. Firefighters responded to the scene less than five minutes after receiving notice. The fire is under investigation by State Police.

Mark Luckenbach, director of the lab, says the fire destroyed all of the equipment and materials in the facility, located in Wachapreague. The 2,368-square-foot Seaside Hall held computers, microscopes, glassware and lab gear, along with a shellfish collection and preserved specimens of fish and invertebrates. A collection of pressed algae with specimens dating back to the 1960s was lost, as well. No living creatures were housed inside the building.

No computer data was lost, however, because digital files are backed up to servers in other buildings or on the web, Luckenbach says. The staff is now created an inventory of the building’s contents to file insurance claims. VIMS Risk Manager Carol Tomlinson is estimating the value of the building and its contents to be more than $1 million.

Two state biologists working for the Virginia Department of Games and Inland Fisheries and the Division of Natural Heritage, respectively, leased space in the building, and also lost materials and equipment.

Public events scheduled to take place at the building have been cancelled, including a lecture on summer flounder on Dec. 1.

The Eastern Shore Laboratory serves as both a field station for VIMS and as a site for resident research in coastal ecology and aquaculture. In its 40 years, it has become internationally recognized for its shellfish research.


Friday, November 19, 2010


I thought this sounded good! Here is a turkey recipe that also includes
the use of popcorn as a stuffing ingredient -- imagine that. When I found
this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not
sure how to tell when turkey is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out. Give
this a try. 

8 - 15 lb. turkey 

1 cup melted butter 

1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is Good) 

1 cup un-popped popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT IS BEST)

Salt/pepper to taste 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt, and pepper. 

Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. 

Place in baking pan making sure the neck end is toward the front of the oven, not the back. 

After about 4 hours listen for the popping sounds.
When the turkey's ass blows the oven door open and the bird flies across
the room,.... it's done.

An Opinion On The Sprinkler Requirement

Remember the 'residential fire sprinkler requirements' that and the comments circulating around Pocomoke City AND Worcester County? Please read this. It seems Stewart Dobson is trying to "get a handle on their logic."

Some people might wonder why I believe the new residential fire sprinkler requirement that’s sweeping the country is a load of bovine-generated biomass.

It’s simple. Advocates argue that some 3,500 people die each year in house fires and that this will help lower that number. But if the main concern of governments is to save our lives — at our own expense — think about this:

More than 51,000 people die of colon cancer every year, according to the National Cancer Institute, 14 times the number of people who will lose their lives in house fires, yet neither the federal, state or local government has seen fit to require us to install an early warning detection system where the sun don’t shine.

I’m trying to get a handle on their logic.

Seeing how my *** apparently belongs to the government, one would think it would want to do more to protect it from far greater dangers instead of demanding only that I water it down in case of fire.

Personally, if all I had was smoke detectors in my house, which I do, and if the alarm sounded, I would get my *** out of there, thus saving it a fraction of the cost.

On the other hand, while we have the Southern Building Code, the BOCA building code and the International Code Council, et al, we do not have a formally adopted Southern *** Code, BOCA *** Code or an International *** Council, which means that for now, anyway, our ***es are unregulated, as anyone who has been to Wal-Mart will attest.

Another factor might be that the zoning code makes no provision for a single-family ***, a high-rise *** and a multi-unit ***, although there is a good argument that Congress would fall in the latter category.

But I’m serious about this. If this is all about saving lives, what’s the difference between requiring people to pay for a sprinkler system they may not want but could save their lives and mandating colonoscopies that they may not want and could save their lives?

Governments will no doubt respond that your *** is none of their business, unless, of course, you are preparing to fly commercially, in which case, they are going to check your *** out before allowing you to check in.

Considering all this, I have a suspicion that this particular aspect of the building code, has less to do with saving our ***es than we are led to believe.

After all, if protecting our ***es is what this is about, a wiser and more cost-effective expenditure would be the $3,000 average cost of a colonoscopy than the average $4,000 cost of a fire sprinkler system, albeit the former costs more on a per square foot basis.

Then again, government’s preference for mandated sprinkler systems over mandated colonoscopies could be more fundamental.

I’m sure that even with the job shortage these days, finding a qualified *** inspector would be difficult unless, of course, you’re flying commercially.

by:Steve Dobson
The Public Eye

Oglesby To Begin Job At State's Attorney In Early January

by: Christine Cullen
(Nov. 19, 2010) The race to become the next state’s attorney for Worcester County came to an end last Friday, when incumbent Joel Todd conceded defeat to his challenger, Beau Oglesby, in the close contest.

Todd, who has been the state’s attorney since January 1995 and was a deputy prosecutor since 1985, bowed out of the race after the second round of absentee ballots were tallied Nov. 12. Oglesby held a 90- vote lead over the incumbent, which proved to be insur- mountable with only a handful of ballots left to be counted next week.

“It has been my honor and pleasure to serve the citizens and visitors of Worcester County as a prosecutor since July 1, 1985. Justice, and only justice, has been my pursuit throughout that time. I have done the very best that I know how to do,” Todd wrote in a statement conceding victory to his opponent.

Todd ended the second absentee vote count with 10,4675 votes to Oglesby’s 10,555. The final tally of 35 absentee ballots that were held over, plus ballots sent in by members of the military, will take place Nov. 22, but there will not be enough ballots left for Todd to overtake Oglesby’s lead.

If all 50 military ballots that were sent out are returned, the total number of voted to be counted on Nov. 22 would be 85, which is fewer than what Todd would need to win. As of Monday, the county Board of Elections had received 14 military ballots.

This was the second time Todd and Oglesby ran head-to-head for the office. Oglesby, a deputy state’s attorney in Caroline County, also challenged Todd in 2006. That election was even closer than the 2010 race: Todd retained the office by just 14 votes.

“We’re very happy with the outcome. We know our work is going to be cut out for us. We’re looking forward to proving to the voters who voted for me that their trust was well placed, and we look forward to earning the trust of those in the county that weren’t quite ready to vote for me,” Oglesby said Monday.

Oglesby will take the helm of the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office in early January. Until then, he will be on double-duty: continuing to prosecute cases in Caroline County and getting familiar with the major cases under way in Worcester County to ensure he is ready to take over prosecution.

“We’re already engaged in getting up to speed on all of the cases. I’ve already met with members of [the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation] regarding some of the homicide cases, and I will meet with them on all pending major cases,” he said.

“I intend to make the way as smooth for him as I can,” Todd said in the statement. “I pledge to the voters that during the remaining time in my term of office I will do everything I can to prepare him for the cases and issues awaiting him on the first Monday of January 2011.”

In his 25 years working for and running the state’s attorney’s office, Todd said he feels he has made a positive impact on crime in the county. When Oglesby takes over in January, Todd will return to life as a private citizen and he is looking forward to the privacy that will bring.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to have served. Now, I’m looking forward to not having to live my life under a microscope any more,” he said Monday.


Concert To Benefit Assateague Island Lighthouse

CHINCOTEAGUE --A concert on Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge to benefit the
Restoration Fund for the Assateague Island Lighthouse will see the debut of "The Light of Assateague," a ballad specially written for this occasion.

Bill Troxler, whose musical group Three Sheets will perform the concert, is well-known in Washington and Baltimore circles for his hammer dulcimer workshops. Troxler has now written a new ballad to celebrate the 143 years that the Assateague Light has sent its signal out over the waves.

Those years have caused weathering to windows, walls and metalwork.

Restoration was started in 2009 but more remains to be done.

The concert is set for Friday, Nov. 26, at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 and all proceeds go toward lighthouse restoration work. Tickets are available at H&H Pharmacy, Egret Moon Artworks or Chincoteague Natural History Association at 757-336-3696.


At The MarVa Theater ~ Don't Miss It!

Accomack County Supervisors Still Have NO Answers

By Linda Spence

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors met on Wednesday, November 17, at the board chambers in Accomac.

Well, the top 20 delinquent tax payers don't have to be concerned about their names being in lights, on a big sign that is, but Supervisor Donald Hart isn't letting them off easy. Hart stated that these people have owed this money for a long time. Hart went on to say it's not fair to the low income, fixed income, elderly and other citizens who pay their taxes on time. The board agreed that the names of those delinquent tax payers will be put in big, bold letters in an advertisement in both local papers. To avoid this from happening, these county property owners need to pay up now.

Several citizens addressed the board during the public comment part of the meeting, including Accomack County Citizen Toni Trepanier; Trepanier asked the board why the county has citizens social security numbers to begin with. She said the county doesnt extend credit and she has never asked for credit and doesn't understand they have her social security number. Trepanier was referring to the county's stolen laptop that contained citizens' private information.
Concerning that stolen laptop, County Administrator Steve Miner gave an update. He reported that he has met with the Counties insurance advisors and their IT Specialists who made a number of recommendations that are being implemented, including encrypted software that is being installed. He also stated that the County Attorney's office is set up for any claims of fraud. According to Miner, there have been no reported cases of fraud that are affiliated with the stolen laptop and he encourages the citizens to remain vigilant.

According to County Attorney Mark Taylor, the notice provided by the county regarding the laptop theft complied and was approved by the VA Attorney General's Office. He stated that they have no information at this point that anyones identity information has been misused as a result of this theft. He continued, "it is most likely that the information has been cleared and the laptop has been resold. We would like to think that happened, but we cannot and have not proceeded on that basis. We have tried our best to protect our citizens without educating the crook on what could be on the computer."

And there's another crisis in the county, but this one has 4 legs. There's simply too many cats that are unvaccinated which can easily contribute to feline disease and most importantly rabies. Supervisor Ron Wolff had led the proposed idea of requiring cats to be licensed, but after talking to citizens and learning more about the issue, now believes that licensing will not achieve what he had hoped. He withdrew his attempt to license cats and the board voted unanimously to find a group of citizens who can come up with possibilities to help find a solution for the rabies and overpopulation problem.

5 Year Old Donates Life Savings To Fire Department

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Financial support to help rebuild the Sissonville Volunteer Fire Department has poured in from across West Virginia and the country, but none touched members of the department more than the donation of one boy's savings.

On Saturday, Joshua Shaffer, 5, wearing a firefighter's hat and jacket -- his Halloween costume -- donated $45.85 from his plastic piggy bank.

The money, made up of change, was his life savings.

The department lost its main station, three trucks and nearly all of its equipment in an electrical fire on Oct. 1.

Shaffer's donation epitomizes the support from the community, especially the children, said Tom Miller, secretary of the 40-member department's board of directors.

Elementary, middle and high school students from across Kanawha County and the state have raised more than $5,000 through fundraisers, Miller said.

"There are just no words to describe it," Miller said.

J.T. Shaffer, Joshua's father, said Saturday his son decided to donate his savings after watching a YouTube video of the fire that destroyed the main station.

"They can't do it all by themselves," Joshua Shaffer said Saturday, after presenting the jar of coins to members of the fire department at Sissonville High School.

In honor of the donation, members of the VFD presented Joshua with a certificate, naming him an honorary junior firefighter.

He also shook each firefighter's hand before getting the chance to climb into the unit's fire truck and push a few buttons.

Joshua said Saturday he's already planning to begin saving money for "Big Josh," a fire truck the department plans to purchase and name after him.

The Sissonville VFD is operating out of the garage of Charleston Auto, just down the road from the burned-out station. The department runs three fire stations to cover an area of about 125 square miles.

Even after the loss of their main station, members of the volunteer department have not missed a single call, Miller said.

The fire destroyed nearly $2 million in property, equipment and vehicles, he said. The department's insurance will cover damage to the trucks and building, which totals about $1 million.

Insurance coverage for the lost equipment has not been settled.

Miller estimates that the department needs to raise an additional $350,000 to completely rebuild and re-establish itself.

The outpouring of support has been "overwhelming," Miller said.

In just two months, the department has raised about $100,000 through donations, fundraisers, and corporate and state pledges, he said.

Offers of help also have come from outside West Virginia. Fire departments from as far away as California, Alaska and British Columbia have donated equipment and supplies.

The department must have a plan to rebuild and re-establish itself by May, Miller said.

Without a plan, insurance policies of the people who live within the department's district could be affected, because the unit is operating out of a temporary location, he said.

The department is working on a plan, Miller said, "but "I have no idea where, or when we'll build. There are still a lot of questions that have to be answered yet."

Members of the Sissonville VFD will host a holiday family-portrait event from noon to 8 p.m. today at Sissonville High School. Portraits cost $10.

Additionally, the department is sponsoring a Dec. 18 holiday bus trip to Elkins. Tickets are $65 and include dinner, entrance to a Broadway-style show, time to shop in the area and transportation.

To book a ticket for the holiday trip, call the fire department at 304-984-0674.


Search For Ohio Family Ends In Tragedy

November 18, 2010

Mt Vernon, OH - The search for an Ohio family and a family friend came to a close today as they were found dead, hidden inside a hollow tree. The discovery was made approximately 2:30 pm today in the vicinity of the Kokosing River Lake, near Waterford Road in Fredericktown, Ohio, about 20 miles from where they were killed.

Matthew Hoffman instructed Sheriff's investigators where to find the bodies, which were stuffed in trash bags. It is not known how Hoffman got the bodies into the tree.

"The tree was hollow to a point," the sheriff said, adding it would be speculation to understand how the remains were put into the tree.

Hoffman is an unemployed tree trimmer, who has been observed by neighbors sitting in trees spying on people and also collected bags full of leaves while walking around near a local lake. Hoffman has been described as strange and scary.

Hoffman has been charged with kidnapping after a SWAT team found 13 year old Sarah Maynard, bound and gagged, in his basement.

Knox County Sheriff David Barber advised that Sarah's mother Tina Herrmann, brother Kody Maynard and family friend Stephanie Sprang were murdered on Wednesday, November 10, inside Herrmann's home. Sarah was also kidnapped at this time.

Exactly how the three were killed has not been released, but Barber advised that Hoffman is the only suspect.

Knox County Prosecutor John C. Thatcher advised that an indictment against Hoffman was being prepared and that the case would go to a grand jury. Neither he nor Barber would comment on whether, or not, Hoffman confessed.

Hoffman is scheduled to appear for a preliminary court hearing on Tuesday. An indictment against him could come within 4 to 6 weeks, Thatcher said.

Hoffman is being held in lieu of a $1 million bond.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mickey Mouse Turns 80 Today

Today is the official Mickey Mouse birthday.

On November 18th 1928, First film Steam Boat Willie was showcased in a colony theater in New York City. It was a great hit and thus the date was officially declared to be Mickey Mouse birthday.

"I hope that we never lose sight of one thing: that it was all started by a Mouse.” - Walt Disney.

We remember these famous words on 80th Mickey Mouse birthday.

Parents Want To Know What Happened To Recess

NEWARK -- Parents of Pocomoke Middle School students told the school board they want recess reinstated at their children's school.

Several parents of PMS students attended Tuesday's board of education meeting to voice their concerns over the lack of recess offered to fourth- through eighth-graders at Pocomoke Middle. They called recess a "fundamental need" for the students.

"Recess is something ancient," parent Douglas Voss said. "It's timeless."

Voss said recess, which had been offered on a limited basis in recent years, was eliminated at the school this year in an effort to further increase test scores and academic performance. If it were implemented in a balanced way, he contended, a recess of just 30 minutes a day could be beneficial.

"A cognitive break in the middle of the day does improve academic performance," he told the school board.

Voss said the brain needed time to relax so that students could continue to engage cognitively during the latter half of the school day. He added that schools with recess had fewer discipline problems.

Another parent, Michael Hooks, compared the student dismissal at Pocomoke Middle in the afternoon to a scene in the movie "Grease," with kids sprinting out of the building. He said he and his wife had trouble getting their fourth-grader to do his homework after school because he was so wound up -- a problem they did not have with him last year, when he enjoyed recess at the elementary school.

"They don't have that outlet," he said.

Theophilus Moses said that with childhood obesity rates high, it was crucial that the middle schoolers get some time outside. "They are our future," he said. "We owe it to them."

Although school board members said they needed more time and information before they could make a decision on the matter, they did pass a motion to have Superintendent of Schools Jon Andes review the county's policies and procedures regarding recess and to make a recommendation on the subject to the board. They expect to address the issue by budget work session scheduled for Dec. 7.

"We're really going to take a hard look at this," board member Doug Dryden said, thanking the parents for their professional presentation. "This is the way the process is supposed to work."

PMS principal Caroline Bloxom stressed that the school worked in partnership with its parents in a statement that did not commit the school to any course of action on recess.

"We are partners with our parents," she said in a statement, "and we seek their involvement and feedback. In fact, being receptive to all opinions is crucial to school improvement."


Air Force Warns Troops About Facebook Feature

WASHINGTON – The Air Force is warning its troops to be careful when using Facebook and other popular networking sites because some new features could show the enemy exactly where U.S. forces are located in war zones.

In a warning issued on its internal website earlier this month, the Air Force said that "careless use of these services by airmen can have devastating operations security and privacy implications." The message was also sent to senior commanders, who were asked to get the word out to their forces.

The sites are a concern for U.S military services, which have 95,000 troops in Afghanistan and roughly 50,000 in Iraq. The Army, which provides the bulk of the battlefield forces, said it intends to circulate a similar warning about location services to key personnel next week.

The applications, which are offered by a variety of services including Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla and Loopt, can identify a person's location, even pinpoint it on a map.

A key concern is that enemy forces could use such features to track troops in the war zone who have a Blackberry or other smart phone and use those networking services.

Location services have grown in popularity as more people get smart phones that have GPS and other means of determining the user's location.

In most cases, however, users have to go into the program manually and check in — or list a location — in order for that location to show up.

According to Facebook's practices, for example, users must either download the Facebook application and then check in to a location, or go to the mobile Facebook page to check in. The default setting for Facebook then allows a user's friends to see the location, but that setting can be manually changed to allow friends of friends or "everyone" see the location.


Rastafarian Inmates No Longer Isolated Over Hair

RICHMOND, Va. – Many Rastafarians and other inmates in Virginia who have spent years in isolation for refusing to cut their hair were moved to a prison where they can live together, the state Corrections Department said Wednesday.

The Associated Press reported in June that 48 inmates were being held in segregation for ignoring the state's grooming policy, which bans beards and calls for hair to be kept above the shirt collar.

Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor told AP that 31 inmates were transferred to Keen Mountain Correctional Center in southwestern Virginia late last week. The change was made to "better manage and utilize critical bed space" because the offenders will be held two to a cell instead of just one, Traylor said.

"While there remains a need for consequences when offenders choose not to adhere to VADOC policy, it was determined that offenders whose only offense is failure to comply with the grooming policy should be housed and managed separately from the general population but did not require housing in segregation," Traylor said.

Inmates will not have all the privileges of the prison's general population, but they are allowed to move inside their unit, more personal property, and educational and other programs.

Traylor said in June the policy was needed to prevent inmates from hiding weapons and drugs in their long hair or beards, and also to keep them from quickly changing their appearance if they escape. At least 10 Rastafarian inmates, who view growing their hair unbridled, typically in dreadlocks as a tenet of their religion, have been in isolation since the policy was enacted in 1999.

Traylor said about 300 inmates identified themselves as Rastafarians, and only 13 are out of compliance with the grooming standards. Inmates will continue to have their heads shaved when they enter prison, Traylor said.

"It should not have taken eleven years, but DOC is finally realizing that there was never any need to punish these prisoners because of their religious beliefs," said Kent Willis, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia.

The Virginia ACLU represented a group of Rastafarian and Muslim inmates who unsuccessfully challenged the policy in 2003.

Virginia is among only about a dozen states, mostly in the South, that limit the length of inmates' hair and beards, according to the American Correctional Chaplains Association. A handful of those allow accommodations for those whose religious beliefs prohibit cutting their hair. There is no hair policy for federal prisoners.

"Being isolated in such a fashion for years, even while inside prison, is beyond the pale of a civilized society," said Evans Hopkins, a former prisoner, award-winning writer and close friend to Rastafarian inmate Ivan Sparks, who died last year while in segregation. "I hope the DOC will continue to try to work these men back into the general population, and prepare them for release."

Others who have fought against the policy for years were not as pleased.

"I'm going to remain hopefully optimistic that this may prove to be better, but I don't quite know yet," said Janet Taylor, whose Rastafarian name is "Queen Nzinga."

Taylor said some inmates who have spent 11 years in segregation may have problems adjusting to having a cellmate, and the time in isolation may have taken a mental toll on the inmates.


Man Shoots TV With Shot Gun Over Bristol Palin's Dance Routine

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A rural Wisconsin man apparently enraged by Bristol Palin's "Dancing with the Stars" routine blasted his television with a shotgun, leading to an all-night standoff with a SWAT team, investigators said.

Steven Cowan, 67, was arrested Tuesday morning after officers coaxed him out of his house in Vermont, a rural community near Madison. Cowan, who is accused of threatening his wife with the gun after destroying the television, appeared in a Madison courtroom Wednesday on a charge of second-degree reckless endangerment. His bail was set at $1,500.

Cowan's attorney at the hearing, Jonas Bednarek, declined to comment.

Cowan's wife, Janice Cowan, told investigators that her husband suffers from bipolar disorder and had threatened her life in the past.

According to court documents, Janice Cowan said her husband came home Monday from the bar and had a beer with dinner before they settled down to watch "Dancing with the Stars."
When Palin, the 20-year-old daughter of tea party favorite Sarah Palin, began her routine, Cowan jumped up and began swearing, saying something like "The (expletive) politics." His wife said he was upset that a political figure's daughter was dancing on TV even though he felt she didn't have talent.

Janice Cowan told investigators her husband left the living room and reappeared 20 minutes later with his shotgun, "raging" with his face bright red, and blasted the TV. She said he then pointed the gun at her and told her to go fetch his pistols, and threatened to kill himself if she brought anyone back. According to the criminal complaint, Steven Cowan's daughter recently took away his handguns for safekeeping. It did not elaborate.

"He scared the bejebees out of me," she told detectives.

Janice Cowan fled the home and went to an attorney's office, where she phoned police.

She told officers that about 15 years ago her husband had threatened her with a machete when he couldn't find some ammunition and has threatened to shoot one of their cows.

She added he was under stress because of financial reasons, saying a doctor helping him with his mental health problems had suggested he temporarily turn over control of properties he rents out to the family's attorney. Calls on Wednesday to a number listed as the Cowans' could not be connected.

The Internet has been abuzz in recent days about how Bristol Palin, who has consistently landed at the bottom of the judges' leaderboard, has been able to remain on the ABC show. Some have suggested that voters - particularly supporters of her mother - have been voting in blocs and manipulating the system.

Both Palins have denied any organized vote-getting tactics. Bristol Palin says voters support her despite lackluster performances because she started the show with no dancing experience.

Two Men Convicted For Having Drug Laden Tractor Trailer

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Two Florida men who were stopped in a stolen tractor-trailer carrying more than three tons of marijuana have been convicted of federal drug charges in Pennsylvania.

Thirty-six-year-old Stanley Narcisse and 35-year-old Eric Emmanuel were convicted Friday of conspiracy and drug distribution charges.

Authorities say Emmanuel was behind the wheel of the truck when police stopped it January 31 on Interstate 81 near the border between Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Paperwork problems prompted state police to search the trailer, where they found about 6,500 pounds of marijuana. Investigators put the street value of the drugs at $6.5 million.

Prosecutors say the trailer had been stolen in Georgia, picked up the drugs in Arizona and was heading to Connecticut when it was stopped.

A sentencing date has not been set.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Two Pocomoke City Teens Arrested On Gun Possession Charges

POCOMOKE CITY — Sheriff's deputies arrested two 18-year-olds in the Pocomoke City area on charges of illegal handgun possession.

One suspect, David Dewayne Dickerson, 18, of Pocomoke, had a loaded revolver in his pants pocket when he stepped out of a vehicle that was the subject of a traffic stop, police said.

Sheriff's deputies had stopped the vehicle in which Dickerson was a passenger because they saw another man wanted on an arrest warrant for handgun possession in the car. That man, Martel Blake, 18, of Pocomoke City, was also arrested at the scene, police said.

Police said Blake had been wanted by police and had been spotted by Pocomoke City police earlier in the day, but had eluded capture. When sheriff's deputies saw Blake's vehicle on Buck Harbor Road, the Sheriff's Office said, they stopped the car and arrested both men.
